Some jackass threw an incendiary device through the window of a recruiting station in Times Square, so you all know what that means- another 5 weeks of LIEBERALS HATE AMERIKKA from the chest-thumping, cheeto-munching chickenhawk brigade. Take it away, Captain Ed, new skipper of Malkin’s Hot Air:
Given the escalating protests over military recruitment, it seems inevitable that people would bomb those who seek to protect the nation and fight our enemies.
Read that sentence five times and try to make sense of it. For good clean fun, use that logical formula to create your own wingnutty assertions. Here is mine:
Given the escalating stupidity in right wing blogs, it seems inevitable that people would bomb those who seek to manufacture Mountain Dew and Cheetos.
The Other Steve
I’m curious how Skipper Ed knows that these are not foreign terrorists?
Could he perhaps have some insight into the crime? Maybe a Fire in the Reichstag type insight?
Just curious.
but if it were right wing nut job bombing an abortion clinic, it wouldn’t mean anything. nope, not at all.
I think this prejudice against Cheetos must end!
Hold off on the execution. Do they have a suspect yet? If it turns out to be a melanin-suppressed individual they’ll drop this story like a bag of stale Cheetos.
You know, it’s funny — none of the paranoids mention the little detail that the NYPD thinks this is related to two earlier bombings, one at the British Consulate and one at the Mexican Consulate. Which, um, would seem to rule out Medea Benjamin as the prime suspect…
The corporate media finally has an example of liberal violence to balance out Timothy McVeigh bombing the Murrah Building.
Hooray for false equivalencies!
Mr Furious
Um, Captain, if they actually wanted to harm troops they might have bombed the station at a time when there were troops there—not 3:45 a.m…
Just sayin.
Mr Furious
Time until Presidential candidates are asked for an opinion on this event, and responses parsed to death…3…2…1…
How many times have I gone past the Times Square recruiting station and wondered: “How long before some nutjob throws a bomb at that thing?”
I mean, c’mon. It’s such an obvious target for a little late night cherry bomb flinging action. It’s a stupid thing to do (I, myself, am not pro-property damage as a tactic for protests), but it’s hardly, you know, terrorism.
How long before someone ties this to the Weather Underground, and thence to Sen. Obama, and makes another terrorism/Obama connection? Because, you know, there’s no difference between a bomb that kills people and a bomb that shatters a bunch of glass or messes up a couple of office chairs. Yeesh.
I concur! I’m not too fond of Cheetos myself (I’m more of a Doritoes man), but this anti-junk food bias is quite wearing. Doesn’t anyone here enjoy a little monosodiumglutemate and artificial cheese goodness after a couple of bong hits?
See, you’re reality-based. These guys are creating their own reality…
after associating it with Code Pink, and then declaring that this kind of attack – without knowing anything about who did this or why – will escalate into attacks that kill people, without irony, special Ed writes:
what a fucking knob
In the end, taxpayers are gonna pay to rebuild it. And knowing the Army like I do, this will be the oppurtunity for said recruiting station to get newer comfy chairs, nice hardwood desks, upgraded computers, maybe a plasma screen or two to show the recruiting videos, some nice frosted stnciling on the glass doors…
I was under the impression that the protesting was winding down, as people tend to have short memories.
The Other Steve
All the more reason to suspect Malkin’s drones.
There’s been no violent protests against the Iraq war to date, and it’s got Malkin fuming. Wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t decide to help out the cause a bit.
Toss in the insurance arson job, I mean the Earth Liberation Front fires and the state security apparatus can start focusing on domestic enemies in earnest.
As a matter of fact, the reports from Columbia indicate the ‘narco terrorists’ were anticipating the arrival of a President Obama. I mean it was there in the computer that the Columbians found after killing Reyes.
All of those billions of bytes of information that have been scooped up will be put to good use.
Is Balloon Juice a subversive website?
Given the escalating foreclosures in the housing market, it seems inevitable that people would bomb those who seek to manufacture the American Dream.
Senator Clinton/Obama. Say you have good evidence that there’s a lone nut with a half-stick of dynamite in NYC. Would you round up homeless people wearing three layers of clothing or would you round up homeless people wearing four layers of clothing??
You’re asking for a counter inspection.
He’s a grandfather and yet calls Michelle Malkin his mentor. What do you expect?
L Boom
Are you insinuating the Marines bombed their own offices to get better office equipment? Why do you hate America?
Whoa, sorry. The stupid was bleeding through the links a bit there and I got Malkin-channeled. But onto more important topics: anyone tried the organic Jalapeno Cheddar Cheeto-thingies from Barbara’s? Soooo freaking good, and if they’re organic they can’t be bad for you, right? Right?
Dug Jay
There are approximately 100 cameras positioned in and around the Times Square area where this bombing incident occurred. The police feel they have a good shot at getting pictures of the perps.
To be perfectly honest….if all I had to do was destroy some equipment to get it replaced instead of filling out mountains of paperwork, requiring signatures in infinitequate….there’d be broken shit all over, me standing in the middle swingin’ a couple of 2lbs sledges.
No kidding. It isn’t exactly a deserted, shadowy area, is it?
Chopper nails it. Change “recruiting station” to “abortion clinic”, and Ed is falling over himself trying to write what a courageous and noble act it was.
Times Square? As in the New York Times?
Thanks, Cassidy — now I have to go watch Office Space again, as I have that photocopier scene running through my head.
Dennis - SGMM
Just like when the cops found ricin and firearms in that Las Vegas motel. “Oh, his name is Bergendorff? Nothing to see folks, move along.”
Perry Como
It’s a good thing all of the surveillance cameras in Times Square helped prevent someone from…wait what? Oh, and Captain Ed is a fuckwit:
No, asshat. An unknown attacker, not attackers. Fuck, do you eat your cereal through a straw?
Indeed. A few individuals being assholes can’t hurt military recruiting nearly as much as the war in Iraq.
“movement”? lol, wut? Let me guess, this was a result of the Demoncrats not passing amnesty for the telecoms. Amirtie?
/me looks at the dead Iraqis
Capt. Ed, always a class act. btw Captain Ed, notice us New Yorkers aren’t staining our sheets brown over this terrier attack. We realize that this was the act of some individual asshole, most likely mentally disturbed, but doubtfully related to your boogeyman of global jihad. If you want to do something constructive, go find the person that sent anthrax around right after 9/11.
John, this is a guy that you consider(ed) a reasonable conservative?
I have that movie playing in my head everyday.
L Boom
Haha, yep. I think the exact same thing every morning I come in. Just got a new computer, fortunately, so at least I don’t have to worry about figuring out how my old one could accidentally fall out a 4th story window that doesn’t open.
Perry Como
Breaking news on MSNBC: a home exploded in PA. Jihadists, leftists, or Code Pink? Only time will tell.
Blogs We Monitor and Mock As Needed
Blogs 4 Brownback
Captain Ed
Con. Yankee’s Beauchamp Bugaloo
Hugh Hewitt
Michelle Malkin
Red State
The Corner (AKA K. Lo’s House of Crazy)
This sounds like something the militant arm of the Salvation Army would do.
Dennis - SGMM
Poor Cap’n Ed: the level of crazy is so high at Chez Malkin that the only way he could stand out would be to post pictures of himself in his grandmother’s wedding dress, dancing in front of a mirror.
Hey, don’t scoff. Captain Ed is the thinking man’s Dan Riehl.
In keeping with the naming convention, this new threat will be called Al Qaeda In Times Square.
AQTS for short.
Mark your materials accordingly.
A Conspiracy On 42nd Street!
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
And I didn’t hear a damn thing about it.
Welcome to Manhattan: The city of “Whatever, I have a meeting in 15”
But I’m glad to see the Right has stopped feigning concern for the city they love to hate, and have moved right on to basic anger. Chalk one up for honesty.
Given the escalating fatigue rendered by the primary campaign for the Democratic nomination, it’s seems inevitable that people would toilet paper and egg the homes of Chris Matthews and Tim Russert.
That logic is infuckingfallible!
Not familiar with those or Barbara’s, but I have bought organic frosted flakes from Lowes. I really feel better about taking my health seriously.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
No good. AQTS is the organization running our taxi commission.
What’s your next best choice?
Dennis - SGMM
And put new cover sheets on your TPS reports.
drunken hausfrau
it’s like limpbaugh getting the dittoheads to vote for Hillary in open primary states — just to screw up the dems. how do we know some two-bit macchiavelli dittohead hasn’t tossed a stick of dynamite into the recruiting office to wind up the wingnut wurlitzer — blaming it on liberals and demanding answers from the dem nominees? I feel like I’ve seen this bad tv movie before…
My money is on a white male under the age of 30 with a bicycle and an M100.
there are a lot of things i hate about living in NYC, but i’ll tell you the fact that new yorkers really aren’t a bunch of bed-wetting pansies is not one of them.
Does this mean that we have failed at fighting them there so we don’t have to fight them here?
no no, a white male driving a white box truck.
The Other Steve
Who looks an awful lot like Captain Ed in a g-string.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Obama: “As if I needed to say anything about how horrible it is to bomb a military building in a heavily populated area. I will pray for any unknown victims, and the troubled soul of the bomber”
Hillary: “I think it’s entirely clear that Obama’s lack of words for the tragedy in Times Square (an area of MY CONSTITUENCY, that LOVES ME DEARLY) is an obvious reminder that when Mr. Obama isn’t deeply prepared, he is unable to give the kind of overreaction necessary for such
an exploitablea nasty event”Malkin: “OBAMA PRAYS FOR TERRORISTS”
Perry Como
Didn’t some Freeper do something like that? Oh, right, Chad Castagana. Hmmmm.
and we all die a little inside.
protected static
Actually, in the NYTimes article I read, the only candidate reaction that was mentioned was… wait for it… McCain:
I love the title of this post; it reminds me of Marge at Itchy and Scratchy Land, dealing with the Teutonic security guards after Bart and Homer had been detained:
Marge: Oh, I’m so embarrassed I wish there was a hole I could just crawl into and die.
Officer: OK, throw her in the hole. (grabs her)
Marge: (pulling away) Oh, please! It was just a figure of speech!
He wants to treat terrorism as a law enforcement problem!!
I don’t think it’s probably the case, but could it have been a guy who was angry at his recruiter? I think every person who has ever joined has been lied to by his or her recruiter. Like when I found out those bonuses they use to lure people in are divided up and spread out over the term of your enlistment. Little details conveniently left out by the recruiter.
Employing their tactics:
I can’t believe that the fRightwingers would sink so low as to bomb recruiting stations in an attempt to blame it on the liberals.
Adjustimicated for accuracy.
Except there should have been a
strikethrough materials. My hands are trembling in fear.Perry Como
A real conservative would bomb Manhattan.
No, a real “conservative” would bomb, I don’t know, San Francisco or something. Bombing Manhattan would still be too logical for those guys.
is a strong contender.
Crap. Now I semi-chewed Cheeto bits all over my computer screen.
That’s them. Round them up and put them in Gitmo.
New slogan: We are fighting them in Times Square so we don’t have to fight them in Union Square.
Senator Clinton received the 3 am phone call that “something had happened in the world, er, I mean, Times Square.”
She reportedly called an immediate meeting with her campaign advisors to ascertain how to leverage the event into the most votes in upcoming primaries.
A call went out to Paul Lukasiak to run the numbers, and myiq to generate some copy in time for the morning news shows.
This is obviously the work of the textile industry, who are desperately trying to increase underwear sales.
we must invade iraq!
Exactly. Has anybody checked out Calvin Klein’s countertops lately?
How about EVERYONE (left, right, liberal, conservative) wait until some ACTUAL FACTS AND DETAILS are provided before accusing anyone of anything.
Patience IS a virtue!!!!!!!!!!!
I suspect the Fruit of the Loom guys, myself. Especially the purple grapes — seems vaguely middle eastern, somehow.
Have any of the 101st Frightened Keyboardists argued that this is proof that law-abiding citizens should be allowed to carry concealed cherry bombs?
I am concerned that Jen is buying her organic frosted flakes at frakking Lowe’s. That’s just wrong.
I second that recommendation.
>>if they’re organic they can’t be bad for you, right? Right?
Depends. Was Socrates’ hemlock organic?
The irony of using a military-like device, a bomb, to attack a military recruiting station is just too much.
They already have all the traits that they say they hate.
They should complete their journey to the “dark side” and just go in an sign up.
J. Michael Neal
Have you taken a close look at New York taxi drivers lately? They pretty clearly belong to a terrorist organization.
Sigh. Sorry, gotta say it:
There is a difference between damage to property and murder.
Yes, using an explosive to damage the recruiting station (assuming, for the moment, that it was perpetrated by an “anti-war” protester (that is what you were talking about, right?)) was: criminal, dangerous, counter-productive, quasi-sociopathic, and down-right stupid. See, also, the Weather Underground, E.L.F., A.L.F., etc..
But please note: no human beings have been injured.* There was never an intent to injure a human being.
This is not a marginal contrast. It is not a fine line. It is an essential difference.
*With the notable exception of those Weathermen who blew themselves up by accident. Fools.
Hooray, by some miracle this incident springs up right when Republicans want telecom immunity and rag on Democrats about ‘security’.
I predict the perps will never be caught and attention will quietly die away once the fucking POS bill passes the limp noodle House.
There is a difference between damage to property and murder. Yeah until somebody get killed.
Sorry, SGEW — The WARC bombing in 1973 did kill an innocent post doc.
It also killed the entire subversive movement in Madison, because the people involved were horrified that they actually hurt someone, much less killed him.
Of course . . . but then, it’s the difference between reckless endangerment (as I said, stupid, dangerous, and kind of sociopathic) and murder.
This might actually be a personal ethics thing. If you’re a hardcore pacifist (with strong personal agency beliefs), there may not be a difference between manslaughter and murder. But for me, and the majority of people (I think), and the criminal law, there is a categorical difference.
Don’t look now, but it’s No Cussing Week.
Have you cussed today? I have not, so far as I know.
Darn it.
J. Michael Neal
Unfortunately, I’ve said the word, “Bush,” several times.
Good point (and yeah, I forgot about that one).
But there’s also a big difference between a guy on a bicycle flinging a hand held I.E.D. when no one’s there, and blowing up “a ton of ammonium nitrate fertilizer soaked in fuel oil and packed in a Ford van” (Also: 1970, not 1973, but whatever).
Those guys in Madison were, I think we can all agree, murderous assholes.
Here’s my entry:
Given the escalating terrorist threat along The Afghan-Pakistan border, it seems inevitable that the U.S. should invade Iraq to protect the nation and fight our enemies.
As a former NYC resident, I think it’s obvious that this was the work of capitalist conservatives. I offer the following evidence:
1) Government recruiting stations are not profit generating enterprises and depress real estate values by undermining market competition. They are inherently communistic.
2) Recruiting stations do not provide added value to neighboring businesses or the neighborhood since their clients are poor and will be essentially removed from the market. These individuals are highly unlikely to visit neighboring establishments to buy clothing and other items given that those will soon be provided by the communist military establishment. They serve to foster non-capitalist ideals in young people with the obvious intent of generating support for a future insurrection.
3) The individual in question used a explosive device which the NRA has long sought protection for the fair use of when hunting wildlife (and communists.)
4) The individual in question fled on a bicycle rather than rely on the mass transit system which is favored by socialists. This was clearly an individualistic act and shows deep personal responsibility by refusing to burden society with his escape needs.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
exactly. Not necessarily bad for her to desperately find out what we want her to do, but nowhere near the correct first priority.
Unhappy cows
As a current NYC resident, i am intrigued by your ideas, and would wish to subscribe to your listserv.
You’re right, it was 1970. Sorry — at my age, the details are fading. It’s also the reason that Madison quieted down a lot earlier than a number of the other hot spots.
No worries, at my age 1970 was before I was even born. I just looked it up on teh internetubes: no brain power needed (who needs ol’ fashioned memory when you have an internet connection?).
Bob In Pacifica
Within the Oligarchy is the Department to Scare People, from which come bomb-throwers, turban-wearing pizza deliverymen and those guys who show up at colleges and mall with semiautomatic weapons.
It’s like a dance. You move to your right, you move backwards and suddenly you find yourself in John McCain’s lap.
You can do something that only results in damage to property but get sent down for a variety of things, including attempted. To take an example of someone who is totally not a violent radical terrorist, a few years ago a gent crashed his car into what he thought was an abortion clinic and then set it on fire. It was not in fact an abortion clinic and no one was hurt. But could the PA have said “Brave defender of the pre-external womb babies meant to kill someone?”
Sure. His intent was pretty damn clear. But that’s why trying to make this particular incident in to reckless endangerment would be a stretch.
I can’t hear you! La la la fucking la!
Tsk tsk. How déclassé.
I always forget to add this addendum onto the end of any argument about this sort of thing:
Some people are just fucking* retards, and should not be a part of the discussion. This kind of thing is Darwin Award territory, not data points for debating protest tactics and ethical conundrums.
*Sorry. No Cussing Week? Really? I vote we kill this motherfucking meme dead in its shiteating tracks.
i will go crazy if i have to hear McCain call me his friend repeatedly between now and november. each time i scream at the radio/TV “i’m not your friend, asshole”. can i be the only one who feels this way?
Nope. McCain has an annoying way about him that will wear very thin very soon. Many Arizonans understand this long time.
McCain is always about McCain, every word he says is about self justification and self aggrandizement. Sort of like me, but without the wit. Or the compassion. Or the nurturing. Or the … well, my friends, I could go on, but I have to go save the world …..
No no no. We liberals don’t bomb stuff. We will create regulations taxing Mountain Dew and Cheetos like cigarettes and booze. These horrible products cause obesity and wingnutosia, both deadly and costly diseases.
Plus we will mandate fair trade and organic practices in the manufactur of cheetos. Did you know that Cheeto farms are basically sweatshops right now? Those poor, poor cheeto pickers suffer all day in the hot sun. And they’re mostly illegals.
Wonder what the righties will do now that they know this?
Why of why do you keep electing this doddering old flip-flopping worst-party-evah-enabler? Is it heat stroke you’re all suffering from in AZ?
My friends, I believe this calls for a ‘Gathering of Eagles’. This broken window must be avenged.
If you think he’s bad, you should check out Jon Kyl.
But anyway, this is a Red State, although it has some blue highlights here and there. We did put a couple new Dems in congress last time, we did reelect a Dem woman governor, and we are the only state that has rejected, by popular vote, the DOMA scamapalooza. It’s a weird mix here, Mormons and ranchers and liberals sprinkled around, and a lot of good old fashioned Mountain West Anti-Establishment sentiment.
McCain married a very rich woman, and parlayed his war hero status into a political career. The man knows how to play the game, don’t underestimate him in that regard.
Ed Drone
Fixed it for you.
I note, in addition, that the perp was, reportedly, an individual, so we can assume that he is a loner, probably a ‘rugged individualist,’ in other words, a right-wing type, full of Ayn Randian B.S. and a ‘superman’ in his own mind. It can’t have been the result of any socialistic group, since they always work in social groups, right? I mean, that’s what the word means, doesn’t it?
So now we know it was a right-winger, possibly even a neo-con or neo-theo, and all we need do is try to determine his motive. Personally, I subscribe to the ‘agent provacateur’ theory; we’ll know this is the case if all the wingnut blogs and other cesspools take up the hue and cry.
What? They have already? My, they work fast, don’t they?
true, dat.
but he lacks your self-recognition.
Very well, let’s take the case of the Protector of Internalized Infants who planted a nail bomb outside of a clinic. That little bundle of joy was found and defused before he could detonate it. Retarded? No. Done in protest? Sure. Intent to murder? I’m going to guess he didn’t mean to just startle people.
And then there’s our pal ER Rudolph…
Pardon your French.
Hey, it beats self-flagellation.
That’s right, I just wrote “beats self-flagellation.”
Do you think John McCain can be that funny?
Big difference between what Soldiers do and murder, also. At least that’s what I’m gathering you were intending to equate. If I red you wrong, I’d appreciate some clarification.
AQ? Hooded? Is that Al Qaeda, or the Savage Nomads?
And, what exactly is the difference between street gangs, and terrorists?
Funny thing, I was the first person to Blog about this.
OT: Speaking of hysteria and hyperbole. Clinton aide lets go with a biggie.
WTF? Will they compare Mrs. Obama to Linda Tripp? Seriously, shut up. Shut up now.
Guy can’t even lift his hands over his head, I doubt he could muster up TEH FUNNY.
/channeling Tim F
It’s obvious to anyone who’s not a denialist that this explosion was soley and purely a result of man-made
global warmingclimate change. That hooded goon was an Exxon executive.Peace, out.
Of all the things to make fun of McCain about, and there are many, I believe this one is off limits. His arms didn’t get like that in a freak kayaking accident.
Now there’s a debate I don’t want to get involved in (and didn’t mean to bring up). My point was two-fold:
1) Those who do equate warfare and murder (i.e., certain “anti-war” protesters) still have a plank to stand on if they damage property in protest. Protesting intentional taking of life (whether “murder” or “collateral damage” or whatever) is not (necessarily) hypocritical if there is an explosive device used to damage property (and proper measures are taken to spare anyone of any injury). See, however, previous qualifiers to this statement I have made, above.
2) My principle comparison was between dickheads who play with bang-bangs and light buildings on fire in protest, but who take reasonable measures to limit the danger of injury, and actual honest-to-god terrorists, who do (I believe we can agree) practice outright murder.
Hope that’s clear enough. Ciao.
Nail bomb = attempted murder, AFAIK. Those things are anti-personnel devices, not much else use for ’em. So fits under “terrrorism,” methinks, and not under property damage protesters. For what it’s worth.
Fair enough. The only thing I would ask is that you seperate the direct act of a Soldier killing another human being (homicide) from the criminal act of murder. I realize the two are used interchangeably, often times not maliciously, but in our world there is a difference.
I hear you. No lip from me on this score.
Those reichwingerz at NYC IndyMedia:
And today, it’s been noted is the anniversary of the Weather Underground’s first explosion. Which means nothing in light of things like the DNC pprotests being organized under the banner, “Recreate ’68“, or the fact that SDS fossil Bob Ross has shepharded some young airheads into a new SDS.
But you’re right. You know what was a big fucking deal to the reality-based community? Keith Olberman getting soap in the mail. THE HORRORS!!!!
HAW HAW HAW!!! Torture is fucking FUNNY when it’s actual torture performed on a rethuglic “war hero” by a brave peasant warrior of the noble NVA!!!
Did anyone happen to see Arianna Huffington riding away? Bill O’Reilly has said she and the violent posters on her site are the same as Nazis and the KKK so I think it is safe to assume they did it and start the executions and trials….oops, I mean the trials and executions.
As Captain Ed said, an escalation in attacks on military recruitment centers suggests that disloyal, anti-military partisans may inevitably have to increase the virulence and drama of their future attacks to gain publicity. Not too hard to parse after all, is it?