Speaking for me only
The Tuzla Tigress (Credit where credit is due) dodges some more incoming fire:
After a weekend spent making direct appeals to gun owners and church goers, Hillary Clinton said Sunday a query about the last time she fired a gun or attended church services “is not a relevant question in this debate” over Barack Obama’s recent comments on small town Americans.
“We can answer that some other time,” Clinton said at a press conference held in a working class neighborhood here. “This is about what people feel is being said about them. I went to church on Easter. I mean, so?”
Suck it you Clinton hating media! This is about Obama being out of touch, so stop questioning my love of guns!
Republican strategists must think it is Christmas already.
Looks like you forgot to indicate who you were speaking for on this one. Feel free to include me in the list of people you’re speaking for here.
She doesn’t fire guns in church.
I hate her. I really do. Is it OK to say that?
Was this a place for this?
This experince is just for a few. The Elite.
some guy
Thanks for the credit! Anyway, I almost suspect that Obama is getting bored and deliberately stirring shit up, just for the pleasure of watching the TT’s flailing response.
Tim (the Other One)
“We can answer that some other time,”
Now finish your brussel sprouts.
5 bucks says she visits a church and a firing range in the next couple of days.
the wheels are coming off.
pass the popcorn
Jesus Skydiving Christ. This imbecile is remixing Mitten Romney’s “Me Great White Hunter” with an overdub of Rudy Ghooliani’s “STFU and don’t ask questions.”
Are we sure she’s running for the Democratic nom?
Is there some way to kick Hillary into a VP spot under a McCain run?
Then we could have a pair that both bases despise.
I am just disgusted at this point. And the sad thing is I am so tired half of me just wants to give up and go home. Couple weeks ago somebody wrote to Andrew Sullivan that the best way to break the Clinton hold on the party was to let Hillary win the nom.
Then when she loses in the general Billary will be villified by the party. It would also kill the DLC.
And all that she does is because she is convinced only she can save the country.
Yeah, right.
I’m of two minds: on one hand, I’m irritated that this false controversy has appeared because Obama clearly didn’t intend to be patronizing (his words have brought audiences TO THEIR FEET).
On the other hand, the past two elections have clearly taught Democrats that the losing approach is to give in to GOP and media framing on issues, apologize constantly for misstatements and misunderstandings, and act like a bunch of chickenshits. Obama’s options in how he handles this are limited if he actually wants to WIN: he simply can’t back down.
AFAIC, what Clinton has to say about Obama doesn’t matter because she’s lost the nomination. She’s got no chance whatsoever of catching up in pledged delegates, and Obama only needs 33% of superdelegates to clinch the nomination. I understand the fervor of Clinton’s supporters, but their anger towards Obama and his supporters seems misdirected to me. I suspect they’re really pissed with Clinton and the shitty campaign she ran, from her early attitude of inevitability and her failure to organize across all states (interrelated, of course). At the same time, they’ve got so much invested in her that they can’t direct that anger towards her. It just doesn’t matter anymore.
As for the threat by Clinton supporters that they’ll vote for McCain, I don’t care about that either. Let them vote for him. If the American people can take 8 years of Bush and Cheney, I don’t see why they can’t take more Republican presidents: McCain (with Lieberman as a VP!), Huckabee, Romney, Thompson (maybe?), Jeb Bush…I could go on.
(Speaking only for myself, if McCain is elected, I’ll be moving back to Canada.)
So far, so good.
Who knows, maybe rural America is ready to give up the “values vote” for something a little more edible.
Hillary with a gun? scary!
Repeat after me the Republican mantra when evidence of corruption/incompetence/general douchebaggery finally gets the attention of the national press, “We’ve moved on from that…”
Now cut-and-paste for Hillary…
That just proves how elitist she is. What is she, too good to fire off a few rounds in the House of the Lord? What about the ticking bomb scenario, where a terrorist is holding the church-goers hostage, and the only way she can save them is by shooting him? Would she fire a gun in church then? If not there’s no way she’s ready to be Commander-in-Chief.
Bitter rural Americans want a commander with the guts to shoot up a church if that’s what needs to be done.
I so need this to be over. Why won’t she just shrivel up and melt away. Won’t vote for her EVER.
I don’t understand who is voting for this shrill conceited sicko. I switched parties to vote for Obama, The Clintons are a plague.
Notorious P.A.T.
“We can answer that question some other time” huh? Well it only took her, what, a year to release her tax documents?
The Other Steve
Can we find out what QuickRob thinks about this, because I know that I am deeply concerned that he may not approve and as such there could be trouble for Democrats in November.
heh…Anyone want to do a round up on her votes regarding weapons legislation?
it’s almost as if Clinton spent the years watching what the GOP and Rove did to get elected and said “I can do that”
But she just isn’t that good at it. I don’t think any dem can be since the rules were written for GOP canidates.
Just Some Fuckhead
At least she didn’t cackle hysterically this time. Baby steps.
The homecoming queen has got a gun.
Davis X. Machina
It’s a lot harder to convince someone they’ve bought a lemon than to sell them the lemon in the first place, because by then they’re invested.
Since 1980 on, maybe since 1968 on, the people Obama was talking about have been buying lemons, the same brand, every two years, in wholesale job lots.
I would expect their resistance to being so informed in proportion to the lenght of time and the number of lemons.
He’s telling them what they need to hear, and Clinton’s telling them what they want to hear.
Tells us much about the tellers, and by their reception, about the people told.
On a happier and unrelated note, I just got my yearly call from UC Berkeley asking for a donation and I told them I wouldn’t give any money as long as John Yoo was employed at the law school. It felt good to do that.
At least now I can revisit the
gun fetishsmall arms enthusiasm of my late teens and early twenties with a clear conscience, since it’s so mainstream and all.The question now is, when’s the last time she got liquored up and shot up a few stop signs with the boys? And did she use birdshot or 00 buck?
That is awesome. The thought of Johnny Torture Yoo fighting Gonezo for the best steam grate warms my cockles.
Did the caller say anything (hopefully “Oh God, that’s the 500th person today!”) or did he just hang up?
I know why the Tuzla Tigress is doing this, she mistakenly thinks these GOP talking points will win her the primary. Problem is, we’re not fucking republicans.
Now, the repubs, they are playing this cause they want to stop Obama. I think they know dems are gonna win in the fall. Now if Clinton wins they can justify all the pardons they will be handing out pre-emptively. No need to pretend to sing Kumbaya, it will be total political warfare from day one. The committee to impeach the president will be formed at 12:01 am the day after the election.
If its Obama, the guy has no revanchist track record so they have to carefully lay the ground work. If they can’t stop him now they will have a hard time convincing the nation he’s just out to make heads roll and not about justice. The MUP is an animal they don’t know how to fight. No matter what they are saying now. They don’t know how to beat him any better than she does.
John Cole
I guess now we know who will be answering the phone at 3 am.
Brittany Spears.
Did the caller say anything (hopefully “Oh God, that’s the 500th person today!”) or did he just hang up?
No, she didn’t know what I was talking about so I had to explain. Amusingly, it got complicated because I had to explain whether he was making torture legal or breaking the law by authorizing it. I couldn’t figure out which was a more accurate description.
I guess it depends on what the definition of “legal” is.
Your significant other is probably relieved.
I think “We Can Answer That Some Other Time” is now my favorite catch-all answer for tough questions, even superseding “Shut Up, That’s Why“. Go, Hill!
b. hussein canuckistani
Sheberman should have mentioned that she was a beer-drinkin’ god and guns rural good ol’ gal before the New York and California primaries. Just so those big city elitists really understood who they were voting for.
That sounds more genuinely fun than bitter to me.
I imagine universities farm that work out to some company where the employees just follow a script. However, they do take notes and those notes go back to the client.
He thinks it’s OK to crush a child’s testicles might have done the trick.
I imagine universities farm that work out to some company where the employees just follow a script.
They usually just have undergrads do it, though the fact this woman wasn’t Asian makes me wonder if she really was a Berkeley undergrad.
Actually, my husband is a republican. But he voted a straight dem ticket in November and will be voting for Obama in the fall. Some how, no matter how many times I told him, he didn’t realize he needed to re-register as a dem to vote for Barack on the 22nd.
There’s not nearly enough Hillary hate on this site. Can we amp it up a bit, please?
Tom in Texas
I can vouch that the University of Texas does so as well. Any UT grads may have gotten a few calls from me during the mid 90’s in fact. It counts towards your work-study program.
Hillary needs to get more in touch with the gun-toters. I recommend she get Cheney to take her on a hunting trip.
“Bill” for Presid..
sorry, too late. nevermind.
Too bad about that five-point palm exploding heart technique.
OT, but since we are in full Hillary hate mode, where else am I gonna post it:
the glorious offensive in Basra has resulted in medals and promotions for everybody (not!)
Can you say “Brusilov Offensive” ?
This is going to end well.
Rick Taylor
Oh my, has everyone already seen this picture of Hillary with a gun already? Now I understand why Republicans were laughing so hard at Dukakis in a tank. She tells a story about standing in the cold water, shooting her first duck.
Just Some Fuckhead
This should be the cover jacket for The War Journals.
I especially like the wide-eyed barely sane look in her eyes. It should help her with the Elmer Fudd vote.
She has good taste in suits, that woman.
Racist. Sexist.
w vincentz
At some point, Hillary needs to speak with a therapist and get to the root causes for her hatred of ducks.
Why does she hate ducks so much?
I bet she had to knap her own flints, too.
Dennis - SGMM
Dick Cheney, March 19th, 2008
Hillary Clinton, April 13th, 2008
Bet that gets her an invitation to go duck huntin’ with Dick!
The Grand Panjandrum
The Tuzla Tigress ain’t shit unless I see a Skoal ring on her pantsuit. Until then she’s just a wannabe.
I’ll bet my two daughters (both still in kindergarten) have put more rounds down range than Senator Clinton. As a matter of fact I’d bet her $109 million they have.
Kevin Hayden
Which Rocky sequel included Easter Services, guns, and Crown Royale shooters with beer chasers?
Wasn’t that “Rocky VII: the big fight’s over so I might as well get laid” ?
w vincentz
OT- Thought some here might wish to read and sign this:
Well, Heavens to Betsy, maybe tBone will get hold of an advance copy of Hillary’s adventures hunting varmints with Mitt. I know he’s sworn off the Chronicles, but I’d love to know what happened.
And I can’t imagine why the dear lady won’t tell us where she went to church. After all, there was this nice article in Mother Jones about Hillary’s membership in this supersecret, superconservative prayer fellowship when she was First Lady. You know, the kind of place Chuck Colson hangs out. She could tell everyone about that.
Blue Texan
“Suck it you Clinon-hating media” is some seriously funny shit Cole.
Too fucking funny.
w vincentz
This opinion is worth the time:
I’m actually kind of excited to see how far she can take this pandering to diametrically opposed constituencies thing. Sure, talkin’ bout huntin’ and fishin’ and drinkin’ might endear her to the salt of the earth folk I grew up with in the wilds of South Dakota, but how is that going to play with the NOW crowd. I’m just waiting for her to slip up and tell a crowd of coal miners that her favorite group is the Indigo Girls and the next day wax effusively on the shredding guitar in Wang Dang Sweet Poontang at a gala dinner hosted by Gloria Steinem.
w vincentz
If this is true, Hillary might be finished soon.
w vincentz
My take on the Compassion Forum…Hillary tried, but alas, continued attacks rather than showing “compassion”. Barack was clearly the winner, and received a standing ovation at the conclusion.
Notorious P.A.T.
Waah! Waah!
Poor Hillary! All she did was imply that she (unlike that horrible Barack Hussein Reverand Wright Hussein Obama) understands the common people, that she is one of them and would never condescend to them. But then, when asked to offer a shred of proof, drooled out a miserable excuse for a dodge. And for this, people are ripping on her!!! It’s not faaaaaaaaaair!
A Different JC
Two points:
1. I remember hearing that because Mark Penn was leaving the campaign, the new guy (whomever) will be all nicey-nicey, and the party-destroying attacks on Obama would cease? Well I guess from ‘bitter-gate’ and Hillary’s imitation of Romney The Varmint Slayer, we can conclude either (a) Penn is still calling the shots, or (b) Penn never called the (negative) shots and it was always Hillary
2. The Charlie Rose video JC posted has Obama saying the same ‘bitter’ talking points back in 2004. Except that he was referencing the famous book “What’s the Matter with Kansas.” Now I haven’t read the book yet, but I remember it being an almost Bible to Democrats after the terrible ’04 loss. As such, if Obama is just saying what that book said, and the book is accepted gospel by the Democrats, then how dare Hillary mock Obama for this?
Yeah, I know, she’ll doing anything to get elected. As some other commenter noted, it’s tactics not strategy. But this kind of stuff pisses off the biggest most important constituency she has to convince: the super-delegates.