God-General Petraeus clearly has Bush Derangement Syndrome as he assaults the troops with this nasty smear:
Iraqi leaders have failed to take advantage of a reduction in violence to make adequate progress toward resolving their political differences, Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, said Thursday.
Petraeus, who is preparing to testify to Congress next month on the Iraq war, said in an interview that “no one” in the U.S. and Iraqi governments “feels that there has been sufficient progress by any means in the area of national reconciliation,” or in the provision of basic public services.
Why does he want us to fail in Iraq? I think he needs another Friedman Unit of surge to bring back his patriotic zeal, because right now he sounds like one of those leftards at Daily Kos, or even worse, Juan Cole. I sure hope our brave patriots in the right-wing blogosphere expose Petraeus for the America hater that he is.
I hear he has brass countertops.
I feel betrayed.
I’m about to bet the entire mortgage that a “clarification” on his comments “taken out of context” appears by this afternoon.
You got on Slate! That’s cool.
You know, the list of people who hate America is growing so rapidly we’ll have to rename the country soon.
why would anyone want to end this war ? it’s so romantic and exciting!
D. Pantload
The failure of the Iraqi people to move forward on our political goals is only further evidence that our current policy must be continued. If they had moved toward national reconciliation, it would be proof of the success of our occupation. In the absence of that achievement, however, we have no choice but to continue the same occupation, since no viable instrument of government exists to take its place.
QED, motherfuckers.
Or maybe go for regime change? There’s probably evidence somewhere showing that Al-Quida has operational ties to the Bush administraion.
I take it you got some pain meds for your ear.
If I had a different president, I’d feel better about my country. Maybe we could work something out?
But the surge was a success!
And we would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for those dang meddling Iraqi leaders.
Obligatory Bush daughter post.
If only we could jump into a time machine and go back to 2000, and make his dream come true.
Tom Shipley
The lure of all those poppies would be too strong for younger Bush to resist.
Too bad Vietnam was so, like, unromantic.
But since he missed that opportunity, maybe now that he’s older and about to be retired he could do something romantic, like volunteering to change the diapers on brain damaged troops.
vishnu schizt
Oh who cares we’ve always been at war with euraq, uh euran, oh who the hell are we at war with anyway? oh yea! al queada, uh no the terrists, the insurgents?
On a serious note, now that we have essentially shot military our load on the surge and are no closer to reconciliation than the day Bush played pilot and walked around with a dildo in his pants. What now? I’m mean really. We have now fumbled around in the dark for six years and really have shit to show for it. Oh yes down in Anbar you can now go to the market and have less of a chance of being killed than up Baghdad way. Sorry big props there. Sound cynical well yes. I guess the biggest CF in the history of the USA leaves me smarting this fine day. Well anyway I need to go fill my car with gas and get a coffee and muffin at starbucks (thank god for drive throughs). Cheers.
You’d have to be pretty brain damaged to let Bush even get near you if you are a United States Veteran. The man with the Sadim touch would probably just kill you with compassionate conservatism.
Do we have an exchange program w/ them???
That Karzai fellow seems like a nice chap and speaks better English.
It seems like W’s handlers have given up on him. He just babbles these days, even by his standards.
Hope your ear is better, John. That was some harrowing reading last night.
Jesus Christ in a wetsuit. I bet that coke-addled SOB is trying to one up Prince Harry. Nice of him to supply the Brown Squirts with an excuse to stay out of harms way. “Uh, yeah! I’ve got a job too! Someone has to collect the wingnut welfare checks to make sure it isn’t used to provide healthcare to children!”
Holy FUCK. They’re trying to discuss a war and fucknuts is playing with the remote. Make it stop. Just take this smirking fuck of a vomit puddle, make him comfy at The Ranch and secure the perimiter against reporters. I can’t take close to a full year of this bastard. We can’t stop this bullshit but it doesn’t mean we should be forced to watch it.
J. Michael Neal
Bush took the stage to reassure everyone that the Bear Stearns meltdown isn’t a threat to our way of life, and the Dow promptly dropped 40 points. Is he the worst public speaker of all time? I’m better than this, and I have an actual stutter.
I’ll contribute $2000.00 to the first candidate – Obama, Clinton, or McCain – that says in front of cameras:
End the war in Iraq?! Hell, no! Not until George Bush gets a chance to serve on the front line for 15 months! I got a stop-loss order for his ass right here in my pocket, and I’ve got one for Cheney, too! Pull out of Iraq? Not yet, not until Rush Limbaugh leads a legion of dittoheads through Fallujah, along with Sean Hannity, John Gibson, Brit Hume, and all those other cowardly bastards who cried for war but refused to fight it. Pull out of Iraq? Hell, no, not until Tom Friedman, David Broder, Richard Cohen, Andrew Sullivan, Michael O’Hanlon, Kevin Pollack, Doug Feith, that sick little fucker who licks his comb, yeah him, not until all those guys and their shadows have a chance to experience just what they unleashed on the world.
And if they don’t want to do that, I’m going to name them enemy combatants and send their asses to Gitmo! We’ll see how much they like ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ and the three gourmet meals a day!
J. Michael Neal
Ugh. Even when I agree with him, Bush is painful to listen to. The fact that he’s blatantly lying about what his administration is doing with regards to the housing market doesn’t help.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I heard from this guy that I know that I met over the intragoogle that Obama’s pastor has been hard at work with the Nation of Islam trying to brainwash Sir Petraeus The Legendary (God Save Him) into surrendering the Holy War on Terror so that Obama can get more Allahallah money from his twin brother Osama.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
These days, the Dow can fall 40 simply because Pret A Manger is out of the turkey club.
This doesn’t mean Bush isn’t a terrible speaker though.
You want to see a spectacular drop? Wait until the day in December when Bush simplistically announces he’s going to stay on as President another year.
Dennis - SGMM
This points out the real dilemma faced by the Bush administration in Iraq: how to find a general stupid enough to agree with you but who is still able to feed and dress himself.
Maybe they can dig up Westmoreland and do a “Weekend at Bernie’s” thing with him?
At least we’ll get a guy who looks like a general instead of a shithouse rat.
Dennis - SGMM
I lean more toward Zombie Custer, a great fit in so many ways.
That works too. We do seem to be re-fighting the Greasy Grass battle, with approximately the same result(s).
Bubblegum Tate
Har! Now that’s a punchline!
Jay C
Doing what, exactly?
The only job I can envision this clown being fit for is as IED detector: walking out in front of US/NATO patrols in Kabul armed with a broomstick and whacking away at suspicious-looking objects.
Come to think of it: all that mountain-biking must have kept Dubya in fairly good shape: even at his age, he should be able to do the above job just fine!
Dennis - SGMM
Comments like Petraeus made are what make me nervous. His testimony is coming up soon and I can just hear everyone asking how, after all the glurrrious sacrifices of the troops, there is still something preventing the Iraqis from putting the success of the surge into concrete political achievements. What’s the problem?
Answer: Iran.
I just can’t see Bush leaving office without notching up some more brown scalps. With Fallon out of the way, Petraeus’ word is law.
El Cid
Are we allowed to even spell His name without the appropriate blanks for vowels? P_TR___S?
Damn, didn’t the Magical Unity General learn anything after getting his fourth star? Just loan the Iraqi leaders his PowerPoint software and a few staffers. Within days there would be slides from the Iraqis proving The Greatest Success Story Ever due to their leadership. Problem solved.
So General Betrayus lived up to his monniker? No surprise there. What is sad is that Democrats were running scared to own calling that war pig that. The left in this country is just pitiful