More elites voice their opinions:
More than 200 economists, including four Nobel prize winners, signed a letter rejecting proposals by presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and John McCain to offer a summertime gas-tax holiday.
Columbia University economist Joseph Stiglitz, former Congressional Budget Office Director Alice Rivlin and 2007 Nobel winner Roger Myerson are among those who signed the letter calling proposals to temporarily lift the tax a bad idea. Another is Richard Schmalensee of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who was member of President George H.W. Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers.
Since oil is apparently the only thing we talk about anymore, I have a great idea for the 2008 Presidential election. We should elect two people with extensive ties to oil. Real oil industry insiders, who have experience and know how these things work. I bet we could get oil prices down in no time if we do that.
Oh. Wait. Nevermind.
wasabi gasp
I’m more interested in the opinions of people who don’t know how to sign letters.
Peter Johnson
Stiglitz lives on the upper west side. He probably never drives. I wonder if he even knows how much a gallon of gas costs. Yet he casts himself as an expert on how gas prices affect the lives of ordinary Americans.
You really need to pace yourself John. How are you going to survive 8 years of President Hillary if you max out the rage-o-meter every time she queefs?
At the rate she’s going, she’ll only become President if she wins it the Bush way: by stealing it. Which is good for her, since she’s basically transforming into the female version of Bush anyway.
myiq2xu Says:
WE are talking about pie…you are talking about cake.
The Pie Script really does make the world a better place!
High gas prices… not a bug, but a feature.
(it’s really Bush’s clever plot to fight CO2 emissions and boost oil company profits in one bold stroke)
Yay! Hillary is going all-out to save Indianans money. I propose someone whip up some “Ass, grass, or less money for gas, Hillary 2008″ bumper stickers. Next, she’s gonna go for the universal GEICO mandate so everybody can save a lot of money on their car insurance:
You go girl! I want her to take out those japs too so we can save on Super Smash Brothers. Damn you Wii monopoly!
According to the broadcast of the Clinton campaign phone rountable thing today, I couldn’t discern that the wizards of her castle could explain why the sellers of gasoline wouldn’t just pass the ‘windfall tax’ directly on to consumers as soon as it was imposed.
Or, why pimping this tax holiday made any sense when everyone knew that congress won’t pass it and Bush wouldn’t sign it if they did pass it. Why it wasn’t just electioneering, like the Obliterate Iran remark.
You should hear these lying fucks as they blather on about these things. They sound absolutely crazy.
And yet … If Senator Clinton does well in Indiana and North Carolina despite the patent stupidity of her gas tax plan, it will be a clear sign that she has become not an alternative to Bush, but his heir, as she shamelessly panders to those who want to be lied to, and those who will angrily reject anyone who refuses to humor them.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see Hillary swing into North Carolina or West Virginia and promise to support a creationist curriculum in public schools.
I’m not sure how far her pandering will take her, but it sure is amazing to watch.
Because they will, that’s why! Next question!
Actually, adequately explaining why they wouldn’t would pretty much walk you out to why the prices wouldn’t go down much in the first place. Further, any state currently in shitty fiscal shape [cough]California[cough] would be idiots to not immediately pass a summer increase in their gas tax at half the fed amount. It’s free money, and the state can use the same bullshit bamboozle to tell consumers that the price of gas will go down, but only to half the amount.
Well, we’ve put up with all of your queefing all this time.
I was reading an article the other day about a couple pawning a $200 watch for $20 so they could buy gas. Never mind the gas cost of just driving to the pawn shop. Never mind what they are going to do in a week when that gas is gone.
So much about the American consumer can be summed up as “penny wise and pound foolish”. If the working class are really so poor that this gas tax holiday is going to make a difference, then it is game over for them. Nothing we can do will help these people. Lifestyle changes are a’comin’ — for all of us.
the problem, of course, is that working class people don’t have pounds to be wise with — they are lucky to have shillings.
Obama doesn’t get this, and neither do his supporters. The whole obsession with “process” is a luxury that is enjoyed only by the “creative class”, and the attacks on Clinton’s gas holiday plan show us just how out-of-touch with “average americans” that Obama supporters and their cable gasbag enablers really are.
Obama panders just as much as Clinton does, or any politician does — he’s just not as good at is as Clinton is. When Obama panders, he’s condescending, and people pick up on that right away. Hillary Clinton is certainly not the person you would expect to be the ‘working class hero’ she is becoming — but she’s learned a great deal from Bill about the concerns of average americans and how to connect with them. Like Bill, she’s becoming a master of melding policy wonkishness with real empathy for people.
Obama, on the other hand, is still a policy wonk wanna-be (‘details? go to my website!’) and nor capable of projecting empathy.
Obama is all the bad parts of McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, and Kerry rolled into one….and if there is one thing that the GOP knows how to do, its to exploit the weaknesses of those kinds of candidates.
Bu-but, that $30 dollars we’ll save will buy a month of food.
Why are Obimbos trying to starve the working class?!
The liberal fauxrage over high gas prices is hilarious. This is the same group that was complaining because the US was paying so much less than our European brethren… the same group that was suggesting we should greatly INCREASE taxes on gas just a few years ago. You’d think they’d be dancing in the streets over $4.00+ per gallon on its way to $10 or more. This is exactly what they WANTED. But, they’ve got their gold rope and they’re still bitching. Typical.
Obama is all the bad parts of McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, and Kerry rolled into one….and if there is one thing that the GOP knows how to do, its to exploit the weaknesses of those kinds of candidates.
indeed, his failure to deliver unrealistic pie-in-the-sky promises that do all of jack and shit to save the middle class much needed money proves that.
Yep, those pesky experts and their namby-pamby facts and stuff. What’s that compared with the exultations of the “hero of the working class”.
Keep it up Pluk, your on the verge of becoming “Hero of the Hillbot Troll Class”. You should ask for a raise.
Billy K
In other words, “elites.”
When are these eggheads gonna get out of their ivory towers and realize that being “elite” is a BAD thing? I don’t need an economist or prize winner to tell me anything.
Okay, okay, you’ve slipped up this time lukasiak. This is so spoofalicious that your cover is finally blown. It was a good run, though. You’ve managed to make Hillary look ridiculous in ways that even could not.
How much does the Obama campaign pay for such work?
Yep, and don’t forget really smart Republican business sense. Without the US dollar freefalling during Cheney/Bush stalwart stewardship and a huge terrorism premium factored into the price of a barrel of oil reflecting their level of competence, where would we be? The byproducts of success just keep dumping from those two oilmen.
Wow, that is just one big steaming cup of crazy! Normally, I ignore those perceived as trolls or trollish remarks, but that statement is just too… insane to let slip by without comment.
Wow! Just… wow.
lets have a HOT AIR TAX instead lets lay a hot air tax on all those who produce it including AL GORE and GREENPEACE
Okay, not an Obama altar boy, but that one cracks me up.
Maybe shorter p.lukasiak: It must be strange to be Hillary in a polyester pantsuit. Revealing one working class masterpiece after another bordering on heroic.
Kool-aid, not just a unity beverage available only on the right side of the aisle. It transcends jumping over that aisle to the left as well.
You tell ’em Pluckshake. Damn the consequences and full speed ahead!
That obsession with “process” was a luxury we didn’t have when a smoking gun in Iraq might have turned into a mushroom cloud!
Just think of where this country would be if our leaders had been a bunch of indolent elitists who wanted all the facts before they voted.
Just think.
Fe E
Hey Pluk, Pluck you.
How big can the trailer house you grew up be before you’re considered an elite? The one I grew up in was 11′ x 64′.
And yep, my dad was a uniion factory worker.
Your concern for our well being is much appreciated; as is is your tacit admission that we’re so poor and ignorant, that not doing stupid shit is a luxury we can’t afford.
Fuck off, seriously. Just fuck off and go straight to hell you rotten black hearted bastard.
The Clintons, For economists before they were against them.
Bubblegum Tate
In keeping with your “The Onion is always ahead of the curve on this shit” theme from a couple posts down, I daresay those magnificent bastards have predicted how this is going to end.
It is downright pathetic that as a nation, we’ve gotten to the point where actually, you know, knowing stuff is some sort of mortal weakness. Why are these motherfuckers doing everything they can to make Idiocracy look like a hard-hitting documentary?
p.luk says:
That’s the opposite of what you think you’re saying. A policy wonk spills out all those details in their dull public speeches. It’s the flip side of wonkishness to put your policy details where other wonks will know where to find them.
Don’t know what’s going on over at corrente, but the crew at Sadly,No! are having quite a bit of fun at lambert’s expense. If anyone reading this still visits and/or posts at corrente, please pass this along:
How bout we stop with the elitist econ 101 shit and try a little third grade math. How many gallons of gas would you have to buy, saving 18.4 cents each, to add up to $30?? My snobby little adding machine tells me 163 gallons. In my car, 25 mpg, that comes out to driving 4075 miles a month. At my current pump prices, $3.50/gal, that comes out to $570.50 a month. It’s not fucking rocket science.