So I fell asleep on the couch tonight, and I was awakened by one of those obnoxious beeeeeeeeeeeeps on the TV warning of a tornado. So I am up waiting for it to happen (again.) Also, I went to a podiatrist on Friday to see about something on my foot. I thought it was a wart. Turns out it is a tumor. So much for “walk in, freeze it off, walk out.” I have surgery scheduled for Wednesday. Sucks to be me. It’s probably nothing, so no big deal. It’s just scary to hear the word, tumor. Anyway, the pending tornado is probably more of a threat.
5:17am on Mother’s Day, and everyone else is in bed except for you people. Open thread.
Say hey to your momma. She’s reading this, you know.
Over here in India, it’s 3pm in the afternoon — and although I dutifully sent my own mother a Happy Mother’s Day email, folks over here never even heard of the holiday. Bigger deal was yesterday’s elections in Karnataka state. (One side-effect was that there was a ban on liquor sales of any kind during the election, not even in restaurants or hotels. Imagine if they tried to do that in the US!)
Anyway, my prayers are with ya.
American ex-pat adventuring abroad…
Morning Michael, I live just north of you in Roswell and I’m about ready to smash my weather alert radio but it seems that would defeat it’s purpose. At least it looks like Mothers Day will be nice here once the storm passes.
Hi Mom!!
Sorry to hear about your foot. Don’t worry, though. We here in America have the best health-care system on the planet!!
BTW. South east corner of your basement.
Mothers day + Rocky Horror picture show = virginity defeat.
Look on the bright side, Micheal, better to have a (benign) tumor on your foot than a wart somewhere else!
Feet are a pain. My bunions are a constant reminder how misshapen I’ve become as a “senior citizen.” But they still hold me up.
Yeah, but they’re predicting sustained 30-40 mph winds this afternoon. Nice after 1-3 inches of rain (Smyrna here).
El Doh
A buddy of mine just had what he thought was a wart on his temple removed. That turned out to be some kind of tumor, and after they analyzed it, they had him go back and they took more of the surrounding area out. Blech.
He’s fine. It’s good to get these things removed though.
Tumor means “abnormal growth” and many, if not most, tumors are not cancerous. If it hurts, it will be better to remove it; if it’s abnormal, it’s always better to know what it is. I hope it works out fine.
Wait, television sets in America can tell if there’s a tornado approaching? Truly, we live in an age of miracles.
I see that AL(HOT AIR)GORE is blaming that burma cyclone on GLOBAL WARMING that wacko liar will say anything to force his rediculous ideas on others he should be sent to the mental institution and have his head examened
Tornadoes and tumors would go away if Obama would drop out of the race!
Notorious P.A.T.
Good luck Michael. Just for fun, when you get to the doctor’s office, adopt an Arnold Shwartzeneggar voice and say “It’s not a tumor!”
I suppose it depends on whom you ask. Many of the Indians I know send gifts to their mother for Mother’s Day.
You’ve never been to Texas, have you?
Rick Taylor
I hope things go well with both your foot and the tornado, and the rest of the week turns out better than today.
Good luck with the foot and the tornadoes. Like Dr. Dave said, a tumor is just an abnormal growth and doesn’t necessarily mean anything bad. And, hopefully, the tornadoes will pass you (and everyone else) by.
Sending you lots of positive energy.
Have you been in close contact with any goopers lately?
Seriously though, best of luck on Wednesday Michael. Please let us know how it goes.
Good luck with your foot, Michael. As everyone else is saying, a tumor can sound pretty scary, but it sounds as if you’re getting good, prompt treatment.
I live about 135 miles east of you, right across the Ga/SC line and your lovely little line of storms rolled in here at about 3AM this morning waking me up and keeping me awake most of the rest of the night. But since we had no tornados and we really did need the 2 plus inches or rain it is fine and I will make up the lost sleep shortly after lunch
All the more reason to never smoke a cigarette again. Best of luck.
Good luck with your foot.
I don’t think so, unless they are now offering internet connectivity six feet under.