Speaking for me only
Evan Bayh, Clinton surrogate:
Sen. Evan Bayh, Hillary Clinton’s top backer in the May 6 primary state of Indiana, argued Saturday that superdelegates need to evaluate Barack Obama’s “bitter” remarks when deciding who to back for the Democratic nomination.
“I think it’s a real potential political problem and it’s something for superdelegates and voters to think about,” said Bayh, who was made available to reporters by the Clinton campaign to speak about the controversy.
“The far right wing has a very good track record of using things like this relentlessly against our candidates, whether its Al Gore or John Kerry,” Bayh said, “I’m afraid this is the kind of fodder they might use to harm him.”
I think the super-delegates should consider that Hillary may have killed Vince Foster. Additionally, I think super-delegates should look at the fact that Hillary will gut her own party in her naked pursuit for power. Also, Hillary is a rich liberal elite whose husband fucks other woman. Regular Americans won’t be able to relate to adultery, and it could be used against her in the election by “the far right wing.” By the way, I heard some Republicans talking about someone named Mark Rich. I think the super-delegates should keep that in mind when they make their choice.
On a serious note, I do actually like Evan Bayh, but is it just me, or is he the worst concern troll ever?
*** Update ***
Out of respect to one of the of the worst Clinton bots, I am affixing the following to all posts now:
Speaking for me only
I know that Clinton and McCain will grasp at anything at all in order to try to do Obama in but I really don’t get this one. This seems to me to be a nothing more than a manufactured media-fueled psudogaffe. But then again, I have a Ph.D so maybe I’m just an elitist.
I can’t take anymore John. I really can’t. Let’s say she somehow pulls this off and gets the nomination, I don’t think I own enough clothespins to get me to pull that lever.
I really don’t.
Just Some Fuckhead
The whole fucking pile of Clintards has become hankie- waving vapors-gettin’ concern trolls. We need to run them out of the party when this is over. Better Democrats, better trolls, that’s our motto.
Clinton, clinton …. is that all you make noise about? She can fuck the horse she rode in on. Enough – why spend all this time on her if she is such a worthless piece of shit? Enough. Focus on Obama and the useful things he does and the bad that bushwhack-clone mccain is doing and all that the blood and gluts POW war hero isn’t doing and ignore the billiary ticket, please.
Yeah what the fuck is up with that? On a related note, does Armando’s new name make you think of a boner or a clown? Or is that just me.
Just Some Fuckhead
Don’t forget HRC nutcut Kerry over that lameass joke he botched. AFTER Kerry came out swinging back at the Republicans’ false attack. Can’t blame Democrats for hollow-eyed fear of confrontation when you’ve got “allies” like HRC and Bayh sticking a shiv in you whenever they can fabricate a chance. Sooner we get them out of the party the better.
Just Some Fuckhead
Why does it have to be one or the other?
Considering what he’s usually posting I would say a clown with a boner.
Rarely Posts
Do you live in a small town? Because you seem kind of, well, bitter.
These Huck Fillary Threads seem to be catching. And, with good reason. Jane Smiley has just started her own Huck Fillary thread over at Huffington Post. (I’d post the link, but I haven’t yet taught myself how to tag them behind text and, as I recall, there’s hell-to-pay around here if you don’t do that with a link).
I think I’m going insane here…I have CNN on in the background and heard Susan Malveaux intro’ing Barracks reply to Hillary and McCains attack re the bitter/gun/religion flap (about 10mins ago), so they play the clip that John has a few posts below, Obama finishes speaking about McCain and the sub-prime ignorance and then they cut back to Malveaux who then says it’s interesting how Obama only rebutted McCain and did not mention Clinton at all….WTF?! If they had let the clip play he tears in to her seconds later about the credit-card sponsored bill and bankruptcy and then says he is is in-touch to a standing ovation. I mean seriously WTF? Did Malveaux/CNN willfully twist this or does she have her head so far up her a$$ that she never watched the clip herself. Help me, this is absolutely disgusting.
John Petty
You guys really don’t get why this is a problem for Obama? I guess liberal elitists really ARE clueless.
Nope. But am I bitter about the constant threat of my job being offshored? Yep. Be careful thinking this won’t actually help Obama among a hell of a lot of people, and not just in rural or semi-rural areas. City-dwelling urban tech-job holders have a lot in common with back-country former factory workers in this way.
John Cole
I really enjoy the notion of someone shilling for Hillary considering himself a “true progressive,” which in and of itself is amusing. Tie in the fact that I have never once labelled myself a progressive, it is doubly amusing.
Aren’t there any decent trolls left? Is this really the best we can expect? Lame.
I know a few conservative semi-Republican young tech-types who might be swayed to Obama because of Obama’s comments. Not everyone cares about the part of the comments about turning to religion and guns as voting issues. Lots of people will just hear the parts about their jobs going overseas and how that pisses them off, and someone is finally not only publically saying it, but saying they are right to be pissed off.
John, did you know that the fundraiser Obama was at was a closed one. The person who recorded him and wrote about it on Huffpo was Mayhill Fowler.
Mayhill is a 60 year old clinton supporter and she writes for Off the Bus section on Huffington. She is known to write posts smearing Obama and somehow got into this event as a guest and not as a reporter. Especially a Clinton koolaid drinker.
Then she poses as this person who is concerned about the remarks. right.
I think Taylor Marsh is worse than Talk Left.
By the way, I read a blog called John Brown that exposes Marsh. Says she had her ‘book’ self published and her raidio show is actually an at home podcast.
She also use to write or be editor for some porn site.
The blog had alot of stuff to back up the charges and links.
Someone on Daily Kos diaried about it and that is how I came to read it.
Love the influx of concern trolls….
They are still Obama’s words, aren’t they? Maybe you should go check Fowler’s countertops.
Huck Fillary. Seriously, huck her very much, in every possible way.
Now, who wants pie?
BH Buck
Liberal elitists? SNORT!
Evan, you’re just afraid… period. Find a bed to hide under.
John Cole
I don’t have a problem with his words. I do have a problem with Clinton distorting them and trying to use them against him.
Clinton wants a dumbed down electorate as much as the GOP, it seems:
Some nice friends you got, Hillary.
b. hussein canuckistani
Until I notify you otherwise, you speak for me as well. You’ve been right on the money about HRC.
Just Some Fuckhead
Your concerns have been noted, Concern Troll. You can go now.
BH Buck
And, boy howdy, she sure got her wish on that one!
Hey Myiq.
What positive aspects of Hillary do you think make her a better candidate than Obama? I know you don’t like Obama, but why do you support Hillary?
Next, explain how she can win
I’ll sit down while I wait for your answers.
Rhubarb or Shoo fly?
Just Some Fuckhead
Jesus Ninerdave.
If they coulda made a positive case for HRC, she’d have wrapped up the nomination already.
Ya know, in my own personal experience, the HRC supporters NEVER made a case for her. There were Obama folks at my workplace exchanging breathless stories about his biography, his speeches, his fundraising ability and his good judment in opposing the Iraq debacle. The Obama thing spread virally by excited supporters turning other folks onto him.
Then there were the HRC folks, generally of a certain breeding and age who were disfavorably inclined to discuss politics, who could barely be coaxed to acknowledge they were supporting HRC. The closest they came to cheerleading for their candidate was “She’s my girl!” Well, yes, that’s nice but why? And more importantly why should your girl be President? And of course the answer was some unfavorable comment about Barack Obama.
And so it goes..
Shrillary Clintoon, inventor of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, will now lecture you on pie.
Family pie. American pie. Middle class pie. Mainstream pie.
every time Hillary says something stupid/dishonest/annoying as f**k about Obama, I donate $10 to his campaign.
please end this in Pennsylvania, Senator Obama! I’m running out of money!
(hmm, maybe i could borrow some from the Clintons? i hear they have A LOT)
Speaking for everyone, everywhere who possesses even half a brain.
This is a preposterous and pathetic non-scandal, manufactured by desperate, delusional people.
Obama was and is exactly right – there are a lot of angry, bitter people out there – not only in small towns, but in big ones too. Right-wing talk radio have been exploiting these people to vote against their economic interests for years, that’s the only way Republicans can win elections – fear and hatred of gays, immigrants, secularism, and those god-awful people who want to take your AK-47 away.
Obama spoke the truth. It’s not a scandal, and it won’t hurt him. Suck on that.
I’m an Obama supporter, but I sorta cringed when I read his “bitter” remarks. They did sound a bit negative re guns and religion, two topics best carefully handled by a guy running for prez.
Don’t get me wrong I agreed with his comments wholeheartedly. As a progressive, I’m frustrated by the militant stupidity of much of the working class, who try to coordinate their basically conservative leanings with a vague realization that they’re being screwed. Too often their frustrations are misdirected, owing to the effectiveness of the brainwashing done to them by the right, and by their reflexive tendency to respond positively to appeals to jingoism, racist attitudes, and flag-waving nationalism, while remaining largely indifferent to those of us to try to point out issues of economic disparity. Bring up CEO salaries or corporate handouts and you’re likely to get no more than a rueful shrug from them, yet any mention of Welfare Moms raises their immendiate ire. Like most Americans, they hate and fear the poor, while admiring and (inexplicably) over-identifying with the rich and powerful.
Still, Obama put his foot in his mouth, as the comment in question reenforced the idea that he’s an elitist.
I’m in sort of a bind here. I coined a nickname for HRC that I’m quite fond of, but I don’t have a blog, so it’s just sitting here gathering dust.
If anybody wants to use it, I’d be honored. I’ll concede right up front that it’s probably not be as clever as I think it is.
Justin Slotman
Yeah, what’s the deal with the “Speaking for me only” over there? Was Jeralyn concerned about brand dilution and told him to start signing his posts with extra specifiers? All posts by Big Tent Democrat are solely the opinions of Big Tent Democrat and do not reflect the views of Talkleft, Inc.?
Really, how was that statement any different than Dean’s argument that the right used “God, guns and gays” to divide America, only in a less bumpersticker-ish format?
Please explain. Is it “bitter”? Is it “cling to religion”? What? Why is it “out of touch” with working people. What does being “in touch” mean and if you’re “in touch”, does that mean that you’re automatically outraged by Obaba’s comments? Sorry for feeding the trolls but this liberal elitist must be clueless.
The closest I saw to an attempt to explain why Clinton was the better candidate was when phuck wrote that Obama couldn’t win because white folk wouldn’t vote for him. And that after he spent an evening telling John that John was a racist. He’s spinning that same story over at HuffPo now, I think.
myiqislessthanmypenislength is trolling for Hillary not because it thinks Hillary is a good candidate (“she was my fifth choice”), but because it got its nose out of joint because Obama supporters were mean, or something.
because shut up is why.
let me offer the thought that perhaps those of us who pay attention to this stuff are as off-mark as the Washington insider types. suppose, just suppose, that instead of seeing this as a gaffe, the people “we” are “discussing” decide that he’s right. maybe they are pissed. (personally, i think if he’d used “pissed” instead of bitter, he’d take a huge upswing in the polls.) so it is possible that, if the people who are pissed listen to what he has to say, they’ll go along with him. yeah yeah i know that’s not the conventional wisdom, but i want to point out that (a) the conventional wisdom has been pretty damn wrong and (b) there does seem to be an undercurrent of something slowly waking up out there (think Huckabee, for example, who got support for some pretty non-GOP positions). i’m not saying it’s so, just that it might be. and wouldn’t it be nice for all the people who think public discourse equals gotcha to be proved wrong. again.
Just Some Fuckhead
Did you even fucking read what you wrote? You agree with it and yet you think he put his foot in his mouth? Someone needs to put a foot in your ass, you spineless piece of shit. Don’t come in here pretending to be an Obama supporter while dealing from the bottom of the Republican deck.
You appear to want fearful politicians afraid to voice their opinions. I want someone who will stand up and tell it like it is. And those of us who REALLY support stand-up-and-tell-it-like-it-is politicians will have their backs when asshats like you come ’round with your shivs.
And look up “elitist”. If you’re going to throw around right-wing words, you might as well know what they mean.
You disgust me.
In general, that’s one stupid reason to pick a candidate. If the canidate says or does something you don’t agree with or if someone close to candidate says or does it and the candidate doesn’t do anything about it, that’s something that everyone should factor in.
But picking a canidate because of how the supporters act. That’s beyond stupid.
From TalkLeft:
Hillary gets it.
Don’t step in the Unity.
Okay, we’re back to having myiq threads, I have better things to do.
Fuck that.
Thanks. Very helpful. [/sarcasm]
Anytime smiley
Just Some Fuckhead
You’re going to miss another pitiful GBCW that lasts until he sees a place to reply with another oh-so-witty remark.
Gets what?
A personal interview with Richard Mellon Scaife? Supportive press from the American Spectator? A campaign mailer that approvingly cites Grover Norquist? Yeah, she certainly gets all the right-wing garbage.
My vote? My support? Nope, not anymore.
But keep up the good work, MyIQis2 — you’ve inspired me to donate $300 to Obama over the past two weeks alone. You’re much more effective than any of the mailers I get from his campaign.
Hey myiqy — didn’t you claim in a very recent thread that Hillary NEVER SAID Obama was elitist? That we Hill-bashers were just making that up?
I know I’m delusional, being an Obamabot and all, but didn’t you say that? AND get all huffy and “liar liar pants on fire” about it?
ok CNN just showed the clip again but now they played right after he lambasted Clinton for the bankruptcy/credit card sponsored bill starting with ‘I am in touch…’
WTF, are they shilling for Clinton or the credit industry? I don’t understand why they refuse to show that portion of the clip where he addresses Clinton being out of touch??
myiq claimed for a few dozen comments that Hillary never said that Obama was an elitist, and then finally when it was 200% clear that she had so, myiq said, yeah, well, he IS an elitist.
Classic right-wing troll behavior. There is no such thing as global warming, global warming exists but isn’t manmade, global warming is manmade but can’t be fixed, blah blah blah.
Fucking dead-enders.
Jesus, the wife of the guy who was president for 8 years and has made $100M since is tossing around charges of elitism? Really?
If nothing else at least this whole election business has really shown a spotlight on what a farce these elections have become.
Sure. We all know how exclusive those community organizing jobs are in Chicago? There are velvet ropes up and down those streets, and nothing but limo rides all day long.
And the Illinois legislature? La-dee-dah, nothing but eggheads in that ivory tower.
If Hillary gets that nomination, I’m still voting for Obama in the general. I’ll just write him in as my vote. Clinton lost me a long time ago, and every day that goes by having to listen to her lie to the American people just reinforces the decision I made.
As far as Evan Bayh is concerned, I actually voted for him in 2004. That vote will be re-evaluated come 2010. Not that I’m going to vote Republican, which will never happen, but anyone who would sanction and support a candidate like Hillary isn’t someone I need to be voting for.
There’s nothing irrational about my hatred for this woman, and you can’t call it a syndrome either, cause I ain’t fuckin’ ill, bitches!
Josh E.
It is good for Democrats when one Democrat tries to paint another Democrat as an out-of-touch liberal elitist.
Why does B. Hussein Obama hate rural America?
It’s over, guys. The magical unity pony has shown his true colors.
what Josh E said. assume HRC wins the nomination. who will be more “elitist”: her or McCain? dumb dumb dumb.
oh, and one other thing. who is the elitist: the candidate who says people are bitter or the candidate whose strategy relies on ignoring the people who don’t live on the coasts?
Anybody who values Religion and or the Second Amendment would not say what Obama said.
Who uses the phrase “cling to religion and guns”?
Someone who believes them both to be expendable and a crutch.
By By Barack.
Just Some Fuckhead
Evan Bayh needs a good primary challenge. Prolly won’t be enough to overcome his dynastic advantage but may cause him to STFU and realize he’ll never be President.
Who uses the phrase “cling to religion and guns”?
Concern trolls and wingnut fu(kwits who like to cherry-pick and distort remarks to fit their agenda.
This has been another edition of “Simple Answers to Stupid Questions.”
Whoa, dude, chill. I thought his choice of words was not particularly well spoken either. The word ‘bitter’ is a negative word. Those who are on the fence could take offense. We want to crush her so that we can just get this damn primary over with. I don’t want Hillary to have any reason to continue forward. She should cry in her BFF Grover Norquist’s beefy shoulder when it’s all over. God, I still get angry thinking of Grover. Jeezus.. Anyways..
That said, I have no idea how this will play out in Pennsylvania and Indiana. I guess we’ll have to see some polls. I’m guessing that it means nothing. I’m really curious if this kind of straight talk will have an effect.
w vincentz
Jane Smiley says it pretty well:
I will enjoy watching the good-ship Obama crash and burn.
Jane Smiley’s post is a bigger pile of bullshit than Obama’s.
Just to be clear. I am EXTREMELY bitter. We have had an administration that has fucked up everything they touch for the past 8 years.
We have a country on the verge of serious economic crisis which is spending 100 billion dollars a year in some useless country.
We have a government that allows our credit industry to act like a bunch of drunken teenagers on spring break but instead of advocating for regulation, is pushing to lower taxes AGAIN.
We have a government that believes that Americans citizens don’t have rights but privileges, privileges that can be taken away whenever they feel that national security requires it.
So, yes, I’m bitter. The question for you, Hillary Clinton, is why aren’t you bitter?
w vincentz
No way I’ll convince you about this “non-story”.
Obama said something (though misconstrued) that was accurate.
Read this one:
Just Some Fuckhead
Oh My Fucking God, are you seriously telling me that you are worried because someone might take offense to a “negative” word? Did you really honest-to-God say that? Do you need me to explain to you why it doesn’t fucking matter what words Obama uses because it’s all going to be twisted any which way when he’s running in the general? Do you understand he’s going to be crucified on the cross for every word uttered – not by him – but by every black man in the last hundred years? Do you understand it’s absolutely going to happen and it’s going to cost a few votes and we’ve got to smash back and control the framing? We don’t control the framing by voiding our bladders every time someone comes up with a clever new way to twist the meaning of someone else’s words. Be a fucking man. Start hitting back now or go hide in your basement until November 5th.
In fact, if you melt like butter at room temperature every time you think someone said a bad word you’re only encouraging them to continue.
Clue: it doesn’t fucking matter what happens in Pennsylvania and Indiana. There aren’t enough stupid people left to give her enough margin to overcome her deficit in delegates.
Wow testy, aren’t we? Couch your objections to my post in less overtly hostile terms and I’ll answer them. Otherwise, I’ll just dismiss your over-the-top tantrum as the ravings of a jerk with personal issues.
Better yet, take your rants over to RedState. Your hostility would be better employed against the real enemy, not those whose only disagreement with you is that they hate seeing Obama shoot himself in the foot by risking alienating much of the working class. After all, Obama himself quickly (and wisely) chose to backpedal by radically rephrasing his initial statement, suggesting that he too may be too diplomatic for your tastes.
Just Some Fuckhead
Great, I’ve already dismissed yours as the disordered cognizance of an overwrought little pussy.
Just crawl off some place private and die please.
Glen Turner
So “concern troll” is defined as “person who doesn’t agree with me.” That’s what I had been thinking, but I wasn’t sure.
I’ll make sure I don’t leave any doors open to this communication circuit when I leave. I’d hate it if something interfered with all this self-ratification and it was my fault.
Oh, now I see, FUCKHEAD, this isn’t about politics at all, and you’ve no real interest in a discussion. You really are Just Some Fuckhead filled with general hostility. I was wondering why your response to my initial post was so over the top. Now I understand. I urge you to seek professional help. Mood-stabilizing drugs might work. Good luck to you. Now go away.
Just Some Fuckhead
No, Overwrought Little Pussy, I’m not interested in a discussion about your concerns about Obama being an elitist. In fact, I reject your framing AND
Just Some Fuckhead
No, Overwrought Little Pussy, I’m not interested in a discussion about your concerns about Obama being an elitist. In fact, it’s my opinion that you’ve already lost the argument as soon as you accept their bogus framing and terms.
I’m sure you don’t want to be talking like that to someone who needs professional help and mood-stabilizing drugs for general hostility.
Beside this post, where you ever here?
For a definiton of concern troll, wikipedia to the rescue.
Glen Turner
Yes, this was my very first post on Balloon Juice. Why do you ask? I’m sure you’re concerned with communicating with my about ideas, not with any sort of ad hom attack, right?
As for your wiki definition of concern troll:
I think Wikipedia is a bit behind the times. Based on observation, my definition is much more accurate.
Just Some Fuckhead
Of course it is, Glen. Maybe you could find some time between admiring yourself and concern trolling to update the Wikipedia entry. Maybe you could include a picture of yourself?
Rick Massimo
That’s funny; I thought this was a Democratic primary race. I had no idea we had to let the right wing pick our candidate.
BRAAAAAAAAAPPP! I’m sorry, Sen. Bayh, but you’ve just said The Magic Word That Means I’m Not Going To Listen To The Rest Of What You’re Saying.
We have been losing elections in which we have been on the right side of the issues for 30 years because we have been afraid. This is politics. You’re afraid? Go play beanbag.
Clinton portrays herself as a “pro-gun churchgoer”
P.Luk was right, Hillary IS running for the general election and not the primary. However, it appears she’s running as a Republican.
John Petty
Smiley, I’m not outraged by it. It’s not an outrageous remark. That’s not the problem.
The problem is that Obama doesn’t have many points of contact with small town America or the working class. That’s all. This just underlines it a bit.
What is interesting is that some of the liberal-left supporters of Sen. Obama DO come across as rather snooty on this whole question, which kind of feeds back in to it.
Another way to look at it: It’s just demographics playing itself out.
Who am I supposed to be hitting back at? Independents on the fence? I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about. I stated an opinion that he could have worded it better. I want this guy to win. I want this to be fucking over now. Let’s not complicate matters. This is about tactics.
As I posted earlier, I said I was curious to see what the impact is going to be with the straight talk. Let’s see if people can handle direct truth.
Yeah, the guy who was raised by a single mother and his grandmother and spent years as a community organizer has probably never interacted with working class people. Meanwhile, the woman who spent the majority of her professional career as a corporate lawyer and Walmart board member before becoming a first lady and then being worth over $100 million after her husband left office knows EVERYTHING about the plight of the working class.
Just Some Fuckhead
When HRC was growing up, the Rodham’s summer house on the lake didn’t even have heating.
I’d say a boner with a clown in his pocket.
John Petty
You fellas’ argument would be more persausive if Obama was doing better with the poor and working class.
It’s like that Walmart crack. You think that hurts Hillary with poor people? That’s where they shop. They LIKE Walmart.
Now, I realize that you folks are a lot smarter than those “bitter” people on the bottom of the economic pile, but, if you want to win this election, you’d better figure out how to talk to them.
Just Some Fuckhead
Ya know, my mom worked at Walmart for a couple of months to make ends meet and she detests the place. Now I know the experience of my working-class mom doesn’t mean anything to the self-appointed liaison between the poor/working class and anonymous Obama supporters on the internet but her opinion means more to me than yours.
And when your opinion results in defending a company that exploits US workers and foreign workers in third world countries, that doesn’t pay it’s US workers a living wage so that the US government is forced to subsidize it’s employees with food stamps and other aid, that torpedoes local mom and pop economies wherever it goes, etc. etc. etc., while it’s primary shareholders are worth a combined 84 billion dollars, then you don’t actually speak for working class Americans. You just mouth some empty platitudes about some mythical working class voter who you think supports your chosen candidate over the other guy.
Which election? The primary or the general? If you mean the primary, Obama’s already won that. If you mean the general, if the poor and working class vote for the Republicans over Democrats then they deserve every unfortunate thing that happesn to them. On the bright side, they’ll have guaranteed jobs serving in the military in the middle-east for the next hundred years.
Soylent Green
Some of those small-town folks can remember when they made their livings running the local hardware store, five and dime, grocery, bakery, garden shop, furniture store, etc. ad infinitum, and they took home enough scratch to live the American dream, while their businesses formed the foundation of the local community. Then the Walmart battleship cruised in and blew them all out of the water.
Now they shop at Wally World. What choice do they have with most of their main street stores dead and gone? Without their former incomes, they appreciate the low low prices too.
So thanks, boardmember Hillary, for all your service to the small towns of America and their cheerful, nonbitter, sleeves rolled up Walmart customers.
How dare someone call Walmart board members elitist! How condescending to all the common people who shop there!
John Petty
When Hillary was on the board of Walmart–not that facts are of much interest to anyone–nearly all of Walmart’s products were made in the USA. During the mid to late 90’s, Walmart changed its policies so that, now, about 80% of Walmart’s products are made in China.
Soylent Green
Which is why its prices are low. That says nothing about what happened to the mom and pop businesses of every small town in the path of Walmart’s juggernaut.
So why should that fact interest me? Hillary didn’t spearhead the move to China? No, but she was on the board back when the most damage to the fabric of rural life was being done. HRC, a dyed-in-the-wool corporatist who doesn’t “condescend” to rural voters. Just kills their businesses instead.
John Petty
I’m sorry the mom and pop store went out of business too. Times change. Walmart found a way to deliver a product at a lower price. It happens all the time.
Incidentally, the “fabric of rural life” wasn’t sundered by Walmart. It was sundered by cheap food policies, and giant agribusiness.
Soylent Green
Not entirely Walmart, no, not entirely highly subsidized agribusiness either. But Walmart’s original business model was to wipe out the retail economy in rural communities that couldn’t fight back. But I come from Missouri, where its empire began (across southern Missouri and northern Arkansas) and I saw the changes up close. Main streets that dried up and blew away. Communities that were replaced by wage slaves and migrants.
In the big urban markets, I have no problem with it. People like low prices.
Bitter. Half of these chumps don’t even know the meaning of the word. My brother has a silver star because some A-10[‘s wiped out half of his unit and his track took enough damage that they had to hole up on a local rooftop. For 14 hours, while the armored support went after jessica lynch. The reason it’s a silver star is because The first two people to run back out to the disabled APC for an ammo run were killed. I still have to talk him down. My boss went through DLI and got sent down to central america as part of one of those great Reagan administration ideas. Out of 60 people sent down he was one of 8 who survived, with only 4 bullets in his body. Also lost a wife, but that seems ancillary at this point. My landlord, who I had the good fortune to help marry was also in military intelligence when the soviet union collapsed, and spent two weeks staying up tracking tac nukes. Whenever he made a mistake an entire eastern European village was blown to bits. I myself survived the Seattle Columbine type incident where psycho with shotgun walks into house and shoots everybody.
This shit affects you. Even a completely abstract quasi-social motherfucker like myself.
Bitter doesn’t even begin to describe the problem.To the reactionary side it’s revenge, To the thoughtful side is an epic tragedy. But we can all agree that killing people tends to hurt. Policies that reward killing people are toxic.
The united States is experiencing an epic tragedy, where we have no money (unless you are in the republican donor circle), no influence (only China is more of a pariah than we are), and we have epic debt to China, a summation of point one and two.
It’s so fucking stupid that the people in my life I am closest to have had to kill innocent people and children, all because of the fuckheads in Washington. It fucking tears me when the response to bringing a loaded weapon into close quarters is met with a mere “Indeed, heh”.
By the time you can even say that someone you know and love will be dead.
Too many memories flooding forth. End post.