Create your own obscene joke with this headline:
“Bush calls for ‘direct and rapid’ stimulus”
Have fun.
by John Cole| 35 Comments
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Create your own obscene joke with this headline:
“Bush calls for ‘direct and rapid’ stimulus”
Have fun.
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That’s not obscene enough for you?
Paging Jeff Gannon! The President will see you now.
…but stopped short of suggesting it be with homaseksuls.
I’m having images of electro-stimulation play.
(Don’t know what that is? Dreggas can tell you, I’m sure.)
This one kind of writes itself:
Bush calls for ‘direct and rapid’ stimulus
Hmm, that was supposed to link to a photo. Oh well here’s the link so you can see the photo that should accompany the suggested headline:
Bush calls for ‘direct and rapid’ stimulation
I, for one, can understand his statement and the sentiment behind it.
I mean, how would you feel if you just spent 2 weeks being butt-raped by the Saudis and didn’t even score a reach-a-round???
Robert Johnston
1-900-FOX-NEWS is how the president usually accomplishes that goal.
And what about Dick’s needs?
Bush recommends you go to a sperm bank, and tell the nurse you’re unable to ejaculate. He says the response will frighten you, but you’ll love it anyway.
little bird
Take notes, Laura.
I’m sorry, but that’s f’n great. True too.
grumpy realist
(Since this is an open thread):
And you thought “Snakes on a Plane” was just a movie…..
At last, uncontroversial grounds for impeachment.
Dug Jay
Paging bob….Paging bob….Paging bob….Paging bob….
Tens unit anyone?
Violet wand maybe?
I could almost go for that right now, would be less painfull than the ass pounding my 401(k) is probably taking along with the rest of the economy *sigh*.
I just finished talking to my parents, according to my father George Soros is responsible for the weak dollar. Someone, please, pull the plug on fox news…
Hasn’t he ever heard of foreplay??
Oh lord…it looks like we’re all wearing the blue dress now..
Enlightened Layperson
But no foot-tapping, please.
Dude, I know it was reactionary, but I lost a third of my 401(k) with the Enron bullshit (that, interestingly enough, Ken Lay got to keep because he fucking DIED).
I know I’ll lose 20% in penalties to early withdrawal, but I did the math. 33% > 20%. Fuck GW Bush, fuck Republicans, and fuck the pantywaist Democrats.
If they will not protect the public, the public has to proect themselves.
fuck. Protect.
Proect sounds like something our little buddy GW Bush would do.
Tim (the other one)
“Bush calls for ‘direct and rapid’ stimulus”
Nancy Reagan prompts:
“We’re doing all we can”
…Barney takes to the hills.
Anne Laurie
… Joe Lieberman drops to his knees.
YAAAAH!!!! Shit like that scares the crap out of me.
Well, of course it can’t be the people in charge (and the national debt, low interest rates and excessive import to export ratio). The White House fax writers must have a dart board with Soros, Moore, the Clintons, and Russia on it and they just give it a toss when they need a crybaby excuse for the problems they caused.
You know, funny enough, someone is pulling the plug Dec 31, 2008 on Fox and every other analog broadcast station. Perhaps your parents will just think the teevees have gone off the air and they can go back to their lives again like useful members of society instead of automatons of the republican party.
That’s what she said!
…Ok that was weak.
Conservatively Liberal
It means that we are tired of taking a pounding in the ass and are finally going to get a reach around just to keep us happy during the rest of the ass pounding.
Maybe he can’t find Laura’s G spot and needs help?
Maybe he found Barney’s G spot?
gypsy howell
Nothing like a quick ‘cremation’ to take care of the evidence, eh? Then the Lays got to sail off into the sunset with their billions.
But not the TENS unit.
Speaking of Faux News, stimulating the president and plugs:
Bill O’Really – Butt plug, or world’s biggest butt plug?
Pays lip service to problem?
Richard Bottoms
Sounds like the same hand job the country has been getting for years.
dj spellchecka
this makes me think of our tourture policy: “‘direct and rapid’ stimulus”