There were 1200 comments in moderation, and I assume most of them were spam. If yours was in there, it got nuked, not because I don’t love you, but because I don’t care to sift through 1000 spam messages just to rescue your insightful comment.
Life is tough. Deal with it.
Prof. Cole,
You asked why they consider Romney a conservative. Here’s one answer, from AceOfSpades:
Emphasis in the original.
I’ll bet “almost always right” means “right except when they support liberal policies” … and notice how they never see the wisdom of the voters when Huckabee wins a state.
oh, and THIS is just precious….
Translation: “McCains unwillingness to kiss our asses proves he’s not serious about winning the war.”
Oh no, my greatest post ever! Gone!
Your users appreciate the hard work you guys do to keep this pony ride available for our amusement.
Thanks, John, Tim and MichaelD.
John is a baaaad spammer jammer!
Fourth in what will be an epic thread.
John Cole
That is so fucking stupid that you can almost guarantee it will get linked by Malkin and Instapundit and become the conventional wisdom.
I want to say thank you to John, Tim and now Michael, and to all the posters at this stimulating, funny and always interesting site. Just now, at 15:10 my time, I made the final check and bibliography entry to my PhD dissertation, already approved by my supervisor, and I’m off to the printer this afternoon. In the millions of hours spent in front of the computer through 3+ years the site rescued me from writer’s block and complete fucking despair more than once.
Reverend Spooner
I just put one up a minute ago that had the text of a 1991 Gulf War speech. It took me about 45 minutes to find that fucker, but it’s still in moderation. Please don’t delete it!
The Grand Panjandrum
Uh oh. Balloon Juice is now officially a cult. I guess commenters will have to create a secret handshake now.
(With your approval, of course, O mighty one.)
I think we can safely say that these are not a group of people accustomed to employing critical thinking. As a liberal, obviously it’s frustrating, but I really like it too, since I want to win. Unfortunately, I suspect McCain may be somewhat smarter than these guys.
I heard this spin again this morning, didn’t catch what ass clown said it, but he literally said that Karl Rove proved you had to get the base to win an election.
It’s in the previous open thread. Alas, it is my lunch time. No personal stuff during lunch time.
CNN is just reporting now that Romney is going to drop out. Those tears will be sweet.
From the NYT:
Breaking News 12:19 PM ET: Romney Is Suspending Run, According to Campaign Sources
my manifesto! 40,000 words that would unite the obamabots, hillbots and mcCainiacs. Such soaring prose! Such well-reasoned ideas! Such invention and thrilling visions of the future! something i would never write down anywhere else — lost forever!!! damn you john cole!
ah well. um, HRC is teh suck?
Digital Amish
CNN is saying that Mitt is announcing suspension of his campaign at the CPAC coven. At least that’s what I’m reading on the innertubes.
Chinn Romney
I’d just like to quash any rumors that the family made him stop before he completely burned through our inheritance. We’re just thankful that there is some serious money to be made on the Lecture Circuit so we can recoup some of our losses. Baby needs new Shoes!
Wow, what an ugly spectacle that Laura Ingraham is.
So here we go, McCain-Huckabee, set up for what I hope will be the worst ass whipping in presidential election history.
Bring it!
I love this quote from Mitt’s speech:
I’m gonna miss Mitt.
Tom Hilton
I posted the comment that was going to reconcile Israel and the Palestinians, and you nuked it. Live with that if you can.
Congratulations, Wilfred! That’s seriously awesome — anybody who goes through that whole process deserves kudos.
Ha ha! John loves us. John ‘n’ his commenters, sittin’ in a tree! O-p-i-n-i-n-g! First comes love, then comes marriage (gay islamofascist marriage of course, now that you’re a Democrat), then comes John with the baby carriage!
And if I’m not mistaken, that’s a Hilarious House of Frightenstein reference, isn’t it?
Uh…BJ just came on-line, finally. I realize you love Bra and Panties Publishing, John, and they give you ads and cheap rates and blah blah blah….but really, if their Apple IIc server cant keep you online consistently, is it worth it?
Can I go a whole day without knowing exactly how some random prof in West Virginia thinks about some random winger’s attitude towards some random 12-year old with some random health care issue? I think not.
To get the Hillary vs. Obama juice going again, it seems that Hillary refuses to sign a pledge to restore habeaus corpus, refrain from torture, etc.
To gloat at all you people who were talking about how bad Hillary was to want the Florida and Michigan voters to count…guess what? The DNC thinks so to, exactly as I said that they would: through caucuses.
demi “yes, I am always right” mondian
Hahaha! A number of Hillary supporters have already decided that caucuses are tools of Satan, so decrying this move should be right up their alley.
My god…. I never really listened to Romney, other than that speech where he explained that freedom = religion. What a pandering, obnoxious asshole. No wonder the nuts gravitated to him. I think he made several cracks against those dirty liberals and the filthy French in the first two minutes. It’s sad to think just how many people in this country gobble that slop up.
He’s going to ignore the will of God and turn this country over to a liberal like McCain! Romney is a LIBERAL!!! A filthy Dhimmormonicrat Socialist who just agreed to turn this country over to the Vietnamese Manichurian Candidate that isn’t even man enough to torture Arabs!!!
Where are the Khawarij when we need them?
Grumpy Code Monkey
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
Please tell me they don’t actually believe the bullshit they spew…
Digital Amish
They don’t believe the bullshit they spew. But it sells cars.
Hell, it’s the French. They probably deserved it.
As far as moderation, how does one accumulate 1200 comments??? Mr Cole, Suck.It.Up.
Romney is such a great man, putting the very survival of his country ahead of his political ambitions. He’ll make a splendid VP, sniff….
I think this is proof that John is not a moderate.
kate r
It’s the whole “we have to suspend the system of democracy to save it” crappy argument brought to a new arena. Dopes.
Bubblegum Tate
Great moments in headline writing
Here is my insightful comment.
Conservatively Liberal
Oh well, I only submitted (under another name) the secret to living forever, how to make the world live in peace, how to make everyone in the world a millionaire, the cures for herpes and AIDS and the solution for world hunger. I received a secret coded message when I played a Boston CD backwards and heard a message telling me to hook my satellite dish up to my left ear and to aim it at the North Star.
Sure enough, the message came through and I noted every bit of it. They told me to submit it under an assumed name so nobody would know who discovered all of this.
You, John, screwed it all up by deleting those messages! I already threw away the information at this end, so now we are all screwed.
Thanks for nothing. ;)