If Thompson had still been in the race, a Louisiana political source explained to NR, his state delegate strength in Louisiana would have been enough to potentially get him all of the state’s 47 national delegates. The one big problem, though, is that he dropped out only hours before he finally won something.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
You cannot make this shit up.
oh come on, I saw that from a mile away.
I’m still convinced, thanks to someone else’s pondering, that they’re a scam group, trying to get money from 1st Amendment civil cases. They fit the pattern perfectly.
You cannot make this shit up.
Damn liberal fascists.
(I’m assuming D. Pantload has some mention of this. Liberals hate the troops, this “church” pickets the troops, ergo this is a liberal church.)
I’m still convinced, thanks to someone else’s pondering, that they’re a scam group, trying to get money from 1st Amendment civil cases. They fit the pattern perfectly.
I believe their leader has a son of somewhat normal propensity who believes his father is genuinely mentally ill. I do not remember where I read that. I’m sure the gugle it could help me but he is not worth the effort right now…
TZ refers us to the latest Westboro Church shenanigans. These guys just amaze me. Christianity as a hate crime. Brilliant!
Hey, while we’re talking head-shakingly bizarre news, I caught part of A Daily Show last night and they had clips from Fox News apparently having done a poll that shows that 22% of respondents think the economy is in the tank because of fears that a Dem might win the White House?
That can’t be right. Stewart has to have made that up. Not even Fox News viewers could be that stupid, right?
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Your Hoveround must have a fresh battery charge.
Yeah, but my peech-yntheizer is miing the key between ‘a’ and ‘d’ :)
/you made me lawl at myself. mean.
Not even Fox News viewers could be that stupid, right?
If they believe Iraq did 9/11, then they can believe this.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Not even Fox News viewers could be that stupid,
Dug Jay,
Dick Johnson
that is all.
I thought it was a poll of traders being asked why they thought the stock market was jittery…. I’m going to go out on a limb and say it was likely a pretty partisan group of rich-ass folks they were polling…
TZ, seriously, they’ll picket anything six feet under. Like a pack of crazy camera-whorish ghouls with cardboard signs. I’m still waiting for them to show up at a pet cemetery to protest gay penguins or something.
/ Dawkins is a douche
// Yes, I’m an Atheist
Dude, seriously. Is it so hard to argue atheism on the facts without implicitly calling everyone who disagrees with you a dumbass? He’s like a liberal Christopher Hitchens, but less hammered. I got about 2/3rds of the way through “The God Delusion” and had the overwhelming urge to just kick him in the junk, while still agreeing with the majority of his premises.
Not even Fox News viewers could be that stupid, right?
Wrong, they absolutely could be, and are.
Anyone who can actually think the earth is 6000 years old can be talked into anything. That’s why the GOP picked them to build a coalition on. It basically lowers politics to the level of dog training.
(Do birthdays work the same way in Canada? I’m just asking).
Happy birthday Krista, a virtual maple sugar flavored cake for you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Krista!
Happy birthday to you!
Now I just hope I don’t have to send royalties to those two old ladies.
I caught part of A Daily Show last night and they had clips from Fox News apparently having done a poll that shows that 22% of respondents think the economy is in the tank because of fears that a Dem might win the White House?
22% you say? That statistic seems about right, to be honest.
(Do birthdays work the same way in Canada? I’m just asking).
There are a few differences. Instead of birthday spankings, we get birthday purple nurples. I’m wearing three padded bras today in self-defense.
(Do birthdays work the same way in Canada? I’m just asking).
I think the big difference is they put the candles on a plate of poutine, but otherwise they’re the same.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Dude, seriously. Is it so hard to argue atheism on the facts without implicitly calling everyone who disagrees with you a dumbass? He’s like a liberal Christopher Hitchens, but less hammered. I got about 2/3rds of the way through “The God Delusion” and had the overwhelming urge to just kick him in the junk, while still agreeing with the majority of his premises.
I think I agree with you. I can’t tell if you’re angry with me! stop yelling! I’ll try harder! Why don’t you love me??!!
ThymeZone Says:
Dug Jay,
Dick Johnson
that is all.
But …. they’re all you, right?
What??? You think I’d write for Blogs for Brownback?? How demeaning! I only write for blogs that profess Pentecostal, uniform-Christianity-through-government-legislated morality, not Catholic, uniform-Christianity-through-government-legislated morality!!
But yes, Jay, Dug Jay, and Penis McPhallus are all my created personas designed to lower the level of political conversation to the level of a 3-year-old’s stubborn resistance to his wiser (and snarky) mother.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
It’s my freaking birthday
It is not… aren’t you people of Canadia still on the Julian Calendar? You’re birthday isn’t for another 11 days!
22% was the plurality. There were five or so “reasons” to pick from. I don’t think “general Bushco fuckupedness” was a choice, tho.
Happy Birthday Krista!
I’m a pacifist and an atheist by nature, so the Westboro people make my head spin, but I honestly think I’d be okay with them all being put into feces laden port-a-potties and rolled over the side of a cliff.
Dug Jay
22% you say? That statistic seems about right, to be honest.
The Pew, or some such weird poll, had the number at 29 percent.
I’m a pacifist and an atheist by nature, so the Westboro people make my head spin, but I honestly think I’d be okay with them all being putpadlocked into feces laden port-a-potties and rolled over the side of a cliff.
Just to be sure.
people, on average, are amazingly dumb. that civilization persists despite the left half of the bell curve is a tiny miracle.
Damn Leftists!
It’s my freaking birthday
Happy B-Day, Krista!
(Do birthdays work the same way in Canada? I’m just asking).
22% you say? That statistic seems about right, to be honest.
Isn’t the political equivalent of the Mendoza line based on Alan Keyes’s vote total in Illinois? Somewhere around 29% if I remember correctly.
It is not… aren’t you people of Canadia still on the Julian Calendar? You’re birthday isn’t for another 11 days!
No, we have metric birthdays. Which means Krista is either 6 or 82 in American years, I never remember the conversion.
Happy b-day, Krista! (My wife won’t let me give you a spanking or a purple nurple.. no mention of bumps, though).
Busy != lazy?
Damn liberal fascists.
(I’m assuming D. Pantload has some mention of this. Liberals hate the troops, this “church” pickets the troops, ergo this is a liberal church.)
News flash: Phred Phelps is a registered DEMOCRAT. Dont ask. No one in the state of KS understands.
So yes, he’s always painted on Fox News as being a liberal/Democrat. Just watch today. I guarentee it.
Happy B-day Kris. May you maintain pink nipples, get all the gifts you desire, and eat a poundkilogram kilougraum of cake.
The FISA bill — wherein telecoms get immunity for breaking the law while spying on us illegally — is being debated in the Senate right now. Dodd and Feingold have pledged to filibuster. FDL’s liveblogging, but if you can take action today, make some phone calls to stop this abomination. Link at FDL with #s to call to stand up for the rule of the law.
Krista is not Canadian!!! she spelled ‘defence’ with an ‘s’!!! BUSTED!!!!
kidding. have a happy birthday.
May you maintain pink nipples, get all the gifts you desire, and eat a pound kilogram kilougraum of cake.
Weirdest. Birthday wish. Ever.
News flash: Phred Phelps is a registered DEMOCRAT. Dont ask. No one in the state of KS understands.
So yes, he’s always painted on Fox News as being a liberal/Democrat. Just watch today. I guarentee it.
It’s o.k., I have a comeback. John McCain thinks interest rates should be zero. You know who else doesn’t believe in interest? Muslims. Read about it in my upcoming book “Conservative Islamofascism: From John McCain to [can someone do some research and find someone else for the subtitle, kthxbye]”
Damn liberal fascists.
(I’m assuming D. Pantload has some mention of this. Liberals hate the troops, this “church” pickets the troops, ergo this is a liberal church.)
Jay Grodner, the Chicago lawyer who keyed a Marine’s car in anger because the car had military plates and a Marine insignia, finally got his day in court last week.
Grodner told me he’d describe himself as a “radical liberal” who’s ready to leave Chicago now with all this negative publicity and move to the south of France and do some traveling.
Judge O’Malley has also traveled, but in his youth. He was a police officer on the West Side during the riots before law school. And before that, he performed another public service. Judge O’Malley served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1961-1964.
During the proceedings, the judge described the offense as anger rose in his voice, especially as Grodner started balking on a plea arrangement he’d made with prosecutors.
“Is this what you did? Yes or no,” Judge O’Malley asked Grodner.
“Without knowing, yes,” Grodner said, sticking to his I-might-have-done-it-but-didn’t-really-mean-it defense.
O’Malley asked again, in a stronger voice, not that of a judge but of a cop on the street or a Marine who meant business.
Grodner bowed his head, meekly, and responded in an equally meek voice:
“Yes,” he said.
Weirdest. Birthday wish. Ever
/reaches across post office desk, reclaims gift addressed to Canadian blogpal
All explained in the book he wrote while being held in the Hanoi Hilton:
“Keep Your Money In A Jar And Other Tips For A World Without Banking — An Insane Economic Primer.”
Available for just $22.95 plus S&H.
{ Add To Cart }
Paul L has proven to my satisfaction that if one pathetic loser hates the troops, then all liberals hate the troops. Anyone know a marine I can spit on?
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
The FISA bill—wherein telecoms get immunity for breaking the law while spying on us illegally—is being debated in the Senate right now. Dodd and Feingold have pledged to filibuster. FDL’s liveblogging, but if you can take action today, make some phone calls to stop this abomination. Link at FDL with #s to call to stand up for the rule of the law.
I just shot off an E-mail to Schumer. He won’t do shit, but I’m letting him know he’s losing my vote because of it.
Of course, I didn’t shoot off an email to Hillary. Asking her to take a stand on principles is like asking a dog to do your taxes.
Color me not surprised that the Westborrow Attention Whore Drill Squad is coming out to play. As I’ve said before, if we have to have homophobia, let the poster children be a horde of red faced screaming bat-shit crazy fuckers who disrupt funerals.
I’m still waiting for Flush Limpbags or one of those other toilet stains to suggest Ledger offed himself because he couldn’t deal with the shame of starring in Brokeback.
I’ve got a special tire iron picked out and everything.
News flash: Phred Phelps is a registered DEMOCRAT.
Yep. He also used to be a fairly well-known civil rights lawyer. This news will no doubt cause GLBis and African-Americans to flock to the Republican party for protection.
Hey, while we’re talking head-shakingly bizarre news, I caught part of A Daily Show last night and they had clips from Fox News apparently having done a poll that shows that 22% of respondents think the economy is in the tank because of fears that a Dem might win the White House?
That can’t be right. Stewart has to have made that up. Not even Fox News viewers could be that stupid, right?
My father watches Fox News, he believes our weak dollar is the fault of George Soros….nuff said.
Happy Birthday Krista…how many spankings is it this year and where does the line start? }:)>
Conservatives hate George Soros. George Soros is obscenely wealthy. Conservatives are therefore fomenting class warfare.
Read about it in my upcoming sequel to “Conservative Islamofascism”, “Conservative Communism”. The fact that it may have already been published by Sadly, No, will not deter me, because never will an argument have been made in such detail or with such care.
Of course, I didn’t shoot off an email to Hillary. Asking her to take a stand on principles is like asking a dog to do your taxes.
She’s verbally against it, which means she – theoretically – won’t vote to end the filibuster. But as she’s on the campaign trail and SC is in two days, I’d be surprised if she showed up to vote at all.
Sadly, the same can be said for Barak Obama. Edwards – again theoretically – would really be winning my support if he were actually in the Senate and able to vote on this shit.
Does any of this sound familiar (from the WaPo)…I guess it’s just what we have to get used to, being in the minority and all…
Democrats acceded to Republican demands, jettisoning plans to extend unemployment benefits and food stamps for now but concluding that they could revisit the issue if the economy continues to slide….
Pelosi dropped some key demands to keep the tilt of the package toward the middle class and to include the working poor. In addition to the unemployment and food stamp benefit extensions, she set aside proposed funding increases for low-income heating assistance and aid to state and local governments in the form of either Medicaid assistance or infrastructure funding.
Happy Birthday Krista! Are you going to celebrate with a trip south of the border? You could buy a house, two cars and a couple of TVs with your pocket change.
Read about it in my upcoming sequel to “Conservative Islamofascism”, “Conservative Communism”. The fact that it may have already been published by Sadly, No, will not deter me, because never will an argument have been made in such detail or with such care.
Let me know if you have any trouble reading about Margaret Thatcher, as there’s simply no way you can read it all, nor do you really need to. But as I’m a real expert on Thatcher – despite my ideological affiliation (of course I’m a liberal) – I’d love to answer a few questions in case you are missing something.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I’m listening to this FISA stuff…
Specter wants a special immunity clause that’s not fully retroactive. I’d love to know what he’s talking about.
Sadly, the same can be said for Barak Obama.
Probably true, but I still can’t figure out how he intends to work. When I thought he was going to try to stay on top of the pedestal, he climbs off and smacks Hillary for Wal-Mart. When I thought he was going to stay out of race issues, he went down to Ebenezer. He’s new to me.
Hillary, she’s as predictable as clockwork. “What’s that? 60% against immunity, but 90% for puppies? Screw the filibuster! EVERYONE GETS A PUPPY!”
My father watches Fox News, he believes our weak dollar is the fault of George Soros….nuff said
What the hell is up with everyone’s dad (mine included, natch) watching Faux News and buying every piece of shit they spew?
My dad quotes Hannity and Limbaugh on occasion, fer God’s sake. What is wrong with Teh Old Peeple?
On a side note: Sully is really working himself into a lather this morning. Not that I blame him…
I think I found Paul L’s favorite website.
Heck, if you take a look at the pic at the top, I think I may have found Paul L.
It’s official, Zif. I hate you. Good Lord, don’t EVER do that again.
*Punchy* Says:
My father watches Fox News, he believes our weak dollar is the fault of George Soros….nuff said
What the hell is up with everyone’s dad (mine included, natch) watching Faux News and buying every piece of shit they spew?
My dad quotes Hannity and Limbaugh on occasion, fer God’s sake. What is wrong with Teh Old Peeple?
Weird, my dad does the same thing.
he even forwards me the e-mail whisper campiegns. and I just can’t make him see reason. I can get him tot he pond, show him the cool refreshing water, but it’s always rabit “BUT DEMOCRATS ARE WORESE!”.
it takes a good month to calm down everytime i deflate his latest foolish schemes with reality.
What the hell is up with everyone’s dad (mine included, natch) watching Faux News and buying every piece of shit they spew?
Um, wild guess, but could it be that Faux News is set up to tell the morons what they already think and what they want to hear?
My father watches Fox News, he believes our weak dollar is the fault of George Soros….nuff said
What the hell is up with everyone’s dad (mine included, natch) watching Faux News and buying every piece of shit they spew?
My dad quotes Hannity and Limbaugh on occasion, fer God’s sake. What is wrong with Teh Old Peeple?
It’s not even just the conservative Boomers! My father’s only job title is basically, “Retired Hippie” and he quotes back everything he hears on “Air America” to me all day…it’s just as bad..
…I’m convinced it’s a vast multi-Wing Boomer conspiracy to elect ANYONE to the office of President who’s likely to fuck things up more than the last guy did.
I’ve got one of those dads, too. He still loves me and even bought me a Bush Countdown calendar for Christmas, but he persists in the belief that Democrats are only good for spending money and screwing up the economy.
Clearly, he’s just not wasting enough work time in the blogosphere. He prefers to waste his work time scanning the craigslist free section trying to find cool stuff. Unfortunately, you can kind of see why most of it is free.
But he did once get an entire playground and all he had to do was spend two entire days disassembling it. He tried to get me to go pick up a free 8 person ’80s vintage hot tub embedded in someone’s deck.
Boomers make me cra-hazy. I’ve got the conservative Dad. I’ve got the retired hippie in-laws, who gave money to Kucinich’s campaign. Then there’s the Boomer “Vagina Litmus Test” Hillary women.
It’s like they can either have some grasp of reality with its liberal bias, or they can know how to win an election, but not both.
He tried to get me to go pick up a free 8 person ‘80s vintage hot tub embedded in someone’s deck.
Whoops, blew yer cover (not for the first time tho).
Nobody asks a girl to do a thing like that. That’s manly stuff. You are a man. A guy. A dude.
Give it up, honey. Game’s over. You had a nice run.
Dennis - SGMM
Hey, while we’re talking head-shakingly bizarre news, I caught part of A Daily Show last night and they had clips from Fox News apparently having done a poll that shows that 22% of respondents think the economy is in the tank because of fears that a Dem might win the White House?
I predicted that one about ten threads ago. That’s why there.s no betting line on what the Repubs will say next: if you’ve watched them long enough you know what they’ll say next.
Stand by for a quick retooling of “Democrats are weak on terrorism, if the Democrats win then the terrorists will kill us all,” to “Democrats are bad for the economy, if the Democrats win then recession will impoverish us all.”
Mostly I think it’s just because a large segment of my father’s generation is in full on FightClub syndrome: They’re angry that they’re not all ritch and faux news is happy to tell them why, how and who is responsible for it.
TZ, we’re the same person, babe, quit playin’!
He would have gotten it himself if he lived anywhere near it, see? He thought I could get, I dunno, my husband and 15 of our closest friends to help me with that monstrosity. It would have required not only a number of people and tools that we don’t have, but a vehicle we don’t have. It would have had to have been extricated from a deck! But he thought the kids (mine) would like it, which is why he got the playground.
You can tell I’m still struggling with the decent human being / great grandpa / Fox watcher dilemma.
…I’m convinced it’s a vast multi-Wing Boomer conspiracy to elect ANYONE to the office of President who’s likely to fuck things up more than the last guy did.
The more things change; the more they stay the same. But I do have hope for the future. Bill/Hillary and George/Laura have children who will probably go into the family business and fuck things up. The future is so bright and filled with ponies prancing through lush beds of green grass and wildflowers in open meadows. Where’s my shades?
*ThymeZone* Says:
if the Democrats win then recession will impoverish us all.
So, Reagan and those two Bush presidents and their recessions were Demoncrat deals?
Who knew?
The Clinton recession must have been a doozy, it wiped out my memory of it completely.
last Time i was surfing el captian’s the commentors were insstant that the clinton boom started in 91 and was GWB the first’s and that the regan recession began in ’79 and was all jimmy’s fault.
that and over regulation.
and high taxes.
What the hell is up with everyone’s dad (mine included, natch) watching Faux News and buying every piece of shit they spew?
Um, wild guess, but could it be that Faux News is set up to tell the morons what they already think and what they want to hear?
That’s what I don’t get, my father used to be intellectually honest. There used to be real debate. Then he got the fox news channel and it all went to shit. It’s like a lobotamy without the icepick I guess.
also, happy b-day Krista.
May you have many more and enjoy your change from The northern peaso to America’s Pound Sterling
also, if you havn’t seen it, This Hour Has 22 Minutes’ parody of the mac/pc commercial with Dollar/Looney was particularly painfull, if slightly amusing.
Bubblegum Tate
Happy birthday, Krista! I hope you get an awesome dozen from Tim Horton’s.
Nobody asks a girl to do a thing like that. That’s manly stuff. You are a man. A guy. A dude.
TZ, I’m pretty sure she meant it as in “me and my husband and probably some bad-ass dudes”. I’m just surprised you didn’t get the verbal sexist beat-down from resident Sexism Monitor, Kris.
Yes. No mortal human could have moved this thing. Not even Magnus von Magnusson. I think that bit was the funniest thing I’ve seen on A Daily Show since the strike.
Is it my imagination, or has PaulL become the lamest troll in the history of the fucking Internet?
Yes _x__ No ____
{ vote }
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
PaulL, you still there? Why do the troops hate unborn babies that they are probably the rape-daddies of?
Confederate Yankee, Confederate Yankee. RedState calling Confederate Yankee on line 2. Please call your office. The Media is hating on all troops everywhere and dissing the Iraqistan War.
PaulL is an emasculated shell of a man, the mockery of the internets…in that way, he is somewhat like Mike Nifong…
PaulL, you still there? Why do the troops hate unborn babies that they are probably the rape-daddies of?
I could go with the xenophobic excuse.
Authorities believe Cpl. Cesar Laurean has fled to his native Mexico, which refuses to send anyone back to the United States unless provided assurances they won’t face the death penalty.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Schumer is planning on supporting the Judiciary amendment. I guess I can get off my high horse.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Authorities believe Cpl. Cesar Laurean has fled to his native Mexico, which refuses to send anyone back to the United States unless provided assurances they won’t face the death penalty.
We’re taking troops from Mexico!? Unacceptable! They’re BROWN.
Expel them dishonorably immediately from the armed services! We must urgently replace them with convicts!*
*Unless the convict is the son of a member of Congress
Schumer is planning on supporting the Judiciary amendment. I guess I can get off my high horse.
Yeah. I feel just a little bit ashamed that places like Mexico and Turkey have taken the high road on the death penalty and are calling us on it. On a case where, if there ever were a justified death penalty, killing the pregnant woman accusing of rape and burning her body in a shallow pit would probably meet that burden, and Mexico is still above it. I mean, sooner or later having a better human rights record than Cuba will slip from our grasp.
Happy Birthday Krista…
I’ll make poutine in your honour. Well that and because it’s perfect for this miserable cold weather here (okay, cold for us).
PaulL is an emasculated shell of a man, the mockery of the internets…in that way, he is somewhat like Mike Nifong…
Ten points!
Schumer is planning on supporting the Judiciary amendment. I guess I can get off my high horse.
His support only counts if the amendment actually passes. As it stands, Reid still deserves a swift kick in the cajoones for fielding the Intelligence Bill first to begin with.
The Other Steve
Authorities believe Cpl. Cesar Laurean has fled to his native Mexico, which refuses to send anyone back to the United States unless provided assurances they won’t face the death penalty.
Should we call General Pershing or Dog the Bounty Hunter?
JACKSONVILLE, N.C. – A grand jury indicted a Marine on a first-degree murder charge Thursday in the death of a pregnant colleague, but a prosecutor said he wouldn’t seek the death penalty if the man is arrested in Mexico.
Authorities believe Cpl. Cesar Laurean has fled to his native Mexico, which refuses to send anyone back to the United States unless provided assurances they won’t face the death penalty.
I love that. Mexico doesn’t extradite people to countries that have the death penalty, such as the U.S. I’ll bet the only reason a conservative can imagine for that policy is that Mexicans are all criminals themselves.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Oh, sorry. FISA amendment fillibuster is today. I’m a bit concerned about it, because if the amnesty passes, then not only are we letting Bush off the hook (horrifying enough), but we’re letting big business off the hook too.
The scary thing is that Saxby Chambliss was whining “but the Telecoms won’t be our bestest friends later if you yell at them!” Disgusting shit. Like the gov’t cant just subsume the telecoms in a time of actual emergency.
I guess I can get off my pommel horse.
Yeah, if you wouldn’t mind.
Sure thing… I think.
/ goes off to look up “Pommel horse”
Dude, I left high school gym class YEARS ago. Where did you pull that from?
John S.
I am fed up with Paul L.’s postings on this thread.
None of them have anything to do with the Duke lacrosse case!
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
As it stands, Reid still deserves a swift kick in the cajoones for fielding the Intelligence Bill first to begin with.
FISA itself was due to expire. Without it, no telecom SIGNALs intel, even the legal-and-decent kind. That’s why it’s up now.
Reid’s a pussy, ‘member? He wouldn’t do anything proactive unless his family was held at gunpoint.
I’ve got one of those dads, too. He still loves me and even bought me a Bush Countdown calendar for Christmas,
If George Bush was in a rock band singing about the final countdown of his presidency, this is what it would sound like.
TZ, I’m pretty sure she meant it as in “me and my husband and probably some bad-ass dudes”. I’m just surprised you didn’t get the verbal sexist beat-down from resident Sexism Monitor, Kris.
Huh? What? When did I become the Sexism Monitor?
FISA itself was due to expire. Without it, no telecom SIGNALs intel, even the legal-and-decent kind. That’s why it’s up now.
FISA itself was not due to expire. The six month band-aid they slapped on FISA to handle exceptional cases regarding traffic routed through the US and a number of other technology questions is about to expire. The old ’78 law will still be in full effect. And since the Senate is suddenly a big fan of retroactive immunity, any shit that happens in between patches can be handled without trouble.
That said, it can’t be so important we should care because Bush has threatened a veto on any bill without teleco amnesty pre-included.
Reid’s a pussy, ‘member? He wouldn’t do anything proactive unless his family was held at gunpoint.
Even then, if they were held at gunpoint for national security reasons…
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Wait, WTF? Clinton’s present for the 2PM vote???
Can’t she just take 10 minutes and take a stand, albeit short?
I despise her, and when given an opportunity to get my respect, she squanders it to go campaign some more.
It’s like Obama should win the primary by default. How sad.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
FISA itself was not due to expire. The six month band-aid they slapped on FISA to handle exceptional cases regarding traffic routed through the US and a number of other technology questions is about to expire. The old ‘78 law will still be in full effect.
I stand corrected. My bad.
Wait, WTF? Clinton’s present for the 2PM vote???
Can’t she just take 10 minutes and take a stand, albeit short?
I despise her, and when given an opportunity to get my respect, she squanders it to go campaign some more.
It’s like Obama should win the primary by default. How sad.
Is Obama actively filibustering? So far they haven’t even voted on the Judiciary Bill as an amendment yet, have they?
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Is Obama actively filibustering?
No. I’m only bitching about Clinton because she’s behind in my book.
So far they haven’t even voted on the Judiciary Bill as an amendment yet, have they?
They’re voting to table the amendment. And there are a couple of Dems that are voting yea, so I think the Telecoms are going to get away with this.
I need to go find some telecom executives, a few particular dems, and a dark alley. I’m not happy. Very much not happy.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
60/34 yea GOD DAMN IT
Huh? What? When did I become the Sexism Monitor?
You clown on me periodically for random sexist jokey things. Now I make note of your absence before laying down a cooking riff or Garmin crack. I think you may have other titles on this blog, but I’m not at liberty to discuss… :)
You clown on me periodically for random sexist jokey things. Now I make note of your absence before laying down a cooking riff or Garmin crack. I think you may have other titles on this blog, but I’m not at liberty to discuss…
Hey, it’s all in good fun. Any opportunity to poke fun at each other certainly is an opportunity not to be missed.
And I prefer the Magellan to the Garmin. :) Just got me an Explorist 500 — whee!
Other titles? Oh dear….now you’ve got me insanely curious, you clever bastard!
I’m surprised that no high-school English teacher with a blog has given the Pillsbury mascot a fat F yet.
Well, I’m just assuming.
But seriously, from what I’m hearing, conclusions founded on coincidence would’ve never passed in my high school.
(Please don’t tell me that made my high school hard. That would be depressing)
Caidence (fmr. Chris) Says:
21? She’s a 4chan mascot for god’s sake. They don’t worship anyone old enough for a driver’s license. Where the hell do you get 21 from?
Speaking of faces… Kucinich dropped out. The home planet must have beamed the misshapen elf a “come home” message. The citizens of M83051Alpha will rejoice the return of their hero.
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Caidence (fmr. Chris)
omg how long does it take you to create a thread huh? I was waiting all morning! I even had to go back to last night’s threads!
That’s a piss poor excuse.
… beaver
Also, Onion ftw.
You cannot make this shit up.
Fred Thompson is lucky. If Rudy wasn’t running, Fred’s campaign would have been knows as the most incompetent in U.S. history:
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
oh come on, I saw that from a mile away.
I’m still convinced, thanks to someone else’s pondering, that they’re a scam group, trying to get money from 1st Amendment civil cases. They fit the pattern perfectly.
Damn liberal fascists.
(I’m assuming D. Pantload has some mention of this. Liberals hate the troops, this “church” pickets the troops, ergo this is a liberal church.)
I believe their leader has a son of somewhat normal propensity who believes his father is genuinely mentally ill. I do not remember where I read that. I’m sure the gugle it could help me but he is not worth the effort right now…
TZ refers us to the latest Westboro Church shenanigans. These guys just amaze me. Christianity as a hate crime. Brilliant!
Wow, you got here fast.
Your Hoveround must have a fresh battery charge.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Sully vs. Dawkins bait!
/ Dawkins is a douche
// Yes, I’m an Atheist
Hey, while we’re talking head-shakingly bizarre news, I caught part of A Daily Show last night and they had clips from Fox News apparently having done a poll that shows that 22% of respondents think the economy is in the tank because of fears that a Dem might win the White House?
That can’t be right. Stewart has to have made that up. Not even Fox News viewers could be that stupid, right?
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Yeah, but my peech-yntheizer is miing the key between ‘a’ and ‘d’ :)
/you made me lawl at myself. mean.
If they believe Iraq did 9/11, then they can believe this.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Dug Jay,
Dick Johnson
that is all.
I thought it was a poll of traders being asked why they thought the stock market was jittery…. I’m going to go out on a limb and say it was likely a pretty partisan group of rich-ass folks they were polling…
TZ, seriously, they’ll picket anything six feet under. Like a pack of crazy camera-whorish ghouls with cardboard signs. I’m still waiting for them to show up at a pet cemetery to protest gay penguins or something.
Dude, seriously. Is it so hard to argue atheism on the facts without implicitly calling everyone who disagrees with you a dumbass? He’s like a liberal Christopher Hitchens, but less hammered. I got about 2/3rds of the way through “The God Delusion” and had the overwhelming urge to just kick him in the junk, while still agreeing with the majority of his premises.
Wrong, they absolutely could be, and are.
Anyone who can actually think the earth is 6000 years old can be talked into anything. That’s why the GOP picked them to build a coalition on. It basically lowers politics to the level of dog training.
people, on average, are amazingly dumb. that civilization persists despite the left half of the bell curve is a tiny miracle.
But …. they’re all you, right?
That’s it? It’s my freaking birthday, and that’s what you cough up for me for a thread?
Bah, you’re no fun.
Happy freaking birthday, Krista!
(Do birthdays work the same way in Canada? I’m just asking).
Happy birthday Krista, a virtual maple sugar flavored cake for you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday, dear Krista!
Happy birthday to you!
Now I just hope I don’t have to send royalties to those two old ladies.
22% you say? That statistic seems about right, to be honest.
There are a few differences. Instead of birthday spankings, we get birthday purple nurples. I’m wearing three padded bras today in self-defense.
I think the big difference is they put the candles on a plate of poutine, but otherwise they’re the same.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I think I agree with you. I can’t tell if you’re angry with me! stop yelling! I’ll try harder! Why don’t you love me??!!
What??? You think I’d write for Blogs for Brownback?? How demeaning! I only write for blogs that profess Pentecostal, uniform-Christianity-through-government-legislated morality, not Catholic, uniform-Christianity-through-government-legislated morality!!
But yes, Jay, Dug Jay, and Penis McPhallus are all my created personas designed to lower the level of political conversation to the level of a 3-year-old’s stubborn resistance to his wiser (and snarky) mother.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
It is not… aren’t you people of Canadia still on the Julian Calendar? You’re birthday isn’t for another 11 days!
22% was the plurality. There were five or so “reasons” to pick from. I don’t think “general Bushco fuckupedness” was a choice, tho.
Happy Birthday Krista!
I’m a pacifist and an atheist by nature, so the Westboro people make my head spin, but I honestly think I’d be okay with them all being put into feces laden port-a-potties and rolled over the side of a cliff.
Dug Jay
The Pew, or some such weird poll, had the number at 29 percent.
Just to be sure.
Damn Leftists!
Happy B-Day, Krista!
I think they get older using the metric system.
Incertus (Brian)
Big fun today on my campus. God, I hate marketers. Bill Hicks was absolutely right.
Okay, here’s Phelps’ son. I feel pretty bad for this guy.
Incertus (Brian)
Isn’t the political equivalent of the Mendoza line based on Alan Keyes’s vote total in Illinois? Somewhere around 29% if I remember correctly.
No, we have metric birthdays. Which means Krista is either 6 or 82 in American years, I never remember the conversion.
Happy b-day, Krista! (My wife won’t let me give you a spanking or a purple nurple.. no mention of bumps, though).
Busy != lazy?
News flash: Phred Phelps is a registered DEMOCRAT. Dont ask. No one in the state of KS understands.
So yes, he’s always painted on Fox News as being a liberal/Democrat. Just watch today. I guarentee it.
Happy B-day Kris. May you maintain pink nipples, get all the gifts you desire, and eat a
poundkilogramkilougraum of cake.Svensker
The FISA bill — wherein telecoms get immunity for breaking the law while spying on us illegally — is being debated in the Senate right now. Dodd and Feingold have pledged to filibuster. FDL’s liveblogging, but if you can take action today, make some phone calls to stop this abomination. Link at FDL with #s to call to stand up for the rule of the law.
Krista is not Canadian!!! she spelled ‘defence’ with an ‘s’!!! BUSTED!!!!
kidding. have a happy birthday.
Weirdest. Birthday wish. Ever.
It’s o.k., I have a comeback. John McCain thinks interest rates should be zero. You know who else doesn’t believe in interest? Muslims. Read about it in my upcoming book “Conservative Islamofascism: From John McCain to [can someone do some research and find someone else for the subtitle, kthxbye]”
Paul L.
The reason that some people believe that “Liberals hate the troops” is due to Right-wing Marine thugs swiftboating and smearing patriots like this poor man in kangaroo courts.
/reaches across post office desk, reclaims gift addressed to Canadian blogpal
Paul, indeed, that is central to my point.
All explained in the book he wrote while being held in the Hanoi Hilton:
Available for just $22.95 plus S&H.
{ Add To Cart }
Paul L has proven to my satisfaction that if one pathetic loser hates the troops, then all liberals hate the troops. Anyone know a marine I can spit on?
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I just shot off an E-mail to Schumer. He won’t do shit, but I’m letting him know he’s losing my vote because of it.
Of course, I didn’t shoot off an email to Hillary. Asking her to take a stand on principles is like asking a dog to do your taxes.
Color me not surprised that the Westborrow Attention Whore Drill Squad is coming out to play. As I’ve said before, if we have to have homophobia, let the poster children be a horde of red faced screaming bat-shit crazy fuckers who disrupt funerals.
I’m still waiting for Flush Limpbags or one of those other toilet stains to suggest Ledger offed himself because he couldn’t deal with the shame of starring in Brokeback.
I’ve got a special tire iron picked out and everything.
Yep. He also used to be a fairly well-known civil rights lawyer. This news will no doubt cause GLBis and African-Americans to flock to the Republican party for protection.
Paul L. skipped a groove again.
Did I say that was a BAD thing? ;)
I think I found Paul L’s favorite website.
Heck, if you take a look at the pic at the top, I think I may have found Paul L.
My father watches Fox News, he believes our weak dollar is the fault of George Soros….nuff said.
*hangs head in shame*
Happy Birthday Krista…how many spankings is it this year and where does the line start? }:)>
Conservatives hate George Soros. George Soros is obscenely wealthy. Conservatives are therefore fomenting class warfare.
Read about it in my upcoming sequel to “Conservative Islamofascism”, “Conservative Communism”. The fact that it may have already been published by Sadly, No, will not deter me, because never will an argument have been made in such detail or with such care.
She’s verbally against it, which means she – theoretically – won’t vote to end the filibuster. But as she’s on the campaign trail and SC is in two days, I’d be surprised if she showed up to vote at all.
Sadly, the same can be said for Barak Obama. Edwards – again theoretically – would really be winning my support if he were actually in the Senate and able to vote on this shit.
Does any of this sound familiar (from the WaPo)…I guess it’s just what we have to get used to, being in the minority and all…
Happy Birthday Krista! Are you going to celebrate with a trip south of the border? You could buy a house, two cars and a couple of TVs with your pocket change.
Let me know if you have any trouble reading about Margaret Thatcher, as there’s simply no way you can read it all, nor do you really need to. But as I’m a real expert on Thatcher – despite my ideological affiliation (of course I’m a liberal) – I’d love to answer a few questions in case you are missing something.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I’m listening to this FISA stuff…
Specter wants a special immunity clause that’s not fully retroactive. I’d love to know what he’s talking about.
Probably true, but I still can’t figure out how he intends to work. When I thought he was going to try to stay on top of the pedestal, he climbs off and smacks Hillary for Wal-Mart. When I thought he was going to stay out of race issues, he went down to Ebenezer. He’s new to me.
Hillary, she’s as predictable as clockwork. “What’s that? 60% against immunity, but 90% for puppies? Screw the filibuster! EVERYONE GETS A PUPPY!”
What the hell is up with everyone’s dad (mine included, natch) watching Faux News and buying every piece of shit they spew?
My dad quotes Hannity and Limbaugh on occasion, fer God’s sake. What is wrong with Teh Old Peeple?
On a side note: Sully is really working himself into a lather this morning. Not that I blame him…
It’s official, Zif. I hate you. Good Lord, don’t EVER do that again.
*Punchy* Says:
Weird, my dad does the same thing.
he even forwards me the e-mail whisper campiegns. and I just can’t make him see reason. I can get him tot he pond, show him the cool refreshing water, but it’s always rabit “BUT DEMOCRATS ARE WORESE!”.
it takes a good month to calm down everytime i deflate his latest foolish schemes with reality.
Um, wild guess, but could it be that Faux News is set up to tell the morons what they already think and what they want to hear?
It’s not even just the conservative Boomers! My father’s only job title is basically, “Retired Hippie” and he quotes back everything he hears on “Air America” to me all day…it’s just as bad..
…I’m convinced it’s a vast multi-Wing Boomer conspiracy to elect ANYONE to the office of President who’s likely to fuck things up more than the last guy did.
I’ve got one of those dads, too. He still loves me and even bought me a Bush Countdown calendar for Christmas, but he persists in the belief that Democrats are only good for spending money and screwing up the economy.
Clearly, he’s just not wasting enough work time in the blogosphere. He prefers to waste his work time scanning the craigslist free section trying to find cool stuff. Unfortunately, you can kind of see why most of it is free.
But he did once get an entire playground and all he had to do was spend two entire days disassembling it. He tried to get me to go pick up a free 8 person ’80s vintage hot tub embedded in someone’s deck.
Boomers make me cra-hazy. I’ve got the conservative Dad. I’ve got the retired hippie in-laws, who gave money to Kucinich’s campaign. Then there’s the Boomer “Vagina Litmus Test” Hillary women.
It’s like they can either have some grasp of reality with its liberal bias, or they can know how to win an election, but not both.
Whoops, blew yer cover (not for the first time tho).
Nobody asks a girl to do a thing like that. That’s manly stuff. You are a man. A guy. A dude.
Give it up, honey. Game’s over. You had a nice run.
Dennis - SGMM
I predicted that one about ten threads ago. That’s why there.s no betting line on what the Repubs will say next: if you’ve watched them long enough you know what they’ll say next.
Stand by for a quick retooling of “Democrats are weak on terrorism, if the Democrats win then the terrorists will kill us all,” to “Democrats are bad for the economy, if the Democrats win then recession will impoverish us all.”
Mostly I think it’s just because a large segment of my father’s generation is in full on FightClub syndrome: They’re angry that they’re not all ritch and faux news is happy to tell them why, how and who is responsible for it.
TZ, we’re the same person, babe, quit playin’!
He would have gotten it himself if he lived anywhere near it, see? He thought I could get, I dunno, my husband and 15 of our closest friends to help me with that monstrosity. It would have required not only a number of people and tools that we don’t have, but a vehicle we don’t have. It would have had to have been extricated from a deck! But he thought the kids (mine) would like it, which is why he got the playground.
You can tell I’m still struggling with the decent human being / great grandpa / Fox watcher dilemma.
So, Reagan and those two Bush presidents and their recessions were Demoncrat deals?
Who knew?
The Clinton recession must have been a doozy, it wiped out my memory of it completely.
Heh heh.
The Grand Panjandrum
The more things change; the more they stay the same. But I do have hope for the future. Bill/Hillary and George/Laura have children who will probably go into the family business and fuck things up. The future is so bright and filled with ponies prancing through lush beds of green grass and wildflowers in open meadows. Where’s my shades?
*ThymeZone* Says:
last Time i was surfing el captian’s the commentors were insstant that the clinton boom started in 91 and was GWB the first’s and that the regan recession began in ’79 and was all jimmy’s fault.
that and over regulation.
and high taxes.
That’s what I don’t get, my father used to be intellectually honest. There used to be real debate. Then he got the fox news channel and it all went to shit. It’s like a lobotamy without the icepick I guess.
also, happy b-day Krista.
May you have many more and enjoy your change from The northern peaso to America’s Pound Sterling
also, if you havn’t seen it, This Hour Has 22 Minutes’ parody of the mac/pc commercial with Dollar/Looney was particularly painfull, if slightly amusing.
Bubblegum Tate
Happy birthday, Krista! I hope you get an awesome dozen from Tim Horton’s.
TZ, I’m pretty sure she meant it as in “me and my husband and probably some bad-ass dudes”. I’m just surprised you didn’t get the verbal sexist beat-down from resident Sexism Monitor, Kris.
Ah, the sweet liquor of opinion without the necessity of thought. Addictive.
We call it the “John Gibson Effect.”
PaulL, you still there? Why do the troops hate unborn babies that they are probably the rape-daddies of?
Paul L.
Calling Nancy Grace, Amanda Marcotte and the rest of the Fem-Blogs
Man Falsely Accused in Sex Attack Brings Calls to Restrict… the Falsely Accused?
Falsely Accused? Something happened!!!!! Woman do not lie about rape!!!! Damn Rape Apologists!!!!
Yes. No mortal human could have moved this thing. Not even Magnus von Magnusson. I think that bit was the funniest thing I’ve seen on A Daily Show since the strike.
Is it my imagination, or has PaulL become the lamest troll in the history of the fucking Internet?
Yes _x__ No ____
{ vote }
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Confederate Yankee, Confederate Yankee. RedState calling Confederate Yankee on line 2. Please call your office. The Media is hating on all troops everywhere and dissing the Iraqistan War.
PaulL is an emasculated shell of a man, the mockery of the internets…in that way, he is somewhat like Mike Nifong…
Paul L.
I could go with the xenophobic excuse.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Schumer is planning on supporting the Judiciary amendment. I guess I can get off my high horse.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
We’re taking troops from Mexico!? Unacceptable! They’re BROWN.
Expel them dishonorably immediately from the armed services! We must urgently replace them with convicts!*
*Unless the convict is the son of a member of Congress
Ergo, the invention of Equipment Rental.
Things a man would know.
Yeah, if you wouldn’t mind. We’d appreciate it.
Yeah. I feel just a little bit ashamed that places like Mexico and Turkey have taken the high road on the death penalty and are calling us on it. On a case where, if there ever were a justified death penalty, killing the pregnant woman accusing of rape and burning her body in a shallow pit would probably meet that burden, and Mexico is still above it. I mean, sooner or later having a better human rights record than Cuba will slip from our grasp.
Happy Birthday Krista…
I’ll make poutine in your honour. Well that and because it’s perfect for this miserable cold weather here (okay, cold for us).
Ten points!
His support only counts if the amendment actually passes. As it stands, Reid still deserves a swift kick in the cajoones for fielding the Intelligence Bill first to begin with.
The Other Steve
Should we call General Pershing or Dog the Bounty Hunter?
I love that. Mexico doesn’t extradite people to countries that have the death penalty, such as the U.S. I’ll bet the only reason a conservative can imagine for that policy is that Mexicans are all criminals themselves.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Oh, sorry. FISA amendment fillibuster is today. I’m a bit concerned about it, because if the amnesty passes, then not only are we letting Bush off the hook (horrifying enough), but we’re letting big business off the hook too.
The scary thing is that Saxby Chambliss was whining “but the Telecoms won’t be our bestest friends later if you yell at them!” Disgusting shit. Like the gov’t cant just subsume the telecoms in a time of actual emergency.
Sure thing… I think.
/ goes off to look up “Pommel horse”
Dude, I left high school gym class YEARS ago. Where did you pull that from?
John S.
I am fed up with Paul L.’s postings on this thread.
None of them have anything to do with the Duke lacrosse case!
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
FISA itself was due to expire. Without it, no telecom SIGNALs intel, even the legal-and-decent kind. That’s why it’s up now.
Reid’s a pussy, ‘member? He wouldn’t do anything proactive unless his family was held at gunpoint.
If George Bush was in a rock band singing about the final countdown of his presidency, this is what it would sound like.
Huh? What? When did I become the Sexism Monitor?
FISA itself was not due to expire. The six month band-aid they slapped on FISA to handle exceptional cases regarding traffic routed through the US and a number of other technology questions is about to expire. The old ’78 law will still be in full effect. And since the Senate is suddenly a big fan of retroactive immunity, any shit that happens in between patches can be handled without trouble.
That said, it can’t be so important we should care because Bush has threatened a veto on any bill without teleco amnesty pre-included.
Even then, if they were held at gunpoint for national security reasons…
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Wait, WTF? Clinton’s present for the 2PM vote???
Can’t she just take 10 minutes and take a stand, albeit short?
I despise her, and when given an opportunity to get my respect, she squanders it to go campaign some more.
It’s like Obama should win the primary by default. How sad.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I stand corrected. My bad.
Is Obama actively filibustering? So far they haven’t even voted on the Judiciary Bill as an amendment yet, have they?
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
No. I’m only bitching about Clinton because she’s behind in my book.
They’re voting to table the amendment. And there are a couple of Dems that are voting yea, so I think the Telecoms are going to get away with this.
I need to go find some telecom executives, a few particular dems, and a dark alley. I’m not happy. Very much not happy.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
60/34 yea GOD DAMN IT
You clown on me periodically for random sexist jokey things. Now I make note of your absence before laying down a cooking riff or Garmin crack. I think you may have other titles on this blog, but I’m not at liberty to discuss… :)
Hey, it’s all in good fun. Any opportunity to poke fun at each other certainly is an opportunity not to be missed.
And I prefer the Magellan to the Garmin. :) Just got me an Explorist 500 — whee!
Other titles? Oh dear….now you’ve got me insanely curious, you clever bastard!
Did you wear those tight gymnastics pants thingies?
Can you send a picture?
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Yes. Tight. Bulging 15-year-old boy-package and all. hehehe nasty pederast.
have a link asking about where Billy Boy was for the last 8 years, instead
Needs more video links to cute 21-year-old Japanese webcam girls…
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
21? She’s a 4chan mascot for god’s sake. They don’t worship anyone old enough for a driver’s license. Where the hell do you get 21 from?
4chan called. Pedobear strikes again!
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
zomg r thos skittel? I loev skittel!
Hai! Y r so dark nao?
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I’m surprised that no high-school English teacher with a blog has given the Pillsbury mascot a fat F yet.
Well, I’m just assuming.
But seriously, from what I’m hearing, conclusions founded on coincidence would’ve never passed in my high school.
(Please don’t tell me that made my high school hard. That would be depressing)
Her YouTube profile. And would a face like that lie?
Speaking of faces… Kucinich dropped out. The home planet must have beamed the misshapen elf a “come home” message. The citizens of M83051Alpha will rejoice the return of their hero.