I really enjoyed the piece on Seth Minkin on CBS Sunday Morning
At any rate, corned beef and cabbage is cooking, and I am off to clean the house, so have at it
PS- I didn’t use any periods in this post because I don’t want TalkLeft to acccuse me of being sexist
Salon’s Broadsheet has picked this up, just posting the Obama quote and letting readers infer the innuendo.
piece? as in piece of ass? because that’s what you think all women are?
you’re transparent, john cole.
John Cole
Awesome. It is great watching Jeralynn Merritt and Armando do karl Rove’s work for them.
God I fucking hate the Clintons and now their supporters. I tried really hard to give them a chance, but they are just sleazy hacks.
Last night’s chili was so good, it has become this morning’s breakfast also. The recipe called for strong coffee and dark beer.
Oh god, dark beer for breakfast. Have I just insulted the Irish?
Oh, and I hesitate to mention that the chili also included, um, there’s no other way to say it: brown sugar.
That’s it. While I’ve been lurking for a while and have always enjoyed the postings and commments, I think I’m done here for now.
No one gives a shit about periods at the end of a sentence.
I’ll come back after the primary is over.
Have fun, boys.
Hehe John. As a 47 y/o woman who has worked almost exclusively with men for the last 20 years (which makes you very aware of every day sexism) I am stunned at how a really innocent remark is being twisted. But, living in the same house as a Clintonista, I am also very aware of the amount of anger involved in denying their candidate her “right” to reign. Baffling.
You know, the TalkLeft thing is a gift, really. We are going to have fun with that. Good times.
Mattsmom periodically doesn’t get jokes.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
“It’s obvious that by using the word for the punctuation while not using the punctuation, John Cole’s passive aggressive conduct has come home to roost. While Mr. Cole may not be aware of his scathing sexism, it still most certainly exists. You can almost hear the disdain dripping off the word “period” and plopping onto the floor, right at the feet of Hillary’s honestly-fought campaign.
While I’m sure John Cole will never understand the deeper nature of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, I still demand that he apologize for the damage he intended to do towards the campaign and all women everywhere. I would hope his apology be in the form of a vote that recognizes the plight of women for all known history, but his abstention from delivering a powder-nosed vote for the dollar-store ‘Democrat’ will certainly suffice”
i lawled. hehehe
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Am I the only one who’s noticed that the new Pajamas Media ad (replacing ol’ Fred) that says “Click Here For the Real News”, taking shots at mainstream media, doesn’t include Fox News in the pile? Laaaaaame.
Picture of ad here if it’s not on your screen.
If periods are sexist, then you can kiss my asterisk.
Meanwhile, CBS Sunday Morning highlights ….. Kenny G?
Kenny G is to music as George Bush is to ethics.
You pretty much nailed it. TL are partisans who are quite literally hoping to find something that offends them.
Oh, BTW, the PAA extension expired at midnight last night. What family members do you have left? I think I’m down to my father and a cousin in Virginia. Damn you, Nancy Pelosi!!
Don’t think performing a few domestic activities masks your rampant wymyn hatred!
Broken record time: If you hate a candidate fine. If you’re going to hate a candidate because some of his/her supporters are stupid assholes, either disconnect yourself from the outside world or stop voting. Thanks to the internons there are flame wars in Gnaw Bone, IN over who’ll be the next dog catcher.
And to be perfectly frank, does a man who voted for Bush twice really want to say “All supporters of Sucky Candidate X are just as sucky as Candidate X”?
I’ve had the privilege of working with many successful women and minorities. They’ve all all kinds of personalities and intellectual attributes. I’ve also never heard any of them complain about “sexism” or “racism”. They were all too busy getting the job done.
When I hear a women’s libber level a frivolous charge of “sexism”, or when I hear a white guy drone on about “affirmative action”, or when I hear a race-baiter like Sharpton complain about “racism”, I always think the same thing: “I’m glad I don’t have to work with that whiner”.
This “sexism” narrative is vapid, transparent, and pathetic. Good job proving Senator Obama’s point, BTD. Let’s bring back more hyper-sensitive PC speak, TalkLeft. After all, division has done so much for America already.
Nothing says “I can get the job done” better than playing the victim as soon as things are not going your way.
This presents a conundrum for PETA and other leftists.
Should they show outrage over Bush’s continued failed Afghanistan policy… or do they celebrate that it disrupted the so-called “competition” and potentially saved the lives of dozens of innocent dogs?
After all, if someone had opened fire at a Michael Vick gathering, would there not have been those who would have said, “Good! They got what they deserved for mistreating those poor animals!”?
BTW, “…”… does that mean I’m three times the sexist?
Unintended Irony Division:
Big Tent Democrat only used the word “denigrate” three times during the discussion on TalkLeft.
Just sayin’…
Bob In Pacifica
jake, sometimes it’s difficult to separate the candidate from his/her supporters. And the periodically thing surfaced over at The Left Coaster too. At least there the first few posters laughed at it.
This is the best – a Pat Metheny rant on Kenny G.
Doug’s spoonin’ the 5-alarm with a crack ho?
I was just watching the McLaughlin Group, and they thre up a picture of Hillary at a rally with the caption “Still Bleeding”. Dog whistle!!!
Well, he just nails it.
“Kenny G is not a musician.”
I think pretty much all musicians know that.
Kenny G music is like Intelligent Design. It seems interesting for a moment, until you realize that it is all just nonsense.
Agreed. Except I’ve never wanted to bludgeon I.D. to death with a soprano sax.
(In the interest of not offending anyone, even myself, I will say the soprano sax is the Liberace of woodwind instruments and leave it at that. Yes, you heard me. A FLUTE is butcher than a s. sax.)
Thanks for that. That was cathartic as hell. Fave line:
For all you males who think this is all a big joke, here’s my suggestion:
The next time at work a female colleague or subordinate makes any kind of complaint or criticism of you, don’t address the merits of what she said but instead say that periodically when she’s feeling down she attacks you to boost her appeal.
I’m sure you’ll get lots of laughs.
Read this quickly as Tony and Paulie nailing some broads at the Bada Bing.
Talk Left lost me when they introduced that pompous windbag, BTD. BTD’s jeremiads against anything remotely approaching impeachment of the war criminals was most farcical of all. He’s nothing more than an apologist for allegedly “liberal” beltway elitists. What a chump. More Hillary hackery and unsurprisingly so. Still, at least they don’t masquerade as being fair and balanced; they’re biased and unbalanced. And tiresome. Don’t forget tiresome.
Periodically, John should get someone to clean up his house instead of doing it himself. You need a woman, John.
1. Show me where Hillary has said this was a sexist attack.
2. Tell us what we should do when another man says something we said about a woman is a sexist attack.
I mean, I’m getting a bit confused. Hilzoy (a female) has said the comment wasn’t sexist and calling it sexist is actually harmful because it dilutes the meaning of the word (see Godwin’s Law).
PupTentDemocrat (a male) says it is a sexist comment. Just because. Now, I’m inclined to go with the female’s opinion on this one, but you’re suggesting the male’s opinion is the one that counts.
Dear me, sexism rears its ugly head again.
The Grand Panjandrum
Holy Shit Batman! If HRC ends up as the nominee are her supporters touch enough to take the pounding?
No. It makes you one of them.
Erin go bragh!
The Grand Panjandrum
I hope no one else has linked to this previously, but I found this post at Tech President this morning. If someone already linked my apologies, but it is a fascinating take on Obama and his success.
Please. “Supporters” like BTD will be happy as maggots on road kill. The sense of vicarious victimization they’ll get when the GOP’s ShitSlingar2008 gets up to speed will be better than a year long orgasm.
(Don’t tell anyone, but they’ll be sort of disappointed if she actually wins.)
And since this is an OT:
Congratulations Kosovo.
Here’s hoping Putin doesn’t rip off his shirt and go all Rambo.
A colon? Why do you hate gay men? Or are you attacking women by stacking two periods on top of each other? Either way, it’s incredibly offensive, you insensitive lout.
Tom in Texas
Watch the i’s John. There’s a dot in ’em you pig.
Stolen from a random blog I read:
Jeebus, jcricket. That’s priceless.
Yeah, that’s just about every real man and honest woman on earth you just described there, honey.
But hey, we all know that you are NOTHING if not really, really sensitive.
Give it up, man.
Tom in Texas
or call their plan a ‘fairy tale’. i’m sure you’ll get lots of laughs, gay dog whistle and all.
Perhaps the black Irish.
John Coltrane. Soprano sax. “My Favorite Things.” Nuff said.
To myiq 2 x zero
Stunningly irrelevant to try to distort the inane reactions to a remark made in a political campaign to anything having to do with workplace behavior. And even here the rhetorical flim flam “address the merits” falsely assumes that a complaint or criticism made (by a male, female or transgender worker) inherently has meaning worthy of consideration.
Christ. The sooner the Clintons are gone and banished from our politics, the better. I can’t wait for us to move to the general when Obama is going to clobber McCain.
Last time I checked, Hillary and Obama worked together. Ans now they are competing for the same job.
Do you know what really is “stunningly irrelevant?”
You, and anything you say.
Big Tent Democrat only used the word “denigrate” three times during the discussion on TalkLeft.
Denigrate? I think we’ve found some subtle racism here. Not sure exactly how, but I think so.