Quick, look around and grab the closest book to where you’re sitting. No scooting over to that unopened copy of Whitehead’s Function of Reason, cheater, just grab what’s nearby. Willing to say what it is?
Tom Levenson just tagged me with the “123” meme so it looks like I have no choice. My mission, should I choose to accept it:
* look up page 123 in the nearest book
* look for the fifth sentence
* then post the three sentences that follow that fifth sentence on page 123.
Tom appears to have put off answering until he could get closer to his copy of On The Origin of Species. Hmm. We’ll have to run that past the rules committee.
As for me, I’m still sitting right where I was when Tom tagged me at 3:00, so let’s see…uh oh. Right next to my MacBook is Strunk and White’s Elements of Style, fourth edition in paperback. What do you think is the likelihood that I will find three consecutive rules that I respect all the way through an average day of blogging? Me think odds not good. Lucky for me my copy ends at page 105.
Next closest is Les Âmes Grises by Philippe Claudel. I hope you speak French.
En définitive, Matziev, même si je l’ai connu quand il a tourné ordure, valait bien mieux que lui. Au moins, une fois dans sa vie, il n’a pas fait honte a sa qualité d’homme. Qui peut en dire autant?
For those who don’t speak romance languages like you should, I took advantage of AltaVista’s free online tool to translate the passage from French to German to English. Enjoy.
Finally, Matziev, even if I knew it, if it turned waste, were worth very better than it. At least once in its life RK it dishonor quality has its man quality. Who can say of it just as much?
As for who to tag next, it’s a tough call; bloggers as a whole tend to be literate people with interesting perspectives. For various reasons I pick Fester, PZ Meyers and Jim Henley.
You asked for it:
Chicago Manual of Style, 14th ed., Section 3.57, “Blueprints.”
If I wasn’t at work, it would have been something much more interesting. Manga probably.
“Would it give you a lot of pleasure?” said Zaphod, blearily.
“Nor me.”
The Grand Panjandrum
Beatboxing. That’s good.
From “Kushiel’s Justice,” by Jacqueline Carey:
Given the state of my apartment, this just won out over the Bluebook and a bodice-ripper (which shall remain unnamed).
Snarki, child of Loki
You asked. It was the closest book. Not too many sentences, though.
Crystal Reports 8.5: The Complete Reference
Matthew White
“Waterhouse Rejoiced that
‘This work I found contained just what I wished, a series of experiments, conducted by a learned physician, long conversant with the causal and inoculated small-pox, in the largest city in the world. The publication bore an additional weight from the opinion given me by Dr. Haygarth of the book and author.’
As a result, Woodville’s book, rather than than the memoir promised, became the topic of Waterhouse’s second letter to the Academy.”
From Dr. Benjamin Waterhouse: A Life in Medicine and Public Service (1754-1846) by Philip Cash
Tax Analyst
Uh…”JK Lasser’s, Your Income Tax 2007″ The three sentences following the 5th sentences are so boring and meaningless to virtually any sentient being on the planet that I have chosen to redact them. They are bout “…bonds, debentures, other evidences of indebtedness of the buyer that are readily tradeable in an established securities market.” This may be the most boring part of the whole damned book. (It’s actually a very good book for Tax research, by the way – but wholely uninteresting if you have no specific need or reason to be in it.)
plus C
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 3rd ed.
Not much of a plot.
Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France.
Man, that guy could write. And how pretentious is it for this to be the book that’s actually closer to hand? (I wish th’ Paine was closer to hand than th’ Burke, but there you go). Blame my Jurisprudence professor.
(I’ve got a LeCarre novel nearby, but I’d have to stand up to reach it)
gypsy howell
Tosan! Itakimasu! Douchte!
Ok, From Nigel Harris’ Beliefs in Society: The Problem of Ideology (1968)
Closest book? Okay…
That’s what you get when I’m working. Depressing huh? SQL Server 2005 Adminstrators Pocket Consultant. Wheeeeeeee
z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z …
gypsy howell
In case we were supposed to reveal what the book was, mine from above:
A Confederacy of Dunces.
But you all knew that.
“How’s all de folks on de old plantation everywhere I roam? Hello, dad. No, it isn’t cocktails – least, just one very small cocktail – it’s youthful spirits!”
I’ll shit myself if anyone knows where that is from.
Digital Amish
Kohout Jack & Jan 282 W. Bluff Dr ***-4362
Kokopelli Grill 203 E. Front St. ***-8181
Kokrda Shellie & Randi ***-0303
It’s only interesting if Lauren Bacall is reading it.
J. Michael Neal
John Sickels, The Baseball Prospect Book 2007
That’s much better than if the 2008 book had been at the top of the stack. There, you would have gotten the last sentence of the Matt Dominguez report, as well as the first two sentences of Jason Donalds’. Elijah Dukes makes for much more interesting reading.
I’ve heard it said Van Morrison could sing the phone book and make it worthwhile to listen.
Great. I have hundreds of books behind me, and nothing at all at the desk. I only open book I have (which is in the bedroom) is Solzehnitzen’s Lenin in Zurich. (just finished all three parts of Gulag Archipelago, thank you very much!)
so, I’ll use Lenin in Zurich…
gypsy howell
No way could that happen here, calipygian
“The crack as the frame was shunted wide, leaving the door with nowhere to go but in and down, forced hard to the floor by the fleet of the SO19 officers who streamed across it into Conrad Allen’s flat.
In a matter of seconds the shot was empty again, a flat shadow beyond the doorway, while its chaotic sound track was broadcast from half a dozen radios, exploding like bursts of gunfire from the speaker.
Bouncing between the metal walls of the van: a collision and a curse; an order given to get out of the way; and an instruction to anyone on the premises to make themselves fucking visible very fucking quickly.”
lulz. Actually, if I remember right, it would have been Eden, not really known to make weaboos break out the KAWAII DESU NE!
Isaac Asimov, Buy Jupiter (1975). Still haven’t finished it, sadly.
Tom Levenson
No…really. I swear. The nearest book was The Origin. I just couldn’t blog till I got home last night and I left the book right where it sat on my desk, waiting for me to do some heavy duty procrastination this morning.
Meanwhile, your commenters,Tim, make any of my claims of preemptive geekiness pale. Good crowd.
Well, that didn’t work – one is a compilation with each chapter renumbered, the other is poetry and the fifth sentence runs to the next page. So it’s a tie between two sitting together, and I pick this:
Catch-22, Joseph Heller
gypsy howell
You must have the rare un-spellchecked edition, srv.
The first book was a comic book, but it didn’t have 123 pages. :p
gypsy howell
I was teasing you, srv.
Caution must be exercised to keep the brushes and cleaning liquid lines clean to prevent secondary contamination. Also, the brush height above the wafer must be maintained to prevent scratching the wafer surface.
Surfactants may be added to the DI water to increase the cleaning effectiveness and prevent static buildup.
Joey Maloney
O’Reilly’s Javascript: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Ed., familiarly known as the Rhino.
Let’s see, not counting code snippets:
Boring, but there you have it.
Why should we speak Romance languages? Why doesn’t this Phillipe Claudel speak American? It was good enough for Jesus.
Jay in Oregon
Heh, you’re lucky, because my closest book has 124 pages.
From Python Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition.
Oregon guy
The Army knows how to write the worst run-ons EVAR.
—Near Field Optics: Theory, Instrumentation, and Applications. Michael A. Paesler, Patrick J. Moyer; Wiley Interscience,1996.
null pointer exception
Java and XML. Bleh.
Ellie Smith
I think we can balance this tech-speak with a little more subversive literature:
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Tom Stoppard. Bonus points for anyone who know what Guildenstern does next!
Bill Arnold
Eek. From the prehistory (aka pre-internet) of computer science, Knuth vol 3,
“The worst case is still of order N**2, but such slow behavior will hardly ever occur. W.D. Frazer and A.C. McKella [JACM 17 (1970), 496-507] have suggested taking a much larger sample of 2**k-1 records, where k is chosen so that 2**k approximately equals N/ln(N). The sample can be sorted by the usual quicksort method, then inserted among the remaining records by taking k passes over the file (partitioning it into 2**k subfiles, bounded by the elements of the sample).”
From Margaret Duras, “L’Amant” (Éditions de Minuit) – [I’m in France at the moment and not just ripping you off]
“Et elle, elle continue à s’abandonner dans la direction exacte qu’il a prise quand il a commencé à jouer. Et d’un seul coup c’est elle qui le supplie, elle ne dit pas de quoi, et lui, il lui crie de se taire , il crie qu’il ne veut plus d’elle, qu’il ne veut plus jouir d’elle, el les voici de nouveau pris entre eux, verrouillés entre eux dans l’épouvante, et voici que cette épouvante se défait encore, qu’ils lui cèdent encore, dans les larmes, le désespoir, le bonheur. [paragraph breal] Il se taisent tout au long du soir.”
ActionScript for FlashMX by Colin Moock*
Geek. I know.
*I’m working on learning AS3, just not today.
Well, since about all they do is flip coins, I will go with that, friendo.
Grumpy Code Monkey
The Unified Modeling Language User Guide, 2nd ed.
Oh, I’ll play.
From Adam Tooze, The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy, Viking 2006. Tooze is describing the consolidation of the German steel industry before 1939. During the war, Walter Rohland’s Deutsche Edelstahlwerke would be the leading manufacturer of Panzer hulls. Borbet’s technological innovation made low cost mass-production of 88mm cannon possible.
I can’t recommend this book highly enough. Tooze does a masterful job.
t jasper parnell
Marc Bloch, “Strange Defeat: A Statement of Evidence Written in 1940”
Dot, dot, double dot, 5 dots, space, dot, 3 dots, 6 dots, dot, space.
My book’s in Braille.
— Naked Pictures of Famous People, Jon Stewart (“Vincent and Theo on AOL”)
…too bad you missed the first five sentences.
Do y’all really want me to tell you what’s on page 123 of “It Takes a Village?”
It’s either that or “Penthouse Forum”
— _The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction_, Hastie, et al.
Bubblegum Tate
—Modern Recording Techniques, Fourth Edition
“He did not mention Everett and Parmenter by name. He did not tell them who their target was or where the shooting would take place. He would let details drop, here and there, in time, as need dictated.”
From “Libra” by Don Delillo.
The exercise actually stops one sentence short of, perhaps, the most important sentence in the book, “The other thing he did not say is that they were supposed to miss”.
The second-closest book to me is Effective C++: Third Edition, which yields some boring stuff about why explicit casting of data types is bad practice.
Fortunately, I realized that my bookbag is closer and contains some pleasure reading that yields this:
David Camp: The United States of Arugula: The Sun-Dried, Cold-Pressed, Dark-Roasted, Extra Virgin Story of the American Food Revolution
The five sons of Eirik returned to Norway, together with their mother Gunnhild, now fairly to be entitled konungamo(th)ir, Mother of Kings. Hakon’s nephew Tryggvi Olafson still held his eastern territories and Gudrod Bjarnarson ruled over Vestfold. North, in Trondheim province, jarl Sigurd held sway.
Conservatively Liberal
Ron & Sue Fournier, Metal Fabricators Handbook
I am in my garage…lol
Damn you, creators of Google! Damn you all to HELL!
And public domain books suck, too.
Everything and More: A Compact History of ∞ by David Foster Wallace
BryanD, is that Vollmann?
A dictionary, we’re in trouble. Kluging a bit.
[electron] – microscope, an instrument of immense magnifying power in which controlled rays of electrons are used instead of light rays.
e-lect-tro-neg-a-tive (…) a. carrying a negative charge of electricity.
e-lect-trop-a-thy (…) n. treatment of disease by means of electricity.
In defense of my lifestyle, next to it were “Clear Technical Writing” and “The Oxford Book of Days” which is a clear indication of how little lifestyle I have to defend.
The Complete Guide to Sharpening
Nevermind, thought that was The Ice Shirt. You should check it out. Collapse by Jared Diamond is an interesting look at Norse expansion, also.
Just read the whole thread. This place is full of programmers! Geeks!
From File organization and Processing, by Alan L. Tharp.
I’ve been working in the DataMines, all the live-long day.
‘metallurgical militarism’?
At least there’s something other than just normal geekp0rn. I’ll have to learn the differences between centrifugal and spin casting now.
dark satanic digit mills here too.
John S.
Self-Promotion for the Creative Person by Lee Silber
He is referring to a tagline, of course.
R. Stanton Scott
Fortune’s Warriors by James Davis:
“The combined ferocity of the attack front and rear was too much and the Veronese broke. Ordelafi tried to call forward his own horsemen, but the human tide of his fleeing army made it impossible. Hawkwood’s archers dismounted and fired shaft after shaft into the panicked ranks of Veronese.”
The nearest book I can reach while typing at this computer? Fine. Depending on how nitpicky you are about the definition of “sentence”…
–Creature Features Movie Guide Strikes Again by John Stanley
Can anyone ID the movie being described without going to the IMDB?
These relative distances customarily were expressed in terms of the distance from the earth to the sun, a quantity known as the astronomical unit. But nobody knew what the distance to the sun might be; in other words, the value of the astronomical unit had not been determined. Here was a clear challenge.
Coming of Age in the Milky Way by Timothy Ferris
Jasper Fforde, Lost in a Good Book
At least I was doing fiction.
The Voyage of the Beagle, by Charles Darwin.
Cody’s Data Cleaning Techniques, Using SAS Software- Ron Cody
The next nearby book was SAS Programmer’s Pocket Reference… that was even more boring.
And yes… the Code Monkeys abound.
*Guide to the Camarilla* by White Wolf
I’m at home on the box top flying from undercity to burning steps for my epic ‘lock mount quest, and at the same time trying to liquidate my old Vt:M stuff on e-bay.
sadly i think that’s the most interesting book near me right now.
(Switching and finite automata theory not being that engaging)
The seas, therefore, which struck us to starboard were much broken by the vessel’s side, only reaching us in fragments as we lay flat on our faces; while those which came from larboard, being what are called backwater seas, and obtaining little hold upon us on account of our posture, had not sufficient force to drag us from our fastenings.
In this frightful situation we lay until the day broke so as to show us more fully the horrors which surrounded us. The brig was a mere log, rolling about at the mercy of every wave; the gale was upon the increase, if anything, blowing indeed a complete hurricane, and there appeared to us no earthly prospect of deliverance.
Every one who has done any kind of creative work has experienced, in a greater or lesser degree, the state of mind in which, after long labour, truth, or beauty, appears, or seems to appear, in a sudden glory — it may be only about some small matter, or it may be about the universe. The experience is, at the moment, very convincing; doubt may come later, but at the time there is utter certainty. I think most of the best creative work, in art, in science, in literature, and in philosophy, has been the result of such a moment.
“A History of Western Philosophy” — Bertrand Russell
Mike P.
“I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard the phrase, ‘You went to Dartmouth? I find that hard to believe.’
Admissions is an arbitrary and demoralizing process, and no matter how hard you work, The outcome is often determined by personal connections. You know what else is like that?
From Steven Colbert’s “I Am America. (And So Can You!)”
I don’t know, does the sentence within the sentence count as a separate sentence…. And what about..
Sorry – Poe, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was on top of it, but that was too easy…
Mike P.
Crap, leave it to me to screw up and write 5 sentences. RTFD
Chris Johnson
I win. By cheating. The closest book is through a wall, and I’m ignoring some Apple Logic manuals, and if it was physically larger it would’ve been ‘Dune’, AND I’m counting scribbles and letterhead as sentences as it’s a photostat page, but it was SO worth it…
Guess who ;)
Cripes, I have that book. NCSU, represent!
William M. Boothby, An Introduction To Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry.
gypsy howell
I’m so disappointed that you think I didn’t know the citation without teh googelz.
Of course, you’d be right.
But if it makes any difference, I *have* read it. It’s actually sitting right on top of “They Thought They Were Free” on the end table next to my sofa. Would have been a lot more interesting if that were sitting on my desk next to my computer instead of ‘A Confederacy of Dunces.’ At least I’d feel a little more in league with the rest of the commenters.
howell –
The sad thing is that that book was sitting on the floor next to My Command Chair because a month or two ago, I was trying to find a quote out of it for a post somewhere else and after I gave up looking for it in the book, I just threw it down and there it lay until now.
You should see my kitchen and bathroom floors.
pg 125.
I think you guys might recognize this one:
The Story of Art, by EH Gombrich. Recommended reading for anyone who (like me) grew up without much in the way of an artistic education.
Closest book, eh? Thanks a lot I’m sitting in the library. OK:
Habitat Streamsides, moist forests. Range NY n NJ, PA; local in mtns. south. 9′.
-National Audubon Society Field Guide to the Mid-Atlantic States.
w/all due respect, isn’t blogging already a big enough waste of time without these totally unnecessary exercises in pointlessness being passed around?
“Of course I haven’t heard a word from her since I’ve been tied up here!”
You’ll be able to find out about her now,” Nancy assured him. “Do you know how many people are working with Stumpy Dowd?’
The Bungalow Mystery, 1960 edition
By the way Skippy, if you don’t like it, dont’ do it.
House of Leaves, Mark Z. Danielewski:
Oh fuck, page 123 of this book has text in four separate sections, including a margin printed upside down, a window with separate text, footnotes, and a continuation of the narrative from the previous page. I guess I’ll use the narrative part, and include any footnotes that show up:
And now for something completely different.
I cannot remember why I had a cookbook next to the computer.
Given the state of my desk, it was a close call between:
1. Danielewski
2. Guns, Germs, and Steel – Jared Diamond
3. Weird and Tragic Shores – Chauncy C. Loomis
4. Best American Poetry 1990 – Editors, Jorie Graham & David Lehman
5. The Golden Compass – Phillip Pullman
Second closest, because there’s no easy way to blockquote the relevant section of The Principia Mathematica.
caustics, why was your cookbook next to the computer? Maybe it will help me. That sounds like a recipe for…tabbouleh, maybe?
Mine’s Sara Foster’s Casual Cooking.
Oh! Now I know! I needed cheese descriptions from wiki. Whew.
And here’s the passage from the Gombrich book (The Story of Art):
Reverend Sykes shuffled some papers, chose one, and held it at arms length. “The Missonary Society meets in the home of Sister Annette Reeves next Tuesday. Bring Your sewing.”
I got a genuine Hillary Nutcracker for the first person to figure out what book that came from.
Before he knew what was happening, the birdcatcher came and took him prisoner. “What a nice fellow you are!” the lark exclaimed. “If this is the kind of colony you build, you won’t find many emigrants to settle down in your city.”
Aesop’s Fables, Adapted by Jack Zipes(!)
Thomas Pynchon, Against the Day
I take it back. Not nearly enough parsley for tabbouleh.
“Sherman’s Lagoon: Yarns & Shanties and Other Nautical Baloney”
From Elaine Scarry’s The Body in Pain:
Incidentally, the sub-title of the book is The Making and Unmaking of the World. It’s a little hard to read these days, but should probably be required reading for every American in these times…
Wild guess, but: Laxdaela Saga? Vinland Sagas?
I didn’t know that mockingbirds cracked nuts.
Icewind Dale – Heart of Winter guide book
Blue Neposnet
Neuromancer by William Gibson.
The next three sentences after the fifth sentence on page 123:
Timothy Egan – “The Worst Hard Time”
Perry Como
Molto Italiano, Mario Batali, recipe for “Cooked Water” Soup
I made a Sicilian pesto, traditional pesto, and marinara last night. Mmmmm.
—The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, 1980 paperback. Dug it out after watching the movie on DVD, and it was still on my desk.
Hillary is on the way over to crack yours.
One of the most pressing daily problems for the homeless is to find a way to get some money immediately. Many of the homeless deal with this dilemma in part by seeking casual, day-labor jobs. As the term day labor implies, these jobs are secured on a day-by-day basis.
Snow and Anderson, Down on Their Luck: A Study of Homeless Street People (1993)
grumpy realist
Hmm, closest book? Well, there are a mess of accounting books over on the table, but ignoring those I get….
“Normalement, le pouvoir de convoquer un concile appartenait au pape, mais, s’il refusait d’agir et mettait ainsi l’Eglise en danger, l’ensemble de la communaute possedait un droit intrinseque de s’assembler. Il en etait de meme, ecrivait Gerson, d’un chapitre ou d’un doyen, “ou de toute corporation et de son recteur.” Au XVe siecle, il n’etait pas necessaire d’etre un juriste professionnel pour penser facilement en termes de structure corporative.”
Brian Tierney, Religion and Law in the Development of Constitutional Thought (1150-1650), French edition.
Another moment-
THE MONTEREY POLICE HELD HIM IN THE JAIL IN MONTEREY until his brother Chris could get there from New York. Chris ran into Kesey at the jail.
Helena Montana
“Seems to me there’s an extra allowance of fools in my family,” said Peter gloomily. “Well, what could she have done, poor girl?” asked Parker. He had been growing almost cheerful again.
Anne Elk (Miss)
from Jazz: The First Century
Helena Montana
Oh, sorry. Clouds of Witness, Dorothy L. Sayers
The majority of monkey species are located somewhere in between: they combine subsistence on leaves with a preference for more easily digested and nutritious items like fruits when such are available.
The Woman That Never Evolved, Sarah Blaffer Hrdy.
“Looking back from the current location, we find a match to a at an offset of two. The length of the match is one. Looking further back, we have another match for a at an offset of four; again the length of the match is one.” Introduction to Data Compression, Sayood.
You get the idea. From Boys FUN Book of Things to Make and Do, copyright 1945.
Because you’re a guy.
My book only has one sentence on page 123, “Losing your luggage: It’s a terrible misfortune, but it doesn’t have to end with your lifelong slavery as a dishwasher.”
Sorry if that doesn’t fit the meme.
J.R. Labrador
Her face was as powdered as an American doughnut.
“Eh?” I said.
-“Absurdistan” – Gary Shteyngart
Fraud Guy
“It was only later that he discovered that the women themselves had been instrumental in devising the system. The competition gave them a certain sense of worth and dignity and, at least in their own minds, made their situation something above a state of forced prostitution. The distinction was largely illusionary, but in the Therem Alliance, even an illusion was better than nothing.”
Their Master’s War, Mick Farren
Huh, would you believe that the 5th sentence on page 123 is actually on page 125? In fact, page 123 is one sentence. Also one paragraph. The whole page. So no, I will not be posting the next three sentences after it.
BTW, the title is: “Agreement Between General Motors Corporation and the UAW”
This is actually a typing test, no?
I wonder if this same book is on Birdzilla’s desk?
From Policy, Office or Votes? How Political Parties in Western Europe Make Hard decisions by Wolfgang C Muller and Kaare Strom:
His response was the same as before, and the Muslims counter-attacked and drove the Franks back to the hill. Again I cried: “We have beaten them!” but my father turned to me and said: “Be quiet; we shall not have beaten them until that tent falls!” As he spoke the tent fell, and the Sultan dismounted and prostrated himself in thanks to God, weeping for joy.
Arab Historians of the Crusades – Translated by Francesco Gabrieli
evilbeard, is that the second Fletch book? loved those books. Haven’t thought about them in years, but I can see him saying that to the rich woman who ends up working at a restaurant on some beach highway in Brazil.
“After our thirteenth death, three of my boys just didn’t appear for morning attendance the next day. I knew they hadn’t been killed, but that they had just walked away from a losing game. I saw the logic of it.”
Vikram Chandra, “Sacred Games”
The Disgruntled Chemist
From Experimental Physical Chemistry by Bettelheim.
The Disgruntled Chemist
Dammit, the superscripts worked in preview!
From Wild Fermentation, by Sandor Katz:
Kombucha mothers are also available from G.E.M Cultures (See the Cultural Resources section).
Ingredients (for 1 quart):
1 quart water
1/4 cup sugar
1 tablespoon loose black tea
1/2 cup mature acidic kombucha
Kombucha mother
– From How We Think by John Dewey
She was something over twenty-seven years old, and had never been married, although she was formally betrothed to Prince William and the marriage day appointed more than once, but circumstances interfered and the nuptials were never consummated.
The Princess was a granddaughter of old Kamehameha the Conqueror, and like all of that stock, was talented. She was the last female descendant of the old warrior.
– Mark Twain’s Letters from Hawaii
That’s very strange, the closest book to me was also Strunk and White, fourth edition, paperback; a copy which I just got today.
Here’s from the next closest:
Starting Strength, Basic Barbell Training, 2nd edition, Mark Rippetoe & Jon Kilgore
A little known fact about Christopher Johnson McCandless.
From Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer, p. 123.
“He must offer the bull reserved for his purification-offering and make expiation for himself and his household. Then he must take the two he-goats and set them before the LORD at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting. He must cast lots over the two goats, one to be for the LORD and the other for Azazel.”
Lev. 16.6 out of Oxford Study Bible
“That and…One Other Thing. In this room, the salamander was squashed between the pages of the rhyming dictionary, thereby changing poetry forever. Here, Salome walked around with a big red fish held high up over her head.”
Tom Robbins, Skinny Legs and All
Sewing with Sergers, The Complete Handbook for Overlock Sewing, Gail Brown & Patti Palmer
Easing is so much easier on a serger!
…and now we know why you are disgruntled!
Tom in Texas
The Baseball Encyclopedia. I’ve got a draft next week.
Rick Taylor
Can’t reproduce all of this in ascii, but I’ll try to transcribe it in words as best as possible:
“We also wish to define (a,b) = sum from i=1 to infinity of |alpha_i beta_i-conjugate|. To see that this is legitimate, note that, applying Schwartz’ inequality for C^n to the points , we have
sum from i=1 to n of |alpha_i beta_i|
Rick Taylor
Weird, it cut off most of my post. Must have mistaken some of the notation for html.
We now consider two linear XY2 species in which there is only one occupied MO with Y-X-Y bonding character. This leads to the formation of a three-centre two-electron (3c-2e) bonding interaction. The [HF2]- ion (see Figure 9.8) has Dinfinityh symmetry and the z axis coincides with the Cinfinity axis.
Margo S.
“The fire hissed in the waves; the same instant the ship shot by the bubble the sinking pipe made. With slouched hat, Ahab lurchingly paced the planks.
Next morning Stubb accosted Flask.”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Jack H.
Unfortunately pg. 123 is a chapter title page, but I’m going Republican and making up my own rules and using it ’cause I feel like it.
“The Wedgie Weed Whacker”
From Captain Underpants and the Invasion of the Incredibly Naughty Cafeteria Ladies From Outer Space (and the Subsequent Assault of the Equally Evil Lunchroom Zombie Nerds) by Dav Pilkey.
The entirety of page 123 of the book nearest to me reads, in its entirety, as follows:
JeffK in an interview with the Icewind Dale team.
pB: I can’t really call out a college for credit with that book. More like my boss dropped it off my desk and said “You’re going to have to need to know this soon.” So in that case a shout out to my employer, whatever Expedia is listed as on the stock market.
Has anyone actually read through all of these? Oh well, here goes:
– Arnaud Bervas, “Financial innovation and the liquidity frontier”, Banque de France Financial Stability Review, No. 11, Feb 2008.
Translation from Econo-speak (French central banker dialect): When markets tank, people sell like motherfuckers and put everything into cash. Because everyone’s selling everything, especially the shit that no one understands [but bought like it was high-grade crack less than a year ago], no one’s buying.
Newt Gingrich and William R. Forstchen, Gettysburg. I swear, it’s only here holding up a lamp on my desk! But the real interesting thing is the next sentence (Robert E. Lee is speaking):
This was published in 2003. Hmmmm….
Ha! We must be reading different editions, ’cause your page 123 was my page 120.
Tim C
— To Rule the Waves, by Arthur Herman
“So it’s no surprise that USQA’s data-warehousing strategy prominently features the Internet. Diamond’s staff is currently considering mechansims to ensure secure Web-based delivery of information to members and physicians.
‘Member satisfaction is a them in everything we do,’ Dr. Diamond affirms.”
e-Data Turning Data into Information with Data Warehousing,
Jill Dyche
Autolisp Programming Tips & Techniques
By Rod Rawls & Mark Hagen
Pages are not numbered so by counting pages I get;
Finally draw the new polygon. Document and name this file polyarea.lsp.
(setq SIDE (* 2 RAD ( / (SIN (/ PI NUM))
(COS (/ PI NUM)))))
(end of page)
If I go to Chapter 12-3;
The following general rules and suggestions apply to the use of selection sets:
1. It is recommended that variable names be assigned to selection sets . By using this technique, selection sets can be called by name at any moment during the editing process.
2. Objects from one selection set can be members of another set. Thus, one object can be associated with many selection sets.
sorry dogg, don’t want to go through all the hell to post hebrew script.
you’re telling me. what machine you work with?
“But stay! Did not that idea also occur to the injured Rupert Pentecost?”
“Oh, yes Mr. Podd.”
In the Teeth of Evidence, Dorothy L. Sayers.
“The Three Festivals: Ideas and Insights of the Sfas Emes on Pesach, Shavuos, and Succos”, ed. Rabbi Yosef Stern, Artscroll. This book really does not belong next to the PC like that. The context is the Song at the Sea: the “kol” is the sound of the unconscious crying out to Hashem and of innate spirituality while the “dibbur” is the ability to speak deliberately and consciously about the spiritual experience. Dibbur is what happens at the Seder table for example.
I have finally gotten Aviva Zornberg’s “Particulars of Rapture”. Really excellent integration of all the sources including some I had never heard of.
IIRC Purim is going to interfere with the sacred watching of the Tournament this year :) Expect victories for a 16 seed :)
+1 for John Sickels
+2 for Lord Peter Wimsey (that one with the dentist was one of my favorite short stories as a kid)
I’m at work, so the book closest at hand is a printed-out Gutenberg e-text I’ve been working through at lunch, Suetonius’s Lives of the Twelve Caesars. Page 123 is one of the bits from the life of Caligula:
A Singer. It wasn’t my first choice, but I wanted something that I could abandon without too many qualms when I finally leave Korea. Yourself?
i use someone else’s machine if i need it. most of the stuff i make doesn’t need decent-looking seams. tho prices are really nice for decent sergers these days, one of these days i’ll have to make some room for one of my own.
my regular machine is a singer tho. i need to move up to something a little tougher but singers still have a surprising amount of power for a big hunk of plastic.
From “Boss,” by Mike Royko.
“mantis Says:
BryanD, is that Vollmann?”
A History Of the Vikings by G. Jones (Oxford U.P.,1968)
“mantis Says:
Nevermind, thought that was The Ice Shirt. You should check it out. Collapse by Jared Diamond is an interesting look at Norse expansion, also.”
I hope (HOPE!) you aren’t directing me to any any historical fiction! *picking up ax handle*
Unless it’s a Twain “autobiography”; “Roughing It”, “A Tramp Abroad”, etc. Or pornographic literature from way-back when girls wore “shifts”.
Gabriel Says:
Wild guess, but: Laxdaela Saga? Vinland Sagas?
No, but Jones (AHOTV) riffs and dissects on all of the sagas as well as the legendary histories while keeping them well away from the fact bucket (his Forword explains this humorously). More reliance is placed on contemporary accounts (for example, Adam of Bremen and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles). Not that he’s afraid of suppositions. The Eruli are mentioned as possible forbears. He allows the classic Viking age to stand at 793-1066, but covers well the Roman contacts, the Swedish-Rus-Varangian metamorphosis, up to the time when Denmark scrapped its longboats for cogs.
From The Modern RPG IV Language, Third Edition by Robert Cozzi, Jr.
Oh god my life sucks…but I don’t feel like working right now anyway.
Don’t I wish! No Darkness, I’ve never actually read the Fletch books (something I will rectify soon). The quote is from The Villain’s Guide to Better Living by Neil Zawacki. It’s a coffetable/bathroom humor book and for some reason it’s the only book on my desk right now. I’d have much rather put in a quote from Tim Powers or Tom Robbins but I try not to cheat (very often). =P
“There was nothing to fear in the house- at least there never had been. The heavenly smell of peanut butter must convey only another token of the generosity and benevolence of the resident hominid. Anyhow, I had set the two Havaharts on the stove, and now I had two mice.”
“After he was initiated into Freemasonry in 1926, however, Case revised the course, and allowed any student who had reached an advanced level of study to set up a local chapter, or Pronaos. The first Pronai were established in 1928. In 1938 he renamed the order the Builders of Adytum.”
Heh, I’ll play. My book at hand is Evelyn Waugh: A Biography by Christopher Sykes.
Sentences 6-9
From “Trial By Terror” by Paul Gallico: