For fun, go check out Notice in the right-hand column a series of polls that show Hillary’s lead::
And then, for some reason, the polling updates stop. Why?
Here is a clue. Here is another.
We really are dealing with people working in an alternate universe.
Suddenly its not enough to expect a woman to iron your shirt and cook your dinner? You expect her to fetch your poll numbers too?
Could you be any more misogynist, John?
It says “Hillary Poll Leads”. If she is not in the lead it would not be appropriate to post the numbers in that particular info box.
And what’s worse is that their most recent “Hillary Poll lead” is actually a tie. And of the four most recent ones they list, Hillary only leads in one (a PA primary poll).
Don’t these people even read their own headlines?
John D.
Explain line 3 in the ad, if that is the case.
John Cole
Check the 25 March and 20 March entries.
John Cole
And, for that matter, the 26 March entry.
Could they be bothered to use a more recent picture?
holy crap. i’ve managed to avoid that site completely until now. but, wow… those people are about 10 points shy of TimeCube-level crazy.
was talking with some people during the UNC loss this weekend who are big Dems and are all about Hillary chiefly because they think Obama can’t beat McCain. good enough reason, i guess (though it completely ignores all the polls, which consistently say Obama is stronger against McCain than Hillary is). but, the thing that really got me was when i said their objection is moot, because there’s no plausible way for Hillary to win the nomination: the numbers just don’t add up for her. they shrugged and said she’ll get it in a back-room deal at the convention. and that was just fine for them. they were perfectly comfortable with giving the nomination to the person who is trailing in total votes, states, money, polls, and delegates. they were totally oblivious to the effect such a thing would have on the party.
strange times.
Dennis - SGMM
Could they be bothered to use a more recent picture?
Like this one?
Speaking of alternate universes, where are all the folks who were crowing that Obama was “toast” only a few weeks ago, when the Wright controversy hit the news?
His response to that issue has led directly to his good showing in recent polls ….pretty much as some of us said it would.
As Zifnab demonstrates, the snark kids are using today is up to 40x more potent than the snark people were using in the 60s.
BH Buck
Cleek, me too. First time clicking on a link (Thanks a hell of a lot, Mr. Cole!)
Damn! Talk about “off the deep-end”.
From that site:
Goddamn, what’s with all the pink? All she needs are some fluffy bunnies and buttercups in the background, and it looks like Fisher-Price’s “My First Presidential Campaign”(tm).
It must be that new sensa-smartass stuff.
BH Buck
LOL @ Krista!
That site IS scary.
BH Buck – the “48 State Strategy” seems to refer to Michigan and Florida not having their delegates seated.
And, Dennis, that picture of Hillary is more airbrushed than a Demi Moore Vogue cover shot.
John Cole
I guess that explains the campaign. All that lead went straight to the brain.
Dennis - SGMM
It’s that new Dewitchifier® Photoshop Filter.
here’s a nice poll: ARG: tied in PA
put that on your website, H44
I just don’t understand why her supporters, while trumpeting their candidate’s gravitas, stature, experience, etc, would choose to surround her with baby pink, while also choosing a young photo of her. I’m not a supporter of hers, but if I were, I’d wonder why this site is infantilizing her in that manner.
BH Buck
From a WaPo article:
As we found out first-hand here at Balloon-Juice, don’t tell their supporters either!
You just had to go and bring that up, didntja? Make my day a little brighter and tell me they weren’t Carolina girls.
Somehow it makes me think birth control pill ads, I dunno why. I called it the Great Pink Satan, but it never really caught on.
Notorious P.A.T.
Look at the innocence in the picture they *did* use. Those eyes had not yet been pelted with sniper fire. That brow had not yet been furrowed in ironing out peace in Northern Ireland.
I wonder what would happen if Roy Williams went on national TV and said the results of his game should be overturned, because even though Kansas ran his team out of the gym they can’t beat Memphis, so NC should be advanced to the title game and their loss voided. Would people think he was insane, or just laugh their butts off?
nope: Boston transplants
But the bitterness remains.
Clinton is on the time-cube axis with Einstein, Jesus, and Socrates. She shall not be mocked.
Just read your comment on Gore inventing the internet. When it’s pointed out that this quote is a lie, you talk about Bush I and a grocery scanner.
This is called hackery.
I am wo-man, hear me
Good grief, I was unfamiliar with TimeCube. Sounds kind of like that Dr. Bronner’s soap products, only more evil-sounding and less, you know, ALL IS ONE. I thought TimeCube was the name of an MST movie I saw once with Raul Julia, but that turns out to be “Overdrawn at the Memory Bank.” This is not a good movie.
Garrigus Carraig
Wow. That’s unmockable. I do like “politicition”.
I too made the mistake of clicking the link, my first visit to that site. Yes, it’s pink. Yes, the picture is from 1979. Also, what is that graphic at the top? It looks like the White House in a funhouse mirror. Why?
Dennis - SGMM
It comes down to this, you super delegates; which candidate is least likely to sap and impurify our precious bodily fluids?
“LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA–we cannot hear you Reality, LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA…”
Overdrawn at the Memory Bank! great movie…in Talk Left world.
John Cole
Hunh? They are both lies.
Polls that do not show Hillary leading do not reflect the will of real voters.
Aren’t the interwebs great? In the old days, I’d be bugging my husband at work, going, “come on, what was the name of that movie where Raul Julia turns into a cube-shape thing and, I dunno, he time travels or something”, and he’d be filling out the divorce paperwork…
On the other hand, what has led me down this unproductive path, away from papers which need to be stamped? A double-edged sword, the google.
Dennis - SGMM
Real lawyers have automatic stampers. :)
Billy K
Last week, one of my Myspace “friends” sent out a bulletin talking about “Hussein Obama” being a Muslim and repeating all the tired slurs. I almost copied her bulletin to post here as a demonstration of the level of derangement, but I decided not to, because I don’t think we need to fan the flames any more.
Well, about 30 minutes later, she killed that bulletin and posted a new one, defending her old one. Apparently she got a lot of mail on it – and remember, this only goes out to “friends.” In the new bulletin she repeated the slurs, went on and on about her freedom of speech, and finally said Obama will probably be the nominee, and that it’s sad because all Hillary’s supporters won’t vote for him and McCain will be President.
So, yah….alternate universe and willful stupidity. I really hope in a few years these people can come to see what they were saying for what it is.
Who’s that chick in the photo?
BH Buck
John, I think HeavyJ was referring to this older post.
I’m so glad that HRC has told us about her great, unyielding courage, because no one saw her display any when it was needed most.
Nothing like watching someone who buckled under nearly every GOP framing for the past seven years stand up and tell the rest of us that she’s brave. Uh, gee, thanks – now get back to whatever it was you were doing before we got into Iraq, started ignoring the constitution, and began opening secret prisons all over the world.
All hat. No cattle. If HRC steals the nomination, I’ll be tempted to vote for McCain – at least he won his party’s nomination fairly. HRC is just Bush in drag.
John Cole
I know, I linked that the other day in the comments somewhere.
Been saying this for months. She’ll get it in clandestine fashion, and it’ll piss off a lot of Dems. Then we’ll be stuck with McCant for 4 years and 2 more Scalias on the court.
You’re kidding, right? KU demonstrated what a complete FRAUD Hansborough was. They thoroughly outplayed them. Not their fault the ref was in UNC’s back pocket. Yet they still crushed ’em. Booyah.
The Moar You Know
She ain’t 44 in that picture.
Do I get points for pointing out that exact thing like a week ago in the comments here?
Billy K
I tried to ignore that, but I got Rick Butler growling “Pretty in pink; Isn’t sheee … ” in my head anyways.
Hadn’t been to hillaryis44 before. That is a whole lotta pink. Did find it funny you click on their “Why Hillary” and Why Not Obama” links and all you get is “Coming Soon.” They might want to get to work on that real soon.
However, in the Hillary Poll Leads column, did see polls listed as of April 7, today. Maybe your hillaryis44 site cache from previous visits isn’t updating with the latest polling news of the pink anti-MUP.
Jon H
‘Politics is HARD!’
Notorious P.A.T.
By the way, Salon has decided to make its lead story the “Clinton would be winning if this and that and this” idea:
Join me, won’t you, in flooding their inbox with outrage.
Apparently it’s happening because they’ve already changed the headline. No longer is a sign that the election is “unfair.”
Rick Taylor
Hillaryis44; the place for people who are sick and tired of all the pro-Obama bias at sites like taylormarsh and talkleft.
Rick Taylor
I wrote a post on this in Talk left on this issue, back when they were arguing that if you disregarded the caucus states states, counted both FL and MI, and gave Obama zero votes from Michigan, then Hillary was only a little bit behind him in the popular vote.
As zzyzx said,
Rick Taylor
I see an idea for a new Clinton parables video.
A man and woman are sitting at a chess board, both leaning forward, concentrating. Out of the blue the man says,
You know if this were checkers, I’d be winning.
Woman (puzzled):
But we’re not playing checkers, we’re playing chase.
*laughs* Yes, but, *surveys the board* if this were checkers, I’d clearly be winning!
*stares at the board and nods* I guess you’re right.
So I guess I win then.
*nods and shrugs* Yeah, you’re right. I guess you do.
Major props for the Yakov Smirnoff reference.
I don’t have much to add to this discussion except to note that this very bad news for Democrats.
Grumpy Code Monkey
That Willentz article was strong with the Kool-Aid. As many, many of the letters pointed out, if the rules were different, all of the candidates would have employed different strategies, which may or may not have resulted in Clinton being ahead. Hell, it may be Edwards or Biden at the top of the heap (well, okay, maybe not).
As for winner-take-all primaries, ask the GOP how that worked out for them. McCain is a boat anchor; all the Democrats have to do is ask, “Do you want four more years of George Bush?” and run that picture of McCain sniffing W’s armpit ad nauseam.
I still say that this extended Democratic primary has had more positives than negatives. People are excited and passionate about this race. I can’t remember a Democratic primary where there was this much energy and enthusiasm.
As for the Hillbots/MUPpets who claim they’d sooner vote for McCain than their primary opponent, my only question is: are you people fucking retarded? Do you really, honestly, truly believe that four years under That Other Candidate would truly be worse than four years under “Bomb, Bomb Iran?”
I am a MUPpet, but I’ll happily, gleefully, cheerfully vote for Hills if she’s the eventual nominee.
But what do I know? I’m just a rational adult.
In other words: You Have Been Warned.
I still can’t decide which will be more obnoxious. The wailing of gnashing of teeth if she doesn’t get the nomination or the gloating and nyah-nyahs if she does.
Because we all know that pink is the color of femininity, and that is the OPPOSITE of gravitas, stature and experience, right? So when Clinton wears pink she’s just showing how weak and unmanly she truly is?
And Hillary needs to stop complaining about how unfairly she is being treated and take it like a man, eh? Just like John McCain, he doesn’t complain to his friends in the media when…oh wait…
Oh I know, “Hillbots” are in an alternate universe, they don’t know what they’re talkin about…people should quit complaining about the sexism of selectively harping on the woman candidate for pointing out unfair treatment…because it’s too feminine. Did I miss anything?
Does it really bother you all that much to consider that you might have a bit of latent sexism embedded in your brains? Remember what the ‘anti-PC’ movement did when it successfully trivialized calling out sexism and racism? They made it easier for us all to believe that it was only bad people who held these subconscious ideas, not the rest of us. It’s ok to have hidden biases, that makes us human, but isn’t it important to be able to acknowledge and deal with them rather than being held prisoner by them?
grumpy realist
It’s not the “femininity”, it’s the “chirpy and perky” that’s getting me. The POTUS should not come across as a Sunday-school teacher.
Next you know, she’ll be telling them to pull up their socks and drink their milk.
Did your mother baby you or something? Because I sense some underlying issues…
Dude, it’s not the fact that it’s pink. It’s the fact that it’s baby pink, combined with the fact that the picture they’re using is at least 10 years old.
Being an actual woman, I really don’t have much of a problem with femininity, and think that we women can be very powerful, and have stature and gravitas up the wazoo, while still being feminine.
However, power and gravitas tend to flourish only when accompanied by womanliness, not girlishness. Look at that photo above again, and tell me what it portrays.
Not being an actual woman, I’d say it portrays one of the few pictures where she looks reasonably attractive, which may have influenced its selection.
(Apropos of nothing perhaps, I believe the expression you meant was “out the wazoo.” “Up the wazoo” would connote something else.)
I’d always heard it as “up the wazoo.” Perhaps it’s a local thing, perhaps it’s selective deafness. Either way, you knew what I meant to say. :)
[Squints] Um … Despite our constant harping on sexism … Even we believe … women cease to be attractive after … they turn … 30.
How’d I do?
I’m still waiting for someone to explain that a list of Clinton poll “leads” which include polls where she is tied or trailing Obama were done in honor of the fact that Clinton is a woman and women are bad at math.
The Hillaryis44 folks are just plain batshit crazy. I enjoy reading their comments for that very reason. I’m too lazy/busy at the moment to go find it, but one of my favorite posters is the woman who keeps linking, in all seriousness, to a fekkin’ PSYCHIC who has been predicting good things for our girl Hill. And I mean they take this as absolutely excellent news. No one mocks her for the insanity. It’s insane.