The specter of a McCain candidacy has some Red State folks posting GBCW posts.
If they can;t vote for a crazy person, this politics just ain’t worth it!
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The specter of a McCain candidacy has some Red State folks posting GBCW posts.
If they can;t vote for a crazy person, this politics just ain’t worth it!
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When did they change the definition of crazy? I’m pretty sure a grown man who, in public, sings “Bomb bomb Iran” as the answer to a question of foreign policy qualified under the old definition.
I see amongst the recommended blogs that Repair Man Jack has asked the timeless question “Is The Online Right Becoming a Deracinated Embarrassment?”
McCain is less crazy than the rest, but that’s like saying Jeffrey Dahmer killed fewer people than John Wayne
Voice of Reason
Hope they all find the big shit sandwich delicious.
Conservatively Liberal
Watching the meltdown on the right must be something like watching a cock fight (no, not those kinds of cocks!) or a pitbull fight to the death. While I despise people who make animals fight like that, it is much more fun to watch people who should know better engage in it.
IMO, while there is plenty of ‘hate’ going on between the two political extremes, I feel that the extreme right is intolerant to the point that if they could put the left in internment camps, they would in a heartbeat.
Rush views anyone on the left as an ‘enemy’ of America (and his), plain, pure and simple. If anyone is the enemy, it is people like him. They try to spread hate throughout the airwaves, but I think they are starting to sound like mindless drones who repeat their hateful words like a skipping record. People are getting tired of it, and that is good.
We are all Americans, and we all have different ideas on what America should be seen as. When we start hating each other, we are only sowing the seeds of hatred for our own self-destruction.
If Obama wins the primary, I fully expect the racist side of the right to come out in force. They are going to be on a rage that something like this could ever happen, and I would not be surprised if some nutcase on the right attempts to assisinate Obama. I sure hope I am wrong, but with the way some talk radio people like to crank up their audience I believe I have reason to worry.
Incertus (Brian)
If Obama wins the primary, I fully expect the racist side of the right to come out in force. They are going to be on a rage that something like this could ever happen, and I would not be surprised if some nutcase on the right attempts to assisinate Obama.
I would be surprised if the Secret Service doesn’t already have a few hundred people under surveillance for just such an eventuality. Same for Clinton. I’ve long believed that the right’s brand of crazy is infinitely scarier than the left’s brand, at least in terms of physical violence. And if there’s not at least one open attempt on either Clinton or Obama in the next 8 months, I’ll be really surprised.
So they have an opening for a Tbone at Redstate? Sweet. I’ve been waiting for a chance to get my crazy on.
myq2xu – I had to read your comment a couple of times, “Gacy” hanging down a line. All I could think was, who the fuck did John Wayne kill?
The Grand Panjandrum
In an odd way I see that as therapeutic for the Right. Decent conservatives will have to take the time to reflect and decide if that is really who they want to be associated with. John Cole is still a conservative, but was forced to look at the reality of what the Republicans were promoting. War crimes, a never ending mismanaged war were the tipping point, John?
Its one thing to promote a nonsense policy or one that most people disagree with, but it is an entirely different matter to be affiliated, even remotely, with openly vicious racists or war criminals. The therapy maybe be cathartic, but it may be cleansing and healthy in the long run.
Shorter TBone.
I kind of have what may seem like an obvious question, but why exactly do the wingnuts hate McCain so much?
Is it due to McCain-Feingold? Or the fact that McCain went against the Bush tax-cuts initially? Immigration? Didn’t they hate McCain well before immigration became such a third rail? Did he kill their puppy?
My understanding is that McCain has a strong conservative voting record and he’s as militaristic as all hell. So what’s with all the McHatin’?
Digital Amish
What a bunch of pussies. 1/2 of a primary season and they piss their pants and run off to hide in the root cellar. Christ, man-up. I’ve lived through 8 years of George Fucking W Bush. They couldn’t carry my jock strap.
I think John removed the wool over his eyes during the Schiavo circus.
John S.
zsa – It’s all about the 2000 primary. They wanted a coronation, and McCain actually challenged Bush. And he did it while calling out the likes of Falwell and Robertson.
McCain-Feingold is part of it, they being defenders of (their own) First Amendment Rights. But it goes much deeper than that. By challenging Bush in 2000, McCain challenged all these people who have come to see themselves as part of the party establishment.
Plus, it doesn’t help that they’ve run out of ideas and now seem interested in being a small tent (ie – Rush this morning railing about liberal and moderate Republicans not being punished by the party for working with Democrats).
I just noticed that the Obama camp has started a “let’s match Hillary’s loan” funding drive.
As of right now, it stands at $4,956,525
and that’s just in the last 24 hours.
What was that about Obama’s lack of momentum?
“Becoming?” “Is?”
Here’s some more wisdom from the Repair Man:
Jeez, however did we get into that situation… fortunately for the Repair Man, McCain’s brilliant hundred year holding action will stave it off for a century.
Of course, back in reality, it’ll have much more to do with al Sadr than with the (no doubt nefarious) Democrats.
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
I 100% concur.
There’s no way on God’s Green Earth I want to see Obama, or Hillary Clinton, or ANYONE shot at, hurt, or even seriously threatened in this election, or afterwards.
That said, I welcome the opportunity for the so-called “conservatives” to show exactly how racist and/or sexist they are, to a population that’s clearly moving beyond such concepts, and punishing people for invoking them. It’s time for the GOP to start growing up, and joining the rest of us in the 21th Century.
But hell, I’d welcome them just moving past 1980.
Why on earth would a right-winger stop blogging on the eave of a possible Clinton nomination? When the Republican party is preparing to get back to it’s roots?
Just think of the years of opportunity this wanker might miss… 11-year-old blowjob jokes! Sandy Berger! Shooting pumpkins in the back yard to prove that Vince Foster was murdered!
Happy days will be here again! It’ll be like Home Alone, except the grown ups will be in DC, instead of on vacation.
Damn. It is totally unfair that that man is (a) not in a Florida prison for 20 years and (b) that Heath Ledger died he the fat man didn’t.
I don’t often wish harm on another human being, but geez Louis.
That reminds me–for the last 8 years we’ve had to be “careful what we say” lest the FBI shows up at our door. While I cannot even bear to think about someone hurting a Democratic candidate, I really look forward to the day when I can criticize a President vociferously and not water it down for my own protection.
just saw on Kos that Hillary’s top staff are “voluntarily going without pay”.
Last I checked, that’s usually a bad sign when it comes to campaigns, no?
Tim in SF
Did anyone listen to the three-hour hate today? I’d love to hear how badly he went off the rails. I can’t stomach the idea of listening to him myself.
Is that a New York tradition of some kind? First it was Rudy 9iu11ani, and now it’s Hillary.
Tim, I caught his first monologue and a little after. Other than that little bit of stupid, there wasn’t much from Rush. I did, though, miss his response to a life long Republican who will sit out the November election – or worse, “vote for Hillary or Obama if it looks like McCain has a chance of winning.” Yes, that is, as best I can do, a direct quote from the caller.
I should have stuck around to listen to Rush’s response, but I’m a lawyer most days and had to get into the office.
It’s looking like Hillary’s campaign is in really serious $$ troubles. I sure didn’t see that coming. And the msm is starting a feeding frenzy that won’t help her “electibility” at all.
This whole thing could be over much sooner than anyone thought.
maxbaer (not the original)
That’s what I’ve been thinking today. There’s still 10 months until the election. I thought these were the fearsome keyboard kommandos who were going to keep us safe from the Muslim horde. A little adversity and they take their Cheetos and run
homeupstairs to Mommy.MNPundit
Open Thread Note:
Obama just raised over $5 million since the end of the Super Duper Tuesday. Can he make it to 6,000,000 and fry the biggets fish of ’em all–Ron Paul?
Ok, so I just went over to Rush’s website and saw the transcript of his conversation with that caller that I mentioned.
Oh. Bloody. Fucking. Hell.
Quote el Rushbo:
Nary a mention of George W Bush’s transgressions in his rant. In fact, not a mention of George W Bush at all. I could never come close to that level of cognitive dissonance. NEVER.
Nobody. He was a typical, cowardly, wingnut draft dodger who, after having his 2-A classification upgraded to 1-A in 1944, successfully weaseled back down to 2-A.
John S.
Wow, totally OT…but the headline on MSNBC is huge and scathing at the moment:
Ok, I really don’t recall seeing something this egregiously anti-GOP in the MSM for quite some time. Are they reading the tea leaves here and banishing Republicans to the media darling hinterland?
Michelle Malkin things seniors eating cat food and legless vets begging on the street are good things. Really.
She’s totally telling brain damaged Iraq vets to Suck. It. Up. because money for vets is pork.
Sorry. Move far enough into the United States of fRightistan or the Socialist Republic of Leftania and you’ll find both nations share a border along the Rio FuckNut. The only difference is we’ve never had a president who was put in office and guided by the fringe loons on the left. If that ever does happen I hope like hell it occurs after I’m dead and buried.
As a Jew of Liberal Fascism, I totally expect to be packed into a box car and shipped off to a death camp if the uber-liberal John McCain is elected der Fuhrer.
He is Mayor of the Socialist Republic of Leftania and was baptized in Rio Fucknut.
Rush told me so.
I have a donut here for anyone who can repost this on RedState where they need to see it real bad.
John Wayne was a fag.
Who is still at Red State that Moe hasn’t banned to read it?
Ned R.
Actually my favorite RedState oddball has been gamecock — and he’s on fire once again.
The Grand Panjandrum
I just got done throwing a few scheckels in the Obama treasury. He’s up to 5.63 million.
The Grand Panjandrum
@Ned R:
Thanks for the link! Here’s a wonderful bit for everyone to enjoy. Gamecock writes:
You know … some things … you just can’t make up.
Last night I decided I had to figure out why the “movement conservatives” hate McCain so much. What I discovered is there are people who think he is a Rockefeller Republican.
I had heard that phrase all the time growing up, so I looked it up on Wikipedia. Son of a Bitch! It turns out there is actually a name for people who share my political beliefs! Who knew?
Sad part is, 1) there is no way McCain qualifies for this honorable title, and 2) no one has paid attention to the idea of a liberal Republican since 1980.
But dare to dream, there is a place for Republicans who don’t care if you a straight or gay, and who think lowering taxes to stimulate the economy is a bad idea. Problem is, that place is in the 1970’s.
Dug Jay
The latest national Gallup tracking poll, out this evening, has Hillary up 13 fucking points. Who has momentum??
Ned R.
Collected before yesterday, I thought.
Dug Jay
Collected through last night, with each of the preceeding two days also showing similar huge margins over Obama. Her strength justs gets greater the more people compare the two…an empty suit compared with a powerful well dressed woman.
He almost ran me down in Newport Bay when I was a kid.
His boat:
My boat:
This, this is the myiq that I love.
The Grand Panjandrum
The “empty suit” has raised almost $6 million since the polls closed in California last night. He’s taken everything the Clinton Restoration team has thrown at him. He fought the machine to a stand still. Not bad for a first term Senator I’d say. But we have a long way to go.
The poll of polls has it at four. But National Polls don’t mean a thing, do they?
Hope MUP takes Cthlulu for VP.
The site explicitly says that it does not include the effect of yesterday’s (super tuesday’s) vote.
LYING ASSHOLE. Couldn’t he just drop dead??? Please, is that so much to ask??
You’re lucky he didn’t shimmy down a rat line, commando-style with a knife in his teeth, and slit your commie-pinko-liberal throat.
Isn’t it curious how many of the greatest gooper heros are actors who actively avoided service.
The CIA torture tape scandal gets bigger
At this point we should simply consider every Bush appointed official guilty and sentence them to death.
Save a lot of time and trouble.
I suggest we torture them first.
Nah, it doesn’t do any good.
Best to keep it simple.
Up against the wall, two to the brainpan, a shallow unmarked grave.
Lather, rinse and repeat as needed.
The Grand Panjandrum
String all the Bush SOTU’s together and put them in a loop. Interject a bit of Tim Russert to especially cruel.
I just finished reading Gamecock . . . oh, holy fuck. I thought my carpooling partner was a Dittohead lunatic. Gamecock is a sterling example of the intellectual disasters that result when you remove civics from school curricula.
I’d like to scoff at the RedStaters and Freepi for loathing McCain, but they’ve got McCain’s character nailed even if their rationale is off. He’s no liberal, McCain’s one of the best crooks and liars either American party ever produced, and he’s a sorry, bad-tempered little prick on top of it. All that piety about God and country, and “straight talk,” and he couldn’t even give a straight answer about whether he’d vote for his own immigration reform program. The only thing McCain seems interested in is working deals for his own advantage; give him the kind of opportunities in Arizona that Ted Stevens had in Alaska . . . aside from a little cash between old friends . . . and Mack could have really cleaned up.
So I can’t blame them for wanting John McCain’s balls on a plate. I’ll bet 90% of his staff would like to take Mack out of the Straight Talk Express one dark night, drag him into the bushes, pull what’s left of his choleric brain through his nostrils, and hurl his carcass to the coyotes. It’s just funny as hell to see that, even as I’m dreading a McCain Presidency, so are the wingnuts.
Who says we can’t all get along?
haha.. Hillary and Bill in the 70s. Check it out
Bill looks totally like some kind of chain pot smoking dude..heh. But he has kind eyes..
Anne Laurie
I’d suggest life imprisonment without possibility of parole, because these guys should suffer for at least as long as we’ve had to suffer at their hands, and in Dick Cheney’s case that’s been 30 long years and counting.
That pretty much sums up the GOP with the exception of McCain, Dole and a couple of others.
I spent some time looking up the military records of a lot of top Democrat and GOP leaders and the Democrats have far more decorated combat veterans.
Many of the GOP members who were in the military managed to get National Guard or non-combat assgnments, like George W. Bush, Dan Quayle and Pat Robertson. Jack Kemp was 4-F due to physical reasons while playing pro football.
I noticed years ago that people who have actually been shot at are far less eager to send other people to fight and die than “chickenhawks.”
He was probably knocking down a gin and tonic in the lounge while the real captain ran me down.
To be fair, they didn’t have any idea I existed. I guess they would have heard the crunch, though.
Well, on a completely different less hawkish note, I was reading yesterday that there is a theory that if men spent more time with their babies they wouldn’t be so anxious to send them off to war to get blown up. Cognitive science, interesting stuff.
So, by implication, it suggests that the men in the Family Values crowd do not actually give their own children the time of day … something lacking in their emotion makeup perhaps?
Then again, they don’t tend to send their own children overseas to get blown up by IEDs, do they??
Hm. G’night.
All told, Obama raised about 6.5 million today. Not too bad.
Two things that made me smile today:
1.) Hillay’s staff are working pro-bono
2.) Mark Penn attempting to label Obama as the establishment candidate.
Too right. Here’s a partial list:
Me no linky very good.
Let’s try again:
Alright, somebody tell me how the forking link thingie works, please.
If you don’t have an array of tags showing above the comment box, click on the little >> box. Then you’ll see them.
Now click on “Link” and enter the URL.
Then click on “/Link” and between > and enter the name you want to give the link.
Check it out in “preview.” Then submit.
chicken hawks
Holy shit! It worked.
(anybody remember Steve Martin in “The Jerk”)
Tx Z.
My favorite line was when he writes his mom a letter and says “I should be able to send you more money next time because my girlfriend promised me a blow-job”
Plato realized this in the fourth century BC, and guns hadn’t even been invented yet!
Nixon was a LT Commander in the Navy during WWII and served in the South Pacific.
Poppy Bush was a pilot in WWII
Pat Buchanan was 4-F
Rush did not serve
JFK was a Navy war hero, his brother Joe was a pilot that was killed in Europre during WWII
LBJ did not serve.
Ike served (duh)
Truman served in WWI
Oh yeah, Mitt Romney avoided the war in Vietnam by serving as a Mormon missionary – to France!
George McGovern was a bomber pilot in WWII
Elvis served in the Army
Britney Spears served as an incubator for the demon spawn of K-Fed.
Rush Limbaugh couldn’t serve because of a boil on his ass. Oxycontin fixed that.
In the same prison, eating in the same mess, using the same showers. Day after day, year after year.
We could test out the theory that hell is other people.
Dennis - SGMM
Allowed only to read the works of Jonah Goldberg or listen to the speeches of George W. Bush for entertainment.
Yeah, but its a Canadian donut, which means it’s only about 0.95 of an American don…
/rechecks Canadian dollar’s worth
The Other Steve
Where he won the war playing Poker.
Johnson was in the Navy in WWII, mostly dealing with naval supplies. He had a similar role as Truman, reviewing naval shipyards and making recommendations on how to improve efficiency. But he did make at least one trip into the south pacific combat zone to review what they needed.
Dug Jay
The data onclude Super Tuesday voting info.
The Other Steve
Doesn’t really matter. Even hillary would kick John McCain’s ass.
The guy is nutso, and the more people see of him the less they are going to like him.
The Grand Panjandrum
I am sure the video is archived somewhere, but it would be useful to find the floor speech of then Senator Dale Bumpers (D-ARK) gave before the first Gulf War. He was, by his own admission, a very strong supporter of the Viet Nam War. One day his own son (a newly commissioned Army officer on his way to Viet Nam) came to him asked Bumpers to give him just ONE good reason why we were fighting in Viet Nam.
When it was his own son, he didn’t have even ONE good reason. He also changed his position of the Viet Nam War.
Bumpers voted against the first Gulf War resolution as well.
Dug Jay
I understand that Dale Bumpers posts here under the pseudonym of “ThymeZone.”
Fausto Carmona
Someone find Dandy Don. “Turn out the lights, the party’s over o/`” There’s no way I see that she can fight both the February states and Ohio-Texas at the level Obama can.
Counting out a Clinton is always a mistake. They may not be as likable as MUP, but they are far shrewder and better trained in political jiu-jitsu.
Is it a maple-glazed? I’m trying to lose my Christmas weight, but would happily go over to RedState, get an account and post whatever you want me to post, if it’s a maple-glazed donut.
Fausto Carmona
Is that sweat on your brow, Mrs. Clinton?
The Gallup poll writeup states:
Shorter DugJay:
Iz kant redd 2 gud.
Oh the cruelty of a world that won’t let
loveconservatism flourish!!!!!!!dslak
The good news for Hillary: She received $4 million in donations in 24 hours.
The bad news: Obama made more, and he has fewer bills.
If Hillary had been pulling in money like this earlier, it would have made more difference. It’s probably too little, too late at this point. It can only help her however if the media are writing her obituary, as she’s bound to have a few surprises up her sleeve.
Even though I prefer Obama, I’d still like to see the Clintons stick it to the haters, many of whom are simply fair-weather Obama supporters, anyway.
That’s the most sensible thing I think I’ve seen you post on here.
I think that Obama’s camp and Obama’s supporters want to be very, very, very careful about counting Clinton out. Some people, when they become the underdog, fade away. Others get the “Oh yeah? I’ll show YOU, peckerhead!” mindset and come roaring back to life. I’m thinking Clinton is the latter. Right now, nobody in this race can afford to get cocky.
Fausto Carmona
Which doesn’t amount to a hill of beans when Clinton has to resort to demanding more free air-time- er- ‘debates’ while Mark Penn is busting out the Kraft dinners. Their political jiu-jitsu hasn’t yet saved them from their lack of fundraising, Obama’s momentum, or – most importantly – from the voters.
Dennis - SGMM
Just read that the amended economic stimulus package failed to pass by just one vote. Ninety-nine Senators voted with eight Republicans and two independents joining the Democrats to achieve 59 of the 60 votes needed to move the bill forward.
The missing man? Why it was that courageous, straight-talking maverick John McCain, who was in D.C. at the time of the vote.
Brave Sir John he ran away.
Bravely ran away away.
When danger reared it’s ugly head,
He bravely turned his tail and fled.
Yes, brave Sir John turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Bravely taking to his feet,
He beat a very brave retreat.
Bravest of the brave, Sir John!
Maybe, but they also fuck up plenty, most recently in Bill’s assholish antics in South Carolina which arguably accelerated Obama’s rise. What you describe is part of their supposed mystique – if they try that on Obama she will never win as his supporters will not forget and forgive in November.
She’s running for President for 16 fucking years and can’t put Obama away – starting to look like a loser to me.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I suggest that after we convict them, we offer for them to be waterboarded for 24 hours, or shot in the head.
a.) They obviously wouldn’t take death, because waterboarding isn’t torture, just uncomfortable.
b.) After about 1 hour of straight waterboarding, assuming they don’t die of some sort of respiratory shock, they’ll probably ask to be shot in the head. We’ll grant them their wish. After the next 23 hours of waterboarding.
They deserve no less. But this is only for the principal architects of the torture program. Rummy, Chimpy, Yoo, etc.
McCain is, I believe, attending the CPAC conference. For those conservatives to whom he isn’t already the antichrist, it’s probably more important that he kiss those rings and say his mea culpas.
On the electoral front, attacking him for missing the vote won’t be enough to improve Mitt or Huckabee’s chances, and Obama, who has been missing in action a few times himself, couldn’t really use this against McCain. Maybe Hillary could, in the general.
Yeah, never count anybody out. But a lot of this talk reminds me of baseball announcers who say things like “Don’t let that .215 batting average fool you, he’s a tough hitter”. Well somebody’s been fucking getting the guy out. It’s the same thing here – Obama just needs to keep pitching like he’s been, and Clinton can grab some bench.
And the torture. Don’t forget the torture. The fact that he was tortured and doesn’t think it’s a good thing really pisses them off.
Bob In Pacifica
When is one hundred years in Iraq not crazy?
Anyway, the attacks on McCain are coming from the top, so the batshit stuff is just cover for the real issue: the rich must acquire greater wealth at a faster rate. McCain’s apparently not the equal to Bush for class war thievery.
Okay, now that cracked me up. He signed off his GBCW with…
Always good to see the Jack Bauers in the Party of Bush not afraid to express their man love for their fellow Jacks when in crisis. I bet it was group tears all around at RedState. I hope they’re all okay.
Ned Raggett
Kinda funny you mention that. Read this article, vented a touch on my blog, got a strange comment back that said in part:
From a Huckabee supporter, amusingly. Perhaps the meaning of the last sentence was lost in translation.
I would never count on HRC either. My Newsweek (it’s free with the public radio donation, ok) that I just got around to reading has this op-ed, I think it’s oversimplified and silly, but it had this interesting paragraph:
So, there’s two different spins you can run with there according to your preferences. But I found that 70% / 3% statistic, if it’s accurate, to be pretty dang interesting. I still have several thousand to be able to contribute, and will put him on direct debit if necessary. :)
Plenty of time left. Keeping with the analogy, we’re not even into the 7th inning yet. The worst thing anyone can do is underestimate the most savvy politician of this generation.
Krista, for someone who truly appreciates fine Canadian cuisine, there’s maple glazed, sour cream glazed, old-fashioned, french crullers – anything for someone who can put the boot to Red State without having to go through the waiting period for comments.
Everyone still interested in engaging in class war thievery is going to want to back the winning horse, not the money-whoring-est horse. John McCain pissed off a whole lot of people with the McCain-Feingold reform (perhaps the greatest argument in favor of the bill). His refusal to go along lockstep with the party – at the time nothing more than kabuki theater – didn’t sit well with the party lemmings, either.
This isn’t about money or policy or electability, anymore. This is about party purity. Republicans don’t like John McCain because independents do. That, alone, makes him “impure” and open to their derision.
Check some of the wingnut sites. One of their foremost complaints about McCain is how he’s winning the primary with “independent and liberal” voters. Couple that with the “McCain is more liberal than Hillary Clinton” meme, and you have built yourself a candidate that the wingers simply can’t bring themselves to vote for. No one in Limbaugh-land cares if McCain will lower your taxes or “stay the course” or give Jesus head, because if he wins the White House it won’t be on the back of their base. The Republican Party is purging the Reagen Democrats in their search for the next Reagen, and it’s fucking hilarious.
She’s going to try to rob him. That’s the only explanation I can think of for wanting to debate every five days.
Yeah, little early to write her obit. How many weeks ago was CW saying McCain was dead because he was broke and unable to stand up against the Romney machine? Mitty was the transcending conservative.
Obama just needs to go about his business, campaign hard and get himself known in the remaining states. I don’t doubt the Clintons will try a knockdown pitch again, and soon, but it will only backfire on them in the long run. If I were Obama, I’d start talking more about electability – people seem quite happy to write McCain off, which I think is a big mistake, especially when the Republicans are praying for Clinton.
Ed Drone
“Oh yeah, Mitt Romney avoided the war in Vietnam by serving as a Mormon missionary – to France!”
I refer to that as “Mitt’s Missionary Position.”
This was the other interesting thing in Newsweek. Yes, I’ve heard of Obama Republicans before, but this puts it just +.001 above “swirling internet anecdote” status for me.
Let’s not go all cruel and unusual now.
Reverend Spooner
Is this it? Finding it was a bitch.