Guam goes to Obama by seven votes, adding it to the list of places that don’t count. Damned fools- she was even promising them statehood.
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by John Cole| 83 Comments
This post is in: Election 2008
Guam goes to Obama by seven votes, adding it to the list of places that don’t count. Damned fools- she was even promising them statehood.
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Reverend Spooner
Her problem was she didn’t promise them enough. Why didn’t she promise to move the US capitol there, too? That might have gotten her another dozen votes.
Photo from the Inevitable Hillbot Pity Party.
Damn you GuamBama!
Apparently a recount is in the works in Guam because of the closeness of the vote and the fact that there were 500 spoiled ballots (not that any of this really helps Hillary – only an 80-20 rout would have). I guess promising people the right to vote in the general election doesn’t carry the same weight it used to. Can’t wait to see what she promises in Puerto Rico – independence after she’s sworn in?
I can’t believe that there isn’t a post on this site about the KY Derby yet. Big Brown beats Hill’s favorite, Eight Belles, the only
womanfilly in the race and she critically injures herself and is euthanized by her management. It writes itself.Reverend Spooner
Cuba, conquered and added to their dominion.
Apparently a recount is in the works in Guam because of the closeness of the vote
Gosh I hope not. That would be pointless. Of course, so too would a gas tax holiday.
7 votes is in the statistical noise. Count them again, over and over, you’ll likely get a different “winner” each time. The only thing that matters, the delegate split, won’t change however.
The time for doing a recount that mattered passed in the 2000 election.
One of the superdelegates has pledged to vote for the winner. That’s what a seven-vote margin will do.
Daniel Koffler
She’s got 109 mil. Can’t she just start cutting checks?
There are almost no white ethnic Catholic working class men in Guam, so of course this doesn’t count.
And it’s too hot there to wear a blazer, so the whole flag pin issue is moot.
I interpret the closeness of the race there as a sign of weakness for Obama.
How do you think she won Pennsylvania?
Guam was supposed to have record turnout too. I can’t believe the vote is down to a virtual 50/50 split. This primary is absolutely crazy.
Besides, they weren’t interested in statehood — if Guam became a state, they’d have to abide by Roe v. Wade.
Guam may re-count but they will come up with the same numbers because they are so small that they double-blind hand count all ballots. It is virtually impossible to come out different in a recount. But damn that is a close count.
As a native-born Guamanian (who moved away at age 2,) I probably should have been calling Guam for the Obama campaign to tell my “fellow Guamanians” about my “island-boy hero” Barack (he’s from Hawaii – they can relate) and get more of them out to caucus for him.
Anyhoo, I’ve had fun watching the Guam caucus process and read more about my birthplace. A tropical paradise – island nation which is only a territory of the US and a duty-free haven of the Pacific. Maybe I should retire there later in life. The place is truly amazing. And I hear you can even buy fresh milk there now. When I was a baby and we lived there, you could only get powdered or reconstituted (from powder) milk. But it’s a beautiful place.
Aren’t there more Brown Tree snakes there than people?
I don’t know. Maybe. Living near the equator in the middle of the Pacific, anything can live and thrive – though snakes are not native, they were introduced. You just need to be prepared for any hazards, like anywhere else. You can also grow a great big banana tree (or virtually anything else) from baby-size in a year or two effortlessly in your back yard and harvest ginormous amounts of fruit – as an example. It’s beautiful and warm and rainforesty all year round. Coral reefs, great scuba-diving with many sunken ships from the Spanish-American war, beautiful beaches, mountainous terrain, beautiful sunsets and sunrises out of the ocean every day. Amazing place. Better than Hawaii.
For anyone not familiar with the numbers, (I.e., European readers) Guam and the other US Pacific territories are too sparsely populated to seriously be considered for statehood. Guam and the Northern Marianas combined have around half the population of Wyoming, already the least populous existing state.
The only territory with enough population to qualify would be Puerto Rico, but there are language and other issues at play there.
So basically, barring a rewrite of the consitution, it’s even more unlikely than Canada annexing the Turks and Caicos. I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Guam, The Marianas, The American Samoa, the US Virgin Islands – they don’t want to be states. Puerto Rico may be different – and if they want it, they should be considered seriously. Nothing wrong with language differences. We are a melting pot, after all… And English is ALSO taught in the public schools there.
The Other Steve
I believe Puerto Rico has voted down statehood a couple of times now.
If they were a state, they’d have to pay federal income taxes. :-)
They DO PAY Federal Income Taxes. Every last one of them. As do the people living in other US Territories. Has nothing to do with taxes. They just like remaining independent nation-states.
guam has no EC votes. It never counted.
And when Clinton wins big in Puerto Rico, that won’t count either.
I can’t wait to hear all the Obots tell us how well Clinton has done in NC and Indiana, just like they did for Obama in Ohio and PA. After all, Clinton was 12 points behind in IN, and 25 pts behind in NC, so I fully expect to see the Obots recognizing that Clinton did really really well in those two states on Tuesday.
Rewriting history already?
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
That’s nice. I’m sure it’ll upgrade her consolation prize from a copy of home game to a lifetime supply of Hormel canned products. How’s that whole ‘convincing the super delegates’ strategy working out for you, by the way?
Obots of Gamnratron aleph ATTACK!
what was an Obot again?
Just Some Fuckhead
It doesn’t matter if HRC does “really well” in NC and IN. Beating her polling numbers doesn’t do her any good. She needs to win both states with 70-80% of the vote (and then win all the remaining contests similarly.) The reason it was important for Obama to beat his polling numbers in OH and PA is because that meant HRC wouldn’t blow him away and narrow the delegate count. He did and she didn’t.
Guam votes don’t count. Unless there has been a change in the last year, “under the US Constitution, residents of unincorporated territories, such as Guam, do not vote in elections for US president and vice president”.
So why are there even primaries there? Why do people who can’t vote in the general election have a say on who is the candidate?
Guam is really a colony. It was run by the U.S. Navy until 1950 and now is under the Department of the Interior. Isn’t that the same one that runs Indian Reservations?
Just Some Fuckhead
Who knows why Democrats do this crazy Democratic shit. If you don’t like it join another party.
Of course Guam doesn’t count. Neither candidate campaigned there, so by Obamite logic it is an invalid contest.
Oh look, p.luk and myiq are back again. The attack of the Raving Lunatic Hillarybots continues.
Hillary lost another superdelegate in Indiana to Obama:
Read it
I thought it was well written and echoes my own thoughts especially the relationship between Bill Clinton and Obama being inspirational speakers.
Hillary is making a most awesome 2nd place candidate. Her ability to reinforce her 2nd placeness is inspiring to all future not-quite-candidates.
“Guam? We don’t need no stinkin’ Guam!!!”
Not in Puerto Rico. They pay PR taxes, not US. at least on income. They do pay SS taxes.
Same with Guam.
Jesus Christ on a velicoraptor. Grab the defibrillator pluckshake’s coding out.
Notorious P.A.T.
Do the people in Guam watch NASCAR? Do they drink coffee or orange juice? Do they eat arugula? Do they go bowling or play basketball? Am I missing anything? Please, Hillary, prolong this primary as long as you possibly can.
Ha ha. You’re forgetting something, M. Since neither candidate promised not to campaign there, your analogy is pointless and ridiculous.
Dennis - SGMM
So if you take the total number of votes already cast, add the votes that were intended to be cast and multiply that by the number of unemployed one-handed lumber counters plus the square of the area of a Clinton pants suit then it becomes patently obvious that Hillary should be president.
The Grand Panjandrum
I know we are all enjoying the Democratic race–some more than others–but the big news from yesterday is:
That’a how bad this year is going to be for Republicans.
Stop. Hey. What’s that sound? Come November 5th you will hear the collective burst of thousands of Cheetos bags when Barack Obama and his Fellow Democrats take back the government. My glee will be dampened by the fact that the Obama Administration won’t be putting Bush, Cheney, Addington, Yoo, Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld in handcuffs and shipping them to Gitmo for a bit of the bastinado before they are locked up and the keys thrown away. But, WTF, you can’t always get what you want. The upside is we won’t have to endure any photos of these motherfuckers stripped naked and in a pile with dog collars around their necks. (Wow did I write endure? I meant enjoy.)
Dennis - SGMM
Yep, and the icing on the cake is summed up by this from WaPo:
No, not atoll.
Dennis - SGMM
Arrrrrrgh! Coffee + monitor.
Just Some Fuckhead
Actually, since they both campaigned there- opened offices and made themselves available to the local media, ShitForBrains’ premise is flawed to begin with.
But I’m informed he is otherwise very witty, a real mensch.
Just Some Fuckhead
Bob In Pacifica
Little iq, just by misstating things doesn’t make them so.
Michigan and Florida don’t count as part of the primary season for reasons other than lack of campaigning by Obama and Clinton. And an examination of what H. Clinton’s rules are in these matters are decidedly more opportunistic and less aboveboard. All candidates promised to not campaign or PARTICIPATE in those two primaries, and signed pledges. That is, Clinton gave her WORD. Nothing says participation more than demanding delegates from those primaries. The results of the primaries are not a separate entity from the actual voting. It is clear that the intention of the DNC was to not count the results. That was stated. If Clinton had all along expected to get those delegates even when the DNC said otherwise, why did she sign the pledge? Or why didn’t she at least have the decency to add a little signing statement?
In other words, Clinton lied to the DNC when she signed her pledge. Quite simply, you look at the piece of paper she signed, you look at what she’s done subsequently in undermining the political party she claims to support and you have her true nature.
That is, she is a liar who would undermine her own political party in order to get ahead. That’s your candidate.
This is why the GOOpers are so desperate for HIllary to run against. How many times now have wingnuts and hilbots declared this is Obama’s “Waterloo”only to see Obama bounce back and pretty quickly. Whether it was “bittergate” or the REv Wright’s round the clock media cirle jerk, or his bad debate or whatever.
you’re correct. I read a graph wrong. Sorry.
oh yeah.. Obama bounces back from a 6 point deficit to a 3 point deficit against McCain…while Clinton bounces from a 1 point deficit to a 2 point lead against McCain.
In other words, both dems gained 3 point on McCain, but Obama is behind McCain after his bounce, and Clinton is ahead.
You keep forgetting that the national GOP isn’t making any serious effort to go after Obama. They don’t need to at this point — the race-pimping of Obama supporters is alienating the hell out of everyone else in the electorate, and the GOP knows how to exploit that to the hilt.
Dennis - SGMM
Surprisingly enough, Clinton is on “This Week” for a solid hour. Neither Obama nor an Obama spokesperson in sight. ABC needs to can Stephanopolous.
Bob In Pacifica
It was my understanding that the political rationale for Puerto Rico’s continuing Commonwealth status has to do with corporate taxation (or lack thereof) and other bestowed favors rather than individual income tax issues.
Myself, I’d just as soon they either get statehood or independence, get it over with. And for that matter, get the Washington D.C. matter cleared up. Either put it as part of Maryland or Virginia or make it a state of its own. And if the protectorates want, they should be included with Hawaii.
I’ve issued my rulings. Back to my cold cereal.
Dennis - SGMM
FWIW, I would have been just as annoyed if Obama was given the same break. It would be really good if the Fairness Doctrine was reinstated.
Dennis - SGMM
You’ve spoken with everyone in the electorate? How do you find the time to post?
Bob In Pacifica
Since Joan Walsh at Salon has spent so much time talking about Hillary’s “balls” in having her lovefest with O’Reilly, perhaps Stephanopulos performed fellatio this morning. Who knows? The usual suspects lurking together.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
No, the fact that the usual right-wing hacks are falling in line behind Hillary is either one big happy coincidence, or they’ve truly seen the light and won’t stab her in the back faster than you can say General Election.
3 points in 3 days, even while idiots like you and the MSM are perpetually pleasuring themselves with guilt by association garbage. And Hillary is irrelevant, she lost.
This is especially deluded thinking even for you pluk. Your saying wingnuts aren’t doing what they can to see Obama defeated in the primary (with team work from team Clinton). Bullshit. Take a pill.
Dennis - SGMM
Clinton has them right where they want her.
Just Some Fuckhead
From your keyboard to President Obama’s desk.
That would be the singlemost effective thing to do to change the current political-entertainment climate.
Of course the cry-babies are back. And notice they ONLY show up for threads related to the primary. Why, you’d think they were on someone’s payroll or something.
Wilfred maker of PMD (Puns of Mass Destruction).
I’d love to see the status of the other protectorates resolved, and incorporating the Pacific territories (USVI is an Atlantic territory) with Hawaii would be brilliant. The problem is that we are champions of self-determination, and none of those territories is capable of self-defense, so we’d be handing them a choice which was no choice: statehood or eventual conquest by some third party.
Hillary calls economists “elitists” for opposing the gas tax holiday. Stop this woman before she panders again.
This gas tax mess could really be her undoing. The supers will decide this nomination. While her pandering may play with low income voters, it won’t wash with the supers. This gas tax example shows how unhinged she has become and is no longer capable of effective leadership. All Obama has to do is to keep enough lead (which he is nowhere in danger of losing) and the supers will continue to break to him.
Dennis - SGMM
“Bush’s Resentment of ‘Elites’ Informs Bid,” title of article in the Washington Post, July 23, 2000.
O hai, p.huk.
No problem. Clinton’s campaign appears to be working its ass off here in NC to close the gap. Here in Asheville we’ve gotten at least half a dozen calls from the Clinton campaign, and none from Obama. Sure I’ll give her props if she manages to narrow a big gap, just like I did Obama in PA, and in all the states he closed wide gaps in. But it won’t matter, p.huk. She’s still gonna lose here. Pledged delegates is what matters, not closing gaps.
Actually, that news completely invalidates the Clinton swing state argument. The ‘only Ohio, Florida, and Missouri’ shit is self-reinforcing. Those that believe it only focus there, and lose. The Dems have flipped two seriously red districts in the last 3 months. If you run good candidates and run a good campaign, you can win in places that the Mark Penns of the world insist that you can’t.
That’s especially true if you have a money advantage, which Obama and the Dems have this year.
You’re forgetting the latest rationale from Hillary; not even pledged delegates matter. At all. Only the “automatic delegates” matter. Not the voters.
Dennis - SGMM
The Clinton campaign says: “Shut up is what matters!”
Notorious P.A.T.
So we should make decisions based upon polls, not votes? That’s. . . interesting.
8 point turnaround in 3 days.
Dennis - SGMM
Distant sound of gears grinding as pluk switches to his electability argument.
slippy hussein toad
I can’t wait until Tuesday. Maybe we won’t have to hear from the paid Hillary trolls anymore.
Time to go contribute more to Obama to make sure he’s got it in the bag! Maybe if my voice comes back I can do some phone-banking.
Polls inside the MOE, no less. So, not only should 2000 people decide our future, but when the poll shows a reasonable certainty that the result isn’t accurate if we ask more people, we should use it anyway.
Or more succinctly stated: Florida and Michigan voters deserve to be heard, but only 2000 random voters actually matter. And we’ll decide which snapshot matters most.
Here is my commitment to Balloon Juice. Whenever someone quotes national general election polling in support of any point whatsoever having to do with beating McCain in November of 2008, I will quote the following:
Martin does his wayback squiggly thing like Wayne and Garth… hearkens back to when John was all despondent and shit like a teenage girl because MUP dropped in the polls:
This happens every time. Wright is a great push-button issue with voters for about 3-5 days, then they come to their senses and realize that Obama farts rainbows and shits gold, Bush is still president, and Clinton would nuke Oregon at this stage if she thought it would get her votes. At some point the push-button will stop working. Maybe after this last round – it was pretty strong.
And as to what the GOP would do, they tied the guy in Mississippi to the Wright ads and he won. The scary black man strategy won’t get the GOP very far.
Beware: Celebrity Endorsement
This obviously means that Philadelphia doesn’t count…
The polls relating to MCcain and Cinton or Obama are especially useless for the obvious reason the GE hasn’t begun yet. The Obama-Clinton national polls are nearly as useless. I generally only quote them to shut p.luk up.
And how is that working out for ya?
Need to have John add that as a feature – just have it automatically post whenever p.luk or miq show up. Watching them troll the postbot would be incredibly entertaining.
Ah yes. This from someone who was convinced that Hillary used Diebold to steal the New Hamster primary.
LOL .I’m confident someday they’ll find a cure for recurring Pluk.
Dennis - SGMM
Pluk is about as easy to shut up as his candidate. Remember that scene in “Terminator 2” when the bad terminator was shattered into shiny little globules? If Hillary was shattered that way the globules would continue to talk in tiny annoying voices.
This kind of thing indicates that Senator Clinton has clearlly passed over the Panderer-in-Chief threshold.
Hell, she could as easily have said, “When I become president, I’ll be the Deciderator, uh, you know, deciderating things about the economy, and I don’t need to ask no economists about what I’m gonna do next.
Hey. You want to do a Crown Royal shot with me?”
I kinda wonder how Paul Krugman is going to justify his hopeless devotion to Senator Clinton after her shameless performance over the gas tax holiday.
Hillary is quickly turning into the Jeanne Schmidt of this campaign. All she needs now is the lizard neck.
Why can’t Clinton win in the outlying territories? What does this say about her campaign?!?
get a clue, Obot.
Some moron pointed to the poll as proof that Obama was bouncing back. I responding, noting that both Clinton and Obama had gotten the same “bounce” and that Obama was still losing.
Actually, we are deciding the nomination based on the persistence of the respective trolls. Pluk is gonna win it for her!
“Same bounce” “still losing” not to HIllary knucklehead.