If you have some extra cash, go here. Hell, even if you don’t, find some.
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by John Cole| 4 Comments
This post is in: Military
If you have some extra cash, go here. Hell, even if you don’t, find some.
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John, for reasons that I cannot explain, DKos is blocked by a work filter, probably for more peeps than just me. Can you excerpt some of what you want us to support?
BTW, the day I see JC link to a DK diary is confirmation that the transition is complete. Stop by the nearest (Un)Planned Parenthood and get ‘cher MoonBat Diploma, with a free abortion and flag & gasoline/match kit.
John Cole
Hire Heroes USA
And I am not sure why you think me linking to DKOS is a big deal, I have always been receptive to the DKOS community, defending them a great bit, and I have always linked them.
Yet another example of how much the Kossacks hate America.
Thanks for the link John. As far as I know, you are the first conservative site to link this group of American heroes. I hope you are not the last.