New York governor Eliot Spitzer, not so pure.
Spitzer has informed his most senior administration officials that he had been involved in a prostitution ring, an administration official said this morning.
We can assume that Spitzer got that announcement out just ahead of a story in the works somewhere. No word yet on whether Spitzer will share David Vitter’s terrible fate.
As for my own feelings, just as I say in every other prostitution scandal it seems to me that illegal prostitution is a stupid policy for any number of reasons. Routine health inspections would improve public health, chasing johns wastes police resources and local governments could use the tax money. But as long as prostitution is illegal, the people who make and execute laws have a particular responsibility to behave themselves. Since illicit prostitution also provides a tempting basis for blackmail, it seems like a perfectly reasonable basis for an ethics investigation.
In fact, vigorously investigating government officials who frequent prostitutes might be the best possible route to legalizing the practice and taxing it. Whether we get more honest lawmakers or fewer stupid laws, forcing government officials to follow the law always pays dividends in the end.
***Update 2***
It was brave stands like this that established Spitzer’s reputation.
Hillary for NY Governor!!! Problem solved
This should make him a shoe-in for the republican ticket in 2012.
Scott Alloway
What a sad development. Makes you wonder who to trust.
Dennis - SGMM
But if Spitzer’s wife forgives him and he goes into detox for a month then the Republicans won’t make a big deal out of it – right?
“involved” …. was he selling or buying ?
Better to be arrested for seeing a hooker than to be beheaded by mullahs.
Tom in Texas
Apparently Spitzer is one of the clients identified in court papers.
it’s hard Upstate for a pimp
Enlightened Layperson
I couldn’t open the article. Does “involved in a prostitution ring” mean just that he used their services (forgivable), or that he, um, invested, in which case he should be drummed out of office.
Maybe Hillary can talk to Spitz’s wife and smooth things over.
That or cut her a deal.
i wonder if hillary will reject and denounce spitzer based on his stance w/r/t high-end exclusive prostitution rings. she is not currently an active supporter of high-end exclusive prostitutes…as far as i know.
We can at least confirm this wasn’t a male prostitution ring…right?
Seriously though, Eliot-fucking-Spitzer involved in shady dealings? Mr. “Not Backing Down from Wall Street”? I guess there really aren’t any politicians without a skeleton in their closet.
Tom in Texas
The article was updated.
Dug Jay
The pictures of the women look like they could easily be in Playboy. And given that their rate, according to the NYT, was %5500 an hour, or $50,000 for a weekend, maybe they were once in there.
Yep, this proves the culture of corruption in the Democratic party.
It’s my understanding so far that this is a federal bust and that he was a client of the prostitution ring.
If this turns out to be true, I really feel sorry for him. What do you want to bet that the names of other johns won’t be released, but our politically-driven dept of justice will try to ruin his political career over this.
As a previous Spitzer fanboy, let me say: what a fucking idiot.
too bad for him. if anyone should know the law and the penalty for breaking them, it’s the friggin (former) attorney general.
go do your time, Spitzer.
(yes, i have already convicted him)
Wow — what a trajectory for someone who could have been the next big thing in national Democratic politics — a great populist crusading reputation taking on Wall Street, stupid fights in Albany denting his support, and now this… wow!
There’s also that little slavery problem.
Oh well, one less hypocritical jackass who thinks laws are for little people sounds like a good deal to me.
w vincentz
Hmmm…the world’s oldest profession….
And the world’s 2nd oldest profession:
“Vote for me, Grok. I’ll be a good tribal leader, Grok, really. Trust me.”
Dennis - SGMM
I haven’t felt this bad since Hillary Clinton killed Vince Foster.
Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. I had a lot of respect for the guy, and liked how he brought down corrupt Wall Street.
But this…
My first reaction is still my main reaction: What a DUMB DUMB DUMBASS thing to do.
Considering he was a heavy duty law-n-order state Attorney General, and one of his high-profile cases shut down a prostitution ring, for Spitzer to be using prosties is so fnucking STUPID it exhausts whatever sympathy I might have had for him.
Spitzer’s career is toast, either way. His problem is that he has built his career on being an ethical, but aggressive reformer, rather than as a charming rogue who keeps getting elected because he’s so effective and doesn’t pretend to be anything other than a charming rogue who sometimes walks on the illicit side of passion. Bill Clinton and Edwin Edwards (for a long while) could get away with this sort of crap. When you play the Elliot Spitzer role, you can’t.
If all the men who did what he did (if dalliance with a prostitute was all he really did, without intervening in some way to protect a prostitution business) – got publicly caught, the halls of government would be devastated, and many of the perps caught would be just as surprising as Spitzer.
Someone had it out to get Spitzer in the USDOJ as soon as they saw this golden opportunity, and boy did they.
Dug Jay
One radio talk show host is saying that Hillary should get in touch with the Spitzers and offer her assistance in helping them get through this. Both the Obama and Hillary supporters on this blog will surely agree that, in this instance, Hillary is well experienced to help.
Dennis - SGMM
Spitzer was doing undercover work.
Faux News
These heterosexual sex scandals of the Dems are just banal. No foot tapping in the men’s room, no wetsuits with sex toys in their butts.
Except for the Gay Gov. of New Jersey. That was kind of interesting.
At least the Republican gov. of Nevada knows how to slap a ho.
This isn’t as bad as when Clinton did it.
Paul L.
Nice to see the same people who were calling David Vitter’s head are now giving Eliot Spitzer a pass.
I wonder if Hillary Clinton will “denounce and reject” him for seeing a prostitute…
I hope he went with a 7 diamond woman — if you’re going to ruin your career, make sure you go out with style.
I wonder if Joseph Bruno was involved in this in any way. Revenge for Spitzer’s shenanigans against him. At any rate, Wall Street is having a big laugh today.
Dug Jay
Back briefly to politics, the TV news just reported that the Clinton campaign put out a statement this morning saying that to be considered for the VP position on her ticket, Obama will have to “pass a national security test.”
Now that’s what you call real hutzpah.
Dennis - SGMM
Next time, try reading the thread before you post.
Sorry, Paul L. — did you read the “his career is toast” comments?
His career is toast. Period. He’s going to be an ex-governor very soon, and that’s that.
Will it be multiple-choice or essay?
J. Michael Neal
Wall Street is enjoying this so much that it’s holding a 2% off sale on stocks.
John Cole
So, umm. Where are the picture of the chick, Dugjay.
I am more bothered by his use of the state police to spy on enemies.
I agree with Tim’s update that prostitution should be legal. I don’t care what two consenting adults do or if they make money doing it. It is all pretty out in the open any ways; the escort agencies advertise in the yellow pages.
Dug Jay
TV News just now reporting that Spitzer is going to “step down” as Governor. WOW
Thank God Cuomo is SAG for NY. For a crooked hedge funder he’s hardly an improvement. Will the HFs try to say that Cuomo’s zeal is proof he visits prozzies?
Inquiring minds won’t be surprised by nothin’.
This just proves that Spitzer isn’t a regular guy like the rest of America. If he was really in touch with the people, he wouldn’t be paying $5500 an hour for hookers, he’d be getting $15 BJs at truck stops like the rest of us.
Is Eliot Spitzer gonna have to CHOKE a bitch?!
Tom in Texas
Here’s a mini grab John. Apparently their site is down.
Dug Jay
John, FOX showed the pictures of 7 or 8 of them earlier. By now, they’re probably on other places and websites.
Tim (the Other One)
“As a previous Spitzer fanboy, let me say: what a fucking idiot.”
Can’t a guy get a little love on Valentine’s Day (eve)?
What’s the difference between a prostitution ring and an escort service? Sex vs. no sex? Riiiiight…
w vincentz
As an upstate NYer, and a thoroughbred owner and breeder, all I can say is that this doesn’t surprise. After the shit that Joe Bruno and Elliot did to NYRA with regard to the granting of the NYS racing franchise, well, just saw it coming.
Also, a friend who is now in the witness protection program due to Gambino ties, still holds on to his escort service.
No surprise there either.
Spitzer’s “sin” is that he appears to be a hypocrite.
Golly Jesus on a jumping banana! Legalize!
Also, lactic acid is a gateway drug. YUP, you heard me. 100% of ALL druggies started out on lactic acid. Time to outlaw MILK!
Dennis - SGMM
I hear that the McCain campaign is considering an offer of the VP slot to Mitt Romney. Romney has responded that in order for him to accept, McCain will have to pass a test. He must drive fifty miles without leaving his left turn signal on.
Tim F.
Paul, in order to not be completely full of shit you should name at least one person who both called for Vitter’s head and gave Spitzer a pass.
I’m looking forward to his new book “New York On Five Thousand Dollars an Hour.”
Tim (the Other One)
“Is Eliot Spitzer gonna have to CHOKE a bitch?!”
“I said give me your damn sandwich Dave !”
Who’s David Vitter?
Yeah, dumb, dumber and dumberest.
It’s one thing to commit your “run of the mill” adultery – which is bad enough, if common. Hell, it’s how Gingrich and McCain met their current wives.
But to partake in prostitution, if you’re in public office, means you’re a complete moron and destined for the scrap heap of political history.
Idiot. And I say this as a big fan of Spitzer’s (other) work. Way to ruin the Dems chances of taking the NY Senate and keeping it a truly blue state. You wanna talk about destroying the Democratic party from within, here’s your example of how it’s done.
In Spitzer’s defense, did you check out those hooker’s pictures?
I’d hit that
the Louisiana representative who admitted to frequenting prostitutes and got a pass from his party (repubs)
He is a Republican Congressman from Louisiana who was identified as a client of D.C. Madam. See this.
What a stupid idiot…I hate this, I liked him, but dammit…what a stupid idiot. He is toast..and sadly, he should be.
Sweet holy mother, what an idiot.
I mean, I’ve just gotten into Lost (we got that DVR thingy, I’m about 5 episodes behind) and Jack is losing it, too.
No heroes in sports, no heroes in politics, no heroes on fictional TV shows, I’m about outta hope. I need Obama to take the Triple Crown, and soon. I dunno what that is — Mississippi, PA, and NC?
Dug Jay
Legal TV guru Greta Van Susteren says she’s seen a copy of an indictment naming Spitzer and she speculates that he will probably try to hold off resigning immediately in order to get the best “deal” that he can from the prosecutors. Apparently he wants to avoid jail time and any kind of felony conviction.
w vincentz
Vitter is the guy that got caught with a prostitute.
Then he held a press conference with his wife standing next to him. She looked like a prostitute also. Blue dress, lots of makeup. Totally Stepford.
Elliot is the soon to be ex gov of NY that supported Hillary. It will be very interesting to see what the mature “monster”-bitch has to say on the matter.
How come Spitzer has to resign and Vitter is a hero? (Although, I guess the Repubs were so happy that Vitter was boinking women, they just had to cheer.)
Was Spitzer a super delegate? Had he committed to Hillary? Anybody know anything about the new black governor of NY?
Actually he’s the Louisiana senator who admitted to frequenting prostitutes and got a pass from his party (repubs). And he got more than a pass. He got a standing ovation from his republican colleagues.
Dennis - SGMM
Not just stupid, suicidally stupid. As an ex-AG he knew how investigations work. He also had to know that he’d made a boatload of enemies. So he gets busy and does something guaranteed to ruin him should it become public.
The price.
Don’t forget some of the “sordid” details of his alleged habits with said prostitutes. Say what you will, but Republicans are imaginative.
Yes, Yes and the “new” governor is a HRC supporter.
Thank the Lord we got federal wiretaps looking to keep precious bodily fluids from commingling! Vital national security interest in addition to family values. Priorities, bitches.
That’s what I was thinking of while scrolling down through the comments. Tim, if you’re going to run this kind of post, kindly put links to the other perps too.
Tim F.
Hahahaha. Shit, I think I hurt something. The story might or might not be right, but it sure isn’t right just because of Greta Van airhead’s viselike grasp of the law.
This will make David Paterson the next Governor of New York. His name has been tossed around and a likely pick to replace Hillary in the US Senate if she won the Presidency.
Yup, you could spread the hypocrisy like butter. Still, it’s the law and he broke it, not a good situation for an ex-AG to be in. He’s got to go. What a spectacular political flameout. Hard luck on Silda and the daughters.
Talk about brazen….
Didn’t these guys learn anything from Slick Willie? If you’re gonna keep a slice on the side, don’t pay for it! Adultery looks bad, but prostitution is illegal. Jesus!
I will never understand why so many men, throughout history, have tossed their careers on a rubbish heap for sex. If they aren’t happy with their sex lives, don’t they have masturbation and porn as alternatives? I don’t get it.
You really mean “How come Spitzer didn’t go through nine weeks of outraged denial, claiming it’s a pack of Republican lies, telling everyone he found Jesus/his wife forgives him so it doesn’t count, changing his mind after pleading guilty and/or saying the prostitutes were “fairly stocky” black women and he went along out of fear of “becoming a statistic”?
Did anyone else think of the 40 Year Old Virgin?
For those nutpickers who think Hillaryis44 is a unique site on the left, meet the Democratic Underground:
Teh stupid is equal opportunity.
And what kind of charges are we talking about. I thought that this was usually a misdemeanor..Pandering?
…shit, not pandering….what’s the damn name…tip of my tongue….
If pandering is a crime we’re gonna run out of politicians real fast.
Dennis - SGMM
I was just wondering how the supporters of Clinton and Obama would spin this to their advantage.
My contribution: The Obama campaign dropped a dime on Spitzer to humiliate a high profile Clinton supporter.
And for heaven’s sake, make sure you’re having an affair with someone younger (but of legal age) than your wife/husband, and of the opposite sex. And keep it vanilla.
Of course in France the president can basically get caught having an affair, divorce his wife, and then marry his mistress while in office and there’s nothing but a couple of snickers.
First they give us french fries and french toast, and we don’t even have the decency to follow their lead when it comes to treating political sex scandals? We suck. :-)
Although pandering would be pretty damn funny.
Dennis - SGMM
My heart goes out to the prostitute’s family: imagine the heartbreak of learning that your daughter consorted with a politician.
Everyone at DU is unhinged, Clinton and Obama supporters alike. That place has been a fetid little feverswamp for years. This is not news.
Try harder.
Well I guess the guy who would take over for Spitzer is already a superdelegate so if Spizer resigns that is a net loss of one for HRC.
Well I guess the guy who would take over for Spitzer is already a superdelegate so if Spizer resigns that is a net loss of one for HRC.
The Feds are involved (according to the NYT) because he arranged for the woman to travel to DC from NY thereby violating the Mann Act.
You know, I’m not the only woman who doesn’t get why men are so self destructive.
may I be the 1 millionth person to say… what an idiot.
He’s busting Wall Street big shots while paying for high-priced callgirls on the side? And running as the squeaky-clean politician?
The only question which now remains… was this stupider than Gary Hart’s “follow me!” challenge to the media, when he was in fact carrying on an affair?
Dennis - SGMM
Nooz is saying that he paid $4300 per go-round thereby violating the more money than sense act.
Ego. Hubris. Power is intoxicating. Makes you forget you’re human, your shit smells too, you put your pants on one leg at a time just like the rest of us, etc.
Because sending a prostitute across state lines is a federal offense, and they’ve already indicted 4 people in this case. He’s got to resign.
Bill Cowher, is that you?
Wikipedia’s been changed already. Damn that shit is fast.
Given the quality of the product, the on-demand access, and the various costs associated in doing business with the Governor, I think he actually came in on par for the course.
That said, you’re the Governor of freak’n New York. Why do you have to pay to get some? 3-wife Rudy didn’t appear to have this problem and he was just the Mayor.
Is it me or does the headline of him being “involved in a prostitution ring” make it sound like was playing more the Pimp role than the John role?
Dug Jay
If anybody’s interested, here’s a copy of the legal complaint; although a complaint and NOT an indictment, as previously reported by the media, it could form the basis for such a next step.
I would think for $5K, the hookers put your pants on for you.
Disgraced GOP pols David Vitter (prostitution) and Rick Renzi (embezzlement, bribery) are still in office and steadfastly refuse to resign.
Sorry, I’m not familiar with the “unhinged” sites. I take it that you’re a regular then?
The Populist
He needs to step down. I hear folks who say “but Vitter and his ilk don’t step down, so Spitzer shouldn’t either” but the problem here is why stoop to the ultra-right’s love of power vs. principle?
Spitzer could be a man here, announce he will step down and show the right that when a Dem screws up, they can step down with humility. Me thinks Spitzer will stay and fight and that is a shame.
You haven’t been reading TalkLeft or Taylor Marsh for the past few months?
This self-righteous prig shut down the mail-order cigarette trade operated from our local Indian Reservations.
Good riddance!
All we need now is a YouTube video of Spitzer & the girls with “Can’t Buy Me Love” as the soundtrack.
Dennis - SGMM
Well, now we know at least one person who’s ready for a 3AM phone call.
Honestly, it makes me think of this.
No way. It’s necessary to be a fighter and to show the Republicans that we don’t put up with any intimidation. The people want to see Democrats fighting back not surrendering and resigning for such passé things as principles. As for the charges that Spitsher is a whoremaster.
Of course not. I mean, that’s—you know, there is no basis for that. You know, I take him on the basis of what he says. And, you know, there isn’t any reason to doubt that. No, there is nothing to base that on, as far as I know. Look, Hillary Clinton has been the target of so many ridiculous rumors. I have a great deal of sympathy for anybody who gets, you know, smeared with the kind of rumors that go on all the time.
Eliot is a good family man, a humanitarian man and we can’t raise any doubts about that. It’s disturbing to turn around and see this all the time. And, you know, obviously, I hope that people get beyond it and ignore it.
This is a big deal.
Cheating on your wife is never OK, even if she lets you (and you film it). It’s never OK to break the law, no matter how small a law it is. Cops go after easy targets and arrogant politicians make good, easy targets.
1. He should have known better.
2. How do these people find the time to do this stuff? Aren’t they busy enough?
The personal lives of public people are important – for one, that’s the movie star’s bread and butter. Secondly, you’re going to be watched if you’re in office, act like it, dummy!
No need to feel sorry for anyone, anyone at all. His wife should divorce him and take all his money. Then, with the proceeds, she should start a reality-based organization for politicial spouses who are victims of adultery. Adultery is a BAD thing. It wrecks families, lives, etc.
And it is unnecessary: God gave us hands and the Bible is silent on the issue of “self-pleasure” other than tattoos and “cutting.”
If you’re married, stay married – especially when away from home. It’s not difficult.
Good-bye, Elliot “Putz-boy” Spitzer! You won’t be missed.
The Grand Panjandrum
I was thinking more along the lines of Love the One Your With.
He was having tough first year and it is apparently getting a lot tougher. Its a damn shame but he should resign.
Dennis – SGMM: Shocking how much Dug Jay loves him pie, eh?
Haven’t you ever heard of Onan? Yaweh killed him dead for spilling his seed upon the ground.
I’d look it up to cite you chapter and verse but my eyes aren’t so good anymore.
At least he wasn’t screwing the voters.
See, that’s what gets me. On one side, I would be more than happy to see Spitzer fight this out and raise the question of the Constitutionality of banning the practice. It’s, more or less, what I’d hoped Larry Craig would do. Basically, fight the legislation and try to get it overturned. Then it’s a win-win. The nymphoids get to keep their jobs and stay out of jail. And the rest of us get to indulge too.
On the flip side, he knowingly broke the law, then flouted it. I don’t even know what “the rule of law” means in this country anymore, because it seems like every David Vitter and Larry Craig and Scooter Libby can go toe-tapping their way out of trouble by virtue of being connected politicians, while guys like Alabama Governor Seigelmann and the poor kids down at Guantanamo Bay sit in prison purely for political gain. Why would anyone respect the legal system in this day and age? It’s an absolute joke.
Onan’s sin wasn’t wanking, he refused to get his dead brother’s wife preggers:
I guess even the most devout Xtian types knew “God wants you to marry your sister-in-law” wouldn’t fly so they focused on the seed spilling bit.
Chuck Butcher
Well, massive stupidity can and should have nasty consequences. Elliot you fucked up royally. G’bye.
Hillary? I’d be very happy to not be in her shoes right now. Throw him under the bus? Stand by your man? Keep your trap shut?
This is going to be hard to just duck being NY and all…
Do I blame her somehow? No, that’s a stretch but she’ll have to deal with it and how she does may say something – or not. This is exactly the kind of out-of-nowhere that comes with large systems.
And your hairy palms make it hard to type.
Come on, don’t keep that hate bottled up inside you. It’s not healthy.
Go ahead and scream:
There, don’t you feel better now?
Actually, that was for denying his sister-in-law (whom he had reluctantly married after his brother’s death) children, not for masturbation.
Actually, that was for denying his sister-in-law (whom he had reluctantly married after his brother’s death) children, not for masturbation.
From wiki:
Nothing like a scholary discussion of seed spilling.
BTW – Graham crackers were originally intended to help stop wanking.
Apologies for the double post and Jake beat me to it.
From wiki:
Nothing like a scholary discussion of seed spilling.
BTW – Graham crackers were originally intended to help stop wanking.
Ken Hahn
Spitzer’s worst action was the attempt to smear Bruno. Just like Bill Clinton’s “filegate”. The lapdog media ( and of course Tim ) will say it’s all about sex and try to save another corrupt Democrat. The sex stuff is as boring for Spitzer as it was for Clinton, Vitter, Craig and Foley. While we waste time attacking and defending the sexual antics of politicians, we just comfortably ignore fascism in action using government resources and personnel to play politics.
Someone feed the hamster, the poor thing is stumbling in its wheel.
Dennis - SGMM
He just can’t say enough good things about pie!
Tax Analyst
was the double-meaning intended there?
Use a towel then. Maybe a cup.