Michelle Obama hates her country! Really! That is what all the right-wing blogs have to say, even Captain Ed (how did he get a reputation as a straight shooter when he is just as hacktacular as Red State) and John Podhoretz and the deep-thinking Bryan Preston at Hot Air, so it must be true, because they would never lie! I think Bryan Preston said it best:
How sad. I certainly don’t want such a vain pessimist as First Lady.
Me either! Now what did she say?
“For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country,” she told a Milwaukee crowd today, “because it feels like hope is making a comeback.” “and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change.”
The way these guys on the right manage to gin up controversies over NOTHING and then have it widely repeated and circulated is simply amazing. They are so good at the bullshit, that to read them, they honestly sound distressed. These people need about 12 years in the wilderness, getting it right and proper from an energetic Democratic congress and Democratic President. These hacks, these flacks, these out rage pimps, these phonies and these bullshit artists that took over the Republican party need a jolly good political rogering for about a decade.
*** Update ***
Michelle Malkin Taylor Marsh disgraces herself.
OMG! Scandal! Disgrace! Unelectability! Vote Hillary Clinton!
I honestly think much of the controversy is due to the way the sentence was written. By seperating the phrase about “for the first time”, and the actual reason (“because….”) with a location blurb in between, it completely detaches the opening phrase (controversial) with her expressed reasoning (second part).
IMO, if the writer puts the whole quote together, instead of chopping into two pieces, it reads much more benignly. Of course, that wouldn’t stop the “outrage pimps” (nice coin, John. I’m so stealing that).
Grand Moff Texan
That’s not news.
what has the US done in the past 25 years or so that she should be really proud of ?
Make it 40 years in the wilderness.
Pretty sure there’s no reason to strike out Malkin’s name. While the link doesn’t fit her, I’m quite sure she’s disgraced herself today.
Yeah, wassup with Taylor? Only been a Dem for a few years — was she always this wacky?
wingnuts to iraq
My proudest moment is when Condi and Bush ignored that Aug 6th PDB that read, wait, what was it? “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the USA”.
Or maybe it was Rumsfeld saying Iraq will take “six days, six weeks, I doubt six months”.
Or maybe it was when John McCain said “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran”.
Or when Bush added 5 Trillion in Debt over 8 years. Now there’s something to fill you with pride.
That’s just off the top of my head… doesn’t Michelle think these things are the awesome?
Grand Moff Texan
Why does her blog have a picture of her masturbating at the top?
Yeah, she said “really” proud. That’s an ambiguous word which could mean either “genuinely” or “very”. I assume she meant the latter. But then, I’ve given up Kool-Aid for Lent.
That’s it.
Tonight I am going to donate to a politician for the first time in my life…
I did buy an Obama sticker and button last year when he spoke in Tampa…but that was something like four dollars…and it was a purchase, not so much a donation.
But this time, for real. I am going to go on that damn MUP website and send him some of my cash.
Fuck everyone.
wingnuts to iraq
How could I forget Gitmo and Abu Gharib! I’m so proud of those too!
Spout all the truthiness you want, but she’s going to have to grovel about it really soon. If Barack attempts to defend her, we’ll be hearing about it for the next 9 months.
She might as well been saying nice things about Che or burning a flag for effect with that Hallmark moment.
wingnuts to iraq
Oh and Iran Contra RULED! I swelled up with pride, my heart skipped a beat, when watching Ollie North testify before Congress about selling weapons to Iran. Those were the days!
srv is the worst troll, isn’t he? I demand the Other Steve come back.
The Other Steve
Damnit! I gave up being a pro-Hillary troll too early!
At least Hillary and her spouse isn’t ashamed of her country.
I have enjoyed Taylor Marsh — she’s an articulate, passionate Democratic voice. But I’m loath to go visit her site for a while, and will wait for the primaries to settle. I think once the nomination is settled, and her head clears, she’ll come back to forcefully support the nominee. She’ll certainly support Clinton, and I really think that she will come around to supporting Obama after a time.
But for now, her site has become ground zero for pro-Clinton, and virulently anti-Obama rhetoric (especially in the comment section). I hasten to add it’s as off-putting as the Obama cultists on Kos and other sites who praise the MUP and cast Clinton as Cruella de Ville. Pox on both, etc.
Once this primary derangement is over, we’re all saddling up — together — to beat McCain and elect as many downticket Democrats as possible….
The Grand Panjandrum
Really, I think this statement requires that Captain Ed be put on the “Mock” list.
The Other Steve
Maybe she should get out of her country more and visit our country.
You Obamabots have been getting a free ride for a long, long, time. Like forever. Now we’ll see how your candidate handles a real issue.
And Fox will be making this a very, very real issue.
Billy K
One of the good things about this protracted battle for the nomination is, as a Democrat accostomed to being on the losing side, I’m getting to see who on the Left falls into the “hack” category. I’ve never been so naive to think they were only on the right, but when you’re getting your ass handed to you year after year, it’s hard to see who’s the hack on your side.
I used to at least moderately like Taylor Marsh…at least I never had reason to dislike her. But she really has disgraced herself over the last few weeks.
i didn’t know he had such a reputation. i’ve always seen him as just another sycophant groveling at the feet of President 30%.
Billy K
Yeah. There’s only so much I can do about this crap. One is donate money. MUP got some of my dollars two weeks ago. He’s getting more today.
(The other two thing I can do is complain on BJ and vote in the almost-here-finally Texas Primary/Caucus.)
It’s sort of amusing, in a sick and sad way, how both right wing talk show hosts and a distressing number of Clinton supporters are saying the exact same things this morning.
Well, Obama did say he was going to unite the country
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
I find it interesting that everyone who pretends outrage over this keeps substituting “proud” for “really proud” in their criticism and…err…analysis.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
oh, NOW I get it. “Obamabots” aren’t like “Paulbots”, where every post is about advancing the cause. You just have to _declare your intentions to vote_ for Obama, and thus your an Obamabot.
Because if you don’t give Hillary a 37th chance to punt Mark Penn into the Potomac, you’re obviously prejudiced.
Probably against women.
Ah, Republican grammar rears its ugly head in just two posts…
Yes, I cower at the thought of all those Fox-watching Democratic primary voters changing their vote because of this. In between cowering in fear at Scary Brown People. I keep checking the clock at the Heritage Foundation, but I wish it would show how long we’ve been dead to really make the point…
I repeat. The worst.
Billy K
Well, that’s the problem with scorched Earth, 50+1% politics. When it is time to stand together, how many people Hillary has pissed off will choose to remain seated?
Mock the MUP all you want…
The fact that you consider this a “real issue” pretty much caricatures your own desperation wouldn’t you say.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Simple: relativism. He’s so SPECTHACKULAR, that the one day he takes his xanax and visits normal society, he’s seen as a stand-up guy, and Sully pours Yglesias Awards on him for “being honest”.
No, no, that was good. It’s actually classic irony; it was good of you to remind us.
exactly. was just thinking that m’self when reading the lunatics in Kevin Drum’s comment section. when the conspiracy theories, assumptions of bad-faith, and pointlessly-vicious slurs get turned against other Dems, it’s easy to see who thinks through and who is just a ball of partisan anger, looking for a target to rant against.
fuck Taylor Marsh, whoever she is. the world doesn’t need any more screeching lunatics.
GMA: Could you see yourself working to support Hillary Clinton should she win the nomination?
MICHELLE OBAMA: I’d have to think about that. I’d have to think about that, her policies, her approach, her tone.
GMA: That’s not a given?
MICHELLE OBAMA: You know, everyone in this party is going to work hard for whoever the nominee is. I think that we’re all working for the same thing. And, you know, I think our goal is to make sure that the person in the White House is going to take this country in a different direction. I happen to believe that Barack is the only person who can really do that.
Ah yes, tone. You mean like this?
“I’m confident that I will get her votes votes if I’m the nominee, it’s not clear that she would get the votes I got if she were the nominee.” – Barack Obama
Yeah, I don’t know either, but I do NOT recommend checking out her Glamour Shots in order to learn more.
So? Won’t that just prove its bogus?
Billy K
Whatevs. The country has been united for a long time. I believe you can thank a certain MR. BUSH for that.
But I suppose it isn’t beneath Obama to steal THAT, too. :/
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
god I’m ashamed of myself for that. why oh why did I click “submit”??
Here’s a good His44 gem:
Don’t think that needs any comment, nor does this one:
Billy K
Sounds pretty much on-target. Barack is expanding the playing field. Clinton is narrowing it. That’s their individual strategies. Do you really think Obamacans are gonna vote for Hillary Clinton!?
Oh, shoot, I forgot about OxyCon, eternally engaged in a Quixotic Hillbot battle that only emboldens us to go back and donate more money and I already ordered the pink T-shirt and two bumper stickers and gave money and I don’t get paid again until next week, but I’ll start a tab, ok? Just don’t bring up any more three week-old proven loser talking points, ok?
Fox News Very Real Issue(tm)
I Can’t Believe It’s Not News(tm)
TalkLeft is banning users for chattering?
This shit slays me. What’s the alternative? Vote for McCane? Allow another R to grab the preznitsee, cement the conservative SC for decades to come, and probably start another 1-2 wars?
So a vote for Clinton is worse than voting for McCane, and/or a boycott of the ballot that allows John to win? It’s either your Dem or no Dem?
Nice. Strong. Smart.
Wow…so I went over and checked out Taylor Marsh’s blog and holy crapcakes batman
It’s like an alternate reality over there.
I particularly enjoyed the post where she accused Obama of stealing nuclear non-proliferation from Edwards. For Christ’s sake, Obama campaigned on non-proliferation back in 2004 and co-authored the Lugar-Obama initiative back in 2005.
Is Taylor Marsh really as stupid as she appears, or is this just some remporary primary derangement idocy?
Face, Obamacans are Republicans. They would mos def vote for McCain if the choice is Hillary.
We’re all prejudiced. I’m just prejudiced to vote for a political bitch who knows how to slap Republicans around rather than a sweet guy who gets vaguer ever day. It’s like GW talking about bringing Honor and Accountability back to the WH…
Start reading the comments at ABC if you want to know how _Americans_ feel about her screwup. I’m sure all that hate will work on GE day.
When Michelle gets on TV this week and grovels, I’ll be waiting for your apology.
Ummm, dude, Obamacans = Republican Party Refugees, NOT Democrats. So his statement is correct, they likely will vote for McCain over Clinton, but may vote for Obama over McCain. They may not be a huge chunk of the electorate in November, but every percentage point will count.
Bruce Moomaw
Take a look at Mirengoff’s comment (as reported by James Joyner). Now combine it with David Brooks’ comments on Obama last night . Within two months, the GOP will be portraying him as Bin Laden’s personal bodyguard prior to his Senate run — and McCain, while not actually taking part in any of it himself (heavens, no!) will sit there sadly and knowingly smiling and quietly acquiescing. After all, it worked beautifully for Ike during the 1952 campaign.
One can hope that (A) Obama is as good at biting back as he’s been up to now when really challenged; and (B) the simple, flat-out, factual reasons for voting Dem this time are so powerful that no amount of PR BS can wholly overcome them.
The Grand Panjandrum
Whoa! Marc Ambinder put this up on his blog this morning:
(My emphasis added.)
Don’t forget that Rendell is a Clinton butt boy. Jesus! If Clinton loses she can blame a completely incompetent staff. Now I know why they have been in panic mode.
Billy K
Obamacans are Republicans swayed by the MUP. Mock if you like, but it’s a real phenomenon, akin to Reagan Democrats.
“A real issue?” The candidate’s wife saying something that can sort of be construed as insufficiently patriotic is a real issue? That’s ridiculous. As John’s link to the full quote shows, Michelle Obama is not alone in her opinion here. This is about as much of a real issue as Barack Obama sometimes not wearing a tiny American flag pin.
Ah, the light is shed. If you’re disputing an accusation of being a troll, saying “Fox News will make a big deal about it” is a very weak defense.
wow, this one issue will totally slay obama. trust me on this, his whole campaign is now over.
now, all the idiotic things the clintons have been saying recently, those don’t matter at all. they’re ‘battle tested’.
give me a break.
Billy K
Also, the alternative for Democrats is to stay home on Tuesday.* Which, yes, I may if Hillary keeps up the crap she’s pulled the last week or so. A lot fo people may.
*Disclaimer: I live in Texas, so my votes are always symbolic. If I lived in a swing state, things might be different.
Just judging by the national polls, there are a significant number of independents (and even Republicans) who would support an Obama candidacy but not a Clinton one. It accounts for the fact that Obama handily beats McCain in most polls, while McCain easily beats Clinton.
That does not, however, mean that most Obama supporters would ever support McCain.
Nixon fell to Kennedy for being soft on Communism. Johnson took the Presidency – in part – by invoking nuclear holocaust. Carter got run out of office on the “Omg! Scary Iranian Hostage Crisis!” train. What’s new?
I think at this point any full-blown attempt to Swift Boat a candidate is going to backfire mightily. If some 427 group tries to pin Osama’s love child on Barack’s back, I have no doubt it’ll see some interesting push from across the country. Obama is becoming a national sacred cow in an age when “liberal” isn’t the dirty word that conservatives keep telling themselves it is. And he’s a politician from Chicago. I have no doubt Obama will have the chops to go toe-to-toe with the Republican smear machine.
the missing delegate thing is a cosmetic one. if she wins the votes, she’ll get the delegates regardless.
see here:
and then she can get working on poaching Obama’s delegates.
ODS seems to be spreading. The folks over at No Quarter seem to have a full blown case, which is sad cause Larry Johnson did a great job during the Plame scandal.
Sure, you can do that. I’ll be waiting for Hillary to win the election. Do you want to wait together, ’cause a Quarter to Never could be a long time comin’. We might want to wrestle, just to pass the time.
I liked this, though. Non sequitur of the day:
The desperation smells kind of like…an Iowa cornfield…
Wait — “Obamacans” is the mix of the words “Obama” and “Republicans”? I thought it was the mix of “Obama” and “Americans”. Thought they were Dems. Just like “Obamaniacs”, “Obamargaritas”, and “Obamarxists”.
My bad.
gypsy howell
I think I’ve had my fill of “completely incompetent staff” over the last 7 years. This doesn’t bode too well for what a Clinton presidency would offer, does it?
Billy K
I am very disappointed to see the Plame crew, who I supported and admired, going after Obama. But I’m seeing a lot of Democrats in a new light the last few weeks.
The Grand Panjandrum
Actually its more than a faux pas, it means she has a very weak organization in PA. A state she needs desperately needs. This is just more evidence of a poorly run campaign.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Speak for yourself; I took the goggles off after this country re-elected Bush.
I know Obama isn’t great, and neither are the other three. I’m consciously choosing the bright-eyed kid because bright-eyed ain’t all that bad, and Hillary is not being impressive. Also add on top…
… that you can’t prove this. In fact, it would appear to be the complete opposite, considering she’s still getting befuddled by a supposed light-weight.
You haven’t been listening then. He’s been getting more specific as his campaign feels he’s the front-runner.
You just need to do what myiq needs to do: admit you’re more concerned about punishing Republicans than setting policy.
You see, us Obama voters generally aren’t concerned. Because we understand that anybody that was dumb enough to vote for Bush twice is simple enough to be reprogrammed for the sake of Good.
“At least Hillary and her spouse isn’t ashamed of her country.”
Um … you do understand that there are more than just two choices: “proud” and “ashamed”, right?
POTD. I giggled out loud.
But…but…but…he’s such a paperweight who doesn’t get mean (except when he uses
periodicallyadverbs in his speeches, that mean sexist)….This, like everything else, will only gain traction with the 28% that think he’s Osama’s mole.
While we’re giving money left and right to Obama, there’s an Obamargarita for anyone who can find a Hillbot who sounds like they have a sense of humor and aren’t a complete joyless buzzkill. I realize in these days of Fox News being the “good guys” and “periodically” being sexist, that it’s going to be tough, and that’s why it’s a top-shelf Obamargarita. Grand Marnier instead of Triple Sec. Maybe with a side of Hola Fruta.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
You see, Obamabot, you can’t find one of those, because anyone that supports Hillary doesn’t support Obama. We know that Obama is Eternal Joy. Therefore Hillbots do not support joy, therefore all Hillbots are buzzkills.
I wonder at what point all of this pseudo-shilling for Obama becomes real shilling and we start erecting a news channel designed to propaganize “Obama’s Joy”.
/Obamedia. We report, You get a pony.(tm)
Sorry, John, but it’s true: I don’t know if Michelle Obama is an arrogant, self-centered person, but her statement about being proud of this country for the first time in her life certainly is. What? She’s only INTO America if her husband can be its president? Fuck that bullshit. What a conceited bitch.
Well… right. But I’m not banking on that particular piece of the electoral pie to win elections anyway. Besides, with Yawn McCain running as their designated champion, I wouldn’t be too surprised if the 28%ers slept through this November.
I don’t know if Tim skull-loves kittens or not, but his post certainly shows his hatred of kittens. Oh wait, yes, Tim actually does skull-love kittens.
Uh, were you alive in the 1990’s? The Clintons certainly demonstrated a capacity to slap Newt around.
Uh, no. I’m concerned with the reality of dealing with reps and their media shills over the next term as the economy and Pakistan crumble. Just because I don’t like the adult doesn’t mean I want a “kid” who is running on “change”.
Ah, you mean like they did with the flag lapel pin and not holding his hand over his heart during the Star Spangled Banner. Yes, you are exactly right. Americans obviously care about these issues. You can tell because Obama does so poorly in the polls vs John McCain.
Bobby Boy
I’m sorry but for I have to agree with the wingnuts on this one. What Michele Obama said was disgraceful. Fair weather patriotism is not something to look foward to in a possible First Lady.
Billy K,
Don’t be that surprised. While I thought that what they did to Valerie Plame was completely wrong / illegal and was happy to see him speak truth to power in the run up to the war, the truth is that Joe Wilson is an arrogant jerk. Whether or not someone is right some or many times, doesn’t change their basic personality. He will be a jerk regardless of whether he is attacking Republicans or Democrats.
Explain that nuance to the independents, reagan democrats, ex-mil and Hispanics voting in the purple states next November.
You know, the swing voters.
Chris Johnson
I like that people are calling in to radio shows, irate, ranting and running down lists of things they’ve known about for years that get in the way of being really PROUD of America.
That’s a hell of a good start. It’s GOOD to not be blinded by the sin (look it up!) of pride that contrives to make you ignore real problems with your country. What you refuse to face, you can’t fix.
Now if these people were trying to DO something about these problems all this time, we’d really be getting somewhere. What can we do to turn this MUP willingness to face the reality of our country as it is, into a willingness to fix and reform and repair what’s wrong? Because it’s not going to be done via simply taking a democratic vote of all the most important corporations. There are a lot of interests that are going to lose out bigtime, because they’ve been doing great harm to their own benefit.
You know what I consider unpatriotic? The unabashed willingness to exploit any procedural loophole necessary should the voters of this country decide that they would rather have someone else be their president rather than you.
John S.
Please, keep showing everyone what incredible assholes Clinton supporters are.
Uh, a*hole, take it up with Caidence. I was quoting him.
Good grief, could it possibly be any more obvious that swing voters prefer Obama? Can you please, please, cite to one single source, rationale, or fortune teller other than your own underworked brain to support the idea that Hillary would beat John McCain?
Splitting Image
“You Obamabots have been getting a free ride for a long, long, time. Like forever. Now we’ll see how your candidate handles a real issue.
And Fox will be making this a very, very real issue.”
They may try, but the single worst thing about the Democratic party has been their willingness to jump in the anticipation of Fox News telling them to.
I’m almost hoping they make it an issue and it blows up in their faces. His rhetorical skill aside, Obama is a guy who built himself up from almost nothing to be a viable Presidential candidate, and Americans can be proud of that. When the field has been so full of candidates who were the rich sons of wealthy elites and political dynasties (Kennedy, Bush, Romney), or climbers who latched onto wealthy heiresses to fund their campaigns (McCain, Kerry), Obama really does stand out as somebody different.
This makes me wonder if some people have just walked eyes-shut into a trap. It seems to me that if you actually want to beat the guy, the last thing you’d want to do is provoke him into making a speech about patriotism.
John S.
Hmmm. Perhaps you could point me to the comment by Caidence where he refers to Hillary as the adult and Obama as a kid?
I’m not seeing it.
Thank you for telling it like it is, John. Not just this time, but every time.
See the Obama fanbois are all joining hands.
Saw the clip. What Michele Obama said was just plain dumb during an political election cycle. Not a Macaca moment, but still dumb.
And if the hope transcenders are getting the vapors over Hillary not playing nice, what do you think it’s going to be like in the general? You should be welcoming it as a minor tuneup.
You can bet this clip will be played again later. No, I’m not outraged at her saying this is the first time she’s proud of her country. Don’t think I’ll see her name on the ballot. But it’s not always the smartest move to give ammunition to the other guy no matter how high you can levitate on a cloud of hope and change.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
It was srv replying to me. Play nice, now.
Then, why, oh why, is Hillary fucking up against the lightweight? Perhaps, you’re getting Bill confused with Hillary?
And someday, you’ll have to show me where First Ladies get educated on diplomatic affairs and get constitutional access to all things of the State Department.
Because if you never gave a shit about the Clintons before, you notice quickly that Hillary is VERY late to the game, and Bill is out of it. Hillary didn’t start literal public service until 7 years ago.
Maybe all that First Lady stuff gave her some good experience. But that’s not likely and I’m not banking on it.
All together now: All the candidates suck.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Oh, and reading this, just to keep things clean: I would like to remind srv that there are a bunch of Obama supporters getting their rage on over the possibly-racist use of “kid”. It would be wise to avoid its use, unless you’re looking for a fight.
Apparently, it seems to be fashionable these days to assume the worst of people.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I FAIL for using “kid” and then accusing srv of it.
Sorry srv.
The Other Andrew
I’ve long noticed a pattern in the ideologies of Hillary supporters, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it…now, however, I know what it is. It’s nationalism! Almost seven years after 9/11, we’re still whipping out our patriotism to see who doesn’t measure up, apparently.
I also like the villainizing of nuance. Apparently, we need to resort to boiled-down, Roveish screaming points, because Obama has been spending too much time on complex policy details, just like the Hillary people have been complaining about all along…
Whoever said “patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel” must have had the flag sticking out of every orifice republican talk radio hosts in mind.
Have not read all the posts to see if someone else has brought this up.
I love my kids and I would do anything for them (e.g. immigrate illegally to another country for a better life) but there are times I am not proud of them. There are other times that I am so proud of them I get teary eyed (yes I am a sap). The same is for my country.
I feel sorry for those that cannot understand the difference (or ignore the difference) of love and pride and have kids.
If we are to go by statements earlier made by Michelle Obama’s husband concerning the activities of a President’s consort, Mrs. Obama’s duties will consist primarily of attending tea parties, along with, one assumes, whatever unoffending ‘project’ she may choose to take up. So on this basis we can safely ignore anything she says, I think.
Oh, snap, that’s right! Like that one time, in 1994, when the Clintons pimpsmacked Gingrich so hard that, like,
54 house seats and 8 senate seats just flew right off
Although I suppose I’m just being snarky because I’m so ashamed that Taylor Marsh loves America more than me.
skull-love? Somewhere John Cole is pounding his fist on his keyboard, screaming “that is not how I coined it!!”.
Listening to Sean Hannity demogogue this (for a half hour NOW!!!) is a little like watching DiMaggio in his prime. Just an effortless propaganda meme, waving the bloody shirt with a simplistic homily about America’s place in the world and why tax cuts are great and so is Mommy and Apple Pie.
If Pravda had had a Sean Hannity, the Berlin Wall would still be standing and the Russian people would still trying to figure why freedom and glasnost really meant oppression and a gulag.
This is what they are hanging their hat on…a propagandist beating a very tiny drum? Well, sir, I voted for John McCain in 2000, and let me tell this, this right-wing pandering John McCain is not the John McCain I knew.
By the way, the whole “debate” reminds me of Al Franken’s line. Republican love America like a four year old loves Mommy. Unconditionally and uncritically. Democrats (MUP Dems at least) love America like a grown up. Unconditionally and critically.
Bunch of little thumb-sucking weasels.
Cap’n Ed has a “reputation as a straight shooter” ?
News to me.
Mike P.
Naw, Timb, the citizenry of the Soviet Union were smart enough to know it was all bull. Unlike Fox News viewers, they understood the game that was being played.
Fine point, Mike P.
You know, when I started working, I got used to the kids who didn’t remember whether Vietnam came before or after WWII.
But the ignorance of even the LAST DECADE is amazing to me.
People seem to think the Republican Revolution just rolled right over Bill. I suppose that’s why his positives were still higher than Newts Congress even DURING impeachment. I’m sure that’s why Billary lost the Gov’t shutdown debate… er, no, Newt did.
Whew. Is a troll a troll if they’re a 9th grader and they don’t know any better?
plus C
In the spirit of spinning the living shit out of everything, I propose naming the item; “Taylor Marsh ridicules black woman for being proud of her country”.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
OK, see, until you start realizing and acting like there’s a difference between William Clinton and Hillary Clinton, we REALLY can’t take you seriously.
PAY ATTENTION! BILL gets ALL of the credit for his presidency! Hillary gets NONE! *NONE!!*
She is a lightweight senator from a secure blue state and didn’t even get into the sixties in her first election right AFTER Bill’s administration and AGAINST a lightweight Republican.
Think what you want of Bill. But Hillary is *nothing*. *She’s shit*, until she proves otherwise.
Obama isn’t anything either, but he does speak purdy and his policy is shaping up to mean something.
Obama 1, Clinton 0.
Jebus, on what planet does fox, et al have any credibility anymore? If 50% of the country still jumps at the outrage industrial complex’s bidding, so be it.
It isn’t called the Clinton Machine because Bill is a robot.
And if you love Bill so much, why don’t you want him back in the White House?
Say what you will of Rick Lazio, he was a more formidable opponent than Alan Keyes. Many people did not expect her to win that race, but she worked hard and she did. And if she’s a lightweight senator, than Obama is a featherweight.
Statements like the foregoing weren’t the only thing that shoved me into HRC’s camp, but they certainly helped. I think I’ll send her some more money…..
I agree with Hypatia. I support Obama mostly because he makes people like Cole happy and he makes my Republican father angry at John McCain. I support Obama, because he will win and have coattails. I think Hillary would win too, but she would cost so many votes “down-ticket.”
Nonetheless, HRC would make a fine President and is a good Senator. Caidence’s comment is offensive about the future VP of the US. My God, she has at least as much experience (or more) experience than many Presidents, even if you omit the White House years (Kennedy, Lincoln, and a few others). If you add that she was a player in the White House (with mixed results) advising circle, you have someone eminently qualified for the job, but eminently vilified by 50% of the country.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
/applause/ The only Anti-Obama argument that has made sense today. Well done.
(In case you’re joining late, I’ll restate that my vote for Obama isn’t backed by his experience. He’s just the most attractive model out of a crowd of 77′ Mustangs. Fugly.)
Yes, because having standards is just outright sexist.
Your assumption that my respect is deserved by Hillary is flat out wrong, given that I came too late to the game to give a crap. I don’t care about who the First Spouse is. It’s not a constitutional office, and I don’t vote for it. I started caring about her in 2004 when I moved to Manhattan. She’s been a so-so senator. I’ll vote her back unless Bloomberg decides to run.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Kennedy: 6 years House, 6 years Senate, 2 Presidential runs before taking office.
Johnson: 12 years House, 12 years Senate, 3 years VP, 1 year Prez
Nixon: 4 House, 2 Senate, 8 VP
Ford: Did not run and get elected
Carter: GA State Senate 4 years, GA Governor 4 years
Reagan: CA governor 8 years
Bush 41: 4 years House, 2 years Ambassador UN, 1 year Director CIA, 8 years VP
Clinton: AG in AK 2-3 years, Governor AK almost 10 years
Fuckstick: 4 years bottle fed, 4 years playpen at Chucky Cheese, 5 years Governor TX
Hillary beats Carter and a lab monkey from Russian Space Command. That is NOT GOOD.
Same can be said for Obama, but my point is that they’re ALL worthy of my derision.
Of COURSE I’m not going to add that! You show me what article empowers the Office of the First Spouse to have power of affairs of State.
Anything she DID accomplish was done on the shady side and would be held AGAINST her. Her First Lady adventures are like Cheney saying he’s in the Legislative Branch and thus can keep complete secrecy. Shifty.
Oh, no! Barack Hussein Obama is a secret mole for the Comm’nist Party! Them dirty, stinkin’, filthy Commies!
But that’s OK, it’s probably just a product of mixed-race breeding, according to K-Lo’s Gang of Batshit Insanity.
Oh, yeah, in the GE the Republicans will “go there” with anything and everything. And they won’t simply use Codespeak the way the Clintons do; they’ll be out front and in-your-face with it.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
You can throw Reagan into that pile, I guess. Hillary was a lawyer before all this. Better than being an actor.
Carter got run out of office due to 22+% prime interest rates, near double-digit unemployment, high inflation, and an overall total lack of competence. He was in so deep that when he frantically waved his hand over his head, his fingertips couldn’t even break the surface of the water.
Just for emphasis. Final sentence of that appalling NRO article, if you don’t think the GE will feature “swift-boating x1000″…
“Time for some investigative journalism about the Obama family’s background, now that his chances of being president have increased so much.”
They’re sharpening every knife in their drawer, and stealing the neighbors’ cutlery, as well, in preparation.
Caidence, I wasn’t directly calling you out, because I agree with you re: her White House experience, which consisted of bad advice and bungling healthcare.
I will disagree with you on JFK. He was in the House for two terms (where he did nothing) and then went to the Senate for one term and one his re-election (sounds like Hillary). His “runs for President” involved placing his name in the hat at the convention.
Hillary’s two elections to the Senate, her work for the Childrens Defense firm, and her years as an attorney make qualified.
Frankly, the idea that she was some quiet wife and not a partner and adviser to the President not only sells her short, but sells many first ladies short, all the way from Mrs. Wilson (who ran the country) to Elanor Roosevelt to Nancy’s campaign against drugs and consultations with astrologers, strong men often attract strong, intelligent women who take an active part in politics. Not everyone is Lady Bird…
My real problem was the way you said what you said. Frankly, if Hillary ran on her White House advice (keep the health care thing a secret, exclude the health insurance companies, hide the billing records, stonewall the Whitewater, never talk to the press, etc) she would look experienced in the a similar way to the Bushies, i.e. incompetent.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
This is absurd. They should all be lady bird, even William should his wife make it into office.
I think that a First Spouse running around doing whatever she pleases because her husband is the Boss is disgusting and disrespectful to the people. Who the hell elected her in 1992 and 1996?
If she wanted to do things, she should have ran for office herself, concurrently with her husband. That is how you affect change.
And the idea that a First Spouse doesn’t understand boundaries is an argument against them. You have to learn how to follow the rules. We’ve had 7 years of a president that doesn’t follow the rules. Look what it got us. War crimes, weaken state policy, nuclear proliferation, and an entire subcontinent falling apart. Oh, and a federal surveillance state.
I’m already wailing on Sojourner in this thread for her similar argument. Stop focusing on my “tone”. It’s irrelevant. Does Hillary have good policy? Apparently not, she still can’t figure out “Torture is ALWAYS wrong” despite more than 500 years of jurisprudence.
I get to laugh loudly and whom I want, and I loudly mock anyone that can’t figure out basic historical truths like “Torture is always wrong” and “All men are created equal”.
Lady Bird, I gotta say, was a strong and intelligent woman. In the early years LBJ did treat her like a doormat but by the time of his presidency she was deeply involved in his affairs (business and public, not the other kind) and was among his most trusted advisers.
That’s right. It’s why I don’t pay a lot of attention to the “his wife is great” stuff. Clever a/o ambitious politicians tend to marry women who will be a help and not a hindrance, and even the less appealing political wives tend to get my sympathy because they have a hell of a job.
Good point….
I wish we could cut all First Ladies a little slack on this. They’re expected to subordinate everything in their lives to the careers of their husbands/Dear Leaders, but not to be too involved, or too vocal, or too political, or too active, or too this or too that. (And if political wives don’t want to be involved, they get the Judith Steinberg Dean treatment.) It’s crazy. If a president’s wife has the chops and the inclination, why shouldn’t she take on some kind of policy role as long as it’s out in the open? JFK made his brother the Attorney General, fercryinoutloud. If she blows it (and people forget the vicious opposition to the Clinton healthcare project, it wasn’t all Hillary’s fault), then both she and her husband will get mucho heat for it, never fear.
I don’t feel like registering on her site, so I’ll ask this here…. wtf is she so pissed about? I can’t suss it… her dad and uncle and cousin bob sacrificed in battle for what? So she could personally decide what speech was acceptably American? Clearly the message here is “Michelle Obama should lie like my candidate of choice and put on the jingoistic white-bread happy face so I don’t have to work to solve problems in my community for people who probably had a different childhood than me.”
I can’t get anything else out of this. Touchy. In need of mydol. Who knows?
Okay, I just scanned it again, and I noticed something. It’s like she’s been lying wait for the chance to strike and her trigger finger got all twitchy and as soon her target turned their back she just went all out. So… jealousy? The “what’s SHE doing there” syndrome? Sometin’s going on here below the surface.
Sorry, I call bull***t.
Kerry ran two successful Senate campaigns before marrying Teresa. She didn’t fund any of his subsequent Senate campaigns, nor his Presidential campaign.
Proof that McCain’s wife’s money financed his campaigns? Zero as far as I know.