Edwards endorses Obama.
What about his delegates? Anyone have any idea how that will play out?
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Edwards endorses Obama.
What about his delegates? Anyone have any idea how that will play out?
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Just Some Fuckhead
Edwards delegates can support whoever they want to.
According to politico:
Just Some Fuckhead
That was a pretty electrifying entrance when Obama brought Edwards up to the stage.
Just Some Fuckhead
And crying funny when Edwards asked rhetorically in the middle of his speech, “Why are we here tonight?” and the crowd interrupted him and chanted “O-bam-a O-bam-a O-bam-a..”
Rowdy crowd, booed HRC.
I don’t think it will much matter, as this race is *over*. But… but… Puerto Rico!
Yeah, yeah. It’s over.
Watching the chaos at TL sure is fun, tho. Half of them are tearing out their hair, and half of them are denouncing Edwards.
/grabs a bag of popcorn
John Cole
How bad is the carnage at TL, Taylor Marsh, Noquarter, and HILLIS44.org?
Are we at train wreck status yet?
I love that he went for the Jet Ski joke.
John Cole
Not getting the jet ski joke.
Fe E
I think this was a crafty part of MUP’s plan–this will likely knock WV out of the news.
On the other hand, this is good news for Republicnas.
I was scanning the site and…it’s AWESOME! (For Hillary of course).
Jeralyn @ TL:
frankly, i think she’s right.
Fe E
There’s nothing sweeter than scanning the preview of your post, changing one or two things, hitting submit and THEN seeing that one last typo.
lemme clarify: i think that’s probably why Edwards waited so long. he probably doesn’t really like either of them (or he would’ve done it sooner). now, he just wants to get this thing over before the party cracks in half.
On TalkLeft, they’re trashing Edwards non-stop, and talking about how Hillary has to continue on.
So, I’m going to assume that this is the turning point for myiq2xu cuz he was an Edwards supporter. Now that his candidate is supporting Obama, I guess that means that he’s going to ride the pony. Right, myiq2xu?
Couple weeks ago Edwards joked that a jetski would be a good way to get his endorsement.
Perry Como
Someone got pwned.
It was his joke from Colbert. Want my endorsement? Give me a jet ski!
When he appeared on The Colbert Report, Edwards said that he would endorse whomever gave him a jet ski.
Just Some Fuckhead
Was Jeralyn this upset four years ago when we nominated a trainwreck of a candidate, Kerry?
Beaten to it! Slinking back into the background, again.
yet another jeff
Since Idiotic only posts at TPM…I’ll go ahead and say it.
I truly hope that Talk Left comes back to planet earth after the primary. BTD was one of my favorite bloggers from the time when he was at Kos.
Depends… does “To the Democractic Party: Go fuck yourselves” qualify?
As someone @ TGOS said, “…I though the convention was in August…”
I’m guessing the GOP spoofs over there are doing whatever they can for a final push before leaving that sinking ship.
This Edwards supporter is smiling mighty wide right now.
Very likely he is going to direct his delegates toward Barack Obama, and I have little doubt all 19 are going to follow his lead. I couldn’t find John Edwards in the superdelegate list, so it’s only +19. That gives (if you’re following the Kos count) 1905 delegates for Obama to Clinton’s 1717, a 188 delegate difference – more than neutralizing WV.
However I remember reading that according to party rules, pledged delegates must vote for their pledged candidate on the first round of voting but are free to change their vote in all subsequent rounds – so the Edwards delegates might not even get the chance to make a difference if other superdelegates and Oregon put Obama over the top.
Gold Star for Robot Boy
From TL’s comments:
yet another jeff
What the hell? Damn WordPress stole my exclamation marks!
On MSNBC, they said that Edwards would bring 18 delegates with him which would wipe out the 12 Clinton gained in WV. I don’t know how that works exactly.
It was about Edwards’ appearance on The Colbert Report. He did Stephen’s The Word segment(where it was changed to Edwords) and proclaimed that he would endorse whoever would buy him a jet ski, because jet skis were awesome.
As for TL, well, even though this is a familiar face, I think this may sum it all up:
Edwards’ endorsement wasn’t an actual endorsement, but was instead Obama getting behind Edwards so that when he loses, and how that’s not established whatsoever, maybe from the votes held in the Mirror World, Obama will bow out and give the nomination to Edwards, which, of course, he can do, since we just established that Obama was going to lose and so he gets to appoint the winner.
I, just… wow.
That was the best “Word” segment I’ve seen in a while.
Rick Taylor
I remember his interview where he was asked about hard working white people. He did an excellent job of answering, no of course she didn’t mean it in a divisive way, but he couldn’t have been happy being put on the spot. And he kept saying over and over of course she could stay in the race, so long as she stressed her positives and didn’t attack the likely nominee. This was clearly coming. I can’t imagine he’s been happy with her machinations involving Michigan and Florida either. I’ll bet there are a fair number of super-delegates now who are staying quiet so as not to be divisive, but who are unhappy about it too.
yet another jeff
Oh hell…
Fine, I’ll play it this way then…
Warren Terra
CNN and MSNBC are covering all this, as they should.
Faux is busy letting us know an earthquake struck China two days ago.
yet another jeff
I figure there are a lot of super-delegates staying quiet because they’re afraid the Clintons will send them to the cornfield if they don’t think happy thoughts.
Here’s a His44 taste. Grimace accordingly:
His Grace
Today I learned from Talk Left that Edward’s endorsement was because of “the old boys club.” So yes, trainwreck.
On Talk Left, Talk is now the only thing they got Left.
And I’ll be accused of being sexist for quoting this His44.com commenter:
Dennis - SGMM
Says it all, doesn’t it?
Warren Terra
From Jeralyn’s post:
Why, I’m sure if the Hillosphere loyalists scrunch their eyes up tightly enough and hum loudly enough, it will be.
Yeah, apparently they think Hillary is running for Queen of something.
The delegates will go to Obama but, they can chose not to. I don’t see why they won’t however.
I was watching the endorsement on MSNBC and now Buchanan is running his mouth and I am ready to smash my fits through the tv unless they tape his mouth up.
Cannot stand that guy.
John McCain: Older Than FM Radio
yet another jeff
The Crown? But of course he gets the crown, for he has the mark of the purple pimpernel.
But who gets the car? Jesse Jackson gets the car, of course. Thank you for playing “The Question is Moot!”
Maybe we should have an official “document the drama” thread of watching their heads explode.
John Cole
So sad.
And I don’t even care for Edwards, but Jesus.
I swear to God I was never this far gone. My mistakes were more tragic, but fuck, I at least retained the ability to self-evaluate and draw some lines. These people have fucking lost it.
well, at least they’re acting like reasonable, rational adults.
To my understanding, pledge deleates are allowed to switch even before the first round of voting. (And that’s a very stupid rule…)
Anyway, Edwards also got 13 delegates from Florida and the 55 uncommited delegates in Michigan are either Obama or Edwards delegates.
So this would make it a lot easier to seat those two states, since Clinton would gain only 43 delegates so Florida and Michigan would have little impact on the primary. (Not saying they should be seated yet though.)
Pat Buchannan just referred to Obama as Adlai. No shit.
Holy hell Pat Buchanan is losing his goddamn mind on Hardball.
Well, I mean, his facade of sanity is cracking but it’s still awesome.
Just Some Fuckhead
Just Some Fuckhead
Please get Pat Buchanan off my fucking TV.
I’m with you there. It’s so very annoying. All this horse race stuff is.
He really has lost it. If someone had told me a few months ago that Pat Buchannan would become Hillary’s champion in this race, I would have died laughing. It’s FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC!
Pat Buchannan just said that Obama is winning cause he’s black. Wow…
Pat’s playing the old “White people refusing to vote for a black person is exactly as racist as a black person voting for a black person.”
It’s like the assholes who honestly can’t understand why there isn’t a “White Entertainment Television”
It’s not a surprise, I mean c’mon Pat wants to keep his job and the surest way to do so is have another clinton in the WH. He also knows, as do most of the repukes, that Obama will be hard to beat.
Timmeh is really going out on a limb to refute Pat. As an African-American I must say it is always interesting to see non AA’s argue about race wrt AA’s.
Even Chris Matthews doesn’t even know what to do with him.
Pat and Ferraro sitting in a tree…
I just threw up in my mouth a little…
John’s speech was excellent as always. I liked that he started out with a strong appreciation of Hillary, that was very gracious. And as always, he’s the populist in the race. I’d really love to see him as A.G.; I think there’s a lot of criminal activity in the present administration that could use some cleansing.
Dennis - SGMM
How is it that someone with the poor political judgment to publicly characterize American cars as “lemons,” who then bought a Mercedes-Benz and drove it to a campaign appearance in Detroit, find a place on television as a political commentator?
here’s a nice one from no-1/4:
Got my monikers wrong, I meant Tweety…
Just Some Fuckhead
When my grandfather got that way, we’d give him his medication and put him in the back bedroom where he could look out the window and yell at the birds.
Hey, John McCain is older than Pat Buchanan. Holy shit!
John Cole
Obama is one precocious fuck to have been involved in the weatherment as a 6 year old.
Facts- these guys just can’t grapple with them, can they?
Okay, back to Team Fortress 2, can’t read the His44.com lemmings run off the cliff wailing all night…
Just Some Fuckhead
Jesus, you JRE fanboys are as deluded as the Clintards. His speech sucked. He kept flubbing his words and you could tell he was out of his league in front of that many people. It couldn’t end quickly enough.
That just drives me crazy. Obama did NOT have the majority of the black vote in the beginning. He did NOT. That’s only been happening over the last few months. What else has been happening at the same time? Hillary’s gaping wound of a campaign!
Conservatively Liberal
I just heard Tweety play a phone bank call from a Hillary supporter to WV where the answering machine kicked on. The caller can be heard saying that the home owner must be hiding from bill collectors and that WV people are poor. The home owner told the press that they are not hiding from bill collectors and they resent the implication.
Now that is Hillaryous!
Also, where did Buchanan get his job from and how can I obtain an application? He’s getting paid how much to shoot his mouth off like this? God damn, I could do that every day for the rest of my life and be happy with half of Buchanan’s income in a year. I probably couldn’t do it as well, though. Seriously, he’s got a way with words.
John Cole
I thought he looked nervous and his speech sucked, too, but I thought it was just my lack of regard for Edwards.
Just Some Fuckhead
oopsie! lmao
I saw the ‘Sweetie-gate’ controversy on TL and it got me thinking, along the same lines about the Buchanan commentary on Obama – I’m pretty sure we’re witnessing a major moment in American history right now. We have a major party that has two viable candidates – a black dude and a woman, something that we’ve never even been close to seeing.
At any rate, the sweetie comment got me thinking – the amount of stress Clinton and Obama must be under…jeez, there’s just no way I could handle it – the hatred they’re probably seeing is probably blowing way beyond even what Hank Aaron dealt with in ’74.
I don’t particularly care for Clinton’s politics anymore, sure but she (and Obama) must have unbelievable mental fortitude to be able to see this through, especially knowing how much worse it’s going to be for the general election.
Just Some Fuckhead
I’m not much of an Edwards fan either but even if I was, I’d still call it like it is.
Yes he has. How he gets away I’ll never know.
null pointer exception
Until now, I used to think was p.luk was a sane, if cynical person. I used to think that you folks were being unnecessary hard on him because her refused to buy into MUP’s magic. But this is what he said on talk left about Edward endorsement:
So he is just a deluded fool.
Notorious P.A.T.
Obama can’t win in the general election, but if he does it will be because of Hillary, not his own work.
TalkLeft rules.
Notorious P.A.T.
And Pat Buchannan is trying to “speak reality” on TV but Chris Matthews won’t have it. Hard to believe this cohort couldn’t put together a winning primary strategy.
I don’t much like Edwards. I’ve always thought he was a bit of a phony, and it was cowardly for him to wait this long to endorse; the campaign is pretty much over at this point. What was he waiting for?
And is his endorsement going to win Obama any states? No. Everything is predetermined at this point. The only good parts are that it gets WV out of the headlines and maybe nets Obama another 19 delegates.
Yeah, it happens like that.
Warren Terra
Oh, goody. Pup Tent Democrat has seized upon the Edwards endorsement to build himself some new goalposts:
Yup: if Obama can’t win in Kentucky with Edwards‘s help, he should just concede the race. Such insight they’ve got over there.
P.S. I believe the correct terminology here would be that Pup Tent Democrat is “erecting goalposts”, which is surely appropriate for this type of wankery.
Ok. Let’s play it Pat’s way for just a sec…
Pat, yes, you’re right. Because people are phucking tired of what over-the-hill, over-weight WHITE-ASS BASTARDS such as yourself have done to our once great nation.
Warren Terra
Y’know, there must be thousands of Black men just kicking themselves for not thinking of this surefire route to national electoral success before …
Pat Buchanan was so far gone that even Chris Matthews noted it with alarm. Wow.
Oh, I love Edwards but speeches have never been his strong suit and this one showed it.
Dennis - SGMM
I’m shocked at all of these harsh characterizations of Pat Buchanan. I have one question for all of his critics:
Why does Pat Buchanan take Viagra?
Because it makes him taller.
Conservatively Liberal
Tweedty sure seemed to be telling Pat that he wasn’t going to listen to any of his crap. I liked the line Tweety used on Pat, which I just caught the gist of:
It almost sounded like ‘a small part of it‘. That is the way it came across to me. Pat just chuckled.
Pat Robertson, racist? No! Go figure. ;)
t jasper parnell
On to the real battle Rublicans in Zubaz pants (via Alterman)
Just Some Fuckhead
Typical Scots-Irish. You can call them racists but they revel in that. There are better descriptors.
Lol, I’d love to see the clip of Buchanan. I think he’s always been a little crazy, but talking about how being black is such an advantage in a presidential race is sheer lunacy.
On that note, Ferraro has been very quiet lately, hasn’t she?
It’s funny what makes a speech work for one person and not another. Some speeches are models for the ages, but most are bits of this and that, and what moves you might not move me, and vice versa. I’ve never been moved by Obama’s speeches, even though I can watch him and realize he’s very, very good at them. But Edwards always sounds honest to me, he always speaks to the issues I care about in a way I understand. That it doesn’t move other people, doesn’t change my impression, nor should it.
There is. It’s called Fox News.
Sorry, I have to re-quote this comment from TL from a previous thread because it’s that good:
So I guess NARAL joined in on the virtual gang-rape of Hillary? That’s interesting.
This virtual gang rape of Hillary Clinton is the biggest travesty in American politics since the high-tech lynching of Clarence Thomas.
I agree Edwards has given better speeches. I found this post interesting:
While Edwards’ delivery was bad, the content was very good. He was very concilliatory to Senator Clinton. He seems to be playing the mutual friend who made a tough decision and is trying to send the most gentle, yet worst message ever.
“Do I look like Horton? I’m not hearing you, Who.”
They are trying so hard not to be seen as the mean boy’s club virtually “raping” as one distraught poster put.
While the more anguished Hillary supporters might talk about the boys club beating up on Hillary, I think Hillary will have a hard time playing that card herself, as long as Edwards and Obama tiptoe around this.
Soylent Green
There’s brain tissue all over the highway at No Quarter today. How about this gem?
If I wanted Paris Hilton for a candidate, I would vote for Paris Hilton. Just because Paris got some melanin and a black suit, doesn’t mean I want her to be my nominee. Barack Paris Hilton Obama is not the candidate for me.
slippy hussein toad
Pat Buchannan. Has he stood up from his studio chair, revealing that he’s only wearing boxer shorts, and run around the room screaming “NI**ER NI**ER NI**ER NI**ER NI**ER NI**ER NI**ER!” at the top of his lungs, yet? With his eyes bugged right out of his head, bleeding as he literally tears hair and actual flesh out of his scalp?
Because, I’m kind of expecting that to be how he ends his broadcasting career as Obama achieves the Presidency. And, I kind of want to see him go out that way. In a schadenfreude kind of way.
NARAL claims it was drunk and doesn’t remember any of it. Of course, the prosecutor couldn’t care less for that excuse, and NARAL has already been indicted.
since a Hillary supporter said this, i know it can’t be sexist to compare the arcane-but-public workings of a political party’s nomination process to gang rape. but, for the life of me, i can’t figure out how it’s not sexist. i guess it’s probably because i’m a man.
damn the patriarchy!
I have to confess that I would watch that.
The double bonus would be that Lou Dobbs would do the same thing if Bill Richardson is the VP.
I’ve only now just visited No Quarter for the first time.
The best part? All the people who say they are going to actively campaign for John McCain.
All I can say to that is that I hope they bring the same effectiveness that they brought in their efforts to help Senator Clinton.
Seriously, a number of people on all these sites *have* to be spoofs. As some of you on this blog remember from past (and current, for that matter) personal experience, as long as you don’t break character, you can eventually convince people you’re real.
Jon H
“Because, I’m kind of expecting that to be how he ends his broadcasting career as Obama achieves the Presidency.”
I’m waiting for someone like Pat to say, in January, “I hope they’ve locked up the good silverware.”
Just Some Fuckhead
Who knows why folks get all squishy inside for a phony populist DLC’er that gives a lousy speech.
Unfortunately it’s not far off from what psychowhackjobClinton nuts are actually thinking. This from Taylor Marsh’s comments
“It’s just a mob of men shoving the girl down. It’s mean, it’s hurtful, we will not forget. All of them can go to hell.”
“I am beginning to HATE all men”
“Nice touch, two men bullying a lady (again).”
Yikes. Not since Jodie Foster in the accused has there been such a travesty perpatrated on women.
Just Some Fuckhead
Like it fucking matters. He’s dead now like all the rest of the Judases.
Who knows why people in blog comments get their kicks by insulting others? It’s a common disorder, though.
yet another jeff
Again, for Idiotic:
Conservatively Liberal
I saw this post at hillaryis44 and thought ‘Poor guy’:
Hillary supporters: We Are Control Freaks!
On another note, I would like to say a few words regarding President Alfred E. “Chimpy” Neuman and his heartrending sacrifice. With all of the families who are suffering from the loss of loved ones, with all of the families who are dealing with PTSD, injuries, amputations and worse, with his asking Americans for to sacrifice and go shopping, with his giving away the Treasury to his rich buddies and sticking us, our children, our grandchildren and their children with the bill, President Chimpy has given up golf.
I am almost speechless. Almost. I can only say;
Fuck You President Chimpy. I hope you rot in hell with Cheney and the rest of the criminals who have fucked up not only our country, but the rest of the world. Fuck you very much.
Yeah. Remember the indignant responses to the psycho ex-girlfriend metaphor? But if they want to use metaphors about Edwards involving an overwhelmingly male and terrible crime perpetrated on women, that’s just fine.
What do you even say to that?
Hillary Clinton has just announced that the battle for John Edward’s endorsement has just begun and that the vast majority of Democrats want her to be the endorsee.
…stolen from Huff Post
New definitions: lack of endorsement = bullying. Running a successful political campaign against a woman = bullying.
Just Some Fuckhead
Maybe point out that women outnumber men in the Democratic party 60 to 40 and we couldn’t have done it without their help?
Just Some Fuckhead
Of course, the worst thing about it is that he, well, lied about giving up golf.
Shocking, I know.
I think he lied about giving up booze. The rejected massage of German chancellor Merkel, and the look on his face when he did it; looked drunk to me.
Richard Bottoms
Brave, brave Purty Boy. Wait until the race is over and then announce, “Oh, yeah, I’m backing the winner.”
If only my bookie would let me operate like that… what a gutless political move.
Think the upcoming President Chimpy will give up bowling?
Conservatively Liberal
I heard that he had not given it up, but I had nothing concrete to go with. In that case, let me amend my message:
President Chimpy, you lying bag of shit. I hope you rot in hell with Cheney and the rest of the criminals who have fucked up not only our country, but the rest of the world. Fuck you very much.
Thanks for the correction, gotta stay ‘on message’, ya kno.
Just Some Fuckhead
Maybe this is how Obama and Clinton supporters come together. By universally agreeing Edwards is a phony and a coward and worthy of nothing but scorn.
Jesus H. Roosevelt Fucking Christ in a baby carriage.
First of all, that is incredibly insulting and dismissive to anybody, male or female, who has been raped.
Secondly, do they realize that they are doing a disservice to Clinton by even bringing in that sort of comparison? Why are they CHOOSING to associate their candidate with the penultimate example of female powerlessness?
So, they are choosing to capitalize on Clinton’s gender when cheering on the sisterhood and berating any women who don’t support Clinton. And they are choosing to use Clinton’s gender as a way to paint her as a powerless victim of the patriarchy.
But they don’t want her candidacy to be about her gender.
Goddamn, I’m really confused right now.
I feel bad for laughing at the crazy people.
Just Some Fuckhead
Have some freaking cheesecake.
It’s really cute that you think logic and reason will work. ;-)
The Jodie Foster quote was my snarky touch…but the rest are lifted straight from Taylor Marsh. These are classy too:
Ahhh…Democratic women’s hopes and dreams being transferred to the oldest, whitest man ever to run for office. Or…Eff you Roe v. Wade. I’d rather give you up than vote for the ni**er.
Just Some Fuckhead
I have the audacity to hope.
Well, in fairness, that was just a commenter on TalkLeft, not one of the bloggers. But yeah, mind-blowing.
But just imagine if they nutpicked something like that off of DailyKos comments about Obama being “lynched” or something in WV or where ever. They’d have a field day shrieking about how Kos readers use racial victimhood to bash Hillary.
grumpy realist
And actually if you go over to Pandagon, which is usually identified as feminist, (Amanda Marcotte and Pam Spalding, anyone?), you’ll find much more support for Obama than you will for Hillary.
F— that. I’m of the XX persuasion myself, a scientist and will-be lawyer, and bloody HELL do I resent self-proclaimed “feminists!” claiming that unless I vote for Hillary I’m a disgrace to my sex. Eff off, you sodding little bitches. I like Obama because he is a) intelligent, b) understands why we need things like Habeas Corpus and civil rights, c) can get people on both sides of the table talking to each other. Hillary has talked out of both sides of her mouth ever since she’s started running, has an entitlement chip on her shoulder as big as the Sears Tower, and is now in a snit because the Democratic party didn’t fall down and provide a carpet to her royal coronation. Too bad, lady. You jumped on the pandering truck and was totally broadsided by a young, charismatic African-American. Tough. And stop WHINING.
It was the CAPS that convinced me.
KO just gave a special commentary for the ages to finish Countdown tonight that said pretty much the same damn thing only with longer words and in a slightly more polite tone. Very slightly.
Dennis - SGMM
The oppression of hundred-millionaire white women has got to stop!
Conservatively Liberal
Now that is telling it like it is. You go girl! /headbang
I agree with that entire, seriously impressive rant. Nicely put.
Conservatively Liberal
I thought it was funny that as I was writing that, Keith started his rant. I had no idea that he was going to do a special comment. I just went over to Kos and saw that he posted there about it…lol!
It’s that Obama Mind Meld again.
Goddamn, I’m really confused right now.
That’s what it’s about for them. If Hillary isn’t nominated, women don’t have equality. If they want to use arguments like that, black people could point out that they’ve been in this country just as long as (non-native American) women have – you know, since long before the country existed.
Soylent Green
A month from now when Hillary is backing Obama in the general and strongly urging her followers to give the party’s nominee their money, time and votes…What will the denizens of Marsh, No Quarter, 44, TL, and the others be saying?
Some will surely be fuming that Hillary is full of shit, fuck her, she’s a judas, how much did they pay her, no way are they going to vote for BO, they are sitting this one out, how could I have liked her, McCain will be a great president.
Count on it.
Why is it that Hillary fanatics seem statistically less likely to have a lot of experience using the internets? Oh yeah, the demographics of her supporters. On the plus side, I am happy to see more 65+ aged people getting online.
“Maybe this is how Obama and Clinton supporters come together. By universally agreeing Edwards is a phony and a coward and worthy of nothing but scorn.”
I’m game. The guy skeeves me.
John Cole
If the +65 crowd is responsible for the train wreck at Talk left and other sites, I would prefer it if they would kindly get back to their busy fucking schedule of shuffleboard, bitching about the weather, driving for miles with a turn signal on in their lincoln land yachts, and stiffing waitresses after their early bird dinner.
“Land yachts”! Hilarious.
Just Some Fuckhead
Woot. Let it be written that some fuckhead saved the Democratic party in 2008.
Ah, the wonders of Viagra.
Yeah, that was good.
I used to rant, but ranting gave me migraines. Now that I just post snarky comments, I rarely get them.
In other words, Balloon Juice is good for one’s health.
Have we entered a time warp back to 1980’s?
“Woot. Let it be written that some fuckhead saved the Democratic party in 2008.”
Well… I also find using gang rape metaphors for Edwards endorsing Obama to be more than a tad hyperbolic, so maybe I’m not really your target audience.
John Cole
I had a couple glasses of wine and had to check TL. The meltdown continues in earnest. Conspiracy theories abound- the DNC wants Obama, they had to hide the tragic loss of WV, Edwards is just doing it for a cabinet slot, Edwards just did it for fundraising reasons, he is a phony, and most importantly of all- IF OBAMA DOES NOT WIN KENTUCKY WITH EDWARDS IT IS REALLY GAME OVER.
Barack Obama is not going to beat Hillary in Kentucky or West Virginia if he campaigns every day for ten years. At some point, are these folks simply going to accept reality?
Since we got land sharks it’s only logical there be land yachts, otherwise they’d get ett.
Funny, I didn’t see anyone argue that if Clinton didn’t win NC with the Easley endorsement, it’d be game over for her.
And Edwards isn’t even from Kentucky! Funny how that works.
John Cole
Also, they all seem to agree that he sounded more convincing talking about Hillary than Obama and that since he didn;t explicitly use the phrase “OBAMA IS A BETTER CANDIDATE THAN HILLARY,” the endorsement does not count.
I am telling you, I was never this deep in the kool-aid.
Just Some Fuckhead
Yeah, but Edwards dad worked in a mill and one of the dudes that helped build JRE’s eleventy gazillion squart foot palatial estate was from Owensboro.
At least they’re consistent.
Just Some Fuckhead
JC, you voted for Bush in 2004. That was quite awhile after the pooch was irreparably fucked.
Pandagon says it all for me. I am soooooo tired of being dissed for not voting for a woman.
Re: the Edwards endorsement: It was a bit too long on praising Hillary. I was watching the people behind him. They began to look confused. “He’s endorsing who?”
Pat Buchanan has been for Hillary everytime he is on any show. I think it’s an act.
John Cole
Schiavo and most of the other bullshit came after the Nov 2004 election. In 2004, we may have been well and truly fucked, but we had only been in Iraq for 18 months, which really is too early to determine all is lost. Additionally, Kerry was a fucking terrible candidate, and I really was just holding my nose and voting for Bush.
I don’t even check out NoQuarter anymore. I’m afraid the crazy will disturb me. Going there is like starting Saw or Hostel.
Just Some Fuckhead
No argument from me there. When I cast my primary vote for Wes Clark the pollworkers were all atwitter about how handsome and presidential-looking Kerry was. I told them he would lose the general and no one cared. Now I’m supposed to care that Obama might?
Where do you stand on the Supreme Court? While I don’t think Kerry was the best candidate, he certainly wasn’t the worst… and the Supreme Court appointments were hugely important to me. If Kerry was elected, we would’ve escaped without letting Bush appoint anyone.
Soylent Green
Well… not really.
JC on October 27, 2004:
That’s a pretty heavy dose of kool-aid. I’m not holding it against you, and think highly of you now. But you are dissembling to say you were holding your nose on the eve of the last election.
I second that emotion.
Nope. They’ll probably say the DNC made Hillary do it or Hillary had to do it or be frozen out politically. Hillary was threatened with the loss of committee seats or something so she HAD to stump for Obama.
They really admire Hillary because, even though the DNC back-stabbed her and robbed her of her chance to make history. She is putting all of that behind her for the good of the party.
Count on THAT.
Just Some Fuckhead
JC, you really gotta have a database accident with those archives.
Soylent Green
Probably some of both. Your scenario will be more commonplace.
John Cole
And it is all before all the shit came out.
Don’t get me wrong, there had been stuff out there, but remember, when you are in wingnut mode, you ignore sources that aren’t part of the “in group.”
And I did love Dick Cheney. Remember, I was one of his soldiers in Gulf War 1 when he was Sec Def. I had a very high opinion of the man.
But you’ll have to admit that the timing of the Edward’s endorsement was excellent for Obama in that it stomped on the news/interviews of Hillary’s BigWin.
John Cole
Ehh, too lazy. And why run from it?
Yeah, but its all sad. Its a shame when you see people you use to admire go batshit crazy. **sigh**
Dennis - SGMM
My memory must be going, I don’t remember any outpouring of support from women for Carol Mosely-Brown when she ran for the Democratic nomination in 2004. Mosely-Brown served six years in the Senate, was an ambassador, a state representative and an Assistant US Attorney. Nonetheless, she sank without a trace.
Just Some Fuckhead
It was worth it if it stopped one single newstory about HRC crying in her interview with Tool Blitzer.
Just Some Fuckhead
Well, as you noted she was a Brown, not a Clinton.
Bob In Pacifica
Divide and conquer.
She did??
I think I saw heads explode. Basically, Edwards is a sell out, a fraud, a supporter of a secret radical Muslim….
Just Some Fuckhead
Yeah, at the end of the interview Wolf asked her about Chelsea working for her on the campaign trail. Wolf kept pushing buttons (“.. because she loves you very much, right?”) until she cracked.
Dennis - SGMM
Considering where their heads are that means that they’re typing standing up.
What percentage of posters at sites like this are fanning the flames? It doesn’t seem like a high absolute number and some are pretty repetitive. But then, what kind of sick bastard would do that for amusement?
For sheer crazy, how about this reaction to the Edwards endorsement?
I agree fully with the sentiments of Pandagon. Thank the gods/goddesses someone said it.
Quite frankly those on TL, Taylor Marsh, No Quarter (of a brain) and the rest can suck lemons all they want. Fact is Obama won states with a lot of women’s votes too and will get more in the general. This whole BS perpetrated by the clintonistas is just that BS.
Dad, those are all from Taylor Marsh commenters. A classier lot you will never find. That is, unless you visit the fine folks at Larry Johnson’s Home of Reasoned Discourse.
Oregon Guy
I think I’m experiencing schadenfreudeoverload.
To quote Aaron McGruder on BET:
“It’s not black and it’s not entertaining.”
Or supporting Cynthia McKinney as the green candidate this year. Oh wait she is brown too.
OMG that is just funny ass shit.
LOL. Daily Show making fun of WV.
and then
What do you do? What do you DO?! Create an account and join the fun, man! All of us should create accounts and just coming up with wackiest shit we can come up with. We can easily stay in character, just act bat shit insane. I bet I can manufacturer all kinds of ills that men have done to women and then maybe, just maybe, I’ll turn it around later. Hell maybe I’ll create two characters and fight with myself and get one them banned.
ps I’m not doing any of that, and I don’t recommend you do either. Manipulating people is bad!
Am I the only one to kind of cringe at the “gang rape” euphemism in the context of Obama being a black man and HRC being a white woman??
Innocent Bystander
Pat made a career hating Democrats, think things have changed? If the tables were reversed and Hillary was in the lead, I have no doubts he’d be bashing Democrats for not supporting a Black man. It’s all about keeping the Democrats divided for Pat. Same goes for Tucker and Joe. That, in itself, ought to be a tell for thinking Democrats.
Perry Como
omg, West Virginia Douche Off…
John Cole
I know. I may need another bottle of wine.
Before I stopped reading over there because of Amanda and her skeevy race issues, I did notice that Amanda was taking a lot of shit for supporting Obama, with some long-time commenters complaining that they “thought Pandagon was a feminist blog”. Apparently “Feminist” now equals “Clinton Supporter”.
Dennis - SGMM
Dreggas Says:
Welcome to Rock Ridge. “He said the candidate is near.”
t jasper parnell
Kerry may not know how to end a sentence, but he ran incredibly well against a sitting president during a war. 48 to 52 is not “fucking terrible.”
Now you tell me…
Didn’t you know, if you have a va-jay-jay and don’t support the candidate who also has a va-jay-jay then you are a traitor to the mighty va-jay-jay.
In all seriousness, John, this is why I love you so: you own your mistakes.
I just wish I could get you to talk to my gaming buddy who’s a complete kneejerk Republican. She’s smart enough that she should really know better, but she’s completely swallowed most of the wingnutl talking points.
The Moar You Know
Me, for one. Guilty as charged.
I have to admit watching the pandagon collective savage itself is rather satisfying. They’re the idiots that convinced me the modern feminist movement is irreparably corrupt.
Well, you know, black women don’t actually exist. I’m a unicorn.
From that DailyKos crazy diary:
Link, Ted?
t jasper parnell
Speaking for many other people than myself personally, I will remind all feminists, of what ever gender, of Thurgood Marshall who
And point to Marian Wright Edelman
Who kicked whom in the junk? From whom does Obama raise his funds? Balloon Juice that’s who.
Just Some Fuckhead
McCain: Warm Monger. lulz
Huh? The Pandagon collective isn’t savaging itself. Are you thinking of some other blog?
oooo, Dreggas, who are you and where? I want to see the fun!
Link, Ted?
Sorry, from far up thread. Here it is.
t jasper parnell
Oh and Maggie Thatcher was a woman. For god’s sake.
that was more tongue in cheek, as much fun as it is to go and fuck with people’s heads over the intertubes I behave myself.
Damn that woman was reading my mind.
I was pining the other day for some good cave nookie.
Personally, me and my penis is stuck in the sixties and I see no reason we enter the new millenium.
t jasper parnell
Cynthia McKinney may be brown, but she’s also bat shit crazy.
You have to remember, pandagon is run by women ungreatful for the hard fighting those before them did to allow them to be where they are today, they’re just ungreatful children who don’t buy into the martyr complex.
given some of the crazed Hillary supporters, sounds like a perfect match.
John Cole
Posting comments by Amanda that make sense, are reasonable, and I wholly agree with really fucks with my bearings. And I don’t want Joe Lieberman sniffing around for them, either.
Please stop it. I think I have already agreed with her once in 2008 before this, and I am not sure how much agreement I can handle.
Dennis - SGMM
Thanks for clearing that up, Darkrose. I was becoming cynical enough in my old age to believe that Clinton’s older, white, female demographic would only deign to support a woman who looked a lot like them. It’s a huge relief to understand that they’re not a bunch of fucking phonies and hypocrites.
I wondered if that was making your head go a bit ‘splody like.
Then you’ll love this.
From HC interview with CNN
Because Pat Buchanan shows up as a talking head on every single MSNBC show, sometimes one show after the other, my husband developed the theory that he must have an apartment in the bowels of their studios. Every time he needs to appear, some production assistant enters Pat’s lair, screams “Pat, wake up!”, slaps him, throws a shirt, coat and tie over his PJs, and then rolls him into the studio. Now, whenever we see him on any MSNBC show, both of us scram “Pat, wake up”! at the TV and then start laughing. Tonight, Pat looked like his head was going to explode.
Because I’m just cruel like that, I’m linking to a couple of other sensible, reasonable posts Amanda’s made lately. (And even though I disagree with her sometimes, I think she is pretty smart and worth reading, John.)
Too wingnutty for the Bush administration (posted in Conservatives Sure Are Funny, Bush Admin, GLBT, Crime, Crazies)
I love vaccines (posted in: Science, Signs of the Non-Apocalypse, Health Care, Science For Choads)
Oh, and look out for “What kind of 30s housewife are you?”. I know that the third link is the killer here, so I’ll just point out that it’s still on her first page.
Thanks! I love a good interweb trainwreck.
t jasper parnell
What do you want for this country in the next few years? More bullshit nonsense or a series of policies based on the world as it is? Accept the fact, that neither the Republican nor the Democratic machine offers a realistic way forward and then vote for the candidate most likely to fling all manner of “monkey” wrenches into the machinery. Obama, as your own fund raising has shown, owes nothing to nobody who has a vested interest in continuing the broken system under which we all suffer. He may well be wrong, and he might well be a charlatan; however, what are our option? Bat-shit crazy McCain or neo-liberal Clinton? The time has come to try something else.
Has anyone heard where we’re supposed to turn our va-jay-jays in?
I’m an Obama delegate and I’m sure I can’t have it with me during the state convention this Saturday. Do I have to hang it around my neck along with the rest of my credentials?
Points to her for having the tag “Choads”
Would it be wrong of me to say you can turn it in to me and I will gladly hang onto it until after the convention?
Pics, or it didn’t happen.
Marc in SF
Hi, first time poster. I’ve been blown away by the vitriol on the Clinton sites too.. especially, when i followed the link on this thread to “No Quarter.”
But, now I’m wondering how many of those people are ‘dittoheads’ pretending to be Clinton supporters? I started thinking that, when I saw one of them say that “Rush and Hannity” nailed it. Then the next poster agreed..
I also check out what the posters on freerepublic and little green footballs are ‘squawking about’ every once and awhile.. and the talking points on ‘no quarter’ were identical. Lots of talk about “barry” being a muslim, communist, stealth candidate who wants to set up a dictatorship…
That sounds a lot more like ‘dittoheads’ playing ‘operation chaos’ rather than democrats.. even Zell Miller didn’t talk like that at the ’04 Republican convention.. and he fell into the deep right end of the pool back then..
Personally, I just want to see the best candidate win.. I do support Obama, but he earned my vote.. I like the speeches..but I took a long hard look at his positions on a number of issues.. btw, I liked Edwards better, before he dropped out.
I think you mean Carol Moseley Braun. A different shade of Brown, perhaps, but still….
From 1999 until 2001, she was the United States Ambassador to New Zealand, and later ran a private law practice.
Even taking her presidential bid into consideration, her political career was probably derailed because of the lingering effects of her 1996 trips to Nigeria and her later absurd and vociferous defenses of the corrupt and brutal dictator Sani Abacha. It sends a mixed message when you have a progressive voting record but are morally obtuse on other issues.
Kinda like Hillary Clinton selling herself as a stable alternative to John McCain but also promising to obliterate Iran.
Here’s another older woman (62) who’s an Obama supporter. I was a feminist even before the movement started. I respect Hillary for her efforts towards programs for women and children, and I defended the Clintons back in the 90s when the VWRC was savaging them.
I would love to see a woman be sworn in as President before I shuffle off this mortal coil. But that woman isn’t Hillary. Like many of you, one of the deal-breakers for me was her vote for the AUMF and the fact that she still seems to believe that she made the right choice. Her saber-rattling about Iran hasn’t helped, either.
I, too, get very tired of hearing from HRC’s supporters that women like me, who support Obama, are somehow traitors to our sex. Grumpy, that was a great rant, BTW!
But mostly I favor Obama because he isn’t beholden to so many special interests who have no interest in the welfare of we the people. He’s not going to be able to work miracles. If elected, he will face HUGE opposition from all sorts of entrenched interests. The best he can do is to make a small dent, and to deflect the country’s course a little. Hopefully he can make a start which can be built on by future presidents and congresses.
Medicine Man
You also claim to have a “gaming” buddy. It is well known that women do not play games, therefore proving you must be a mirage or spoof.
Actually, it’s the ovaries we’re supposed to turn in. At least that’s what I was told by a male Clinton supporter in the comments over at whiskeyfire a while back. I’m not entirely sure whether he was speaking literally.
Actually, since I’m a black lesbian who games and has been on the internet since 1990, I’m clearly a figment of my imagination.
*vanishes in a puff of logic*
It is embarrassing to be a woman right now, when the Hillbots are turning this into a gender race and whining like crybabies because they’re candidate is losing. How absolutely fucking sad. I’m a woman and I’m voting for Obama and the Hillbots and their scamming sham of a candidate can kiss my lily white ass!
Johnny Pez
I’m stealing this.
Exactly what I was going to write. I don’t read any of these blogs, so I have no idea about if the commenters writing these sort of things are Clinton supporters or if they are GOP trolls trying their best to influence real Clinton supporters to vote for McCain.
But I guess that for example Taylor Marsh and Armando both get a big ego boost from all the commenters that they won’t care about being trolled and used by GOP trolls.
NoQuarter on the other hand. Bat. Shit. Crazy.
Then he lied about finding Jesus, because one allowed the other.
That was awesome, Darkrose.
[Awards extra points for D. Adams reference.]
I agree. Amanda’s blog is one of the saner feminist blogs out there. I don’t agree with her on everything, but even when I don’t agree I can see where she’s coming from.
She and Pam have NOT jumped on the not-voting-for-Clinton= sexist train. And, while they haven’t addressed all the batshit craziness going on, they have addressed a few things which were ridiculous.
It’s getting so bad some commenters on Shakesville lamented about Pam’s increasing misogyny.
Bob In Pacifica
There’s the story about a study of a chimpanzee clan. Apparently, there is a kind of paranoia that affects a few individual chimps. They’ll sit by themselves in trees and just holler warnings. “Watch out! The lions are coming! The lions are coming!” The people who did the research on this group of chimps removed the paranoid chimps from the tribe to see what would happen. What happened was in a few years the tribe was exterminated. The lions did come.
The moral is that sometimes the batshit crazy among us see what’s coming and the rest of us don’t.
Spend a couple years working in a VA hospital. Crazy people will earn your respect.
Coming into this thread late, but I wanted to make a comment.
In his endorsement speech Edwards did exactly what I have been talking about the last week or so, during which time I have repeatedly been called a “concern troll” among other things. His speech was designed to show that even though the race is pretty much over at this point and Obama is going to be the nominee, he still respects Clinton and her supporters. His words will go a long way toward bring the remaining sane Clinton supporters into the Obama camp. It makes a lot more sense to be saying, in effect, “Hillary fought a long hard battle and I respect her for it. Now that it’s over I hope her supporter’ will join us in defeating McCain” rather than “Fuck you, you idiots! Clinton is a sleaze and you’re morons! Either kiss my ass and admit you were wrong or fuck off!” as certain commenters on this site do.
Tax Analyst
Now that’s some truly frightening imagery.
It brings back memories of that laughable Sci-Fi movie “The Thing With Two Heads”(1972). Can we get Rosie Grier to play the Barack part of this mutation? I don’t think Ray Milland (dec., 1986) is available anymore, and I don’t think he could pull off the Paris Hilton part anyway. Maybe Paris herself could be convinced to play the cameo?
On the other hand, I did make a playful suggestion several months ago that Paris Hilton might be fashioning a run at the 2016 Presidential Election. But I don’t she could win as a black man. America is not ready to vote for a white woman posing as a black man, although by 2016 perhaps that will have changed. Think of how pissed Hillary would be if Paris/Barack beat her for the nomination?
Medicine Man
You should check out Jay Smooth’s latest video on Ill Doctrine then, Orogeny. He pretty much agrees with you. Heck, even John Cole agrees with you; he just can’t get his readers to follow suit.
Mentis Fugit
I’m voting for John Joan Crawford McCain!!!1!