Apparently, someone vandalized the Obama HQ in Gregg County Texas:
The building is the Gregg County campaign office of Barack Obama where just yesterday, hundreds of East Texans showed up to see actor, Samuel L. Jackson stump for the campaign.
The building is not only the headquarters for Obama’s Gregg County campaign, but it is also a phone service center. Early this morning the owner, Eddie Towles and his technicians found the words “a racist” spray painted on two company vans.
“I don’t even know why anyone would do this except ignorance- total ignorance,”said Towles Phone Center technician, Lonzell Johnson.
Has anyone seen his guy, and if so, does he have any spray paint on his hands?
Total ignorance, indeed.
[obligatory accusation that Obama’s people did it goes here]
The paint is probably all over his face too.
Tim F.
I don’t think we can assume that the vandalism had anything to do with racism. That could be some guy named Racit’s parking spot, and he’s sick of people taking it all the time but too cheap to buy a sign.
I didn’t know Dan Quayle was in Texas these days…
Probably a Fox News fan.
That is why I always get a kick out of comment threads, where you encounter some people whose spelling and grammar are utterly horrendous. And if anybody dares point it out, the response is usually some protest that only a tightass brainiac (or some such thing) would care about the spelling and grammar of other people. I tend to see this frequently on various Facebook groups, or other comment threads that tend to be frequented by younger people.
Guess what? When you can’t spell, and especially when you don’t care that you can’t spell, it makes you look stupid. Sorry, but that’s the truth. If you don’t like it, then buy a damn dictionary.
On my screen, when I opened BJ, I saw the top photo and immediately thought of the bottom one, before I saw it.
I wonder if the Moran guy knows how famous he is?
Rick? I wouldn’t go so far as to say “famous”. Notorious, maybe.
This blog post is sexits, Cole.
And obviously very bad news for Democrats.
Grand Moff Texan
Republicans have been pared back to the brainstem, an act of ineffable cruelty.
“Morans” Guy is a classic. Wonder what his username is on RedState.
Probably, even though he was trying to get it up his nose so he could have another big picture vision. Morans Guy, the proud embodiment of today’s GOP intelligence and competence!
karen marie
when i was in elementary school, when we misbehaved, we would be kept in from recess and made to write a phrase a hundred times to learn our lesson. obviously this was not a practice in the school that the person responsible for this attended, otherwise he surely would have been master of a pluralized six-letter word.
if this person is caught (hahahahahahahaha), in addition to a significant number of hours of community service scrubbing graffiti off walls, the punishment should include him being forced to write “i will not write on property that does not belong to me” and attend a remedial spelling class.
The Other Steve
Yesterday the Governor of Minnesota was on the air with a bunch of bluster about how the legislature had to balance the budget his way, or else. Well today the Legislature sent him a message.
They’ve thrown his Transportation Commissioner out of office.
That’s the second time he’s had an appointtee ousted. The first was his education comissioner, who was a wingnut out of virginia.
Asked for comment, Samuel L. Jackson said he was “sick of all these motherfucking racists on this motherfucking campaign!”
Better yet, does he have any spray paint on his chin?
Not directly related but…
I’ve figured out why Rove is saying that the Reps should avoid saying racist things about Obama. It is way too early in the election cycle. They are giving Obama an 8 month head start. The Swift Boaters didn’t hit the air about Kerry until August – after John Kerry had introduced himself to the country as a war hero. He spent the lead up to the Republican Convention trying to explain himself and then it was the debates and he never recovered.
Obama now has all spring,summer and fall to strengthen his bonafides as a flag loving Christian.
Hey, maybe the “Morans” guy was just referring to Rick and Terry, in which case he makes a very valid point.
John S.
When the reported who asked for the comment inquired as to why Mr. Jackson was yelling, he replied “I’m not yelling! This is how I talk!”
Speaking of racits and morans, wasn’t RedState 3.0 supposed to roll out this month?
I’m beginning to suspect that Erick has recently acquired fully functional granite counter tops.
What’s that wall made out of? It looks an awful lot like granite or marble from this angle.
I wonder how those latte-liberals feel about the fact that Obama is wasting their donation money on erecting expensive stone walls at his HQ.
I eagerly await the dumbass who tries to set a giant red crescent in fire in front of his lawn.
Fixed. Everyone knows that liberals don’t have jobs.
“Romans Go Home”
I thought some worked as reporters.
Dr. Squid
I think I saw the Morans guy at Six Flags once.
Well, yeah, but they send all of their money home to the Motherland.
I’m not sure what’s more offensive to the copy editor in me, the graffiti itself or the comma after “actor.”
The comma is more offensive. Bad spelling reinforces bigotry and vandalism stereotypes, and makes the actions laughable. But reporters and editors should not be tripped up with grammar issues.
Hahaha, oh my sweet Jesus this is incredibly good stuff. Yeah, her campaign isn’t cannibalizing itself at all…
h/t: Josh Marshall
When he saw the graffiti, Jackson stated, “RACIST MOTHERFUCKER CAN YOU SPELL IT?”
What is this then? Romanes eunt domus, “People called Romanes they go the house”?
OT, but I would just like to point out the following:
Prince Harry >… the Bush twins
Reverend Spooner
No wonder they were so concerned about Terri Schiavo.
Billy K
Sadly, that was my first thought, too.
This is a freakin’ brilliant display of stupidity as well.
Ed Drone
Actually, they vandalized two of the proprietor’s vehicles, too, but spelled ‘racist’ correctly on those.
Things never change. Back during the last pointless meatgrinder war, somewhat famously spray-painted on an underpass in Evanston, IL, were the words “BOMB HANIO!”
The Other Steve
I’m afraid the granite countertops were an early wedding present for Mr. and Mrs. Krempansky.
Goseph Gerbils
Rudi Says:
Found him!
Wasn’t P-Diddy just in that movie ‘A Rasits in the Sun?’
Found him!
LOL! That’s one hard-looking dude. I could imagine him painting RACITS on a building, easy.
And yes, the comma after “actor” in that article is an atrocity.
You think they’re even aware that they’re as stupid as they are? Doubt it. Look at Bill Donohue. He’s so blissfully unaware that he has no clue he just sent irony meters off the scale today.
OK, my inner pedant is snarling at the leash…GO BOY!
“Graffiti” is plural. The singular is “graffito”. It goes like “paparazzo, -i”. By all means criticize Morans Guy, but get your own posts right!
I thought Jesse Ventura was a Twins fan, not a Cardinals fan.
I have Life of Brian on my video Ipod and I just re-watched that scene cause of you guys. Thx.
Eric S
Please, please don’t post the picture of Moran Man anymore. It momentarily makes me depressed to be a St. Cardinals Fan.
I have an alibi!
How about showing Josie Moran instead?
Maybe *I’m* a bit dense, but it just now struck me: the very people who are so busy yelling “Lurn Eeenglush!!!” at the “scary brown people” are the same ones who mangle the language so badly, themselves!
Is our children learning?
Sure as hell not.
Hey, my neck of the woods!
Obama (screw you, Mozilla, it’s spelled “Obama”!) had Samuel L. Jackson leading a rally. Young, old, black, white, rich, poor, white collar, blue collar, no collar… it was a party-hearty good time.
Yesterday, McCain made his way into Tyler (next town over). You’ve never seen a paler shade of white. All rich, white, professional types.
Come the GE, the comparison between the two campaigns… wow. McCain doesn’t stand a chance.
Get used to it, folks. The type of grammar you see in that ‘news article’ is pretty much what you see in smaller newspapers all over the state. I’m not quite as proud to be a Texas as I once was, for a variety of reasons. I doubt this is limited to Texas, though.
Case in point.
You know, I’m a liberal, and I love me some motherfucking lattes. You got a problem with that?
From the mug shot article of Mr. Tribett, “Patrick Tribett was nabbed in July 2005 by Ohio cops and charged with abusing harmful intoxicants.”
How horrible, what sort of abuse was he subjecting those harmful intoxicants to?
Then there is this 9 1 1 call by a policeman using or abusing a substance.
I think we’re all missing the main point here. Obama has got Samuel L. Jackson stumping for him. He’s already won! He’s the one badass who trumps Chuck Norris.
I’ll bet his tray ran out of “O”s.