This is brutal:
FB: Now, back when your husband was president he cut nine million poor women and children off welfare. But now you’re the candidate of women and poor people and poor workin women. So did you approve of what your husband did at the time, and if not are you going to reverse it as president and give all those poor people their money back?
CLINTON: Ha haaa! That’s an excellent question, Fafnir, and the only way to answer it is with a hearty chuckle followed by a complete non sequitur!
FB: Ha ha, that is so true!
CLINTON: You know, I wish I could make all those women’s lives better, I really do. But in a way, wouldn’t it help all of them even more if we could just make one woman’s life a whole lot better, and then say it sort of counts towards all those other women who aren’t getting anything? And wouldn’t it be even better-er if that one woman was me?
FB: You know, you just can’t argue with that math! Now are you running for president of Iraq, too? Because then your vote for the war totally makes sense!
CLINTON: I didn’t vote for the war, Fafnir. I voted to give the president the authority to go to war. What was he going to use that authority for? Maybe he’d just frame it and hang it in his office. Maybe he’d use it to prop up one of the legs on his desk. Maybe he’d use it to sing songs and dance jigs and lift weary spirits down at the old folks home! I honestly couldn’t say!
FB: If only you knew at the time that that devious George Bush would use a war authorization to authorize a war!
How dare you, John. How dare dare dare you? Don’t you understand that she’s a fighter? And Day One, John? There’s day one to be considered too!
Another victory for the manocentric manocracy!
What I want to know is why were there a bunch of Quiotes voting for Edwards yesterday?!?! Hardy County had 16% for Edwards! WTF?!?!?
Obviously Hillary thought that AUMF stood for Authorization for Use of Magical Footballs.
And seriously, what kind of American doesn’t like magical footballs?
gypsy howell
Fafbulous! Simply Fafbulous!
John Cole
I don’t know- could be a number of things. They could have liked his message, they could be folks who have relatives in WV, there could be some folks who did not know he was no longer in the race, there could be folks who voted on name recognition from the 2000-2004 election, and there could be folks who voted for him because he is neither black nor a woman.
Hard to tell.
Fafblog is a National Treasure.
And like all other National Treasures, it must be guarded by hundreds of highly trained security forces, and kept far, far away from the masses of people who might despoil it, or give it to the Terrorists.
Just imagine the devastation if a treasure like Fafblog got into the hands of the Islamogayfascimarxists!
The horror,
The horror,
The horror
Jamie Holts
I found your blog on google and read a few of your other posts. I just added you to my Google News Reader. Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more from you in the future.
Obamites Pile on Clinton at Own Peril
I’m going to vote for Obama, but god, I have come to truly despise a large segment of his supporters. Obama, Ron Paul, Ralph Nader…the same “we’re the only smart ones and the rest of you are fucking idiots who just can’t see the truth and your candidate is the worst human being on the face of the earth” attitude is pervasive among all their supporters.
Senator Clinton also opposed a ban on the use of Cluster Bombs. And why not? The quickest way to the hearts and minds of Iraqi children is with high-speed shrapnel, after all.
Ready on Day One people!
Just reading that snippet it was clear to me that Fafblog is a misogynist who is using the race card to attack Hillary and the entire anti-war movement from the 60’s.
/Hillary supporter
Can we get another Nicholas Cage movie about it?
Something occurred to me last night as to why Hillary might be staying in the race and its related to what I said about her before. She’s the first woman to be a real contender to be President of the United States.
Before I mentioned I thought she was going all Alexis Carrington because she wanted a real shot at making history, I can understand that. But, maybe, a part of what is motivating her is that, for better or worse, she IS a role model to many women and women have had to fight every step of the way and she doesn’t want to back down because she doesn’t want other women to back down.
Maybe she wants to exit with huge numbers so that, the next time a woman runs, things will be easier on her and a lot of this crap she has gone through won’t work anymore. (Now I am aware that Clinton has dished out plenty of her own crap and I am, by no means, an apologist her for.)
Maybe I am being delusional in my need to see the best in people (when I can, sometimes I can’t.) But I can see how that might be possible.
I think its a very real possibility her campaign isn’t all about vanity and power. There is definitely that element but, I think, there are some good reasons in there as well.
Also Faftastic.
Uh, orogeny, have you even READ anything by Taylor Marsh or Susan UnHinged, and their lovely commenters? Those are about their EXACT words. ‘Obama is a secret evil murdering anti-American Muslim, his wife is a female canine, and his supporters are cultists brainwashed by this fool. ‘
So yeah, Orogeny, pot, kettle, and all that.
In fairness to Clinton, Obama also supports the 1996 welfare reform (obviously, he didn’t vote on it because he wasn’t serving in Congress), but he supports it at least in principle. I have no idea whether he would have designed it the same way. And welfare reform would have been okay, just as other things might have been, if the Clintons had used the same political smarts for health care reform, i.e., put as much effort into building a different kind of safety net. Did anybody read Jim Cooper’s comments to a Tennessee paper? I wonder how many other health care reform “eye of the storm” stories are out there waiting to be told. Not pretty.
Z, you forgot pimp. It’s clear Fafblog is a race pimp. A big miscegenist race pimp.
Oh wait, that should read “misogynist”. Please disregard the previous typo.
thankfully, such an attitude is not only never seen, but is actually impossible, in a Clinton supporter. it’s good to know there are some polite, courteous, and bias-free people out there!
Has there ever been a politician, or leader of any sort, that didn’t have the support of some obnoxious assholes?
And it isn’t just politics! How many people have their love for (Star Trek/The Yankees/Classic Noir Films/World of Warcraft/Apple Computers) compromised by a bunch of obnoxious jackasses who feel the need to be total pricks about their preferred choice of entertainment?
I’m sure there are lots of assholes on the Clinton side, I just happen to frequent sites that have gone for Obama. But I’ve got to say that “sure we’re obnoxious assholes, but a some of them are too” is not much of a defense.
Bedlam UK
I really like your idea, but doubt that it would have occured to her that she might be making the NEXT woman’s life easier.
If that was the case, my opinion of her would soar.
Rather I’m pretty sure she is just trying to ensure she is only yards from the finish line when Obama wins. Then she’ll play good girl for the Dem Party against McCain.
This will then give her the ideal position for 2012 IF Obama fails in November.
She will honestly feel that she has earned the right to shout ‘told ya’ from the rooftops and walk easily into the Whitehouse at the end of McCains reign of Bushisms.
See, I wouldn’t include the Yankees in that list. Everyone knows that all of their supporters are naturally jackasses and total pricks anyway.
We Red Soxians are the civilized ones, the nonobnoxious ones. Really.
C’mon! Really! Stop laughing!
About one in every six West Virginians gets food stamps, the highest level of participation in at least 30 years.
Does this make Hillary a Socialist? (As if the term has any meaning anymore)
You’re right, Asparas, in each of the examples you noted there has been a group of supporters who have become cultists…convinced that they, and only they, are the keepers of the truth and all others are fools that should be treated with complete disdain. In my opinion, there has been a much larger segment of the Obama camp who has come to fit this description.
I don’t think Hillary is the worst person on earth. There are a lot of people who fit more closely in that category: Robert Mugave, the entire government of Myanmar, Osama bin Laden, Dick Cheney, etc.
I even used to defend Hillary Clinton. I didn’t think she’d make a bad president, not a great one, but not a bad one. However, over the course of the campaign, I haven’t just been offended by some her supporters, but the candidate HERSELF has really hacked me off. Now I feel like an idiot for ever defending her, and am as angry at myself, as I am at her campaign. I don’t mean to make Hillary supporters feel bad, I’m just mad.
Fafnir is a race-pimp! Race-pimp! Race-pimp! Race-pimp!
Orogeny, who is defending? I’m simply suggesting that your comment concerning Obama supporters implies that this attitude is somehow isolated to *them* when it is not. It is unfortunate, but that’s partisan passionate politics for ya. Everybody thinks folks that oppose their candidate are fools.
Thanks for fixing my link John.
Well, Oro, we will simply agree to disagree on this one.
There, that was easy! :) Now we resolve Middle East peace problems!
Ridicule is the only appropriate response to the ridiculous. When the Clinton camp stops saying ridiculous things like working class white votes are what really matters, or that over half of the states in the union don’t matter, I will stop ridiculing her for it.
John S.
Except that to a much larger degree, Clinton and her supporters are actually, you know, acting like fools.
See: p.lukasiak
kid bitzer
look, could we get back on topic?
fuck obama. fuck clinton.
the point is: fafblog is back!
this is big news! almost as big as if they put up the twin towers again! it is righting an historical wrong! tikkun olam and all that stuff!
alright. if you must drivel on about the horse race, then may i suggest:
obama should choose giblets for vice president!
after all, we now know that it is the single most powerful, most unaccountable, least constrained office in the world.
bow to vice president giblets! bowwww!
Dana Milbank channels Monty Python to describe the Clinton campaign.
I’m not sure the Black Knight scene isn’t more descriptive.
You could very well be right. What you say is definitely plausible. But no one is a flat two-dimensional character out of a penny-novel. There has to be more to Hillary’s motivation in all this than just vanity and power. Even if, on a conscious level, all she wants is power and notoriety, on a deeper level of her conscious, she might very well have some good, even noble reasons to want it. She just might have lost sight of whatever it is she wanted to accomplish along the way.
So while helping women or being aware of her position as a role-model may not be the motivation in her continuing to fight. I think there must be some good reason behind it and I just wonder what it could be.
So much truth being said here that I don’t know where to start. So I’ll just write what I am truly getting sick and tired of since this am when I turned on the TV and went online.
It’s beginning to really tick me off to keep on hearing and reading about white working class voters and WV being expanded to include the entire country. Invariably whoever is touting it or writing it is giving advice to how Obama has to carry on or go forward to win them.
Tell me how he got this far without them.
Dennis - SGMM
One thing is for sure, Democrats are engaged this time. I don’t recall the 2000 or 2004 primaries generating anything like the passion that this primary is. Whether or not it’s good for the party in the long run remains to be seen although I hope that it will. I don’t recall people being this excited since ’68.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
I love fafblog’s tags: fuck you 08. Absolutely perfect.
well looky here, McCain beats Clinton in her new-favorite demographic!
How can it be permissible
She compromise my principle, yeah yeah
That kind of love is mythical
She’s anything but typical
She’s a craze you’d endorse, she’s a powerful force
You’re obliged to conform when there’s no other course
She used to look good to me, but now I find her
Simply Unelectable
It is quite possible that Hillary has some noble intentions. But the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, and I feel like she has grabbed Democratic voters by our longish hair and drug us, kicking and screaming down that road. The ends do NOT justify the means. Her means have been atrocious.
Conservatively Liberal
Faferrific! Brutal, but truthful to a degree.
“Simply Unelectable” (Damn that is funny!)
John S.
People were excited to hand an overwhelming (electoral) victory to Nixon?!
My concern would be that the next woman to run for office felt like she had to follow the “Hillary Model” rather than be her own person since so many campaigns set “precedent” (see Hillary running the Kerry and Gore model for states needed in the general).
To my way of thinking it would be detrimental to a woman trying to emulate the Clinton campaign or model. She reinforces the entire “Marry some powerful politician then stand on his shoulders to reach office”. Given the women I hang out with (the proverbial bitches with whips) they think the same thing. There’s no real independence in her run and they seem to be even more disgusted with the depths to which she has sunk to try and win this thing. Like she has no pride whatsoever.
Yankees suck!
I believe Clinton ran this year because there was almost no way in hell people would put another republican in office. That’s why she didn’t run in 04 when she could have. Instead she waited until the electorate was caught between the proverbial “rock and a hard place” and had one of two choices neither of which good but one ultimately worse. What she didn’t count on was an alternative to her that was, and continues to be, the better alternative who has given people a reason to vote and someone to vote FOR vs. voting for the lesser of two evils.
joel hanes
bow to vice president giblets! bowwww!
This is exactly why I think the Medium Lobster should be Obama’s pick for VP. Giblets is too demanding and authoritarian (and in that, is much like the current occupant of the Naval Observatory. Sharing traits with Cheney is not a plus.)
Bedlam UK
Genine, Its true you see the nice in people and good on ya for that ! and I agree that she’s not so one dimensional as she has been portrayed of late. However, that negative image is one she has built up after things went a bit pair shaped for her.
I just hope the next woman to run for president can take the positives that Hillary has shown, and learn from the negatives that have ruled the last few months.
We had Maggie Thatcher, the Iron Lady as an example for our women politicians, but her Tory policies did almost as much damage to our country as Spindoctor Blair.
No one is two dimensional as you say. But Hillary sure is breeding a big bag of cynicism in the world right now.
I just cant get my mind round the whole You’ll lose the racists if you dont choose me line. As a brit our unfortunate racism that still manages to exist is at least hidden beneath our british manners. That Monkey poster John posted yesterday made my damn jaw drop !!
Jamie Holts
I must say this is a great article i enjoyed reading it keep the good work :)
Conservatively Liberal
Using the Kos figures:
Hillary needs almost 72% of all remaining pledged and super delegates to win.
Just an approximation, but if Hillary won the rest of the contests with the same ‘blowout’ margin she had in WV, she would only gain approximately 126 delegates, which would leave her 182 delegates short. So she would need just over 76% of the remaining super delegates to win.
Obama only needs 74% of the remaining pledged delegates to win. That is without a single additional super delegate.
This “contest” is over, and it has been over for a long time. The longer it is over, the more obvious it is that it has been over.
Also, Hillary owes that kid who sold his stuff and gave her campaign the money. How about her giving him some new video games, a game console and a bike? Otherwise she is nothing more than a swindling politician that hugs babies and takes their toys. ;)
She will be an example of what NOT to do. The next woman to run for office will not be leaning on what her husband did. She will have to run as her own person.
Conservatively Liberal
I think Meatwad should be Obama’s veep choice. He is nice, made out of meat and he can take the shape of Abe Lincoln holding a sword.
That could be useful.
John S.
As an American friend of many Brits, I find fault with your characterization.
For one, the very existence of the BNP is a decidedly unhidden component of British racism. We have no serious equivalent here in the US (even the GOP doesn’t come close). Second, the fact that the BNP actually has members elected to government positions (albeit local ones) while publicly running on a platform of xenophobia and racism is absolutely mind boggling.
So, some folks are saying you’re use of “hard working, white people” aided your vote total in certain demographics in West Virgina. How do you address that accusation?
Ha ha. You know, you can pick out demographics in any race to argue one way or the other. For instance, did you know West Virginia leads the nation in methadone-related deaths per capita, and has the fastest-growing rate of methadone overdoses?
I am in full agreement with you there, Z. The ends do not justify the means. I, in no way, excuse her means. She has run a horrible campaign. It’s been slimey, dirty and low. But I think, underneath all she has said and done and what her campaign has said and done, that there are some positive motivations behind what she is doing. I just have NO idea what they are.
I especially agree with you about “the road to hell” which is why I try avoid “good intentions” whenever possible. Even now, I don’t exactly have “good intentions”. I just don’t like feeling about anybody the way I currently feel about Hillary Clinton and her followers. It makes ME feel icky. I like to try to understand where people are coming from so we can all come together.
I think it might be a neurosis. lol
I know what you mean, Dreggas, but I honestly do not think that another woman would follow the Hillary Model. First and foremost, it has shown that it doesn’t work. Secondly and, more importantly, I think the next woman won’t want to run a Hillary-type campaign because she won’t want to. I think if there is anything positive that could be said about the last 8 years is that it has opened a lot of people’s eyes to the Old Paradigm and how fucked up it is. Sure, there are still large numbers of people that love it and will fight to keep it, but its changing.
No matter what happens, I think Obama’s presence and what he has tried to do will forever change politics in this country. He’s “upped the bar” so to speak and that old politics will be A LOT less palatable to people the next time around. In the past, everyone tried to be slimey and underhanded, so voters only had to choose who was less slimey or who’s slime they liked the better. Now there’s new option and a whole new world of possibilities have opened up. And I think the next woman who runs will be part of the world on new possibilities.
you’re probably enough of a moron to think that Bill Clinton actually did cut nine million women and children off of welfare, aren’t you John?
I would hope so. It’s not just the leaning on her husband, it’s the “Guerrero” mentality of “lying, cheating, and stealing” to use a wrestling reference that is of more concern to me.
Dennis - SGMM
Hardly. But they were very fired up about the candidates in the Dem primaries. The assassination of RFK, along with the party bosses’ decision to support Humphrey pretty much put Nixon into office. Kennedy’s supporters didn’t rally around a single candidate after his death, some of them were still pissed at Gene McCarthy and his supporters (Sound familiar?) and instead of supporting him they went to McGovern. Neither McGovern nor McCarthy picked up enough of Kennedy’s delegates to mount an effective challenge to Humphrey, a flawed candidate who as Johnson’s VP was identified with the wildly unpopular Vietnam war policies of Lyndon Johnson.
On this I agree. Obama has changed a lot of things and if anything this election along with the last 8 years has shown the dark underbelly of this country. Hopefully that will change, it’s already begun but it’s not going to be pretty or happen over night.
I think that’s what will happen. She would have to be insane not to have learned anything.
you’re probably enough of a moron to think that Bill Clinton actually did cut nine million women and children off of welfare, aren’t you John?
Literally, yes. With Scissors.
Dennis - SGMM
Obama has clearly demonstrated that we did not get rid of racism back in the Sixties. I think that many of us bought into that idea for one reason or another and it turns out that we still have quite a way to go on the issue. That makes me uncomfortable and I hope that it makes many others uncomfortable as well.
Billy K
Sorry, late to this thread, but I just had to say, go fuck yourself, orogeny. You’re a concern troll and we don’t like your kind around here. Go quote Karl Rove somewhere else.
Conservatively Liberal
Fixed for hilarity. ;)
Oh, to be sure! However, the point is, it WILL change. What’s more, I can see it happening in my lifetime. So, yeah, things may/will suck for while and much bullshit will be had. (I may be an optimist, but I am not delusional.) But, on the other side of that, are a lot of good things to look forward to.
August J. Pollak
Wanted to check in from my last comment earlier this morning and point out that TalkLeft is back to accepting that Obama will be the nominee. That only took six hours or so.
However, Armando is now writing yet another helpful “advice” post for Obama, called “three things Obama can do to win.”
I will wait patiently for you to guess what #1 is.
Big Tent Democrat wakes up, sorta.
I agree wholeheartedly. The rot was never completely dealt with and it has festered in many parts of the country. Again, another thing that this election has uncovered that we need to deal with.
I don’t think Clinton was at her best in that one, I think she gave a much better performance in Fafblog Interviews: THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY
Conservatively Liberal
Kiss Armando’s ass? Take the VP slot and let Hillary have the presidency before she is too old? Change his name to Hillary Clinton? Adopt Chelsea? Shoot Cheney?
Am I close?
Agreed. Life is a series of ongoing changes. And as with the individual, changes occur with nations as well. My life and views are a textbook case of changing over time. One thing this election has also shown is the stagnation of the political process as well as the parties themselves. What the results are showing is that a large amount of people don’t want the “Same Shit Different Day” way of operating any more. It’s not working and hasn’t worked for years. It needs to change and that change is coming.
What Obama Actually Needs to Do to Win, by me:
1. Get his name on the ballot in all 50 states as the Democratic nominee for President.
2. Not die between now and Election Day.
That shit is stuck in my head now. Awesome.
Re: “The Pile On”
We wouldn’t be piling on if there weren’t every indication that her continued pursuit of the nomination creates a refuge for the type of politics the progressive world would like to end as well as hurts Democrats financially against the Republicans, all up and down the ticket. So yeah, we’re piling on. Hillary’s camp is a grenade and we need to muffle the damage.
I guess you weren’t around back then….
It was McCarthy’s supporters who were contemptuous of the RFK people. RFK had refused to run against LBJ, which is the reason that McCarthy ran in the first place, but when McCarthy showed how weak Johnson was in the New Hampshire, primary, Bobby decided to jump into the race.
Like Obama supporters today, RFK’s people expected McCarthy to just quit the race when Bobby decided to show up — and when Bobby was killed, refused to support McCarthy because McCarthy had defied Bobby’s own “magical unity pony.” The result was a fracture in the anti-war movement that resulted in the presidency of Nixon, the ill-advised “McGovern commission” and McGovern’s subsequent disasterous run for the presidency that lead to the Democrats being tagged as the party of people out of touch with the concerns of average Americans.
holy crap:
cult much ?
Dennis - SGMM
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 was one of the number of Republican bills that form the legacy of Bill Clinton’s presidency. Other gems are the Defense of Marriage Act, Don’t ask, Don’t tell, NAFTA and the repeal of Glass-Steagall. All of which Clinton championed over the objections of his own party. Anyone nostalgic for the Clinton years could not have been paying attention back then.
You may wish to suggest to the bitches with whips that they consult a few history books. Traditionally the way to power at the very top for women has been through familial connections, because there was no other way. We have made many advances in recent decades, but what’s been true for centuries was also true for Hillary Clinton (and Elizabeth Dole, for that matter, although Clinton is a far stronger candidate). There are many solid reasons to criticize Clinton, but this doesn’t happen to be one of them.
Relatively few political wives in the U.S. have had aspirations to the highest offices standing on their husbands’ shoulders or in any other position, because until recently it was almost impossible, unless you happened to be a stalwart congressional widow.
Sadly, it’s hard to tell if the WriteHillaryIn site was created by wingnuts or real hillary supporters at this point.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Well done, John. Well done.
Imagine living with this forever..
Thanks, Billy K, a perfect example of what I’m talking about. I’ve been active in the Democratic Party for more than 30 years including a few years as a paid staffer in the state party office. I’ve worked on Democratic campaigns since McGovern. I’m not a “concern troll,” I’m genuinely concerned about the Democratic Party, winning this election and what will happen in the years afterward.
Oh yeah, fuck you, too.
So basically Hillary set things back many decades considering she is following the old model. Honestly I won’t suggest anything to them because I really don’t have too. They are their own people and while things may have been done differently in the past we aren’t living in the past, we live here and now and it’s time to realize that. History is a great teacher in what to do and not to do. There are many ways to get ahead for women as a whole today and they don’t need to rely on the past methods in order to do so.
Uh huh. The thing is, it’s the Clinton fools who don’t see the truth, in about thirty-leven permuations of it, and she is, right about now, acting like the worst human being on earth. Her behavior the last three months has been repellent, she has run a badly modeled and badly operated campaign, she has demonstrated Ends Justify Means strategies over and over again, and the reason that the “attitude” you reference is pervasive is because it represents the truth of the situation as we see it.
The fact that you don’t see that, notwithstanding. Do I need to remind everybody that even you, only days ago, were in here rejecting and renouncing her idiotic “hard working white American” assertions right here on this blog?
Do you think she just turned into the person who would make that ugly gaffe a week ago? Is it possible that she has been that ugly person all along, and maybe her supporters just refused to see it?
Get a fucking clue, man. Jesus.
Dennis - SGMM
Next up: Clinton supporters demand that large tracts of Federal land in America’s desert southwest be formed into the Kingdom of Hillarania. “It’s her turn to rule,” argued the adoring crowds. “Princess Chelsea guarantees the succession,” they added. Advocates of Hillarania stated that the new nation will be a strong ally of the US and that it will bomb Iran if asked to. “Hard-working white people need a country of their own,” stated Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson, “Displacing a few native Americans and some ranchers seems a small price to pay for creating Utopia.”
Yeah, that’s just plain freaking dumb. Bad enough when people get names or pics of their current woman or man tattooed on them but that is just idiotic.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Now, now. Orogeny is voting Dem regardless. He’s following the script us Obama kiddies are hoping for. He’s technically “hinged”.
How’s this election treating ya, TZ? :D
Billy K
You clearly don’t understand what a concern troll is. Take your Rove talking points and worries about piling on and shove them. Nobody in Obama’s camp is “piling on.” You and people like Harrop are trying to start a meme. Obama is doing exactly what she says in the first paragraph, yet you’re trying to push the opposite idea into the CW with unattributed anecdotes and shaky connections.
You’re a fucking concern troll and an asshole, and I’m sick of the cancerous rot you bring to my party. Fuck off.
Fuck you. Fuck your subterfuge.
P.S. Here’s a list of contributors syndicated by your source:
Michael Barone
Andy Borowitz
L. Brent Bozell III
Pat Buchanan
Steve Chapman
Mona Charen
Larry Elder
Lawrence Kudlow
Ann Landers
David Limbaugh
Michelle Malkin
Roland Martin
Oliver North
Robert Novak
Dennis Prager
Thomas Sowell
Jacob Sullum
Walter E. Williams
and…. Chuck Norris.
Again, I say, go fuck yourself.
there are places on the net where people discuss many of the same topics that people here do, but where they put a great deal more emphasis on civility (Obsidian Wings, for example). but this just isn’t ObWi. if you want to discuss these kinds of things in calm, temperate language, in a setting where more than one “Oh yeah, fuck you, too” would get you banned, you can… but this isn’t that kind of place.
and no, i’m not suggesting you leave (really) – and i wouldn’t even if i had the authority to do so (which i certainly don’t).
Conservatively Liberal
Interesting whois on the domain for
It was registered through GoDaddy.
Doing a reverse address search I find the address is listed under:
I was just wondering if it might be a Repub spoof site to draw off votes. Anyone want to dig further? Countertops anyone? ;)
Zune guy still takes the bad tattoo idea of the millenium award.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Please. PLEASE let that happen. Let blue West VirKenTennistan secede from the nation. John Cole can move up to Pittsburgh.
Bush’s favorables would drop to 10% overnight, and we can stop spending anti-terror money on county fairs
Rick Taylor
Nah, he’s always been like that. He supports Obama, remember? And he’s always been willing to give his advice on what he should do to win.
Clinton supporter in Scottsdale? Not likely I think. That address is real close to a Ferrari dealership.
Yeah, he throws that in regularly as if he thinks its a cover for the constant load of concern troll feces he lays down on his way down the thread.
Sorry, ain’t buyin it. I don’t care who he votes for, I don’t like him and I don’t believe him. He’s a guy who, in the space of about ten days, mounted a defense of the Obliterate Iran gaffe, then reversed course on the White Working Americans gaffe, renounced the asshole Clinton, and then comes back today to get in a shot at his opponent’s “pervasive attitude” that maybe his candidate sucks dick. His candidate did suck dick, she sucked it 15 years ago when she and her arrogant husband fucked us out of healthcare reform, created a useless storm of scandal around what should have been nothing, like Travelgate and Rose Law Firm records, got into an impeachment quagmire, and ruined the fortunes of the Democratic party for almost ten years in the process.
I have no reason to like, or trust, the Clintons, and I am under no obligation to treat them … or their lying supporters … with any respect.
Fuck them, totally and completely. If they want to be Democrats this year, then they need to get behind the new standard bearer and get with the program.
Billy K
I don’t think there are any Democrats in Scottsdale.
Good catch. I am almost betting it’s either a repub spoof site but then again HRC did win Arizona. Though Snotsdale is a pretty hoity toity area from what I gathered on my visits to Phoenix.
Fuck anyone who can’t do simple math. IMO.
Conservatively Liberal
That is supposed to be the address of a business called Domains by Proxy, Inc.
So it is using two business names, as far as I can tell, and they hide other registrants, so it could be them or someone that wants to hide.
Either way, it smells funny.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
It’s a syndicator, not a publisher. They distribute and manage content.
My question is, what’s a “Froma Harrop”, and where are they grown? From the looks of it, a horse farm is a good guess.
Billy K
Apparently just like Regnery!
Billy K
Also, though they may be a syndicator first (started in the 80s, I think), they publish content on the web. Therefore, publisher as well.
And for those of you who aren’t getting my gist, they lean heavily right-wing.
Yah, but the name is Suzanne Hendrix. She is likely in the +45 demographic.
They also syndicate:
Joe Conason
Hillary Clinton
Susan Estrich
Molly Ivans (in the past)
Robert Sheer
Mark Shields
Jim Hightower
Yep, buncha damn Nazis, no question. Lying sack of shit.
Doug H. (Fausto no more)
You should’ve just checked Domains by Proxy:
Yup, our registrar sure is open and outgoing, isn’t he/she?
Dennis - SGMM
I use Domains by Proxy when I don’t want to be bothered by spam emails addressed to me as the Technical or Administrative contact or by robo-offers to buy the domain. Nothing fishy about them. The site sounds like a spoof.
Billy K
Doesn’t change anything. They still lean right-wing (note I didn’t say they are right-wing or syndicate right-wingers exclusively), you’re still a concern troll, still an asshole and still need to fuck off.
could be a suite.
best not to get too Malkiny here ?
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I’m cool with your frustration, but they don’t have to get in line. They just have to vote for the guy.
Look, the Obama campaign is a stellar, glorious thing. It’s watching a colored newb trounce the pompous assholes, all the while proving that civility works.
But the Obama presidency isn’t going to be that awesome. Obama will have to build his connections between the House and the Hill, he can’t take them with him. If WV is any indication, a large amount of Appalachia will abandon his leadership entirely, and there will be some hiccups between Black America and White America. This is on top of the nascent Weimar Republic that’s already going to be pissed that Jesus didn’t return to give Bush a third term.
In short: you’re going to have to start getting ready to win and hate the outcome.
Conservatively Liberal
A business search in Scottsdale returns two hits:
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
14455 N Hayden Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(480) 624-2588
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
15111 N Hayden Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(480) 624-2045
None of the phone numbers match the WHOIS, but the first hit is close but with a different address. At least the reverse address search turned up a ‘real’ name, but the different business name is interesting too.
Billy K
Too true. Considering the shape this country is in, it’s gonna be real ugly, even with someone like Obama at the helm. The only good thing is it would be even worse with President McSame.
Conservatively Liberal
Probably. Still interesting that a so-called Hillary supporter would want to hide. Spoof is probably correct.
Billy K
P.S. you guys are wasting your time trying to find out who own the domain that way. Domains by Proxy just registers sites for a client, keeping their identity secret. Their address or phone number is inconsequential.
The Grand Panjandrum
Plenty of sound advice coming from a man of the people. Corporations are people too. I guess they could make BTD president of TL.
domains by proxy is a good idea, actually. putting your name, address, phone number, etc on a WhoIs record is an invitation for cranks to harass you at home.
Agreed since it dead ends at the company involved. Hell, Hillary herself could have registered it but didn’t…well…as far as I know anyway, and you’d never know it.
This is the identical argument we had when I “reversed course on the White Working Americans gaffe, renounced the asshole Clinton.” At this point, I’m convinced that Obama is going to be the nominee and have signed up as a volunteer on his Website. I still think that Clintons “white people” comment crossed a line. But, I said then and I’m saying now that acting like the complete asshole that you claim as your “persona” and that is a doppleganger of the attitude displayed by a large number of the Obama supporter here and on other pro-Obama sites is counterproductive and only hurts the Party’s chances of winning in the general. Like it or not, many of us see Obama through the filter of his supporter’s actions.
With you and some others like BillyK, it’s like seeing Obama through a proctoscope.
Caidence, I will subscribe to your newsletter, mainly for the illustrations, but … ha ha just having a little fun with ya.
Your view of the future is an interesting one, but I can’t be persuaded that it’s prescient.
First, I think that we are still in the throes of projecting our own stuff onto Obama because he is still new enough for us to do that. But he isn’t us, and he isn’t Jimmy Carter. I think he is smarter than recent presidents have been, not just intellectually and ethically, but also politically. I think he is practical, and I think he does best when he speaks for himself. When he represents his own views and positions, he does very well. When others do that for him …. well, then we get nonsense.
Second, I think America is ready to move along and leave some of its dysfunctional past behind. Not all of America but enough of it to make a difference. So it’s possible, if not likely, that the realignment that will happen this year will carry forward into his administration and give it the foundation he needs to accomplish things.
LBNL, I don’t think that WV is an indication of much other than the idea that Appalachia is what it has always been in my lifetime … an anachronism. The crazy cousin who lives in the old chicken coop out back on the property. Not a big factor in outcomes that matter any more. It’s time for Appalachia to change, not time for us to bend to it.
As Dennis already said, Domains by Proxy is legit. A lot of people, including me (a single woman living alone) use them to keep their personal registration information hidden from spammers and creeps.
Domains by Proxy almost certainly has NOTHING to do with that site. Let it go, guys.
Pardon this voter for being underwhelmed at this line of reasoning.
While I’m quite sure Hillary and a certain class of feminist might find this as an acceptable means to what they view as a noble end, it remains both retrograde in its leanings and profoundly offensive to fair, rational people – especially when one takes into consideration the people for whom “ascent to power by marriage” has not been a viable avenue for political advancement (see communities of color in America).
In short, it’s bullshit.
Democgraphically speaking, we are long overdue for a presidency comprised of someone other than yet another straight, white male, but it’s this kind of cynical, hypocritical self-dealing by Hillary Clinton and her would be emulators that will end up shooting the very possiblity in the foot everytime.
I know you have a point there. I don’t think of Obama as the second coming or anything. He’s just a man. But he’s a man trying to do something different for positive reasons and I really like and appreciate that.
I also like his idea. His idea of having the voters put pressure on their representatives to get things done. I’d love to see how that would turn out. Sometimes, I have reservations because I think of people as lazy fucks that don’t like to think about what’s doing on, nevermind the effort it takes to put in a phone call or type an email.
But then I get over that negative feeling and look at how many people are energized now and get involved and that number is only going to grow.
Aw, crap. More people beat me to it. Well, at least I got to use bold.
Well, good. Vote for Obama like you said you would. Keep worrying if you want. On November 6, have a margarita or three. Salud!
Yeah, whatever. I stand on my 12:39 post. I said what I meant, and meant what I said.
I could care less whether you see it, or agree. You’re an idiot.
dr. bloor
I knew she looked familiar.
Ice Cube called. He wants his trademark back.
Josh E.
Froma Harrop’s articles.
Standard issue Obama bashing and concern trollery. Obama leads a cult, OMG WRIGHT!!! etc.
BTW, Domains By Proxy is a legitimate service. It is offered by most domain sellers. It’s simply a way to keep e-mail and contact info away from the spammers. My employer owns multiple domains and all are under DbP.
I’m sorry, Mary…didn’t see your post about DbP.
No one has questioned the legitimacy of Domains By Proxy, however there is more than enough reason to be suspicious that DBP was used to register THAT site specifically.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
OK, now see, that’s where you’re getting stupid. You’re merging attitudes on the internet with what those attitudes represent. They’re two different things, and those represented emotions are two different things for the two different candidates.
You see, when Obama supporters say “Fucking Hillary Clinton and her supporters…”, were saying “Stop fighting us. We won, and the war isn’t over. Have your fleet line up behind our battle group and load your cannons.”
When Clinton supporters say “Fucking Obama and his supporters”, they’re saying “BLAAAAHHHH WAHHNNHHHH I’M GOING TO VOTE McCAIN IF I CAN’T HAVE MY HEROINE WHHHHAAAANNHHHH”. *That’s* where the problem is. It’s cool if Clinton supporters still think Clinton is better for the job than Obama. But for awhile now, Clinton supporters have been fucking around on the job.
And flip side, it’s cool if Obama supporters think Obama is better for the job. But it doesn’t represent what you’re making it out to be. It’s a rolling of the eyes, not a commitment to voting for the anti-woman candidate or the pro-life candidate or any such bullshit.
I say we mob up, get some torches, rotten produce and boards with nails in them and march to Domains By Proxy. Who’s with me?
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I’ll be hoping for that to be true.
BTW, WHAT the FUCK was that Dancing Outlaw thing? He’s like WV’s version of Martin Short, right? Completely for show, right? Please?
BTW, ThymeZone’s penchant for assholery is not tied to Clinton supporters. It sort of….permeates…the persona…
Kind of like how Armando is very likely a dick to wait staff in addition to his blogdickery.
What a dumbass thing to say, man. But, if you have to operate at that dumbass level, then just do a straight comparo between Obama supporters (as represented on the blogs, since that is where we are) and Clinton supporters.
Are you really going to sit there and suggest that Clinton supporters have the grounds for asserting that they are superior, on any level, intellectual, political, moral, policy … to the other side? In any way, shape, or form, on the basis of any issue, or of any segment of the campaign?
You must be kidding. Seriously, you must be fucking kidding. Unfortunately, you won’t cop to actually kidding, so I have to pretend to take that seriously.
Okay, I take it seriously, and all I can say is, we do not and will not ever agree on the point. And I am not out to have unity with you or people like you. If you want unity, then you are going to have to get it on your own, I am not giving it to you. Apparently we have your vote, so you can take your faux concerny crap and get on down the road.
Billy K
I don’t represent Obama, fucktard. I voted for him, will vote him, gave him time, money, and word of mouth. I represent me.
Fuck off.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
I say we start generating the meme that DbP is a Scientologist-run operation. Awaken Anonymous from the depths of R’lyeh, and have them raid the site continuously until they cough up what we want to know.
Downside? Repeated visits to 4-chan.
OK, maybe not a downside for me, but I’m damaged.
Maybe, Dreggas. You could argue that unscrupulous and sneaky people are more likely to use DbP than those of us who are just paranoid about our privacy.
But it’s one thing to stand up with your full, real name and say whatever the hell you want on a web site, as John does (and few of us commenters do). It’s another thing to provide detailed contact information so that you any nutjob out there can spam you, make harassing phone calls, drive by your house, etc.
So no matter how smart or noble or weird some domain owner can be, it makes sense for a large cross section of us to use a service like DbP, and I wouldn’t assume that there was something extraordinarily suspicious about anyone out there using it. I’d have to see independent evidence that something fishy was afoot. (Assuming that fish with feet are at all relevant, of course).
Actually, I am the biggest tipper and favorite customer almost anywhere I go. I say please and thank you with a smile and I tell service personnel in plain English that I appreciate the work they do for me. I spent years working as a dishwasher and fry cook, among other things, and I know how hard those guys work and how little thanks they get for it.
#sigh# That should have been “so that any nutjob out there …”.
And I’m off to throw another few bucks into Amazon so John Griffin (BEST!MIDDLE!NAME!EVER!!!) Cole can feed the gerbil powering this blog. These extra-long election threads must be killing the poor little beast.
Josh E.
Yes, Armando got in a mighty flame-war at Daily Kos when he tried to defend the Kelo decision. In the course of the war someone pointed out that he was not disclosing his pro-corporate business interests and that was a potential conflict of interest. Chaos ensued and Armando started swearing at and banning everyone. Kos eventually gave him the heave-ho.
Totally O/T, but John might be curious to hear what Sadly, No! has to say about his beloved Steelers in the Super Bowl.
August J. Pollak
NARAL just endorsed Obama.
But, you know, what do they know about the issues of female voters.
If you really cared, you’d learn Spanish.
Wait: Are you copping to being Armando?
These are going to come thick and fast now. It’s the bandwagon effect.
You are watching the end game of one of the most brilliantly run campaigns in our national history. A newcomer black kid knocks off the machine and beats it at its own game.
This is very enjoyable (which is the answer to the question somebody asked my upthread).
Watch and learn, this is how you do it.
What’s amusing here is the projection by some clinton supporters onto Obama supporters vis-a-vis the way they behave. Long before Obama was ahead there was a condescending attitude (after all Hillary was inevitable) not just towards those supporting Obama, but pretty much everyone else. As soon as Obama started to gain traction it became an all out attack on Obama supporters with the whole bs about being cultists and not knowing better because we, by and large. Somehow we were naive (how anyone can say we’re naive after the past 16 years and what has come to pass is beyond me) and other bullshit.
Then there was the slow descent to wingerdom, every attack on Hillary was CDS just like every attack on bush was BDS.
Whenever it was pointed out that the empress has no clothes the attacks were furious and relentless as if any questioning of Hillary was verbotten.
Then came the projection. Forget the fact that Hillary and her supporters have been the ones treating Obama supporters like crap from the get go, no it’s really the Obama supporters who are at fault for pointing out many Clinton distortions, half-truths and bald faced lies while calling her on her tactics which have been rovian to a fault.
Sorry if I am not ready to put the knives down and apologize for defending myself when i have been attacked or for defending the candidate I chose to support.
Whoa! Hungry gerbil ate part of BEST[exclamation mark]MIDDLE[exclamation mark]NAME[exclamation mark]EVER[3 exclamation marks].
Or else WordPress eschews bountiful punctuation.
This deserves a link if only because of the amazing post title:
Glorious, Gynoparadisiacal West Virginia
Few gringos pronounce Spanish as well as I do.
I learned it from a Cuban who spoke and taught Castilian Spanish, which is …. maybe the most beautiful language I ever heard. Even when my vocabulary doesn’t let me understand it all, I just love to say it and hear it, it’s that pretty.
My vocabulary sucks, I really don’t get the time to practice it enough. But when the others hear my pronunciation, they are eager to help me with the vocabulary. My secret weapon.
Mary, given the things I have seen, the people i know and the lifestyle I lead I am one of the biggest advocates of privacy and fully understand how these laws can and have been abused not only by the gov’t but by the spammers getting contact info off of WhoIS.
That being said, reading some of that site, there’s something to be said about the sword of damocles.
Tax Analyst
Tip: If you’re trying to get in good with Spanish-speaking folks, just remember to mention my old friend, Bessie Mae Kulow.
D’oh! You’re not really that stupid are you, Thymezone? Are you so obtuse that you think that the actions of people representing themselves as advocates for a candidates, officially or unofficially, don’t affect peoples perception of a candidate? Jeebus Crow, one of the oldest entries in the political dirty-tricks playbook is to have someone supposedly representing a particular candidate say things to piss people off…that anger has a direct effect on their feelings about that candidate. I’m surprised at you.
On the other hand, Billy K’s ignorance doesn’t surprise me at all.
Keep your personal life out of this. :)
Reading that article made me cringe – and wonder what his parents were thinking to let him waste his money like that. Poor kid will probably grow up one of those people who hates politics and refuses to vote. If Clinton were interested in doing the right thing (uh huh, sure) she’d have a policy similar to that of the Obama campaign: they won’t accept donations from anyone under the age of 15.
Like I said, you are an idiot. Since you obviously either didn’t read, or ingored, the meat of my post, I’ll use this opportunity to repost the meaty part so that others can see it and judge for themselves which of us is right.
I repeat, you decide.
Josh E.
Of course, that Sadly! No post is not about the Steelers. The out-of-shape quarterback he’s talking about is named Donovan McNabb, and he plays quarterback for the PHILADELPHIA EAGLES. McNabb has never been the quarterback of the Pittsburgh Steelers. One clue that he is not talking about the Steelers is the fact that the Patriots and the Steelers have never played in the Super Bowl, partly due to the fact that they are both in the American Football Conference.
Please send me your picture.
Uggg. Is it so hard to proof read before submitting?
Oh well I give up, the joke’s dead.
Never mind.
Wasn’t NARAL originally for Hillary? Also, IIRC wasn’t it Hillary’s campaign back in NH using NARAL mailers and such to attack obama claiming he did not support a woman’s right to choose?
And there are no American politicians running on a platform of xenophobia and racism at all are they? Tom Tancredo anyone?
The only reason that the US doesn’t have a party like that is that the two-party-system is so much more engrained than even in the UK, not to mention other Western European countries with a proportional representation system, where it is easier for small parties to win parliamentary representation.
It would be interesting to compare the leanings of say Jean-Marie LePen with some right-of-centre members of the GOP. I don’t think you’ll be able to see a lot of daylight between them.
Billy K
It’s “verboten.” You clearly have CDS clouding your mind.
Castillan is the elitist way to speak Spanish. Doesn’t surprise me a bit.
Right, cause you know me so well after all these years…
Keep talking. You’re making my point for me.
Sorry, not my type :P
Errr What?
I saw Obama wearing a dress and talking about gun-loving, bible thumpers.
Does that make him a Drag Racist?
Bob In Pacifica
If I get paid by 7-11 and stand behind the register and take your money and give you change and occasionally fix the slurpee machine is it so wacky and conspiratorial to think that maybe I WORK for 7-11?
Okay, who paid Hillary and Bill that 109 million dollars?
That’s why she’s still running. She’s not running for the feminists (since risking a Dem in the White House risks civil rights enforcement and the Supreme Court). She’s not doing it to win the nomination, since she can’t win it. She’s not running for 2012 because she’s done as a Presidential candidate in the Democratic Party. She’s working for the people who have owned her with the trade bills, the media mergers et al during Bill’s years, and who owned her when she was a corporate lawyer.
Just follow the chain from her neck to the hand holding the leash.
Well, if that’s true, then it’s a proctoscope built by Clinton supporters. If you were looking here for reverence and a turn-the -other -cheek mentality then your looking in the wrong place. Most people here didn’t have anything against Clinton and her blogoshpere followers. Just as Obama has earned our respect, Clinton has earned our contempt and her supporters receive what they dish out. Is that noble, probably not, but I suspect it’s human. You say you basically visit Obama supporting blogs and judge us accordingly. How about go and check out the Clinton sites and see if you read anything as honest about why they attack as you do here. Look for any evidence that their blog hosts have attempted to dial back the bad stuff, as John has here.
speaking for myself only, even when speaking collectively for others at BJ.
Yeah, but that was Michelle, not Barack.
Speaking of which, Barack’s opponents seem to think that Michelle is a liability because she is feisty and outspoken. I think she is great.
yeah, but NORML endorsed Ron Paul.
I screwed up a joke. Look a couiple of posts higher than the one you quoted.
John S.
You’re conflating two different things.
The politicians affiliated with the BNP are running on a party platform of xenophobia and racism. Tom Tancredo may be running on a personal platform that is similar, but it isn’t exactly the implicit platform of the GOP (no matter how covert the message that it is).
And the two party system doesn’t stop other parties from fielding candidates. The Green, Libertarian, Independent parties all have elected candidates at various levels of government (though none at the national level – same as the BNP). So where is the American equivalent of the BNP? There isn’t one.
My explanation is that Americans will not tolerate a party like the BNP. David Duke tried to run on that sort of personal platform, and he got drubbed out of town pretty quickly. Even Tancredo makes sure to only hate Mexicans and Islamofascists because anything else would cost him dearly.
Simply put, the UK is a far worse hotbed for racism than the United States, and the BNP is one pretty clear indicator of that.
There’s a term for the kind of shitheads that are sowing dissent amongst Democrats: “agents provocateur.” Also known as “Republicans” and “Republican-enablers.”
Get a grip and focus on the real enemy.
Remember when Clinton supporters thought it was great to have a feisty outspoken first lady?
t jasper parnell
Should anyone doubt that the Clintons’ policies toward women and children on Welfare was an abomination:
What orogeny’s laptop looks like …..
How do you tell a proctoscope from a laryngoscope?
By the taste.
Just a little tip for you, orogeny. Trying to help you out.
I remember a lot of such things. I thought some of them.
It’s like what John must feel like when he realizes that he was wrong about Bush. A lot of us were wrong about the Clintons.
We live and we learn.
Medicine Man
And here’s another perspective on the trailing ends of this nomination race: Don’t be a bunch of shmucks.
Sage words methinks (regardless of what you think of hip hop).
Tax Analyst
Well, you know, it’s that “uppity” thing again. I understand that p luk thinks it’s a bad thing, so it must be so.
Sigh…if only these people knew their place…then things could return to their proper order.
¡Me duele la cabeza!
There’s a NAMBLA joke lurking in hear, but I’m not looking for it.
You nailed it. I was amazed as Senator Clinton’s campaign veered from entitlement to resentment over the refusal of the masses to bow down before the inevitability of her campaign. I became extremely disappointed as she tried to play a kind of political 3 card monte where she alternately tried to parlay her husband’s experience and achievements as her own, and where she tried to puff up her own resume with distortions, fantasies and outright lies.
And despite the nudges of the most sympathetic observers, Senator Clinton stubbornly ratcheted up the distortions and the pandering.
Ultimately, Senator Clinton lost me because of the pointless cynicism of her play, and her most devoted supporters lost my respect because they keep insisting that passively accepting lies and distortions is the entrance fee to the Shrine of the Perpetual Campaigner.
Sadder still is the reluctance of some women’s groups to embrace Michelle Obama. It is as almost as though “there can be only one” in their little club, and Hillary has that spot locked up.
so my laptop looks like:
Good job on the link TZ. If you’re going to insult me, at least you could be competent about it.
Are you speaking from experience on the relative taste of the scopes?
You are bothering me over a broken link to a picture of an endoscope. The website at United Endoscopy is broken. This has nothing to do with me, you moron.
You are truly a complete fucking idiot.
But you know, if you want to make this into a flame war between you and me, and try to make this about me, go right ahead. Seriously, go for it.
Here ya go, orogeny, buy one of these and shove it right up your ass.
With my compliments.
While you’re in there, give yourself a brain scan.
In case no one has noticed, plukasiak wandered over to Fafblog to, as Firesign Theater put it, “dump a great load of knowledge”:
Dude, they’re over there at fafblog talkin about pie, and angry bees, and Andrew Jackson’s spittoons. Give up.
Our political reality summed up in one sentence.
Way late to the thread, but had to laugh at this. Obama is the legacy candidate with supporters who have an outsized sense of entitlement? Obama?
And now p.luk is posting indignantly at Fafblog. He’s either cracked up completely or we’re seeing the closing moments of the most brilliantly planned and sustained spoof in blogospheric history.
This part of the Fafpost, as well as the opening few lines, desperately need to be made into YouTube fragments! Comedy gold with a black heart of truth