The Republican governor, in a visit to Washington for the annual meeting of the National Governors' Association, said the California National Guard is missing about half of its equipment - from humvees to radios. That could leave California at risk in an earthquake, fire or other emergency, Schwarzenegger said.
"It's not fair to the states for the federal government to go into a war and then to take from us the equipment," he said after meetings Monday with President Bush and Cabinet officials. "Every time our National Guard leaves, they take with them equipment but they don't bring it back."
In other news, the president told Schwarzenegger to suck it. “And that goes double to anyone else who complains,” he was heard shouting as he entered the Oval Office.
As a liberal and a native Southern Californian, I have to say that the Governator has created a surprisingly good model for what a state government with wildly different political constituencies should look like. I shook my head in shame when California elected him, but he’s proven a worthy politician since then, in no small part because of his wife, but whatever the reason, he’s one of the good guys now, in my opinion.
Can I write a 2500-word post telling Cole how to properly blockquote a threadpost?
This seems like a surprisingly Girlie Man statement from the Schwartz.
Oh Noes! Teh Terminator don’t support teh troops no mores! The lie-bral Kennedy done turnt him into a girlie mans!
Frankly i,ve lost faith in the terminator he is turning out to be no better then the rest of these liberal political hacks
Frankly i,ve lost faith in the terminator he is turning out to be no better then the rest of these liberal political hacks
Dangs, you spoofs good.
Doesn’t even go into how constant deployments hurt the guards readiness and future.
But good post headline.
So, I guess “fight the over there, not here” does not apply to natural disasters?
Too bad – I was hoping that with the National Guard in Iraq, we could be free of things like hurricanes and earthquakes.
At least our ultra-patriotic flag-pin-wearing leadership is spreading “democracy” in Iraq instead of taking care of basic needs like disaster preparedness here in the “homeland”.
Maybe it’s time we all started wearing Iraqi flag pins on our lapels to better reflect our national priorities.
Maybe it’s time we all started wearing Iraqi flag pins on our lapels to better reflect our national priorities.
Man, that’s a good idea. Bravo.
Bubblegum Tate
I have to say that the Governator has created a surprisingly good model for what a state government with wildly different political constituencies should look like. I shook my head in shame when California elected him, but he’s proven a worthy politician since then
Oddly enough, I agree with this. I thought the recall election was a total crock of shit, and when Arnie took office, he started off following the familiar right-wing douchebag model.
But then, after the horrendous failure of his special ballot initiatives, he did somethign that seems anathema to the current GOP: He took responsibility. He admitted he fucked up, and he even went so far as to change his ways.
Now, he’s actually doing a pretty good job, including his work at balancing the massively disparate demands of the great many political interests that exist in this state. Strange but true.
Schwarzenegger hates America! He dares criticize a victorious policy of Our Dear Leader. Another one lost to the allure of liberal pu–y. Bet they don’t even do it missionary…(sigh)
Basically, Arnie’s a Democrat. In no other state besides NY would he be a Republican. At least when you consider modern day politics. Tell me where anything he’s doing now lines up with anything the Republican party stands for.
The only thing I can think of is that he’s not out their advocating a return to actual fiscal sanity by repealing some of the idiotic tax limitations that are killing California’s budget year-after-year.
I just heard that Obama will be asking Ralph Nader to join his ticket, which will be known as, wait for it:
The ObamaNader!
I think Ahnold is as good and as bipartisan as the advisors he surrounds himself with. And when it suited him, he was perfectly capable of waving the GOP banner big time. Lest anyone forget him standing at the convention podium in 2004, shouting : “George Double-You BOOOOSH !”
I also agree he’d be showing some true backbone (not to mention admitting a mistake) by allowing the vehicle license fee to return to its normal level. I’ll bet he regrets campaigning on an issue that results in a permanent $4 billion hole in the state budget.
Wow, I see that the current cost of the vehicle license fee cut is actually $6.5 billion:
I’ll bet he regrets campaigning on an issue that results in a permanent $4 billion hole in the state budget.
I doubt it. Republicans never seem to regret/admit that artificially capping tax rates at “good sounding” levels is completely at odds with budgetary/fiscal sanity. If you cap a major source of government revenue at 1% growth, and your costs go up far more than that, you will have a deficit.
You can start canceling services left and right, or you can raise taxes. That conservatives barely even pay lip service to the first, and refuse to admit the second even makes sense, shows them to be the party of fiscal idiocy – Governator included.
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In other news, the president told Schwarzenegger to suck it. “And that goes double to anyone else who complains,” he was heard shouting as he entered the Oval Office.
now is northern CA’s chance to split off!
As a liberal and a native Southern Californian, I have to say that the Governator has created a surprisingly good model for what a state government with wildly different political constituencies should look like. I shook my head in shame when California elected him, but he’s proven a worthy politician since then, in no small part because of his wife, but whatever the reason, he’s one of the good guys now, in my opinion.
Can I write a 2500-word post telling Cole how to properly blockquote a threadpost?
This seems like a surprisingly Girlie Man statement from the Schwartz.
Oh Noes! Teh Terminator don’t support teh troops no mores! The lie-bral Kennedy done turnt him into a girlie mans!
Frankly i,ve lost faith in the terminator he is turning out to be no better then the rest of these liberal political hacks
Dangs, you spoofs good.
Doesn’t even go into how constant deployments hurt the guards readiness and future.
But good post headline.
So, I guess “fight the over there, not here” does not apply to natural disasters?
Too bad – I was hoping that with the National Guard in Iraq, we could be free of things like hurricanes and earthquakes.
At least our ultra-patriotic flag-pin-wearing leadership is spreading “democracy” in Iraq instead of taking care of basic needs like disaster preparedness here in the “homeland”.
Maybe it’s time we all started wearing Iraqi flag pins on our lapels to better reflect our national priorities.
Man, that’s a good idea. Bravo.
Bubblegum Tate
Oddly enough, I agree with this. I thought the recall election was a total crock of shit, and when Arnie took office, he started off following the familiar right-wing douchebag model.
But then, after the horrendous failure of his special ballot initiatives, he did somethign that seems anathema to the current GOP: He took responsibility. He admitted he fucked up, and he even went so far as to change his ways.
Now, he’s actually doing a pretty good job, including his work at balancing the massively disparate demands of the great many political interests that exist in this state. Strange but true.
Schwarzenegger hates America! He dares criticize a victorious policy of Our Dear Leader. Another one lost to the allure of liberal pu–y. Bet they don’t even do it missionary…(sigh)
Basically, Arnie’s a Democrat. In no other state besides NY would he be a Republican. At least when you consider modern day politics. Tell me where anything he’s doing now lines up with anything the Republican party stands for.
The only thing I can think of is that he’s not out their advocating a return to actual fiscal sanity by repealing some of the idiotic tax limitations that are killing California’s budget year-after-year.
I just heard that Obama will be asking Ralph Nader to join his ticket, which will be known as, wait for it:
The ObamaNader!
I think Ahnold is as good and as bipartisan as the advisors he surrounds himself with. And when it suited him, he was perfectly capable of waving the GOP banner big time. Lest anyone forget him standing at the convention podium in 2004, shouting : “George Double-You BOOOOSH !”
I also agree he’d be showing some true backbone (not to mention admitting a mistake) by allowing the vehicle license fee to return to its normal level. I’ll bet he regrets campaigning on an issue that results in a permanent $4 billion hole in the state budget.
Wow, I see that the current cost of the vehicle license fee cut is actually $6.5 billion:
SF Bay Guardian
$6.5 billion = $6.15 billion
Any chance of an edit function around here?
I doubt it. Republicans never seem to regret/admit that artificially capping tax rates at “good sounding” levels is completely at odds with budgetary/fiscal sanity. If you cap a major source of government revenue at 1% growth, and your costs go up far more than that, you will have a deficit.
You can start canceling services left and right, or you can raise taxes. That conservatives barely even pay lip service to the first, and refuse to admit the second even makes sense, shows them to be the party of fiscal idiocy – Governator included.