Josh Marshall makes a funny:
Can we ignore Sen. Obama’s silence about Muammar Kaddafi?
We know that Louis Farrakhan has said positive things about Barack Obama. And he’s not the only one. This is the same Louis Farrakhan who has travelled to Libya to meet with and say positive things about Kaddafi, who has long-standing ties to terrorism. And that’s not all. The former pastor at Obama’s church, Jeremiah Wright, has not only said positive things about Farrakhan. In the 1980s, he went on a trip with Farrakhan to … you guessed it, Libya, to meet with Kaddafi.
***(ed.note: A distressingly large number of readers weren’t clear that this post was satire. But as long as we inhabit the same universe as Tim Russert, can we blame them?)
Apparently Bill Hobbs, he of the Tennessee GOP, didn’t get the joke:
Questions for Barack
Widely-read and influential liberal blogger Josh Marshall has some questions about Sen. Barack Obama, Louis Farrakhan and the Libyan dictator Khaddafi.
Dumb. As. A. Sack. Of. Hammers. And nasty, too.
GOP: Generating Outrage, Perpetually
Mike S
Reminds me of Delay using a Colbert Report clip that “supported” him.
This morning I was watching FOX news and the host, a blond bimbo, was saying the only important thing was keeping us alive. And McCain was the only person who could keep us alive.
Tim F.
The dry bones of Alexander Hamilton just turned over and wept.
Tom Hilton
I think you underestimate their dumbitude, John. I think they’re actually dumb as two sacks of hammers.
Hell, maybe several sacks. I dunno.
Dennis - SGMM
The MUP transcends Kaddafi’s punk ass.
Jay C
But unfortunately, also simple, to-the-point and memorable. Like an annoying commercial jingle. Sen. Obama (should he get the nomination) better have a Class-A-Goddamn good campaign in the works: ‘cuz stupid shit like this is going to be a staple of the Republican efforts from now til Nov. 3.
Not, of course, (I’d imagine) from the “official” McCain campaign: St. John the Maverick, naturally, will take the high road and spend a lot of time denouncing the racism and Muslim-baiting crapola – but it will be there: working for his benefit.
I was disappointed with Obama’s answer. it would have been a good opportunity to point out the raging hypocrisy of the right wing/Christian zealots who pounce on anything said about Jews but who routinely pour out the worst anti-Muslim bigotry.
Anyone familiar with the history of the Nation of Islam and the story of Sufi Abdul Hamid in particular will understand that the Black Muslims are much more than the cartoon caricatures they are made out to be. Sufi Abdul Hamid’s story was first written up by Black modernist Claude McKay; Malcolm X knew it and the Nation never forgot it.
Sadly, satire and spoof have almost become too dangerous to engage in right now. We could put out the most ridiculous, absurd, laughably batshit-crazy meme about Obama or Clinton — something that nobody with a functioning brain would fall for in a second. And not only will the right-wing-mouth-breathers not recognize that it’s spoof, they’ll leap on the meme, repeat it as a Known Fact(tm), and then exaggerate it beyond anything the original satirist/spoof would have imagined, and use it to spawn even more Known Facts(tm), which unfortunately, seem to somehow find a toehold in the media.
Spoof makes those in the know laugh, but right now, it’s also serving to feed the beast.
Dennis - SGMM
Not “Terrorist-loving, cheese-eating, Merlot-swilling, surrender monkey, blogger Josh Marshall?”
Not “America-hating left wing blogger Josh Marshall?”
These people are as shallow as they are stupid. They are the five dollar stand-up of political prostitutes.
I’m worried about the media picking up on the rumour that Obama has one, possibly two black children.
Barack Hussein Obama has been endorsed by noted leftist agitator Lorne Michaels, who produced this video.
Senator Obama has never denounced Lorne Michaels’ violent, racially polarized, angry vision of America. Senator Obama has never rejected Lorne Michaels’ radical white-people-killin’ agenda. Why? Because Senator Obama shares that vision, and that agenda.
I think it’s time Barack Hussein Obama came clean with the American people.
Dug Jay
Hmmm. While some of Obama’s anti-Semitic acquaintances may not be too great a problem, the legs on the Rezko scandal keep spreading and are sweeping up the Illinois governor, and some Chicago media are saying that next up may be one of the US Senators from Illinois, presumably Durbin since Obama has already been fingered.
Olbermann just said, on his show, that at this rate they will run out of insults by April. Well we could hope that’s the case.
Matthew Dessem
Just posted this comment to Hobbs’s site, though it’s unlikely to be approved:
Widely-read and influentual Tory pamphleteer Jonathan Swift has some questions about Irish infants, free markets, and cannibalism.
John Cole
Guess what didn’t appear in that story at all.
The name Obama.
Next troll, please.
t jasper parnell
I suggest that someone make a list of every world leader McCain ever met, or McCain’s pastor ever met, or McCains dog ever met and insist that he both denounce and reject them. I, for example, recall McCain embracing a world leader who imprisons citizens without due process, engages in warfare with out legal or moral justification, leaves his cronies to loot the country’s treasury, and seeks and sought to subvert the both the rule of law and the constitution.
the best part of all of this six-degrees-of-evil-muslims stuff is that you can actually tie Bush to islamic terrorism in less steps. bush > bandar bush > bandar’s giant family of crazy weirdo wahabbi madrassa-financing terrorist-backing bajillionaires. why isn’t anyone making that point to Russerty gassbags on the air? or in print? do I really have to wait for Frank Rich to put my thoughts in words that scan better?
That post was oddly erotic.
OH NOES. You’ve done it now. By tomorrow the Malkin will pick this up and it will be all over the winger intertubes. More psycho madness to come.
I should go on an internent search, but I swear that just before the NH primary Chris Matthews interviewed John McCain and McCain mentioned that he had ‘sat down’ and talked with Al Qaeda leaders in Iraq on his last trip.
Will McCain repudiate Al Qaeda?
Barack Hussein Obama has been endorsed by noted leftist agitator Lorne Michaels
well, he had to say something after Tina Fey’s brilliant Weekend Update “special comment” that ended with “Bitch Is The New Black”…
Because anybody in a position to make that point to the Russerty gassbags on the air also go to the same barbacues, cotillions, country clubs and fox hunts as Bandar Bush and Timmeh.
Wouldn’t want to spoil the atmosphere over canapes and white russians with a few little inconvenient truths now.
I genuinely wouldn’t put it past them.
I prefer “all foam, no beer.”
Bill Hobbs is so fucking stupid he makes RedState look like Crooked Timber
Now that you mention it, I don’t recall McCane denouncing and rejecting Bob Allen.
Now of course McCane might say he had no idea the co-chair of his Florida campaign was into giving guys head in the head, but how can we know for certain?
I say, feed it. It’s in a self-destructive mode now.
Let the crazy just build on itself. I think it works for our side.
Feed it, keep feeding it.
Dennis - SGMM
McCain’s campaign tapped a stinging rebuke to Allen.
On the other hand, not a word about Congressman Rick Renzi (R-Ariz.), state co-chair for John McCain’s Arizona leadership team, who was indicted on charges of “extortion, wire fraud, money laundering and other charges related to a land deal.”
Conservatively Liberal
Fixed for accuracy.
The wingnut mouthpieces have been reporting lies as fact for so long that they can’t stop. Now it is to the point that if you say something snarky that they consider fact, it is reported as fact. Teh st00p1d hertz!
Shame on you, John. Hammers are useful objects and if you’ve ever tried to drive a nail with a Wingtard’s head you’d … Oops, said too much.
On this we agree. Nothing could be better for Democrats than Republicans becoming the party of Idiocracy (“Republicans. They’ve got what plants crave”)
Well, the only thing better would be a positive articulation of why reasonably progressive taxation and liberal social safety net programs are good for America. But that’s a pipe dream.
For now I’ll take Republicans continuing to alienate vast swaths of voters and ruin their candidate pipeline for 10-20 years over nothing.
I don’t know, I sense that the willingness to be led effectively in that direction is there. Look at how Bush’s crusade to ruin Social Security crashed and burned on a strong lack of public support. Every time he tried to sell the idea, more support ran away from him
People want the scheme to work, and they want government to make it work. They just don’t know exactly how to convey that message to the political machines.
The reason why I am a huge Obama supporter is because I think he changes the dynamics of these things. He stops the crazy, because, one, he isn’t crazy, and two, he doesn’t let the crazy make him afraid and start making shit up or triangulating eveything. I don’t expect him to be perfect, but I think he can rearrange the dynamics enough to make it possible for things to get done.
Wherever the truth needs bending …
whenever a bar needs lowering …
when the stupidest you’ve got just isn’t stupidest enough …
The Freepers Will be There.
I don’t know – without any help from spoofers, wingnuts turned Obama into a gay coke-snorting radical Muslim commie who attended terrorist school. Within a few weeks they’ll probably be reduced to trotting out bestiality and possible Anti-Christdom. Frankly I’m afraid all of the crazy is going to be exhausted before spoofers can even tap it.
According to Mark Penn (via DKos):
Is it just me, or does this sound exactly like the horseshit we see here every day from lukasiak?
Dennis - SGMM
It’s been my experience that when someone prefaces a statement with “every schoolchild knows,” they:
A)Don’t know any schoolchildren and
B)Are talking through their ass
On the other hand, this is good news for Hillary. Maybe when all of those schoolchildren reach voting age they’ll sweep her into office. If Senator Methuselah thinks he has a shot now then maybe she’ll have one in the future.
Bob Somerby sounds the warning that Obama will be “Dukakised”:
I was too young to pay attention to politics back then, so don’t know any of the back story except that Dukakis was “done in” by the Willie Horton add. How was that race different than the Gore and Kerry races, and how much of a chance is there of Obama being “Dukakised”?
That freeper link is a special kind of stupid. But they always were, weren’t they?
It’s a bit old and the images are going stale, but it’s still a winner:
Warren Terra
You don’t have to worry until we get the inevitable allegations that he has fathered a white child out of wedlock.
LOUIS FARRIKHAN is the leader of the radical NATION OF ISLAM he is a extremists himself and anyone he supports is bad news for christian america
Dukakis had all the charisma and good looks of an eggplant. As long as Obama can resist the urge to jump in a tank wearing a goofy-looking helmet, I think his campaign will go considerably better than Dukakis’.
Conservatively Liberal
Shorter Birdzilla: SQUAWK!
Yeah, and that’s why we should ban Jonathan Swift’s work for the next several months. Who knows? Somebody might catch Obama reading _Gulliver’s Travels_…and it’s just a small step from that to _A Modest Proposal_.
And while we’re at it, we should ban Mother Goose — if you want subversive satire, you can’t do better than that. And that Aristophanes? Have you ever *read* _The Clouds_? _Lysistrata_? ZOMG — women withholding sex to stop a war? I’ll bet the Hildeb*tch would do that!
Spoof, satire, and caricature are three of the great pillars of activism. They’re deadly for two reasons: first, because they slip the bitter message in with a laugh. Second, though, if I’m making fun of you, and you use my thoughts approvingly, then you’ve just opened the door to me saying even more outrageous things in your “support”.
Some of my best friends are eggplants. That’s a vicious slander.
I am sorry to have to tell you that my cat has eaten BIRDZILLA
Dukakis isn’t like Obama. First, Dukakis was quite lacking in charisma and inspiration. ‘Nice’ isn’t really the first thing that comes to mind with Obama, to be honest. The Horton thing was bad, but was REALLY bad was the debate question when faced with the prospect of his wife being raped and murdered, Dukakis gave a very unemotional response in opposition to the death penalty.
After 8 years of Reagan who had very good stage presence, it was horrible. The ideal answer would have been to say that he’d want to kill the motherfucker with his bare hands and then explain why death penalty is indistinguishable from revenge.
But the situation was very different. Reagan was in some trouble, but there wasn’t anywhere NEAR the kind of outrage against him as there is against Bush. And Obama can take a hell of a lot of damage before it overcomes his abilities. Dukakis simply didn’t offer much and the nation wasn’t really looking for much, so substance really wasn’t that critical. That Bush only lasted one term is reflective of how unimportant the 88 election was.
Dennis - SGMM
I was in my late twenties during the Bush/Dukakis election.
Willie Horton was a convict in Massachusetts, serving life for robbery and the stabbing murder of a gas station attendant. The state had a furlough program for prisoners (Ironically signed into law by Dukakis’ Republican predecessor) and while Dukakis was governor, Horton was given a furlough. Horton went to nearby Maryland where he committed rape, aggravated assault and car theft. He was subsequently sentenced to two life terms plus 85 years by a Maryland court. Lee Atwater (May he still burn in Hell) decided that then-candidate George H. W. Bush should push the story hard and Horton’s name was mentioned in almost every one of Bush’s campaign speeches.
That and the infamous Tank Picture, combined with the fact that Dukakis had all of the charisma of a sea sponge did him in.
Times have changed, at least a bit, and I think that the Republicans will have a difficult time “Dukakisizing” Senator Obama. His riposte to Senator Methuselah’s “I’ve got news for Obama…” remark shows that he’s far less likely to be mousetrapped. Not that the Repub’s won’t try; they certainly can’t run on Bush’s record of achievements.
I bet he loves the Houyhnhnms section. Because he’s totally into bestiality.
You’re right, it was a low blow. I’ll use something from the squash family next time – everybody hates those bastards.
They are the natural enemy of the Potatoheads.
What really scares me is how they take it all in stride, like OF COURSE Obama supports a Libyan terrorist regime. You can’t just be born with that sort of stupid. It’s the sort of one-in-a-million stupid that needs to be recognized at a young age so the aspiring idiot can be tracked into a special kind of honors program for stupid. Special care must be taken to nurture this gift, this world-changing amount of stupid, so that it can grow and flourish without facing the withering condemnation of the ordinary and mundane. With the proper engagement and encouragement, the aspiring idiot will eventually emerge from his shell and take his true place in society … as a freeper.
Dennis - SGMM
I think that we should have a moment of compassion for all of those villages who will be missing their idiots this September 1-4.
What gets me is that the conservative wingnuts are so fixated on the idea that radical Muslims must be painted as our permanent enemies, and that Obama is either a stealth Islamofascist or to weak to oppose them, that they cannot consider any other possibility.
On the other hand, while the M.U.P. may not (yet) transcend all national boundaries, it seems to me a good thing if some Muslims are moved from shouting “Death to the Great Satan, America” to pondering an America that might elect Obama president. Consider this little nugget from a recent NY Times opinion piece:
The full article can be found here: Go Back to Black
Dennis - SGMM
Interesting article, Brachiator. Thanks!
What I want to now is who is supposed to be Senator Methuselah’s running mate because THAT is who is going to end up running the country if, on the off-chance, Senator Methuselah should win.
The magnitude of stupid is magnified 10x over in my mind that these worshippers of authority can’t seem to grasp that if Obama did have terrorist ties of the WEAKEST kind that the FBI/CIA would be on him like stink on shit.
I mean, we have 917,000 people on the terrorist watch list, and Obama isn’t one of them. Either he’s the greatest terrorist ever, or the DHS is the most incompetent organization ever (stop laughing), or the wingnuts are just absolutely batshit crazy.
Tax Analyst
I’ll pray for your cat tonight, TZ.
With any luck BZ’s digested remains will come out the other end without harming kitty’s inner workings…it’s really gonna stink up your place, though.
Foghorn Leghorn said it best: “About as sharp as a sack of wet mice.”
Nice one, Mary! Or as my old daddy used to say, “No dumber than a brick, but not a lick smarter either.”
By the way, John, Olbermann said tonight that Hobbs and company have backed away from their stated intent to use Obama’s middle name all the time. In the meantime, some idiot radio commentator from Pittsburgh? Cincinati(sp)? used “Barak Hussein Obama” three times in introducing John McCain who then said he didn’t know the man and didn’t like the way he was introduced. Turns out McCain had met the guy a couple of times and McCain’s campaign specifically asked the guy to introduce McCain. Oops!
Actually, anyone who didn’t see Olbermann tonight really ought to go to (someday I’ll learn how to imbed a link) and click on “McCain and Obama clash over Iraq”. I swear I nearly stood up and cheered right here in the living room. How long has it been since you’ve seen a Democrat not only stand up to a Repug, but slice, dice, and fricasse him? It’s great!
Goseph Gerbils
ThymeZone Says:
If they do try a “tank picture” attack on him, he could always counter with this. It’s pretty much the polar opposite of Dukakis in the tank.
and this.
that Hug picture should be in every anti-McCain ad for the next nine months. there should be an ad where it’s 30 seconds of that picture with the text “4 more years?” at the bottom. they should put that picture on buses, on the back of milk cartons and cereal boxes. you shouldn’t be able to turn you heard 180 degrees without seeing that picture.
Good point. :) I guess I wouldn’t be such a nervous nellie about the whole thing if the media didn’t actually take these lunatics seriously.
Went off the grid last night for like 6 hours…sorry I missed this one.
I think if this Primary season is showing us anything about Obama–and I think it’s showing us a lot, actually–it’s that the man and his campaign know how to play the “I’m rubber you’re glue, anything you say about me sticks to you!” game very well, and in this day and age of sound-byte attack politics, that’s about the deadliest weapon you can have in your arsenal.
Tell us more!
Uh oh. Is this a NSFW thread now, with all the leg spreading and stuff? I’m at work now and hate feeling unsafe.
Greenwald makes some good points about this and identifies McCain’s own ghosts over at Salon:
I have to add that “McCain” sounds and looks an awful lot like “CoCaine”. Coincidence? I think not.
The Other Steve
This is a fascinating article.
L Boom
Even worse, I’ve read that he had those two black children with a married woman.
The Other Steve
Well it appears John McCain has now been endorsed by the End of Days.
so lemme get this straight; farrakhan endorses obama, although obama repudiates the guy and what he stands for, including anti-semitism.
mccain willingly accepts the endorsement of a guy who is anxiously looking forward to the ‘end times’, when jesus will come down from heaven and every jew that’s left on earth will get asploded.
but obama is the one who ‘has to worry about his standing in the jewish community’.
i love this country.
Will McCain “reject AND denounce” Hagee? Russert needs to know!
Ack! We haven’t periodically lynched these people yet?
Awww, crap….see what I did there?
Billy K
Would it be OK if I made a Blazing Saddles joke?
Dumber than a hundred head of sheep.
A local usage (heard it on a river bank in Oregon), but it fits, no?
TZ, bad kitty! I love BIRDZILLA.
It seems that Bill Hobbs has deleted his post.
At the risk of being a self-promoter, details here.
I don’t understand how the piece is to be recognized as satire. Are we supposed to know so much about Farrakhan and Pastor Whozits that we think it’s totally ridiculous someone would accuse them of going to Libya?