Speaking for me only
Forget Clinton’s lying about Tuzla, try her lying on her positions on trade:
Since 2001, Clinton has consistently said the promise of more jobs and greater economic growth has persuaded her to support trade agreements. While campaigning for the Senate a year earlier, Clinton said that she also supported normalized trade relations with China.
But as a presidential candidate, she has adopted a very different tone.
“We’re going to take a look at every single trade agreement we’ve got and we’re going to make those trade agreements pro-America and pro-American worker,” Clinton recently said at a rally in Muncie, Ind., a onetime industrial hub where thousands of jobs have been lost in recent decades.
Hillary Clinton, champion of the people:
About 15,000 videotapes of Wal-Mart executives at work and at play over the past 30 years have suddenly become available to the public thanks to a series of blunders by the retail giant – which paid too little attention to the company it hired to make the tapes before abruptly terminating their relationship two years ago.
***The archive also includes footage of Hillary Clinton, who served on Wal-Mart’s board from 1986 to 1992, praising the company to the skies – a position she has since sought to mute.
“I’m so proud of this company and everything it represents,” Mrs Clinton said at a store opening in Arkansas in 1991. “It makes me feel real good about what we’ve been able to do.”
Hillary Clinton, combat veteran:
I certainly do remember that trip to Bosnia, and as Togo said, there was a saying around the White House that if a place was too small, too poor, or too dangerous, the president couldn’t go, so send the First Lady. That’s where we went. I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.
Hillary Clinton, multi-millionaire, friend of Wal-Mart, Ivy League educated lawyer, serial liar, and dare I say- elitist?
You Hillary supporters want friendly fire? You want to distort and lie about Obama? You want to become BFF with the McCain campaign, and the right-wing bloggers? I got your friendly fire, and I don’t need to lie. I just need to tell the truth about Hillary.
There is a reason she feels the need to lie about Obama- she thinks you can’t handle the truth. And you know why? Because she can’t. Bring it on, Hillbots.
The reason Clinton’s supporters don’t see it is that they are the same as Hillary. Over 60, elitists who live in ivory towers and believe in the old school liberalism of the 70s. They have no clue how out of touch they themselves are. And they see Hillary as the spokesperson for their old fashioned ideas and close their eyes to the truth about her and Bill.
That they are opportunists who got rich from the misery they caused so many. They influenced peddled and got in bed with the rightwing.
But, her supporters have been so tied to the Clintons from defending them in the 90s that they cannot possibly see that maybe they were wrong. The are more afraid to admit this and agree with the right on some of the things charged about the Clintons were true.
No kidding. Last year I thought I’d vote for Hillary. She lost me to Edwards due to his positions; she lost me for good due to her recent actions.
Rarely Posts
What lie about Obama did Hillary tell?
John Cole
That is a lie.
God, I wish your moniker was “Never Posts.” So damned tedious.
Gemina13, that’s my story as well. I really did support her once John Edwards was out of the race but man, she’s made it impossible for me.
w vincentz
More amusement…Hilliar has praised Gordon Brown for boycotting the opening of the Olympics. Only problem (duh), is that it’s not true.
Well done Hilliar!
Hillary’s an intelligent woman. What the hell is she doing? Making false statements anyone with ‘Net access and free time can research? Did she get skullfucked, or are all of her handlers morons?
Don’t get me wrong. I’ll still vote for the Democrat in the GE, should Hillary manage to pull delegate-fu at the convention. But in her case, I’ll need to enter the booth with a gas mask on. Holding my nose won’t cut it.
w vincentz
My guess is that she’s suffering PTSD from dodging the sniper bullets at Tuzla.
Or maybe, living with Bill (“AH-did-NOT-have-sex-with-that-woman-Monica-Lewinsky”) caused her to pick up the liar persona.
For sure, she’s spinning Obama’s out of context remarks for all her pathetic campaign can milk from them.
That’s milk that the McInsane camp is drinking up.
Hil-liar, Bil-liar…same forked tongue, different mouth.
Now, I wonder, if those two ever French kiss, do their tongues get all tangled up that they need to go to the ER for remedy? Is that what really drives their “health care” plan?
Rarely Posts
Fine. I won’t post again.
And it wasn’t a lie. He was speaking to a group in the city considered the most elitist in the country. It was a stupid remark, and while I feel bad for him because I actually do like the guy and I’m pretty sure he didn’t mean it to come out like it did, he probably lost a boatload of indies on it.
Good luck to you.
Tax Analyst
It’s sad to see (hear) HRC devolve into a craven, desparate, lying spinner. That is, assuming she wasn’t always one (and I really don’t think she was, although you couldn’t prove it from this campaign). I thought she was doing a good job in the Senate and at one point was leaning towards her in the primary. That POV is now totally past-tense. Like others, I will vote for her if she somehow manages to promote all this lying, spinning stench of a strategy into the nomination, but I won’t be happy about it and I’ll be fighting my gag reflex when I punch my voting card.
Is that a promise you’ll keep, or is this worth as much as myiq2xu’s promise that s/he would stop posting?
A scant two years ago, I was considering working on this woman’s campaign. But, after her sheen of inevitability wore off (WFT kind of campaign is THAT to run?) I have seen almost nothing but her naked lust for power — damn the party seems to be her M.O. I loved the whole, “your associates should be fair game” bit she gave with her eyes wide open. Yet, isn’t this the same woman who cried foul because they were piling on early in the primaries. After the whole “bittergate” thing I gave Obama money (a rare thing for me) in part because I was FLABBERGASTED that Ivy League educated Hillary would play the elitist card. I didn’t think there were any more cards for her to play. Let’s see gender (tears and the STAGED “Iron my shirts incident); race (Obama’s… unelectable, *wink, wink*) and now elitism. I’m not loving that Obama has to play this crappy brand of hardball politics, but I don’t expect an American president to sit down and take abuse, so I see why he has to respond in kind. It’s a fine line, but he’s keeping a shred of dignity. Still, I’m one of those who can’t vote for Hillary after this primary season.
George J.
Hillary,Hillary how very sad. Does this woman even know the meaning of shame? Is there any level she would not stoop too? I really think not.
I mean really, even with the Bill and Monica thing–IMO she was more upset at the political cost of his indescretion than anything else.
Petar Makara
My claim: Clintons were in bed with Nazis, mujahideen, terrorists and drug traffickers
Here are some of the questions someone has to ask Hillary.
Supposedly she is ready to take the position of Commander-in-Chief. But HOW did she get the experience?
During Bill’s reign Hillary behaved as if she were a queen. There is a reason the Clintons were known as “Partners in Power” (as Roger Morris entitled his book on the Clintons). During Bill’s reign, she was involved in everything even though she was NOT an elected official.
While some people would like to know more about Hillary’s role in File-gate, Travel-gate, Monica-gate, China-gate, the cattle futures “windfall,” the healthcare fiasco, etc., I believe I have MUCH more important questions:
1. Why did Hillary support the resurrection of Nazism in Croatia?
2. Why did Hillary support Islamo-fascists in Bosnia?
3. Why did Hillary support Albanian terrorists and drug traffickers in Kosovo?
This is a brief overview of the above issues.
1. === The Clintons’ support of Nazis:
Croatian Ustashas were probably the most gruesome Nazis of WWII Europe. During Hitler’s time they did their best to cleanse Croatia from “foreign elements.” Only four (4) million strong, the Croats managed to murder more than ONE million Serbs, Jews and Gypsies. The war was too short for them, and they did not get to finish the job. On 50th anniversary of victory over Nazism, this Nazi job was accomplished. In 1995, almost all of the surviving Serbs were cleansed from lands where the Serbs were the majority people for more than FOUR CENTURIES!!! The ethnic cleansing of Krajina Serbs was (by far!) the largest ethnic cleansing of the recent civil wars in ex-Yugoslavia. Nazi Croats and Hitler himself would be happy with this Bill and Hillary Clinton achievement. See:
Shockingly, Nazi Croatia is resurrected to the last possible detail. TODAY, Croatia has THE SAME anthem, emblem, uniforms, flag, name… even the same currency as the Croatia of Hitler’s time. Last June (2007), the Croats organized a mass concert in the capital of Zagreb where they chanted Nazi songs CELEBRATING the most gruesome Nazi camp of WWII Balkans – Jasenovac. They chanted “kill, kill, kill the Serbs” and saluted with “Sieg Heil!!”
In these days, the US is to invite this Nazi Croatia into NATO, but we should not forget that the core of lies, the cleansing and the restoration of Nazi Croatia, was done during Bill (and Hitlary) Clinton’s time. Maybe Hitlary can explain why mighty America needed this tiny but disgusting Nazi ally.
Why were the Nazis so dear to the Clintons?
2. === The Clintons’ support of mujahideen:
On April 6, 1992, the America of George Bush Sr. recognized the above reborn Nazi Croatia as well as Bosnia, lead by former Muslim SS youth Alija Izetbegovic, as independent countries. Choosing exactly this date, which was the anniversary of Hitler’s vicious, unannounced attack on Belgrade (on Sunday morning of April 6, 1941) when 17,000 civilians were killed by Luftwaffe, sent a clear message to the surviving Serbs of Bosnia (and anyone else in the world who knows the history of the Balkans) that the Nazis are back — this time lead by the Americans.
The Clintons took over the project. Following in Hitler’s footsteps, the Clintons did their best to revive the old WWII alliance between Croat and Bosnian Muslim haters of the Serbs. The Clintons then shipped, armed and even trained Arab mujahideen volunteers who poured into Bosnia to help their fundamentalist friends.
The picture of the Clintons’ open support of Islamo-fascists is crystal clear when one knows what was done to those among Bosnian Muslims who did not want to live under Jihad rules. A substantial group of Bosnian Muslims fought on the Bosnian Serb side. The leader of these, more secular and tolerant Bosnian Muslims, Fikret Abdic, who fought the mujahideen influx, was labelled a “tycoon,” a “kingpin” and a “thug” by the Western media. These Muslims were crushed and their leader was finally brought to the Hague “tribunal” and sentenced.
The Clintons almost wrecked NATO over their covert arming of Al Qaeda!!!
Now THAT may be the infamous foreign experience that Hitlary brags about. She travelled to Sarajevo herself and landed in clear view of the Serbian guns to express her support to Islam fundamentalists among Bosnian Muslims. That is what she bragged about recently in her anti-Obama ad. Yes, when the red phone rings – she is ready in a heartbeat to land anywhere in order to support Islamo-fascists. Anywhere.
Hillary Clinton should explain her love for Islamo-fascists.
It was during the Clintons’ reign that NATO became the Islamic aviation. Under the Clintons’ supervision, “negotiations” were conducted in Dayton, OH. NATO was bombing the Serbs until these survivors of WWII atrocities agreed to hand 51% of Bosnia to Islamic fundamentalists and their Croatian Nazi allies. Before the wars of the 1990’s started, the Bosnian Serbs had as their private property 65% of the lands of Bosnia. Once again, the ethnic cleansing of Serbs started by Hitler was finished by the Clinton clan.
Many areas of Bosnia where Serbian partisans fought gigantic and quite successful battles against Nazis during WWII (and managed to survive the carnage) are now Serb-free!
3. === The Clintons’ support of terrorists and drug traffickers:
In Kosovo, the Clintons reached a new low. Overwhelmingly Muslim, Kosovo Albanians oppressed the Christian Serbs during centuries of Turkish occupation of the Balkans. During the Hitler and Mussolini control of Kosovo, the Albanians flocked to the SS — and hunted down and killed Jews for the Nazis. After the war, Tito gave all possible rights and privileges to the Kosovo Albanian minority, but nothing could quench their thirst to continue to oppress the Christian Serbs — and all non-Albanian peoples in Kosovo (See interview with the last Jew in Pristina):
En masse, Kosovo Albanians turned to the heroin trade. They became this planet’s top heroin traders. Their Mafia got to be more vicious than the Italian one. European jails hold (literally) thousands of Kosovo Albanian gangsters. It was the Clintons who decided to do their best to unite Mafia elements among Kosovo Albanians with remnants of Nazi SS and elements of Albanian Stalinists. This explosive mix was armed, trained, and supervised by the US to became the “Kosovo Liberation Army” [KLA].
Once again, America was in bed with Al Qaeda as both the US and Bin Laden trained the KLA. The US supplied the drug traffickers with next century weaponry, including the most modern sniper rifles. In a typical fashion (and probably advised by the Clinton administration), these thugs started shooting on the Yugoslav police while hiding behind civilians. The Yugoslav authorities found themselves in a situation — “doomed if you do – doomed if you don’t.” The KLA was not only audacious enough to shoot at the police but also was stopping busses and kidnapping all non-Albanians they could find.
Should the Yugoslav authorities have defended the country from this scum, or should the KLA have a free hand? In the village of Klecka, the KLA monsters were caught red handed. They talked. They showed the crematorium where they burned the kidnapped victims – including children. The Western press was present and listened – but does not report it — so as not to offend the Clintons’ and their pet criminals:
Unknown to the masses in the West, at this time Dick Cheney’s oil company Halliburton already had a multi-billion plan to build a pipeline that would transport Caspian oil through the Balkans. The only thing needed for them to syphon their profit in blood is for America to find an excuse for a war…
Oh yes! Clintons were in the pocket of Halliburton, too.
Doomed if you do. As the Yugoslav authorities battled the drug-trafficking KLA, the Clintons orchestrated a bash-then-bomb media lynch mob against the Serbs. They organized a staged atrocity in the Kosovo village of Racak. This would be used as a “moral” pretext for the war.
The scenario in which Al Qaeda proxies organize an atrocity so that the US/NATO can use it to become the Islamic aviation already had been implemented a few times – in Bosnia.
The attack on Yugoslavia in 1999 was the second time that NATO became the Islamo-fascist aviation. For 11 weeks straight, NATO mercilessly bombed Serbian schools, hospitals, bridges, chemical factories, electrical power grids and even foreign embassies. The world watched in shock as the Clintons were forcing a Christian country to give away its holy land to Islamo-fascists.
Thanks to the Clintons, the second Al Qaeda stronghold in Europe was made, and drug traffickers, war criminals and mujahideen were installed as a “government. ” Halliburton’ s multibillion dollar pipe-line project could proceed, and in just-occupied Kosovo (working 24/7), a huge military base (Bondsteel) was built to guard the investment.
In this process, all international law and all agreements were breached. All.
It seems to me that there is not much dirt one can find on Obama himself, so the attacks had to be indirect. Attacked were his wife’s statement, his Pastor’s speeches and his middle name Husseini. Let me be clear – I still fear Obama. He is an UNKNOWN evil. Would he really work to improve life for common Americans and try to improve the image of the US in the world, or would he also be in the pocket of Halliburton and follow its philosophy of Might is Right!? We will learn this only if he gets voted the next Emperor of this tortured planet. It is obvious that he is smart, damn smart, and frankly — if I could choose — I would always prefer a dumb enemy over a smart one…
But HITLARY and her Clinton clan is a KNOWN evil. An audacious evil!
The examples are many. As a born Yugoslav, I know of the examples given above.
Hitlary has lots to answer. We should demand answers.
Petar Makara
George J, you should read this article by Dick Morris:
about Hillary, Bill and her enabling his sexual misconduct throughout their marriage.
Frankly, I think all men lie about sex, so Bill’s finger-wagging lies don’t equate to the Bosnia whopper Hillary told… Why? because it points out that she thinks the general public either is too stupid to catch her in a lie or plain doesn’t read… ok, well, she may be right on that last one, at least for a lot of folks.
Like others, I’d probably hold my nose and vote for her should she manage to steal this primary from Obama, but it will then be “the same ole same ole” election we’ve had for the last quarter century, won’t it? Voting against the lesser of “two weevils” rather than voting FOR someone you believe in and are inspired by.
Go Obama. I think I’ll go donate another $10. How about the rest of you? http://www.barackobama.com/donate