We are already up to $1700 in just a few hours for Obama. Not bad.
I would prefer it if we had more first time donors, rather than those of you who have already given. Still, not bad for a first time attempt at fund-raising. I am betting we can raise close to $10,000 over the next two weeks. That would be a significant contribution from one piddling website.
Do you all think that is a realistic goal to reach before the next primaries? And again, I don’t want people maxing out, or people giving money they can not afford, but would rather people who have not given yet to throw in a few bucks if they can.
At any rate, consider this an open thread.
*** Update ***
Goodness. $3400.00 today alone, and from 62 different donors. Plus, Genine is sending lots of positive energy, which is always nice.
I gave $25 today, although not through your link (hadn’t seen it yet). I’ve probably given Obama about $250 so far this year, all in $25 chunks. Not much, but I’m not a moneybags either.
Personally I don’t believe Hillary’s number of $10 million in 24 hours. You ask me, she probably loaned herself another $5 million and then claimed that she raised it on the net. Otherwise, there are a lot of suckers out there sending millions of dollars down the drain.
Just moved my monthly contribution from Barack’s main page to Act Blue.
To: Clinton Donors
From: Mark Penn
Subject: Money
These last few hours have been a whirlwhind of emotion. But your dedication and financial donations will ensure that my second home on the Chesapeake is fully renovated and ready to rock this summer. Can’t wait to see everyone out on the water.
The Populist
Make that 5 more donations for $250 more.
I donated $25. If business was better, I’d have given more.
I put in $100, despite TZ and Jen.
I feel better.
Pycheout can comment now.
There was that song, so many years ago. Freeee Nelson Mandela!
I donated direct to Obama today already. Oops. Next week I’ll put it in our Balloon.
Wish I could contribute, but am sending as much good karma in Obama’s direction as I can.
Babies for Obama
Great job to everyone who’s donated — let’s keep up the energy and get this campaign back to the top!
Big Baby
I put us over $2000!
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I wrote a check for $25 today for “Obama for America” because I had agreed to that pledge a week ago when they caught me at home.
My next donation to Obama will go through your webpage.
Yes, send Oh! bama all your hard-earned money. He needs it badly. Just ask Anglachel:
Hillary managed her huge win in Pennsylvania for about 25% of what Oh! bama spent to lose by over 200,000 votes.
And that doesn’t count his knobslobbing treatment by the press and the fawning of the OFB.
Jon H
Apparently, in 2004 Hillary Clinton’s precious time was used to attend vapid celebrity ‘lawyer’ and parasite Star Jones’ wedding in Manhattan.
Read the NIE before voting for war? Nope. Attend ridiculous wedding of an ego-inflated TV personality? Yep.
El Cruzado
I’m a furriner, so no money from me.
Is it illegal to offer moral support?
I think what I saw said was 2 things, one last night where the HRC campaign said they raised $2.5M in some short period of time and this morning where they the HRC campaign said something like “at this rate we are on pace to raise $10m in 24 hours. I would bet a boat load of cash that what they did was had some prelined up donors to make a hugh chunk of that $2.5 donation at the same time so that they could act like there was some ground swell of support, and then this morning they used that sum to pro rate project (or more likely some slime ball slight of hand where they subtracted out 6 of the 10 hours that had occured in between on the theory that time doesn’t really count because its the night) and then came up with what is sure to be a false number of $10m. Like they have all along (and the ultimate Rove BS) they are simply trying to create the illusion of a huge wave of support to try and drive more people to support them.
I’m due for another Sorosesque cash dump to Obama (in small unmarked nonsequential bills, natch). I’m not sure if it’ll be before the next primaries, but if so I’ll do it through balloons.
Jon H
To: Clinton Donors
From: Mark Penn
Subject: Money
Thank you so much for your donations. I want to assure you that your hard-earned money will be well spent keeping me fed and massaged as if I was Kobe beef from a morbidly obese cow.
Ryan S.
I’d love to give but I have far too many health problems of late to even part with 25 dollars for a good cause.
My initial thought was a sarcastic “Star Jones’ wedding lasted the entire year?” but then I realized it was Star Jones, so it’s entirely possible.
would be nice to see the link placed prominently on the home page, instead of having to scroll down to the thread. anyway, I did my (little) bit.
I’ll throw in my $25 this evening, John. The site’s blocked here at work.
Also, when those Stimulus rebate checks come rolling in around mid-May, people might slice off a little piece to contribute to Obama.
Congrats. How does she win the nomination again and why do her supporters not believe in her campaign enough to support it financially? She made up 7% of the deficit between them on that win. Too bad we don’t have 13 more Pennsylvanias still to go.
I’m poor but I just sent $15 direct through his website. It was before I opened up to your page.
Lulz. MyIQ is too smart to read the newspaper or watch TV. That’s how he knows the media’s been giving Oh-bah-ma (why are we spelling his name phonetically again?) the Presidential treatment.
But seriously, I’ll kick in another $25 when I get off work.
Rick Taylor
Lol! Only the Clintons would have the chutzpah to try to turn running a near bankrupt campaign into a political asset. I’m sure the super-delegates will be very impressed, and will award her extra points for frugality.
Yup. Fawning that included grilling about Wright, Ayer, bitter-gate, and wearing a flag pin (plus questions on being elitist and turning down coffee in favor of orange juice). And we’re taking about a state where everyone long expected Hillary to win, where the demographics favored her, where the Democratic machine favored here, where she received the bulk of the politicians’ endorsements. And with all this going for her, she couldn’t even manage to break 55%, when she needs well over 60% of the remaining delegates in order to win. Honestly, this is getting silly.
Any way I can retroactively count my $100 (given last night) toward the BJ/ActBlue balance?
It was ’cause of this site that I gave, after all.
Decided FenceSitter
$25 from me, breaking my “25 a month, every month” rule.
I just realized that this word has my initials in it.
Okay, another $100 for Obama!
I gave $10. I know it’s not a lot, but I just got hired on at my job and I have the wait-three-weeks before your first check thing going on.
I’m a first time donor, though I’ve been sending Obama a lot of positive energy and telling people to vote for him! :-)
I’d rather Obama win, but if you wanna spend $100 where it can do some TANGIBLE good, I’d say the UN World Food Program is a better destination for your $100.
Sent an email over to the fiance. She’s down. We’ll both be throwing some in tonight.
John S.
Getting? That has been myiq’s M.O. for quite some time now.
Billy K
I kid! I kid!
Alrighty. I’m in for $50.
Hey, myiq0.8xu, in Pennsylvania, which candidate lost voters and which candidate gained voters? Does losing voters seem like a show of strength?
If Clinton plans to win by losing voters, how will she accomplish that in North Carolina, where she doesn’t have that 20-25% firewall? Is her firewall in Indiana big enough for her to win by losing voters?
BTW, Myiq, we all saw your own knobslobbering letters to Salon. I swear you must be on Hillary’s payroll. Who the hell else would take the time to write little thank-you letters to Salon.com for Hillary-friendly stories?
Rick Taylor
From Eric Boehlert at media matters:
b. hussein canuckistani
Sorry, I’m an auslander, but I will ask the FSM to touch Obama with his noodly appendage.
Obama went into a state that HRC treated as a “home state”, with a 20+ point deficit in the polls and a month to go.
Despite a shitstorm of negative and divisive campaign tactics from his opponent, and a month of fairly rude treatment from the press, he closed a 20+ gap to 9+ points and made her delegate gains in PA essentially irrelevant. And all of this, without lowering his campaign into the gutter or insulting the intelligence of his audience.
My version, or myiq’s version? You decide.
In any case, another $100 for Obama!
Here’s a question: how many super-delegates will Myiq have to blow in order to get them to override the voters?
That Boehlert piece is magnificent.
Eric S
Done and done. My 3rd political donation ever in my life. Not strangely, my 3rd to Obama (2nd this campaign).
If one really had an IQ that high, one would think that one would be able to produce spin that was slightly less transparent.
Also, a big LOL at HRC for bitching about Obama’s lead in money. Maybe run a competent campaign and win when you should instead of nattering on about why people, having been given a chance, like the other guy better, and do so by a wide enough margin that THEY ARE SENDING HIM MONEY, $25 at a time.
Warren Terra
I was planning to kick in another $50 today, and when I saw your post rather than do it directly (as I have been doing) I routed it to maximize your impact, with a 5% tip to ActBlue for their work.
I think Genine, upthread, is great, but how many people are such political junkies that they read your site regularly and haven’t already donated to their candidate 14 months into the campaign?
And he still LOST! Proof positive that Obama isn’t ready for the main event. Maybe as Hillary’s VP. Maybe.
But if Hillary had been in Obama’s shoes, if she’d been the underdog walking into a state with a 20% deficit, she would have toed the line, stepped up to the plate, and hit the ball out of the park.
Unless the state didn’t count, in which case she would shrewdly marshal her resources for those states that did matter. Like Pennsylvania.
I’ve already given a ton anyway (a big chunk after the stupid debate last week), but I’ll kick in a few again now.
Here’s a pretty good thumbnail description of PA from the excellent David Kaiser:
b. hussein canuckistani
So why can’t Hillary raise the the kind of money that Obama does? Doesn’t she have access to the internet, or is it like RedState’s upgrades, all the programmers are Obama supporters?
Gallup: which candidate looks down on average/working class Americans?
Damn. Clinton really is on a winning streak across all demographics, isn’t she?
Already put in $25 today ($50 total) directly through Obama’s website.
I can’t give at work either. I’ll kick in when I get home.
Gave $50 before seeing the ActBlue page of yours. Next time, I’ll be in.
*Curtsies* Thank you, Warren Terra! :-)
Billy K
John Cole, this is for you…
Behold WordPress, Destroyer of CPUs.
The Other Steve
Codinghorror is an awesome blog.
also thedailywtf.com!
John Cole
I promise, I promise, I will move this rig to a new platform this summer. Hopefully we will roll out a new design by the end of August.
Forget Clinton, why did McCain win that poll?
Billy K
Getting some help from your pal, Eric and his crack team?
Heh. Indeedy.
Holy crap you guys have raised over 3 gs today alone??!
The Grand Panjandrum
Clinton campaign chairman Terry McAullife goes down on a Fox news reporter and now its a promo. Ha! I love it. Fox News is now in the Clinton camp. (h/t TPM)
Here’s a clip of Obama speaking the afternoon of the “bitter” speech.
I kicked 10 down the line earlier this am through his site.
If I show you a picture of my grill, which was trashed by a hurricane, can we have a fundraiser for that too?
No dice, Confederate Wanker.
See, I was going to donate to Obama, but then Myiq made his comment up thread, and now I just can’t. His spin is just too damn effective.
This programmer is. And so are most of the other ones at work.
There’s a certain kind of logic to this…
Count me as one of those first-time donors… for Obama anyway. I did kick $25 to Chris Dodd last winter. I knew it was going down the toilet, but he sure was saying a lot of things that needed to be said.
Okay, John…. I am probably the person you’re trying to get off his duff and contribute some change for some change. I just did… $30 and some change…. a little less than the $56 average donation right now…
…but heck, it’s the first time I’ve given anything to Obama…. if a former Republican can start encouraging others to give to him, I figure I ought to as well.
Thanks for doing this. Now, if you can just get those superdels off their duffs to end this thing….
How did a hurricane mess up your teeth?
Has anyone figured out how little they got for each dollar they’ve contributed since Ohio?
I mean, every time Cole posts about Clinton, we get people saying “I just gave another XX dollars to Obama”. And Obama took your money, and spent it like there was no tomorrow, and STILL lost by ten (I know, 9.4) points in Pennsylvania — and most of that money was spent in the last three weeks — when Obama was beind by no more than 10 points in most polls.
Seriously… Obama has more than enough money to get through the rest of the primary season. What he doesn’t have is the ability to connect with the constiuencies that are essential to a democratic win in November. If you could donate some of that to him, it would make sense.
But, instead of giving money to someone who doesn’t need it, why not just send it to some worthy cause.
You forgot to end your post with “Hillary in ’12!”
Btw, are you suggesting that we shouldn’t donate to political candidates at all? That we should donate to political candidates who have already received large amounts of support? Or that we should only donate to a political candidate if the amount of good our dollar does exceeds the amount of good our dollar would do to assist a generic charity – such as UNICEF or Red Cross – as determined by the Heisman/Randall Dollars-to-Goodness metric?
Also, when using the Heisman/Randall metric, do you normally take the aggregate of Goodness or do you have to calculate Goodness-per-Capita and scale from there?
Tell you what, I’ll drop $30 into the charity of your choice, if you promise to stay off this board for a week.
See, that does it. Pluk’s right. His spin and concern trolling are so extremely effective. I’ll never donate to Obama again. Hell, I’ll probably just support Hillary now like Pluk wants me to.
The Grand Panjandrum
Putting last night in perspecitive:
In two weeks NC and Indiana will decide how to allocate a total of 218 pledged delegates. After that only 274 remain. The vote will be close in Indiana, but NC will probably give Obama enough pledged delegates to make up the net loss in PA. So … it really is up to the SD’s.
And remember Pluk, you time here is definitely NOT being wasted. I’m sure with each of your little bon mots, you’re winning more and more converts for Hillary. It is, in fact, a GOOD use of your time.
I’m going to enjoy referring back to this after Hillary loses the nomination. Value for your money, indeed.
Yes. Donate now to Clinton to pay off the Mark Penn Loan(tm). You know that it will mean something.
If any candidate is spending beyond their limits, it’s Clinton. Perhaps she should pay off her debt, not including Mark Penn, before ranking up new debts?
Obama spent money, but he gained votes.
Clinton spent money too, but she lost votes.
Spending money and losing votes isn’t a winning strategy.
John Cole
The combination of Hillary’s surrogates and trolls like P. Lukasiak has me to the point that I would rather run Obama and lose to McCain than run Hillary and win. At least then I won’t have to deal with the lying and bullshit of a Hillary Presidency on my conscience. Bush is enough.
Of course, I think Obama wins, so who cares what Lukasiak really thinks, anyway.
Has anyone considered how much Clinton has invested in this failed adventure? Moving to NY to get the open Senate seat, $30M wasted on a backwater challenger in 2006 that would probably come in really handy now. 8 years in Congress and $150M raised including $5M of her own money and even having the most popular former president in a generation (a two-termer no less) out there stumping for her including her daughter, a convenient race/religion smear on her opponent and a 150 delegate lead on the entire field before the first vote was cast and she can’t beat this little fucker.
Ah well, this is for you p.luk.
Warren Terra
Um, Pluk, could you remind me which candidate started March massively in the red (although only a mill or so if you discount the self-loan) and ended March even more massively in the red? While slipping from their early twenty-point lead and burning a quarter of the remaining available pledged delegate opportunities to make up about six percent of their pledged delegate deficit?
When you’re done with that, can you also name the candidate that, y’know, managed to actually bank money despite pulling out all the stops in the Pennsylvania campaign?
Thanks in advance.
P.S. As long as I’m singling out first-time Obama donors for praise (and as examples that my above opinion might have been rather, well, wrong), I want to give props to db. 75,000 more like Genine and db will mean that Obama will have gotten 1.5 million individual donors. Those poor, deluded fools, Pluk would no doubt say.
And I’m talking to the wife about putting our Bush economy bribe into Obama for the full $4600 for the general. Probably the best investment in the economy we can make right now.
Greetings John, Michael, Tim and all Balloon Juicers.
I’ve never commented before (anywhere!) but, I’m just here to say I tossed $25 into Obama’s hat via the Balloon Juice Act Blue.
I hadn’t given money to any campaign in over a decade but, last week, quietly disgusted by ABC’s complicity with the Clinton political machine, I thought the best way to get even was with money. So I dropped $50 into the hat last week and I’m glad to give again. and again.
Jaded by the Bush/Clinton/Clinton/Bush/Bush machine, I’ve come to view Obama’s candidacy as proof of intelligent life on the planet.
Balloon Juice has become my favorite stop while surfing the nets. Ya’ll really crack me up–great snark and sound opining. Food and spirits here too. It’s like some little out-of-the-way restaurant that serves up the most enjoyable feast.
Hell, I even enjoy the trolls here.
Now that you know the secret liberal handshake, this will surely cost a mere fraction of the $25,000 Erick at RedState purportedly needed to buy deeper reserves of Cheetohs and sweatpants.
This is the correct answer. p.luk has become that crazy guy who walks around the neighborhood mumbling to himself and occasionally shouting random obscenities. The smartest thing to do is just cross the street and pretend you don’t see him.
Wait a minute…
That would mean that Mark Penn is NOT a morbidly obese cow???
Paul Weimer
Now I want to re-watch Election!
Seriously though, after Tuesday, I have a bit of despair that Senator Clinton is never, ever going to give up and that she will simply win on endurance.
I don’t want the history books to have the list of US Presidents read “Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton.” Granted, I’d rather have that than “Bush-Clinton-Bush-McCain”.
On the other hand, I have higher hopes for the political health of this country if Sen. Obama is the President on January 20,2009 than I do if Sen. Clinton is.
I’m glad someone does.
Actually, I kid. myiq and p.luk aren’t bad. At least myiq has a decent sense of humour and p.luk can have his moments. Neither of them have ever driven me to losing my temper like Darrell and scs did.
The number that the Clinton folks said they spent is probably wrong. I very much doubt it includes the money and time spent by the Political Machines in Pittsburgh and Philidelphia.
That gets it closer to the real amount spent.
Paul Weimer
(And yes, I just kicked a few dollars to Obama just now.). Putting my money where my hopes are.
She’s doing what she needs to. If you give in even an inch the money stops, the support stops, it just comes to a screeching halt.
She hedged on Larry King about going all the way to the convention and vowed instead to stay in through the last primary in June. I think she’s very aware that she needs to woo a big chunk of the remaining supers and that’s the only path. That’s why these wins are important. They’re little more than symbolic in terms of delegates, but they are designed to swing supers. She’s got 2 weeks to make the case and then NC/IN will probably crush that plan (IN polling is a mess, so who knows how that will go). That’s really what everything since TX/OH has been about. She’s done better with supers in the last 2 weeks, but she really needs to turn it on. She probably needs 70% of those that remain or to get some of Obama’s to flip, which has never happened as far as I know. If Obama can rack up some more supers (I think he’s gotten 2 today) it just make it harder and harder for her.
There’s still a path here for her, but damn if it isn’t a thin and incredibly unlikely one.
I got some loot into the Actblue site. It just topped over $3500. Hot shit.
From John, on the Actblue page:
You are just too adorable.
Jon H
$150, just added.
dougie smooth
John, you probably should have gone through the Obama website, since they have the first-time donor matching program.
Jon H
Calouste wrote:
No, he is that. He’s just not fine Kobe beef.
Jon H
Martin wrote:
Don’t forget her Iraq war vote, politically calculated to “look tough” for her run for the White House.
That was an expensive one.
It remains to be seen if her vote for Kyl/Wankerman is going to cost us.
ph.uk and myiqissmallerthanmypenis, Obama thanks you. I made a contri this morning directly, and I’m making another now through this site, all ’cause of the two of you.
I just donated my $25 this morning. I give twice a month with each paycheck. Great job promoting donations! I just had a call from the local Obama campaign here in Indianapolis! They’re on the job!
No, I’m not suggesting that you stop donating to political candidates — all I’m suggesting is that Obama has all the money he needs right now, and that if you MUST express your frustration with her overwhelming defeat of Obama yesterday by giving away cash, that sending the cash to charity is a good idea.
Giving to Obama has bencome a compulsive reaction around here — its like binge eating under stress. And while I don’t expect to change your compulsive behavior, all I’m suggesting is similar to redirecting it — instead of a binge eather pigging out on Hagen Daz and Oreos, have them eat carrots and celery sticks.
When and if Obama is low on funds, it makes perfect sense to give. But he’s flush with campaign cash, and doesn’t seem to care how much bang he gets for YOUR buck… so put the money to better use through charity.
Hell, donate it in name, for all I care.
I’m glad the positive energy is appreciated. I think it really does help.
But, on the cold-hard cash front, I can do much more next month!
I like working all multi-dimensional levels.
Jon H
If Pluk is telling Obama supporters to not donate money, then I bet the Clinton campaign’s claims of how much they’ve raised since last night are a bunch of bunk.
“But he’s flush with campaign cash, and doesn’t seem to care how much bang he gets for YOUR buck… so put the money to better use through charity.”
Long-term, there’s no better charity than funding a campaign to beat Clinton and McCain.
Right, got it. He is one of those that can’t get up in the slaughterhouse and whatever comes out of it is not suitable for human consumption?
Ugh. I didn’t mean to put the “all”.
I’ve already got my contributions set up through Barack’s website, and they deduct on the 23rd, so my next contribution isn’t for a month. But I have been able to donate $810 so far, which makes me happy.
Good luck with your fundraising, John. Maybe I’ll kick a little in via the Actblue site as well, depending on how the finances look this month.
First time donor through your site, John. $25 isn’t much, but it’s better than nothing. Make the Hillary madness end, PLEASE!!
Jon H
Calouste wrote: “He is one of those that can’t get up in the slaughterhouse and whatever comes out of it is not suitable for human consumption?”
Xactly – he’s a downer cow. Who spends vast sums of donor money on beer diet and massages because he thinks he’s Kobe quality.
I’m starting to suspect that p.luk is a stealth Obaman. Why else would he keep posting this drivel, if not to ensure a steady stream of donations to the MUP?
Jon H
Just threw in another $50, making $200 through your Act Blue thingy.
I’m waiting for some Hillary partisan to see your ActBlue page and decide the phrase “Balloon Juice” is a sexist attack against Clinton.
I’ve been waiting for a good excuse to give my first donation to Obama. So – $50, on its way.
Jon H
$3965 at 9:15PM! Can we hit $4000 today?
You must have some alternate definition of ‘overwhelming’ that isn’t in the dictionary.
Jon H
Yes! $4015!
Just made my first ever campaign donation.
Jon H
$4150! Now we’re cooking with gas.
John, your packet from the Democratic party, with your diamond membership pinky ring (cast from the molten bronze of Prescott Bush’s casket), which will get you into the weekly supermodel orgies, is in the mail.
Notorious P.A.T.
I think Obama will need this money at some point, possibly when he goes up against John McRichwife.
$100 from me. First time to contribute, other than to my dad’s campaigns.
First time donation for me as well. I figure every dollar Obama gets roughly puts Hillary that much further in the hole trying to campaign against.
We’re at $4800? Okay, color *me* impressed.
Soylent Green
Obama’s TV ads are starting their run here in Oregon now. Voting in late May, we just about never get to pick the nominee here. But this year is different.
So I kicked in another donation today. TV time isn’t free you know.
Soylent Green
Clinton supporters, give till it hurts. Hillary wants her loan back. And Mark Penn sent another invoice. Hurry, before her credit rating gets dinged.
Never underestimate the power of $10 and a lot positive energy.
Conservatively Liberal
You should have called it ‘bjforobama’, that would have been funny! ;)
I tossed another $25 in there for now as the wife and I gave another $100.00 last night, and our daughter gave $50.00 this morning. I have sent them the link for the BJ ActBlue page so they can donate and BJ gets the credit for it. Our daughter reads here, but she is young and still sharpening her political teeth. She is not ready for the ‘shark tank’ yet, but she likes the ‘atmosphere’ here. She is just cautious, like her ol’ dad.
Great idea John, and it is already up to $4, 850.00 with 92 donors! Party on dudes! ;)
Conservatively Liberal
Here is an idea for ya; how about everyone post their number that they were when they first donated at the ActBlue page? I gather that if I contribute again, the amount will increase but the number of donors won’t? Or is it the total number of donations?
If it is by the number of donors, I am #92. Otherwise I am donation #92! If it is the number of donors, I will post the wife and daughter’s numbers when they contribute. Our daughter is giving again after her next paycheck. She works a retail job in a department store, and she started last July, so she don’t make much. But she wants to give because she believes that it may make a difference.
Smart kid, but I am biased. :D
Surabaya Stew
Donor #94 reporting here; if this goes on, Balloon Juice will have half of what John thought could be raised in 2 weeks done by the end of the first day! Of course, many of us have already given to our main squeeze for President; in my case, this makes the 5th time I have dropped $25 on my Discover Card to help Barack defeat Hillary. (If I can’t get a write off, at least I can get bonus points.) As several others have already pointed out, it would be interesting to know exactly how much of what is being raised is coming from first time Balloon Juice/Obama backers. In any case, here’s to keep on fighting the good fight!
Up to $5060. But true elitists donate in Euros.
Conservatively Liberal
Half way in less than 24 hours. Now that is some cooking you can smell. Good job chef! ;)
Usually a lurker who gets my daily dose of sarcasm juice and vitamin snark from reading you guys.
Thanks for the kick in the ass to donate to Obama again (2nd timer).
Money is tight, but the cause is better than most and with all the inspiration I couldn’t resist!
Okay, did I mention that Soylent Green is people?
The Populist
Sorry bud, I will keep giving whether he’s flush or lacking in cash. Why, you ask? I have hope he will come in and fix things for people like me. I am a hard working 39 year old white male who once was a dedicated conservative and was pushed out of the party for questioning the rush to war in Iraq.
I was told I was a RINO. I was told I hate our troops. I was even told I support Osama (when I am now proven right that those who support the war in Iraq are allowing Osama to WIN). Fuck that bud. He emboldens my hopes that there COULD be some change coming.
Hillary and McCain are more of the same whether you accept that or not. Obama, while not the perfect candidate has written and co-sponsored enough legislation in his short time as a politician (Illinois, US Senate) that I believe HE can do some good.
Am I whistling in the dark? Nah. I believe I am doing something I haven’t felt motivated to do since Ross Perot ran the first time. Yes, I even gave money to Ron Paul. I want change, even if it’s baby steps.
Ok. I finally kicked in some cash. I didn’t have a chance last night. Now I need to get to work. This site is the best! More than 5k for the MUP from all of us, total! P.luk is breaking out in a sweat.
b. hussein canuckistani
Chelsea? Your mother would like to have a word with you.