Large swaths of the intertrons are unabilable to me today, and I am wondering if there are problems in the intertrons in general, or if specifically my ComCrap is to blame.
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by John Cole| 36 Comments
This post is in: Previous Site Maintenance, Science & Technology
Large swaths of the intertrons are unabilable to me today, and I am wondering if there are problems in the intertrons in general, or if specifically my ComCrap is to blame.
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Carnivore is hungry today
Last week, at my SO’s office someone drilled into their Intertubes.
Perhaps you should go make sure no one is standing on the them? Someone get Ted Stevens outta jail!
Oh, not in jail yet? Justice is slow.
Have you tried flushing out the tubes in your neighborhood? You know, with Electronic-Plumr.
I use DSL and can’t get Crooks and Liars.
D. Mason
I used to do comcast customer service for your area. Comcast treats the former adelphia service area like a garbage dump.
The Grand Panjandrum
I sure hope you don’t use FBI accounting procedures to make sure bills get paid. Just saying.
John S.
We have ComCrap here at my ofice.
It is the equivalent of sucking shit through a flexi-straw.
It’s just you. Fire them.
Huh. I work for CA state, and ours was down for about an hour. Verrrrrry interrrresting.
When in doubt, it’s pretty safe to assume that Comcast is raping your grandmother. It’s Comcastic!
ComCrap and TimeoutWarning switched turfs, so we went from crappy-ass Roadrunner access to crappy-ass other guy stuff. Horray!
The only difference in service is that ComCrap specifically fucks you for using bitTorrent. So don’t worry. Even if its not ComCrap, blame them anyway. They probably deserve it for something.
Here on the southern side of the river Mary Draper Ingles followed to get home the Series Of Tubes are conductive.
Could be their DNS servers are hosed up. (You can resolve some internet domain names, but not others.) Happens sometimes. If they’re aware of the problem, they may have switched to other DNS servers. You may need to restart your cable modem, followed by any router you might have and then your computer for the change to take effect. But they may not know there’s a problem, in which case you’re screwed.
Tim (the other one)
Here in So. Cal my Verizon FIOS is on fire ! Highly recommended.
Davis X. Machina
‘Net neutrality’ means, apparently, charging you the same monthly fee when your intertubes work, as when they don’t work….
They’re probably busy reading some other customer’s e-mails or forwarding their traffic info to the NSA. As soon as someone’s free, they’ll be happy to follow you around.
Ed Drone
If you can’t get the Internet, how will you read our answers?
Original Lee
Come to the Dark Side, John. Switch to FIOS. Tell your boss that FIOS will save money while increasing productivity. (Hopefully that will work.)
This is a bit off-topic, but I can’t resist, since both John and Michael D. have posted recently about getting in shape. . . In my neck of the woods there’s a new sports event:
Ah, traditions. . .
Bob Munck
Comcast has chronic DNS problems. If you know how, tell your router/firewall/PC to use a different DNS server. If you don’t know how, you’ll need to use the intertubes to look it up.
Since you decided to endorse Obama the Clintons have had you banned from the “white” parts of the internet.
You should have chosen wisely.
tom brandt
Everything is fine here in the People’s Republic of Ann Arbor.
The Internet Traffic Report is a useful site on what’s happening on the intertubes worldwide. You can drill down into specific areas.
Tim C
Two words: Verizon FIOS
T. Scheisskopf
The place to go for any skinny on Comcast HSI.
Also, to get around Comcast’s chronic DNS problems, try using these nice people.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
If you’re having a bad time getting your alphanumeric domains converted to IPs, then its your service’s DNS servers acting up (which is a common occurrence).
If that’s the case, try replacing your DNS servers with this for a bit.
Dennis - SGMM
Using Verizon DSL. Had Adelphia cable modem before but, just as we were moving across town, Comcast bought Adelphia. I’d already heard from friends that Comcast reeked so I decided to try DSL instead. Thee Megs down, 720K up every time. Much more reliable than the cable setup under Adelphia. To be honest, just about any high speed connection is faster than 90% of servers’ ability to push down data so it’s reliability that decides me.
Yeah, does sound like a DNS problem. One alternate big nameserver I use is Easy to remember.
I’d tell you where to put it, but if I remember correctly you’re using that sucky Apple stuff.
Man, the geek in here is so thick you could cut it with a spork
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
The sad fact is: the spork would make the geek bleed, cry out in pain.
Helena Montana
Not sure if it’s Comcastrophe or not, but my MSN e-mail server says it’s down so I can’t access hotmail and I haven’t been able to access Crooks & Liars all day. I thought the Crooks & Liars problem was that Comcast decided C&L was bad for me. But–no problem visiting Balloon Juice, so that can’t be it!
Thanks for the tip on OpenDNS. Nice and fast. Comcast DNS can KMBA.
John Amato
My site has been up and down since the weekend…it’s a nightmare…
Thirding OpenDNS — it’s a good service. I’m lucky in that I can get RCN for cable internet instead of Comcrap. Shitty Customer Service, but once it’s running, no mystery throttling and it generally stays up.
I’m so going to hell for laughing at this.
As soon as that’s available to me I will probably try it but until then I am happy with my Comcast service. I do get intermittent outages but I think the other services have these as well. What keeps me from trying DSl right now is the great customer service here. I know I know you’re probably laughing but I’ve never had better utility service of any kind in my life than Comcast here in Sacramento.
We’ve had construction next door for the past year that has twice cut our cable line and both times they had technicians here the same day. So yeah, I am modestly content with my current internet provider.
Hello, Comcast customer service; how can I help you?