Just saw her on Hardball calling Obama an elitist by latching on to some out of context quote from a fund-raising meeting.
Screw Hillary. Screw her rabid and increasingly delusional supporters. Screw the people who will claim it is all good in politics. Screw the pro-Hillary bloggers who will claim I just have CDS for stating this. Fuck all of ’em, and go join the GOP if you want to campaign like Karl Rove and think it is all good. If Hillary, her campign, and her supporters want to act like the wingnut bloggers, I will react like I do when dealing with them. Go fuck yourself.
How about them apples?
*** Update ***
A more nuanced take. Me, I still say fuck ’em.
*** Update #2 ***
The inevitable comment from the pro-Hillary trolls:
Aw, John, and you had a couple days of CDS sobriety going.
Tommorrow is a new day. When you wake up, promise yourself “I won’t hate Hillary today.”
Progress, not perfection is the goal.
Do you need a sponsor?
Contact your local chapter of Clinton Derangement Syndrome Anonymous at 1-800-CLI-NTON
Hillary supporters really need to understand the nature of causal relationships. The reason I didn’t say anything about Hillary for a few days is not because my alleged “CDS” was waning, but because Hillary wasn’t acting like an asshole and nothing assholish (did I just make up a word?) came from her campaign.
This really is not rocket science. In the past, a prominent left-wing blogger called me the “Wanker of the Day.” The thing to do if that upsets you is not to tell him he has “Cole Derangement Syndrome,” but to stop ACTING LIKE A FUCKING WANKER.
This is solid advice for Hillary and her supporters that I am offering here. I hope they take it.
It’s all she’s got now, this kind of petty bullshit. Her campaign is desperate to carve out a few more points of spread in Pennsylvania so that she can declare a great victory and keep up the pretense of having a chance at the nomination. That keeps the funds coming in a few more weeks.
At times like these, I generally post this, because it just says it all:
David Frost: Why did you call your opponent a “communist” in that congressional campaign?
Richard Nixon: Well, you have to win.
Kevin K.
“How about them apples?”
I’ll take a few bushels more, please. Bravo.
…but John, it’s Mrs. Inevitable’s turn first. Obama can be VP if he wants.
w vincentz
I saw that Hardball shit too.
Actually, I’m enjoying watching Hillary’s campaign crash and burn, including all of the assistance devoted to the effort by hubby Bill.
Shit, if he can’t have a third term, why should she have a first?
The tactics and lies have been out there for far too long.
Good to see them go “bye bye”.
Now, to answer the question about apples…I like golden delicious or MacIntosh, but Ida reds are plenty good.
Only Hillary has the cred to point out Obama’s elitism. After all, the bluest of the blue collar can be on the board of editors of Yale Law Review.
*only the…
Sweet. Those apples are sweet.
Hot damn John! More of THAT please!
Rick Taylor
Here’s a link to a transcript of Obama’s remarks (scroll towards the bottom) together with an audio (almost unintelligible) and links to McCain and Hillary’s responses.
b. hussein canuckistani
Is Hillary the kind of woman you want to have a beer with? Then she’s across Commander-In-Chief threshold.
I bet she bowls at least 200.
it makes me want to throw a f**king rock into the TV when i see empty-headed reporters, like Jill Zuckerman on Hardball tonight, say crap like “Yeah, we know its out of context, but the Republicans are going to have a field day with this…”
..she says, breathlessly.
christ, are you a JOURNALIST or a nosy neighbor who just found out someone down the street is having an affair? how about, instead of excitedly fanning the flames, saying something like “this is really out of context.”
nah, too much to ask.
Her burning is spreading. It’s definitely not helpful for Obama. It would be one thing if all her shit didn’t mean anything but there are severe consequences because of it.
Obama seems to be somewhat less annoyed at Hillary than John is — he just responded on this issue — and didn’t bother mentioning Hillary at all ;)
Damn straight. Preach it, JC! This post nicely expresses the disgust I have for the Clinton campaign at this point.
w vincentz
What would you go for, Preparation-H or good ol’ Gold Bond?
Shucks, forgot talcum powder.
Perhaps…all of the above.
Yeah, I made $20 million last year, but look at that elitist over there. I mean look at all the votes he’s getting. How more “elite” can you get than that. Wait, what did I just say? Hilbot 2.1 malfunction. Powering down……
Not the image I needed.
You know what? Hillary needs to grow the fuck up. She’s acting exactly like what John accused her of.
Enough, you wanna go play in that pig pen Hills? Fox News, mydd, and Taylor Marsh are over on the right, next to Erick, Assrocket, and Michelle Malkin.
I have lost all patience with that woman.
Please allow me to disagree.
Hillary is a working class gal, with only her pluck and belief in hard work.
She works night shifts and has since she was a machinist.
That is why “Left” bloggers like Armando at Talk Left who always says he is actually for Obama have to keep Hillary’s hope alive.
Are The Clinton’s multi-millionaire liars? Yes. But Obama noted that people whose good jobs left 25 years ago are frustrated. Crucify him! Give me Barrabas Hillary!
John, Thank you for expressing how many of us feel, and so succinctly!
I have some sympathy for realpolitic, but the lack of ethical integrity in the Clintons and their most fanatical loyalists, particularly that scum Lanny Davis, is absolutely disgusting and despicable.
The Big Question: Can these kind nasty tactics win Hillary the nomination or the Pres?
w vincentz
Holy shit Resumeman,
This here danged internet thing is fast, very fast.
I’m still trying to connect the “anal” thing in another thread at BJ, and the burning, the fucking, the premature withdrawl. Holy Jesus on a bucking bronco! I’d grab a beer (since we don’t have a Friday night beer thread), but I’ve given up Busch beer in protest of the present administration.
I’ll just go out back and kick one of those goddammed howlin’ coonhounds. Might make me feel better, maybe not the dog.
Do you think that qualifies as “torture”? I must be careful!
I’m so pissed off by this “controversy”. This country sucks at understanding nuance. If you hear the entire comment, it doesn’t sound like he’s putting anyone down. It sounds like he’s trying to explain to a group of Marin county elites why people in rural areas consistently vote against their own interests.
Aw, John, and you had a couple days of CDS sobriety going.
Tommorrow is a new day. When you wake up, promise yourself “I won’t hate Hillary today.”
Progress, not perfection is the goal.
Do you need a sponsor?
Contact your local chapter of Clinton Derangement Syndrome Anonymous at 1-800-CLI-NTON
The Commander Guy
They are all wingnuts now.
It’s true; Hillary isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. Volume 3 of her War Journals proves that. (I’m going to quit with these. I promise.)
I wouldn’t classify it as CDS. I’m guessing John would be saying the same thing if it was any other Democratic candidate who was overstaying their welcome. It’s just called reality.
Dennis - SGMM
Obama actually dared to say that there are many Americans who are bitter about being lied to and ignored for twenty-five years. Neither party can afford that kind of honesty. Both parties will work, the Democrats behind the scenes, the Republicans openly, to bury him.
So just settle down people. Be soothed by the lies about jobs and health care and economic recovery. Be soothed, don’t be angry, don’t be bitter – that’s un-American. Rock yourself to sleep in the knowledge that Hillary and McCain really care about you and that they really will do something for you this time.
Yep. On the one hand we have the embodiment of calm, cool and collected. On the other we have flop sweat and (dare I say it?) shrillness when things get a little difficult.
Who do you want to pick up the Red Phone of Doom at 3 a.m.?
I live in NE PA, and Obama is absolutely right.
What pisses me off about all of this is that you just know people aren’t going to take the time to understand what Obama said, and by that I mean the full context of what he said, instead of the cherry picked quote. I wouldn’t expect wingnuts to understand nuance if it punched them in the face, but for everyone else – if they did think about it for a little while, I expect they’d probably agree with it. And there are a whole bunch of people who just won’t think about it. They’ll buy the spin. And that doesn’t just suck, it is grating.
You can apply for NC debate tickets here…
Now, I have a little anecdote. An A-A colleague, representative of the county Democratic party, went to the local HRC and BHO campaign offices to talk to them about an upcoming candidates’ forum for some local races, and whether they’d be able to send a surrogate. She described her treatment as very disparate. The Obama folks immediately got several people together to come sit down with her and discuss what she was interested in. The Clinton folks, who were entirely white, spent a while whispering among each other and gesturing her way suspiciously after she’d said why she was there. After a while when no one emerged to talk to her and she began to feel like they were going to be calling security, she tried to elaborate on why she was there, asking to speak to someone with some decision-making authority. She never got anyone to come talk to her, and eventually left, strongly convinced that they thought she was either there to steal their purses or as an Obamamole.
Of course, when you have to get 90% of the remaining superdelegates even if you can get 50% of the remaining delegates (see Slate) yet you still think your chances are even, a certain amount of tinfoil hat thinking is required, I guess.
You first.
A classic case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Also, I forgot to mention they were very enthusiastic and appreciative of the veggie chili, cornbread, salad, and cupcakes I brought ’em, thanks a ton to Krista and others who contributed their meal planning ideas.
Crap – another reason why folks who were never going to vote for Obama are never going to vote for Obama.
Kevin K.
Or you can dial T-R-U-T-H-T-E-L-L-E-R-2-0-0-7.
Someone who’s worth 100 million dollars shouldn’t be telling anyone who is, or isn’t, an elitist.
Nuance? What is this “nuance” of which you speak? American politicians in general expect the electorate to be dribbling idiots and large sectors don’t disappoint. I have old [former] friends from college who have broken off relations with me because I can’t do teh stoopid and they can’t handle anyone who doesn’t.
sadly, I find myself sympathizing with Clinton supporters, the media can be diabolical. They are really pumping this story. I just don’t know if I can care anymore if this is what politics is reduced to, if these type of distorted arguments win the day. Ultimately, this country will end up with the president it deserves, for better or worse. We put Bush in office after all
In order to more perfectly drive John’s CDS to new heights, our erstwhile Hillbot P.Luk now is guestblogging for Jane Hamsher (of the left).
Extra points if anyone can read the graphs, because no matter how hard I squint I can’t read the damn things. Maybe it is time for stronger reading glasses.
Clinton is an asshole, sure. I think a lot of people can agree with that.
BUT…Obama is in need of a smack down and if it’s coming from Clinton, so be it. Obama is a disingenuous fraud and Clinton’s a lying asshole. The cult of Obama needs to stop fawning and apologizing for him and justifying his idiotic statements and naive ideas. As much as Clinton is a liar, a panderer, and without scruples, so any time she attacks the pure-hearted golden boy of course she will get hated for it TWICE as much as if it were from an honest person.
The venom Clinton draws out, and the rift Obama and Clinton are the stewards of, only serve to further empower the Republicans.
The Grand Panjandrum
McCain’s campaign is trying to make hay of this as well. Here is John McCain saying something very similar in the 12/17/07 issue of the New Yorker:
As for the Obama remarks it sounds like he’s explaining to a bunch of rich people in California how blue-collar folks in the rust belt think about personal woes that have lasted for more than a quarter of a century. I guess the truth is more than Clinton and McCain can handle.
Here’s my advice for the Clinton campaign and her supporters:
Duck! Sniper fire!
Did it ever occur to you that the “venom” towards Hillary could possibly be because she says that only her and McCain are qualified to be President, or that she calls him an elitist, or that she spews disingenuous right-wing talking points?
Rarely Posts
Of course, being a “Hillary troll”, I don’t get why you’re slamming Clinton for something Obama said. Why exactly would you characterize people you want to vote for you as bitter wingnuts? A really stupid statement on Obama’s part.
Oh, maybe it’s because PA voters are obsessed, just like Ohio voters are.
AkaDad, none of them are very qualified. Clinton and Obama the least…by a huge margin. So, throwing bricks in glass houses doesn’t make either of them look any better.
“Right wing talking points”? There goes that RIFT again. Try not to call all your ideological enemies “boogeymen”.
It’s sad, isn’t it? I have a much smaller group of friends because I have a low tolerance for teh stoopid.
Perhaps, because out of context quotes can be deceiving?
Rarely Posts
And no offense, JC, but isn’t part of your solid advice for Hillary supporters something like getting her to drop out of the race?
You must be new here.
John is pissed because he (once again) bet on the wrong pony.
He’s stubborn, so it will take awhile for him to admit his mistake. But eventually he will.
Rarely Posts
If you read the entire text the message is the same.
Are you implying that I’m not well read? What an elitist assumption to make.
True, but with a bit more context. The context being the part in which Obama makes clear that not only does he understand why certain people are bitter, but that he wants to win their support and to proceed, as President, to look out for their interests. By talking honestly to them, instead of pandering to them. Kinda changes the whole dynamic, does it not?
Tropical Fats
Hillary is a congenital liar, like her husband. And she’s a bad person. Is she better than McCain? Sure. So is jock itch. I wouldn’t wish either on anybody.
I hope her political career dies a richly-deserved fiery death over the next few weeks.
Rarely Posts
Rarely Posts
Honestly? No. I wouldn’t want someone telling me I’m a bitter fruitloop but so and so will help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Obama is a non-stop pandering machine, he just underestimated the number of people who needs to pander to in order to actually win in November.
His obfuscation about the Wright matter was so well scripted that it seemed forced. People pick that up. Dems and Liberals slobbered over that speech, but to a lot of people his obfuscation and tap dancing just make people wonder what grenade he was dancing around.
Obama’s “out of context” statement:
What the evil bitch said:
Oh! The humanity! Burn her, burn her at the stake!
Get that weak shit outta here. Better trolls, let’s start a chant!
Good to see you again. You’re still a fucking clueless wanker.
I’d say so:
And, of course, there’s yet still more context where that came from, not that you’d ever care:
P.S. didn’t you already say your goodbyes, with much shrieking and rending of garments?
P.P.S. so why are we still hearing your shrieking?
Geez, this MYIQ2Xu guy actually showed the real quote, right..and he gets shit on. This place is rough
oh but did he leave out context?!
First time trolling BJ, Roberta?
I thought you melodramatically pulled a GBCW a while back and left for Hillary-fertalized pastures. What happened?
Rarely Posts
If they react like this if he gets the nomination they might just as well vote for McCain. What a bunch of crybabies.
Nice slam of Hillary by Obama, btw. I guess it was never true that he wouldn’t go negative.
No Jen I troll here all the time!
myiq has a sordid history here.
Please, continue with the concern trolling.
What Obama said was true, and exactly what the people in Pennsylvania need to hear. They watched their fortunes sold down the river by people who promised them that they’d make things better, and instead of holding those people accountable, they went looking for answers that seemed to make sense …. like immigration … but are in fact wrong. People in Pennsylvania haven’t lost income and jobs to immigrants. They have lost them to economic forces manipulated by people who only have their own interests at heart and couldn’t care less about the blue collar guy in Pennsylvania. And the sooner they realize that, and listen to somebody honest enough to tell them that, the sooner they will see the way to truly vote their interests.
Obama will speak to the issue, and as happened in the Wright thing, he’ll make sense and people will listen to him. Meanwhile, Shrillary will be out there trying to distort the message and demagogue it.
We’ve already seen how this movie turns out, it ends with Hillary losing and then it will end with McCain losing. The blue collar types are not going to flock to the corpse of John McCain. They’ll figure out that Obama is telling them the truth.
I guess myiq was in his bunk bed all along! Sheesh, 70 comments on criminal trials and jury interviews, I am forced to weigh in out of my element due to enormous peer pressure, but no, he only responds to Hillary’s bat-signal….Save me Myiqis1, you’re my only hope!
Just Some Fuckhead
You’d think the public embarassment of doing a GBCW for a whole seven hours or so would shame him away. But trolls have no shame, eh?
Jen, I’m just showing up here and giving much needed extra opinion. Clearly the diversity of opinion here is not lacking as compared to other blogs comments sections.
I’m just bored on a Friday night. I felt like sitting at home on the internet tonight as opposed to going to some dumb club with my friends and getting $5 beers and driving drunk home. What’s wrong with that? And my opinion = my opinion, I’d love for you to actually reply to it instead of calling me “Roberta”.
To top it all off, it must be lame to be that person who is in a comments section long enough to become some sort of paranoid delusional troll hall monitor.
cubesteak, do follow the link and check out the links to little green footballs, etc. Wingnuts, Hillary’s best friends.
John kinda sorta invited me back – he said the natives were restless without me.
Not to mention some spooge-loads were claiming credit for chasing me away. There are some people here with real stones (John included,) but the ones who were claiming credit aren’t on the list.
But don’t expect to see me as often as before.
Obama’s response.
Oh snap!
TZ, consider yourself sicced upon QuickRob. I’m gonna watch some Netflix and knit up the lovely yellow toddler tank top I’m still working on, that I told you about. After all the shit you gave me, only fair, right?
Nah, it’s just our way of saying welcome back to myiq.
He was awol for awhile, but it looks like he scored a new pair of kneepads and came back here to break them in.
There are two legit reasons to have the FBI interview jurors:
1. To investigate jury tampering or misconduct
2. To find out why the jury hung in order to prepare for the retrial
My guess is #2, but it was done ham-handedly.
Yeah guys, grow up. Remember to spike the needle on the Cuss-O-Meter when you describe your ideological enemies.
Those fucking bastards deserve it.
Just Some Fuckhead
I can’t decide which is worse, Obama saying something insensitive when viewed out of context or the Clinton fuckwads demagoging it for a few pitiful votes on the way to an ignoble loss.
Wait, I can.
You’re going to look like a retarded Gary Ruppert if Obama ends up in the White House.
My Bitch! Open wide, Daddy’s home!
The fact that Obama completely ignored Hillary and addressed John McCain like he was the presumptive nomineee was classic. It was like Clinton was completely beneath him and he has his sights on more loftier person.
Probably the right move to make. It’ll make Clinton supporters absolutely rabid. It will also re-enforce the “elitist” meme that they’ve been clinging them too.
I see myiq2xu has returned and the comments are flying higher and higher. It’s too bad that this primary has grown so long. Spoofs like 28percent can’t even get in a word edge-wise. Be glad to have right wing freaks back here for more mocking than eating our own.
If you’re at home on the computer talking about “right wing talking points” and “left wing talking points” then you are paying so much attention to the news and to politics, and you are so involved in the muck of the game, that you are clearly lacking in some other aspect of your life. Too much of the proverbial pie is dedicated to defending bullshit political icons and projecting our borderline psychotic emotions all over these fucking schmuck politicians.
Dennis - SGMM
You aren’t very quick, are you, Rob? Pandering is voting with the Republicans while pretending to be a Democrat. Pandering is splitting things along the lines of what you think will bring you the most votes. Pandering is being for NAFTA before you were against it. The same with the war in Iraq. When Bush does in fact bomb Iran as an October Surprise Hillary will explain that her vote for Kyle-Lieberman didn’t mean that Bush would use it as a mini-AUMF under his Commander in Chief Super Powers.
Now, take a good sized piece of deer antler and flake off the dull edges of your wit and then come back and show us what you can really do.
You’re 4 threads late, homey…we were doing reacharounds earlier today.
Meh, he’s probably just a listmember who is bored and trying out some new schtick.
This “issue,” which is defined by what Barack Obama has said and has said about what he said and will say about what he said …. is really simple, and it will be a plus for him once the tv hyenas run out of steam on it. Obama has it right, and I personally think he stuck in the blurb about the Clinton administration just to get Hillary to take the bait and light this thing up. Obama knows he is right on this issue, just look at his shot at McCain.
Obama also understands that he is running against McCain at this point, and that McCain stands a snowball’s chance in hell of winning a single vote on this issue. Aside from the fact that McCain is an idiot who hasn’t had a coherent thought on an issue like this in his life, he is also on the wrong side of the immigration issue with people who fall in the demo Obama is talking about.
This thread really boils down to what John said: Screw Hillary. Screw her good. Aside from the hideous possibilities suggested by that metaphor …. I think it’s right on point.
As for our troll friend … ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
I missed that whole event. Can someone remember which thread it was on, or at least which day?
Who said you’re getting a reach-around?
Rick Taylor
AkaDad wrote:
And here’s the video.
I admit, I help chase myiq2xu out. I have the stones.
and quickrob, I know youre bored.. because someone is always wrong on the internet! Right? :-) Now give me some 5 dollar beer.. I’m thirsty.
It was the day you were in the men’s room with Larry.
Well, one of them, anyway.
Uh, no. You’re not Able.
Able was ‘e, ere ‘e saw Elba.
Now now, I know you’re probably embarrassed by your GBCW meltdown, but that’s no reason to get nasty just because someone else would love to read through it.
Jeebus myiq, what the hell were you doing hanging out in that Minneapolis Airport bathroom???
I mean, shit buddy, I know you’ve been lonely since leaving, but isn’t that a little extreme?
Conservatively Liberal
John, you really should open up on subjects like this. I have heard that holding stuff in can give you ulcers. Of course, watching Hillary in action ought to give any good Democrat an ulcer or five. It is clear that she will stoop to any level to give free material to the wingnuts, all in the name of saving her trainwreck of a campaign. Hell, after her campaign hits the final trainwreck, her and Bill ought to offer their services to McCain. If they are going to give him material, they ought to get paid for it.
How about Bag Balm. That crap will heal just about anything. Plus it is a lubricant! ;)
Glad to see you back! :D
Love Volume 3 tbone! If Hillary wins, you ought to offer to do her biography…lol!
Classic man, classic! :D
Damn straight. Bill & Hillary are multi-millionaires and they are calling Obama ‘elitist’?!
Shorter Rarely Stops Posting:I read all of this and I am going to play it dumb again so I can get people to waste their time in responding to the obvious.
Yay. I’m glad I’m indifferent to the whole shebang.
Oh, wait …
Ambinder’s got the video of Obama’s response:
Pretty damn sharp if you ask me.
Folks, we are looking for a few good men and women.
jen, jcricket, AkaDad, Dennis, JSF, and anyone else who likes abuse of stupid people or otherwise thinks they want to have more fun in life (not necessarily your current life, but anyway) ….
Write me at t-z-b-l-o-g-g-e-r at yahoo dot com. Remove the dashes and do the other necessaries.
“We” here is royal, and it basically means a few guys who are out to get your credit card numbers and expiration dates. Not really. Well, yes really but not in an evil way, in a nurturing way.
Just write and get the poop.
This is clearly Clinton Derangement Syndrome. Anyone who thinks what Clinton said is harsh or anything other than hardball politics is a big sissy.
Cuz TZ is full of poop
John, this is on the money. I’m so tired of this bullshit from the Clintons. The more I think about it, the more I wish I had done everything in my power to oppose Bill in the 92 primaries.
The Clintons have done nearly as much (maybe not nearly but you know what I mean) as the Bushes to destroy our political system.
I’m just tired of this. It’s so depressing when it comes from people in your own party, people you spent years supporting and defending.
Just so pissed off and exhausted by this crap I don’t even know what to say.
Ouch, that left a Mark.
Relax dude. The Clintons are a sideshow now. We are running against McCain. This thing works in our favor.
Remember our bet? I am going to press it on you any day now.
Get your wallet ready.
I can’t wait to tell the story about how she rappelled into her first State of the Union address from a Blackhawk.
Rick Taylor
Yep. I posted on Talk Left what he said was a gaffe, but every candidate makes gaffes and the question would be how would he follow up? Now it looks like finally we have a Democratic candidate who doesn’t just lie down but knows how to hit back. Funny, at one point I thought Hillary would make the better scrapper. I hope John sees that video; I’ll bet it would cheer him up.
Dennis - SGMM
Just say, “Motherfucking shit, man!” and then keep on keeping on.
Take a break and watch 40’s animation mixed with Carmen Miranda doing “Brazil“.
You’ll be glad that you did.
John S.
It’s a palindrome – what could be more awesome than that?
Besides Hillary.
How many Larry’s are there?
Conservatively Liberal
Don’t leave out the snipers! Dropping smoke on the LZ would set the right ‘atmosphere’ too…lol!
CL, LT, cain … and others … please see my 9:37 post.
Uncle Sam Needs You!
Okay, there is no Uncle Sam, but anyway.
The Magical Unity Pony giving a sPEEch to his adoring fans.
Dennis! I need your help. I want to show cbear a position called “The BBQ Spit.”
John S.
Camp Clinton emailed around comments by Grover Norquist and Ed Rollins as evidence that Obama had a
TuzlaMitty moment — as if anyone should listen to what those two fucking wankers have to say.rjarnold
John Cole, you seriously need to chill out.
Obama has been attacking her (using GOP talking points) by repeatedly calling her “divisive”, “dishonest”, “calculating”, “too polarizing to win”, “phony”, “deceptive”, and “disingenuous”, and even stood by while one of his surrogates called Bill Clinton “McCarthyite”. But now you’re outraged at “elitist”.
Obama is clearly as much of a wanker (to use your word), if not a worse wanker than Clinton is.
Rarely Posts
So, CL, you can’t do anything but flame? No comments on the subject at hand?
Mayhaps you are one of those bitter whiners.
Welcome back, myiq! I’ve been craving pie for a while now.
Conservatively Liberal
Done. :)
What’s better than a good old-fashioned fart-lighting contest?
Wow. Er. Have they broken it to her yet that she’d be on the bottom of the Republican ticket? Drop out now, Hillary. Not out of the race, out of politics. Forever. Just spare us all the embarrassment and resign your Senate seat now, or make it official and switch parties already. Or if you need a transitional period, you could join the imaginary “New York for Hillary” party and still continue to pimp Republican talking points and endorse McCain. Hey, it worked out great for another well-known DLC hack friend of yours.
Conservatively Liberal
My position on Obama and Hillary are well known, and there is no need for me to restate them. What she said about the quote of his is clearly out of context, and it is not surprising to see her do that (yet again) to him. Obama is mature enough to say what is on his mind, and he discusses sensitive subjects in a way that Hillary only wishes she could do. Hillary is full of the usual same old same old in her speeches, and she offers platitudes instead of substance.
I love her response about seeing ‘hope’ everywhere she goes. I guess hope is fine for her now that she says that Obama is ‘bitter’. It is going to be interesting to read the postmortem on the Clinton campaign after the primary is over. She has imploded on so many levels, and people are now seeing the ‘real’ Billary.
It ain’t pretty, and they ain’t Democrats. If they are, then so is Joe Lieberman. But then again, she will do anything to get the Colombia trade deal out of the press. Her response to the question about Bill accepting money that she has loaned her campaign is priceless. She cackled and spluttered like she was caught red handed with her hand in the cookie jar.
Obama taking the shot at her for the bankruptcy bill was a clean, legitimate move. What about that is not true?
If the last seven years have proven anything, it is that it will get a lot worse before it gets better.
The Machine will provide no other alternative than Hillary, or Hillary as VP. In that case, she can have the Mena Ninjas take care of Mr. I Hate the Common Folk at the appropriate time.
if i left nine comments on a thread in one hour on a Friday night, i don’t think i’d presume to judge what’s lacking in other people’s lives.
If I can be serious here for a moment, I grew up in a small town — 2500 people. And people in rural America are getting fucked over in all kinds of ways that make them bitter and easy-to-manipulate. What Obama said is completely true. A lot of the people in rural America — let’s say it openly, the working-class to lower-class white man in rural America — really do cling to all this crap because they’re pissed off they’re stuck in a job where they don’t make money and they don’t get treated with respect.
They’re mostly decent people all the same, no matter how stupid their opinions are about foreign policy or immigration.
What breaks my heart, what cuts to the very core, is that we can on longer have any kind of conversation about where our society is really at without every manner of accusatory absurdity coming out of the woodwork. That it’s coming now from fellow Democrats make it that much worse.
Yeah, and that’s only gotten worse the more she’s struggled. Especially now that some of those “platitudes” come from the right. What she doesn’t seem to understand is that if you are repeating something that can be found on right-wing talk radio or blogs, then you are likely going to severely piss off a large number of committed liberals, progressives and Democrats.
Of course, those jackasses at TalkLeft, following in the slime trail of their leader, repeat the meme. I tell you what…I’m willing to forgive colleagues and associates of mine who’ve made stupid arguments about Obama. But TalkLeft and their ilk? They can go fuck themselves.
John Cole
Taking what someone said, contorting it out of context to make it seem as if he is insulting the people he was actually empathizing with is divisive, dishonest, polarizing, phony, deceptive, and disingenuous. I will also throw in assholish, outrageous, and the work of a complete and total power-mad douchebag.
It doesn;t matter what his response was, even though it was brilliant. The right-wing, the real enemy in the election, will keep repeating this, and now it is Hillary endorsed- “Even Hillary said he was elitist,” we will be told repeatedly. If you can not figure out why this is so fucking awful of Hillary, Taylor Marsh’s website is thattaway.
That is why I am so pissed. Not because the right-wing is a bunch of tools-that will happen regardless. I am pissed because Hillary is actively aiding and abetting them in her lust for power. It is atrocious.
wait, are any of those words inaccurate ?
John Cole
Come to WV. If all you have is a shitty job at Wal-mart, a 22 year old car, and your hunting rifle and your marriage to the girl you dated in high school, it is easy to be cynically manipulated by douchebags over issues like gay marriage and gun rights and the War on Christmas. Meanwhile, the manipulators are cutting their taxes and trying to figure out a way to privatize social security, the one thing that will be there when you are old and infirm and really have nothing.
I am so sick of our politics. This bullshit is just pushing me harder and harder left.
John Cole
And why did I keep putting an “o” in genius (I had to edit the last comment I made and replace genius with brilliant I was brain-cramping so hard)?
Misspelling “genius” = not so genius.
Kids, please. The “right wing” has John McCain.
John McCain. A guy who has no ideas to help small town America, whatever.
Original Lee
I also come from a small town (pop. 500) in the Midwest. When the economy tanked in the late 70s, my town had something on the order of 75% unemployment. We had more people applying for corn tassling and grape combing than we knew what to do with, and it was hard to decide whether we should give everybody at least a little work or just hire who we needed for the season. 25 years later, unemployment is still high (I think 20-30%). My classmates have mostly relocated to the coasts, except for a few who are teachers, health care providers, or civil servants. People are upset and frustrated that the things they managed to salvage from the last recession, such as good health care, are starting to tank. I think that the Obama supporters in my home town are the ones who still are capable of hope, but there are a whole lot of them who have had the stuffing knocked out of them and are basing their decisions on things that don’t usually matter quite so much (on a personal level) if they don’t happen – just like Obama said.
Pie, huh? Methinks someone just tipped their hand.
It’s part of being a lefty. You start putting superfluous vowels into your words in an effort to emulate your Canadian pot-smoking, gay-marriage-legislating overlords.
As I’ve said since 9/2001, It’s Always September in America.
OMFG I hope you are getting a chance to see Moyers’ Journal tonight.
I grew up in a small town too (almost exactly that size, in fact) and I agree 100%. What Obama said just seemed like common sense to me. Why does it seem to piss so many people off when a politician talks to us like we’re adults?
Hearing charges of elitism from Hillary would be fucking hysterical if it weren’t so depressing.
Bob In Pacifica
I’m trying to figure out Obama’s tragic flub, but it just seems to me that he’s telling the truth. I went to TalkLeft, which is where I now go to try to understand Clintonworld but I seem to be locked out of the comments section. I’ll have to rely on myiq to explain it.
Johnny Pez
Myiq, myiq, myiq . . .
How can we miss you when you won’t stay away!
Conservatively Liberal
I live in a town of 6,500 on the Oregon coast, in a county of just over 20,000, and all we have for jobs is a department store, a small lumber mill, fast food joints, small businesses and city/county/state jobs. Oh, and a prison about 20 miles south of us in California. That is it. There were lots of homes going up in the housing boom, and quite a few workers were illegals. Local guys were getting pissed off because they could not compete with the cheap illegal labor.
What Obama said hits home in a community like this. I am conflicted about illegal immigration, and he states some of the reasons why I feel that way. Will he work to solve the problem to my satisfaction? I don’t know, but what I do know is that he is talking about it in a way that nobody else has the guts to.
I admire him for that. He is not afraid to ‘go there’. You don’t talk about stuff like that unless you are sincere about it. There is too much to lose if you are found to be a fake, like ‘Ah feel yer pain’ Bill Clinton.
I will take honest discourse over platitudes any day.
Rick Taylor
The one about farm subsidies? It’s on in another forty minutes here.
Rick Taylor
The one about farm subsidies? It’s on in another forty minutes here.
I think it’s because politicians believe that people like being patronized and talked down to. If Clinton wins the Dem nomination, I’ll believe that the politicians are correct.
OMG people. If you want to see your government totally fucking rural America, and taking money out of your wallet to do it …. you must see Moyers’ report that airs tonight.
If the video isn’t here now, it soon should be.
Rick Taylor
Bob In Pacifica Said:
When you click on a thread, be sure to click on the “Permalink :: Comments” link rather than the link at the top; otherwise you don’t get an option to reply to the messages. Also, older threads are closed down so you have to reply to recent ones. What’s your nickname there?
Yes, the whole show including that segment. It’s just jaw-dropping, disturbing material. I’m floored.
So beautifully expressed it needed an encore posting. For people who live in a Small Town, America, Wall Street has a cold and Small Town has pneumonia.
I like what Obama IS doing. He is acknowledging that everything isn’t hunky dory in our part of the economic pie.
I have not heard exactly how he thinks he can massage this colon into the good, healthy, cathartic poop it needs to get the body healthy again. But, we are never going to get there if it is not in the public consciousness to seek a movement. Obama is articulating the vague blinking awareness of the public at large–and that is a good thing for him to do.
If we are going to change the ruts in the road, we have to admit they are there. So, good on OHB.
That’s elitist talk, you latte-sipper.
Disturbing, yet soothing at the same time. Like sweet and sour soup, intriguing. Good work.
Did you see my 9:37 post?
It’s cappuccino, Mr Steak!
Just Some Fuckhead
Imagine if Bill and Hillary Clinton had spent the last seven years fighting Republicans like they are fighting Obama. Just imagine that. Imagine if the Republican wing of the Democratic party had spent the last seven or more years tying up the Republican party instead of enabling it.
I don’t know if any of guys watch “The Wire”. I’m guessing a lot of you do. (I mean that as compliment.)
I’m in Season 4 right now and the parallels between what these kids on the show go through and what a lot of people in the poor parts of rural America go through is striking. Obviously, going through high school in rural West Virginia or rural upstate New York (where I’m from), getting a shitty minimum wage job with no benefits, and getting duped (by Hannity and Limbaugh and Rove) into blaming your station in life on immigrants, on people from San Francisco, on Al Qaeda, and then voting all kinds of crack-pots who rip youf off into office — all of that is not so dramatic as shooting people and hiding the bodies in a boarded up row house in West Baltimore.
But it’s not so different, either. The episode I saw tonight, all these kids (12 and 13) are talking about how you have to be hard and let anybody slide to make it in the drug trade. Of course, these hard kids end up dead or in jail. It’s so much like all the shit poor rural Americans get brainwashed into thinking, about how you have to have faith in God, how the US has to fuck up anybody who crosses it, all that crap. These poor rural Americans will mostly end up in minimum wages or on welfare or without health care. The people they put into office to fight the terrorist/immigrants/gays are the same people who will sell them to Walmart for 20 pieces of silver.
It’s fucking depressive and it’s fucking wrong that this is the norm in such a wealthy country. It’s enough to turn someone into a Marxist.
The Clintons should be ashamed of themselves for taking advantage of this in such a cynical way. They really should.
oh really
I think I’ve figured out the perfect job for Clinton.
McCain’s VP.
They both really respect one another. During the campaign she won’t miss a beat, since her talking points are in harmony with Saint John’s already. And when they crush Obama and McCain is president, he can send Hillary on all the missions that are too dangerous for the prez. Just think of it, our girl Hillary dodging sniper fire in the Green Zone.
After four years in office, with his Alheimer’s becoming more and more obvious, McCain can step down and Hillary will finally get what the universe owes her == her very own country to play with.
Conservatively Liberal
I watched the whole thing, and if I did not know how politics worked, I would have problems believing that people could be so stupid as to write laws like this. Paying a physician who owns 100,000 acres of farm land (that his mansion is on) and he gets paid for growing nothing?! The buy ten acres, live in your mansion on one acre and collect payments on the empty nine acres that are referred to as “Cowboy Starter Kits” by local Realtors?! WTF?!
Shit like this needs the disinfecting action of the light of day shined on it. Farm subsidies for people who don’t farm? Disaster payments because of the shuttle explosion? Drought payments for no drought or drought related losses?
That guy wants to farm, but he can’t rent the land because the owner gets more for it by not renting it?! This shit is criminal, and nothing less than that can accurately describe it.
Great catch TZ. Sick to watch, but worth every second of it.
I never miss it, Doug.
Yes, painful to watch, but necessary. I don’t know what to do yet, but I am glad that I at least know about it.
I am resolving to no longer be ignorant of this issue.
oh really
I think I’ve figured out the perfect job for Hillary.
McCain’s VP.
She’s perfect for the job.
Think about it:
1. She and John already really respect one another.
2. On the campaign trail she won’t skip a beat, since her talking points are already in perfect harmony with Saint John’s.
3. Once they’ve crushed Obama and Saint John the Maverick is president, he can send Hillary on all the missions that are too dangerous for the president. Just picture it — Hillary dodging sniper fire in the Green Zone.
4. And then, after four years during which McCain’s senility becomes more and more obvious, he can step down and Hillary can finally have what the universe owes her — her very own country to play with.
Just Some Fuckhead
I think I prefer the one with the numbered list but I’d like to see one more with bullets before I make up my mind.
In year three, I see him coming out in favor of the Sunnis to win the Super Bowl.
That’s when it will finally be necessary to start having him skip some cabinet meetings.
The Kool Aid drinkers over at TalkLeft are in a state of euphoria tonight thinking that this recent “gaffe” will kill him. Of course they feel that way about EVERY new media attack against Obama, oddly enough they feel the Clinton attacks by the media are unfair and unwarranted.
I realize that blogs are particularly susceptible to groupthink but I really hope that I never fall prey to the sort of silliness that has afflicted TalkLeft.
Don SinFalta
myiq2xu Says:
Well, who cares what was said. Let’s decode the pseudonym. My IQ 2 times “u”. Hmmm, “u” is the 21st letter in the alphabet, times 2 gives 42, so “my IQ = 42″seems to be the message given by the poster’s handle. Seems about right to me.
I watched some part of Moyer’s expose on farm subsidies Blew my mind. It just seems to solve all this in an honest fashion requires a lot of participation not from Americans but people from the media. We have demogagues and this need for ratings and sensationalism that is really obsfucating the issues that we should be caring about. Instead we get stupid shit like flag burning or some other inconsequential things that creates an emotional response.
An honest debate would be welcome that has a outcome so that everyone benefits. But sacrifices have to be made from the business community I think.
Regarding the concept of B.S. farm subsidies, here’s a classic. Sigh.
That reminds me, Pb, of a story I read when I was a kid, about Letters to the Department of Agriculture.
A woman wrote to the Department that she had gone out to her chicken coop that morning to find all her chickens laying on the ground, not moving, with their legs sticking up in the air. Please advise, she said.
The return letter was short and sweet:
Dear Madam,
Your chickens are dead.
Anyway, you can’t get government service like that any more. Unless you are a rich doctor who wants a Cowboy Starter Kit (see the Moyers show for what that means).
I’ll do what I can to help y’all. But, the game’s out there, and it’s play or get played. That simple.
I’ll do what I can to help y’all. But, the game’s out there, and it’s play or get played. That simple.
Seriously, I know you’re trolling, but I’ll put it again to you: Why do you support Hillary, in a possitve way? What qualities do you see in her that make her better than Obama. We all know you hate Obama…
Next show me how she wins
I’ll sit down while I’m waiting.
Sorry to be dense, and no offense … but I cannot figure out what this post means.
On so many levels.
Great you tube response by Obama… He might be able to ride the ignorant responses by Hillary and McCain right into the White House.
Link is here.
Great YouTube response showing Obama campaigning in Terra Haute, Indiana… He might be able to ride the ignorant responses by Hillary and McCain right into the White House.
Link is here.
“Screw her rabid and increasingly delusional supporters.”
That would sound more appropriate for Obamaniacs. But then again, they have always been completely delusional so their delusion could not increase.
The only arguments I have heard for Obama is that he is good at hot air and that he is good at raising money. Apparently for Obamaniacs, he who raises the most money is the best candidate.
I think Cole is so pissed off because he’s lying through his teeth number one: St. Obama’s comments weren’t taken out of context. He’s madly spinning to try to contextualize them after the fact, but he said what he meant the first time
2ndly, Cole is pissed off because this may be a “I voted for it before I voted against it” type gaffe, as in, a gaffe where the candidate tells what he really thinks and the public doesn’t think a guy who thinks like this should be anywhere near the presidency.
Add this to the Wright business that the left has been claiming is “all forgotten” and the only think all forgotten is how anyone ever thought this condescending prig could ever be elected president.
The entire “transcend” thing is pretty much exposed as horse-shit by now. Obama is wallowing in race and divisiveness, he’s not transcending jack.
heh here you go:
” Dulcie Says:
I’m so pissed off by this “controversy”. This country sucks at understanding nuance. If you hear the entire comment, it doesn’t sound like he’s putting anyone down. It sounds like he’s trying to explain to a group of Marin county elites why people in rural areas consistently vote against their own interests.
Q fucking E D
you fucking libs don’t even get how fucking condescending you are “vote against their own interests”
well I have some news for you sporty. The entire country is about to vote against your interest WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
stick a fork in Barry, he’s cooked
Time for another lincolnesque speech?
Blue Raven
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is considered a lunatic.
daniel rotter
“The only arguments I have heard for Obama is that he is good at hot air,…”
What Obama supporter(s) has/have cited that Obama is (supposedly) “good at hot air” as a reason for his/her/their support? There is a difference between people giving bad reasons for supporting Obama, and reasons that no one is making in the first place.
read your own post and consider why it is filled with the cynicism and disgust that is standard fare for GOP condemnations of the mildest, healthiest liberal politics.
Every fair indication of of which candidate has the most popular support is turned into some sort of smear against the masses stupid enough to believe, or foolish enough to stand on principle, or snobby enough to want three-syllable words, or arrogant enough to ignore the authenticity of your own candidate. If the liberal runs on fairness, he is an ultra-lefty, if he runs on facilitating self-reliance he is dishonest because he is then a crypto-ultra-lefty, if he is ecumenical about religion he is a crypto-atheist or a Farrakhan-lover, if he is more sectarian then he is a religious loon.
It is all bullshit, and it is why Obama people are disgusted with fellow democrats for acting this way. Talk about Stockholm syndrome!
John –
As an exercise in how far left the whole situation has forced you consider this stanza from a well known song, and tell us whether or not it describes the dynamic you are complaining about:
Thank you Blue Raven and Xenos for confirming my observations.
Contrary to what I read from many Obamaniacs, who seem to not want to vote for Clinton if their empty-suit candidate loses, I have always said I would vote for him in the end.
Conservatively Liberal
Yup ‘nard, Obama can only raise record amounts of money from record numbers of small contributors, and Hillary has so much money that she can’t even pay her bills. Same with the hot air, it has only given him the lead position in the primary since day one. I bet that Obama is just mortified with his performance so far.
You want to talk delusional? Go to Hillaryis44 and do a search in any post and comment section. Try searching for words like Newt, Bill O, Brit Hume, Hannity, RedState, Fox News, Rush and other right wing favorites, and listen to the praise for that is given to these right wing ‘news’ sources. When so-called Democrats are quoting material from (and submitting material to) these people/places, you know that they have gone off the deep end. Try searching for Obami, Satan, asshole, Hussein, Barry, anti-christ, muslim and other crap like that, and you will find a plethora of it.
I think the Clinton supporters have it wrong though. CDS is an affliction that some Clinton supporters are infected with. It is clear that they are the deranged ones. They are the ones who down the koolaid with beer bongs.
You sure don’t see Obama supporters embracing the extremists on the right, and that says it all for me.
CL says “You sure don’t see Obama supporters embracing the extremists on the right”
Why doesn’t this Obamaniac say what he means? I can only guess that he is referring to Clinton’s interview with Scaife and his paper. Obama says he wants to talk to various people in the Middle East, but if Clinton talks to a reactionary media mogul it is “embracing” him.
Oh how I love these honest, consistant guys.
re: Con Lib
Yeah, Obama sure does raise money. I seem to remember a candidate who raised prodigious amounts of money and revolutionized presidential politics. He came from nowhere, had a grass roots organization of hard left progressives who were ecstatic about his oratory and everyone predicted he’d win the election in a walk. Then he screamed in Iowa.
I think we have just witnessed the Obama Scream.
Also, I was talking to a Pennsylvanian tonight who agreed with Obama:
“By cracky, it’s like the man sees into my soul!
“Thirty years ago, I had a good job in the mill in Pittsburgh. I was bringing in a good income, going to jazz clubs, discussing Proust over white wine and brie, with my gay friends of all colors. I was all for free trade, so that we could sell the steel overseas, and I never bothered to go to church, let alone actually believe in God.
“But then, the plant closed down, and I couldn’t get another job. I went on unemployment, and found odd jobs here and there, but they barely paid the rent in the loft, and the payment on the Bimmer. I couldn’t afford the wine and brie any more, and had to shift over to beer and brats.
“Of course, as a result, I started hanging out with the wrong crowd–the beer drinkers…”
you can guess the rest.
Conservatively Liberal
Thanks for reminding me about that one! Sure, the guy who did everything he could to destroy her husband and her, and she is making nice with them. Of course, you consider it a smart move, but anyone else can see it for what it is. That is just like her embracing McCain, the guy who had all those nice things to say about her daughter. If someone said what he did about my daughter, they would have a broken nose. At the very least. But Hillary calls him a friend.
How about Bill collecting $800,000.00 for four speeches he did on supporting the Colombian free trade deal? Now they loan her campaign cash that they ‘earned’ from sources like this, and she does not have a clear answer as to why this is not important? Is is only a coincidence that Penn and some other people in her campaign, including her husband, are in support of the Colombian free trade deal? Or is there a chance that Hillary is saying one thing now so she can do another later? That is where I have put my money.
How about the Kazakhstan uranium deal for the same InfoUSA owner that Bill sold his voter lists to? Where Bill helped to arrange a meeting with the
dictatorpresident of Kazakhstan for his friend, and his friend was rewarded with a new career in the uranium mining industry that he later flipped for $3.5 billion. Incidentally, Bill got a huge donation (over $100,000,000.00) to his library from this newly minted mining magnate. Not only that, but Bill praised the president of Kazakhstan as a ‘great humanitarian’. Bill will sell his soul if he can make a buck on it.Nope, just keep trying to kneecap Obama so Hillary and Bill can have their chance to give us eight more years of triangulating and caving to the right. Oh, and just an FYI. I own the hardcover copy of Bill’s book on his life.
I used to support Bill and Hillary, but never again. But go right on and keep on keeping on! There is no speed limit on stupidity.
Rarely Posts
“Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula?”
Thank you again CL, “I used to support Bill and Hillary, but never again. But go right on and keep on keeping on! There is no speed limit on stupidity.”
As I said, if Obama is the candidate I will support him, and 100%. Apparently that isn’t the case with some Obamaniacs. I hope they enjoy McCain if there fellow loses to Clinton.
John S.
I hate to break it to you, but poll after poll shows that more Clinton supporters will take their ball and go home than Obama supporters. Facts are stubborn things, I know.
And yes, even though Clinton has run a disgusting campaign, she is still a better choice than McCain (though the margin is dwindling).
But I’m not too worried about having to make that choice, because only a miracle will get her the nomination.
John S.
The sheer stupidity of this observation makes it clear why you are a Clinton supporter.
Her rally comments on this were even worse when seen live. she sounded like Eddie Haskill.
“Well, golly, Mrs. Cleaver, Wallace may think you’re bitter, but I think you’re just optimistic and hard-working and scrappy!”
Conservatively Liberal
It might help you to learn that I am not a Democrat, but rather an independent who was a lifelong Democrat. I don’t owe any party any vote. The only way I would possibly consider voting for Hillary is if she legitimately won the primary by beating Obama in pledged delegates. If the supers hand it to her, forget it.
And don’t chime in with the lame ‘Well, Obama needs the supers to win too!’ because whoever is the pledged leader should be the overall winner. Hillary or Obama. While the party supers can ‘give’ it to whoever they want to, if they give it to the ‘loser’ they can count on not getting my vote.
Play fair, and I just might be able to choke it down and vote for Clinton. Might. But anything else, and all bets are off. Now, do you think she can win under the terms that I have set for myself. The same terms that Obama agreed to when the contest started?
I don’t think so. Thus her and her supporters going off the deep end.
>>Apparently that isn’t the case with some Obamaniacs.
If by Obamaniacs you meant Clintards then you would be correct.
some guy
The best part of this non-issue is that it has the hopes of the likes of myiq2xu(whereu=0) all raised up again, just to be inevitably dashed.
This crap depresses me and the fact that is coming from Democrats just adds to my disgust. What Obama said and is saying is right, intelligent, and thoughtful. Have any of these Fox assholes and/or Hillary and her supporters been to any of these small towns? Or how about some medium-sized cities? Anybody ever been to Rocky Mount, NC? Or York, PA? (Although York seems to have gotten better in the last 2-3 years.) Once thriving towns where more stuff is boarded up than open. Or upstate New York, Hillary’s own “home”?
No, presidential candidates have to lie and pretend everything is just hunky dory, or the screaming monkeys (and Hillary) have fits and starting flinging partially digested banana parts. Once you’re the president, however, you can admit to authorizing torture and no one gives a shit. Has Hillary been mentioning that choice little tidbit anywhere? Or is she just too busy slamming Obama?
Yes, FUCK Hillary and FUCK her campaign, and most especially FUCK HER SUPPORTERS AND ANYBODY WHO BELIEVES IN HER MESSAGE!!!
Better yet, let’s round them up and shoot them!
Yeah! Bullets in the brains! That will show SOMEBODY that we want to impress that we really-really-really don’t like people who have the fucking temerity to defend that SOUL-LESS BITCH.
(This message wasn’t brought to you by an HRC supporter. Just someone, like you JC, who likes to say Fuck alot.)
Like several other people on this borad who have been complaining and commenting ad nauseum over the last few months, I was split between Clinton and Obama up to February 5. Honestly. I was originally an Edwards supporter, and left to make a quick pick with a few days’ notice. Narrowly chose Obama, more out of hope than conviction.
Since then, Clinton has been awful. And getting worse by the week. If I condemn her, it is for specific things done and said in the last ten weeks, since she has lashed out at Obama in increasingly inappropriate ways. Now, to hell with her. She has shown herself to be a spiritually corrupt as the republicans. Maybe I will vote for her, but I won’t enjoy it, won’t contribute, will not lift a finger for her. And if she screws up and faces impeachment, she can twist in the wind for all I care. If she is the future of the Democratic party, then this country is doomed.
I am no fool about Obama. But I don’t need to justify my support of him to you when you are trading in GOP-style smears about him and his followers.
You dared to defend Obama? But remember…it’s okay to be banned solely for a differing viewpoint because it’s THEIR blog and they told you upfront somewhere in the fine print that if you don’t agree you’re out.
What pisses me off the most about TalkLeft is that nowhere in any single one of their four or five posts on this story is statement that what Obama said wasn’t true. NOWHERE. I’m serious, and if you don’t believe me go look it up yourself. But does it matter to them? Nope…since media pundits who are led around by the nose by the right wing happen to think that this is a “gaffe”, well it’s a “gaffe” to TalkLeft (and they use that word four or five times), especially as it helps their favorite candidate Clinton. In other words, they’re practicing the most egregious hackery possible, where truth is irrelevant and things either are or are not important depending on how it impacts the candidate they support. Oh, and they’re assholes.
(Xenos, wow. You just said much of what I feel. I was for Edwards, and will vote for whomever is the dem candydate, but I’m not *in* Barack’s camp. I don’t care much for some of Barack’s rabid supporters. But, as I’ve pointed out before, I’m voting for Barack, not the handful of his asshole-ish supporters.)
Somehow, you missed this.
Proving that at least 28 percent of Hillary’s supporters are complete and total assholes. And that another substantial but unknown percentage are assholes like Big Tent Democrat, who will somehow find in himself the magnamity to vote for the stealth Muslim, racially polarizing Obama (as he will tell you over and over again at the beginning of posts attacking Obama.)
John Cole
Fuck off.
Obama gets past Wright, and you think this one comment about voters in one state is going to bring him down? Keep watching, and you might learn something about the man.
John Cole
All of the idiots here claiming I am just a Clinton hater should check the archives. I was one of a few bloggers who was openly questioning Obama, mocking his supporters, etc. Then Clinton started to show her true colors. Hell, I think the nickname “magical unity pony” started here.
She, her campaign, and her lying supporters are a disgrace.
Wow, JC told me to Fuck off. I don’t think I’ll ever wash my eyes again.
(I’m taking that Fuck off as lazily ironic. Or perhaps as ass-covering for those anti-JC-ites who dare to miss the deep sarcasm in my comment, and use it literally to smear Jesus Cole; “You let a commenter say “Let’s shoot them” without hunting that commenter down and shooting him/her.” Either way, I understand. And I’m touched. Shit, more stuff I can’t wash.)
Well, there’s another one minute of my life I can never get back.
John Cole
Hehe. There is more where that came from!
xenos, “I am no fool about Obama. But I don’t need to justify my support of him to you when you are trading in GOP-style smears about him and his followers.”
Just where have I engaged in “GOP-style smears” about Obama? I just think that he is vacuous and that almost all of his supporters that I have read are clueless.
That is a bit different than McCain and his supporters who are racist assholes even more delusional than Obama supporters. Talk about smears, read JC’s introduction here.
So many of you seem to think that politics is a polite parlor game. Go back in history and see how previous campaigns were run. Go back to the back to the beginning of the country, or more recently. Campaigns have always been tough. As one of the worst presidents of the U.S., Harry Truman, said, “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.”
I am fed up with “holier than thou” Obamaniacs.
Phoenix Woman
Bernarda: Did Mitt or Rudy or Huckster, in their most desperate hours, EVER 1) praise a Democratic opponent over John McCain, or 2) push a Democratic talking to attack an opponent?
No and no. Why? Because it would hurt the GOP’s chances in November, that’s why.
Yet here we have 1) Hillary not only praising John McCain over Obama as a possible C-in-C, but her and McCain pushing nearly-identical messages out attacking Obama, plus 2) Hillary pushing the whole GOP/Rovian “elitist latte” crapola.
You tell me that this is good for the Democrats, ‘cuz it ain’t and you know it.
Phoenix Woman
The good thing is that Obama’s excellent smackdown of the McHillary attacks is what’s leading the news today, in the NYT and elsewhere.
Did you catch the Situation Room last night? Borger, Toobin and Cafferty were openly mocking both McCain and Hillary and praising Obama for talking to us like adults:
Just out of curiosity, why do you regard Harry Truman as one of the worst presidents? That seems like a strange stance coming from a Democrat advocating full-contact rules in politics – I would have thought you would be a Truman admirer, not a detractor.
Phoenix Woman
ThatLeftTurn: No kidding! HST gave ’em hell and went balls-out, yet bernarda disses him? Strange. About as strange as calling out “holier than thou” Obama fans whilst clinging to Hillary as Little Red Victim Hood, the Poor Sullied Innocent.
I was reading somewhere that Hillary was sending around Barack’s comments to her supporters and in addition comments from people like Grover Norquist. Who said this would bury Obama because he was mocking rural America. Grover “Fuck the middle class, give business more tax breaks” Norquist? Who the fuck would listen to him regarding anything what middle america, rural america, or blue america care about? You’re not going to find that fuck in any Pennsylvania bar, yucking it up with the locals. Fuck him.
Hillary using Grover’s comments as some kind of validation about Obama is ridiculously stupid. Those guys will turn around and use it on her if she gets the nomination! Jeezus! Bad judgement, Hillary. But don’t worry, I’ll still vote for you but then work my ass off to get you voted out after your first term.
Who the hell is advising her campaign?
Jay McDonough
from swimming freestyle:
“This video is exactly how Obama should have raised the issue: In the environment these voters live and with an appropriate anger. Rural working class voters have gotten the shaft. They have every right to be frustrated and even bitter about what’s happened to them.
Obama now finds himself having to address the issue defensively, Unfortunately, the issue will now likely be obscured by the hysterical anti-Obama rants by the Clintons and McCains. Obama gave them that gift when he spoke in San Francisco last weekend.”
Lambert Strether, Philadelphia, PA
Stuck pig squeals.
Have another latte, John. I think you need one.
Lambert Strether, Philadelphia, PA
Oh, and if Obama wanted to pose as a working class hero, then he shouldn’t have started out with the Unity schtick.
Now he’s painted himself into a corner and I, for one, couldn’t be more pleased.
Please, can I have some more boring bullet points about policy?
Thatleft, “Just out of curiosity, why do you regard Harry Truman as one of the worst presidents?”
Read a little history. Asshole Truman dropped the bomb, in case you didn’t notice. Asshole Truman installed the “National Security State”. Look it up. Asshole Truman tried to nationalize the steel industry.
Of course no one is all bad, he did approve the Marshall Plan.
But we are still living with the National Security State.
John Cole
I honestly don’t think I have ever had a latte in my entire life, you douchebag.
Don’t mind Lambert. He’s just upset because he only managed to snag the silver medal in the What the Fuck Happened to One of the Best Left-Leaning Blogolympics.
Cheer up, dude. Sure, Jeralyn beat you, but it was so close!
Late, I know, but to anyone who thinks I’m a troll or some asshole just think of this: someone came along with a different view, one not entirely even hostile to your line of thought, and like a blind, semi-retarded pack of dogs you set upon the outsider. Truth be told, we all probably have lots in common.
daniel rotter
“Late, I know, but to anyone who thinks I’m a troll or some asshole…”
Reading your blog, I can see that you’re both.
Soylent Green
Here’s a little gem from QuickRoberta’s blog:
George W. Bush is ultimately responsible for the successes in Iraq, of which there are many already, and more profound and lasting results will be appreciated in the future.
Yep. Especially by the Iranians, who will be erecting statues of him all over Teheran.
“Obama has been attacking her (using GOP talking points) by repeatedly calling her “divisive”, “dishonest”, “calculating”, “too polarizing to win”, “phony”, “deceptive”, and “disingenuous”, and even stood by while one of his surrogates called Bill Clinton “McCarthyite”. But now you’re outraged at “elitist”.”
How are any of those words specifically “right wing talking points”? No, McClinton supporters harping on the fact that these remarks were made in San Francisco (“San Francisco Democrats”- remember that?) is an example of Democrats using a right-wing talking point.
Good job.
I like this place!
Soylent Green
Careful with that capslock key, Robbie. Before you know it, you’ll be warning us about islamofascists.
There was nothing taken out of context, unless you mean, oh, I didn’t quote the part where you said Iraq was also kind of screwed up so you could demonstrate how fair and balanced you are.
Figure it out, genius. President Junior has handed Iraq to Iran on a silver platter. That’s the most profound and lasting result of our helpful removal of their number one enemy.
yup yup
Hi John Cole,
I drink Latte’s, cappacinos have too much foam.
I like them.
I’m a working class Brit, and we have Starbucks here, but I prefer Cafe Nero.
I cant vote in your elections, but I’ve found much more positives about O than H. Is this because I drink Lattes???