Have at it.
*** Update ***
These guys apparently had at it:
Prosecutors are moving ahead with a case against one of two 93-year-old men picked up during undercover prostitution stings.
In the case of Frank Milio, prosecutors have issued subpoenas and plan to take him to trial in April.
Milio, according to police records, tried to pay $20 in November to an undercover officer on 14th Street West.
This should not be a crime. This should be an inspirational story. This is a goal for me, to still be chasing after it at age 93. These guys deserve a plaque or something.
What? Is B-ball playing or something?
10 days ’till BSG! Let the countdown begin, bitches!
Has anyone else read the washington Post article by the guy who spent 24 hours watching and reading nothing but political punditry?
Soylent Green
Is the election over yet?
oops….forgot the link…. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/03/18/AR2008031802463_pf.html
I am ready for some BSG, but in the meantime, I will rejoice over the continuing legal travails of Douchebag Supreme Joe Francis.
Tim P.
How’s the new patch treating you, John?
I am the kind OF NO PANTS!
I am the
kindKing OF NO PANTS!jake
Alas, another drive-by post ruined by a spellimication error.
Is anyone taking bets on which country will be the first to boycott the summer Olympics? My money is on Germany.
France is still talking about it, from what I hear, at least boycotting the opening ceremonies. I can only say that it certainly won’t be the US. Our athletes may have orders from the Fed to lay down in any event where they’re up against the Chinese directly.
Dug Jay
This from Scrappleface was pretty funny:
John Cole
Will tell you in a little bit.
Heh. I have me some serious BSG anticipation!!!!
I’m even reading BSG news. Lol. Quotes I like from this Wired article by Scott Brown:
Dennis - SGMM
Just saw some footage, on Olberman’s show, of Nancy Reagan walking with John McCain and this popped into my head:
Q: Why does Nancy Reagan like to go walking with John McCain?
A: Because he makes her look young.
Frakkin’ A. It’s one of the very few shows I still care about post-strike.
Anybody watch the Sarah Connor Chronicles? It’s nowhere near BSG’s league, but I thought it was a suprisingly effective spinoff of T2. Hope it gets a second season.
And ya know what else, I didn’t even recognize Lucy Lawless last year. I realized it was Xena Warrior Princess when I brought home the episode she was in and it had her name in the credits.
My daughter was a heavy duty Xena fan back in the day–we watched her flip and yayayayaya her way through the air many a Friday night. Now, she’s this brutal, cunning, tough ass cylon bitch who looks simply stunning by the way. Geez. I wish I could have a horse fall on me and break my pelvis but still come away looking like that.
you know, i’m kind of no pants, too.
not exactly no pants, just kind of.
Patch report:
Servers didn’t come up today until about 2:30 for me, which sucked since I had the day off and was looking forward to playing most of the day. Seems to be working fine for me now. Addons seems to work.
There’s a lead in quest you can get from Aldor or Scryer, not required but why not. To get there it’s a simple flight from your the BE or Dranei capital.
If you are on a PvP server be prepared. Was a gank fest when I was there. Lots of fun, but if you are looking to checkout new content, it might be a bit of a pain in the ass.
Hurrah for new cooking recipes that don’t require fishing to get you to 300 and for instant honor points (no more waiting a day).
duuuude. Wow.
Warren Terra
Funniest thing I’ve read today is a fictionalization of Clinton’s heroics at Tuzla, by the commenter tbone (apparently a habitue of this site, though I saw the comment at Yglesias), entitled “From The War Journals of Hillary Clinton, Vol. 1“.
I’d embed a link but the html never seems to get coded properly, even if I use the provided button to insert it instead of coding it by hand (it creates an apparent working link in the preview if I put two link tags back-to-back, but that can’t be a good idea). You It is at the URL below (WARNING: graphic violence).
I hear there are still 4 more episodes to go this season.
Summer Glau did a really good job with the part (and man, another beautiful girl kicking butt).
My favorite line from last season:
Maybe ya had to be there.
My first thought when I saw the Nancy Reagan story was that it’s been 20 years since Ronnie left office.How many voters,especially young ones, even remember her?
Also,did anyone think she would endorse anyone else?
The old guy’s lawyer should make sure to get a jury trial if it actually goes that far. I’d bet he could get him off,so to speak.
How many voters,especially young ones, even remember her?
Even us middle-aged ones only think of her as the buzzkill who screeched “Just say No!” about ten billion times.
Indeed this is an inspirational story. These guys should be hired to be corporate spokespeople for something.
Heh. Yeah, I was never into Star Trek, but evidently Ron Moore was responsible for some of the darker episodes that the series has seen. I’m hoping for at least a happy-ish ending for BSG, but knowing him, it’ll be depressing as hell.
As long as they don’t hurt Helo though. Don’t mess with the pretty, or I’ll be seriously pissed.
And he survived to write about it? I’d have long since perished from brain hemorrhages, due to frequent and vehement contact between my head and the nearest wall.
Well, I’m kin of no pants. I’m also kin of fully dressed, and, in fact, kin of over dressed, dressed to the nines, dressed to kill, and, no that you mention it, kilted, socked, shod, and booted.
Or a very lucrative endorsement deal with Viagra. Go Frank, you horny old fucker!
Yeah, Helo is the best. Actually, Apollo and Sam are pretty damn sexy, too. And Chief? Mr. Cuddly Bear.
Baltar? Gawd, how do you describe Baltar? Evilly banal?
Number 6? I could, conceivably, go gay for her. Or Starbuck. Sigh.
Grace Park does a really good job of making a pissed off Korean woman look like the scariest of all possible beings.
Soylent Green
Amen to that. Watch “Serenity” for more of her oddball charm and fluid grace and kickass moves if you haven’t already. (Screening the one season of Firefly first is highly recommended.)
Heh. Yes, I also watched all of Firefly and Serenity during the writing strike.
And, anytime they are having a SG1 marathon, you have to reach for some real scifi. Gawd, was there ever a lamer series than SG1??
Although, I have to admit, Stargate Atlantis is something of a guilty pleasure, but mostly because of that hulking dreadlocked sulker, Rhonin (Jason Mamoa).
Number 6? I could, conceivably, go gay for her. Or Starbuck. Sigh.
Grace Park does a really good job of making a pissed off Korean woman look like the scariest of all possible beings.
They’re all gorgeous, but I’m more of a Dualla type. She’s the most striking one on the show to me, along with the Lucy Lawless Cylon.
Krista…..the way the article deteriorates as he goes tells me he was losing it, the way I think any semi-sentient being would.
Dualla IS stunning. Those eyes! I do confess to having a platonic yet intense girl-crush on Roslin. Mary McDonnell is just so amazing and talented and beautiful.
Yep. Lots and lots of pretty on that show. Fantastic writing. Awesome production. Acting that blows your socks off (Michael Hogan, I’m talking to you). If it wasn’t sci-fi, it’d be picking up Emmys left and right.
Lots and lots of pretty on that show, but not of the Hollywood standard pretty. Maybe Apollo fits that mold, and 6, though she’s not as chesty as the average Hollywood actress. That’s one of the thing I love about the show–that it’s not airbrushed to hell and back.
I read it before and linked to it, but I don’t think people here like Weingarten as much as I do. His chats are fun. Also, if you email him, he will email you back. It is something of a point of personal pride. And right much free time, evidently. He’ll also friend anybody on Facebook.
I like D, but she has kind of that long suffering victim thing going on. She does have incredible eyes. And, well, she spurned Billy. Damn.
Yeah, I love Mary McDonnell. I’d vote for her in a heartbeat! Lol. I guess there’s a T-shirt out there with Laura Roslin/Airlock ’08 on it. Heh.
Isn’t it funny how I never heard of Michael Hogan until BSG? I guess I don’t watch enough Canadian TV/movies.
Since we’re giving props to actors, you can’t leave out Edward James Olmos. When Adama cries, it is something worth crying about. I loved the line when he was talking to Apollo when they wouldn’t leave when Starbuck was lost (which time??)–“If it was you, we’d never leave.”
Next lifetime I want Edward James Olmos to be my dad. :D
Oh and Top Gear is the best show on TV. On BSG do people drag race an Aston Martin against a dude on roller skates with a jet pack. No? I didn’t think so.
Wow did this thread turn nerdy.
This is a goal for me, to still be chasing after it at age 93. These guys deserve a plaque or something.
Still? Are you saying you engage prostitutes now?
Also, Apollo is just weird looking. He sometimes looks like a claymation character.
Yeah, Olmos rocks. Evidently he does a lot of ad-libbing — they just sort of let him go and see where he takes them.
Yes. It was called Andromeda.
Actually, I’ve been giving SG1 a second chance since the strike. The show never seemed to take itself too seriously, which is a good thing. One major problem is that every planet they go to looks like the same public park in the Vancouver suburbs.
You aren’t all that familiar with the regulars of this blog, are you? This whole damn blog is nerdy. We are all unabashed, unapologetic nerds with a deep love for sci-fi and RPGs.
I don’t get Top Gear here, but Jeremy Clarkson is great. I alway read his stuff on the Top Gear and London Times websites
Bush’s War, Part II on PBS.
Although it seems it could better be titled “Rumsfeld and Cheney’s War”. Rummy at the helm, Cheney with the strong-handing, everyone else on the ends of strings. Bremer with the heavy assist. What an unmitigated fuck-up on almost every level.
Barack Obama and Brad Pitt are ninth cousins.
Well, you said it was an open thread.
Speaking of McCane and other old farts, will someone please make me feel better and tell me I’m not the only one who remembers Starbuck as a guy.
[Crickets chirp]
Feh. You kids get offa my lawn.
Try strong-ARMING, although he was probably strong-handing himself during all this…
My goal is to not only still be want it at 93 — but also to not to have to be paying for it.
Dennis - SGMM
I remember that Lorne Green played Commander Adama.
jake….I remember…Dirk Benedict I believe….I remember when that series first aired.
Uh, yeah, you mean the second officer on Ahab’s ship? Yeah, he’s a guy.
Is there any other referent for the name? I mean, except for the coffee chain, but it’s really a back reference to Starbuck-the-whaler.
Next lifetime I want Edward James Olmos to be my dad.
Well, don’t watch Zoot Suit then. Olmos was a little too old to be playing a pachuco.
BH Buck
Warren Terra, the proper link is:
One Tough Lady
I combined the comic/poetic styling of tBone with that of an anonymous graphics professional. The two things seemed to compliment each other well.
Nope. I was pretty young at the time, though. It was the one show I was allowed to stay up late to watch. I always mispronounced it as “Battlestar Galac-ita”, but I adored that show.
Dennis - SGMM
Okay, if we’re getting our geek on: Does anyone else remember a movie titled “Silent Running”? I thought it was one of Bruce Dern’s better roles.
OTOH, “Black Hole” was, in my opinion, one of the worst sci-fi flicks ever made. The “Commando Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen” serials or even Gene Autry’s “The Phantom Empire” were better.
I vaguely remember a robot dog or some such. And the other guy was a guest star on the new series.
Lol. Deal.
But, I have to admit, I kinda had a thing for him when he was the captain on Miami Vice. Yeah, I had girl dreams about Crocket (gawd, I’m really losing it … oh yeah, Don Johnson … it’s his fault, he’s the one who went on to ignomy in Nash Rambler* or whatever that show was).
*Actually, my step daughter had a Rambler named Betty–totally cute car, very classic.
And _Red Dwarf_ is one of the best.
Dude, do you have any idea how hard I cried when the drone went off into space? Geez. I’m pretty much a light weight.
So, uber nerd that I am, I tried to find the name of the bot that died (all the names were Huey, Dewey and Louie) and I found this trivia bit:
Yeah, in 1972 people still played in all the roles. Yikes though. My cheerful liberal side says, “Right on!! Did they use Viet Nam vets?” My less cheerful liberal side says, “Ew. Really? They stuffed double amputees into robot costumes?
Another edition of stuff you didn’t really want to know.
Rimmer and Lister baby!
That would be Richard Hatch (the actor who played Apollo in the original BSG, not the Survivor-winning, pants-eschewing, tax-evading guy.)
If we’re going back to the 70’s….how about Quark, with Richard Benjaimn?
A favorite
ack…Richard Benjamin
Geeking out? Nothing better than The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension!
Yeah, you’d outnumber old ladies like 10 to 1.
I’m trying to say the old ladies would outnumber you.
My 70s viewed was really limited–ABC, CBS and a very spotty NBC were my only channels. Oh yeah, and we were an hour behind prime time. I did watch the original Battlestar Galactica!! Yeah, Richard Hatch was cuter, but Dirk Benedict was from Montana. :D
LiberalTarian…..sounds like my selection growing up,except we also had PBS….I still remember our first color TV…..cable didn’t make it to my hometown until after I’d grown up and left…
Nope, no PBS. Lol.
Yep, it was excellent. But I can say that if you watch it back-to-back with 2001 you will be totally weirded out for at least three days.
So don’t.
I got a kick out of Leonard Part 6 when I was a kid. I haven’t seen it in 20 years though. I suspect it would be unintentionally funny at this point. Ohhhhh…and Ghost Dad, Bill Cosby’s finest work ;)
Ah, Bill Cosby….Ever see Mother,Jugs and Speed?….a different Bill Cosby than most people are used to….Raquel Welch and Harvey Keitel too
Would the “outragous” lawsuits (and judgements there of) that appear due to accidents and medical malpractice be cut down substantially if we had national helathcare?
“Ohhhhh…and Ghost Dad, Bill Cosby’s finest work ;)”-DFD
AWWRIGHT!!! AWWRIGHT!!! Lights out! Lights OUT!
caleb….I doubt it, unless some kind of tort reform was included.
No, but only because Galactica 1980 only lasted a season.
Thanks, Buck. I’m glad other people enjoy the image of Hillary licking blood off a k-bar after brutally murdering an insurgent as much as I do.
News like this does not help me stop worrying and learn to love teh Hillary.
Yeah, Obama is related to CthCheney and Bush but … Celine Dion [urk!]
BTW, Buck, did you post that comment at Ygelsias’ too? I’ve never posted there but the comment was under my handle. Just curious.
I suspect that these genealogists are full of shit. If they had their way every politician and A-list celebrity would be cousins of some kind. Furthermore, who gives a shit? Is Clinton planning on singing the title track for James Cameron’s Titantic II?
“Use more honey. Find out what she knows.”
But, you know, that explains a lot.
Clinton, the would be President, who does not know the meaning of CinC, is related to Madonna, the several-times mother who doesn’t know the meaning of _Sex_, Morissette, the performer of _Isn’t it Ironic_, who, ironically, doesn’t know the meaning of “ironic”, and Dion, the French-Canuckistani Chanteuse who doesn’t know the meaning of “music”.
BH Buck
Hey, tBone!
Nope, wasn’t me. You obviously have quite a few fans. :-)
Mornington Crescent
One of my favorites:
Beaker singing “Feelings”
Poor sick bastards.
Yes, unless people crown her as president immediately if not sooner.
Incertus (or anyone for that matter), you want to read a first-hand account of that fuckstick Joe Francis, check out this article in LA Times by Claire Hoffman.
Opening grafs (Registration Required):
It’s a pretty insane article – if the link doesn’t get you there due to registration issues or something, search for Joe Francis, then read the article titled “Joe Francis: ‘Baby, give me a kiss'”. There are some photos that go with the article too
John seriously needs to put Tbone’s story on the front page. Seriously.
I’ms till going through BSG. I’m at season 2 at the moment and working my way through the whole thing. I’ve got a long way to go it seems. I’m not willing to skip the seasons. :P Netflix rocks!!
I”ve been bitorrenting Sarah Connor Chronicles.
Notorious P.A.T.
Is “Silent Running” the one with Bruce Dern on a spaceship carrying plants and trees?
Camille Paglia’s head just exploded.
Thank god!!! I will sleep much better knowing that dangerous criminal is off the streets!
Heh. After I’ve saved some $$$$ I’ll buy the whole shebang.
Be sure to watch the deleted scenes–it’s weird to see them in the montages but not know how you missed them.
Someday I’ll buy all of Farscape, too, but that’s on the pretty expensive side, and I want to get the disks without playing problems.
The Muppet Show is one of the greatest things ever.
It still holds up.
Anyone remember Animaniacs?
Yes, Muppets were the best ever. Of course, they were on NBC, and I had to watch it on the worst reception that could be watched and still hear the voices. :)
Conservatively Liberal
Animaniacs rocked! Wacko was my fav, but Dot was great too. I also liked Pinky & The Brain, that was a riot to watch.
What I want to know is if the old guys were using a ‘performance enhancing drug’, or if they were still running on steam power. Wow, 93. I hope I am that spry if I make it there.
Plus, I hope my luck would be better than theirs.
Actually, the really scary bit is that one of them was driving.
Conservatively Liberal
I found this gem over at Kos:
A bomb by the Capitol building goes unnoticed for three weeks.
And now, to excerpt for eyebrow-raising purposes.
Not that that isn’t nasty, but really, the bar for WMDs does seem to have been dropping lately, hasn’t it?
Soylent Green
Naw, I only had to spend about $400. Don’t tell my wife.
How could you not love a show whose theme song contained the line, “There’s baloney in our slacks!”
That show was beyond Looney. It was insane.
The pResident will say this is proof he needs unrestricted wiretap authority in 5…4…3…
I know people who make deliveries down there on a regular basis, which means they get reamed out by the steroid gobbling Rambo wanna-bes in U.S.C.P. uniform on a regular basis. “You can’t park that van there! I don’t CARE why you’re here! Move that van NOW or I’ll arrest you!”
I’m glad they got a search warrant and all, but how the fuck did the thing sit on a government parking lot for three weeks when the cops flip out when they see a guy take two steps from a van parked on the street?
Well, that’s a tradition that goes back to STTNG, where nearly every planet looks like Southern California…
Dennis - SGMM
“Isn’t it amazing, Data, how Squornshellous Zeta in no way looks like Southern California?”
There’s also the Dr. Who tradition of using the same quarry for outdoor scenes.
Anyone remember Sliders? It was pretty excellent for the first couple seasons.
Dennis - SGMM
In other news:
So, naturally the best thing to do is let the Iraqi government arrest hundreds of al-Sadr’s followers and then follow up by committing U.S. forces to support directly attacking them.
It would appear that Gen. Petraeus is just as clueless as all of the other generals who preceded him.
b. hussein canuckistani
And they animated songs by They Might Be Giants.
It could be the cultural apex of Western Civilization.
Canuck that was actually Tiny Toons.
It bothers me a great deal that can I remember shit like that but not where I put my wallet last night.
b. hussein canuckistani
There aren’t words enough to describe my shame.. you are correct.
b. hussein canuckistani
In my defence, I saw the cartoons in question under sniper fire in a Bosnian hotel.
Paul L.
Republicans to be prosecuted in Ohio for crossing over to affect Democratic primary?
Another progressive for the loyalty oath.
Limbaugh’s Lying Voters Under Investigation
Br'er Bear
The robo-dog in the original BSG, “Moffet” I think was his name, was played by a chimpanzee in a robot suit.
The men had all the big roles in the original – Boomer was a guy, not an angry/hot Korean woman, Starbuck was Dirk Benedict, etc. The women were all primped (lots of feathered hairstyles) and soft-focussed and consigned to fluff roles.
There was a BSG~TNG spin-off, where the grandchildren (or something) actually made it to Earth. I remember someone hiding a landed viper in shrubbery off a highway…
That would be BSG 1980. The less said about it the better.
Br’er Bear’s mostly right but there was a brunette who looked like Racetrack (pre-pixie cut) and she kinda kicked ass. Can’t remember much about Jane Seymour’s character but, underwritten or no, she’s never a waste of screen time.
A patient at my vet clinic looked exactly like Muffet the daggit. When he died I gave the owner my action figure. That was sweet of me, right? Right. Sweet and really, really stupid.
That’s Muffit, with an “i”.
And you guys call yourself nerds.
That’s Muffit, with an “i”.
And you guys call yourselves nerds.
Fortunately I don’t call myself an English teacher.