Dan Savage, reacting to the above footage of Romney getting caught in the middle of yet another damned lie:
Thank you for that, Glen Johnson. I’m sure it won’t be but… gee… wouldn’t it be nice if Johnson’s stand marked an end to the kind of reporting characterized by leads like this: “Leading Democrats-today contested the president’s assertion that the moon is made of green cheese.”
Oh, they will, Dan. As soon as Obama or Hillary are President.
BTW- For fun, watch that a few times and watch Mitt walk back his claim from “I don’t have lobbyists tied to my campaign” to “so and so doesn’t sit in on senior strategy meetings” (but other strategy meetings, maybe). He is such a sack of shit. I am actually shocked he does not work for the Bush administration, as he is the perfect blend of bald-faced liar, cynical bastard, and privileged shit.
Some guy named Matt
Saw this on Oberman last night. Rommney is like a nice mitten filled with excrement. That clip needs to played over and over again. I love how the campaign adviser comes in at the end and tell him “don’t get argumentative with the candidate” Like it’s a crime to tell the emperor he has no clothes.
Fuckers all of them.
ditto, Some Guy, regarding the press flack: “Save your opinions, and act professional.”
IOW, “just transcribe what Mitt says, that’s a good boy. Here’s a biscuit.”
I just don’t get this. If I were running for president and running around proudly telling reporters my campaign won’t be associated with those sleazy lobbyists, I would damn sure get rid of any and all of them on my staff, anticipating just this kind of question if I didn’t.
Then again, I guess with the press today I might be confident I could get away with it.
Unfortunately for him, that’s only three out of four: he falls short in that all-important “slack-jawed idiocy” catagory.
Reason No. 5,782,154,637(V) why this fucker isn’t allowed in the White House. If a reporter can’t question him as a candidate, what the fuck will press conferences be like if he were elected.
“But Mr. President only yesterday you said -”
“Any other questions, bitches?”
Conservatively Liberal
I heard that the reason Romney stands so tall is because of the silver shovel he has shoved up his ass. He would pull it out but the special super secret underwear is in the way, so he lives with it.
I wish someone would do a Max Headroom type commercial of Romney. The ‘I do not have lobbyists in my campaign’ outtakes would work just fine for it.
I have lived in areas of the west with lots of Mormons and I have yet to actually meet one who lives by their book. Every single one of them have been ‘Jack Mormons’, and a few of them turned out to be some of the biggest crooks I have ever met. One ‘devout’ Mormon I dated drank coffee and Coke, smoked weed, rarely went to church and enjoyed premarital sex. She was nice enough, but her actions and words were in direct opposition to each other. Her church friends were not much better either. They thought they were good Mormons too…lol!
Not much different from most Christians I have met though. Interesting that, eh? ;)
Religion, the last refuge of scoundrels. Vote atheist!
I’m starting to suspect Mitt is a fan of Huey Lewis and the News.
Joys of conformity and all that.
It won’t just be the press. All of those rule o’ law and upperdown republicans will be back looking for a whole lotta limits on the executive(provided they are not retroactive) I’m sure we’ll see Mitch McConnell do a full court press for an active lame duck session and we’ll see Boner cry real tears over all those good conservative judges that never got their votes cause of those evil democrats. It will be a flip flop of historical proportions.
What, you’re insinuating Mr. Lifelong Varmit Hunter is lubing the truth? Naw, can’t happen. Mormon Jesus just wouldn’t let a fellow MoCon do that.
Classic Mitty. First he says “there are no lobbyists tied to my campaign.” A guy calls him on that. Indignant Mitt says “Did you hear what I just said?!” Then immediately follows by mealy mouth qualifying his statement all down the well-traveled snake-oil soaked Mitt Expressway.
The good thing about Willard M. Romney is that after the end of his half-assed, self-centered term as Governor of Massachusetts there is no GOP left here to speak of. The party was not in great shape to begin with, but after four years of his wonderfulness it no longer really exists. The party just withered on the vine for lack of leadership on his part.
So, if he is the nominee, and the bastards steal the election but can not steal all the congressional races (where margins will be much wider) he will get thoroughly punked by even the likes of Pelosi and Reid. One can hope.
Davis X. Machina
It’s not a lie. It’s ‘serving a higher truth’.
‘Conformity with the facts’ is an antiquated, bourgeois, definition of the truth.
Romney’s statement possesses revolutionary truth, a higher order of truth above the dialectial opposites of ‘truth’ and ‘falsity’.
I think that’s a great observation. There is the social side of religion, the going to church, doing an occasional fund raiser for the needy or some missionary work somewhere. Being part of a herd. The social part has virtually nothing to do with the acutal religion side. You could put a gun to the head of most christian people around here, black and white and demand that they explain the doctrine of transubstantiation on pain of death, and you’d be burying the sons of bitches for weeks. Yet this is a core doctrine separating many protestant denominations one from another and the whole crowd from the Roman and Orthodox crowd.
I didn’t click on the vid because my home connection is slow and I saw it earlier at work, so I don’t know if it’s on this one, but my favorite part is at the end where the old nag tells the report he’s rude, just rude! Reminds me of my older sister subbing for my mom, now that my mom has mellowed — no respit for me! I cannot stand nags.
As for Mormons, I grew up with them. A family down the street was (still my mom’s neighbors) and mom sent me to church with their daughter. I couldn’t believe these many years later that Mormons were running commercials. Now that Romney is running, I’ve got to say that it will be quite the snow job if he gets the nom — just for that — much less all the other non-religious problems.
One odd thing is that effort on Hannity’s and other’s part to equivocate Romney’s religion and Obama’s. That’s just weird. Hannity bangs it every day.
As far as Mormons in general go, I got to see the Osmonds (because of my connections) when most little girls didn’t. The oldest son of the family I knew had what I think is a sad story — his wife left him and their children, but he has never remarried because of his faith. Huge bummer.
I’m bracing for it already. I watched “This Week” or whatever it’s called on PBS tonight, and it’s already shifting. Perhaps Bush’s peeps are correct — Bush will go out with a bang — huge approvals — peace in the Middle East, all that.
Well let’s hope the Democratic president has the BALLS (or ovaries) to say, “THANK YOU FOR ASKING. Gee, the way you were asleep for the last 8 years I thought you had forgotten your job is to provide information to the public!”
I grew up in Utah and am in fact ex-mormon. I know lots of Mormons, including some family members. The majority of people who are active in the church don’t have much trouble conforming to the letter of the law in terms of not drinking or smoking. Fooling around is harder to keep track of. But of course, it’s the lying and bullshitting such as Mitt excels at which is hardest to keep track of.
But this confused me.
There’s plenty of divorce in Mormon families these days, and there’s no prohibition against remarriage, either for men or women in the Mormon church. I’d say remarriage is more encouraged than not. In fact, I’d guess a man in the situation you describe would have available Mormon women beating a path to his door. He must have chosen to remain single for personal reasons.
Anne Laurie
… With a side dish of plain ol’ Imbecile. Ron Kaufman, GOP “stalwart”, has a reputation in Massachusetts going back to at least the mid-1980s as a bagman, a coatholder, a small-time blackmailer, a semi-competent ratfvcker. In other words, he’s a unsuccessful Karl Rove. And to put the cherry on the shite sundae that is Ron, the standing joke among Massholes is that Ron is the first non-Irish-Catholic politico who actually believed alcohol abuse was a requirement for the job and not the result of it. Doesn’t matter whether Bain Capital is actually paying Kaufman a salary or just covering his bar tab — no competent candidate would let him come through the front door at campaign headquarters, much less allow the press to take grip’n’grin pictures!
This alone would convince me that, recent rumors to the contrary, McCain remains the Permanent Republican Party’s 2008 sacrificial victim of choice. Unless, of course (because the last eight years have proven it’s impossible to be *too* paranoid) Ron Kaufman is the 2008 version of Spiro Agnew: A flung gauntlet, an open admission that there is NO crime Willard will not commit, no depth to which Preznident Romney will not stoop. Maybe these treasonous bustards simply want to make sure that if they have to go down, the rest of the country — and the world — are going into oblivion with them.
STEVEinSC Said, ‘You could put a gun to the head of most christian people around here, black and white and demand that they explain the doctrine of transubstantiation on pain of death, and you’d be burying the sons of bitches for weeks.’
You’re right — so for those of who need a cheat sheet, here’s wikipedia’s page on transubstantiation.
incontrolados said, ‘Perhaps Bush’s peeps are correct—Bush will go out with a bang—huge approvals—peace in the Middle East, all that.’
Bush recently laughed off a question about his dismal approval ratings by ABC’s Nightline co-host Terry Moran, ‘What am I supposed to do? Go into a fetal position ’cause of your poll?’
I think that would be an improvement in his performance, myself.
According to Dan Froomkin’s Jan. 16th post Bush, the Blessed Peacemaker (linked above) ‘Arab critics deemed Bush’s peace efforts unrealistic, his anti-Iran tirades dangerous, his praise of authoritarian governments disappointing and his defense of civil liberties ironic.
“‘There is no credibility to his words after what the region saw during his presidency,’ said Mohamed Fayek, the Cairo, Egypt-based director of the nonprofit Arab Organization for Human Rights. He cited the war in Iraq, the prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and the Abu Ghraib detainee abuse scandal. ‘American policy threw the region off-balance and destabilized it. The visit caused deep disappointment. I don’t see any results.'”
So with regard to Bush’s ‘legacy’, nuff said.
LiberalTarian Said, Well let’s hope the Democratic president has the BALLS (or ovaries) to say, “THANK YOU FOR ASKING. Gee, the way you were asleep for the last 8 years I thought you had forgotten your job is to provide information to the public!”
Amen! As far as I’m concerned, that should be required for every US President from now on, not just hoped for, for whoever is President in 2008.
Elvis Elvisberg
Mitt was a successful businessman. He actually has some amount of talent. No way would he fit in the Bush administration.
Anne Laurie
Willard was a successful figurehead. Less photogenic members of his HBS class permitted him to “front” Bain Capital in return for his mad skillz at talking fellow Mormon stakeholders out of their tithes. His great success at the onerous task of taking money funneled from working-class Utah peons through their “religious elders” and using it to buy up American firms, lay off as many working-class and middle-class employees as possible, and re-sell those firms at a profit, frequently to foreign entities, gave Willard enough publicity to get the task of “saving” the Utah Olympics handed to him on a platter. Using no more than a few hundred million of our tax dollars and the invaluable assistance of fellow Mormon Eric Prince’s Blackwater, Willard did so well at hogging cameras and making the Olympic trams run on time that he conceived a higher political destiny for himself. Despite his wife’s health issues, he moved back to Massachusetts (because “Nobody runs for President as the former governor of Utah”) and bought himself a term in the corner office with the invaluable assistance of the Massachusett’s Old Bhoyos’ Network’s refusal to support its own female-cootie-afflicted candidate. He spent the next four years destroying the remaining credibility of the invalid Mass Repub Party while presiding over a Reichtard’s nightmare of progressive legislation, culminating in our happy Commonwealth’s enshrinement as the first state to permit same-sex marriage.
On the other hand, unlike the current occupants of the Oval Office, Willard has never been arrested for driving drunk. Although he was the only survivor of a car crash that fortuitously killed both his immediate supervisor and his closest rival during the years he spent
hiding out from the Vietnam draftdoing missionary work in Paris…Funkula
Please, can we not talk about Mitt’s well-traveled, oil-soaked expressway?
Mitt Romney is why I taught my students the word “weasel.”
Perry Como
Mitt Romney is like George Hamilton minus the tan and the believability.
Does the woman at the end actually say to the AP reporter “I think you are rude and ugly”?
Seems the Mitter has over a dozen lobbyist doing significant work for his campaign.
Meanig of is
Apparently, asking the “candidate” a tough question and then following up on it, is “stating your opinion”.
The Bush years have been soooooooooo bad for the U.S.
The Other Steve
I hope Romney is the GOP nominee.