You all have a good one.
Also, there appears to have been some confusion in this thread where I stated it is snowing in “motown.” I am not in Michigan, I was talking about Morgantown.
by John Cole| 31 Comments
This post is in: Previous Site Maintenance
You all have a good one.
Also, there appears to have been some confusion in this thread where I stated it is snowing in “motown.” I am not in Michigan, I was talking about Morgantown.
Comments are closed.
The Other Steve
It’s snowing in Minnesota. It’s been snowing since thursday, and the weather guy says now it’ll snow all week!
ARRGH!!!! I’m tired of snow! I want my Global Warming!
Soylent Green
You’re complaining about snow in Minnesota? Well, I’ve just about had it with the sun rising in the east.
Sunny and 60 here in Portland yesterday but the rain is back today.
H.E. to those of you who celebrate it.
Silver Owl
It did snow in Motown, Michigan. We got two inches of snow Friday. It’s beginning to melt again. Just for the record you were correct about both motowns. lol
When morning comes to Morgantown
The merchants pull their awnings down
The milk truck makes its morning round
In morning Morgantown…
Or as we like to call it, Organtown.
My question is simple. Why do politicians still think they can get away with obvious lies in the You Tube era. Does Clinton think that people aren’t going to check?
happy War On Easter!
Dennis - SGMM
That link is funny! She does have a point though; the decades of celebrating the Resurrection via the august solemnities of eating dyed hard boiled eggs and biting the heads off of chocolate bunnies and marshmallow Peeps is truly ruined by our cavalier behavior on Good Friday.
How come there wasn’t any “War on Saint Patrick’s Day” ruckus?
Happy Easter, ya’ll!
As a Jew, I love Easter. Why? Because I know the true meaning of the season – Cadbury Mini Eggs.
It’s Easter? Huh. Time flies.
How long before the countertop brigade starts in on this:
I’ll pass over those, thanks
On the Easter theme.
Peeps are the most disgusting substance know to man.
i thought you meant brooklyn, ny, birthplace of moe howard.
Conservatively Liberal
This is the wife and my first Easter since we had our kids that we are not hiding eggs and baskets. Nothing to do except eat candy this year, and we are not complaining one bit. At least we get to take a break until the kids decide to have kids…lol
It is 54 out today, and it would be a great day for a motorcycle ride except that I tore the bike apart and it will not be going anywhere soon. The wife and I are taking a trip to Spokane on May 1st and we are taking the bike, so I am overhauling the carbs, slapping a new set of Dunlop tires on it, replacing the oil cooler lines (they are 28 years old and hard as a rock), giving it a valve adjustment, tune up and an oil change.
Happy Easter to everyone, and watch out for Zombie Jesus or anyone else who dies and comes back to life.
Whole heartedly agree. I have family memebers who will purchase cases of those things, take out a box, slit the package, let it sit for a week till the peeps harden, and then eat. They will repeat that process till the case is gone.
Dennis - SGMM
Your family knows their Peeps. Like marshmallow peanuts, Peeps are best savored when slightly stale.
What Lambert said:
If the Boiz are this scared of a woman, what are they gonna do when the GOPers get nasty?
Soylent Green
Well, you’re preaching to the choir, myiq. The Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
We aren’t worried about Obama getting the nom or making a strong run against a weak opponent. We’re worried about Hillary burning down the party and taking the ball (the big prize in November) home with her.
Get a clue.
I’m concerned that if we elect McCain he’s going to ban the Easter Egg hunt and kick all the kids off the White House lawn.
Conservatively Liberal
There is a great post from JedReport at Kos that lampoons Hillary’s so-called harrowing trip under sniper fire to Tuzla. He made a video of it and posted it on YouTube, and it is pretty funny to listen to Hillary describe the trip and then see the reality of it from the news at the time.
I would say that this is yet another ‘open mouth, insert foot’ moment for her. Even if the story were true, what mother would take her child into a place like what Hillary described? That alone would make me call in to question her judgment. She said that if the place was ‘too small or too dangerous’, the line was ‘send in the first lady’.
Now I can believe that Bill would have no problem with sending her into a situation like that. ;) But her having no problem with bringing Chelsea along?
Dennis - SGMM
Romney’s back in?
Now that data are starting to accrue suggesting that the damage from the Wright flap may not be permanent, maybe they’ll be more amenable to a revote. Or maybe not.
Soylent Green
I can see him now coming out on the portico with his bathrobe hanging open.
Soylent Green
Too late. Was responding to akaDad, whose joke made my day.
Dennis - SGMM
Oh thanks for that.
The Grand Panjandrum
Not enough black Irish here in the States?
I believe we can call this one another Clinton lie. Or could just say its rerun season. Either way works for me.
What I find so striking about this particular incident is that she can’t be misremembering and confusing this with another incident. She’s never been shot at. Jesus! Maybe Clinton and McCain have more in common than we knew.
Your response just made my day.
I never did get the Easter thing. So, the bunny, born of the immaculate copulation, was killed, and then rose up to heaven, and went into the egg business?
That was basically the way I understood the myth when I was 4 or 5, and really, I haven’t heard anything since that made more sense than that.
Happy Sunday after St. Patrick’s day. Or whatever.
Don’t miss the WaPo’s Peep Show.
#8, #13 & #17 were my favorites.
Conservatively Liberal
Close TZ. The bunny, who was killed during the immaculate conception (the rabbit died), rose to heaven. God, sensing a marketing moment, put the rabbit in charge of the candy factory to take some of the load off of Jesus.
Satan caught wind of this, and he started the Peeps factory so he could get a slice of the pie.