That better have been a helluva focus group the GOP commissioned, because they have their hands full this year:
The state GOP on Monday issued a press release under the headline “Anti-Semites for Obama” that begins:
“The Tennessee Republican Party today joins a growing chorus of Americans concerned about the future of the nation of Israel, the only stable democracy in the Middle East, if Sen. Barack Hussein Obama is elected president of the United States.”
The release cites Obama’s support from Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan and other controversial figures.
Smith said today that McCain’s comments do not change the state party’s stance and the state GOP will continue to use Obama’s middle name. That’s no different than saying “Hillary Rodham Clinton” or “Richard Milhouse Nixon,” she said.
Putrid filth from the cesspool that is the modern Republican party.
*** Update ***
What a disgrace. Here is the piece, and via the comments we learn it was written by former blogger Bill Hobbs. No doubt the Instapundit will give this one a Heh-Indeedy!
Really, a day doesn’t go by without me asking myself wtf I was thinking linking to these folks. They couldn’t have always been this vile.
J. Sidney McCain III. Turnabout is fair play.
John S.
Or John Jacob Jinglehymer Schmidt.
That’s my name, too!
If Barack Hussien Obama loves Louis Farrakan so much, why don’t they go off to Taxachusetts and get married?
Damn you, Shy, I was going to post exactly this.
And you know it’s only a few months before the media begins to use this every single time they mention Osama….er…whoops….Obama.
How many times will that Tennessee tool maintain that Rodham is Hillary’s middle name, before one of his half-wit lackeys can tell him he sounds like a cross between a stroke victim and Sean Hannity?
be sure to check out the TN GOP screed, written by longtime doucheblogger, Bill Hobbs.
Reverend Spooner
If Barack Mohammed Hussein Osama wins the White House, expect Louis Farrakhan to sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom.
On the day that happens, the terrorists officially win.
The Moar You Know
The Tenneessee GOP party motto, “Leaders in Conviction”, is probably going to backfire on them at some point.
Svlad Jelly
Ha! I didn’t even know Nixon’s middle name before now, so fuck you, you GOP anti-Semites!
he’s not a “former” blogger. he’s still very active: 5 posts today, 5 yesterday, etc..
The website actually says, Leading by Conviction, which is almost as good.
Oh yeah, Hillary’s attacks were also focus-group tested.
Good luck, goopers.
All you have to go is go back in your own blog posts and read the comments from Stormy, Rick, Darrell… I personally think they have been. Your mileage may vary.
Mm-hm. And what about the asshats who keep referring to him as Hussein Obama? Shall we refer to Clinton solely as Rodham Clinton from now on? Or McCain as Sidney McCain III? Would that make a whole lot of sense, or would people wonder what we were smoking?
To the people who keep insisting on using (or calling him by) his middle name: grow the fuck up. We see through your cutesy little trick, so stop with the innocent act.
they could say ‘anti-semites for barack’ but that doesn’t fly so well as ‘barack’ is also a hebrew name.
Reverend Spooner
I wonder if Stormy still thinks we should “light up” the Palestinians. I wonder if Darrell still thinks of all Arabs as “cockroaches,” and all Hurricane Katrina survivors as homeless bums living in dumpsters.
No, actually, I don’t wonder. I’m pretty sure not much has changed in the mindset of those two.
Hobbs has always been a capital-A Asshole. i clearly remember him being a disingenuous sleazeball back in the day when i used to encounter him on SouthKnoxBubba’s old blog.
Um….isn’t Rodham her maiden name, not her middle name? So WTF is Smith talking about, trying to draw that analogy?
In both instances, he’s acting like an idiot.
Yep. Because we know the Tenn. GOP really gives a flaming fuck about Jewish people.
Do they really want to play the “Who has the biggest anti-Semite in the woodpile”?
Oh well.
Yeah. From the linked article:
An estimate I found online has it that Jewish voters went 77% for Kerry, 22% for Bush in the last election. It’s funny how the anti-Jewish left actually contains a great many Jews.
Grand Moff Texan
Same white trash who did this to another black Democrat.
What do you expect? It’s probably that extra chromosome thingy, they can’t help it.
I have never seen an organization as petty and incompetent as the modern GOP. This is not just racist, it’s pathetic.
I sincerely hope that the GOP continues using this tactic into the general election. It might rile up the toothless hicks that comprise the 28%, but it will turn off moderates in droves.
The only thing about it, is this kind of filth has worked in the past. I hope it won’t this time but it seems a majority(however slim or is that slimey) seems to eat this crap up and vote accordingly.
Lone gunmen assassins, they always have three names. John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, Mark David Chapman…
Then of course, there’s Sirhan Sirhan. I still haven’t figured that one out. Maybe it’s Sirhan Sirhan Sirhan, I don’t know.
Seriously? Where do you think the whole “hates America” thing comes from? It may be snarky mocking, but it was rooted in tried and true fear mongering and race baiting seven years ago. And you have to remember the reaction to your own ‘come home’ moment. How instantly were you branded a traitor to the United States?
But, let them keep playing their cards, John, and watch as the real, patriotic America says, “Enough!” It’s gonna be good.
Uh, yeah, what Andrei said.
Yes, they have always been this vile. I can’t believe that anyone who is anti-vile couldn’t have seen it years ago. You have no idea the depth of hate-filled shit that comes from that cesspool called the right wing of the GOP. Why do you think we yell it about it so much?
But really, those folks are mild compared to the real crazies out there who infest that party. We only despised these posters because they defended the crazies, not because they WERE the crazies.
“Crazy” is a real thing with real consequences. We ain’t makin’ it up.
They’re “phony” Jews.
I’m in a good mood today, so I’ll take this seriously: intent matters. (Wait, I forget, what’s the politically correct stance on semiotics?) Using the middle name or married name of people for no reason, or for clarity, or out of habit or formality, is fine. Using a person’s middle name or married name with the intention of associating them with a justifiably reviled figure is not fine. Especially when the name is rare enough, and the reviled figure well-known enough, that the association is impossible to miss. (For this reason, I never felt particularly guilty about calling Governor Romney by his first name, Willard.) This has been a public service message for the benefit of Republicans everywhere, some of whom I could genuinely believe are not aware of this.
Actually, “Sirhan” is only his middle and last name. His true first name was the Arabic equivalent of “Elmer”, which he disliked and dropped from his name. He realized that if he ever had any chance to do anything historic in his miserable life, he didn’t want to be remembered as “Elmer Sirhan Sirhan”.
Dennis - SGMM
I heard that Obama took his Senatorial Oath of Office with his left hand on a copy of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
I think we should approach this as you would any boil that has been lanced.
The filth that’s gonna come out and the smell are both beyond noxious but we’ll all feel alot better after it’s over.
They will not be able to help themselves, the code words aren’t gonna cut it. Focus groups won’t help. They don’t wanna hide anymore.
Yeah you’re only hearing from the ones that can type. The only ray of light in this bizzare thing is that the center of white anti-semitism in the past was the KKK-era South. Likud and the rest of the neocons don’t realize what a tiger they’ve made this Faustian bargain with. If the shit keeps coming from the Heart of Dixie, then the virus can be typed by the nation’s immune system and smothered.
As another ex-boob I think they were not always this vile but were definitely more vile than they let on at the time.
9/11 took the cork off a bit, but since between 2001-2004 they thought they were “winning” at both at home and abroad, they were able to stifle their hate. However, since then, as public opinion turned against them and their favorite policies, they have not only lost the ability to stifle themselves but have become more frustrated at our inability to recognize their brilliance and inherent rightness.
So what happens when we have candidate “John Douchebag Smith”.
Tim F.
It reduces the number of people who have to go through life with an assassin’s name.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
ooh ooh ooh!
Is it possible that the Republican party are going to flame-out the “only anti-semites criticize Zion” meme before they bite the dust?? Can it be??
And all over someone who’s more pro-Israel than the average Dem?
I always thought it was because they wanted to be as specific as possible when identifying someone as a killer. You know, so Mark Scott Chapman doesn’t have to say to his co-workers all the time, “It was a DIFFERENT Mark Chapman, ok?”
John Cole
My uncle lives in Atlanta and his name is Eric Rudolph. That was good times for a while.
Yeah! Joeseph McCarthy! Fuck that guy! His first name is the same as Uncle Joe Stalin! And fuck that terrorist symp General Omar Bradley! His momma is Taliban leader Mullah Omar! And fuck Ann Coulter! ‘Cause her job is the same as name of the leader of North Vietnam during the war!
Yeah! Fuck that Gaydolf Titler!
But why would the real Mark Chapman be out of jail, slinging mortgage papers or making Blizzards if he was the real killer? Why would anyone have this retarded thought that their co-worker may be some notorious gunman?
I’m reading that Bill Hobbs wrote the article and quoted himself in it, right? Thats some fine investigative journalism right there.
Fortunately 9/11 changed everything. We now know that people who blow up pre-born womb infant murder centers and teh kw33rs aren’t terrorists.
They’re Diamond.
Also, his toilet paper is pure gold pounded till its just a few atoms thin.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Helll-ooooooo?? He bombed the OLYMPICS. On OUR SOIL. He was just bombing aliens and pakis, and probably a couple lead-toy-makers. He’s the nephew of a HERO; get him a medal!
I nominate John Cole for to be Chairman of the Senate Abortionists-are-all-Stealth Muslims Committee. It’s what we do with Americans of Patriot blood.
I just heard Bill Cunningham on NPR, defending his use of Barack Hussein Obama [D – Scary Muslim] in a speech to rile up a crowd for John McCain. What a contemptible piece of shit. Not because of the use of the middle name, but because Cunningham says he uses it to honor Obama, in the same way he’d say “John Sidney McCain” or “George Herbert Walker Bush”. Uh, yeah. He also says McCain threw him under the Straight Talk Express bus. I think someone that stupid might just have been run over by accident.
Maybe because when it first hits the paper, they’re looking for Person of Interest Mark David Chapman, or they’ve arrested someone, etc., etc., and Mark Scott Chapman’s relatives get freaked out. That doesn’t really explain why I don’t know Eric Rudolph’s middle name. I don’t know, I do admin law, ask myiq who allegedly does criminal.
They couldn’t have always been this vile.
Certainly possible, but they’ve certainly allowed themselves to become this vile… personally I blame the loyalty oaths.
grumpy realist
Well, at least with the three-names-per-assassin there does seem to be some dim awareness in the MSM that maybe not all people with the same name are the same person and maybe they’re trying to at least narrow down the identification factor.
Homeland Security and their watch lists for air travelers still haven’t managed to figure this out, unfortunately…..
Sometimes when looking at the surrounding stupidity I’m surprised the US has gone on as long as it has.
The Other Steve
I think Democrats make a mistake responding to this as if having a middle name is a bad thing.
I say bring it on.
I just heard Bill Cunningham on NPR
yeah, and then they ran a story about “Is Obama really a closet Muslim anti-Semite???!!”. stupid fucking humanity.
Jen, will you write the essay answer for the Judicial Review portion of my admin eaxm (in early May). All of the skidmore deference and Chevron two step has me confused, annoyed, and bored.
Also, if you can get me a job in Indianapolis when I graduate in a year, then could you do that AND ignore the first paragraph of this O/T post?
Did you know that the author’s full name is Bill Adolf Josef Osama Hobbs? It’s true!
But he doesn’t say “John Sidney McCain”. He says “Juan Pablo McCain”.
And, as if anyone would think otherwise, Rush Limbaugh defended Cunningham 100% and used the occasion for another spittle-spewing attack on McCain.
Cunningham says he may return to the fold IF McCain apologizes to HIM; but McCain’s lost his vote and the votes of conservatives like him. Oh, well, the racist vote disappearing may offset the 1% of the Dem vote that will go for Nader…
In 2006, when I was new to the newspaper where I now work, I wrote an article about this guy who was opening a store/restaurant. He was of Lebanese descent, but had grown up in this town and spent almost all his life here. He goes by the nickname Sama, which I could never quite place. Maybe I wasn’t listening or there was background noise when that came up in the discussion. I had to call him back just before submitting the article and I asked his name again. Guess what it is.
Digital Amish
Hah! Worried about Supreme Court appointments in the next 4 years? Activist judges, strict constructionist, liberal activists, conservative literalists? Forget it. With President Barack Hussien Obama it’s Sharia Law bitches!!
Digital Amish
Come to think of it … that should be something the nutters could get behind, isn’t it? Abortion, homosexuality, gay marriage, no worries.
Well… considering Sully proclaimed the lefties a fifth column and he’s one of the sane ones.
They haven’t always been that bad – only since 1964. Before that both parties were that bad, probably with the nod given to the Dems for being the worst.
The internet really allows us to poke and prod in every dark orifice, doesn’t it?
I remember it from the news. They used it for him as well.
another john c
This whole situation is like a 9 year old kid who figures out that bitch can refer to a female dog, and then gets the occasional rise out of people when he uses the word. It’s just kind of silly.
I don’t think you have room to talk, aren’t you the one who used a four letter word that starts with c, ends with t and has u and an n in it?
Right now they insist on referring to him as:
Sen. Barack Hussein Obama
Soon they will switch to Sen. Barack the black guy Obama.
Always including his middle name, though subtle for them, reeks.
How sad. There is a boy at my school named Osama. Apparently a couple of years ago he went on a well-deserved rant “it’s a name! get over it!” But now he has succumbed; his nickname is “terrorist.” Very fucking funny. Fwiw I have ~5 Republicans in my Gov classes out of 68 students. As this primary season has shown, Democrats aren’t exactly above it all, either. But nor are we the TN GOP, not by any stretch of the imagination.
The majority of American men have middle names. It is simply a convention to identify notorious murderers by their full names. John Hinckley, a failed assassin, is not generally known as John Warnock Hinckley, Jr.
Notorious women killers don’t always get the full name treatment. So it’s just Aileen Wuornos, and not Aileen Carol Wuornos.
Sirhan Bishara Sirhan
I heard the interview as well. That Cunningham and his ilk are still riding the McCain hate bus may prove to be the key to defeating the GOP smear machine.
There, I said it.
But at least you restrained from using his middle name: “Mittens”.
It’s that a unit of wizard currency?
I’ve heard some right-wing radio hosts and other talking heads already throwing a Mohammed in there for good measure (Barak Mohammed Hussein Obama). Soon they’ll drop the Barak and change Obama to Osama, saying it’s close enough.
Again, did you know that Obama’s married to a black woman? And has two black babies?
I also heard that he left the country on a couple of occasions, likely to visit terrorist training camps. We know this because the GREATEST PRESIDENT EVER (GW BUSH) never left the country, like a good American.