K-Lo, in a post titled ‘I Hate to Lose’:
Romney just dropped out for the good of America, he said. Staying in would forestall a national McCain and we must defeat the defeatists; he did the honorable thing and is a winner for it.
K-Lo hates losing, so she will redefine “losing” to mean “winning.” And why the hell not, I say? That approach has worked magnificently in Iraq.
Now THAT, was funny.
What waste, though, really. I mean, I don’t know if there will be any comedy gold equal to watching Mitt spend his kids and grandkids inheritances. That was always good for a laugh.
Goodbye, Mitt. We hardly knew ye, and yet we still knew ye too well.
I think she meant “I hate to lose . . . weight”
Losing is Winning. War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Hey, wait a second…
Have you *seen* the “who let the dogs out” clip?
Ho boy.
I love that “he’s a winner” stuff. Even kindergartners who get “participation” ribbons are smart enough to know they’ve lost. K-Lo, or Pre-K??
K-Lo’s comments fit right in with the other conservatives who are crying about how John McCain needs to kiss their asses even though he won and they lost. They’re just like communists or other ideological nutjobs in that reality must always conform itself to their fantasies.
I know that NRO would never have put KLo on as editor simply as an EEO hire. Would they? But, if not, what’s the excuse? Not as dumb as Jonah? Not as mean as Levin? Not as crazy as Ledeen? What?
I assume she is referring to us anti-war DFH moonbat types.
But if we are “defeatists” then don’t we want to lose? And if our goal is to lose, then wouldn’t defeating us force us to win?
I wish I would have stayed awake in philosophy class.
The Moar You Know
I couldn’t help but notice that over at RedHate that the inevitable is happening and the androids are lining up behind McCain.
Lord, they are so predictable.
So let me get this straight, the conservative rebellion lasted all of five minutes?
Well, I hope they at least got cheetos for their support.
it’s good politics for Romney. He gets his ’tis a far, far better yadda, yadda yadda’ moment, save heaps of cash and position himself as MessiahCon for 2012; even if McCain wins, he’s already said he’d only be there for one term.
I’d like to think McCain will remember who kept trying to stick their small knives into his back.
Sam Stein @ HuffPo on the CPAC reaction to Mittens withdrawal:
What planet do these people live on? What worldview, from what angle askew, does McCain appear on the left? And then to compare CPAC to the NAACP, and McCain to David Duke?
I don’t know which is worse: Either that guy is an uninformed dick who doesn’t know McCain’s actual votes and positions, or, he does know McCain’s record and still thinks McCain is too far to the left.
If the latter, hoo boy… that’s frightening.
Did anyone expect a bunch of cheeto-stained chickenhawks to sustain anything remotely resembling a rebellion?
Not me. Calling them “Keyboard Kommandos” gives them too much credit.
Just wait until we see someone at PowerSlime post something like,
Who is going to run as the Real Conservative third-party spoiler? What’s Pat Buchanan up to lately? Would a “Rush-Right-In” (geddit?) movement go anywhere?
Just the opposite. K-Lo is: as dumb as Jonah, as mean as Levin, and as crazy as Ledeen.
K-Lo just beat them all, fair and square.
The looked pretty fierce when they staged that Republican riot to stop the vote counting in Florida back in 2000.
But those were paid professionals flown in for that one.
Chuck Butcher
Well, McCain is quoting Edmund Burke to this bunch of torturers, BOR abrogators, and authoritarian weasels; hahahaha.
These people cheer words that have not one damn thing to do with their agenda, nitwits.
>“John McCain’s appearance here will be like David Duke going before the NAACP.”
John McCain’s appearance at CPAC will be like a fascist going before a fascist organization? Can’t really argue with that.
So here’s the problem. Republicans are struggling to recruit candidates to actually run in crucial races where Republicans are retiring from House or Senate seats. So they lack “depth” in their candidate bench.
Judging by the short list you just put together, there’s no “depth” problem (well, sort of) in recruiting crazies to take up the wing-nut mantle online, on radio or on TV.
They take classes in this. Judges! Whoo! Judges! Hold up your lighter! Whoo!
Saddam won the war, because he hated to lose.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
The Great Wingnut Rebellion is very similar to the Confederacy under General Eric Cartman. Substitute Cheetos for S’mores-flavored Schnapps and look out swing states.
Romney will be the nominee in 2012, assuming the MUP becomes president. It’s the way the GOP works, no matter what faction is the establishment and which one is the grass-roots (yeah, I tried listening to Rush again today, he still doesn’t seem to understand that he’s the fucking establishment now). You have to run a time or two, wait your turn and then you get the nomination. Nixon in 60 and again in 68, Reagan in 80, GHW Bush in 88, Dole in 96, McCain in 08.
The last time someone didn’t wait their turn was 2000, before that it was 68. And we see how well those worked out.
What’s really funny is the tacit acknowledgment that the conservative movement/GOP has run out of ideas that the whole “we can’t let the Democrats take over the war” – even though Dems have traditionally been better at nation building (which incidentally, is what we are doing in Iraq, halfassedly)
PotD, also explains how Dems will be taking the White House in ’08. The Republicans are trying to out liberal the liberals once again by showing us all how real intra-party backstabbing and snatching defeat from the jaws of victory works.
Wait – Didn’t Romney Cut And Run(tm)? If he isn’t fighting Liberal Fascists(R) over there on both coasts, won’t we then be fighting them over here in the heartland? Isn’t he giving aid and comfort to the progressive enemies of the world?
What Romney needed was another surge of his money into his campaign – with enough money on the ground his opponents would have been too overwhelmed to attack. Granted, there would be no progress towards a reconciliation of who Romney actually is and what he believes in (and people’s distaste for his persona), but at least peace would break out in the conserve-o-sphere and four of the 18 candidate benchmarks might be met.
But no. Romney is a defeatist. He hates the US and the US voters. Traitor.
Someday, we’ll be able to say, “the Democratic Party’s not-so-secret weapon…the Republican party.”
A worldview where politics sits on a non-Euclidean plane.
These guys don’t know their “right” from their “left”. Seriously – a lot of the “major issues” that these self-proclaimed conservatives focus on aren’t right vs. left, they’re weird tribal things that they’re latching onto to differentiate themselves from the caricature of “liberals” that they’ve built up in their heads.
Like torture. Who in their right mind defends torture in public? Yet there they are, holding up the ability to violate accepted international standards on how prisoners should be treated because they know “liberals don’t like it.”
Like immigration. It’s infeasible, inhuman, and likely disastrous to our economy to take all of the undocumented immigrants in this country and ship them all home in cattle cars. But they want to do it because “liberals don’t like it.”
Those are two stands where McCain is accused by the Conservative Movement of veering from orthodoxy. Yet they’re two areas where McCain is actually, in a grown-up view of the world, on the conservative side of the issue.
But we don’t have a grown-up Conservative Movement in this country. We have a bunch of little kids who stamp their feet and hold their breath until they turn blue when they’re told something they don’t want to hear.
Nony Nony, I would add McCain’s acceptance of global climate change vs. ‘true conservative’ denialism to your list as well.
I don’t know what conservative really means, but I’ve come to understand what conservative means to wingnuttia. It’s a pretty simple test, really:
Does it sound bad? It’s probably a “conservative” idea. Does it sound ok? Then probably not.
Try it on the following ideas and see how it works out:
universal health insurance
tax cuts for the wealthy
tax cuts for the poor
too much debt
more oil and more coal
warrantless wiretapping of American citizens
compassion for the poor
endless war
preventative medicine
deporting 12 million people
I know this sounds flip, but it actually works for me. Whatever they are for, I am pretty much invariably against, and vice versa. Could it be that the most accurate definition of conservatism as it is practiced today is “opposite of liberalism”?
So, which do you think is a better Republican Ticket?
McCain/Romney or McCain/Huckabee?
To be simplistic, I can’t imagine social conservatives getting too fired up by a McCain/Romney ticket. Of course the SocCons can easily be fired up by any anti-Clinton ticket, so a McCain/Romney ticket probably won’t matter in that regard.
On the other hand, run-government-like-a-business types (I can’t call them fiscal conservatives anymore, now can I) – i.e. big business including medicine and military-industry types and their lobbyists – would much prefer Romney as VP and be turned off by “Flat Tax” Huckabee. It is these same business people whom Clinton has also been courting and which is what McCain would have to counteract.
I think McCain’s running mate was at CPAC with him.
McCain/Allen ’08. Ties down the south and will shut up the Hate Radio heads. Of course it will put a really stupid and hateful guy a heart beat from the presidency but when has that ever stopped them?
I think the breath-play (auto-political-asphyxiation) has been a recurring problem on the right. Probably explains the state of right-wing blogistan.
He understands. But he can’t publicly admit it. His whole schtick, his rise to fame, was based on corralling grass-roots populism. He was “just a harmless little fuzzball”. Hard to see how anyone can spout a connection with the common folk when they’re holed up in a $26 million mansion and being limo’ed and private jetted around while hobknobbing with all the power-brokers. I’m honestly surprised Limbaugh has lasted, although his audience has dropped around 40-45%.
Jesus. How incoherent will that suet pudding have to become before NRO shows her the door?
What the fuck is a national McCain??
The only explanation that makes sense to me is that “conservatives” believe that happiness is relative. If it makes them happier, they support it. If it makes other people miserable then they are happier by comparison, so they support it.
Other than that, I got nuthin’.
Can any of you envision Hillary standing down from her run with the hopes of uniting the party? I can’t. It is likely to get ugly again at some point like Billary did in South Carolina. Have your fun making fun at the people over at The Corner but take a good look at your selves every now and then too. There is a lot of silliness that gets posted here too. You folks just keep on saying ‘yes we can’ to each other and projecting unrealistic crap onto your unity pony. The Dems are likely heading for a train wreck at the convention. It’s going to be fun to watch.