Is it November yet:
After losing the debate tonight, Obama gave Hillary the finger today. I don’t know if he intended to do that hand gesture in his pause while talking about Hillary, but it is obvious the crowd thought it was an intentional raising of the middle finger.
Another take:
I cannot believe that the official campaign for Barack Obama put this video on YouTube to show off the candidate. 1) His language and behavior on this video are juvenile, and 2) He flips off Hillary Clinton in the video.
For fun, try to guess which one of the above descriptions is from Red State, and which one if from Larry Johnson’s House o’ Crazy.
At any rate, it is pretty clear to me he was just scratching himself, but I will throw this out there- if anyone can prove that he actually did give the middle finger to Hillary Clinton, it is worth 100 dollars to the campaign from me.
Obama’s campaign, that is. If anyone deserves to be given the finger, it is Hillary Clinton and her supporters.
*** Update ***
From the comments, this side view of Obama “flipping off” Hillary:

Notice something problematic? Like a few extra fingers? What a total joke.
The right-wing defenders of the status quo and the indifferent media are really on the same team.
If you play the video backwards you’ll see Obama grabbing his crotch and screaming eat this bitch.
These people are seriously deranged.
right. it could have had anything to do with the fact that he had just said “Senator Clinton was in her element”.
Does anybody else remember the general election debate between George H. W. Bush, Ross Perot and Bill Clinton when, while answering a question about the drug problem, GHWB brought his finger to his nose and sniffed like he was doing blow?
Good times.
jack fate
Kill me.
The King of Rude put it right down the middle, imo:
Here is the master of finger waving.
Dug Jay
Who really knows what someone like Obama means when he does one of his lame-ass stunts. However, I do think former President Clinton got it about right when he, as someone observed, basically called Obama “a whining bitch” over his post-debate crying.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Wow – that is crazy. I think I’m going to buy stock in shrouds and Kool-Aid.
Obviously *proving* anything is impossible, but it’s not a stretch to read this as a juvenile stunt for the audience. Without the grin afterward, I’d probably agree it was just a scratch. Maybe that wasn’t his intention at first, but his and the audience’s reaction shows they both knew exactly what had transpired.
Dug Jay,
Yea, that was funny too, the god damn king and queen of whine calling Obama out for whining. What a joke.
I’m sorry, but I think every middle finger in this country should be raised in Hillary Clinton’s honor right now.
The more I watch clips from that debate and the more I think about it the more it pisses me off. The debate was so CLEARLY slanted in her favor. Every attempt was made to make her come off looking good. (Because of course the average American wouldn’t notice that one of the moderators of the debate had close ties to the Clinton family. Instead lets talk about Obama’s lose acquaintance with a crazy hippie.) Frankly, I find it insulting.
Seriously, I would like to surgically add more hands to my body just so I could flick Hillary Clinton off more effectively. She’s making my gender look bad.
(Also, did anyone see her super cheap publicity stunt on the Colbert Report? Seriously, my eyes cannot roll far enough back in my head.)
ethans mom
House o’ Crazy is right–those folks are frickin’ insane. I’ve love Obama to pull a Seinfeld–it wasn’t a flip, it was a scratch; no flip, scratch.
Quite frankly if he gave her the finger it would increase my willingness to vote for him. Why? Because the simple fact is that I, too, want to flip her off and often do vicariously when I flip off my TV.
cleek, I think I love you.
“Obama’s campaign, that is. If anyone deserves to be told to be given the finger, it is Hillary Clinton and her supporters.”
Nice one, that had me laughing, you had me duped before I read that final sentence.
I noticed Talk Left put it up. Jeralyn weighs in on the “just a scratch side” (but it would be irresponsible NOT to speculate), but the commentators are highly convinced it was flipping the bird.
Which means, from a quick survey, that the commentators at Red State are saner than those at Talk Left. After all, at Red State, a surprising number complained that this was wasting valuable page space.
cleek wins.
Do I get extra credit for using vi to write my posts?
John B.
Jesus Christ. At what point does the opposition realize how frickin CRAZY they are with their confirmation biases?
Here is the “middle finger” from another angle.
Ah. So if I think people on TV think a certain thing then the thoughts I think they’re thinking must somehow be a reflection the thoughts of the … um …
Well anyways, he drinks orange juice!
The buzzards hovering around Clinton HQ must be getting mighty impatient.
They’re also dissecting Jay-Z’s Dirt on your Shoulder lyrics for added misogyny against Hillary.
Need to get the old white women out for some pick up ball to know where that shit comes from.
I watched this all this a.m., and your view (camera angle) clears up the whole issue.
I ask every doubter dare anyone to reach up to their cheekbone with their middle finger and scratch. The grapping motion causes the index and ring finger to curl, but the index finger stays straight.
So now I think it was just a coincidence. But you know what, I STILL LOVE THE SYMBOLISM.
Well that was badly edited.
I ask every doubter to reach up to their cheekbone with their middle finger and scratch. The grapping motion causes the index and ring finger to curl, but the index finger stays straight. From the front it looks like the finger, not so much from the side.
emacs ftw.
Regarding the finger, I hope he’s doing what he’s accused of. I really do.
Yeah, I saw that Talk about no class: Barack Obama gives Hillary the middle finger post by Erick yesterday, and the comments. You just gotta laugh.
Of course on RedState they’re absolutely certain they should be taken as the “serious adults.” On RS, serious adults=commander guys of their own short busses.
Noted without comment. Also, stolen from the comments at Wonkette.
Just more manufactured bullshit from the wingers. These people absolutely need to keep the public’s attention on the inconsequential and the petty, s.o.p. for republican politics of personality.
I’m guessing the first quote came from Larry Johnson’s House of Loons because it mentioned that Obama “lost the debate”. They are crazier than Red State now.
Well, as usual I was wrong.
John Cole
That is what is so depressing. You simply can not tell the difference between MYDD, RED STATE, Taylor Marsh, Talk Left and whatever anymore.
I likd it better when I was the batshit crazy one.
sed -i is way faster.
Let me get this straight – the right wing is atwitter over someone giving *Hillary* the finger?
OK then.
Tom Hilton
You know, if Obama intentionally made it look like he was flipping off Clinton while not actually doing so (and making sure that was apparent from another angle) just so there would be this inane hysteria which would be immediately debunked–well, if he actually did that, then the man is a god.
There’s a new video up on the Obama website called “Obama takes on McCain in Erie PA” that shows him scratching his forehead in the same way.
Grumpy Code Monkey
Oh for FUCK’S sake.
We’re1 not seriously getting our panties in a bunch over this, are we? Surely this kind of shit is down in the noise, below phantom snipers and racist pastors, right? We’re not really devoting otherwise productive brain cells to this nonsense?
Wake me after November, please.
1. By “we”, I don’t mean “we”, I mean “those other idiots who couldn’t distinguish between an actual constitutional crisis and a hole in the
groundcavity where their brains used to be.”J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
On David Gregory’s show on MSNBC he played video of Hillary making comments about Obama and his supporters and I noticed that she pauses and touches her left check with what appears to be her middle finger just like Obama did. The video is played between the 45th and 48th minute of the show.
I’m not saying Clinton is doing anything but touching her face for a second. Obama touches his face. Michelle Obama points. Bill Clinton points and touches his ear.
Just mannerisms.
Has anybody heard from Paul McCartney? Maybe Obama is telling us “Paul is dead.”
And here we all are, doing exactly what the Repugs and Hillary”s camp want us to do: focusing on this crap instead of the issues that really matter. Can the world now move on?
Nice find of the side shot. Kudos to whomever did that.
I thought it was just scratching, and then I looked closer at the original vid and was sure that his index finger was extended, too, but it seemed pointless to engage with the wingnuts on this one. However, a quick picture is nice to have to thrust in their faces.
I give it thirty more minutes before “citizen journalists” “prove” [a] it was Photoshopped AND [b] the picture was not taken at the same time AND [c] or the same place.
John Redworth
I read through the thoughtful and well crafted responses on LJ’s site, which leads me to believe that these people of worship at the alter of Hillary are batshit crazy. Saying they were not going to vote or that they were quitting the DNC because Obama got the nom is not only short sighted but really makes one wonder about the intelligence behind this brooding group of good-doers.
Larry Johnson is a big surprise too… I didn’t know he got that involved in politics but then again, dressing up like Grandmama for a few years will lead you to do stupid and crazy things.
Jack H.
Did anyone notice that about a minute before ‘the finger’ he gave ‘the pinky’?! And about a minute and a half after … that most vile of hand gestures …. the dreaded INDEX FINGER! Why is FOX and CNN not playing this 24/7?? OMG his campaign is dead in the water!! Also if you play the speech backwards you can hear “god damn America” over and over again. …. (wonder how many will actually try that?)
God help America
Worse than the obscene “flipping the bird” this new evidence shows instead that Obama was showing the Freemason handsign “Will no one rid me of this troublesome bitch?”
To quote Abu Gonzales, Bradley Schlozman, and Monica Goodling: I don’t recall.