Word for the Day: Sangria
PS- Sometimes John Derbyshire is just great. Other times he is crazy, but sometimes he is just great.
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Word for the Day: Sangria
PS- Sometimes John Derbyshire is just great. Other times he is crazy, but sometimes he is just great.
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Michael Moore is fat.
Al Gore is a stupid liar.
John Kerry smells like my granpa’s farts.
The above statements do not make me sexist.
Also, Sadly No needs to post more. But not YouTube. Never YouTube.
The Grand Panjandrum
Not a bad word for a warm and dusty Friday afternoon out here in the high desert of New Mexico. Have a good’un!
DAMNIT. I demand Zif’s comment be deleted so that mine becomes more truthy.
I would like to thank whoever in BJ community clued me in to Tito’s vodka.
It is excellent, and also ten dollars cheaper than Absolut.
Yeah, that’s a good post by him. The Nazis embraced gravity, electricity, and newtonian mechanics as well – doesn’t make them less true.
Wait… what was that sound? Oh… all across the country wingnut heads are exploding.
And lots of it. And please tell me you aint drinking at home alone. Go happy hour at the local dive and grab yerself a cougar. After all, yer John Fucking Cole, Blogmaster Extraordinaire. They eat that shit up. That, and a birthdate later than 1962.
Good luck.
No, that’s back-patting going on. They’re so durn proud of themselves for allowing someone who occasionally thinks for himself in their little circle jerk. And they think he must be REAL intellectual, because sometime he says things they hadn’t thought of.
Fuck yes! Good, clean, cheap vodka. I will drink that shit until I die. Which, given my intact, is likely sooner than later.
New ep of BSG tonight, bitches! And the foundation for my new house gets started on Monday.
Life’s good.
Rick Taylor
Derbyshire’s popular math books are quite good.
I don’t know what it’s going to be tonight, but it certainly won’t be either sangria or Natty Lite. Prolly Yuengling, as that’s the cheapest non-crap beer available around here.
And in the meantime, Arizona makes me feel better about my own state legislature. At least we’re not the only retarded ones out there.
I think Prof Cole is the cougar, or the male equivalent. Puma? Pachyderm?
If you haven’t seen EdWords from last night’s Colbert Report, you must do so.
Sorry. I originally misread this as Sanjaya
Sweet Jesus on a Double Helix!
Klinghoffer gets it wrong in so many ways that Derbyshire’s comments, while commendatory, are really unnecessary. It just ain’t true that “the basis of Hitler’s political beliefs was a crude Darwinism.” It is that Hitler’s political beliefs were a total inversion of Darwinism.
Darwin originally wrote about “a struggle for existence,” not “survival of the fittest,” and even here there was absolutely no suggestion that anything remotely resembling the strongest or the best exempla of the species would emerge as a result of natural selection.
Darwinism is antithetical to the idea of a Master race. And it is no small irony that some Southern religious segregationists explicitly rejected Darwin because their version of creationism was founded on the idea that God created separate and discrete races, and deliberately placed them in separate parts of the world. The idea that all humans diverged from a common ancestor with primates and the later idea that modern humans may have left Africa and migrated all over the world would make a Nazi’s (or a creationist’s) head explode.
And I’ve moved on to tequila.
According to Public Enemy, AZ had trouble even honoring MLK Day.
And it’s scary wicked troubling that most of my race relations history comes from PE and Ice Cube. A mostly-cracker high school in a vanilla suburb will do that for ya.
Its official:
Hillary is a Rovian who prefers supressing voter turnout to mobilizing voters:
Boo fucking hoo, poor fucking you Hillary, that people who dont agree with you show up to exercise their rights and tell you to sit down and shut the fuck up.
Fuck her very much. I was a Republican who joined MoveOn and mobilized to try to get Kerry elected — probably worked harder than she did on that. So she can just bite me.
John Edwards would look seriously cool on a Jetski. ;)
Ed Drone
Actually, that’s a damnable lie. Then again, knowing Hillary said it means that my statement is redundant.
Hey, and you know what? I bet MoveOn doesn’t even want us to nuke Iran. That’s how leftist-pinko they are and here they go mobilizing millions of people who won’t even vote for the Imperial Empress. I mean, enough’s enough.
Garrigus Carraig
Balvenie, Guinness, Guinness, Guinness, Guinness, Jameson. That’s the game plan anyway.
Dennis - SGMM
Oooooh! MoveOn brings out Democrats – and Activist Democrats at that. They should mend their ways and bring out more DLC types. You know; the ones who vote with Republicans and enable Bush. Shame, shame on you, MoveOn!
Eh, when (if) the Asses lose in November, John Edwards and other party “VIP”s can take much of the blame. An endorsement after Super Tuesday, and the Hillobama melodrama (! heh) would have been avoided and everyone would have been moving in the same direction for the last 2 1/2 months. But no one wants to back a losing pony, even if it is magical… and everyone wants to make sure they get the highest personal payola for their Official Stamp of Approval. Petty self-interest from the Purty Boy and his cohorts may well have spelled the downfall of the Party in November. Way to go!
High turn-out primary – Hillary Clinton wins
Low-turnout caucus – Barack Dukakis wins.
Senate resolution to censure Move on, Hillary votes no, Mondale Obama votes yes.
Thanks guys.
The fact that Clinton decided to spread a right wing lie (opposed to the Afghan war) about a group CREATED to stop right wing lies about her and her husband…
…well loyalty goes both ways…
Rick Taylor
McCain on economics, via Obsidian Wings,
I remember when the Republicans were the financially responsible party. Now fiscal insanity is a requirement (and McCain is still considered an apostate). This alone should completely disqualify him for serious consideration for the highest office in the country.
Rick Taylor
And to think, I admired Hillary for voting against condemning MoveOn over Petraeus. I thought, there’s someone who doesn’t throw her fellow Democrats under the bus, even under pressure.
You know, Rick, the only time I really remember the Republicans actually being fiscally responsible was when they weren’t in power–i.e. they’ve never done more than talked a good game on fiscal responsibility.
This message brought to you by Goody’s Headache Powder.
it’s also, unsurprisingly, literally, a smear from the mouth of Karl Rove.
fuck you, Hillary.
i don’t.
had to have been the 70s or earlier.
Dennis - SGMM
This is all part of the bidding process that has been a part of Presidential campaigning since I can remember. The Democrats are bidding fantasy withdrawals from Iraq and universal health care schemes. Those are anathema to Republicans so McCain is bidding tax cuts.
No matter who is elected, none of these bids will come to pass as the candidates have stated them. The Democrats will find that logistical considerations as well as the security of the Iraqis necessitate a much more gradual withdrawal than they are positing. They will also find that universal health care costs a lot of money, no matter how you do it and that the money has been spent. We’ll probably get some expansion of Medicare and S-CHIP. For McCain’s part, his tax cuts will run aground on the hard facts that you excerpted from Obsidian Wings.
Me? I’m voting for the candidate who promises me a flat screen televison and a Nintendo Wii.
Drove home today listening to the All Politics (POTUS) channel on XMradio, and heard an unedited McCain stump speech.
All I can say is, OMFG. This guy is just terrible. I have been saying all year what an awful candidate he is going to be, but he is making me sound way too polite. He’s just an abomination. He talks in circles, he makes about a gaffe a minute, he gets his facts wrong …. and he says really idiotic things. Like, putting a cap on government spending as a way to react to the saggin economy. Uh, hello? Government’s only rational response to a recession is to stimulate through intelligent spending.
Anyway, stop worrying about November. This guy is going to embarrass and basically crush the Republican Party. Awful, scary awful.
Rick Taylor
Yup. Back in Nixon’s day. And that was when I got most of my political information reading Doonesbury. :)
Seriously, I think it was in the Reagan administration that tax cuts started to trump financial responsibility, although even he raised taxes when he needed to. The first Bush was considered an apostate for breaking his no new taxes pledge, and then it’s gotten progressively worse since then.
Bob In Pacifica
Raw Story is referring to a national Newsweek poll that puts Obama 20% over H. Clinton. Is this the beginning of the avalanche?
A tip for candidates:
You can blame your losses on the following individuals:
1) You
Blaming the voters, and particularly the most loyal and motivated members of your party is a surefire way to get them calling you names that will be confused with various -isms.
So, now that Hillary has denounced and rejected the radical liberals, who does she think is going to bust their ass for her in the General if she wins? Does she think Limbaugh and Coulter are gonna keep pulling for her over McCain?
And isn’t bringing out the activist base of the Democratic party what a Democrat is supposed to be doing? I’m confused.
35 years? yeah, there’s a lot of dry-rot in that frame.
i mean, if we go back just ten years more, the Dems are Dixiecrats waiting to switch parties, and the Republicans are red-scared McCarthy-ites.
i suppose some things never change.
Dennis - SGMM
He was also touting a tax holiday from the federal gasoline tax this Summer. The feds add eighteen cents a gallon in tax to a gallon of gas. Here in Southern California, gas is now $3.80 a gallon and it’s not even the Summer driving season yet. For the amount of driving that I do, McCain’s plan would save me roughly eighteen bucks – less than half the cost of a fill up.
Pissin’ in the wind will not save us.
He’s making you sound polite? Sounds like McCain has mad skillz that we’re only now just discovering….
j/k…you know I love ya, man!
Rick Taylor
Of course that assumes that the oil companies don’t raise their prices once the tax is eliminated. And why wouldn’t they? They’re producing as much gas as they can, so presumably they’re going to set the price to clear the market, and that price won’t change just because of the tax. So McCain’s first proposal to fix the economy is to give the oil companies a bunch of money. Good start.
Oh yeah, and there’s no such thing as a temporary tax cut; any Democrat who refused to renew it would be accused of raising taxes.
Unlike ‘Darwinism’, which was just used as a half-assed justification for genocide, the Nazis directly used chemistry to kill millions. Obviously, we need to forbid the exposure of schoolchildren to the murderous philosophy known chemistry.
Chemistry also has its roots, as a discipline, in the occult. And did Jesus need ‘chemistry’ to turn water into wine? Hell, the nuclear energy released in the course of instantly transmuting all that matter would have rendered Cana into a nuclear wasteland. Chemistry is Satanism!!!
Maybe we can replace ‘chemistry’ in our schools with classes on Intelligent Miracle-ization.
Just a bit of esprit d’escalier.
Yup. That Bush guy is a stupid asshole and doesn’t stand a chance against a smart, articulate guy like Al Gore.
Dennis - SGMM
Yep. The already underfunded Highway Trust Fund would go broke. Just what we need, less funding for infrastructure.
Would it be elitist of me to say, this sounds like Hillary is whining?
But he sure can sing. Bob, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran.
Absolut is absolute overpriced crap. Has a good marketing dept though.
But Absolut wants to Mexico to annex Arizona. I’ll drop them an extra $10 if they can pull it off before November.
Dennis - SGMM
Hillary alternates between whining and snapping. Said observation making me undoubtedly a misogynist.
Paging Sojourner…
it would be elitist, sexist, racist and probably homophobic.
Hillary on MoveOn, back before they become an obstacle.
what a two-faced asshole.
Ah, sangria. Here’s something you might not know way out west, John, but until this past legislative session sangria was ILLEGAL in Virginia. Apparently, a tapas restaurant in Alexandria got a ticket for serving it, and some of our intrepid legislators realized how effin’ stupid the law prohibiting it was.
Hooray for democratic government!
Dennis - SGMM
From Wikipedia:
Loyalty is not reciprocal with the Clintons.
So, Hillary admits that she doesn’t appeal to liberals nor does she really want to (cuz we’re crazies!). I guess we should just thank her for confirming all of our worst thoughts about her now.
Newsweek poll has Obama up by 19 overall, Gallup has him up by 3. The polls this year are making my head hurt. I early voted today, cleek, you? Don’t forget to investigate the judicial candidates! They’re more important than you think.
We should make a list of all the people that HRC says are against her (because they’re sexist, natch):
Activist Liberals
former Republicans (Hi JC!)
urban elitists
black people
new voters
Boy it’s a good thing she’s such a strong campaigner because otherwise she wouldn’t stand a chance in November.
the spin to reconcile this one in Hillary’s House Of Mirrors is going to be entertaining. this may rival the wingnuts’ upcoming efforts to reconcile themselves to McCain.
not surprisingly, TalkLeft, Marsh, Hill44, haven’t mentioned it.
This morning, here in Sydney, I watched our new Prime Minister open a summit
Our new PM is a little too centrist for my liking. However, we had 12 years from 1996 to 2007 of a conservative government which sought to destroy unions, privatise everything in sight, get us into futile wars, deny environmental issues and buy their way back into office with reckless spending (sound familiar?).
In his first few months in office, Kevin has apologised to our indigenous people for past government policies, signed environmental protocols, reversed anti worker legislation, told GWB that Australia is withdrawing its troops from Iraq but will continue the fight in Afghanistan alongside its foremost ally, the United States of America, and pointedly told the Chinese Government (in a speech spoken in Mandarin while in China) that they really should stop beating people with truncheons in Tibet.
I read the newspaper and feel respect for the government that I helped elect.
I just hope that you in the USA get to experience again the joy of looking at your president and thinking “This man may not be perfect, but he has ideas and he wants to work together with us to make things better.”
Cold and overcast here… and my dog is running up and down the house with excitement. The weekend is here… I have portuguese homework to do, and instead I’m typing slightly syrupy wishes to the other side of the world. It’s a good day.
I hope you have one too.
“Sim podemos.”
The Other Steve
You know what is great?
Metallica – Enter Sandman on DVD-Audio!
It’s the only disk I ever bought on DVD-Audio, and I was actually surprised to put it in and it played in my new HD-DVD player.
Dennis - SGMM
That leaves the Old White People demographic. She should do well against McCain with that one.
The Other Steve
Hey myiq, if Hillary is winning, why hasn’t she won yet?
there weren’t any places near Apex/Cary for me to go.
i’m hoping some others will open up later… ?
caucus states
swing voters
non-blue states
The Other Steve
Ok, more important news…
I was listening to a bit on NPR today, and they were talking about a protest down at Duke University.(Paul L’s alma mater) Apparently there was a big protest/protest between some students from China and Tibet. They were shouting at one another, yelling screaming and so on.
So some woman from China got frustrated, and gave an empassioned speech asking them all to stop yelling and instead listen to one another.
Apparently the Chinese students called her a traitor, the equivalent of Michelle Malkin at Duke sent her Chinese families address out on blogs and email lists and now her family is being threatened back in China.
It’s interesting listening to this. The Chinese are really adament that China has done nothing wrong and the Tibetans are causing the problems. They sound like Republicans.
Chris Johnson
Is that like the Daffy Duck Robin Hood cartoon? Balvenie, Guinness, Guinness, Guinness, Guinness, Jameson, THWACK? :D
What part of authoritarianism don’t you get yet? Any mention of whether she failed to wear her chinese flag lapel pin? (Made in USA, of course)
The Other Steve
They did break into the families home and check out the counter tops.
In other fun news, apparently Clinton is calling for more debates. How did that endless line of complaining work in Wisconsin?
How sad that you don’t understand the concept of misogynist.
Dennis - SGMM
How sad that you find it necessary to chase the stick every time it’s thrown.
and Sojourner takes up pie advocacy …
Dennis - SGMM
Oh, and the concept is known as misogyny.
So when Indys and moderate Republicans (welcome aboard, William Ruckelshaus) support Obama in open primaries, they don’t count because they aren’t Democrats. Please remove those numbers from the popular vote tally. When the Democratic activist base turns out for Obama, they don’t count either, because they are too Democratic. I guess that like Goldilocks, Hillary needs her Democrats to be just right – not too hot, not too cold.
So what is the opposite of an activist Democrat? A passivist Democrat? Should we call this the passive-aggressive approach to party building?
The Grand Panjandrum
O’Reilly’s reporter/hitman gets PWNED by a friend of Jeremiah Wright. At about one minute in the priest asks: “Was Bill O’Reilly a Marine?”
I can’t imagine this ever aired on Fox News but someone put the video online. I loves me some interubes.
Funny how you guys somehow managed to duck out without ever answering my question.
And I’m surprised because… Wait. I’m not surprised.
Davis X. Machina
If a tree falls in the forest, and the major networks don’t cover it, does it make a sound?
McCain’s few grand spent buying shrimp and covering bar tabs for the Boys on the Bus back in 2000 are going to deliver him the White House in 2008.
Biggest ROI since Peter Minuit bought Manhattan for $24.
Rick Taylor
The rude pundit writes about what Barack wanted to say at the debate but wouldn’t. Warning: the rude pundit is rude, sometimes offensive, sometimes funny.
This is why Derbyshire is cooler than anyone here: http://www.olimu.com/Photographs/BackPages/ReturnOfTheDragon.htm
How many more examples do we need, before we can say that the corporate media has a bias in favor of Republicans?
Dennis - SGMM
You made a flat statement. No question there, just a mild and ungrammatical insult.
Methinks he was being facetious, Sojourner.
And the rest of you, give Sojourner a break. You may not agree with her, but she’s good people. And what’s the point of us being islamohomocommieleftists if we can’t disagree vehemently with each other, while still working against a common evil (i.e. the Republicans)?
In other words, hug it out. I’m going to bed.
Dennis - SGMM
Correct me if I’m wrong, but IIRC Marc Ambinder is the Atlantic blogger who is proably more pro-Hillary than the rest, so this is impressive coming from him: Philly Ignites For Obama
Marc quotes an Obama aide as estimating the crowd at about 40,000. He thought that was a bit high, but still.
Derbyshire cooler than anyone here? That’s faint praise — that cuts both ways.
Oh come now, surely you’re not suggesting that Andrew Sullivan, for example, is anti-Hillary.
I agree! This example is one of the crazy ones.
Linda Richman
I was there. I managed to weasel my way to the front and got to shake Barack’s hand.
The crowd’s enthusiasm was great. I’m glad I went.
Did Cole really suck down some Spanish hootch and not find a way to drunk-post? What’s the dilleo widdat?
Let us keep Flagstaff and Grand Canyon. It’s Obama country up here!
L. Ron Obama
Sojourner, please stop supporting Obama. As an Obama supporter, you’re making it very tough for me to vote for Obama.
Great catch GP, thanks.
Agree with her about what? She’d have to make a clear point first for agreement or indeed disagreement to even be possible. I’ve seen clearer arguments in Monty Python skits.
ehh really?
I thought the main analogy he used was stupid and weak:
“If they [Iran] succeed, and use their weapons for horrible purposes, will that invalidate the Special Theory of Relativity”
Uhh… the theory of relativity is not wrapped up in the ideology of Iran, as Darwinism was for the Nazi. They don’t base their fundamentalism upon the behavior of matter. I’m an ardent atheist too. Derbyshire uses all the typical arguments of a secularist and all the buzzwords, but his debating logic actually lacks the rigors of a true scientist.
It’s just a big fucking hole in the ground and if it means giving McCain over to Mexico to be a drug mule before the election then I think it’s totally worth it.
Josh E.
Offer not valid in Wisconsin, Virginia, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, South Carolina, Connecticut, Alabama, Georgia, Delaware, Illinois, Louisiana, Utah, DC, Vermont,
Hillabee’s got serious electability problems. Can’t even win Connecticut. Thank God she won’t be the nominee.
Liberman me once, shame on you. Lieberman me twice, shame on me.
Nutmeggers are smart folks.
Conservatively Liberal
I did not know the founders of MoveOn were the two people who co-founded Berkley Systems. AfterDark screensavers rock! I still run them on my computers…lol!
Boy, Hillary sure shot herself in the foot with her backroom takedown of MoveOn and party activists. This puts the ‘elite’ crap on Obama to shame. Why it is coming out now is the question I would like answered. That, and who released it. Hillary has been out there disparaging Obama about his ‘private conversation’ with donors, and all the while she has been ripping MoveOn and party activists. The lie about MoveOn being against Afghanistan is the icing on the cake.
Stick a fork in her, she is done. There is no way the super delegates are going to give this to her after pissing off 3.2 million members of MoveOn. She is going to be radioactive for some time after stepping in this.
Like the song by Ratt says, “What comes around goes around”.
yeah, when coles agrees with him he’s brilliant, when he doesn’t he’s a hack.
Coles is a hack all the time, no matter if he is right once in a while like a stopped clock, even when he’s right he’s a douchebag.
Check out Father Michael Pfleger getting ambushed by FOX News about Wright.
Missed that The Grand Panjandrum had already posted it, at least I was able to add the name of the friend :)
The good Father was GOOD. But what was most interesting was the “journalist’s” questions, which were not journalism at all but argumentative advocacy. Astounding.
I loved how the guy behind Father Pfleger was trying not to laugh a couple of times as that idiotic “journalist” kept getting his ass handed to him.
And Svensker? What else do you really expect from Fox News? That was not journalism. That wasn’t an effort to explore an issue and get to the truth. He was just playing that usual “gotcha” bullshit that Bill-O plays.
I’m thinking that the Father was actually holding out a bit and was being incredibly patient. Our little disgrace to journalism has no idea how lucky he was. Methinks that if the Father HAD lost his patience, it would have been devastating.
Wow. That was great.
It’s really bad how about 1/4th of the way in, the guy changes his tone from the disinterested reporter “some people say” type thing to a very harsh opinionated tone, he REALLY pushed the spin.
Sometimes my turds are just great. Other times, they are watery and smelly, but sometimes they are great.
They are still big piles of shit.
b. hussein canuckistani
That was pretty sweet Bill-O castrating. Where did it come from if he didn’t broadcast it?
--Blue Girl
Thanks for the link to my place, Peter J! I came to the video via Brad Friedman who writes the BradBlog. and Brad found it at RatTube. One of my readers came across his name, and I took it from there. I can’t believe that Faux tried to ambush him – that reporter was a lamb sent to slaughter. I posted the contact info for his church. When I walk out the door to go ambush my congressman in an hour or so, I’m dropping a check to his parish in the mailbox across the street.
Liar. By definition O’Reilly is the no spin zone. Those were the most perfectly unbiased, objective, and important questions ever asked in the history of the universe.
I might have to go to Daphne’s for a falafel for lunch, now.
Tim (The Other One)
God you people start drinking early. Get a hold of yourselves !
but then i’d have to put down my beer!
yet another jeff
I’m starting to think Fox reporters get their training by working for those collection agencies that threaten people with ruination for 12 year old debts.