According to the new Gallup:
Barack Obama has extended his lead over Hillary Clinton among Democrats nationally to 52% to 42%, the third consecutive Gallup Poll Daily tracking report in which he has held a statistically significant lead, and Obama’s largest lead of the year so far.
Two caveats- first, as always, remember this is just a poll. Second, we need to give Mark Penn some time to explain why most of the people who prefer Obama don’t count.
Consider this an open thread.
*** Update ***
For today’s most brazen spin, I give you Talk Left, where we learn that if Hillary forces a credential battle at the convention, it is…
I shit you not.
Hart Williams
Wait a second! Wasn’t Obama supposed to be the scary Nat Turner guy with the crazy preacher who would bring us all socialist repression?
Whoops. I guess reality is still too tough a nut for the talking heads to crack. We, the People, seem to be taking a different tack.
Christian Prophet
Obama is ahead for the moment. But the truth is only just beginning to come out about him. He cannot win in November. See:
Christian Prophet, are you the guy that wears a tin-foil hat while screaming at passersby in Times Square?
if so, i hear that your Overmasters from planet Omnicron Ceti-Racist need you to come back home for the annual re-bloodening of the innocent and the Recitifacation of the Voldroni.
thank the High Lord Ponfhar you got rid of all those scary dark people on your home planet. how’s it going on Earth?
Just Some Fuckhead
When did the LaRouche monkeys join forces with the Clinton campaign?
1. It’s just a number.
2. It’s too early in the election year.
3. They don’t count because most of the people who say they prefer Obama are lying. They just say that out of fear his hordes of Crazed Negroes will attack.
Seriously, if they’re bent on spinning these results into another great news for Hillary moment, that’s about all they have left. Sunspot activity and weather balloons don’t work in this instance.
“Sunspot activity and weather balloons” work in every instance. They cause people to drink latte’s and drink volvos.
And vote for Obama.
blah, blah, blah, racist bullshit, blah blah, blah, scary black guy, blahbidy, blah, blah, blah.
Dug Jay
MyDD has put up what they characterize as the “ad” that will end Obama’s chance in the general election. Seems WAY, WAY overblown to me.
Just Some Fuckhead
Oops.. that’s the election after the primary they lost, right? That’s gotta suck.
Oh, joy.
Christian Prophet, which of the trolls are you?
Whoever it is has put a lot of work into that fantastic spoof site. Nicely done!
All those accusations that Hillary’s campaign and her supporters were writing ready-made McCain attack ads? That was just crazy talk from John Cole. The truth is, YouTube’s FLV compression means that the GOP will need to redo the video on some of the clips.
The poll oversampled voters.
I had an interesting (but depressing now that I’m thinking about it) conversation with a Hillary supporter today.
He was supporting Hillary for one reason only – race. He firmly believes that it is not possible for a black person to win the presidency in this country. Period.
It’s not so much that he likes Hillary or dislikes Obama, for him, it’s just a “fact” that Obama will get killed in the general election because he’s black and all these polls don’t matter because when white people get into the voting booth they’ll vote for the white person. They just won’t admit that to pollsters.
So that’s why it doesn’t matter if Hillary destroys Obama or the Democratic Party in the next five months, it’s irrelevant – because if the Party nominates a black man – it has destroyed itself.
I’m sure that even Mark Penn, as self-destructive as he usually is, can phrase it better than that.
Cross your fingers. Christian Profit may turn out to be more amusing that Darrell, src, JWW and Psycheout:
For those of you unfamiliar with the Bible, this ain’t in the Bible.
I think it’s sad to see A Course in Miracles abused that way. But, if Christian Prophet is crazy, whadderya gonna do??
This is bad news for Democrats.
Soylent Green
From Christian Prophet’s link, which encourages Hillary to say:
CP, you can take your particular Jesus Christ of the Gospels and the ass he rode in on and shove both of them up your lily-white ass. Thank you and have a nice day.
Of course it is. I mean, winning in a landslide is bad news for the Democrats, so how could anything else be anything else?
BH Buck
Uhg! I’ve got to remind myself NEVER to follow certain commenter links.
Just Some Fuckhead
I have a friend of mine who thought the same thing. At the very beginning, but I’ve been stickin it to him everytime Obama wins. :-)
This poll oversampled black people, educated people, affluent people, young people and, plainly, just too many Obama supporters.
w vincentz
I clicked on Christian Prophet’s link and the headline got my attention.
“If Hillary Clinton Exposes Barack Obama, She Wins”.
Immediately, a connection to the great Mel Brooks movie, “Blazing Saddles” came to mind.
“Excuse me while I whip this out.”
Is there any wonder as to why Hillary is smiling so widely?
Once you go Barack…
I love the fact that the right keeps flogging this story and denouncing the Speech.
It just served to isolate them from mainstream America.
Conservatively Liberal
From the link that Christian Prophet posted above:
No, if she exposes Barack Obama, she gets arrested and thrown in jail! Regarding the rest of the drivel on your site? I bet you are RAPTURE READY!
The MUP breaks 50%? Rock on! If Hillary and her supporters can’t figure out why their asses are sore, they probably have not noticed the hoof prints on them.
Fly MUP, fly! :D
No no no, this poll clearly oversampled Democrats.
Just Some Fuckhead
I’ve had relatives say this to my mother, a diehard Obama supporter. The other thing they’ve said to her is that they’re saving him from being assassinated.
I have ignant relatives.
w vincentz
“This great nation is blessed by God … blacks and whites and orientals and spanish speakers and every individual. You are blessed by God. Even Barack Obama is blessed by God … which he will discover as he gets older and gives up grievances and insane ideas.” —CP’s link.
Why don’t I go to the Course on Miracles link? This demands further investigation. (An it’s also pretty fucking entertaining!)
Talk Left and Taylor marsh are both in the same make believe world as the Clintons.
I think they honestly believe the insane rants and fantasy posts they write.
I keep wondering what they will do when Obama is officially recognized as the democratic nominee.
Holy crap! I cannot believe MyDD. How in the hell can Democrats propogate such vile racist filth, and even use 9/11’s victims for smear jobs??? I know it’s not everyone there, but no site should host such racist vile disgusting filth like that. It’s like stromfront.
w vincentz
Here’s the link to Chistian Prophet’s link:
If you pay careful attention to paragraphs #2 and #5, you might see that the leader being described is none other than….George W Bush.
I’ve never been over to Talk Left, although I’ve heard that they hate Obama with the force of a thousand suns. I clicked the link under John’s update. There’s some serious crazy over there.
Most likely, they’ll wait for McCain to say anything at all, then declare that his statement is the single most repugnant statement that’s ever been uttered by a human mouth in recorded history, and so despite their previous misgivings they’re now forced to support Obama to prevent The Monster in Human Guise from being elected President.
Alternately, they’ll make long, ranty posts first about how they’re going to hold their breath until they turn blue and die and we’ll all be really, really sorry when we’re at their funerals and everyone’s remembering how great they were before the MUP MADE THEM BE DEAD DEAD DEAD!!!!!!
(Granted, Obama supporters are prone to just the same attitude–if Clinton were ahead we’d be suffering through MUPpites making exactly the same “Fine, I guess I’ll just go vote for McCain then since I’m a git with no real policy opinions at all and SHE HURT MY FEELINGS!!!!!!” posts that we’re seeing from the HRC side. You can see it in these ludicrous polls showing that a quarter of each side would vote for McCain to punish their primary opponent, since obviously the good of the country is secondary to punishing another Democrat with nearly the same policy positions.)
The Other Steve
Do you suppose Hillary will shout “LEEEEROY JENKINS!!!!!” as she enters the Convention Hall?
(I mean, it would be irresponsible not to discuss it, as the Republicans with bring it up.)
Christian PROFIT.
gypsy howell
I don’t think anything today can beat Larry’s post The “Wrong Nigga to Fuck Wit” Dilemma for Barack over at “Larry and SusanUnHinged’s House of Crazy.”
If I’m following Larry’s train(wreck) of thought, not only is Obama responsible for everything Wright has ever said, now he’s responsible for everything every black rapper has ever said:
Ummm… OK Larry.
Just Some Fuckhead
I thought they took that site down when he died.
Wow!! BIRDZILLA passed the GED and got a new handle!
Let us all offer a moment of SILenCE.
FuCk Y0U ed
Chris Johnson
No, if Clinton were ahead she would not be thrashing about befouling everything around her, she’d be riding the inevitability express and would look Presidential and would not be lying, cheating, spinning, and pimping wingnut endorsements.
And I would never have known she’d do all this, so I’d still vote for her, and when it hit the fan in her Presidency I would be absolutely betrayed.
Better she flame out now. I’m actually grateful I got to see how ghastly she could become in time to NOT VOTE FOR HER for President, ever.
dr. bloor
Cube’s album cover featured a dead Uncle Sam covered in a U.S. flag. So Barack’s pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, was not the first one to voice the sentiment–Goddamn America.
Wright and Ice Cube share much in common. Both preach a message that black Americans are victims of white prejudice. They diverge on the issue of violence. Ice Cube raps that one earn’s respect by popping caps in someone’s ass. Wright does not call for violence, but he does make it quite clear that whites cause slavery, AIDs, war and poverty.
Whites aren’t the only ones who don’t fare well in these songs. The “bitches and hos” don’t do too good either. Even the so-called Reverend Wright gave Hillary the bitch treatment. There is no denying that rap and hip hop have enjoyed commercial success. But success does not mean it is widely accepted. It ain’t mainstream. And that’s the problem for Barack.
Does this mean we can pin Helen Reddy on Clinton? I’ve been looking for someone to blame for that assault on my senses.
Via Josh Marshall this evening, titled “Fascinating”:
What can one say? Really, simply stunning.
…I’m a nerd
Conservatively Liberal
Talk Left needs a name change, I suggest ‘Ass Talk’. They are almost as unhinged as the nut cases at Hillaryis44. Almost. If you put any Republican candidate name in place of Hillary at Hillaryis44, they would sound just like RedState. They love Fox news, BillO, Greta, Casvuto and other right wing sites. They submit ‘newsworthy’ material to Fox and post anti-Obama crap on everywhere they can, including right wing sites.
Hillary and her supporters like those at Hillaryis44 sound like Republicans, not Democrats. Rather than promote her, they try to tear down Obama. They want to destroy him, and their hate is palpable. They have pushed things like ‘Obama did drugs and had sex with a guy’, ‘Obama supports people who funnel money to Hamas’, ‘Obama is a muslim who is in the pockets of the Nation of Islam and the New Black Panther Party’ and on and on with endless bullshit and lies.
These are Democrats?!
You know that you do not have much going for you when your plan to win is to tear the other guy down and split the party. If anything, this just shows that if she won the general, she would rule the same way that Bush does. Everything that she does is right, and everything that goes wrong is the fault of her detractors. She will do as she wishes, and I have had enough of that crap with Chimpy to last me a lifetime.
Throughout her campaign, she has not had a single ‘Wright’ moment to deal with like Obama has. That he dealt with it so well probably pissed her off royally. He took a hit, but he came right back and dealt with it deftly. She has nothing comparable to point to.
Keep rearranging the deck chairs on the S.S. Hillary. It won’t save the day, but at least it gives you something to do while the ship sinks. ;)
TPM has a great one from Hillary supporter DS saying OBAMA should take one for the team and accept the VP slot!!!! As I wrote JMM, these people may be more delusional than Bush’s 28%. I think she is rapidly earning herself a primary challenge next Senatorial election. When it comes to hurting the Democratic party, she’s approaching Lieberman territory.
And to any Clintonistas I anger, I can just refer you to John Cole’s criticisms, he makes them better than I ever could. I would add one more. Obama supports and works with Dean’s 50-state strategy. Hillary is running the same tired DLC ‘swing state or bust, the hell with local Democrats’ crap campaign.
Still nutpicking, I see.
You do realize that Hillaryis44 is a spoof site run by Obama trolls?
Of course you do. SASQ
Time out. When did Hillary offer Obama the VP slot? I’ve heard other bobbleheads say he should take the position if she offers it, but I seem to have missed the “Clinton offers Obama VP slot,” headline.
Also, is the use of the word slot in this context sexist? I’m making a chart.
dear lord, i hope so.
The strange thing about Talk Left is that it has a guy Armondo Llorens, who claims he is for Obama. He is the person who posted that item, and he hilariously is waging a one-way war against Josh Marshall.
The blog was a good Law Blog, until the woman who runs it Jeralyn Merritt (you have seen her on television, she is a Defendant’s attorney and a very smart, wonderful woman) went coo-coo for Hillary.
Since then, it is Taylor Marsh Lite. But Armondo, under the name of Big Tent Democrat, won’t even admit that he hates Obama and is pro-Hillary. He started off for Edwards, but he hates Obama and the people who support Obama. He is ironicly pseudonymed.
I would tell your readers to go, but they won’t miss anything if they remember Talk Left’s Formula Hillary=Good and Obama=Bad.
Jeralyn claimed tonight that Hillary’s lies about her Combat Mission in Bosnia were understandable but Obama’s family story about his father coming to America were a sign that Obama has bad character and doesn’t deserve to be president.
You cannot believe the contortions and anger over there.
Prediction: Many people on the progressive side will make the Lieberman conversion when Obama is nominated.Talk Left and Taylor Marsh and MYDD will declare Hillary King of the USA and announce that they are the headquarters of the government of The Clinton’s in exile.
Chelsea in 2016!!!!
Wow. Lies are so easily exposed:
Just Some Fuckhead
Yeah, that was sorta my biggest takeaway from all this. Worse, if they are Democrats, why the hell haven’t they been fighting the Republicans like this?
Nah, I think the Ferraro thing and the Bosnian embellishments were similarly scandalous. Of course, her campaign responded poorly to both which is the reason her poll numbers dropped.
If she can’t do better against this stuff in the primary, how in the world is she ever going to prevail against the Republican dirty tricksters?
I can answer my own question.. .. with an Underwear Gnome plan!
1. Win Nomination
2. ??????
3. Presidency!
one of the spookiest things i find about Hillary is her ability to turn supporters into rabid, blind-to-all-logic zealots, like a certain messiainic president i know.
sure, Obama has people like that, but Obamabots (guilty!) don’t have to find ways to turn the Latest Outrageous Clinton Lie/Claim/Theory on How to Win This Without Getting the Most Votes every other day.
what is it about the clintons and the bushes that inspire this kind of blind loyalty?
That Obama continues to poll favorably must frustrate the GOP no end since they thought that they had finally stumbled upon the magic charm to defeat the MUP.
They first trotted out the pre-tested “Obama is just another liberal,” and the ever-ready “Obama is a secret Muslim.” When that didn’t stick and inspired by Ann Coulter’s unhealthy fetish with Obama as “half-white,” a notorious NRO column tried the “Obama must be a secret Communist” sired by fifth columnists who demonstrated their disloyalty by engaging in miscegenation when polite white society clearly forbade it, and good Negroes knew their place.
But it is hard to get people worked up over Commies when there aren’t any actual Commies to fear, and only the lunatic fringe are nostalgic about the good old days when segregation was still the order of the day.
On the other hand, the Angry Negro black separatist radical trope struck a chord,even though Obama could only be slimed through guilt by association. You can count on the GOP to keep working this, adding the “Obama is unpatriotic” spin and a not too subtle white resentment twist, since apparently it is acceptable for white ministers to say Goddamn America to a country which “tolerates” homosexuality, abortion and feminism, but a black minister must never ever criticize America.
And if Obama ever heard a black minister criticize America, he must be un-American and racist against whites. Or at least half of him is.
The funny thing is that GOP wingnuts don’t even begin to understand how stupid and pointless this line of attack will turn out to be.
no, they are cultists.
slippy hussein toad
Clinton has vowed to stay in the race until the convention.
Of course, other candidates in this cycle have also vowed to stay in the race. Here’s a roughly chronological record of how well that’s worked out:
January 8: Bill Richardson vows to stay in
January 10: Richardson concedes
Jan 6: John Edwards vows to stay in race to convention
Jan 30: Edwards drops out
Jan 24: Rudy Giuliani Vows to Stay in the Race
Jan 30: Giuliani drops out
Feb 5: Mitt Romney Vows to Stay in GOP Race
February 7: Romney bows out
Feb 4: Mike Huckabee vows to stay in race
March 4: Huckabee withdraws
slippy hussein toad
You are incredibly pathetic. Obama gets the chronology of things that happened before he was born or when he was very young out of whack, and he’s a big slimy liar. You check back with me when you can credibly relate the chronology of your parents’ life in the year before you were born.
Hillary blatantly misrepresents something that happened to her as an adult at what was arguably the peak of her life’s experience at the time, which is by the way a matter of public record she can easily look up for herself . . . and it’s a mistake???
You’d better stock up on straws to grasp at, laddie. There’s not much more to give.
Obama gets his 3am phone call
Chuck Todd said something pretty astute tonight on Countdown. That after May 6th if Obama keeps the same delegate lead (which is likely Todd says) he can be “magnanimous” and ask Florida and Michigan to be seated as is because at that time, it be clear they will have no affect on Obama’s pledged delegate lead. I think that’s how this plays out. And it makes Obama look pretty dang smooth.
You lied.
It doesn’t matter whether the two situations are comparable or not, you lied.
You knowingly and intentionally misrepresented what Jeralyn said.
You lied.
Just Some Fuckhead
You lied.
It doesn’t matter whether the two situations are comparable or not, you lied.
You knowingly and intentionally misrepresented what Jeralyn said.
You lied.
He did not have sense with that comment!
“Obama gets the chronology of things that happened before he was born or when he was very young out of whack, and he’s a big slimy liar.”
I think it’s more likely Obama was told a fairy tale about his parents meeting by his parents, and Obama just never bothered to double check, because he had built it into his identity so deeply. Completely understandable. Don’t all parents romanticize their meeting; and in turn don’t we romanticize it as well, either through myth or foggy memory?
My parents lived in San Rafael, California with my older sister while my father was stationed at Hamilton AFB. Then they moved when he was transferred to Stuttgart Germany where I was born.
That was easy.
“You lied”
Since when has politicians really ever been accountable for the truth, beyond the media spin cycle. This just on in from Captain Obvious’s Philosophy Professor: all words are lies because they can’t possible reflect what we know, think, or feel. Ta-da.
If Hillary and her supporters had devoted a tenth of the shitslinging to the Republicans back when it mattered, she wouldn’t be emptying both barrels into her feet now.
But she decided to ‘play it safe’ and so here we are.
Well, it seems there is some movement going on with the superdelegates:
Just Some Fuckhead
In ordet words, if she’d have gone after Bush like she’s going after the black guy, she’d have an adoring party vaunting her to the nomination and perhaps 4000 more supporters.
Sigh. And here I was with my Pie filter turned off for a while because it seemed like things were getting back to normal.
But no. Myiq proves that, yet again, it’s time to turn the pie filter back on.
Love that pie Myiq….love that pie.
I think a change in diet is called for.
Buck Cake!
Normal? This place is getting more deranged by the day.
This place is infested with CDS
Conservatively Liberal
Good try NoIQ, you have said that before and that statement was just as full of shit then as it is now. It is a Hillary supporter site, they raise money for her, they use her pictures and statements, they post pictures of themselves at her rallies and with other Hillary supporters. And on and on and on. I would say that they are real, but it is more like surreal.
That site is all Hillary, 24/7. The day Hillary steps up and says that she disavows any connection with the animals at Hillaryis44, and goes after them for fundraising and using her images is the day I will admit that they are not her supporters. By the way, if it is run by Obama trolls, provide the proof. Put up or shut up.
What I meant was that she has not had a crisis in her campaign where she has had to stand up and face the music like Obama did. People were saying that it was over for Obama, and he stood up and proved them wrong.
But Hillary can cry! ;)
On a related note, more endorsements from superdelegates on the way for Obama.
Right. And the entire Bush presidency has been an elaborate episode of “Punk’d.”
Can we take a timeout from debating whose online supporters (who are representative neither of the campaigns nor of the electorate at large) are more unhinged / mendacious / stoopid / etc., and look back at the fact which was the point of John Cole’s post in the first place:
Gallup national tracking poll:
Obama 52%
Clinton 42%
We now have statistically significant separation between the candidates. We have a presumptive nominee. One of the candidates is:
– Leading in national polls.
– Leading in total delegate count.
– Leading in pledged delegate count.
– Leading in total popular vote.
– Leading in the number of states won
– Leading in fundraising totals
– Leading in the number of contributors
– Has the backing of the majority of the netroots (dKos and numerous other progressive sites)
– Has the backing of the national party infrastructure (DNC, Pelosi)
– Has a more favorable image in the MSM
and the other candidate is none of the above, is rumored to being running out of money (before Clinton fans rebut this claim, please explain why her invoices are not being paid in a timely manner), and has been reduced to fraternizing with the worst elements of the VRWC new media in order to get her message out. The Wright controversy was Hillary’s last best chance to sink Obama. He limited the damage; that dog isn’t going to hunt anymore than it already has. Game over.
It is OVAH!
I expect Hillary will squeeze out a victory in PA in the high single digits, Obama will win narrowly in IN and win by a double digit margin in NC. After NC superdelegates will come out for Obama in numbers large enough to moot the argument over FL (MI will remain off the table because Obama was not on the ballot). The HRC campaign will not formally fold until after the Oregon primary, the results of which in combination with declared superdelegates will put Obama over the magic number needed to win on the 1st ballot. There will be no floor fight over the FL credentials, because Obama will enter the convention with enough delegates to win under the most pro-HRC set of assumptions about seating that slate, so there will be nothing to gain for Hillary in fighting that battle and much to lose in terms of her reputation within the party.
You got other predictions: post them now and we’ll see who was more accurate.
Clinton Deity Syndrome can be easily cured by stepping outside into the real world.
Yep, that’s pretty much it.
She tried to triangulate between the reality based liberals and the batshit insane right and is now discovering that old saying is true.
“Be thee hot or be thee cold, but be thee lukewarm and I shall vomit you from my mouth.”
Then how come no real Hillary supporters go there? Just trolls.
If they’re not Obama trolls, they’re GOP trolls.
Which reminds me – You freaked out when I said McCain looked like the Crypt Keeper.
You got pissed because I made fun of the GOP nominee, and you go to Hillaryis44. You go there A LOT.
And you admitted you’re not a Democrat.
John Cole
Obama would be a total fool to do that. He gives those delegates to Hillary, and that will only embolden them. They will then start claiming that since the pledge delegate count is so close, it would be unfair for the Super-delegates to decide this thing, and that it should be settled at the convention. They would then do everything they could in the credentialing committee (which they would then control because Obama ceded MI and FL) to flip things her way, with the end game being pushing things to the second ballot since no one would have the delegates to win on the first ballot.
You think I am fucking kidding? Have you not watched these people the last few months? Don’t cede a fucking inch to the Clintons, they think like Bush Republicans. Decency and class are signs of weakness to be exploited.
And the worst thing is that when that happened, people I used to respect a great deal, folks like Jeralynn Merritt, would claim that this is a sign of Hillary’s political tenacity and proof that Obama is not ready for primetime as the Clinton’s walk away with the nomination despite having lost more states, lost more pledged delegates, and lost the popular vote. I can hear Hillary now calling for party unity after it.
Again, you think I am fucking kidding? Don’t cede an inch to the Nixonites like Penn and Wolfson and Ickes and Mandy Grunwald. Not one fucking inch.
Not to mention, it is a matter of principle. If those delegates are seated as is, good luck to the DNC chair in 2012. All fucking bets are off, then.
Christ, when did I stop being the naive one at this website?
slippy hussein toad
I said credibly. For a serial exaggerator and bullshitter, your word just isn’t enough.
Just Some Fuckhead
I think a more interesting contest would be to see who can come up with the funniest spoof of a Clinton supporter claiming imminent victory despite the overwhelming factors you’ve listed.
Sorta like the guy that wrote TPM and said Obama should now take one for the team and accept HRC’s VP slot except, ya know, intentionally funny.
The Grand Panjandrum
No shit. You’ll have primaries starting the weekend after Labor Day 2011. John Edwards and Ralph Nader will start campaigning right after Valentines Day next year. Jesus “Permanent Presidential Primary” Christ! Just kill me now.
The Grand Panjandrum
OK this is OT but Bush got booed at the Nationals first pre-season game at the new ballpark. VIDEO. Fucking priceless.
Nothing like a little BDS to help out with the CDS, eh?
To quote Dick Cheney in another context, “So?”
Just Some Fuckhead
JC, you are absolutely right but you’ve learned that if something is worth having, it’s worth fighting for. Democrats, not so much.
I don’t want to get into trashing Democrats too much since I am one and I don’t think it necessarily advances our cause but – generally speaking – the folks that keep yelling “Peace, man!” are the party’s old hippies. They won’t fight for anything because nothing you have to fight for is worth having but they’ve got good dope.
LOL. PoTD. Don’t worry John, it won’t last; still, I’ll be looking forward to the next 10,000 posts…
So the game now is all about superdelegates. The greater Obama’s lead over HRC in national polls, the more likely superdelegates are to break for him.
It ain’t everything. But it’s something. One of a great many bricks in the wall that HRC is running toward.
I think the argument being made here is that at some point Obama will have a lead so large in total delegates that FL would not provide Hillary with enough of an edge to catch Obama – that he will be guaranteed to win on the 1st ballot regardless of whether FL is seated as is or not. The question is, when do we reach this point?
I think this point will come somewhere between the aftermath of NC and the aftermath of Oregon. It depends on how many supers swing for him and when. I think that a large number of supers are already leaning towards Obama but are waiting for two reasons:
– They do not want to be seen as trying to force Hillary out of the race until after the NC primary. The appearance of foreclosing on the opportunity for primary voters to be heard is too much of a deterrent.
– They want to see what Hillary’s margin of victory is in PA as a verdict from the voters on whether Obama has capped the Wright controversy, or does this story still has legs.
I’m guessing that a 20+ point win for Hillary in PA means they stay on the fence (but with some of them leaning for her) or a few come out for Hillary. A 9 point win or less for Hillary in PA and they start coming out for Obama, a trickle which will turn into a flood if we wins IN and wins NC decisively. A 10-19 point win for Hillary in PA is ambiguous and they stay on the fence.
some guy
The most significant paragraph in the WSJ article:
It’s over.
The Other Steve
I suspect we’re going to see Penn go closer than expected, and a big blowout in North Carolina, and it’ll be the end of Hillary.
here’s my entry… Victory!
Conservatively Liberal
“Then how come no real Hillary supporters go there? Just trolls.”
“If they’re not Obama trolls, they’re GOP trolls.”
“Which reminds me – You freaked out when I said McCain looked like the Crypt Keeper.”
I objected to what you said, and that is that.
“You got pissed because I made fun of
the GOP nomineea former POW, and you go to Hillaryis44 to amuse yourself. You must laugh a lot because you go there A LOT.”“And you admitted you’re not a Democrat.”
I admitted I am now an independent and was a former Democrat who left the party when Bill Clinton and the DLC fucked it up. I still vote almost all Democratic unless the Democrat is so pathetic that I can’t bring myself to.
Like Hillary.
I think the pie filter needs to be tweaked and turned back on for NoIQ. Maybe something like:
There is nothing like the smell of hot goat sex in the morning. It smells like… Victory!
I’m offering five to one (only small stakes, Pooh; I’m a poor man) that Obama actually gets more votes in PA then Clinton.
The Grand Panjandrum
Jesus! Ol’ LTC Bill Kilgore would be proud of that one. Who needs napalm when you got goats? Do you think it would make Kaus jealous?
The superdelegates most likely to pick on the basis of ideological grounds or personal ties to one of the candidates are probably all commited at this point.
The rest are most opportunistic pols sitting on the fence waiting for a clear winner to emerge.
When that happens, their movement to the side of the winner will be rapid because there is political capital to be gained with the winner by standing up in support, but once he makes it past the magic number, then you don’t get as much credit for showing up late to the party.
Nobody want to be the last one to declare in favor of a candidate who was going to win without you anyway.
I’ll take that bet. On demi’s side.
Just Some Fuckhead
Good! I hadn’t thought about a propaganda-style cartoon. I was thinking more along the lines of something Tbone might write. (grin)
i can haz grammar?
I’ve written too many typos tonight to fix them all, but I can’t let this one go because it changes the meaning of what I wrote too much for comfort:
should be:
The rest are the more opportunistic pols sitting on the fence waiting for a clear winner to emerge.
Wow indeed. myiq’s posts should be encouraged because they so clearly parrot Team Clinton talking points that he (or she) is a reliable indicator of Clinton campaign desperation.
They have to drop falsely provocative open questions about what lies really matter because they are furiously trying to counter the realization that Senator Clinton’s lies about Bosnia may have begun as an unnecessary attempt to bolster her “experience” street cred, but has ended up as her “Blue Dress” moment.
Although Senator Clinton claims that she misspoke about Bosnia because of sleep deprivation brought about from practicing for those 3 am phone calls, Frank Rich’s March 30 NY Times column reveals that not only did she trot out this lie a number of times, she also sent one of her campaign goons out to angrily defend the lie, complete with pages of documentation to wave in reporters’ faces, until she got busted with videotape evidence and subequent — and well deserved — ridicule on the Internets (Hillary’s St. Patrick’s Day Massacre).
Rich throws out his own provocative question, and a damned good one:
Maybe she’s just not that smart.
I rise to speak in support of pie. Mister chairman, I move that pie is delicious and should be eaten at all times.
You’re probably right. I might totally be naive in seeing Clinton as anything other than “monstrous.” And you’ve been paying a lot more attention than perhaps I have. But like another poster says, there will eventually be a date when FL or MI delegates can no longer help Hillary overcome Obama (it might not be May 6th) and Clinton might go kicking and screaming but with an Army of Super Delegates behind Obama, she won’t a toilet to shit in.
I don’t visualize this happening without Obama having Howard Dean over his right shoulder, and perhaps somebody like Al Gore over his left.
More than anything I’m just gaming out an ideal scenario. Using the word “astute” was stupid; “interesting” would have been a better word.
In any case what’s the ideal, realistic scenario?
Just Some Fuckhead
Realistically, I think we should expect the HRC camp to make it as ugly and divisive as possible, so even if they can’t finagle the nomination whomever gets it is walking dead, with charges of Florida 2000 filling the airwaves.
At that point we need to hope Obama can pull off a victory anyway over McCain who should be badly hobbled by an Iraq in total chaos.
It’s grim and it might not go down that way but I’m not posting what I hope will happen or based on what funding allows or disallows. I’m going solely on the history of the Clinton campaign so far.
Doesn’t anyone think Chelsea’s being groomed for politics? Will HRC be willing to burn so many bridges as to put her own and her daughters potential political career in jeopardy? Maybe you guys are right, and she and her campaign will…
Why has no one pointed out that “my iq twice urs” has the emotional intelligence of an angry teenager?
Who gives a shit what he thinks?
Coming soon to your email:
Watch out for The Mandinkan Candidate! He goes into a trance when he sees a circe-1990 Africa shaped leather pendant, salivates and becomes turgid when he sees your white daughters, wants to use his Harvard Law education to successfully institute Sharia, and all who knew him years ago say “Barack Obama is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life. And well-spoken, too!”
Just Some Fuckhead
Christ, don’t do that! That sort of attention is why he’s here. Just ignore him and he’ll get bored enough to try to contribute meaningfully. Baby steps..
Just Some Fuckhead
Such a cool word.
Apparently you do.
Point of order. The honorable nominator has failed to specify what kind of creamy filling is in that pie.
I move to strike and recommit to commitee.
Actually, I already am bored and have been mostly lurking rather than commenting lately. There is rarely anything but trolls here anymore. So I come in, skim through the threads, and usaully just shake my head and leave again.
The full biohazard suit required to avoid CDS contamination is a pain in the ass too.
Temple Stark
This place has actually become worse over the last few weeks, I didn’t think it would get quite so low – more spittle-flecked, close-minded and diseased, willing to rabidly attack any dissent.
The vileness of partisan blogs is truly a massive supernovian waste of energy.
Yes, we don’t like Paul L and Dug Jay any more then you do.
Just Some Fuckhead
You won’t be missed if you decide to find a new bridge to live under.
Sounds like you might be wearing it wrong. :)
Conservatively Liberal
I know. I keep waiting for some Clintonite to come in with something of substance that is positive about their candidate, but all we get is crap thrown at the MUP.
It ain’t heaven here, but we have hope! ;)
The other night I watched an Obama supporter get bashed by several commenters for suggesting that they should tone down the attacks on Hillary and her supporters because they would need our help in November. Every day I see bizarre kool-aid fueled theories like Hillary running as McCain’s VP discussed as if they were reasonable and rational ideas.
There are lots of new faces here and they are all radical HillaryHaters. Many of the old regulars have disappeared, especially the Hillary supporters and rational Obama supporters.
John Cole’s CDS used to be in remission but now it’s active again and it has metastisized. He’s been cheerleading the HillaryHating for weeks now, along with leading daily hakas for the Obamaniacs. But this was the final straw:
He’s not only laying the groundwork to break his pledge to support Hillary if she wins the nomination, but he’s going on a delusional rant over things that haven’t even happened and what he imagines Hillary’s intentions to be.
I’ve suspected for a while now that John would find an excuse to rationalize breaking his pledge to support Hillary if she won the nomination. The bright side is that the fact that he’s openly talking about it indicates that despite his posturing he really thinks Hillary might win this thing.
He’s also lost all perspective if he thinks Hillary is anything like the GOP, although he probably doesn’t really mean that. Like p.luk I suspect John will be rejoining the Grand Old Party before long anyway. He only switched because he was mad at G-dub for betraying conservatism. He never liked us DFH types or shared our values.
His “support” for Obama is based mostly on his hatred of Hillary.
So I’m bailing out and leaving John and the trolls to get their HillaryHate on by themselves. And this way TZ can go back to parroting Karl Rove’s talking points about Hillary without fear of exposure.
Don’t look for me cuz I’m gone
Liar – you’re a McCain supporting GOP troll posing as an Obot.
GOP trolls – “ratfuckers”
He gives you the latest talking points from the Clinton Campaign.
You don’t have to sign up for anything and you’ll get the delivered free of charge to your favorite blog.
That’s the only reason he isn’t eating pie with the trolls.
Crap. Now I have to look elsewhere to stay updated on her current talking points.
I mean the change so fast…
slippy hussein toad
The sound you hear is of us letting the door hit you in the ass. Don’t go away mad. Just go away.
Let’s get back to basics. Hillary has run a shit campaign. If she can’t beat a young junior Senator who started with modest name recognition and nowhere near the $$$ potential she had, she does not deserve the nomination. She had every advantage except maybe the press, but most Dems don’t trust them anyway. Only the Patriots have pulled a bigger choke-job recently.
…for FOUR minutes until your next post.
he isn’t?
that’s news to me.
Wow! I didn’t realize that John Cole was an
automaticsuperdelegate.Or is it that each and every voter must love Senator Clinton forever and ever and ever?
It is hard to believe that this nonsense about broken pledges was written by an adult. This is, without a doubt, one of the most ridiculous things that I have read anywhere on teh Internets.
For this stuff alone, I will miss myiq if he (or she) is really gone.
Exactly. A lot of Clinton supporters have said this about Obama – “If he can’t win against Clinton, then how’s he going to win the general, against the Republican smear machine?”
Well, the inverse is true. Clinton had every advantage going in. And to be generous to her supporters, I won’t say that she’s been beaten, but it would take utter dishonesty to deny that she’s had a MUCH harder time of it than anybody anticipated, despite advantages that would make any other presidential candidate green with envy.
So, despite all of those advantages, she wasn’t even able to muster a decent lead over a mild-mannered junior senator. Why on earth does anybody think she can beat McCain?
Obama had a seriously uphill battle in this one. And yet, he’s leading. I think that bodes very well for his chances in the general.
Actually, I already am bored and have been mostly lurking rather than commenting lately.
Eleven comments in a single post constitutes “lurking”? OK, then.
Kevin K.
BTD from Talk Left pretending to be an Obama supporter reminds me of Roger L. Magoo trying to pretend that he’s not a Republican.
Here’s rather clear evidence that is not a spoof site.
wow. those folks at TL have a seriously warped view of reality.
… “how many women does TPM have on staff?”
John Cole
The Clinton’s and their supporters have that effect on people especially when they simply deny reality. As an example, when a bunch of big-money donors try to blackmail Pelosi, here is how you framed it:
A.) They were not party leadership.
B.) To a person they were Clinton backers.
C.) They didn’t plead with her to be more “open-minded.” They openly threatened her and told her she had to go out and say the opposite of what she felt.
When people are this delusional, it can make anyone angry when trying to deal with them
Because if you don’t luv teh Hill, you are objectively sexist.
Why the hell is Gerard Depardieu running a Hillary web site?
Someone make sure that myiq took his/her ball before going home, or they’ll surely be back for it.
John Cole
A.) I guess we all just imagined it when Hillary threatened a credential fight.
B.) Having a hard time supporting someone is different from cheerfully supporting her.
C.) Hillary doesn’t support your values, you stupid DFH.
D.) I am not going anywhere.
Also, TalkLeft et al. are more than sufficient for the talking points. Armando may have gone a little batty in the primary, but at least he’s still coherent. I often disagree with him and Jeralyn, but I don’t think they’re arguing in bad faith, and they are arguing rather than just spouting baseless assertions and trollbait like myiq does.
E.g., recall that when myiq and pluk were whining that Obama was violating the Constitution by not hewing to a pro-Clinton interpretation of the DNC rules; Armando, on the other hand, actually linked to the rules and made 3 or 4 textual arguments. The arguments he made required a very… strained reading of the rules, but at least his grasp of the American party system is sufficiently cogent that he understands what the basic issue is.
I have no interest in hearing talking points from someone who has trouble with the “talking” part, let alone “points.” I come here to read John, and the comments are just entertaining — I might miss the song-and-dance, but let’s not pretend that we’ll lose anything of substance once myiq’s cognitive dissonance finally takes hold.
Also, John, your long comment on this thread and some of the most recent posts have been exceptionally good. The spin circus is getting bad enough that it’s been tough to get any clarity. I hope you keep it up.
Conservatively Liberal
Nothing like tearing off a hot piece of goat to start the day, eh? ;)
Conservatively Liberal
I see MyDD has their latest anti-Obama video up.
This is just sick.
Any takers on the wager that this is just another episode of “As The MyIq Turns”?
To me, this is the most fascinating denominator of most Internet trolls. That without fail, their handcrafted histrionics begins to move at a pace even they can’t keep up with, which inevitably leads to a big ol’ fireworks show about their exit and not a bit of it sincere.
Ho hum.
Talkleft jumped the shark months ago. At one time it was a reasonably intelligent if biased blog for discussion of the politics of the criminal justice system. Anymore it is just another campaign blog for promoting Clinton and attacking Obama. The more belligerently political it has become, the more it has taken to defending its petty and often ludicrous hatchet jobs by making the valid point that there are still other blogs which are more partisan, more vicious and less intelligent which support Obama.
What a world. Anything goes as long as you can point to someone, somewhere, worse. When Talkleft started citing Fox News, Karl Rove and other right-wing sources as support for its arguments about Obama, any last shred of credibility was gone.
now that’s some concern trolling!
and now i know not to bother with that site ever again. sweet.
Just Some Fuckhead
If this were true it could only increase Hillary’s standing on these boards.
I posted at TalkLeft for a while trying to bring a little of moderation to the site. I was generally scorned because I wasn’t willing to accept the non-stop onslaught against Obama.
Last week, however, was the final straw for me. When Jeralyn posted a Karl Rove talking point memo about the evil that is Barack Obama, it was clear to me that they had completely lost the plot.
Jeralyn doesn’t actually believe that she is a shill for Clinton. She has convinced herself that she is simply doing a public service.
They are actually pointing out Obama is a liar because he claimed to be draining 3s when he was a kid.
I don’t agree. I think she knows full well she is a shill for Clinton and I also believe Big Tent Democrat intentionally seeks to attack Obama and his supporters. I think both have become blatantly deceitful and contemptuous of their audience by thinking they are clever enough to fool people into believing that she is “performing a public service” and Big Tent Democrat “favors Obama.”
The only self-delusion over there is that they don’t recognize how bad they are at the game.
That is gold. They devolve into an argument about whther the ABA was playing in Hawaii at the time because they were the only league with 3-pointers in the late sixties.
Check out the Politico as well. There is a 3 page article whether some of his positions were well characterized by a questionaire he filled out at the begining of his legislative career over a decade ago. They are really digging deep to find crap to fling at him. “ZOMG, this questionaire answer DIFFERS SLIGHTLY from his actual position!!!! Obama is teh worzt LIAR EVAH!!!!!!!”
wait, the guy who calls himself a “prophet” isn’t joking? excellent. hey, guy god talks to, make sure you bind yourself closely to the mcBush campaign or the devil will take this country! [coo-coo noise]
I hate to point this out, but invoking ‘radical’ is how right-wingers characterize someone that they think should never be listened to. Don’t listen to those ‘radical’ liberals, ‘radical’ cleric Sadr, etc. It’s equivalent to calling someone ‘evil’ – it’s a move to deny dialogue and is essentially standing up on the table and screaming ‘listen to me and me only!’.
There’s nothing radical about the people here. They might be angry and they might be frustrated that some people are unwilling to take a broad view and here is where they vent, so get over it – this forum is hardly designed to be a place of measured, reasoned debate. In this forum, cross-checking is legal and helmets are strongly discouraged. But we’re really descending to an interesting state when the entire media and most bloggers are radical HillaryHaters, and the most visible Hillary lovers are GOP trolls. MyDD has settled into a bunker mentality, closing off new accounts for a while.
Usually when the world is out to get you, it’s you and not the world that needs to take a step back.
I hear what you’re saying but I really do think that they believe they are being fair. When they post Karl Rove talking points they are “prepping” Obama so he is ready for teh evil that is the GOP.
What’s even more amusing is their capricious editing of comments. Full on assaults against TPM, public enemy #1, are ok. But you stay away from criticism the Hillary blogs or you will be edited out.
What the fuck is wrong with these people? The free-throw circle has been there forever. Every kid tried to drop shots from the top of the key. I know I did and sucked at it and there was no 3 point rule in the NBA at the time. It’s now a lie to recognize that such a shot is now worth 3 points and call it as such? I don’t know anyone who characterizes the shot strictly by how many points you get – you call it a 3 pointer because it tells you where the shot was taken, even if you are playing a pickup game with no 3 point shots you call it a 3 pointer.
Just Some Fuckhead
To be fair, it’s not being discussed by basketball fans. That isn’t exactly her base.
I haven’t been following the basketball discourse. I’ll assume that since the Bosnia lie Clinton told (several times with much detail) has harmed her a great deal, her base is desparate for something which will do similar harm to Obama.
What they need is videotape of Obama bricking wide open 12 footers and comments from Obama claiming his shooting ability makes him a better candidate for President.
On the whole Tusla tarmac incident, the one thing to note is that if her story had been true it would have been worse. What kind of psycho would allow her daughter to wander across an open tarmac subject to sniper fire? she should be glad she’s only been outed as a liar.
That’s the part of her “story” that always got me. If the sniper fire actually occurred, why would she have allowed Chelsea to tag along?
Of course, the best that Obama’s detractors can come up with are shots of Obama rolling gutter balls while trying to bowl at a Pennsylvania campaign stop.
This story is the gift that keeps on giving. Senator Clinton has been rightly mocked for lying and for trying to stick to the lie long after the videotape rebuttal became widely available.
But now, even the little Bosnian girl in the story, now a 20 year old medical student, is pissed that Clinton would paint Bosnia in a bad light for craven political purposes (Little Girl From Bosnia Scandal Shocked, “Surprised” By Clinton’s Lie):