Every now and then I stumble across something I wish I had written. This is one of them:
Ordinarily, this is the sort of association that might be disastrous for a presidential campaign, but I’m given to understand that Barack Obama consorts with Angry, Crazed Negroes, so I expect there will be other things for the press to discuss while they’re eating Butterfingers on the Straight Talk Express.
Just Some Fuckhead
Where “Given To Understand” means “Informed By Clinton Staffers”.
The only change I’d make is:
“…so I expect there will be other things for the press to discuss with their Butterfingers on the Straight Talk Express.”
…because the press seems to use more lube on the Straight Talk than candy.
Dennis - SGMM
Luckily for both Clinton and McCain, most Americans have no idea how the gutting of Glass-Steagal, signed off on by Bill himself, led to the current economic disaster. OTOH, if you’ve ever wanted a ski boat, a motor home, or a Harley you can pick one up now for fifty cents on the dollar.
jack fate
Oh god we’re fucked. . .
Well I thought this one was pretty good, myself:
Found here. Of course, Dem gutlessness and jaw-dropping stupidity didn’t exactly begin with the ’06 vintage….