Speaking for Everyone
Ashton Kutcher is not funny. He is the unfunny. He is the opposite of funny. Especially when he is on SNL as the host the week after Christopher Walken.
Speaking of funny, it is being reported that Hillary is billing herself as a pistol-packing mama who was raised on guns. That is why the Tuzla Tigress was unfazed by the sniper fire in Bosnia, and able to stand under a withering flurry of bullets and listen to kids recite poetry on the tarmac.
As a treat, I give you this:
Behave- the comments are getting a little testy (kind of expected when you run five F–K Hillary threads, I guess), but kick it down a notch.
By the way- did all of you know that our sister site, Blogs 4 Brownback, has a specialty store where you can purchase your “Heliocentrism is an atheist doctrine” apparel?
Look at what your fellow Democrats were busy doing today.
That’s two things in a row that we agree on.
Stop it! You’re creeping me out.
It was wild and wonderful.
John Cole
Kind of a sore subject for me. I contacted the person from my county 4 times, emailing, phoning her at home twice, and calling her cell phone twice, and she never got back to me. I have never done anything with the Democrats here and did not know what to do, they never got back to me, so I guess I missed out.
Well Huffpo is nothing if not equal opportunity. Yesterday they let the nasty Mayhill Fowler kick of the Obama thing and now they have plastered on their frontpage headline about Hillary and her new adventures in guns.
I personally think Hillary missed her true calling: Fiction writer.
Carnacki, wow. I thought w. virginia was pro Hillary big time.
But, according to this, most of the delegates and those attending were big for Obama.
Ah, finally it clicks into place: I remember being on a family trip from the ‘burbs into San Francisco in the 1970s and seeing a billboard with a joke my parents seemed to recognize and yet really not want us to see:
a reclining naked man with one paper bag on his head, one on his package, featuring the caption: The Unknown Comic.
Now, decades later, I get the joke.
mothrafucking Spoon is playing in Durham tomorrow and somehow i failed to know this until last night, when the show was already sold-out (and there are no tix on Craigslist or eBay).
when i wake up tomorrow, i’m going to start drinking, so as to not be awake when the show starts… without me. so great is the pain.
some might say “but cleek, if that’s your real name, what’s so great about Spoon ? and why this show ?” to you i say “this is the last time you’ll see this band on a small stage. after this, they will either turn arena-sized or blow apart, and then you’ll be sad.” and you will. and i am.
f hillary
Notorious P.A.T.
Speaking for myself only
No, Kutcher is not funny. Fortunately everyone else on that show is. Nice roasting of Hillary in the first sketch.
i think SNL smarted from being perceived as in the tank for HRC that one week, so now they’re going out of their way to go to the other side.
last week–Chris Walken putting googly eyes on plants. i’m still laughing over it. would NOT have worked with any other host.
Yes, follow the link and face the void.
It’s a thong for Brownback.
Can I get a C**kring with the “Heliocentric is an Atheist Doctrine” imprinted in Braille?
Notorious P.A.T.
Here are some T-shirts that made me laugh:
Looks like West Virginia could be more interesting than many of us thought.
From MyDD:
If Clinton keeps on with the “There is no such thing as a pledged delegate” talk it could really bite her in the ass.
Just Some Fuckhead
Good luck doing that in Mingo, Logan, Wyoming, McDowell and Mercer. I’ve got two different sets of inlaws there and they don’t appear to be hepped up about Obama.. in the good way.
Well, actually Mercer might split down the middle.
Phoenix Woman
Hillary falsely says that Obama dissed rural voters. Well, back in October she for real dissed the entire state of Mississippi!
To be fair, virtually no one is funny when appearing after Christopher Walken. Rob! I’m right there with you, that sketch of his putting the googly eyes on plants was a classic.
Heh… never saw Carnacki in these parts and didn’t read the comments before I posted.
I’m such a tool.
Yet another reason why John Cole is one of the most important lefty bloggers in the known universe.
Another great post, John. You may not always be right on the issues (any more), but you’re never boring.
Darn that Hillary!
Mike D.
John — may I call you John? — Mr. Cole, sincerely, I’ve watched people go bugfuck before, and you’re starting to freak me out. It’s like Kubler-Ross, except backwards, and the end result is Tyler Durden. As a fellow knowledge-ologist, I implore you to take a break from the political raw sewage policing detail for, oh, at least as long as Kos stays (nominally) on vacation. I love your act, I love your fans, I love Balloon Juice even though I can’t tell if they guy with the funnel is blowing or sucking, but you’re not a hurdy-gurdy monkey, you’re a human being. I do feel your pain. You can’t un-throw a rod. Please.
That clinking sound? Oh, that’s just a chunk of change in my pocket because a couple of idiots put their money where their mouths were, regarding how long Mme. MyiqfuxUl0l could stay away. Smells like… victory. But I’d give it all back if you could flush out your headgear and regain your happy thought while there’s still time.
That’s clear from her war stories, too. So she doesn’t know if she’s Rocky or Rambo, but she’s definitely Sylvester Stallone, eh. Sounds like another winning strategy.
Here’s the unknown comic as you’ve never seen him before. Jesus wept.
No wonder Jaye P. Morgan gonged him.
Garrigus Carraig
cleek, if it’s any consolation, I saw Spoon live & they are definitely a studio band.
Phoenix Woman
Clinton confidante Theda Skocpol weighs in:
the end in sight?
If they end this thing, they both deserve another Nobel Prize.
I never get to ask this of anyone, but I’m genuinely interested:
What exactly does America stand for, in your view? I see that statement used frequently and I don’t recall ever seeing anyone articulate what it means to them.
Just Some Fuckhead
From the article: Together with reports that Clinton’s money troubles have left her unable to pay event organisers and even the health insurance of her staff, the impression is of a campaign in trouble.
Yeah, that’s a surefire recipe for success for a candidate that has made health insurance mandates the centerpiece of her campaign.
Welcome aboard the Double Talk Express.
Speaking of Rocky.. have you seen.. this??
Enjoy. :-)
I think she should garnish their wages until they’re paid up. That’s the official solution, correct?
Different things to different people. To me, it’s the old, superseded motto E pluribus unum. It’s what we are, fundamentally–one people forged from many. It’s the key idea that we’ve collectively and by human choice forged a government from nothing more than the collective consent of the people to be so governed. It’s the idea that despite differing religions, differing financial circumstances, differing regions, and differing ancestries, we’re all fundamentally one people by choice–and that that choice matters more than the rest put together.
Congress must have been drunk when they adopted “In God We Trust” instead. Then again, I’m drunk now, so this should be taken with a grain or two of salt.
In God We Trust was added during the Civil War when the uncertain times turned people to religion. Sort of like what Obama was saying.
Conservatively Liberal
Them hot goats smell good! ;)
Plagarist! Oh, thats right, you are a fellow Obama supporter and I gave you blanket permission to use my words. As long as it is all ‘in the family’. Carry on! :D
Kutcher is about as humorous as a pet rock, end of story. Also, you owe me one minute and four seconds of my life back John, but thanks for reminding me why I hated The Gong Show. ;)
You may have dropped a few f-bombs lately John, but those bombs were on target, on time. Keep it up as you see necessary, you are venting for more than yourself here.
Mike D.
They aren’t just your ulcers, John. In a very real sense, they’re the ulcers of all mankind, erupting for us and for many. If you take a break from loathing the very sight of WordPress, the terrorists… well, they win. They just do. Fucking laugh it up, that the terror alert never sank to blue or green. You have the luxury of not knowing what Dick Cheney knows; you sleep under the very blanket of safety that testicle-crushing and eyeball-gouging provides. Bottom line? You owe your fan base, don’t pretend you don’t.
Michael D.
Hmmmm, have you seen “Just Married?” I thought Ashton Kutcher was pretty funny in that. And I always thought he was funny in “That 70’s Show”
Maybe I have a wierd sense of humor.
Conservatively Liberal
Hillary is really pushing the guns and whisky theme. Watch, she will probably release her own spaghetti western.
Hillary Clinton stars in the remake of “The Mercenary“, rated R (Republican).
Someone get this woman a tank. Please!
Michael, I’m not sure that’s indicative of a “weird sense of humor” so much as it is a “weird sense of what’s worth squandering an hour and a half of one’s life on.” But yeah, he was fine on That 70s Show. “Dumb, obnoxious horndog” seems well within his skill set.
Psycheout, y’ever consider just sticking to proprietorship of a fairly entertaining spoof blog? Because being the world’s most irritating dipshit in comment threads kinda dilutes the brand.
In hindsight, I shouldn’t have been so delighted when you faked your way into a mention on Olbermann. Had no idea the taste of fame would make you so hard to live with.
The Other Steve
Be it resolved, that Ashton Kutcher is not funny.
As for the Unknown Comic. I think it is incredibly appropriate to bring up the Gong Show, and notably the great Chuck Barris, especially in relationship to Hillary.
For they both have held secret identities for years. Chuck Barris, and his obvious role as an international hitman working for the CIA, but so too Hillary Clinton’s work as a Special Ops agent for Covert One.
Everybody relax! Have some champagnie!
Odd. Most children are raised on mother’s milk, formula, baby food and finally solids. What’s the statute of limitations for serious child neglect?
John Redworth
I would have never put this together without all of your help but I think I figured out something…
Back in the day, Phyllis Diller and the Unknown Comic had two children which they put up for adoption… one child was named Ashton went to the nice Kutcher family in the midwest. The other child was named Dane went to the Cook family in the NE. The celebrity genes of their parents allowed these two assclowns to become famous but it was also the talent genes that made both of them as worthless as Paris Hilton.
Dave Ruddell
Those three “Death by Chocolate” bits were hilarious. Kutcher really sold them. That is all.