Tuesday calls for some Ma.
Did I hear some grousing? Did I? You guys have it too easy around here.
…and a soothing little palate cleanser.
by Tim F| 12 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Tuesday calls for some Ma.
Did I hear some grousing? Did I? You guys have it too easy around here.
…and a soothing little palate cleanser.
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Caidence (fmr. Chris)
What. the. _hell_ is up with those skaters?
I feel like I’m watching some Looney Tunes on Ice watching those fools.
And what is it about people that a distraction has to be added in just to watch some Yo-Yo play some classical music? It’s not enough to watch the dude wrestle some awesome music out of that instrument? You have to put some schmucks in costume, too?
/don’t mine me I’m caffenated, I’m without sleep.
ice dancing hurts my soul
Trying to get me fired??
Thanks to Heir WebFilter, this page is nothing but one large white splotch interspersed with random rantings.
OT, (since this *is* an open thread), but if you’re interested in somebody talking intelligently about misogyny and sexism — and, yes, it is related to the Clinton campaign — look here.
Tim F snarls:
The floggings will continue until morale improves.
And, um, Tim? I know it’s heresy around here, but I rather liked the interpretive ice dance to the Bach. I’ve never seen anyone treat that particular piece for unaccompanied cello as foreplay. (Yes, of course, all music from that era can have that interpretation, given its formal structure; it’s just that Bach doesn’t ever actually *get* that treatment.)
Tim F.
So do I. In my opinion the elegant, understated work complements Ma’s meditative Bach interpretation quite well.
I’m with the others — everytime they show the ice dancing, I get frustrated, because I’m perfectly content watching Ma work his magic. The cello is so difficult to play well, that it’s mesmerizing to watch someone who has completely mastered it.
Plus it really makes me want to go practice my violin, which has been sorely neglected as of late.
J. Michael Neal
I like it. I thought the first video worked very well. The third wasn’t as good, but it wasn’t trying very hard, either.
Should go to iTunes to find some Ma.
Never been a classical fan, although I can appreciate Ma. Too stuffy for me, gimme three chords, that all I need.