I give you the straight talk. It is my job.
The other half of the dynamic duo extends a warm welcome to all the new voters Obama has brought to the party:
Older voters gravitate to Hillary Clinton because they’re too wise to be fooled by Barack Obama’s rhetoric, former president Bill Clinton told Pennsylvania voters today.
Clinton’s comments, to a packed high school gym about an hour north of Philadelphia, were one part presidential politics and one part legacy protection. His beef was with Obama’s contention that many of the problems facing the country today were simmering long before President Bush took office seven-plus years ago.
“I think there is a big reason there’s an age difference in a lot of these polls,” he said. “Because once you’ve reached a certain age, you won’t sit there and listen to somebody tell you there’s really no difference between what happened in the Bush years and the Clinton years; that there’s not much difference in how small-town Pennsylvania fared when I was president, and in this decade.”
One thing you can say about the Clintons- they sure know how to lose with their dignity intact.
Well, the Boss has 35 years of experience ROCKIN’, and he prefers to do that rockin’ sidesaddle.
Josh E.
Cool. I think it’s great that the Clintons have spent the last week insulting educated city-dwellers and young people. Hillary ’08 – “Git all them smartass kids offa my lawn!”
Shorter Bill Clinton: People under retirement age are fucking idiots.
Fuck you, Bill.
But apparently you WILL sit there and let another old gasbag tell you about how his wife was dodging sniper fire while he was shooting off a few of his own…
Shorter Bill Clinton/W.C. Fields: “Go away, kid, ya bother me.”
Dennis - SGMM
Bill has stepped on his own dick so often that it is now four feet long but only one-sixteenth of an inch thick.
Dennis – there are affidavits in the Starr Report describing the appearence of Bill’s dick and four feet long and a 16th of an inch thick wasn’t what I recall it being.
The enduring legacy of Newt Gingrich’s Congress.
Thank you, Newt.
So since I’m 50 and youth isn’t my excuse, I must be plain old stupid.
If my late 92-year-old grandfather taught me anything, its that no one is more keen or discerning than an old man with Alzheimer’s. Yes sir.
Because, let’s face it. College educated, urban professions between the ages of 24 and 36 don’t know dick about shit. In other news, the economy is doing great, our media has never been more prescient and savy, and we’re winning the war because all our old people have done so well for themselves over the last 10 years.
See, that’s one thing that’s affecting where I’m leaning as far as voting is concerned. As much as the current administraition has screwed up the next president cannot just stamp “Bush’s Fault” on everything. The fact that HRC seems to be willing to do that to get points with her own party rather downgrades my perception of her as an effective President.
It’s that sort of “the buck does not stop here” attitude that I really hated about the Bush Whitehouse!
Also, I must quote an ancient hillbilly that my in-laws in Appalachia told me about meeting.
“No way am I voting for Hillary Clinton, I’ll tell you what, what’s that nigger fella’s name again?”
“Um, Barack Obama?”
“Yeah, him! I’m voting for that guy.”
When you lose the ancient Southern racist cracker vote to a black guy, what exactly did you have to start with again?
The Republicans are soon going to discover that their dismissal of the young demographics, which Bill seems to be now emulating, is going to cost them dearly in the years ahead. Polls show young voters leaning heavily Democratic.
I for one welcome our new pimply-faced overlords.
hey, if obama’s statements were elitist, then clinton’s were certainly ageist.
live by the ‘gotcha’, die by the ‘gotcha’.
That plus the dismissal of anyone tawnier than “ecru” on the Sherwin-Williams paint cards is a helluva strategy. I look forward to the day when the last Republican is just one old dude in a Cadillac with Florida plates driving 52 mph on the highway to the polling station.
These sound like really politically motivated people, people who get out and vote and take civics seriously.
{ rolls eyes }
When we need to concern ourselves with people like your apocryphal hillbilly, then we can shut down the blogs, the game is over.
Fuck them. If they actually vote and make a difference, which I doubt (but I really have no idea what goes on in the precincts where such creatures live), then our challenge is to simply get out and outnumber them. Either that, or kiss the country goodbye.
That would be my neighbor, Bob, who once (recently) told me that he didn’t like to take his ill wife (now deceased) to the emergency room at the nearby hospital, because the waiting room was “all Mexicans.”
Bob lives in a city that is just about 1/3 Hispanic now, so that gives you an idea of his grasp on reality.
“But you’re just dumb enough to be fooled by mine,” he snickered under his breath.
I will say this, there was a difference economically in those small towns between the Clinton years and the Bush years. Times were better then because the migration of jobs overseas wasn’t yet complete. It was well under way in the ’90’s though.
Well, I wasn’t trying to seriously make the point that this was a voting demographic or a trend or even particularly a good thing.
Just sort of a ….marvel.
I get the feeling he doesn’t get out much.
Also worth noting – latina chicks are hot. Anyone who goes around complaining about all those Mexicans “invading” our country clearly needs to get laid.
fixed, for voters who are old enough to remember 1992.
How old were Hillary Clinton, Madeleine Albright, and the rest of Bill’s cabinet when they believed he “did not have sex with that woman”? How old was Hillary when she went along with George Bush’s war?
That’s funny.
When I was kid, down here in Fla, we used to call the old guys like that “terrapins”….as in “Jesus Christ, that terrapin better get moving before somebody starts throwing dirt on him”.
Um, TZ, the hillbilly feller is voting FOR the “nigger feller”. The MUP transcends again!
I’ll third the “FUCK YOU” to Bill.
The lying bothers me big time. The promoting the Republican bothers me big time.
The “no are fucking nothing and don’t count unless you support me” (full disclosure, live in a caucus state, under the age of senility but not fresh out of college)just plain fucking pisses me off.
Have a cup of Shut The Fuck UP with that shot of Crown Royal, Hillary. Tell Bill to join you.
Hey, black people got the vote – what? – forty years before women? It’s not a massive surprise that Hillbilly McGee would reflexively pick the guy with a really dark tan over the pants-suit and boobs. But, like TZ was saying, these guys aren’t exactly the target demographic voters. Assuming skin tone and estrogen level are his criteria for picking a candidate, there’s not much you can sell him on policy.
The moment he gets wind of the McCain gas-tax holiday and hears a Cavuto about “Did O(s/b)ama donate $20 to an Extremist Muslim Terror Charity?” he’ll be voting straight ticket Republican.
Still, its worth noting that he’s voting Democrat at all, I guess. If you don’t forget that this is West Virginia – the land that time forgot – you might appreciate how a Zell Miller Democrat has managed to finally catch up to the 21st century.
Uh, make that “you are fucking nothing.”
I swear I previewed that. More coffee. That’s the ticket.
Somebody help me out here – who is going to play Eddie Futch to Hillary’s Joe Frazier in this slugfest?
Ed Rendell?
Paul Bergala?
Or do we get treated to the spectacle of Hillary in Denver being frog marched off the platform in handcuffs by security guards after she tries to physically attack Obama with a microphone boom during his acceptance speach?
In the NC mountains, where they are common due to their summer homes, they are known as Floridiots or Florons.
Second question:
Given Hillary’s passion for guns, should the Secret Service pat her down before she goes on stage at the debate tonight to make sure she isn’t packing heat?
The Other Steve
Obama’s problem is…
He’s right.
A lot of the financial mess was created under the Clinton presidency. Now in fairness, the freedom would have been ok if the remaining oversight had actually, well, you know did oversight.
Greenspan is running around claiming this ain’t his fault, yet he was supposed to be the oversight, and instead of halting stupidity, he encouraged it.
That was the part they didn’t explain. I think they starting backing away after the n word came out, decided to forego the follow up questions.
Of course, certain kinds of Democrats can do well in hillbilly territory. This is Heath Shuler’s district.
Yes, I caught that. I was just blown away momentarily by the idea that there are still people out there who talk that way …. and probably think nothing of it. To me it’s a wake up call that we can’t do enough GOTV — ever — to try to prevent that demo from having an effect on elections.
And I forgot to mention, I am an Elitist. Capital E Elitist here, in that I have no use for willfully ignorant people. Hillbillies (of all persuasions) — Begone!
For real fine entertainment, you have to be watching Andrea Mitchell these days, reporting on MSNBC. She did really well the other day describing the way that Obama’s awful “bitter” comments were a real insult to all the people her husband fucked over with his reckless fiscal policies. You haven’t been nauseated until you have seen Andrea shaking her gold locks at the camera to get you to understand the bittery bitteriness of his bittergate bitter bittermania.
Hillary would have been President if it weren’t for those meddling kids.
I know it isn’t welcome to point this out in MUPpet land, but you’re getting pissed off at a journalist’s rephrasing and summation (or, spin) of his remarks, not at the remarks themselves. Unless anybody’s got a transcript, all you actually know is that he said that people who are too young to have a clear memory of what things were like back in the days when we had peace and prosperity are more susceptible to believing that there wasn’t any difference between the Clinton years and Bush II. And that observation seems to me to be self-evidently true.
What’s wrong with “bittergate” is the same thing that’s wrong with jumping on Bill here. Failing to reject that kind of politics when it’s applied to a target you don’t adore only serves to justify it when it’s applied to your guy. And it definitely gives credence to the journalistic elitism that believes that spinning political coverage to fit their “Democrats are awkward elitist know-it-alls who are always trying to pretend to be regular guys but, whether it’s that they drink the wrong shot or ask for orange juice when they’re offered coffee, their inauthenticity always shows through; Republicans are wise salt-of-the-earth manly jet-pilot cowboys who shoot straight and are just so delightfully “real” and they never make you uncomfortable or uneasy by bringing up unpleasant things like poverty and medical bankruptcy” narrative is justified because politics is only a game, nothing more than the modern Bread and Circuses, and all the voters really want is to see their own champion draw blood.
w vincentz
Holy Jesus in a rocking chair! Mentioning the words “Clinton” and “dignity” within the same fucking sentence! Yeah, yeah, yeah…I know it’s your job, and as Chimpy would say, “It’s a tough job”.
Let’s play the sympathy factor.
Did you happen to notice that approximately 3 of the comments here are on topic?
We could channel our inner Obamais44, but it wouldn’t be pretty or nearly as much fun.
Michael D.
Shorter Bill Clinton:
“Young people are stupid.”
Michael D.
President Hillary Clinton on White House stoop shaking fist:
“You kids stay off the lawn!!”
I try not to get and stay POed with Hillary, even though we agree. Now you guys quit screwing up my logger, I don’t do advertising either.
Bill made these remarks at a high school. Shouldn’t he have delivered them at an old folks home and then handed out shots of Crown Royal all around?
Technically, I suppose (fifty years, actually), but I wouldn’t want to test that out back in 1870. Then again, I suppose you could argue that women, like black people, were never actually legally denied the vote in the Constitution, either–that was left to the states.
TZ sez:
Actually, I think you’re wrong. The hillbilly who is going to vote for the “nigger feller” may be uneducated and may have lived in a culture where dark skinned people are referred to as “niggers” — but this particular hillbilly is thinking about the issues and making up his own mind, despite his background and culture. That is a good thing — would that our comfy middle class and “elite” were such independent thinkers.
Yeah, I think we’ll have to disagree on that. Having voters who refer to a candidate as that “nigger fella” cannot be taken to be a good thing by me, no matter how you slice and dice it.
It’s an anachornism, and a sign that there are people out there who are totally out of touch with the social and cultural realities of the world they live in. There is no way I can make that out to be a good thing, even if one of them happens to choose the same candidate I choose in a particular election.
Uneducated people are a risk to the country, and if the last seven years haven’t shown us that, then I don’t know what the hell they have shown us.
Too right. I want to hurl every time I hear her introduced as “Senior Political Correspondent” or whatever-TF they call her. A more apt title would be “Senior Greenspan Teabaggee”.
Speaking of odious pigs—my personal favorite is Candy Crowley. Every time I see her on my TV, catapulting the propaganda, I want to reach through the screen and strangle her.
I’ve always wondered if any of the other journalists get a little nervous when they see that morbidly obese porker being forklifted onto one of those crowded campaign-press planes.
I gotta tell you, if it was me sitting on that plane and I looked out the window and saw her being hoisted aboard—–I’d be up in the cockpit quicker than a cat covers shit to doublecheck the pilot’s weight-to-lift calculations.
It’d be just my luck to wind up bouncing my ass across some Iowa cornfield because that gluttonous pig couldn’t pass on the pie and eat a fucking salad for once in her life.
(P.S. I despise the thin and pretty hacks, and the men, equally as much)
I guess I should have pointed out for anyone who doesn’t know, that Andrea Mitchell is the wife of Alan Greenspan.
It’s amazing to me that NBC doesn’t make her wear a sandwich board that proclaims this outrageous connection, or at least show it on the crawl once in a while. Because once you know it, you won’t be able to watch her without either laughing your ass off, or trying to figure out how to kill her.
I talked to my mom yesterday for the first time since Obama’s speech. The speech turned her from a diehard Clinton supporter to a passive Obama one, but I wasn’t expecting to hear her go on a long, unsolicited rant about how horrible Clinton’s campaign has been and how much she hates her now. Aren’t Jewish women in their 60’s one of her core blocs?
w vincentz
I agree with you about Candy, but can you tell me why they still have that high pitched (shrill) guy, Pat Pukeanon on?
If it’s true that Candy is doing him analy with a strap-on, then I might understand… mental image of the “Deliverance” scene.
Do you think Scarborough is pumping it to Andrea without Alan’s knowledge?
You got that right. My latina wife is Argentinean, and damn can she tango in more ways than one.
Obama has the demographic up to around age 50 or so favoring him. So unless you’re suggesting that my 37 year old Obama-supporting cousin was too young to remember the Clinton years at the tender young age of 29, I would contend that the observation seems to be self-evidently untrue.
I – admittedly – only experienced the Clinton years in my teens. And I wasn’t particularly interested in politics before college. So you could certainly argue that I’m just too absent-minded and inexperienced to evaluate his eight-year tenure. But this, of course, assumes that my ignorance stems from being a teenager and not from being disinterested in politics. Apparently, according to Bill, the simple act of aging makes one a wiser and more skillful judge of character. And how could he be wrong? Four years after 2000, we elected Bush a second time. How’s that for judgement?
We put up a shitty candidate.
Ed Drone
In the Bush White House, Truman’s old plaque now reads,
“The bucks stop here.”
With a dash of bitters, of course!
Let’s see, the Clintons haven’t gotten any traction with racial warfare, and the class warfare seems to actually be backfiring.
Is there any doubt that they’ll soon mention that Obama seems to be struggling with old people, and that by the way, there are LOTS of OLD PEOPLE in FLORIDA!!! I sense that this should be coming from Hillary sometime soon. What upcoming primary has lots of old people as a core demographic?
Believe it or not, I actually have a certain amount of respect for Pat Buchanan, even though I disagree with him on virtually every issue. I can deal with the old-style Republicans who honestly and sincerely believe differently than I do, and don’t try to obfuscate the issues to make them more palatable to the rubes.
For example, he doesn’t pretend to be a “compassionate conservative” and try to convince the viewer that he actually loves all the poor immigrants while advocating slave labor laws that benefit the corporations. He just says “fuck ’em”.
He has also been consistently against the war and the neocons, and regularly take the GOP to task on deficit spending, etc.
In other words, compared to the smarmy lying-through-their-shiteating-grins pukes like sMitt Romney, he’s a guy you could have an honest argument with.
It’s really depressing when posters I like begin their comments with material that sounds like it was stolen verbatim from p.luk or myiq.
Also, you’ll note that there’s a direct quote from Bill in the original post, not just “a journalist’s rephrasing and summation.” Said quote is patronizing and, dare I say it, elitist all on its own, no spin required.
I don’t disagree with his assertion that things were better during his presidency; I think that’s pretty self-evident. What’s not at all self-evident is that electing Hillary would automatically return us to those halycon days of yore.
It’s also ridiculous to pretend that many of the problems we’re facing today are soley the result of the Bush administration. The Bushies have been particularly effective at fertilizing and watering those problems until they bore toxic fruit, but the seeds were planted long before they came into office (and before Bill, for that matter).
But then, what do I know? I’m not of “a certain age.”
Shorter me: Fuck you, Bill.
Ummm, haven’t older voters also traditionally trended, er, Republican? Someone needs to get that man bulletproof socks, quick!
Your ideas intrique me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
Did you guys see this?
Apparently it is pretty common for heart bypass patients to have memory and cognitive problems.
This possibility was referenced in a DKos diary yesterday, which I now cannot find. My poor old plugged up brain, I guess. Anyway, what year is it?
Sign me up for the daily web-cam. Does she do requests?
w vincentz
Ok…I’ll go with “neurocognitive deficit”. Sure beats the deficit that the Chimp is handing out.
Ok, it’s obvious we need a mindless self indulgence intervention here. If you need an example let them shut me up, then we’re all just bitches who can be easily manipulated. And been denied all the best ultrasex.
In my neck of the WNC mountains, we call ’em “Get the fuck out of the road, you fucking tourist!”
Whatever. There was nothing better or worse about John Kerry than Al Gore or Bill Clinton or Micheal Dukakis or Jimmy Carter. He didn’t get blown out, he got squeaked by in the general. And that was after a media firestorm of anti-Kerry coverage that has its own coined phrase. You can argue whether Kerry would have been a better or worse President than Dean or Edwards or an ’04 Hillary run, but you can’t argue that the eventual Democratic Nominee would avoid a go, fast, hard Swiftboating.
Americans allowed George Bush into the White House in 2000. They hand-picked him in 2004. This wasn’t much more Kerry’s fault than it was Ralph Nader who rigged the vote and bullied the SCOTUS in 2000. Old people – soccer moms and nascar dads and medicare grandparents – came out in support of a man who did not have their best interests at heart. If half the nation choose to shove its head in the sand, Kerry can only take so much blame.
The best thing that ever came out of Pokemon.
What’s happening to Hillary is exactly what happened to Gore. Every statement she or Bill makes is picked at and parsed into it’s worst possible interpretation and then is mocked as the LIE OF THE DAY…
I remember the Bradley Dems gleefully helping to spread the meme about that lying sack of shit Al Gore.
Like Somerby says, it’s just “skins vs. shirts.”
The good candidate got knocked out of the race for having the unseemliness to (gasp!) yell at a pep rally.
Somebody needs to run out to UVA fast and tell all the Cavs they’re disqualifying themselves from future public office every time they sing the Good Old Song at a football game or get orange juice without coffee in the dining hall. That sort of thing just isn’t done, and doing it probably means that you’re trying too hard to build up your Everyman cred.
Susan Kitchens
Misadventure of the Quick Glance:
What I read:
What it (really) said:
OMFG for the second time will you please read the other 66 comments on this thread and tell me WTF you’re talking about, nearly all of them are off-topic, is part of being a Hillbot that you have to have your head encased in concrete followed by steel because it’s getting fucking ridiculous.
Hillary Clinton is making ads about bittergate. She’s giving speeches about bittergate. She’s printing buttons for bittergate. She’s asking mayors to endorse her to make their point about their towns not being bitter. Any day now we’ll probably see her throwing radicchio into the crowds, then shooting it out of the air.
Don’t agree. He was a shitty candidate who never really connected with people and who never responded effectively to the highschool-bathroom level attacks laid on him by the opposition.
El Cid
How can you be sure whether or not you’re bitter? Is that different from being sour?
How about…
Susan Kitchens
@ThymeZone, re: bypass patients and “pump head”:
Here’s the DKos thread — I actually took a contrarian view there (username auntialias), tho I don’t think it must be either/or, and could be both/and
This. Is. Snark. That is what we do here. Dennis is a big fan of the dick joke, probably a leftover from his Navy days. Then we get off topic and snark about other things. Do you really think we are yelling about the “LIE OF THE DAY”? Do you really consider this kind of nonsense “parsing into it’s [sic] worst possible interpretation”? Come. The Fuck. On. You’re just BITTER!
You’re right, Jen. Balloon Juice has not, in any way, become an “attack Clinton in any way possible” site. I’ve seen the light: Bill Clinton’s presidency sucked and Hillary is the embodiment of evil.
Well, I guess that answers my question about the concrete and steel, and throws in a few dozen strawmen, too.
Chuck Butcher
What is ignored in all the flying crap is what the numbers say about Clinton. The IRS has quintiles showing gains and other sources have the top 1% and 0.1%. What they show is massive gains starting at the top quintile and moving up and modest gains decreasing moving down. The upshot is that Clinton’s policies let a few more crumbs fall off the table. This scarcely started with Clinton, but it did accelerate over his years. To be entirely fair I shifted my analysis one year later to account for hold over effects from any administration.
It is flat out bullshit for the Clintons to claim to be blue collar champions. That is simple fact.
Just make sure you wear a condom.
Hot Latina chicks after the first child… spandex-wearing bowling balls on turkey legs.
I don’t know if anyone else has posted this YouTube link, but it’s pretty good.
OOps, well, that didn’t link.
Too bad, it was a really cute ad of White Haired Ladies for Barack Obama.
I wish I could laff when you Oblablabamas discover after his election that he is either the rightwinger he appears to be, or he simply caves to the Rethugs because he wants to be taken “seriously”.
But it will be too sad, and simply knowing that you Oblablabama voters were suckers won’t be enough to compensate.
I bet if you add “bitter”, it will be.
Oh christ on a bed of arugula, the thing didn’t break the line.
I’d fix the post if I could.
w vincentz
Now, if Barack decides to deliver these as talking points tonight in the debate (even if he doesn’t wear a yellow sports jacket and yellow trousers, and a shitty blond wig), he’ll put Billary away, once and for all.
Snark Based Reality
Will someone around here please properly censor that twit Thymezone? kthxbye.
you mean like this, this thisand this
Conservatively Liberal
One good thing to note is that this Clintonista is conceding that Obama is going to win. That’s progress!
On another topic, the goal posts are on the move again. I see that the new meme at Hillaryis44 and other Clinton Love-In locations, if Obama loses by more than 3-5 points then it is a blowout for Hillary! Well, I am holding at 20%, which is what the big number was (and still is in some polls), and if he holds her to single digits then he shows that he is still going strong and building steam.
Regardless, PA is the last ‘big’ one and it is said that even with a big win for her she still has no way of winning the primary other then by super delegates.
Oh, and this is an interesting article about Hillary and the working-class southern white voters that she loves so much.
Fixed for TZ:
Yo…I’m votin’ for that nigga from Chi-town.
The thing about the hillbilly reminds me of back when I used to volunteer at the Alzheimer’s facility. There was this one lady there who couldn’t remember my name, so she always called me “that nice Dago boy”.
There is a bit of frustration (and worry) on the part of Obama’s supporters over the fact that apparently he can’t just seal the deal on Senator Clinton. In her latest NY Times column, Maureen Dowd (who definitely tilts pro-Obama) notes the following:
If Obama can do well in this next debate and convince PA voters that he is the best candidate, then he could make a case that Senator Clinton should gracefully withdraw. But if she even ekes out a win in PA despite her crass and desperately flailing campaign, then she can make a case that she should fight on.
Regarding PA, Obama’s campaign long ago predicted a 5 point loss, and Poblano is now predicting an 8 point loss (net 12 delegates to Clinton) based on the numbers, down to the different demographics across the 19 congressional districts. So I expect that Obama will lose, and that Clinton won’t get the blow-out victory that she needs (but will indeed try to spin any victory she gets as such, nonetheless).
Other factors that could somewhat alter the course of the race in the meantime? The debate tonight, and the resultant polling and media narrative. And if Hillary’s old screw those working-class white guys comments start getting some more play–and it looks like they are. Oops, I guess she isn’t fully vetted!
Of course, the media will probably focus more on the soundbite (“screw ’em” vs. “bitter”), but actually her husband’s response at the time was pretty interesting too:
Wow, that would suck for them. I wonder if they’d be bitter about that? Or, perhaps, angry? Also, it sounds like her campaign’s first responses on this one to rewrite the past is already quickly falling flat. D’oh!