The 527’s come out to play.
The American Leadership Project has unveiled the first ad, aimed at the same blue collar Dems won over by Clinton’s last attempt. It’s not entirely an attack ad, save for the first sentence:
“If speeches could create jobs, we wouldn’t be facing a recession,”
Yes. And?
You know, that’s not a half-bad ad … except for the very first line.
It starts off sounding whiny and seems a cheap shot, and half the people out there are going to tune out right away.
Plus, that line just makes no sense. “If good speeches mattered, we wouldn’t be in a recession now …” Uh, why? Because George W. Bush is such a gifted orator and even he couldn’t sweet talk his way out of this? What?
This is supposedly an independent ad, but given how shitty the message is, I’m betting Penn and Wolfson were involved somehow.
Why is movie The Warriors stuck in my head?
A request please, when you guys put a video on the post, include at least one or two sentences that describe it.
Sometimes out here we are in situations where can’t play the video. Right now, they’re blocked on the network I am using.
Dennis - SGMM
If Bill, during Hillary’s eight years of White House experience, hadn’t championed and signed NAFTA then Hillary wouldn’t have to work to “end tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas.”
Rewriting history: it’s not just for Republicans any more.
A Different JC
Even though it’s an implicit attack on Obama (talk is cheap) and all about Hillary being the Magic Experience Pony, the end of the ad claims: “Paid for by American Leadership Project which is responsible for its content. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.”
I suspect that this stuff is allowed by our lovely campaign-finance laws… but really? You can endorse a *candidate* explicitly? I thought 527s could only prop up a particular idea or issue and not a name or a party.
Note to self: Drop another 25 to Obama later.
null pointer exception
Not a bad ad.
null pointer exception
and by that I mean, not an attack ad.
In a nutshell: It takes more than speeches to run a country. Hillary Clinton has taken actions that brought jobs and money to struggling communities and Strickland has endorsed her.
My question: Why the hell did it take a 527 to produce such a no-brainer ad?
Tom in Texas
A short description was added to the post
Sorry TZ and others unable to watch the video
And now I’ve got The Offspring stuck in mine. Thanks a lot.
Tom in Texas
And the summations so far pretty much describe my thoughts
And yet, we’re still in a recession? I guess Hillary Clinton’s actions weren’t enough to save us, better go with Obama!
So that was a 527 ad.
Someone explain to me the difference between a 527 ad and an ad paid for by Hillary Clinton’s own campaign. Then, when you are finished, explain why we have campaign finance laws.
As I understand it now, an individual can give $2300 to a candidate for the primary and $2300 to him/her for the GE. Then, that individual can drop a few hundred grand on national TV ads praising said candidate. And maybe throw down a few hundred thousand more to slander the opposition. And then throw down a few hundred thousand more to run an ad telling people how campaign finance laws restrict free speech and are totally unfair.
You know what? Hillary is right. Obama shouldn’t be opting out of public campaign funding at all. Why would he when he can JUST CHEAT!
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I wanted to wait until I got my year-end bonus to drop a huge chunk of change to Obama… but it looks like he needs it now.
Question is, how many donations has Hillary earned for Obama lately? I haven’t been counting.
Every donation will be about $25, at this point.
What is there?
Erecting the ALP
-“Sexist” remarks- (I can’t prove that was her)
Plagiarism tripe
Moving up her speech last night and then letting her supporters trash Obama
”Superdelegates are not second-class delegates,”
Maybe I should toss in another $50 just to mock Sojourner. Maybe she’ll learn that my vote and money still count despite the presence of testicles.
That’s $150. Am I missing anything?
Incertus (Brian)
If I’m not mistaken, however, there won’t be any action taken on this sort of blatant candidate advertising by 527 groups, because the FEC is in limbo right now, since it lacks a couple of members.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
that was supposed to be struck through. For once Preview was being honest. Wish it could be like that more often
True enough. And if speeches could produce healthcare reform, we wouldn’t be sitting here 15 years after the Clintons botched it and still wondering how to get it.
A Different JC
Zifnab – that’s my question too. Does anyone have expert knowledge on this?
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Quote from a previous blog entry:
Mr Furious
It’s a new agency, because the art direction is leaps and bounds better, but the ham-handed first line sounds straight from the campaign.
normally, I’d say that’s a good ad. For last year. This ad does nothing for her now. It draws no distinction with Obama (for all we know he’s doing the same stuff) and the problems we are facing have everything to do with the current Administration and nothing to do with Obama’s speeches.
Don’t worry, I’m sure they dramatically overpaid for this too.
“If speeches could create jobs…”
If wishes were trees the trees would be falling
Listen to reason
Season is calling
Stand in the place where you live…
I bet neither “The Warriors” nor “The Offspring” is in your heads now.
A Different JC
Thanks Caidence. But when it says “ALP will not be legally permitted to coordinate with the Clinton campaign, but it is clearly intended to help her” – I didn’t know 527s could endorse a specific candidate. What is the difference between what ALP is doing and what her campaign is doing. And will it become illeagal if we can unearth one single piece of paper that came from Hillary’s campaign to an ALP person?
Which means precisely diddley squat.
Tom in Texas
I thought the “night shift” ad was pretty good too. It’s pretty clear that Clinton has learned she can’t overtly go negative. I think it hamstrings her, because even if the 527’s and their unlimited cash go all out, voters will inevitably associate the ad with Clinton.
Maybe we should all do what the ad tells us to do. It says how great she was as Senator at protecting middle class jobs, never mentions that she’s running for president, then suggests we tell her to keep working on this.
So, isn’t it saying we should all tell her to remain a Senator? That’s what it sounds like to me.
John S.
A fitting analogy since this was the theme song to Get a Life.
Actually, Hillary may have something in common with Chris Peterson after all…he often did something incredibly stupid which led to him dying, only to be brought back to life by the next episode (a la Kenny from South Park). Maybe she could get more polished like Chris did by going to Handsome Boy Modeling School.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
The difference is that they’re not addressing the actual election.
The literal message in that ad is “Push Hillary to keep doing what she’s doing”. Since it doesn’t literally say she’s running, and it doesn’t even imply she’s running by dragging Obama into it, it’s legally in the clear.
It’s using the same mechanism when a non-profit publicizes a favorable position and a candidate that stands on that position. The simplification of the message is “if you’re interested in supporting this issue, go speak to this person”
In this case, they do the same thing and let your head fill in the blanks. But if you didn’t know shit about the election, then this ad wouldn’t have an effect.
/Yes, the 527 rules are stupid.
A Different JC
Caidence – thanks! That explanation helps: “Since it doesn’t literally say she’s running” It’s slippery. And I can see how it can actually backfire. Sigh.
Nice advert. I’m thoroughly convinced now. Hillary Clinton should be the next Senate Majority Leader.
Tom in Texas
Man Michelle Obama is on MSNBC right now speaking in Rhode Island. There is absolutely no way this bullet point sticks.
She’ll have to get in line. Senator Chris “No, you fucking can’t tap my phone lines and get away with it” Dodd still has my vote.
From John in the last thread
One person stands up, and then another, and another…
That’s all it takes, and that is the lesson of the MUP’s campaign:
It doesn’t have to be this way. My credit card is crying as we speak.
She’ll have to get in line. Senator Chris “No, you fucking can’t tap my phone lines and get away with it” Dodd still has my vote.
Hell and yes.
He’s from a safely Democratic state and has the balls to stand up and fight.
Mine too. But I don’t think I have spent money for a better purpose in a long time.
I was snarking, of course. I think she’d be just as craven as Reid, in truth.
Dodd or Feingold would be good.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
This is a brilliant idea, and much better than this 527 crap
Tom in Texas
I’ve always wanted Dodd and Feingold in a cabinet together. I would trust Clinton to lead that Senate (especially with a decent majority), since the assault from the executive branch would be all but nil. Not sure about the replacement rules, though Connecticut does have a Republican Gov if they nominate a replacement. Reid needs to go ASAP.
Filled with dark curiosity, Z sniffs the Hillkool-aid, jots down her will, sends a last donation to Obama, then drinks deep…
Coming to, hours later, she screams, “You’re ALL misogynisties! All of you! We’re going to go to Texas, then Ohio, then Pennsylvania, YEARRRRGG!”
Tom in Texas
God this was hilarious.
And I fixed it for you, but try to link just one word in your comment. It makes the comment easier to link and quote. Thanks.
I hate you, SenderC. I am not a shiny happy person right now.
null pointer exception
This may be off topic; but the folks at TalkLeft seem to be coming around
does anyone know if the $$ spent on an Obama t-shirt (bought on his site) goes towards the campaign? and does that then count towards my $2300 limit?
A Different JC
Hey Tom, that video you linked to is great! It’s the only time I’ve ever liked Zell Miller.
Also, speaking of duelling, Reihan links to this Cracked magazine article (who knew they were online?!) about the 5 nicest, sweetest presidents in our history.
Speeches create jobs. For speechwriters.
What a bunch of nonsense. Sales create jobs, and salesmen are speakers.
Jobs don’t come from a magical employment factory, they are created when someone convinces someone else to buy, sell, invest, or lend. In the private sector, persuasive speeches are where money for employment ultimately comes from.
Mark Penn’s latest memo explains why MUP is doomed.
The Other Steve
this is funny
I am curious are must of the folks that post here against NAFTA and free trade?
L Boom
I’m definitely not an economist, but I’ll go out on a limb here and say most of the people here are against forms of free trade that decimate the lower- and middle-classes of countries and destroy workplace safety to the exclusive benefit of the top-most of the upper class.
That only sounds like class warfare because it is, and has been for the past twenty years. Only change now is the people on the receiving end of it are waking up to it.
At a guess, the money behind this ad is from donors who’re already maxed out for the primary.
I’m for free international trade to a degree. I just think the current implementation is horrible. There’s virtually no incentive to make anything at home anymore. Should we have free, open competition with China? Yes, definitely. Should we be ignoring our own infrastructure because we can just buy everything overseas? God no!
Hmm, the thought of Hillary with a “gun” in her hand gets Sully silly. Jeez, that dude has issues.
null pointer exception
Obama set to raise more than 36 million in February.
Kirk Watson’s response to his skewering last night is actually pretty good.
I think that regardless of whether we’re Republicans or Democrats, Hillites, Doddoffs, Edwardians, Obamaniacs, Ghoolies, Paulitics, Hucksters or McCainiacs, we can all agree on one thing:
I am pretty sure that it does.
Wow, that’s a nice response — self-deprecating, but on message.
This guy still has a future.
tee hee hee :).
Maybe its the quality of the speeches..and GWB has delivered nothing but craptastic speeches. So by the transitive property, perhaps Obama’s quality speeches could create jobs.
According to the Lauffer Curve, fewer speeches are actually better for the economy. The problem with Bush is that he talks too much. If we cut his speaking, we’d be doing better. Obama speaks more than Bush, and he speaks to a lot more people, so we can only assume that under an Obama Presidency, our country would be sunk.
independent groups funding candidate advocacy ads…
Its 501(c) groups that must be “issue oriented” rather than about a candidate (positive or negative).
as for 527s
527s are also supposed to disclose who funds them, and with how much… and cannot co-ordinate with campaigns either.
Apparently the “magic words” you can’t say are “vote for” or “vote against”….
(and this was far from an “attack” ad…. unless you think that Obama is nothing but an empty suit and a lot of rhetoric.
What is this ‘free’ you talk of, white man?
How sad that the only way you think you can win an argument is by making shit up that the other person never said.
Poor baby. You’re whining again.
Besides, that $50 goes in the pocket of my candidate. You really are an idiot.
If speeches could create jobs then with Clinton’s speeches we’d still be in a recession.
I know you are but what am I?
I’m sure it’s been covered but everyone noticed the lovely words that the Machinists Union Leader (who is supporting Hillary) had for Obama and his supporters when introducing Hillary last night yes?
oh, btw, the ad never actually advocates you vote for Hillary — it doesn’t really even say there’s an election going on.
After mentioning two bills she helped get passed, and her “economic blueprint”, the tag line is “tell Hillary to keep working on these solutions for the middle class.”
The closest it comes to anything about the campaign is mentioning that “economic blueprint”… but the ad makes that about Governor Strickland’s endorsement of said plan.
pretty good analysis on this at the GOS
Dennis - SGMM
Well, at least we know that you don’t work in textiles, apparel, or manufacturing.
The Grand Panjandrum
The 527’s will have little or no effect.
The Obama campaign is an example of 4th Generation asymmetrical warfare. You can read a good article on how Obama is now inside Hillary’s “OODA Loop” in this James Fallows’ blog post.
OODA stands for Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act. To react to changing reality faster than the opponent can, or to interfere with the opponent’s ability to perceive what is happening to him, is to “get inside his OODA loop.” Now that Obama is inside the OODA loop–he has out-thought her and successfully anticipates her every move–when she throws a punch he isn’t there. There’s really nothing Clinton can do. It is too late for her to do anything that works. Her campaign is out-organized and out-thought.
Clinton can muster all the negative campaigning she wants. Obama is no longer attacking Clinton. He now moves past her to face the Main Enemy.
The end game is nigh.
I agree and this bodes well for the GE. Not only is Obama himself smart, but he has surrounded himself with smart people. He’s playing Chess while Hillary has been trying to play checkers.
The Grand Panjandrum
We just have to keep our eyes open and make sure he can actually govern. Time will tell.
Dreggas, no, the Machinists’ Union Leader said something? I was too busy being a bizarre caricature of a liberal to notice. Plus my white-guy dreadlocks got wedged in my ears. And I got whacked in the face by a hacky sack so I couldn’t read about his diatribe. Or maybe I knew all about it but then got extremely high on marijuana, which can interfere with memory.
The above sarcasm is in no way meant to suggest that Phish groupies don’t deserve to have their asses kicked.
wasabi gasp
Obama conducts the orchestra. Hillary plays the Moo Can.
Four footer.
Good work.
ROFLMAO. What’s wrong with Hackeysack? However I agree about the Phish groupies.
Oh. *sad face*
Dreggas, I’m sure it’s a perfectly acceptable way to pass the time if you’re in a group that can keep the fucking thing airborne for more than a second and a half before some dipshit of a fragrant oil enthusiast kicks it way the hell across the quad. What exactly were you trying for, aforementioned dipshit? Mad vert? Fuck you, you bionic-calved PIRG reject. Go choke on a hemp anklet.
I don’t miss being on a college campus in the 90s, is what I’m saying.
Dennis - SGMM
I sure miss being on a college campus in the 60’s. Two words: nickel bag.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
And I thought, after all my hawt romancin’ yesterday, she was going to be my BFF. What a let down.
Also, if Obama is your candidate, why’d you come in here yesterday to bash all the Obama supporters for putting their dislike of Hillary on display?
THAT’S what *I* was going to say to her!! PLAGIARISM!!
Unable to read?
Sorry, Chris, I forgot that you have trouble reading.
I haven’t bashed *all* the Obama supporters. Just the ones who are unable to criticize Clinton without using misogynist language.
I have no confidence that you will understand this but there is a tremendous difference. Here’s an example. It’s perfectly okay for people to not like Barney Frank. But it’s not okay to call him a “fag” or other anti-gay terms. Similarly, it’s okay to criticize Clinton for not playing by the rules, for negative campaigning, or (in my case) failing to show up for a key vote but it’s not okay to call her a bitch.
A Different JC
Wasabi… I had a 30 second steady laugh on that. Whoa nelly. Thanks.
And thanks p.lukasiak for explaining the difference b/w the 501 and 527.
And even though I don’t read the Orange Satan, that analysis of the ad strikes me as correct (what I was wondering about way up yonder). That this is a poorly disguised attack ad.
Anyway, the TPM is linking a Times story about a bimbo eruption for McCain back from 2000. Let’s see how many of these we’ll read over the next few months. Maverick’s got a reputation, no?
God damn it. I’ve tears streaming down my face and I’m having flashbacks to my college days. I think … I think I smell patchouli, tahini and white man dreads.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I’ve noticed that you have very little confidence in many things, like the ability for leaders to shake off pathetic, droll, sexist criticism when they see/hear it. (Wait, maybe its standards I have, not confidence. Our current “leader” is a paleontology subject; he doesn’t really inspire confidence in me)
Oddly, though, you seem to have a LOT of confidence that you can hurt my feelings over the Intartrons.
Nope :P
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
After-thought: I’d still love for you to produce examples of this from this site, because I haven’t seen it.
I don’t have any particular recollection that anyone has been actually unable to criticize Hillary without using such language.
My favorite word for her is “pathetic”, and that seems to be a site favorite, too.
… in fact, sitting here trying to come up with common vocabulary, I can’t remember many direct attacks at all. Most of the discussion on this site has been about rolling our eyes at Hillary’s latest desperate tactic. (“Desperate” is another word for her).
Also, “self-centered”.
Am I ringing any sexist bells? Doubt it.
what, cause back then they actually cost a nickel? back then nickels had pictures of bees on em’. you’d say, “gimme 5 bees for a quarter”.
Pan American
I doubt there are many donors willing to triple down on a campaign circling the drain. They’re dropping the Big Dog into voicemail and getting right with Team Obama. I bet a good chunk of the money is sourced from the Clinton’s with a spin cycle to skirt any applicable campaign finance law.