Doesn’t accusing someone of elitism take for granted that the unwashed masses are resentful against elitists (one could say bitter), and will therefore revolt against him and flock to you? Just wondering.
Then there is the sad humor of a hundred-millionaire and a guy who owns eight homes accusing the much poorer candidate of elitism.
I keep waiting for Obama to bring up the eight homes. Maybe he’s saving that for a general election debate.
Todd Alcott
It’s just a name to call him. As David Mamet says in Oleanna, it’s just a word that we are to take to mean “bad.” They can’t call him a nigger (yet, but it’s coming) so they have to find an alternate way to mark him as “different from you and me.”
OMG O8^M^ is teh L337 HaXxR!
O8^M^ = O8AMA (but replace A with ^).
damn the sneaky undocumented HTML rewriter!
Velvet Elvis
I’m presently looking at an ad for Poison tickets.
I find this relate to the concept of elitism in a very ironic way but I’m not yet awake enough to put it into words.
If it was for Dokken I’d be all over it.
Dennis - SGMM
Condescending is when someone with over one-hundred million dollars knocks back a shot and a beer to demonstrate her oneness with Joe Average. Condescending is when a lifelong advocate of gun control suddenly starts loving up the Second Amendment and telling how she was taught to shoot as a child. Condescending is when someone who last went to church on Easter Sunday blathers on endlessly about the importance of faith in her life.
How cynical do you have to be to believe that blue collar voters are gullible enough to believe that you’re just like they are, only more so?
Velvet Elvis
I’ll be damned. At the bottom of the ad it says “with special guest Dokken”
Person of Choler
“Elitism” is not owning more stuff than others; it is instead a snobbish and condescending attitude toward those to whom you feel superior.
Love the flak Obama’s been getting about his ‘bitter Americans’ speech when that has been the Rethugs’ main vote-getting strategy for a generation. Like Digby says, they always accuse others of what they are most guilty of themselves.
For example…
Sooo, can anyone explain to me how you can be a Marxist and an Elitist at the same time? I think, philosophically, anyway, those two -isms would be mutually exclusive.
Elitism is that feeling you get when you have such absolute faith in your own rightness and receive such a large contingent of popular support from across the entire US population that you decide to try and run for President.
I would contend, however, that it takes truly epic elitism to run for President when its already clear that you’re going to lose. So Tom Tancredo, Dennis Kuccinich, Mike Huckabee and that crazy woman who won’t give up the Democratic nomination are my candidates for biggest elitists in the ’08 Primary.
>>Sooo, can anyone explain to me how you can be a Marxist and an Elitist at the same time?
Well, if your a Leninist, the vanguard party is pretty elitist.
Also, Marx for the New York Times; obviously, he is an elitist.
They needed a big, fat, run-with-it distraction to divert attention from the Toddler-in-Chief saying, “Oh, yeah, we torture, sat around the basement of the White House discussing exactly how we would. So?”
Hillary gave it to them.
Fuck her for it.
But, much as I love the MUP, he needs to stop swatting at that mosquito and start talking about this. The only way it’s gonna get any attention is if he brings it up.
Loved the “Annie Oakley in a duck blind” but he needs to what’s that word? Denounce. I forget all the rest. Anyway, that stuff he did to Farrakhan? Gotta do that to the administration and Bush and torture, only even *stronger.*
Ah, but what if you are superior? Why just ‘turn the other cheek’ on, say a young earth creationist to avoid appearing elitist, especially if that person would be a leader in throwing you (figuratively or literally) on the bonfire?
If you confront stupid you will appear elitist, but it’s the only way to stop stupid from spreading. Look where 8 years of stupid has gotten us. A little (maybe a lot) more ‘this guy is a dolt’ back in 2000 from our elites and we would be better off today, that’s for sure.
Original Lee
I would think it would be more elitist to hold a benefit party for myself, featuring a foreign national volunteer (who, during the event, scolds voters who are not on board with me for being misogynist) as if the fundraising rules didn’t apply to me, but that’s just me.
No one in a position to make a credible run for the presidency is coming from outside “the elite.” Even Lincoln, who might have been the “least elite” President, was a wealthy lawyer and former Congressman by the time he ran for President.
If, rather, we are talking about people who were not born to parents in “the elite,” I’m not sure the record suggests they have made better Presidents or demonstrated either greater empathy for the “common man” or more effectiveness at helping him. Perhaps, in some relatively small way, class resentment might be a factor in elections but I think its importance is greatly overstated.
I think the typical voter is neither impressed by efforts to establish commoner bona fides nor really wants a President with whom he can relate the same as with Joe on the corner. I seriously doubt that anyone outside the campaigns and the media thinks candidates’ efforts to be one of the guys (or gals) are important to outcomes. If anything, it’s the obvious phoniness of the efforts that turns off some people. John Kerry, for example wasn’t hurt because he is super-rich and has rich folk tastes; he was hurt by trying to portray himself as something he wasn’t.
Eye on the prize, sir, eye on the prize. She’s all that stands between him and the nomination, and to my mind at least, the Presidency. Once she has been convinced (possibly through enhanced convincing techniques) that it is not in her best interest to continue this fight, Obama can set his sights on all things Republican, and kill two birds with one stone by pinning McCain to Bush and then pinning them both to the wall with their support of torture. One of the things that I hadn’t known about Obama when I first came to support him but have learned since is that he and his campaign are very effective when they are allowed to focus their fire on a single target.
How about: elitism is reporting on bowling scores and cheesesteaks and haircuts and whether or not a laugh “sounds authentic” instead of reporting on policy on the theory that the policy is too hard and uninteresting for your readership? Does that sound like elitism to you?
BTW, the tax rebate that’s going out to most Americans, did you know that it’s capped – over a certain income doesn’t get it – however the rich aren’t totally left out. Accompanying the rebate is an increase in the conforming loan limit from about $417K to $730K, meaning that for folks who can afford to buy a 3/4 of a million dollar home, there’s a lot more interest they can write off on taxes now – yesterday morning’s Marketplace broadcast set the minimum tax savings for people who take advantage of this loan at $1400 per year, and the potential cost to the treasury in lost revenue dwarfs the cost of this one-time rebate.
Now, the fuckers who came up with that, and the shitheels who tell the masses about the pretty checks coming to them without also telling them that the real cash is going to the McMansion set – those are elitists.
The Other Steve
Up is down
Black is White
War is Peace
Original Lee
Correction to my last: Sir Elton John is probably going to be paid eventually, but at the moment he is technically a volunteer because the Clinton campaign will put paying his bill off as long as they possibly can – they know he won’t file a complaint with the union if he doesn’t see a check in 30 days, and they need that $300 for paying some of the caterers in Iowa.
Nope. That sounds like the every day pandering to the lowest common denominator/parade of idiocy that dominates the MSM. The blogs give it pretty good coverage, too, but at least there’s a wider menu. Some of it sticks in people’s memory and has an effect (haircuts), some of it is forgotten a week later. Unless and until their ratings improve by reporting on more substantive topics, it will continue. *shrug* That’s why I only watch TDS and Colbert for my televised news.
America is in Awesome Shape.
Yes, but Hillary is evil, McCane is the devil, and Obama is teh beztezt evah. So all’s good.
El Cid
All Republicans, no matter how much they may be sneering billionaires who are filmed throwing homeless people off bridges for bets of caviar, are by definition salt-of-the-earth cultural populists whom all journalists want to have beers & BBQ’s with.
Any Democrat, no matter how much their background includes being an orphaned coal mining child who fought in 30 wars for 450 medals and personally each day leads peasant revolts complete with grain distribution for the starving, are by definition limousine liberal elitists who make all good people mad because there was like this one time when they said something about a movie you liked which sounded snobby.
Original Lee
I also think it’s elitist to claim to enjoy all sorts of allegedly blue-collar pastimes but do your darndest to: 1) ensure it’s almost impossible for blue-collar workers to actually enjoy those pastimes because they’re too tired from working 3 jobs to make ends meet; 2) avoid doing these things except during an election cycle; 3) pretend you’ve never made comments making fun of these activities; or 4) restrict these activities because they are not healthy for them without getting participants on board with a better way of doing them.
I take issue with that…
….if McCain were the Devil he’d have much more support from the far Right.
Oliver's Neck
The median annual income in the U.S. is approximately $45k a year. Median.
The guy with 1.3 million in assets is the “poor candidate”.
Eight homes, bought with inherited wealth and privilege.
100 million for giving speeches and “writing” books.
The bloody revolution is gonna come any day now. Even if I’m one of those against the wall, I’m cool with it.
Dork Says:
Yes, but Hillary is evil, McCane is the devil, and Obama is teh beztezt evah. So all’s good.
Yes. So far you’re still doing good. Now stay away from the stupid.
Bob In Pacifica
This is the sixth or seventh straight day of Cokie droning about “The Gaffe.”
There was no gaffe. Obama is experiencing a coordinated attack by Clinton, McCain and the MSM for daring to reveal the process, that guns, gays, the Garcias are the diversions from people’s economic interests and that the politicians who are the snake oil salesmen are the ones who keep trying to sell you the crap instead of taking care of what ails the people.
That’s it. It’s like the CiC crap from earlier, or how the press could jag on about Rev. Wright without word one about Rev. Coe. It’s attacks like these that suggest that Obama is different, and better, than the alternatives. That’s why they are trying to destroy him.
The problem with the elitist argument is that is not what sunk candidates like Dukakis and Kerry.
For 30 years the democrats have been nominating the establishment favorite who is usually devoid of any personality or likability.
People actually do not really buy the elitist argument and see it as just so much political name calling.
What they don’t respond to is the rather wooden, unappealing candidates that the democrats have put up for the nomination.
Kerry lost because people just did not like him and did not feel comfortable with him. He rubbed them the wrong way.
Obama does not have that problem and this is why the attacks really don’t stick. People ignore this sort of stuff. They like and trust the man and this is why they vote for him.
Working class likes name brands. They know Clinton and think she will bring Bill to fix the economy. Obama is unknown to them – not proven. They are just wary of new and pick the known quantity.
Once Obama is the nominee they will look closer at him.
The problem with the elitist argument is that is not what sunk candidates like Dukakis and Kerry.
For 30 years the democrats have been nominating the establishment favorite who is usually devoid of any personality or likability.
People actually do not really buy the elitist argument and see it as just so much political name calling.
What they don’t respond to is the rather wooden, unappealing candidates that the democrats have put up for the nomination.
Kerry lost because people just did not like him and did not feel comfortable with him. He rubbed them the wrong way.
Obama does not have that problem and this is why the attacks really don’t stick. People ignore this sort of stuff. They like and trust the man and this is why they vote for him.
Working class likes name brands. They know Clinton and think she will bring Bill to fix the economy. Obama is unknown to them – not proven. They are just wary of new and pick the known quantity.
Once Obama is the nominee they will look closer at him.
The problem with the elitist argument is that is not what sunk candidates like Dukakis and Kerry.
For 30 years the democrats have been nominating the establishment favorite who is usually devoid of any personality or likability.
People actually do not really buy the elitist argument and see it as just so much political name calling.
What they don’t respond to is the rather wooden, unappealing candidates that the democrats have put up for the nomination.
Kerry lost because people just did not like him and did not feel comfortable with him. He rubbed them the wrong way.
Obama does not have that problem and this is why the attacks really don’t stick. People ignore this sort of stuff. They like and trust the man and this is why they vote for him.
Working class likes name brands. They know Clinton and think she will bring Bill to fix the economy. Obama is unknown to them – not proven. They are just wary of new and pick the known quantity.
Once Obama is the nominee they will look closer at him.
vwcat pwns teh thred
Slightly off topic, but is Obama a Shiite or a Sunni? I might be willing to vote for a Shiite, because their our allies now, but no way am I voting for a Sunni.
Given that he made most of that from royalties off a couple of books he wrote that people rather liked, I’ve got nothing but respect for that. Writing is work, people – it might not be coal mining, but if you’re doing it and getting paid and the editor expects a deadline, it is not exactly Fun City.
Ed Drone
If Obama is the MUP, is the new meme that he’s getting MUPPITY?
Just asking.
In passing, this morning I read George Will’s column in the Washington Post. He posits that Obama is like unto Adlai Stevenson, and will lose to McCain because of that. As I recall, Stevenson was running against Eisenhower, who promised to end the war, not continue it for untold years!
So Will’s premise is faulty (big surprise there, eh?), and falls, like yesterday’s stale dinner rolls, to the wayside.
I say we should all GET MUPPITY!
Dennis - SGMM
I read it too. Will is pushing the stale trope that Liberals look down on real Americans. He forgets to mention that the jobs went to China and the money went to the war and the hedge funds. In other words; conservatives don’t look down on real Americans, they just beggar them and bugger them.
We need to get some Luck Fiebermann posts up in here too, John.
I think the Sunnis are the ones with the bright yellow smiley faces.
I’ll query the McCain campaign and get a confirmation on that.
I heard on Fox News this morning that McCain is saying that Obama’s just upset that arugula prices are going up, so how dare the MUP call McCain out of touch?
The only problem with McCain’s statement, vis a vis playing in Peoria, is the price of groceries has skyrocketed in the last 6 months. Arugula smarugula, bread is now $3.50 at my local supermarket. And John McCain’s votes for the war in Iraq is one of the reasons. So FU, Mr. Straight Talk.
As for Lieberman’s “well, I wouldn’t exactly say Obama’s a marxist” — I didn’t realize that Joe’s real first name was Little Dick.
I’m not prepared to assert what “liberals” in general think, I think they are too diverse, but I do know this ….
They can’t possibly look down on real Americans as much as George Will does. That arrogant asshole has no peer when it comes to his own perceived superiority and rectitude.
Uh oh. Don’t tell the House of Saud.
This was the basic gist of Jon Stewart’s review last night of this whole issue.
As usual the folks at Wonkette sum things up well.
Rick Taylor
That was hysterical! Some of the best of the Daily Show I’ve seen.