Look, I am not proud that the Republican party in WV decided to support Huckabee, but I am sure tickled pink that we may be the first state to start the end of the Romney campaign:
Republican Mike Huckabee scored the first Super Tuesday victory, winning all 18 delegates at stake in West Virginia.
The former Arkansas governor won with the support of 52 percent of the state’s GOP convention delegates on the second round of balloting. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney came in second with 47 percent of the vote, and Sen. John McCain was backed by 1 percent of the delegates.
Romney was ahead in the first round of voting in Charleston but failed to get the majority needed to win.
A couple quick things:
1.) I have said it before, I will say it again, Mitt Romney is the Manchurian Candidate for the Oligarchy. The same folks who have backed the Bush disaster to this very day are pushing this guy down your throats. Check the poll numbers. I, for one, have had enough of the Bush years.
2.) It is not surprising that Huckabee has a broad base of support here- we are, sadly enough, a lot like Arkansas in many ways. Additionally, West Virginians love charismatic leaders. You might want to check out this post on a legend in West Virginia, A. James Manchin.
3.) I am in a list making mood today.
The WV delegates didn’t seem to think so. Was this supposed to be a Huckabee/Romney race?
Personally, I would be tickled pink if Huckabee made an 11th hour resurgence after all of this, with Republicans choosing “None of the above” yet again, en mass.
The lack of
4) ????
5) Profit!
disappointed me. Otherwise, would it be reasonable to assume that Huck extracted something serious from McCain, like the VP spot for this little bargain? Or better, a primetime convention address (visions of Buchanan ’92 are dancing in my head…)?
I’m telling you John, look sharp. The 101st Fighting Kneepadists, armed with lead filled Cheeto bags will come waddling over the border any minute.
True, going up the hills will slow them down but once those babies get gravity on their side…
Please give my thanks to any WVReps you know before Malkin arrives and strafes everyone’s counters.
I’m plenty happy so see Huck win this one. Listening to Mittens and McCain bicker has made me ill. I like the irony of seeing the first result of the day go to Huck.
Yeah, Huckabee and I are worlds apart as far as how we view things but he was the only one out of the three that didn’t strike me as a pompous ass at the last debate (I don’t count Ron Paul – I appreciate him but he isn’t going to win anything). I may think Huck is wrong on so much but unlike Mitt, I do feel that Huck truly believes what he says and I respect his right to his opinion.
Grand Moff Texan
West Virginia? Hah!
Supreme Commander McCain will deal with you, soon enough.
From RedState:
I keep finding more reasons to love West Virginia.
My family is from WV, Eastern Panhandle since the 1780s. I went to high school in Martinsburg before I high tailed it out of there. Wife talked me into moving to central Misery from DC a dozen years ago.
I hadn’t been here a year when it dawned on me:
“Appalachia is a state of mind”.
Thus, when you say “we’re a lot like Arkansas in many ways”, what you’re saying is:
“Appalachia is a state of mind”.
And lemme tell you, there’s a helluva lot of Appalachia in this country.
It just isn’t possible to stress the “sadly” part strongly enough. It’s like comparing your state to a 3rd-world country, and that may just be a slight insult to Mozambique.
Billy K
One lousy percent for the national frontrunner? Wow. The Christianist base really does hate McCain.
Ned Raggett
Some hilarity:
Wow! Bush down to 70% approval of Republicans! That’s the lowest number I’ve ever seen.
Not necessarily. From above, you can see McCain did better in the first round. Looks like a strategic decision to lock Romney out, and thus deny him the afternoon headlines.
You need a simple majority to win the delegates, so the McCain voters had to go somewhere that wasn’t Mitt Romney, because even if they managed to put all the Ron Paul voters in headlocks, they didn’t have enough bibles to swing some Huckabee-ites or enough Cheetos to swing Mitten’s True Believers.
Bubblegum Tate
Jebus. Just what was this “backroom deal” that absolutely, positively had to have happened?
I’ve always wondered about this. I mean neither St Ronnie nor Bush I were overt christopaths. Oh wait, that part of the party never liked Bush I.
Anyway, then I poked into McCain’s failed first marriage. Clearly any man coming home from what he experienced would have had problems. But to quote his first wife: “I attribute [the breakup of our marriage] more to John turning 40 and wanting to be 25 again than I do to anything else.” The same Arizona Republic piece that ran that also talked about his extramarital affairs from the time he returned to the time he met the then 26 year old Second Mrs John McCain.
Not that any of this gets media traction the way St Rudi’s private life did.
But, could the christopathic voters on the right know this and are voting appropriately? That might explain why they hate him so much.
But then, St Ronnie was divorced. Here I am trying to make sense out of the senseless.
Hold your nose and head over to RedState. Watching the comments slide from “Mittens Winz! [fap fap]” to “McCain Cheated! [blub blub]” just made my fucking week.
TheGreat Orange Satan said McCain threw his votes to the Huckster
Go Mike Huckabee!
All Canadians love and support you for your caring so much about our national igloo.
Breaking News– Huckabee Wins W.V.
Related news– Nervous sheep flee state.
Man, Romney loses about as well as Bill Belichick.
jack fate
Watching Lil’ Billy Kristol’s head explode along with the rest of his authoritarian cabal would make my month.
Yeah, but look on the bright side. Liberty University and the Creation Museum will really be interested in expanding to your state. Job growth.
I want Romney to win some states. Prolong this process, maybe get a vicious convention fight, have Limbaugh et al continue to attack McCain. I don’t see how that hurts our cause.
The Other Steve
It seems to me that the Bushies have split. Some of them are supporting McCain, and others are supporting Romney.
Dennis - SGMM
Hugh Hewitt is said to be heavily medicated and unavailable for comment.
The Grand Panjandrum
Throw in a theme park with a dinosaur ride where I can sit next to Jesus, and I’m all about making an annual trek to WV. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Or is that, ROAR?
OT a bit, but can’t resist this in the Wapo on one of those pushers:
McCain’s campaign responds:
Damn, I love hearing that fat sack of greasy shit get a hard kick in his abcessed ass like that, right in the fistula.
Actually, this was more of McCain, Huckabee, Paul and many of the state delegates giving the WV voters the middle finger.
I do feel that George W. Bush truly believes what he says. And those guys who flew the planes into the WTC, Pentagon and some field in Pennsylvania also had a true belief in what they were about. So did Torquemada.
Religiously motivated fanatics always believe in what they say. And their conviction makes them capable of doing whatever they need to do to make it happen.
Conviction of one’s purpose isn’t of itself an admirable thing. Why is that a plus for Huckabee when you already know what he’s saying is disturbing? It’s not something to give him grudging respect for as if it were a virtue. It’s likely to prove malevolent and harmful.
I’m not saying being a POW excuses everything so or that it’s “ok” what he did, but I’m saying that is probably why people don’t judge him the way they judge Rudy and others.
Spend 7 years in a POW prison and see if you don’t feel the desire to reclaim your youth.
Rudy got to live his youth and just didn’t want to give it up. McCain actually missed a large portion of his.
Ironic, because this is one of the reasons I used to think GWB had an edge on fighting the terrorists. I was wrong becuase I underestimated the contradictory effect other aspects of his personality would have on him.
I still think that some, but not all, irreligious types are incapable of actually understanding “the terrorists” – they really can’t get inside the mind of this enemy because it is so different from their own.