Senator Hillary Clinton’s lead in the Pennsylvania Primary is shrinking.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Pennsylvania shows Clinton leading Barack Obama by just five percentage points, 47% to 42%. For Clinton, that five-point edge is down from a ten-point lead a week ago, a thirteen-point lead in mid-March and a fifteen-point advantage in early March.
The end could be upon us. Hallelujah.
Um… sinners repent?
Mike D
Please, PLEASE make it so. I can’t imagine a more happy ending than watching her drop PA, and finally be forced to accept reality.
I’m one of the 50 million other Democrats who respected and admired the Clintons and now talk like ’90s era right-wingers when discussing their actions. I’m not about to defend conservatives with their wonderful assortment of hideous characters, but seeing an adored figure’s other side when they turn it on their own party gives you some understanding of the froth generated by the other side, no?
I really hope PA voters start to feel the need for a candidate to be selected sooner rather than later, and thus give Obama a win.
We’ve seen this story before — and it’s not necessarily a bad one; but it’s probably not a contest-ender. Hillary starts 20 points up, Barack closes the gap, but doesn’t quite “win.” The delegates netted by Clinton end up being fairly insignificant, but it gives another talking point with which to justify hanging in until the next primary.
On the other hand, I live in Indiana, so I kind of feel like having it go on until we get to cast a meaningful primary vote for the first time in eons.
BH Buck
John, you ol’ chain-yanker you!
I got some serious doubts about the $3 million drive over at her campaign site. My guess is that Mark Penn donated whatever was needed to reach the goal…
And the campaign is moving the goalposts as we speak…
Oh please let it be! But the only way she drops out is if a close contest or actual loss in Penn. dries up her $$$. If the Big Money Boyz of Pelosi-letter fame keep puking up cash, she’s not going anywhere. (Or, given her campaign’s current financial problems, have they already turned off the spigots?) This could play out like something by Poe or Lovecraft.
Sexist much?
God willing, we’ll see a rehash of the primary system by the end of the year. I’m really tired by all the primary voters who are eagerly clapping their hands in anticipation of finally being able to “count” for a vote. Surely someone noticed the ridiculousness of this process before this year.
I mean, what the hell makes Iowa more iconic of American values and national opinion than Indiana?
“They are not near Harrisburg. Don’t believe them…. They said they entered with… buses of supporters in the middle of the capital. They claim that they – I tell you, I… that this speech is too far from the reality. It is a part of this sickness of their plan. There is no an… – no any existence to the Obama supporters or for his delgates in Harrisburg at all.”
BaghdadHarrisburg BobRick Taylor
Impossible. I’ve been reading the commenters on the Hillary sites, and Obama’s association with Wright is dooming him with lunch bucket Democrats. Any polls that say otherwise are obviously rigged; Obama hasn’t won any big important states up until now. Probably Soros is involved.
I wish I was making this up.
The latest SUSA poll shows Clinton by 12 and losing ground:
With three weeks to go, he’s got time to keep chipping away at that lead. She needs a resounding win in PA, not a teeny one.
The Other Steve
Unless you vote for Hillary, your vote counts for shit.
Conservatively Liberal
It was reported on C-SPAN this am that Hillary’s campaign is $9 million in debt. If that is the case, she is running on fumes right now. Obama is outspending her on air time in PA, something like an average of $150,000 a day compared to her $15,000 a day.
I hear Bill is in Montana now. Are they hitting all of the outstanding states in the hope that they will drive donors to give more as it looks like they are charging forward? If the money situation is being accurately reported, it is going to be difficult to land any more big donors.
If Obama finishes less than 10 points behind her in PA, I am calling it a win for him. The long run-up to PA favors him over her as it gives him time to saturate the state and flip voters.
If he kicks her butt in PA, it is over. Please let that be the case!
Are the Clinton’s blue dress Democrats, or wolf republicans dressed in lamb skins?
Dennis - SGMM
I doubt that a narrow victory, a tie, or even a loss in PA will really matter to the Blond Ambition Tour. The Clinton campaign will spin the outcome as proof of her electability, touting the fact that Hillary captured a key demographic; the red-headed, left-handed paperclip benders of Altoona. Therefore she must stay in until the convention.
Conservatively Liberal
Last night, I read over at Hillaryis44 that ALL polls are controlled by Obama supporters, as is the MSM. Not only that but his supporters are controlling the internet. According to the poster, if you do a search for John Edwards, Obama comes up! Thus his supporters are controlling the internet.
You can’t make this shit up!
As much as I’d like to believe this, Rasmussen sucks.
SUSA, on the other hand, has been golden throughout the primaries.
As other said above, oh dear lord make it so.
You can see why he is closing in PA over at the Times. There is a stump speech video attached to the very good article titled “Obama Is Moving to Down-to-Earth Oratory.”
When people meet this man, he wins them over. And that’s happening in PA.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
You sad, sad, hopeful bastard.
The end of Hillary’s _Democratic career_ is upon us. She’s still got a long career in the Republican party ahead of her. At least until McCain wins.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Nobody of any value ever said that. Iowa just said “We want this guy/gal for our Dem nominee”. I don’t remember an Iowan standing up and saying “Barack Obama reminds me of my trusty wheat thresher and cute puppies”.
I remember CNN saying that… but that’s CNN.
jack fate
Oh sweet Jesus, let it be so. . .
While I don’t necessarily think her campaign will ruin the Democratic party (though it is a disturbing insight into an irrational and authoritarian streak within the party,) this shit needs to stop. I wish should would spend more time campaigning against Obama and not the system her campaign had no problem with until they started loosing. There is a difference between a desperate politician trying to distinguish herself from the competition and a WATB.
Are you sure the words “Happy April Fool’s Day” wasn’t buried somewhere in the text?
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
If I remember correctly, HRC put $20M into her general election war chest (because she was obviously the nominee). So essentially she’s still ahead if she magically makes it to the GE. Unless some arcane FEC rules say I’m stupid.
/which I frequently am.
jack fate
Ugh. Talk about sucking at teh english. Should’ve been: I wish she would spend more time. . .
that would be great.
i like the idea of rotating regional primaries: five or six groups of states (with at least one ‘big’ state in each); all states in the group vote on the same day; two weeks between group votes. keep the proportional allocation. get rid of the silly arcane shit like Texas’ primary/caucus hybrid and “superdelegates”. make it simple, transparent and quick.
Three weeks time is a lot of time to narrow that margin even more. Obama now plays the “don’t stick your foot in your mouth game” while hoping Hillary does. So far it seems to be working.
Oh man, hillaryis44 is the best website EV4R! The right column has a feature – “Hillary poll leads”. It’s just the polls she’s led in, they just post the days she’s been ahead in the tracking polls (and some ties.) Wow, look, there’s not a single poll where she’s trailing! She can’t lose! Gotta wonder why the pollsters suddenly stopped polling…
A woman writes that her mom was a Dallas Texas delegate who arrived at 7AM and didn’t get to leave until 8PM, due to Clinton challenging credentials of about 3,000 delegates, including whole (African American) districts.
“Towards the end, after this group was credentialed they came by and shook their fists at the Clinton delegate and chanted “we’re still here” in her face. My mom said it was a little tense.
“…It was sad to see all of the elderly there having to sit in stadium seats for 13 hours. She didn’t know of anyone leaving without an alternate to replace them though. A very pregnant woman in her group had to lie on the concrete floor at times. …She said Clinton had made many enemies from inside the democratic party that day.”
Let’s hope this will be over soon, but I’m not convinced.
I’ll say this. Since Hillary started seriously campaigning for President, John has received way more mileage out of his “Democratic Stupidity” tag than I thought he’d manage.
Billy K
Most subtlest concern troll evah.
Seriously – what’s that about?
It just hit me: McCain-Clinton. The perfect Stop the Negro fusion-fission ticket.
After 4 years, he’s wheeled out and she runs on incumbency. Get me Scaife on the line!
Billy K
It wouldn’t have just hit you if you’d have listened to me a couple months ago – when I patented the idea.
Dennis - SGMM
What could go wrong? They’ve both crossed the Commander in Chief Threshold, they’re both ready for the 3AM Phone Call and they’ve both been under fire.
Very encouraging. I don’t expect to see Obama win PA. HOWEVER, if he keeps it close and gets a big win in NC, that could end it. A net delegate defeat between those 2 states would end Hillary’s run. While she may play the string out, that would be the end. It would almost guarantee that she gains zero delegates from this point forward which would mean that even if Florida and Michigan were counted she would still be behind.
Hmmmmm, I wonder what TalkLeft has to say about this? Oh that’s right. They’re too busy attacking Obama for being too liberal
Maybe Jeralyn should talk to Erick Erickson about forming an alliance.
Dave Pooser
And after this primary season, now they both know what it’s like to be shot down.
b. hussein canuckistani
After reading Hil’s War Diaries, I’d never let her run as my VP – I’d never know when she’d lead a batallion of Rangers into the White House and stage a coup.
…and Rasmussen has the difference down to 5.
There was an extensive discussion recently in a thread at KOS of the differences in poll methodology and approach between SUSA and Rasmussen that explains how the variances between the two are likely more than random sample fluctuations. Apparently Rasmussen weights their statistical sampling significantly more toward a “likely voter” model than does SUSA, at least in the primaries. Both have proven to have a reasonable, if imperfect track record so far.
So my guess is that the true current “snapshot”, if it was possible to have such, is somewhere between the two – high single digits, three weeks out. The difference between this and Texas/Ohio is Obama has three unbroken weeks to concentrate on Pennsylvania, and my guess is that his campaign is much, much better prepared for whatever dirty, mendacious last-week kitchen-sink BS the Clinton campaign is preparing to try to throw at him to stop his momentum.
Surely the HRC campaign can find a way to use this to their advantage…
Happy April 1.
A big win in NC is very possible. The latest PPP has Obama leading 54 -36.
Over 700 volunteers showed up at the opening of the Obama office in Charlotte last week. A staffer was at the Lake Norman organizing meeting on Sunday and reported that voter registration is going quite well.
Gerald Curl
I can attest to the truth of the America Blog post that Marjowil cites. I know several people who were delegates here in Dallas. Hillary’s campaign just made a ton of new enemies, a lot of them life-long Democrats.
No shit! The Pirates are 1-0, while the Phils are 0-1. That’s a tight race, beeyotches.
BH Buck
Not very likely.
BUT… if it did come to pass, I think it would be a safe bet that all of those Hillary supporters wouldn’t be too thrilled. I think they’d remain loyal and vote the democratic ticket, Obama.
I went here to rank BJ on the Cuss-O-Meter.
It actually ranked lower than expected – slightly below “A-Hole” and well below “F-Bomb”.
of course nary a mention of this poll over on TalkLeft…instead they celebrate her 3 million dollars raised, which still leaves her in the red given outstanding debts and personal loans – thats not mentioned though either
Rick Taylor
Besides the reasons I already listed Obama can’t win, Obama can only bowl 37. How could someone who bowled 37 appeal to lunch bucket democrats? It sure doesn’t seem likely, as Taylor Marsh citing Fox News sagely notes. Taylor Marsh further explains how Obama’s bowling score reveals his arrogance:
I wish I was making this up.
Clearly, you’ve never been to Indiana. Picture a grotesque mix of David Duke racism, Cambodian poverty, and Brittney Spears drug useage. Then multiply that by 100.
Welcome to Indiana!
Hillary’s polls are slipping, because the press are finally vetting her (instead of picking on stupid stuff, like her laugh, which inspires her supporters to rally to her). The Sinbad story, the lack of financial transparency, etc are hammering her right now, as they should be. That won’t last, though. Unless she gifts the press with another bit of nastiness, once this round of vetting winds down, she will uptick a little in the polls.
From Obama’s interview with ABC:
Goddamn, I get a kick out of him. He’s praising her — there’s not one phrase in there that could be considered objectionable — but he’s managed to insert a couple of great, subtle zingers in there.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I would help with that, but Jen just showed up, and she has chill’uns. I’ll wait until the kids go to bed, and then I’ll whip out the curse words.
Until then, all prolonged uses of the “f-word” will be replaced by “Hillary”
All right lads. We have work to do.
Fuck, fuckity-fuck-fuck!
If they had a cuss-o-meter at work, or on the softball field, I’da busted it years ago. Or course, the one at the parent’s house would have never moved.
Such the tightrope I have to walk….
Davis X. Machina
The Cuss-O-Meter, to be accurate, needs to also count occurrences of ‘pie’.
Tigerelina Says:
Are the Clinton’s blue dress Democrats, or wolf republicans dressed in lamb skins?
April 1st, 2008 at 8:34 am
Exactly, good point.
In situations like these it’s often helpful to step back and take a look at the big picture. Who benefits most from this infighting, especially the threats of taking it to Denver even though the possibility of her winning is negligible?
Then consider the friendships her husband now keeps and throw in her pro-business, pro-lobbyist leanings…and for good measure consider her unwillingness to release tax records as well as the contributions to her from industry.
Simmer and stir for a few moments and think again who benefits the most here…or is it that she is just that self-absorbed and willing to throw the party under the bus – which of course fits a Republican narrative as well.
God damn mother fucking son of a bitch.
On a completely unrelated note, those Hillary folks are just down right crazy.
They don’t read this blog, they’re strictly Crooked Timber kids.
Okay, Caidence loves these kid stories. They’re his favorite. I promise this is true. Son is in the bathtub and he has these little musical flutes, you fill them with water to different levels and they play different notes. Ingenious. They also have these little waterproof cards that you can stick on the tile and that are basically very simple sheet music for the flutes, with the notes and their names on them. So he’s asking me where those cards are, and he says, “you know, the ones with letters on them, like F, U, C, K.”
I could not possibly make this up.
I don’t really buy the Rasmussen poll. Rasmussen isn’t as bad as Zogby, but I don’t think it’s anywhere near that close. Hillary will probably win by at least 10 in PA. Also Sen. Clinton will pick up Kentucky and West Virginia by 15+ margins, probably Puerto Rico too. The rest goes to Obama.
Yes, Krista, you have discovered one of those Obama Secrets: The man is just a cool, gracious person who tends to reduce the stress of a situation when he speaks. That’s why he rode the Wright storm and came out with a poll rebound.
The fools here who said, only days ago, that his campaign was “toast” should now be required to go into the kitchen and bake pies for the rest of us. Apple, blueberry, cherry, peach, rhubarb, blackberry, lemon, cream and other assorted pies, in great quantities.
Let Balloon-Juice be the Grand Central Station of pies. The Taj Mahal of pies. The Mt. Everest of pies.
Pie, pie, pie. Bake, you silly people. Roll out those crusts. Prepare those fillings. Make us pie. We want pie.
Dibs on the peach pie! Mmmmm…..
Kentucky? Kentucky doesn’t count, it’s nothing but hillbillies and city goats. Isn’t that where the Creation Museum is located? Fuck Kentucky. Let it join with the Carolinas to form the Confederate States of Nutty Stupid People.
Maudit fucking chalice, Krista. Is there a sacré link for that hostie of an interview with ABC?
Merci beaucoup, ma chienne! :-)
Hey! Here in NC we’re taking a ride on the MUP, thank you very much!
That because NC is an island of relative sanity, surrounded by the deep red wildernesses of southern Virginny, South Cackalacki, Tenusee, and Gheorgia.
Hey! Fafblog is back! (OK, maybe just for the day, but who knows?)
It sure is, hon, just not in the way you think. Kee-rikey.
Altho I do have to say, how does anyone with all their body parts get a 37 in bowling? My son and I are terrible bowlers, and we regularly get in the mid to high 70s.
ZOMG! A MAN said she deserves to run?! How dare he, she doesn’t need his permission to run! Why can’t everyone see that the Obomanation is a lying sexist pig?! Oo, ow! My knickers are in a double hitch knot and it’s all OBAMA’S FAULT!1
[Hits fainting couch like a ton o rectangular building things]
Have you ever bowled while talking with the media and having cameras taking pictures of you?
I’m guessing he didn’t much care what his score was.
Regarding Rasmussen vs. SUSA, I think Markos has always been right about this: it’s not the poll numbers, it’s the trends. The numbers may be different, but both polls show Obama gradually closing the lead.
If I’m Obama, when the bus tour ends I say, “You know what? I had other plans, but I’m going to go back the other way and do this again.” He just looks like he’s having so much fun and selling it that way does convert voters.
One more good series of polls and Clinton is going to have to start devoting everything she has left to PA which would make IN/NC more of a blowout.
Obama should’ve bowled with the Obumpers up.
Alright, you can stay in the Union. Until November.
Because in November, you need to reject this.
Given the bias, it’s little wonder that Obama’s gaining in the polls. When every Obama story is Magical Ponies and bowling shoes while every Hillary story is “she’s evil, why doesn’t she just quit”… it’s not surprising the polls are now showing the effect of the slanted campaign coverage. The past few weeks of the “Obama good, Hillary bad” storyline is eerily similar to the “Saddam, WMD, imminent threat” blanket that shrouded the nation in 2002/2003.
That’s actually the truth.
So what if he can’t bowl? Have you ever actually watched a ceremonial first pitch? And I’ll bet you that a lot more presidents have played little league than have bowled in a Saturday Night league. I want to see him put up a sky hook, given his claims, frankly — and here’s Barry-O, sky-hooking over Barkley…nothing but net!
Is it just me, or does D-chance need to go to Troll school? maybe Pre-trolling: Be Outrageous! Banality is the enemy of the troll!
Nope. Not even.
The sexism is coming from Maenads like former news anchor Carole Simpson on the Larry King show, insisting that “it’s supposed to be time to elect a woman,” no matter how wretchedly and incompetently this particular woman, Senator Clinton, has waged her campaign.
Mike Huckabee dropped out when he finally understood that the math was against him. It’s too bad that Senator Clinton is not showing similar grace and understanding.
Oh, no you didn’t. Did you?
In other news, Hillary says she’s like Rocky Balboa.
I wonder if she knows that Stallone actually only did one one-armed pushup that was looped to make him look like a badass…
…and that’s how the health care crisis was solved back in 1994…
I also wonder if she remembers that Rocky Balboa took the fight to 15 rounds but still lost in a split decision.
Does Hillary have the “Eye of the Tiger” going on? I will swoon with delight if she starts playing the survivor song at her rallies in PA.
Tom in Texas
Typical white woman. Terrible at math.
The Moar You Know
Showing once again that women can’t do math.
Perhaps the reporter is dsylexic?
Maybe if he had filled the gutters with ponies, or trained ponies to push the ball out of the gutters, he’da scored a 173. Or course, Taylor Marsh would find this wholly unacceptable, as Joe SixPack will be disgusted by anything less than (take Obama’s score, no matter what it is, and add 10).
Or, to quote Mr. Garrison,
And if by math, you meant driving, slap-jack, and TV show choosing?
And ‘periodically’ :)
That’s true up to about 150 or so. If you get to 200 then Obama is showing off and needed to be more humble so that’s turning off Joe SixPack.
Give Taylor a break. She’s just having a little fun by putting up an obvious April Fool’s post. Right?
I know you farm team trolls all think you have a shot at the big time now that myiq2 has left the building, but you’re going to have to do better than this. Much, much better.
No, not Rocky
(And how perfect is it that she’s named November? Yes, it takes a kitty to make me feel a little more sorry for Clinton.)
Huckabee is apparently more intelligent than Clinton – and he’s a young-earth creationist.
If this doesn’t drive Hillary out of the race by sheer force of ridicule, nothing will:
the health care premiums for her staff were not paid for 2 to 3 months due to cash shortfalls
No one who says “forget the math” should EVER be considered an “intelligent person”. EVER!! EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER!!
Mathematical illiteracy is a major problem in this country. We have a culture where people can almost completely ignore mathematics and yet feel no social stigma for their ignorance and even be considered “smart”. So, predictably, we have a nation full of abysmally ignorant people who have been told they are “smart” for so long that they dont even know how ignorant they are. Saying “Forget the math” reveals a deep, deep, level of fundamental ignorance about the world – her colleagues should react as if she had said “I can’t read anything harder than Nancy Drew”.
The press should be encouraged to keep it up.
They need to ask for those tax returns, jump on the hypocrisy and the total lack of merit in her attempt to claim FL and MI delegates, and expose the emptiness of all her claims of meeting mythical threshold “tests” that supposedly qualify her for the presidency, along with the hollowness of her claim to great experience because of her long years as Apprentice-In-Chief.
Hey, I resemble that remark… Anyhow, here’s the skinny on bowling-gate. Apparently non-bowling politicians sometimes suck at bowling, film at 11! Also, according to Howard Fineman, Obama only bowled seven frames. Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey Jr. had a 71, and “local homemaker Roxanne Hart”, with one less frame, had an 82. Presidential material?
If Hillary had been the one bowling the score would have been much higher, because gutter balls don’t count.
True dat. Damn Uppity Negro Bowler.
Bowling is a lot harder than it looks. In this case, if you watch him bowl, he has no follow through when he delivers the ball. His body actually goes backward away from the ball at delivery. He is making the mistake of going up to the line too soon and having to “stop” before the ball is ready to go. He stops, throws the ball, and sort of recoils backward. It’s an easy mistake to make, and fix. The approach to the line needs to be coached a little bit. Once he has the approach down, he can work on the delivery and his score will zoom.
Comparing herself to Rocky? When will we start hearing Lazarus?
I found the proper technique is to aim for the first row of dots rather than at the distant pins.
Hillary’s latest tactic is to claim, loudly and repeatedly, mostly in local media interviews, that the Obama campaign is trying to disenfranchise voters, that Obama doesn’t want the voters in these later states to have their say. As with the rest of her tactics of late, it’s a potentially damaging attack against both Obama and the Democratic Party, and another reason to want this race to be over before the damage becomes irreparable.
What’s so damaging? He’s already on record that he thinks she deserves to be in the race? Or is this the “say one thing but mean another” ruse? :-) She better hope that PA voters don’t talk to the TX voters otherwise they’ll know who the one who has been trying to prevent who from voting.
She’s sending out the stock White Woman in Distress signal, threatened by the mulatto field hand. Think ‘Light in August’ (loosely) and you’re close enough.
Conservatively Liberal
The first time I went bowling was in sixth grade as a class event. That afternoon, we went to Silver Lanes in Spokane and I picked up my first (and last) 7-10 split. When I ended up with the 7-10 standing, nobody said a word about how difficult it would be to pick up. I took my second shot, barely hitting the inside of the 7 pin, which bobbled in and out of the gutter and then spun around as it slid towards the 10 pin, barely taking it out.
Everyone told me that I had picked up a near impossible ‘money shot’, but all I heard was ‘money’ and I wanted to know where I went to get my cash! Boy was I disappointed…lol!
Bien sur, j’ai un hostie de link for le interview, ma belle fille! I found it sur le Salon War Room, asteur, and il y a du video, too!
Oh, and Jen? “Obumpers” for bowling? Nicely, nicely done!
Do any of you play candlepin, or is that just an Atlantic Canada thing?
Rick Taylor
You know you might consider actually responding to what Paul is saying in his post. Paul said:
You replied:
But Paul didn’t say, at least in that post, that the Hillary was damaging because she was in the race. So you’re answer is a nonsequitor.
Possible counterpositions might be:
-Hillary has not been saying what you think she’s been saying.
-Hillary has been saying that, but it’s true; Obama is disenfranchising voters and if he wins this way it’s illegitimate and Hillary has a right to say so.
-Hillary is saying it, and it’s not true. Tough noogies. This is politics, if you don’t like it, take up another hobby. It won’t hurt the Democratic party the way you think it will.
I’m not saying I’d agree with any of those but they’d at least have something to do with what the person you’re replying to is saying.
bowling sucks. i’m glad Obama’s not a bowler. the last thing this country needs is a resurgence of that awful, soul-numbing game.
given that she can’t win the fucking thing, all she’s doing is making potential Dem voters in those states think Obama is trying to deny them their votes – a fine strategy, at this point, for a Republican; dumb as dirt for an Democrat.
Rick Taylor
Hehehehehee. I don’t think so. It’s part of a larger post that actually does make sense. Plus I’ve seen things there that have been equally surprising and clearly meant seriously (NBC remarking they oversampled blacks in a poll clearly means there rigging it for Obama, even after they carefully explained that this was corrected for in the results, and was done for a accurate breakdown when looking at individual groups) Follow the link and make up you’re own mind; be sure to check out the comments.
Rick Taylor
See this is the thing, if Obama was serious about Pennsylvania and respected lunch bucket Democrats, he would have put in a little preparation before doing a photo opportunity. But of course he obviously thought, pfffffft!, bowling, how hard can it be? It says a lot about his personality. And this is the guy we have going up against the Republicans, all arrogant and think it’s busy. You can be sure Hillary or McCain wouldn’t be caught bowling in public unless they’d prepared enough to score at least 100.
His poor bowling skills are obviously as important as answering the phone at 3:00am.
Here’s a really likely scenario, at 3:00am the president is awoken by phone and alerted that terrorist aliens looking like bowling pins are amassing in the White House bowling alley.
In such a most likely crisis, can we afford a president that can’t bowl? All the signs point to that the aliens will crush president Obama…
He should accept Clintons offer of being her VP so that he may improve his skills at bowling. That’s the reason they built the bowling alley in the first place.
I wasn’t referring to Hillary was damaging in the race. I was pointing out that the latest tactic wasn’t particularly damaging and probably doesn’t harm Obama or the party. Most people should get the idea that she’s silly to think that voters would buy into the fact that some how Obama is controlling the votes.
As a white woman mathematician/scientist, I am in the process of researching a way to kick you in the junk through the net. Its coming. Better get a cup.
That is why it’s really important that the vice president knows how to bowl really really well. Otherwise.. WE ARE DOOMED AGAINST PIN SHAPED ALIENS! DOOMED! Doomed I tell you!
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I doubt that. #1 on my list is a paying job. After I get that, maybe innocent female college students that I can defile.
But I’ll always leave room to listen to someone’s joy.
According to TZ, you’re completely spoofing your sex, so I’ll wait for him to rule on what’s possible with you. If he gives the thumbs-up, then I’ll stipulate that you’re incapable of anecdotal falsification.
For now, I’ll just giggle and believe the story as told. :)
Just Somw Fuckhead
McCain can’t bowl because of the damage done to his arms by his Vietnamese torturers when he was a POW.
Hillary would have bowled a 25, sent Mark Penn out to explain that she had really bowled a near perfect game while ducking sniper fire, had clearly demonstrated that she and McCain had both previously passed the PBA threshold, and anyway, anything she did doesn’t matter until you tally the scores for bowlers in Michigan and Florida.
There’s a petition going around politely asking Senator Clinton to exit the race.
No. My support of Clinton has been sometimes tepid during this campaign and I can’t say there was a time when I ever adored either one of them, but I’ve never been tempted to accuse the Clintons, singly or together, of being murdering power-crazed drug running rapists, actually. And seeing alleged Democratic liberals saying “Gee, they were right” in this way is sad.
Possibly. Apparently he rubbed Elizabeth Edwards the wrong way, too, and for similar reasons. It’s one of the things that worries me about him.
Great strategy– keep exiling various states and their dumb racist Clinton voters to the doghouse and the presumed Democratic nominee will cruise to the White House in November. Gee, I might send Hillary some more money right now….
Blue Raven
I grew up playing candlepin in a New England town that was heavily populated by Quebecois immigrants and their children. Now that I’m in California, I can’t find a candlepin bowling alley for love or money.
PS – You know the Clintonista has gone around the bend when he says Texas isn’t a major state. Just saying.
b. hussein canuckistani
I think if he bowls but doesn’t play ping-pong, it’s a slap in the face to all Asian-American voters. Plus, if the stripes on his tie slant to the left, it’s an insult to all right-slanting tie wearers. Furthermore, it he drinks Miller Lite because it tastes great, it’s obvious that he didn’t show proper concern for Obese-Americans who need a beer that’s less filling.
Any other nits we need to pick?
Oh crap. I bet that was a racist comment.
Looking back at the 90’s, I think there is a strong distinction to be made between conservative commentators, whose accusations toward the Clinton’s were clearly over the top and around the bend, and normal conservatives on main street, who just thought the Clinton’s were sleazy, unethical, and didn’t like them. While I still think the accusations conservative commentators make in the 90’s were completely insane, I now understand where my conservative neighbors and family were coming from regarding their general distaste toward the Clinton’s.
Of course, if you want to lump all conservatives together as all thinking and acting the same and treat any empathy expressed toward some conservatives as an embrace of Coulter and Limbaugh, then go ahead. In this country, you are free to be wrong.
Actually, some, like me, have been saying “Gee, they were right,” for different, non-hyperbole reasons. Senator Clinton has simply failed to demonstrate an affirmative reason that she should be the nominee. Both she and her husband have waged a pointlessly mendacious campaign, and have needlessly alienated their own base, and some of their own strongest supporters. To have James Carville gratuitously insult Bill Richardson is just odd.
Senator Clinton’s decision to try to brazenly stare down the media over her Bosnia lie was equally odd. Worse, she apparently believes that both her supporters and her opponents are so stupid that they will accept anything that she does.
Instead of trying to sell herself on her own merits, she tried to blur the distinction between her own accomplishments and her husband’s, and only made herself an object of ridicule. And by creating phony yardsticks by which to declare her own presidential-ness, she only succeeded in demonstrating that her claims were empty.
And all through this, she tried to belittle her opponents, and suggest that she was the once and future president.
It is the odd conjunction of arrogance and pettiness that reminds me of the worst of the Clinton years, and which marks Senator Clinton as totally unworthy of being the Democratic Party nominee.
On the other hand, I am totally with you here. The two most useless sentiments that I see expressed various places is total disdain for over potential supporters (when undeserved) and pointless anticipation over which nefarious tactics the GOP might use in the general election.
It is hardly surprising that Clinton is having trouble in Pennsylvania -Obama is outspending her big time, doing his phony “I’m one of you” routine, and all the politicos and pundits are calling for her head. I wonder what everyone would be saying if Obama was treated like that. Of course he never will be -he gets a free pass on everything he does and will continue to do so. As far as Clinton helping out McCain-don’t kid yourself. Lifelong Democrats like myself don’t need any more reason to vote against Obama than his arrogance, sense of entitlement, lack of real strategies, and pro-business bend. We can now look forward to at least four years of a Black George Bush.
Just Some Fuckhead
To be fair, she does seem to have correctly guaged her supporters.
There, Clinton Trolls. I complimented your Queen so stop complaining.
Huh. From looking at her exceedingly cosy relationship with lobbyists and past (prior to this sudden turn to popularism) policies, I had the VERY strong impression that Hillary is as pro-business as it gets, without being a Republican.
Obama arrogant? Entitled? Again, it must be Opposites Day, where people clearly look at what applies to Senator Clinton, and then bounce it back to someone else.
And as for real strategies, the only thing that Senator Clinton has done is claim that she will work hard from day one on … something. She has a plan to withdraw troops from Iraq, but apparently it is a secret.
She has a health care plan vetted by Paul Krugman, but apart from being universal, it is entirely mythical.
The question I keep asking, and never get an answer for is not why people are voting against Obama. Fear and uncertainty I understand. I just don’t understand, given her abysmal performance campaigning, why anyone would want to vote for Senator Clinton.
Just Some Fuckhead
Today’s episode of As The World Turns Upside-down has been brought to you by Mary, Queen Of The Trolls.
Just Some Fuckhead
That sounds like a good plan. I have been reliably informed that Presidentin’ is hard work.
In this particular matter, I don’t have a lot of empathy for conservatives, ‘normal’or otherwise. The attack machine was aimed not only at the Clintons personally but in effect their progressive policy goals and the Democratic Party as a whole. Your virtuous Main Street friends benefited from that.
(You’re free to be wrong too, by the way, thanks.)
I still don’t see why not supporting Clinton for President – a perfectly defensible position – should require ANY belated endorsement of the tactics used by the GOP and its allies in the bad old days. (Which is pretty much what a lot of these They Were Right, After All statements I’ve been reading, and not only here, have indeed been saying, without any such well intentioned qualifications as offered above.)
Not everything about Golden Boy is that appealing. There are things I like, things I don’t like. I could go into details but it would be a waste of time here. I will have no – well, few — problems voting for him, but it is perfectly reasonable to have reservations about the guy.
t jasper parnell
Whereas Richard Nixon was an avid and decent bowler.
Whereas Barack Obama cannot bowl
Whereas Nixon was a disaster as President and a liar
Resolved Obama will be a great President
Whereas Hillary supporters mock Obama’s bowling skills
Whereas This implies they value bowling in Presidential candidates
Resolved Hillary supporters would have voted for Nixon
Because of Joe and Jocelyn Six Pack’s adoration of bowling meant he was the more electable.
Discuss among yourselves.
Gary Wilde
Look at Hillary putting her foot in her mouth and dragging Obama’s name in mud, only to make an ass of herself. Obama says she can run as long as she likes, knowing that it will help his chances. Obama took it on the chin like a man when they attacked him on Wright.. and cleverly got him to go into hiding. Hillary couldn’t even keep First Dog Richardson!
The bottom line is, Obama is smart as hell. He’s the only possible match for Karl Rove, the child prodigy. I cant wait for Obama to send Rove into a deadly tailspin. Hillary would quit if she cared about anyone but herself.
Soylent Green
If you’re going to pretend to be one of the regulars here, at least try to spell his handle right.
Also, McCain broke his arms and a leg when he ejected from his plane. No doubt these injuries were worsened by lack of proper treatment, but they were not caused by torture.
Just Some Fuckhead
Wow, that’s the first time I’ve ever seen the point missed and proven at the same time. Do we have an award for this, BJ Regulars? Because this kind of hackery begs an award.
Conservatively Liberal
I don’t know what to call the award, but here is the trophy.