Yoicks. Last Sunday the NYT reported that TV defense analysts have undisclosed ties to the Pentagon. Despite the major media mostly ignoring the story the Pentagon announced this Friday that they will stop these private briefings effective immediately. Even given the media’s overall pass on the story, someone still seems a bit worried about it.
The Pentagon announced on Friday that it was suspending its briefings for retired military officers who often appear as military analysts on television and radio programs.
[…] A Pentagon spokesman said the decision to halt the briefings, which was first reported on Friday by Stars and Stripes, was made by Robert Hastings, principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for public affairs.The decision came amid criticism and questions from members of Congress.
Now where will these lobbyists and consultants get their talking points on Iran? Bogus sound bites can have a short shelf life; if all the surrogates start freelancing there could be chaos. But heck, where there’s a will there’s a way.
AIPAC, Isreal, Jews, etc.
The Grand Panjandrum
While the administration seems to have invested so much time and effort in spinning the war here at home they still can’t or won’t keep our new “friends” on board.
The article also points out criticism of Karzai himself and the fraying relationships within NATO.
1.20.09 can’t get here soon enough.
Tony J
Because, y’know, we told them “You have to give us cover for starting a war against Iran before the election“, and they said “Fuck you, man. I can barely keep a straight face as it is. Call me back when it looks like we’re winning and I’ll maybe be interested.”
Supply and demand FTW.
If anything, it will be nothing more than a ‘Pause’ before resuming another ‘Surge’.
Why believe what proven lying fuckers say? I remain dubious until I see it with my own lying eyes.
The Pentagon’s worried about it because it’s against the law for the military to propagandize to make Americans want war.
The fact that the NYT took notice was probably a real shocker to the Pentagon – I bet they figured we were all numb to being played for rubes…
Lucky for the Pentagon brass, nobody in the TV media has any interest in examining their own performance.
Phoenix Woman
They’re nixing the former generals because they’re going to send out the Hypnotoad instead.
You know, I think no body is reacting to this because we already assumed that was the case. Of COURSE the military analysts are going to toe the military line. There ARE no “credible” military voices on TV. I’m surprised people didn’t know that.
I sure did.