Apparently there is a football game today. I might be heading off to a party myself, but have had the flu since Wednesday and may sit it out so that I do not infect everyone.
Besides, who really cares about the pats and the Giants anyway?
*** Update **
How come programming like CBS Sunday Morning is not good enough that there is something like it at night during primetime? Am I really now that old and uncool that my tastes are radically out of the mainstream?
If you have to ask, you don’t want to know.
This has been another edition of simple answers to stupid questions.
Disclaimer – We are precisely the same age and I am just as old and uncool.
If you have to ask, that is the answer.
You and me both. I really like the video going around that sets Obama’s speech to music (Yes We Can). I recognize exactly two of the “celebrities” in the video.
Dennis - SGMM
Same here. On the other hand, when was the last time (If ever) that we had a president whose words could be put to music?
You mean someone other than Scarlett Johansson was in the video?
Me too! And my flu could kick the Giants’ and the Patriots’ collective asses.
Conservatively Liberal
CBS what? We don’t watch ABC, CBS or ABC. Have not done so since the early 80’s, and have no desire to. So we missed(?) out on things like Beverly Hills 90210, Friends, Seinfeld and the like. Same for their news/morning shows.
Why watch those when there is much better mind-numbing drivel on cable?
Me too. If you haven’t seen it yet, go here.
Don’t feel too bad about not recognizing the celebs, as it’s not meant to be an all-star list, but rather pretty much a group who was called up on short notice by the dude from the Black Eyed Peas. Some minor TV stars (from CSI, Grey’s Anatomy, Without a Trace), some hipster musicians (Common, John Legend, Herbie Hancock), a couple big movie stars popular with the younger crowd (Scarlett Johanssen, Nick Cannon).
The celebs are just the vehicle. The lyrics, drawn from his speech after the NH primary is just phenomenal.
The Other Steve
My recommendation for the week… A TV show from FX called Nip/Tuck. We don’t have cable, but we started getting these dvds from netflix and watching the first season.
It’s a pretty good show, not at all what I thought.
Enjoy Nip/Tuck for the first two seasons, but prepare to be underwhelmed after that.
If you want a good investment on your time that’ll only get better, start watching The Wire DVDs.
Obama’s favorite TV chararcter is Omar from The Wire.
I don’t know what to think of that.
Tara the anti-social social worker
Is football the game with the pointy ball, or the one with the long stick? Either way, it’s apparently the reason I lucked into free theater tickets for today.
I saw that. To me, it means the man has excellent taste.
Politically, I don’t know. Maybe they can use it as an outreach to the gay community, or a sign that Obama, like Omar, will be tough on drug dealers.
But you ARE mainstream. In Morgantown.
Tara the anti-social social worker
“when was the last time (If ever) that we had a president whose words could be put to music?”
You obviously haven’t heard those hit Dubya Bush tunes, “It’s Hard Work” and “Misunderestimatin’.”
Tara the anti-social social worker
Also should point out that we do have an ex-President with a Grammy – and, strangely enough, it was Jimmy Carter.
I would have thought that if Obama were going to pick a favorite character from The Wire, it would have been Major “Bunny” Colvin, the Mayor of Hamsterdam and ghetto youth researcher.
The Other Steve
I can’t like the Wire, because Thymezone likes it.
Ok, we’ll watch nip/tuck the first two seasons and then see.
Another fun series we found on netflix is Couplings… It’s a BBC version of Friends. Again, the first two seasons were funny, after that not so much.
John Cole
Omar is everyone’s favorite character on that show.
You are officially old and uncool when:
1) The music you listened to as a teenager is played on the “oldies” station
2) Your kids have to explain slang and/or pop culture references to you
3) One of the candidates for President is younger than you
4) The girl you’re hitting on in a bar says “You’re the same age as my father.”
The Other Steve
The Other Steve
That’s what John McCain’s wife said!
Good point about Colvin. He’d be in the running for my favorite for sure, along with Lester, Bunk and Stringer.
Plus, Clay Davis, just for the “sheeeeeeeeeeiiiitttttttttttt.”
Dennis - SGMM
Grateful Dead Reunite Monday for Obama
The remaining members of the Grateful Dead are holding a one-time reunion concert for Obama. The concert will be this Monday in (natch) San Francisco. Tickets sold out instantly. It will be the band’s first reunion since 2004.
Couplings… It’s a BBC version of Friends.
Yes, another good one. The funny thing is that NBC tried to bring it full circle and make an American version of “Coupling” which was absofuckinglutely unwatchable.
John Casey
You are officially old and uncool when:
Your daughter’s high school offers a history elective on the decade of your teenage years.
Assuming that the Deadheads didn’t buy up all the tickets, it will be interesting to see how the young and hip members of Obama Nation react to a bunch of geezers with long gray hair and tie-died clothes dropping acid, smoking weed (with cannabis club cards in their pockets) and dancing to the Dead.
Betcha the kids never saw a VW van painted psychedelic before.
Ruh-roh Shaggy, BJ is on the C&L blog roundup this morning.
Be prepared for a sloooooowwww morning.
John Cole
Speaking of McCain’s wife, I saw her with him the other day on television, and actually thought she looks much better than she did the last time McCain ran. it is kind of weird, though- I have no idea what she sounds like or what she thinks like or what she is interested in, which is such a sharp contrast to Michelle Obama and E. Edwards and wild Bill. Then again, I have never seen Romney’s wife and Huckabee’s wife has a face for radio.
Weird contrast.
The Grand Panjandrum
5) Your kids say: “Paul McCartney? Oh yeah, I know who he is. Wasn’t he in a famous band a long time ago?”
Dennis - SGMM
You are officially old and uncool when:
One word: bifocals.
Chester Moistmuffins
I think Johnny M made it clear she gets to open her mouth for only one thing, and it’s not to f*ckin eat or speak.
Pity we never got to see Judi Nathan Ghouliani have a full-bore freakout. My guess is she did behind closed doors the night Rudy called it quits. F*cker probably has to eat soup for a week.
Bob In Pacifica
Spygate! Arlen Specter is finally speaking out against all the criminal activity of the NSA/CIA. He wants it all in the open! He wants Bush and Cheney under oath. He wants to get to the bottom of those extraordinary renditions! He’s speaking out against the destruction of the film! Uh, no, he’s whining about the Patriots’ filming of other teams’ practices, and he’s complaining that the NFL destroyed the films they were given. Arlen wasn’t concerned about the FBI’s manipulation of the Zapruder film. Specter was working out the anti-inertia “magic bullet theory.”
Thanks, Arlen, for such a body of work.
If your first thought when they say that wasn’t “Wings” then you’re really old and uncool.
Your “regular” doctor is a urologist and “drop your pants and bend over the table” is part of your annual physical.
The Grand Panjandrum
Pete Best. Stu Sutcliffe. (Now where’s my walker?)
You upgraded the sound system in your first car by installing an 8-track
That “McCartney in a band before Wings” meme has outlived its probability. Kids today have no memory of Wings. And The Beatles are still stuffed down their throats thanks to television commercials and offenses against the eye like the movie “Across the Universe.”
The really clever kids will ask their geezer parents if it’s true that Mick Jones was in a band before Big Audio Dynamite. (If they’re really aware, they’ll replace B.A.D. with Carbon/Silicon.)
And if you don’t know who Mick Jones is, well…my condolences.
(ahem…go G-Men!)
He was in a band with Lou Gramm called “Foreigner” right?
Dennis - SGMM
You can remember when Fleetwood Mac was a Blues band.
You’re old and cool if:
You look forward to the upcoming Led Zepplin reunion tour because you want to see them in concert again.
The Grand Panjandrum
Eli’s coming!
In case you missed it, and unlikely as it may be… some really good deadpan Superbowl humor at Daily Kos.
I’ve heard the name Scarlett Johansson… I have no clue who she is or what she looks like. Is she in movies or on tv or does she sing?
I did recognize Lou Alcind… er… Kareem Abdul-Jabaar, and that was about it. Which one was Will E. Uhm (or whatever way “Billy” rap-spells his name)? The one in the hat?
God, I’m freaking ancient…
BTW, go Giants.
Not that I care about them; but I want the Pats to lose. If they win, there’s no new plateau left. Perfection at 19-0 is perfection at 19-0. Only way it can be surpassed is if the NFL expands to an 18-game regular season, then the Pats assume the Dolphin position. If they lose, then 18-0 and one game to go becomes the standard, and it is a beatable standard.
I like new records and new “bests”; but only if they leave one last peak unclimbed. Something for future teams to strive for and achieve.
You are officially old and uncool when you remember the song where that phase originated.
Does it mitigate your coolness factor at all if the only reason you know the song in question is that it was heavily referrenced in an episode of “Sports Night”?
The Grand Panjandrum
And even more uncool if you knew one the three lead singers was a guy named Corey Wells. But I don’t know that so I still have a shot at being cool.
It’s still entertaining, but the shark bar over which they now jump is insanely high. From the last episode alone, we had:
Mutual cannibalism
A teacher that bites toddlers
Some nasty damn hammer toes
Death by teddybearification
A group sex eulogy
A cute puppy
Shamelessly stolen from a tv without pity commentator.
Don’t forget there’s another Bowl today… the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. All sorts of cuteness going on there.
fruitbat, that’s why I know it.
gypsy howell
And you’re totally uncool and incredibly old if you know, sans Google, that 3 Dog Night’s version was only a cover of Laura Nyro’s original. And you own both on vinyl.
Growing up in the rural south I was, obviously, more likely to be exposed to 3DN than Laura Nyro. In fact, now, well into middle age, I still didn’t know about her. What a song writer! I always assumed “Up On the Roof” was written by either Neil Sadaka or Carole King. I went to iTunes and listened to some of her stuff. Most of those covers were pretty faithful to the originals. Thanks.
Watching it now. Sure enough, the ref comes out with a pooper scooper bag to clean up the “personal fouls.”
Puppy Bowl IV
I can go you one better. I sat in a college history class studying the events of 1968 … the year I graduated from high school and incidentally, took part in some of those events.
Dang, looks like I missed the kitty half time.
Terry B. said of Howe’s hat “big fucking head”.
Maria Shriver just endorsed Obama at the LA rally this afternoon.
Evidently she doesn’t share her husband’s enthusiasm for a man who famously told her to get out of his face:
Get out of my face
Aside from the fact she’s a Democrat, that is.
Well, zzyzx, we’re in a coolness class of our own. Now I gotta find time to bust out my box set and watch that story arc in its entirety.
Mick Jones? Wasn’t he one of the Monkees?
(Joke! Joke! I’m a big fan of TOBTM! Please don’t hurt me.)