There goes McCain’s crossover vote. He was endorsed by the least popular President EVAH!
Seriously. I don’t know how to respond to this sort of idiocy.
Captain Ed puts on his thinking cap and gives this one a thought:
On the plus side, it brings Hollywood closer to the likely Democratic nominee. On the minus side, it helps paint Barack Obama as a far-left candidate, and suggests that his flirtation with William Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn wasn’t just a one-off brush with radicalism. Overall, this may be a public endorsement that Obama might not promote too heavily.
This helps paint him as far-left! This suggests he might be a radical! Scary angry left-wing negro armed to the teeth with innuendo!
Is there a more tedious group of people out there than right-wing bloggers?
I should probably add that I am no fan of Jane Fonda (I once has a Lt. on active duty who, every time the he said the name Jane Fonda, would spit, and he required others to do so as well), either, but this notion that Obama is somehow responsible for the actions of all his supporters is deranged. Who the fuck is Randall Terry going to vote for?
Sean Astin is touring with Chelsea Clinton, which makes Hillary responsible for the Goonies.
Who cares?
Sure. Everyone knows the political opinion in Hollywood is driven by the woman who starred in Barbarella.
Lindsay, like, who are you going to vote for and stuff?
I don’t know, Topher, I was thinking, like, maybe Brownback. Oh, hi, Mr. Pacino.
Hi, kids. I just wanted to see if you’d heard – Jane’s made her endorsement.
OMG OMG OMG!!! Is it Joe Biden?
exuent, pursued by a bear
So Jane Fonda somehow represents “Hollywood”, as opposed to,say, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone, who endorsed McCain? You’re right, it is tedious.
I got a visual of the “Captain” (who calls themselves that?) with a metal helmet on. The harder he thinks, the more smoke fills the room from his hair getting burned.
You actually used the words “thinking” and “thought” in conjunction with Captain Ed.
How generous.
Probably not, although several formerly progressive bloggers are coming up fast on the outside and may yet take the cup. No Quarter and Talk Shit have been incessantly flogging the Ayers/Dohrn connection for weeks.
Does the helmet look like this, Dulcie?
Who the fuck is Randall Terry?
I believe it has been wryly noted elsewhere that you sort of would think the Clintons would be the last people in the world who would want make mountains out of molehills regarding old and tenuous connections to shady people and shady dealings…
BTW, now the news is $40 mil raised in March, I’m pretty sure just yesterday they had reported $30 mil. I guess that was the pre-pony-dust figure.
Fred Phelps’ un-aborted bastard son.
Randall Terry ran in the Republican primary for the state Senate in my area. He ran as a True Reagan Conservative. Thank FSM that he lost.
Jen, it’s more like those helmets they put on people who are about to be electrocuted – like that scene in The Green Mile. Or a dunce cap. A BIG one.
Wasn’t Randall Terry one of the people trying to bring Terry Schiavo a turkey sandwich and a Fiji water during the Florida fiasco?
>>Wasn’t Randall Terry one of the people trying to bring Terry Schiavo a turkey sandwich and a Fiji water during the Florida fiasco?
I feel silly for asking this, but just how often did Jane Fonda come up in discussion while you were on active duty? I had no idea she was even that relevant to the military anymore, much less that she was relevant enough for your Lt. to have some sort of Frau Blucher policy regarding her. Or did your Lt. just like discussing Barbarella?
On a practical level, Ed has a point about this:
Obama doesn’t want this campaign to be about his friends – especially a friend who had angrily called McCain, personally, a “liar” when he claimed he had been tortured. No. She was the liar.
Dug Jay
For a change, I agree with John. Who cares about this endorsement? As someone else noted:
Rick Taylor
Our economy is on the verge of falling into the toilet. We have no idea what to do in Iraq. Oh, and Kyoto did nothing to reduce green house gases while the scientific community is screaming at us the next ten years is crucial. Why on earth are we even talking about Jane Fonda? Why on earth is she a subject of news or discussion?
It must be really painful to be in the party of Cindy Sheehan, Medea Benjamin and Hanoi Jane. I don’t envy your position, John. :-D
Dennis - SGMM
All I ever thought about Jane Fonda during my Vietnam days was “I’d drag my balls over a mile of rusty razor blades just to hear her piss into a tin cup over a pay phone.”
Now, that’s just a headscratcher if you ask me, but for your birthday I will wish you Jane Fonda doing whatever it is you want her to do, within reason.
Operation Rescue.
I’m wondering when someone is going to ask McCain if he agrees with the founder and owner of the Washington Times, the Reverend Sun Yung Moon, that the good Reverend is literally the Second Coming of Christ and the Crowned Prince of Peace as demonstrated in the crowning ceremony that McCain’s campaign manager helped set up.
Does McCain actually thing Moon is Jesus Christ? I want to know!
The Other Steve
Jane Fonda? Who?
Didn’t she do some workout videos in the 1980s. Sweating to the oldies or something like that.
Jesus, the woman is nearly as old as McCain…Jane Fonda, that is.
She was an idiot, in a time, when being a complete idiot wasn’t grounds to be on a no fly list. What she did in Hanoi* was beyond stupid and she’s had to wear the shame for 36 years. If Ollie North can be rehabilitated from his crimes during the Reagan era, in fact be a pundit and a “hero”…grrrrrr.
Not to mention the crazy pastors that endorse McCain, and I do mean crazy.
*In 1972 mind you..when most people, sadly, had kinda thought the war was all over but the shouting (the “anti-war movement” had pretty much lost steam by then, hence McGovern running 4 years too late)…which it was except for the poor bastards still stuck there assisting the South Vietnamese. They have every right to be unforgiving. But wow, one of them I know personally could give a flying fuck about her…he’s still more pissed that he had to still be in Vietnam in 1972
The Other Steve
What is this Vietnam ya all speak of?
The Other Steve
the past is past, and there is nothing that can be done. the future is tomorrow.
The Other Steve
With Huckabee getting the nod from Chuck Norris.
Obama from Jane Fonda.
There’s a rumor that Richard Simmons may be endorsing John McCain.
No word yet on the all so crucial Suzanne Somers endorsement.
And word is Bill Clinton is depesperately wooing Billy Mays of Oxyclean fame.
I don’t know where else to put this:
So this means, since Obama has a wide lead in NC, that they have already started the “North Carolina doesn’t count” (sorry Jen) meme and the primary is still a month away…however, if Clinton wins then NC counts exponentially. That is essentially what they are saying, right?
Oh, and fuck Jane Fonda…and that Moon guy.
Nice LOLese insertion there.
The VFW bar in my town still has a “Hanoi Jane” target in the urinal. There’s something about sanctimonious outrage that loves to cling to its bugbears, long after they are relevant or current.
Randy Paul
Jane Fonda is a self-proclaimed Christian these days. I think we should be more cocerned about whetehr we should forgive her for Georgia Rule and Monster-in-Law.
I agree TOS…it was. But “Hanoi Jane” is part of the “Stabbed in the back” mythology. I know kids that think she did it years before. she actually did.
The same crowd that thought we should stay in Vietnem even longer (like Korea only the NV would have kept fighting…if you’ve had any kin in the military in the past 50+ years probably they spent time in Korea, my stepdad did and my stepson, too, and my father in law)…and think we should stay Iraq, because to them it will become another Vietnam, where the lefties stabbed America in the back…etc, etc, etc. That why they keep the Hanoi Jane thing going.
It’s a lot easier to hate on a bimbo radical from the 70’s than actually think about what went wrong and how to avoid the same mistakes again…or even admit mistakes were and are being made.
It’s a good thing the domestic culture warriors are fighting the good fight. Without them, there would be no hope of the U.S. finally winning the war in Vietnam. Morons.
Yeah, people lose sense of time. Jane visited N. Vietnam the same year Nixon was impeached. It’s a historical note for anyone under 50 and you have to be headed for 60 for it to have a political context rather than something your uncle bitched about at Christmas dinner. Anyone who remembers Jane has a lot more noxious shit that they’ve already managed to unlearn and excuse away.
Have always got a laugh when these tards do their Hollywood and spit. It’s like a required religious ritual for them in the Church of Stupid.
Yet they think Reagan came to Earth from Hollywood to wash away their “conservative” sins. Not that long ago they thought Ahnold was teh hot. And you really don’t have to go far back in RedState archives to find the patriot warriors there creaming in each others pants over Grandpa Fred from Hollywood.
The mind of a wingnut. A curious thing to behold, but still retarded.
Dennis - SGMM
Thanks, Jen. That was a fine, military expression that was current at the time. It was the opening to a game that we would sometimes play while waiting for all hell to break loose. Someone would start with that, naming some popular woman as the object of his, um, affection, and then someone else would try to top it, “Oh yeah! Well I’d…” And so it went.
I didn’t hate Fonda when she went to Hanoi. I thought she was being stupid and naive and that’s all. I did have a lot of enmity for the blowhards that kept America in Vietnam long after it was apparent that victory or “peace with honor” was chimerical. For what it’s worth, I never hated the Vietnamese as a people either. Still don’t.
Vietnam…that would be the conflict where we started out by paying for 75% of the French (colonialist) war effort (towards the end of the French-Indochinese war), and all told ended up murdering (directly or indirectly) millions of people, without having in any way been threatened by that nation…
What exactly is the moral calculus here?
capelza wrote, It’s a lot easier to hate on a bimbo radical from the 70’s than actually think about what went wrong and how to avoid the same mistakes again…or even admit mistakes were and are being made.
Was Vietnam a mistake or a crime?
I keep trying to corner him with one of those street-cleaner vaccums but he squirts away down the gutter. Give me time. Just … give me time.
Right, we’re certainly not a “must-win” state, unless you’re trying to get more delegates, of which we have 134. Assuming that’s not your strategy, we are just an impediment on the road to Puerto Rico!
So the super-secret plan for Fonda to threaten to flash her tits if people didn’t support McCain is a bust then.
Rick Taylor
If this is a thread for stupid reasons people are jumping on Obama and saying he can’t win because he’s a left wing elitist, this video of him being short-tempered with an annoying guy trying to get a picture with him is making the rounds.
Dennis - SGMM
That would be the conflict that was started when President Truman (May he rest in peace) decided to support Charles De Gaulle’s post WWII claim that Vietnam should return to French colonial status after Vichy France abandoned the country to the Japanese, who had their way with it in the same manner as they did all of the other places they occupied.
During the Japanese occupation, the Vietnamese resistance was largely provided by the Viet Minh who were led by Ho Chi Minh. Minh appealed to Truman five times to rebuff the French claim but Truman refused to respond to him.
I had to double-read that to make sure it wasn’t a joke. I can haz mor ammo?
File it under “WHERE THE FUCK WHERE YOU IN 2000! Or 2004 for that matter, you bastard!”
It is all very noble that the Clinton machine has decided to give a fuck about vote counts and caucus percentages and disenfranchisement in this very hotly contested primary season. I think it’s great that we live in a country where every member of every party can battle aggressively for fair treatment at the polls without being brushed aside or labeled a sore loser.
I just wish we were living in that country back when people were getting purged off the voter rolls in Ohio and Florida, or when our SCOTUS decided that half-assing the vote collection process was good enough so long as a GOoPer was in the lead.
Rick Taylor
This is the same video, only with commentary added that shows how how it’s being framed.
Maybe when the economy really does fall into the toilet, the chattering classes will finally begin to talk about serious matters?
Phoenix Woman
Know what the funny thing is? I’d never have known that Fonda endorsed Obama if I hadn’t come over here today to say hello. (Oh, and by the way, the McCain-cuddling Lieberman went on FOX to say that Obama’s working for Al-Qaeda. Remind me again why Hill and Bill thought it was a good idea to coddle this guy — especially after he screwed them in September of 1998?)
Is it too early for mixed drinks yet?
But McCain is the picture of tranquility.
lol our media
It’s never too early for mixed drinks.
An Obamargarita or an Obamartini would be really good right now.
Phoenix Woman:
It’s always 5:00 somewhere. Or, the sun is below the yardarm if you aim the bow the right direction.
Yes, how many people died to show up Jane Fonda? Seriously. How many people did the monsters Nixon and Kissinger kill just to flip a few Americans the bird? Because the Vitenam war after 1968 was mainly about sticking it to Americans, not communists.
Dennis – SGMM wrote, That would be the conflict that was started when President Truman (May he rest in peace) decided to support Charles De Gaulle’s post WWII claim that Vietnam should return to French colonial status after Vichy France abandoned the country to the Japanese…
You’re right, one could claim these earlier actions as the start of our involvement.
One could argue that the actions you’re citing don’t rise to the level of full involvement. But in any event, we were involved long before LBJ took over, and the history (what I cited and what you cited) shows the conflict at its core was over colonialism (traditional or neo).
ThymeZone wrote, Because the Vitenam war after 1968 was mainly about sticking it to Americans, not communists.
One could argue that domestic politics is often the most important factor in explaining foreign policy. (Not just at this time in this place.)
Though it should be pointed out that a lot of “communists” (read: Vietnamese) were killed as a result of Nixon and Kissinger’s actions, not to mention things like the destabilization of Cambodia.
(Re the impact on the US, it always amazes me, when looking at Vietnam War memorials, what fraction of our guys were killed after Nixon took office.)
“Peace With Honor”…such a great campaign slogan he had to use it twice!
capelza wrote, “Peace With Honor”…such a great campaign slogan he had to use it twice!
Hey, let’s not forget about the “secret plan to end the war.”
Hey, when I see Obama leaning in for a noogie, then I’ll rethink.
Dennis - SGMM
One unfortunate side-effect of my participation in the Vietnam war is that when someone says “Peace with Honor,” my junk-seeking boot goes off automatically.
Hart Williams
It’s time for us all to face the truth.
“Hanoi” Jane Fonda personally lost the Vietnam War. She passed on Nixon’s “Secret Plan for ending the War” to Ho Chi Minh, and Minh, from beyond the grave, was able to direct his army of trained Mystical Ninja warriors into forcing the US military to leave, by secretly whistling Hank Williams tunes, and depressing them so much that they had to return home.
Then Ho’s Mystic Ninja Warriors™ defeated the mighty South Vietnamese Army, by wetting them down so that all the bribery cash in their pockets absorbed the liquid and made it impossible for the CRACK South Vietnamese Army to respond.
The entire South Vietnamese army were paralyzed like turtles on their backs, as Jane Fonda had advised Ho Chi Minh from beyond the grave, though a series of NEW AGE seances in Santa Monica, California.
Because of these SAME seances, Jane Fonda also was able to cause the Earth to stop rotating for 24 hours, while the Mystical North Vietnamese Ninjas were able to use the extra hours of darkness to fill Saigon’s brothels with condoms treated with itching powder instead of dry lubrication.
Jane Fonda then forced Richard Nixon to tape terrible things and break into the Democratic Headquarters in the Watergate Building by using the Ninja mind-control techniques that a grateful North Vietnamese people had taught her.
Even today, her dark powers are so immense that all the seeming-paranoia of the far Right Wing nutcases is NOTHING compared to the truth! Jane Fonda is the Antichrist.
If we do not watch out, she will make us LOSE in Iraq.
Er. Whoops! (Never mind.)
Next week: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion reveals the Powerball Winner for May!
Signed, your pals at the Weekly World Nooz™.
That was quite possibly the funniest thing I’ve read in days.
I’m sick of the 60’s. I’m sick of boomer conservatives whining about Jane Fonda, Vietnam, and the sexual revolution. I’m sick of boomer liberals congratulating themselves and going on and on and on about how ‘groovy’ they were, back in the day. I’m so sick of the whole thing. It is post 2000, people, can’t you focus on the present? For 5 minutes, even?
Dennis - SGMM
Thirty years from now you’ll be posting “Back in ’08…” No one wants to get old but, we pretty much grow old in the same ways.
Does Barack have enough time to denounce Jane Fonda when he’s already expected to respond to and denounce every bad thing ever done by a black man in history?
Z..considering this post was about jane Fonda, it’s kind of hard to avoid talking about the 60’s, actually the 70’ regards to Hanoi.
If everyone ignored Jane Fonda, I couldn’t be happier. But I’ll pry “Barbarella” out of my husband’s cold dead fingers. Even though he was actually one of the soldiers literally who stood a chance of being killed by the artillery Fonda posed on Hanoi. How’s that for cognative dissonance? He hates “Hanoi Jane”, but loves the Barbarella girl.
Other than that I don’t think “the 60’s” come up all that often. Sorry we haven’t all had the grace to die off yet.
Except when I bitch about the CA primary that used ot be in JUNE, not February, like it was in in the “olden days”.
I am sure you are right, which is why the older I get, the more interested I become in extreme sports.
The 60’s come up constantly, in politics and elsewhere. Every conflict is another Vietnam. Every liberal politician is a McGovern or a JFK. Apparently there haven’t been any civil rights leaders since MLK. It seems like every other month there is another tribute to an aging folk singer on PBS. Newsweek even has a Boomer Files article every week focusing on some aspect of the 60’s. Really. EVERY DAY someone in popular culture or the press is blathering on about the 60’s. Its like nothing has happened in the world for the last 40 years.
Sometimes I suffer from Boomer fatigue too, but then I remember that I came of age in the ’80s. I’d rather talk about the 1960s, a truly fascinating decade, than parachute pants, legwarmers and hair metal.
Z…I don’t see it that much.
You hear a whole lot about Vietnam because of Iraq. It’s hard NOT to make comparisons. Sorry about that.
You hear about MLK because he was murdered, martyred and he does have a holiday named after him.
The PBS thing? That’s because it’s the older farts that will sheel out in the telethons.
You read Newsweek?
I agree with tBone though, though it was the 70’s that I’d rather forget…and the styles are back staring me in the face on my kids… :) My one kid loves Disco. I tried at least to steer him at least towards Glam, but he werent’ having none of that.
See, when I turn on the tube or read a magazine, it’s all about the shallow musical culture, or worse yet Paris Hilton. I KNOW there are great musicians, great thinkers that grew up or were born after the 60’s. Why aren’t they getting more attention?
Don’t be dissing the 80’s (as someone who came of age in the late 80’s / early 90’s)! We had punk rock, nihilism, intellectual anarchy, Reagan, Thatcher, the end of the cold war, and an explosion of computing technology that absolutely changed the world. We went from being an economically depressed, former industrial power to the largest, most fierce economy in the world (at least until Bush was elected).
And yes, there are plenty of great bands, great intellectuals, and numerous other military conflicts that have emerged/occurred in the last 40 years. It is a ridiculous crying shame we aren’t talking more about them.
I have been trying to inoculate my kids with lite punk rock (e.g. The Clash) so that they don’t rebel by getting all emo on me in a few years. The down side is that I have to speed it up by 40% before the little Ritalin addicts can understand it.
Makes total sense to me. It’s a transcending power most guys have in that area. You know, hate the sin but love the sinner. Men are saints that way.
Dennis - SGMM
Hell, I put Dire Straits, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Thompson Twins, the Fine Young Cannibals, No Doubt, DJ Cheb Sabbah and the incredible Tabla Beat Science, to name a few, right up there with Jefferson Airplane and Country Joe and the Fish. No problem
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Haruki Murakami, Maxine Hong Kingston,and Thomas Pynchon; fucking amazin’. I’ve been reading Science Fiction since 1957 and today’s writers in that genre are just mindblowingly good.
Most unpopular president, ever?
More than Andrew Johnson?
My grandfather won money on the Roosevelt vs. Hoover election… Hoover’s less popular than Bush, man.
The name “Jane Fonda” is like a bell to Pavlov’s dog.