Remember that idiotic Bill Hobbs post yesterday, in which he mistakenly took a Josh Marshall joke about Obama’s ties to Khaddafi seriously and looked like a total idiot?
You will never guess what happened next. He tried to delete the post, but Stephen at the Politburo Diktat caught him and has the screen shots. I guess if destroying evidence is good enough for the White House, it is good enough for second-rate party hacks in Tennessee (and this should serve as yet another example of how thoroughly rotten the GOP is from top to bottom). Lead by example, I always say.
BTW- does this mean that we get to have another blogger ethics panel?
He deleted my comment too. To be fair, the comment boiled down to “you aren’t very bright, are you?”, so I guess I can’t blame him.
I think the fact that there haven’t really been any blogger ethics panels should be reviewed by the blogger ethics panel…
Yeah, my comment was “it’s satire you clod.” So maybe we clued him in.
my comment was “my god, you’re an idiot”
but, he probably considered that too obvious to waste precious database space on.
You need a blogger satire panel, to introduce bloggers to the oh-so-important sarcasm-detecting skill set.
I swear, how can anyone even spoof these people anymore?
O/T. We’re totally boned.
Bush: U.S. is not headed for recession
Shorter GW: You guys may all be totally fucked, but this time next year, I’ll be sunning it up in Paraguay.
Ed Drone
That’s not off-topic — we were discussing the inability of some rightards to detect irony and satire!
Velvet Elvis
His fantasy has come true. He’s been spanked by Lamar!.
Google cache busted, too.
Good Lord, he’s too stupid to follow GOPSOP and claim Marshall’s lying.
I love the smell of Brown Squirt flop sweat in the morning.