Republican family values, of course…
Vito Fossella built a career as a staunch “family values” pol, polishing his image in his predominantly Catholic district with a string of anti-gay votes.
He even shuns his gay sister, Victoria Fossella, refusing to go to family events if she and her partner attend, a source close to the family said.
So far, all the good Republican street cred! Except:
His double life is now exposed with the news he has a 3-year-old love child with a divorced Air Force colonel, and critics are calling him a hypocrite.
More here. Sadly, this is par for the course with the current lot on the Hill. January can’t come fast enough.
At least he’s supporting the military….
Psshh. He’s clearly a RINO. A real Republican would work a wetsuit into the equation.
Fucking posers.
No diapers, bathroom stalls, or prostitutes involved? Just an ordinary affair with a normal woman? This mean is clearly not a real Republican.
dj spellchecka
one on the new york papers has been just killing this guy for the last few days.
the best part of one of the stories said that he and his mistress met on a congressional tour and by the end the two were openly flirting. the entire deligation knew about it and shortly thereafter republican officials did too.
Apparently his girlfriend didn’t know he was still married until she saw him apologizing to his wife on TV. True class.
Speaking as a woman, there are definitely times when the Bobbitt method of man-control seems more appropriate than others. This is one of those times.
Vito Victoria.
Cool name for a movie.
Now thats funny shit.
Will all the Republicans who are faithful to their wives and not having sex with other men/other women/prostitutes on the side, please raise their hands?
But wait, he completes the circle of GOP street cred cycle by having a love child. Don’t you see, any GOPer without a love child, or a bathroom stall tryst, or a congressional page or two is a real poser and probably a liberal wanna a be. Now if he was discovered with a little meth and gay prostitute, he would be canonized by the GOP and tapped for higher office.
No kidding. He’s twice the family man than most of his constituents.
Fossella/Jeffs ’08!
Wow, pretty bizarre for Republican standards. No rubber suits, self-bondage, dildos, diapers, gay and/or straight hookers, meth, underage, etc. You know, what passes for vanilla with these guys.
4tehlulz — comment of the weak as I need a new keyboard
Conservatively Liberal
I can’t wait for the day when the Republican party tosses the “Family Values” shtick and start kicking people out who actually have good values because they make the rest of the party look bad.
w vincentz
Hey, at least Obama was wearing a flag lapel pin at his WV appearance today. Good for him!
Now I’m going back to the photos I downloaded from the soccer stadium in Austria. On close inspection, one of those guys looks a lot like Fossella, and another looks a whole lot like Hillary wearing a strap-on.
Another appears to be Haggard holding hands with Craig.
These photos demand further study.
Oh…stock market tip for today, invest in condoms. There’s a huge market out there (especially uninformed fast-dicks like Fossella).
Jay B.
Conservatism is, at this point, clearly a pathology.
Dennis - SGMM
Fossella will now either drag his wife out to stand behind him at a press appearance and explain that it’s a private matter or he’ll go to rehab. Either way, this is good news for Republicans.
We cannot let ourselves be distracted by these partisan political tricks. These assaults on the polygamous Republican way are a distraction, so that liberals can steal your guns, bibles, and white babies. I was going to vote Fossella/Jeffs this year:
– Because it takes a Harem to raise a child.
– Because a vote for Fossella is a vote for single moms everywhere.
– Because their laundry is vetted, and neatly folded.
We know that DNA evidence is deeply flawed as a science*, so Fossella should have been able to stick this one out.
Of course, the liberal media would continue to harp on who had babies, with how many wives, that did or did not know about each other. Since Fossella cannot compete with the Soros media machine, he has to step out of the race.
Sheesh, give him some privacy, you don’t see Republicans snooping around your bedroom.
* From recent advancements in intelligent design.
b. hussein canuckistani
If the bible tells that nut family that having 18 children is virtuous, then clearly the bible will tell any good christian republican that having multiple wives is ok too.
Just be glad he doesn’t have slaves.
At this point I think he’s just trying to ramp up his anti-gay creds.
“Blam, motherfuckers! Who’s not gay now? I’ve got two wives and four kids. I’ve been hitting the old fuzzy love tunnel for my entire adult life. Yup, absolutely nothing less than 100% ram-rod straight. My heterosexuality is something you can stick in the ban… among other places, ladies.”
Also, O/T but something to wipe the thought of horny Republicans from your mind. Skinny Dipping Megan Fox.
The Grand Panjandrum
My wife has a concealed carry permit. She would never turn her firearm on me, as far as I know. I prefer to keep it that way because the whole Man of Steel thing I get to feeling after some very fine tequila probably isn’t proof that I’m faster than a speeding bullet.
w vincentz
DWI Arrest—check
“Love child”—check
A GOP trifecta!
Their hands are, uh, busy.
Apparently the GF thought Fossella was separated, but she did know he was married. The wife, however, had no idea about the GF and might not be “hanging around” for press conferences or any other purpose for much longer. I read that he intends to run for re-election and doesn’t see what the big deal is. I have a feeling he might not meet his fundraising goals.
Ed in NJ
According to SurveyUSA, 61% (55% of Democrats) in his district, NY-13, think Fossella should NOT resign, and 53% think he should seek re-election. He has an approval rating of 67% AFTER the scandal.
How could this be? Well, his district, made up mostly of Staten Island and some parts of Brooklyn, has the highest concentration of Italian-Americans in the country. The district is formerly NY-14, and before that NY-17 and has been represented by Guy Molinari, Sue Molinari, and Fossella since 1981. There is obviously some cultural issues transcending this issue which are going to make this very interesting as it plays out.
It’s looking like Fossella is going to try to ride this out, which would be alot of fun for us, but if the NY Daily News has any say in this, they are going to investigate every congressional junket he took, to see if the taxpayers funded his illicit affair. That will more likely be the backbreaker.
These politicians of ours are amazing!
Man, I don’t even think about half the shit they actually do.
Being from the area in question, I know. The district includes southwest Brooklyn- Bay Ridge, Bath Beach, Bensonhurst. The area made famous by Saturday Night Fever. It and SI are the most Republican areas in NYC. I wouldn’t be surprised if Fossella also has mob connections.
Sock Puppet of the Great Satan
“Apparently his girlfriend didn’t know he was still married until she saw him apologizing to his wife on TV.”
Kinda hard to believe: hasn’t she heard of Google?