William Haynes, who wrote some of the most reprehensible legal advice in the Bush admin’s swirling black hole of legal thinking, will not supervise the Guantanamo “trials” after all. Telegraphing that he won’t have any acquittals at his trials might have something to do with it.
“I said to him that if we come up short and there are some acquittals in our cases, it will at least validate the process,” Davis continued. “At which point, [Haynes’s] eyes got wide and he said, ‘Wait a minute, we can’t have acquittals. If we’ve been holding these guys for so long, how can we explain letting them get off? We can’t have acquittals, we’ve got to have convictions.'”
Of course we didn’t permit torture confessions at Nuremberg. In fact I don’t think that we tortured anyone at all. And apparently we had some presumption of innocence back then. But other than that and political appointees constantly interfering with and overruling professional military lawyers you could barely slip a plastic card between Nuremberg and our Guantanamo hangin’ party.
Sure American values won a little victory today. Now let’s see who replaces him.
Rudi Ghooliani’s looking for a job.
Former Texas Chief Justice Alberto “Fredo” Gonzales is available
John Cole
This is where Dug Jay informs us the terrorists have won.
This is some rough shit
You’ll be wanting to read this one John.
From the Asian Times:
Don’t let TZ see this:
Guess I’ll be votin’ Clinton!
Gold Star for Robot Boy
Right. America should continue to wreak havoc on the world, much like a man armed with a sledgehammer, destroying his living room so he can kill that pesky mosquito.
He would know, he’s on their payroll.
Abandon all hope! The Clenis has been overshadowed by the Hagina!
myiq2xu likes pie!
Spengler, first I’ve heard of him. His wingnut meter seems to go up to 11 though.
You know, the term “rough shit” evokes a few images for me, none of which even remotely resemble this breathless piece from the Asian Times. The weird idea that anthropologists resent America is about as far as one needs to go before dismissing the entire thing as tripe. The “public bitch slapping” paragraph puts the whole thing beyond imbecilic and into the perverse.
I absorbed Romanticism early on and D’Artagnon was one of my heroes as a child. But Dumas had distinctly old fashioned views of women and class and I’m not sure that “Cherchez la femme” would be that applicable to the type of person that runs for president. What would one say about the man married to Hillary Clinton?
My take on Shorter Spengler: While lesser wingnuts accuse Obama of hating America for not wearing a flag lapel, I can do it by projecting my own insecurities about independent women like Michelle.
It’s hard to encapsulate in one mere sentence, all the logical nightmares this article has.
Shorter Spengler: Went off meds, equipped tinfoil hat, sits in front of computer, vomits on computer, gets paid.
Perhaps Richard Martin would be a good option.
Only 11? I’ve been accused of unhinged diatribes, but this stuff is rated “Not safe for Obots” Drop that stuff on the front page at GOS and heads would start exploding.
This Spengler writes well witn no misspellings, so he’s not your typical wingnut. Maybe Egon had help from Venkman and Stantz.
The blogoshpere version of Lord Haw Haw?
gypsy howell
In other news, the Gonzales’ Dept of Justice is getting ready to spawn
Shorter: She got JunGLE FEVer!
Time to place your bets:
Pick the month when the fRighties will throw what little restraint they have to the winds and start screaming the N word.
I say July.
In other words, his wife, who has been with him through thick and thin and who knows him better than any other human being, doesn’t have him up on some unrealistic pedestal but sees him as a good person with some flaws? Oh noes!
I don’t care how powerful, rich, successful or gorgeous the man is — behind closed doors, his wife might love him, adore him and cherish him with all her being. But will she worship him as a perfect human being with no flaws? God no. She knows his flaws, and his farts, and the bad habit he has of leaving the milk out, better than anybody.
Michelle’s just the first political wife who hasn’t followed the traditional mold of appearing to always blindly worship her husband. Frankly, I find it honest, realistic and damn refreshing.
protip: “went native” is dogwhistle for “nigger lover”
Is July the over-under, Jake? I’m going with the under.
If President Obama (god I love the sounds of that) so much as raises a constitutional issue in polite company the rightwing will scream like babies. But not a peep right now while our goverment ignores the rule of law. Go figure
Btw, great site.
Kirk Spencer
Let’s see. In his opening paragraph he says there’s no trail to know him. No writings (two books don’t count, apparently), no legislation (Lugar-Obama act? Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act of 2005? everything he started as a state legislator?)
Time for J. Cole to break out the Hola Fruta: Dodd to endorse the MUP.
Holy fucking shit! She’s marrying Krempansky, of redstate.com fame? One can only imagine their children will leap from her womb spouting wingnut talking points with abandon.
We tried people at Nuremburg for the shit we’re doing at Guantanamo.
The Other Steve
That’s ok. The Hong Kong primary doesn’t count.
No, seriously, it really, actually doesn’t count.
Even Hillary isn’t competing in it.
So I guess this is sort of a reverse Nuremburg Trial.
This is bad news for Democrats. If we’re attacked between now and the election, voters will blame Democrats for forcing this Jack Bauer type hero out. If we’re not attacked, voters will praise the Bush administration for its wise stewardship.
The Other Steve
Ok, funniest comment from that thread over there.
“Is Monica really a virgin or did she just forget the last time she had sex?”
It may be malicious, paranoid psychobabble bullshit – but at least he’s a good speller!
Are you and lukasiak in some kind of contest to see who can be the Hackiest Hack in Hackdom?
Too late, the results are already in.
Congratulations on winning!
I see Communist People.
Obamas mom was a COMMIE ANTHROPOLOGIST just like the SHINING PATH!
Man, you know how those left-wing academics roll – always Hizzating Americizza!!
Sorry for getting all conciliatory and friendly and shit, but I think you’re being too hard on myiq2xu.
At best, he admires the audacity of Spengler’s rant, fully acknowledges that it is nutty, and goes on to make a joke about Spengler’s name. Myiq2xu is arguably trolling, but if he agrees with Spengler, it’s not obvious from this thread.
You’re right. I shouldn’t accuse of him of agreeing with an obvious crazy person when all he’s really doing is being a trolling douchebag.
Group hug!
Spengler is AsiaTimes token conservative in a sea of far Left writers. Wiki the name, it’s a nom de lume, to gain a better perspective on the author. I prefer the well traveled Pepe Escobar at the online paper. Malkin’s head would explode if Pepe had more readers in the US.He claims to actually reported from the streets of Iraq without the militaries