Speaking for me only
Hunter S. Thompson, “eulogizing” Nixon:
As long as Nixon was politically alive–and he was, all theway to the end–we could always be sure of finding the enemy on the Low Road. There was no need to look anywhere else for the evil bastard. He had the fighting instinctsof a badger trapped by hounds. The badger will roll over on its back and emit a smell of death, which confuses the dogs and lures them in for the traditional ripping and tearing action. But it is usually the badger who does the ripping and tearing. It is a beast that fights best on its back: rolling under the throat of the enemy and seizing it by thehead with all four claws.
That was Nixon’s style–and if you forgot, he would kill you as a lesson to the others. Badgers don’t fight fair, bubba. That’s why God made dachshunds.
Hillary Clinton, today:
“Senator Obama is a good man and he is a very talented and gifted man. But I think his comments were elitist and divisive. And the Democratic party has been unfortunately viewed by many people over the last decades as being elitist and out of touch,” Clinton said. “I mean we have waged elections over that and you don’t have to think back too far to remember that good men running for president were viewed as elitist and out of touch with the values and the lives of millions of Americans. So I think this is a very significant concern that people have expressed.”
She also said she is still waiting for a comprehensive explanation for the remarks from Obama.
“What’s important about this is that Senator Obama has not owned up to what he said and taken accountability for it. You know first he said he was right and attacked me for raising his remarks and referencing them. Then he admitted he said what he said inartfuly. And now he has deeply apologized if he has offended anyone,” she said. “But what people are looking for is an explanation. You know, what does he really believe? How does he see the people here in this neighborhood, throughout Pennsylvania, Indiana, North Carolina, other places in our country? I think that’s what people are looking for, some explanation, and he has simply not provided one.”
And before you Clinton supporters get all up in arms about the Nixon statement and accuse me of Hillary hate, let me remind you of something- you and Hillary have set the rules of the debate this past week. All is fair in politics, and I am just following your rules. Just as Hillary showed us in the above quote, you can call someone a liar, an elitist, claim they owe people an apology and look down on them, just so long as you also say something nice. And remember, of paramount concern is what the Republicans might say about you in the fall.
So here we go- Hillary Clinton is better than McCain, but she is a lying, two-faced, soul-less, vicious political hack who may or may not have killed Vince Foster (and don’t you know the GOP will bring that up!). I am beginning to like these new rules.
PS- I will stop when she does.
*** Update ***
By the way, bookmark this post for a textbook definition of concern trolling when you need one. Calling him divisive and elitist, then noting that we need to worry about appearing divisive and elitist is just, well, Clintonian awesomeness.
The papers in PA do not seem to agree with HRC. The people interviewed by FOX seem to believe people in PA are angry!
Maybe her and her husband can go bomb some pharmaceutical factories in Sudan that doomed thousands of innocents to death, maybe they can emulate W and bomb bridges in Yugoslavia, and keep on imposing immoral sanctions on a hapless and demoralized population in Iraq that set the stage for GWB’s grand adventure.
Yes, that experience will make her look tough on foreign policy and feast on the goodwill of killing innocent folks.
This is the experience you crave, this is the status quo you worship – well done I say, well done enablers of empire.
That is why I don’t like you, that is why you don’t deserve progressive votes – go away.
If people think HRC is the candidate to beat McCain in the fall, why is she losing to Obama now? That said, some of the data coming out of PA suggests Obama is going to take the state.
And … yes! We have the use of the passive voice! I repeat, we have the use of the passive voice!
Of course she can’t mention the fact that Republicans did this to Gore and Kerry because the completely non-elitist and totally in touch pistol packin’ mama realizes that even the dimmest rubes might wonder why she’s encouraging the exact same fucking thing.
Also, I thought elections were held, wars were waged, but that’s probably an elitist nit-pick. SOFM, CRMA, CYUM.
I have always thought that wasn’t true. But because of the recent news of her wicked gun skills, I wasn’t so sure anymore.
But thanks to the rag The Wall Street Journal, we now know that if she wanted Vince Foster dead, she didn’t pull the trigger herself.
They checked her schedule…
A milestone when it comes to investigative journalism…
Hillary Clinton is better than McCain, but I am concerned that moderate Rebublicans and independents may think that she is a lying, two-faced, soul-less, vicious political hack who may or may not have killed Vince Foster. She has been unfortunately viewed by many people over the last decades this way. I mean we have waged elections over that and you don’t have to think back too far to remember that.
fixed, for better concern trolling.
Splitting Image
I just did a quick search on Clinton and the Million Mom March of 2000, which was organized by an associate of hers, Donna Dees-Thomases.
Most of the links I found were wingnut havens talking about Clinton as the Grand Overlord of the evil Democratic conspiracy to take away everyone’s guns. Now Clinton probably isn’t the Grand Overlord, but there is this:
The question is, will Clinton reject and denounce the organizers of the Million Mom March for the unconscionable and un-American comments they have made? I’d say that if Clinton is serious about channelling Charlton Heston, the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy have found her Jeremiah Wright.
It’s kind of sad to think that Clinton has reached a point where her best option politically is to say “Hey guys, you know I was just talking a lot of crap to win Pennsylvania. None of this will matter after next week.”
Just Some Fuckhead
Lemme guess.. NAFTA meeting?
This is insane, but typical of the tack that the Clinton campaign has charted, to always try to paint Obama as too young, too untested, to jejune, too juvenile, and who must prove himself, not to voters, but to Senator Clinton herself.
This is exactly the same kind of thing that she pulled after Obama had released his tax returns and Hillary, instead of releasing hers, said, “That’s a good start. Obama should release even more of his records….”
Yep, truly Nixonian. Even more Nixon-like is this other piece from Clinton’s statement:
It is hard to believe that a Democratic Party candidate would use the “NOT one of us,” stealth [insert your own deepest fear here] candidate nonsense against another Democrat. The worst of it all, is that it is not a desperate attempt to hold her ground in Pennsylvania and the remaining state, but the relentless consistent theme of her campaign that she is by definition the rightful Democratic Party nominee, while any other contender doesn’t even belong in the same room with her.
While Senator Clinton may be better than McCain politically, she is straining on every other “threshold” test. She is asking voters to believe that she is a lying, duplicitous hack only for the purposes of winning the nomination, but afterwards she will return to being sunshine and light after she is granted what is rightfully hers.
But Nixon was a slimy, under-handed campaigner who became a slimy, under-handed president.
And after all, who knows what the Tuzla Tigress really believes once you get past the lies that roll so easily off her tongue?
She doesn’t just kneecap Obama, she bashes the entire party.
How helpful.
Check out this wonderful post from Seattle’s alternative paper:
Oh no! A liberal Seattlite is scared. Maybe there’s something to this; Seattle is Obama country after all.
From the comments, the author is outed:
Once again, the offended people are those who are really hoping that others will be offended.
Has anyone mentioned that Nixon knew how to bowl?
You know, like a “real man” and an “authentic American” which that effete, elitist B. Hussein Obama obviously is not – “as far as I know.”
Look at those old photos of Nixon in the White House bowling alley. This is what a president is supposed to look like.
And when someone offered Nixon coffee in a dinner, well, you can bet he didn’t ask for any tropical fruity-girl drink. He said, yes.
That’s what made him such a great president.
By the way, has anyone else noticed a lack of flag lapel pins on those pantsuits?
Of course, I’m not accusing Hillary of hating America, or not being a “real” American, but with her new with new “God, Guns and Flag” image, she might want think about upholstering herself with a bunch of them. A NRA pin would be a nice accessory too.
It couldn’t hurt, and it could get her points with Limbaugh-Hannity-listening-bitter-angry-white Americans that her campaign is now appealing to.
You know, just like Nixon did.
The Clinton campaign doesn’t have a working strategy anymore, now it’s all about trying to stop Obama gaining in the next state up for voting. By any means possible. It’s shortsighted and won’t build any long time support.
Also, considering her current problems raising money, I guess this one way to get some free airtime…
John Petty
Not to interfere with a snark-fest among Obama supporters, but Hillary is exactly right, and the fact that you guys don’t get it doesn’t bode well for the election in the fall–that is, if your guy can hang on to “back in” to the nomination.
There’s just something about “liberal elitists” that never gets that they are, in fact, “liberal elitists.” (I am one, so I can bitch about us.)
Here is an article from the wizards of Politico on why the Clinton’s continue to fight against an Obama nomination so as to save us Obamanites from our foolish selves and destruction of the Democratic party-not to mention the Earth as we know it. God save us from the colored flim-flammer is what they really want to say–but can’t.
There’s just something about “liberal elitists” that never gets that they are, in fact, “liberal elitists.” (I am one, so I can bitch about us.)
Really? My problem with liberal elitists is that they tend to be spineless pieces of shit. (You seem to be one, so I can bitch about you.)
Nixon was also a fine pianist.
It’s a shame he had to resign over Whitewater (as my dad said recently).
Fun scotsman article via BooMan- http://tinyurl.com/66rcdx
Carter and Gore reportedly plotting to get Hillary to get out. That would rock.
John Cole
Ever run a marathon? I did, ten years ago. I can’t imagine finishing strong with someone knee-capping me the last 5 miles.
As far as doing well in the election, you don’t get to call someone elitist and divisive for four days, then concern troll about the candidate appearing divisive.
Finally, if Obama is “backing” in to the nomination, what is she doing, since she is losing by every measurable metric? And what happens if she does get the nomination through a super-delegate background deal? Aside from losing a sizable chunk of the AA vote, you lose my vote and a ton like me. I will vote for Nader before I vote for a coronated Clinton. had she run it fair and square, I would support her no matter what. Now, her intent is to destroy him and hope the supers give it to her. Fuck that.
Dennis - SGMM
But it’s not elitist to feel that the nomination is owed to a person because their spouse was president and it’s their turn? It’s not elitist to sign on to the idea that the “first families” of American politics should provide us with our presidents? Hell, why not make the office hereditary? Clinton’s thinly disguised love for the Republicans aside, we’re enduring the results of a presidency won in large measure by virtue of connections and the right last name. You want four more years, or even eight more, of that?
Reminder, Obama-Clinton debate at 8:00 pm EDT (twenty minutes from now).
You know, I understand this is Hillary v. Obama but I look at his statement and I look at anything that has happened since Bush took office and the clapped out army and the fucked up economy and the Constitution with presidential shit stains all over it and I think “WTF are you talking about?”
And at the risk of being elitist, I suspect a lot of people are looking at Hillary as she wags her finger and calls on Obama to ‘splain himself right now and they’re thinking “WTF are you talking about?” We know what elitist and out of touch looks like. It smirks, has trouble creating a coherent sentence and wears a cowboy hat. Shaddup already.
I also think that if she isn’t careful he will explain himself and he’ll do it in such moving and eloquent terms that angels will weep and she’ll be standing there with her metaphorical dick in her hand.
Just Some Fuckhead
Thanks for the heads up! I woulda totally missed it. Wonder if HRC is gonna be packing heat..
Yeah. “Backing in.” Really now, Clinton’s the one who’s pretending “those people” are stupid and/or pandering to the truly stupid ones by abusing his leaked words of advice to a couple of volunteers. JC’s earlier YouTube from ’04 shows exactly what BHO thinks then and now. Then, he was making a case for the D party. Now,.. same thing! SHiT!
Jake! f–k yea
Bob In Pacifica
I have lived my life blue-collar. I cracked 40K the last year before I retired. I’m not elite.
Obama said what people have been feeling for decades. And he correctly identified the okeydoke that the Republicans play. Now Clinton is doing the same. John Petty may think he’s an elite, and maybe he is. But if so, why should we believe he’s actually in touch to understand what the fuck, ya know?
Is there another debate? Because I want Clinton to eat the shit she’s said the last four days, one slice of turd at a time. Elites who don’t understand can get her a glass of water.
Just Some Fuckhead
Textbook definition of irony…or completely out of touch with reality statement…you decide.
Dennis - SGMM
It’s showing on CNN here, listed as “The Compassion Forum.”
I think Hillary realizes she can’t win and that fact has made her incredibly bitter.
…As far as I know.
There. That’s better.
I’d love to hear why you think Hillary is right. I get you believe there is something Obama-fans “don’t get” but that argument has been used in every political debate in history. Both sides usually assume that A)they have some special insight the other doesn’t and B) that if the other side could be brought around to see those insights then the argument would end.
As far as backing into the nomination, that seems like a pretty selective argument. Are Hillary supporters really going to think that if she manages to get more delegates in the last few contests that will somehow negate the rest of the contests? That really doesn’t seem in line with the folks arguing so vehemently about the disenfranchizement of Florida and Michigan voters.
After all, if I am reading you right, you are basically saying that despite the fact that Obama won the delegate counts in January, February, and March that he would not deserve the nomination based solely on the less than 20% remaining contests that take place in the last few weeks of the election.
John is just pissed cuz she never left Bill over the Monica Lewinsky thing.
He thought he had a shot if she did.
Dennis - SGMM
She’s managed to burn her bridges with so many Democrats that I wouldn’t be surprised to see her challenged for her Senate seat by someone from the Democratic wing of the Democratic party. If her divisive bullshit and Bill’s big mouth get them both shoved off of the political stage then it will almost have been worth it.
>>He thought he had a shot if she did.
With Bill or Hillary?
I can certainly understand the Hillary anger. I don’t like Bushco. and all they do, why would I condone it just because “our side” does it? Yes, it may be politics as usual, but that doesn’t make it good. How are we to progress as a society, as people if we keep doing the same thing over and over again? We won’t evolve until something forces us to or we choose to do it ourselves.
In a lot of ways, Obama has ruined politics for me. Had he not been in the race I wouldn’t think twice about what Hillary is doing. I’d just chalk it up as “par for the course” and move on. But now I see a politician actually trying to do something different and succeeding. Sure, he still needs to “play the game”, but he is doing it as fair and as decently as I’ve ever seen it. And, for the first time in my life I have the opportunity to vote FOR someone, period. Not vote for someone as a way of voting AGAINST someone else. I really am full of hope, which makes what Hillary is doing piss me off to no end.
But, if she is the nominee, I will vote for her because McCain is worse. But I am sick of that reasoning.
Whatever happens, I am grateful to Obama for running and proving a different way of doing things isn’t a pipe dream.
Just Some Fuckhead
Oh Christ, this isn’t a debate. It’s a waste of two fucking hours.
It’s so nice to see liberal/progressives spending valuable time working up a head of steam over something as important as the statements from the losing candidate of the democratic nomination.
Priority check, ladies.
What the heck is Clinton wearing?
I’m going to cling to my religion and say, Amen!
Just Some Fuckhead
.. with that Republican-felching Meacham. Just shoot me in the fucking head.
John Petty
Obama campaign is on another “charm offensive,” I see.
Just Some Fuckhead
I just asked my wife that.
I loved her answer to the first question. Obama is Kerry and Gore combined!!! Only I can be president!!!
gypsy howell
I’m watching her now on the Compassion Forum (to which I say “Fuck You Fuck You Fuck You”)
To Hillary I say:
Fuck You Fuck You Fuck You Fuck You.
“Anchored in God’s Grace?” Go fuck yourself.
I just checked into CNN long enough to start DVRing the debate, and hearing Clinton talk about being close buds with the H. Spirit, I almost lost it.
thank god my kid wanted the TV back.
gypsy howell
I’m going to puke. I didn’t used to hate her. I used to LIKE BIll.
Okay, ten minutes of this bitch doing her Holier Than Thou routine, and I can think of nothing but walkin up to her on that stage, sticking my finger down my throat, and throwing up on her face.
Am I a bad person, or is this the biggest crock of shit in the history of the universe?
Oh I’m sorry John Petty. How about this: what gives you the right to speak for the poor supposedly offended souls? Oh that’s right, you’re a self-admitted out-of-touch liberal elitist. So as an expert on liberal elitists being condescending, surely you realize how important it is for you to shut your piehole and keep out of these important political discussions between real Americans?
Just Some Fuckhead
Watching her flail around trying to describe her faith I wonder if she’s still hung over from the Crown Royal beer chasers.
some guy
Clinton’s trashing Gore? She really is an asshole.
HRC just now: “It’s not about me”
gypsy howell
BIGGEST crock of shit in the universe.
This whole fucking thing is the biggest crock of shit in the universe.
Can anyone really be buying this load of crap?
>>Clinton’s trashing Gore? She really is an asshole.
Gore had the most votes in 2000.
Hillary will not have that problem in 2008.
Just Some Fuckhead
It’s not. She’s running to give the Holy Spirit a third term.
area man
Watching the debate now. She takes pains to note Obama offered his elitist remarks “in San Francisco.” Could she be any more of a fucking Repub at this point? It’s like Fox news is writing her scripts.
I live in San Francisco. We are Americans, Sen. Clinton, and entitled to as much (but no more) respect as any duck hunting, shot downing, Rust Belt ‘real’ Americans. I have finally had it. Hillary Clinton is a duplicitous, mealy mouthed, prevaricating opportunist who, most importantly, CANNOT WIN THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINATION.
So aggravated I finally de-lurked. Thanks for the blog, Mr. Cole et al. Keep up the good work.
John Petty
It’s a campaign. Politics is tough. Besides, the Obama campaign calls Hillary every name under the sun–Nixon, Bush, et cetera–but raise one question about Saint Obama and people come unglued.
Well, why the hell not? By the way, do you always call people who disagree with you “trolls”? Just curious, because I’ve been reading your site for awhile, and, before the campaign, liked it quite a bit. I don’t even mind that you’re for Obama. What I don’t like is the vulgar language about a former First Lady of the United States.
So you guys managed to get all 500 liberals in Idaho to a caucus. You think you’re popular in Idaho?
Also, speaking of metrics, among Democrats–this IS the Democratic Party–Hillary leads Obama, and will probably finish sizeably ahead.
Yes, we’ll lose you, but then we usually do lose the anti-war liberal-left crowd. The rest of us are never “pure” enough so, usually, when you lose (with Bradley, or Kucinich, or McCarthy, or whoever) you flake in the general election and wind up voting for some niche candidate, like Nader.
I, on the other hand, if he gets the nomination, will vote for Sen. Obama. That’s because I’m a Democrat, and I support my party.
She’s talking about decision making…
So how about the decision to vote for war? Care to reexamine that one, one time, lady?
And she just paraphrased Rummy “I know there will be predictable and unpredictable consequences”
Dennis - SGMM
She knows the process by which she will arrive at decisions. If it’s the process that led her to vote for the AUMF and Kyl-Lieberman then “deeply flawed” seems appropriate.
>>I, on the other hand, if he gets the nomination, will vote for Sen. Obama.
And she just dropped the royal we.
“We are running for president.”
>>“We are running for president.”
lol “we”.
Just Some Fuckhead
The feminist choice for President can’t even come straight out and unequivocably state a pro-choice position.
“I have been in many different countries.”
And dodged sniper fire in many of them, I’m sure.
I can’t watch anymore of this.
Dennis - SGMM
Obama is running for president.
Hillary is running for queen.
ntr Fausto Carmona
You do know that, unlike you, we’re not actually parts of our preferred candidates campaign, right?
ObamfascismChina and Communist Romania were worse!!!one11111!!1!ntr Fausto Carmona
“We are running for president.”
Can we talk to Sybil now?
Also, speaking of metrics, among Democrats—this IS the Democratic Party—Hillary leads Obama, and will probably finish sizeably ahead.
Wow. Clinton more popular than Obama among Democrats, and Obama is out of touch with real Americans (non-Democrats). And yet she is getting her ass kicked. Getting her ass kicked in the Democratic primary, getting her ass kicked vs. Obama in head-to-head comparisons against McCain. Just amazing.
Why do spineless liberal elitists feed us such stupid nonsense?
How dare you slime President Nixon by associating him with the Hidabeast. There are some lines that shouldn’t be crossed. This is one of them.
For shame. Does your Hillary hatred, which I do share of course, know no bounds?
Nixon was one of the most liberal Republican Presidents in the last century. That’s a mean enough thing to say. But to compare him to Shrillary? That’s totally uncalled for.
Fortunately you were speaking for you only. So I’ll give you a pass this time.
some guy
Also, speaking of metrics, among Democrats—this IS the Democratic Party—Hillary leads Obama, and will probably finish sizeably ahead.
Prove it.
You are a bad person.
>>Am I a bad person, or is this the biggest crock of shit in the history of the universe?
That’s not mutually exclusive, you know.
Just Some Fuckhead
Hell, I don’t even have a preferred candidate. I was leaning Obama but if he isn’t serious enough about attracting canary-yellow-lovin’ voters to wear canary yellow outfits every fucking day, then I just can’t continue to support him. He’s out of touch with canary yellow people and that’s gonna cost him in the general.
No. She. Di-int.
Welp, I was feeling bad for watching the Empire Strikes Back instead of the latest
Hillary-Spank-O-Thondebate, but it appears Wookies on Endor makes more sense than Hillary as PotUS.The Other Steve
Aww, come on. We’ve got a Dachshund and she’s cute as a button.
Granted, she’s a long hair. The short hairs will tear your throat out just for looking at them. :-)
General Disorder
What’s wrong with me? When I here HRC speak, as I did today, why does it make me feel all shriveled up inside?
All I need to know about what Hillary Clinton is willing to do to win I gleaned from a short clip I saw on TV not long ago where she was trying to reaffirm her relevance where she said:
“I can win this thing”
Not “I’m going to win” but “I can win…”
She doesn’t really believe it herself, she’s desperate and she’s going to go for broke, the party and the people be damned.
That simple statement and what it signified, was as much to convince herself as much as her supporters. She’s been prepping for this for her whole adult life, from her college days as a “Goldwater Girl” to being Bill’s biggest cheerleader in all the phases of his career.
She feels she’s entitled to it, she’s been been licking her chops for it since Bill Clinton got into the White House, she endured the Lewinsky humiliation, hanging tough, waiting for her chance, and now it’s slipping through her fingers.
Every statement, every vote, every triangulating move she’s made since she entered the Senate has been to position herself for this, and now her campaign’s a raging clusterfuck, she’s broke, and Bill’s shooting a hole in her pantyhose every time he opens his mouth in public, and squandering his own legacy to boot. It’s pathetic.
In another time, perhaps she would have been the one, it would have been her time, and she would probably have been a decent choice…
But after eight years of Bush and Dick!, eight years of smug stupidity, nauseating corruption, lies, and political malfeasance on a cosmic scale, to come out and run a primary campaign like a fucking republican? After what the country’s been through?
Stick a fucking fork in her. She’s DOA.
Like our host, I was willing to vote for her if she won the nomination, but now I’d probably write in John Edwards.
And one last thing… Who in the hell would want the VP slot in a Clinton “co-presidency”? Anybody with any brains at all can see that’s what it’s going to be, and don’t think the Right doesn’t see that, and that will fire up the base, don’t ya know.
She’s Toast.
General Disorder
What’s wrong with me? I can’t spell.
I take her at her word when she says she didn’t kill Vince Foster. She did not do that. As far as I know.
With the ethics of a true conservative.
John Petty
Good defense of bad manners!
As a thinking Democrat, after all the low class, divisive crap that Hillary has pulled, even if she gets the nomination, both me and my husband will not vote for her. Screw it. At a certain point you have to live with yourself and she exhibits NONE of the qualities that I want in a president. NONE. And know that this is incredibly painful to us.
Duros Hussein 62
I don’t even mind that you’re for Obama.
Oh, thank you so much, your Grace.
mere mortal
This is just so precious. As if Mr. Cole does not remember the rules before last week, where every disgusting framing of Hillary Clinton was perfectly in-bounds, even common knowledge (liar, bitch, carpetbagger, mercenary, anything-to-win, racist), but any criticism of Obama was a horrible offense that would tear the Democratic party apart.
Mr. Cole’s juvenile rant is no different than the hate he has spewed at Clinton stretching back as far as the eye can see. What is different is his explicit admission that he is acting like a child.