Confirmed! Leonard Nimoy’s place in the new J.J. Abrams Star Trek movie will be a flashback sequence.
You heard it here first.
by Tim F| 28 Comments
This post is in: Open Threads
Confirmed! Leonard Nimoy’s place in the new J.J. Abrams Star Trek movie will be a flashback sequence.
You heard it here first.
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[…] Posted by Greg on April 18, 2008 Via Tim F at Balloon Juice: […]
What’s a Leonard Nimoy?
It’s “Abrams,” not “Abrahams.”
Been watching a little too much of Dubya lately?
Jay in Oregon
Gaah! My eyes!
I still haven’t recovered from the first time I saw that video. Such delicious camp.
I love that video. 8 trillion youtube videos and I don’t think any of the retards with webcams have outdone it.
Tim F.
Heh. Oops.
I remember seeing this right after H.R. Puffinstuff and right before Lidsville.
Cant believe this or hasn’t drawn any attention in the media.
It really is “executive privilege” for everything here on out. Even when it clearly doesn’t apply. And yet people want to put another Republican in office to fully solidify this as Executive branch precedent.
Wow, only one link per post? Tried to add this, too, to the above.
All the problems Florida is having, and what is the legislature arguing over? Fake bull testicles. It’s no wonder I can’t get worked up over what’s going on in DC.
Dennis - SGMM
According to an article in WSJ (No linkee the body of the article is behind a pay wall) the US is starting the process of releasing approximately half of the 23,000 Iraqis it is holding in captivity. The article goes on to explain that the move is being made in part to dampen Iraqi anger over the large numbers that the US is holding captive.
This begs the question: why were those about-to-be-released Iraqis incarcerated in the first place? I am sure though, that those who were arrested by mistake as well as those who were arrested for trivial matters will have nothing but the warmest feelings for America going forward.
Random WoW fun quotes to be traded around the campfire curtsy of Penny Arcade.
At least you’re not bitter.
ZOMG! the Taylor Marsh story revealed.
Rick Taylor
We often hear there are over 4000 American soldiers dead fighting in Iraq. The Washington Post reports there are 300,000 suffering from post-traumatic-stress-syndrome, and 300,000 a probable traumatic brain injury, from Iraq and Afghanistan.
Whoa. Might start doing drugs again after that video. Life will never be the same.
Dennis - SGMM
I read the article that you linked. So, 620,000 troops – roughly 38% of our Iraq and Afghanistan vets – may be walking wounded. And then there’s this (From the article):
Stigmatized. Clearly the “support the troops” message hasn’t filtered down to some of these facilities. Or maybe the reality of the Bush administration’s support for the troops actually has.
The Baroness won’t be wearing her sexy nerd glasses in the GIjoe movie. *RAGE*
the baroness isn’t the baroness w/out the glasses.
Seems the Petagon isn’t particular about who they do business with..
John, what server do you play on? Do you use Vent?
maxbaer (not the original)
It wouldn’t be nearly enough, but stripping every dime from Bush, Cheney and all the other neocon rabble responsible for this would be a start toward providing the care these guys are going to need.
Yikes. That’s 14 seconds of my life I’ll never get back.
Suicidal Zebra
Spock-Roll or BilbRoll? You decide.
Tough to say what’s more perturbing, this or Shatner’s more infamous pop renditions. A mouse could starve on the difference.
I have been scarred for life.
That is all.
It Burns! It Burns!!!
Tim F,
Damn you. I have to buy a nail-gun for both my ears and my eyes.
Daniel Koffler
Open thread eh?
Posted this after Armando’s latest rant (you’ll be shocked to learn he’s actually quite alright with Hillary Clinton going out of her way to insult half her party), but it’s probably already deleted and I wanted to preserve it:
As the length of the primary season increases, the that a Big Tent Democrat post will consist exclusively in a string of epithets approaches one.
“Creative Class”! “Progressive Blogs”! “Scare Quotes”! “Selective quotation”! “Willful omission of Clinton’s rubbishing of the entire ‘activist base’ of her party”! “Risible failure to grasp what a metonym is”!
Yes, the ability to construct compelling arguments like those, and on the fly no less, not only entitle but oblige him to launch malicious insults at anybody who disagrees with him.
Since I last checked in at Talk”Left”, was “Obama cultists” honorably discharged to make room for a new class of self-parodic attempts at wit? Or was it merely placed on reserve, ready to be called back into action, for the sake of party unity, the next time somebody, somewhere on the internet criticizes Hillary Clinton?
Speaking for me only, because that’s a necessary disclaimer to prevent confusion, and not a token of delusional self-importance.